1. And that's Euclid's proof
of the...
Copy !req
2. "infinitude of primes."
Copy !req
3. More like useless proof!
Copy !req
4. Shh, we need to know this!
Copy !req
5. No, we don't! It's boring!
Copy !req
6. "Infinitude of primes."
Copy !req
7. Did you bring the wrench?
Copy !req
8. But I need it back.
Copy !req
9. It's the only wrench
that can swap out
Copy !req
10. Sonar Sotocyber's lace jabots.
Copy !req
11. Hey!
Copy !req
12. We're gonna do a prank
on Ms. Baker.
Copy !req
13. You're pranking a teacher—
On test day?
Copy !req
14. You're not putting my grades
at risk!
Copy !req
15. Give it back!
Copy !req
16. Give it back!
Copy !req
17. I said give it back!
Copy !req
18. Sumo!
Copy !req
19. Jeff, pay attention!
Copy !req
20. Trust me, you'll be sorry
you never learned this
Copy !req
21. when you get older, okay?
Okay, now, where was I?
Copy !req
22. Oh, boy, Ms. Baker
needs a coffee break.
Copy !req
23. Java me up.
Copy !req
24. Ms. Baker, Ms. Baker!
Copy !req
25. Okay, not now, Jeff.
Copy !req
26. Clarence, what—?
Copy !req
27. What the—?
Copy !req
28. Oh! Agh!
Copy !req
29. Uh-oh.
Copy !req
30. I told them not to do it, but
does anybody ever listen to me?
Copy !req
31. I'm always listening to you,
Copy !req
32. You're lucky I'm switching
to contact lenses,
Copy !req
33. but this mug
was irreplaceable!
Copy !req
34. I got it on Beauford T. Pusser's
third birthday, and I'll—
Copy !req
35. I'll never get
that memory back!
Copy !req
36. I'm left with no other option.
You guys are...
Copy !req
37. Suspended!
Copy !req
38. Suspended in disbelief
Copy !req
39. when I learned
what you boys did!
Copy !req
40. Now, I called
both of your parents already.
Copy !req
41. Tanner, put that down!
Copy !req
42. I am gonna spank
your little butt red!
Copy !req
43. My phones are ringing!
Copy !req
44. The president is on the phone!
Copy !req
45. It's like surround sound.
Copy !req
46. But neither of them picked up,
Copy !req
47. so you're on the honor system
to tell your families
Copy !req
48. that for next week...
Copy !req
49. Uh, g-give me your hands.
Copy !req
50. "Sus... pended"?
Yeah, what does that mean?
Copy !req
51. Don't be smart with me, boys.
Copy !req
52. No school for a whole week.
Copy !req
53. That's your punishment.
Copy !req
54. But I don't understand.
Copy !req
55. Wouldn't it be
a better punishment
Copy !req
56. if we had to do more school?
Copy !req
57. Actually,
that might be a good idea.
Copy !req
58. No! We're really sad!
Copy !req
59. We better go and reflect
about our actions and all that.
Copy !req
60. See you later!
Copy !req
61. Wait, wait, back
up, back up.
Copy !req
62. Sumo, Sumo, I need some—
Some explanation here.
Copy !req
63. So we don't have to go
to school for a whole week?
Copy !req
64. Yeah, it's what you call
a loophole.
Copy !req
65. But what's the catch?
Copy !req
66. No catch! This is the best thing
that's ever happened!
Copy !req
67. So, uh... So, uh,
we can do anything we want
Copy !req
68. in the whole school?
Copy !req
69. Okay, I'm bored.
Copy !req
70. Yeah. Wait a minute.
Copy !req
71. We can do anything we want
in the whole world!
Copy !req
72. So that's how you fix
a leaky pipe!
Copy !req
73. So that's how you put out
a burning building!
Copy !req
74. So that's how all those staples
get there!
Copy !req
75. So that's how you apply for a
high-interest savings account!
Copy !req
76. So that's how you take down
a crime boss!
Copy !req
77. So that's how you have
a healthy breakup
Copy !req
78. with mutual respect!
Copy !req
79. So that's how
you protect your house
Copy !req
80. from aliens!
Copy !req
81. Let's see.
Copy !req
82. "Billy has three apples,
Copy !req
83. and he's on a train
going the same rate
Copy !req
84. as the circumference
of two wheels plus brown?
Copy !req
85. How many apples are left?"
Copy !req
86. Okay. Well, I guess
I'll just have to
Copy !req
87. go with my trusty old C.
Copy !req
88. At least I'm not out there
losing my brain cells
Copy !req
89. like the dummy brothers.
Copy !req
90. Ah!
Copy !req
91. So that's how everything
is infinitely complex...
Copy !req
92. from the smallest atom...
Copy !req
93. to the largest galaxy...
Copy !req
94. ever expanding...
and contracting...
Copy !req
95. simultaneously existing...
Copy !req
96. and lifeless forever
and for only a moment.
Copy !req
97. I think we learned too much.
Copy !req
98. Yeah, I kind of miss school.
Copy !req
99. Yeah, I also miss Jeff too.
Copy !req
100. What is it this time?
Copy !req
101. Hi, Ms. Baker.
Can we come back to class?
Copy !req
102. Please?
Copy !req
103. Sorry, guys,
but rules are rules.
Copy !req
104. And rules, like mugs,
are not meant to be broken.
Copy !req
105. And we promise
to be good!
Copy !req
106. My mug is now sharp.
Good day.
Copy !req
107. Hey, guys, don't panic!
Copy !req
108. Come on, hey, guys,
i-it's just—
Copy !req
109. Melanie,
it's the boiler room again!
Copy !req
110. Not the boiler room! Oh!
Copy !req
111. Dang it!
Come on! No time!
Copy !req
112. Okay, guys, don't panic.
Copy !req
113. Just, uh, put your
pencils down, and, uh—
Copy !req
114. I said pencils down!
Copy !req
115. I knew the boiler
would act up again!
Copy !req
116. I just hoped I'd never live
to see the day!
Copy !req
117. I guess it's just
one of those things
Copy !req
118. they don't teach you
in school.
Copy !req
119. Oh... my... dip.
Copy !req
120. Get those valves open!
Copy !req
121. We're doomed!
Copy !req
122. Aah!
Copy !req
123. Johnson!
Copy !req
124. You, make yourself useful!
Copy !req
125. Heh. Mm.
Copy !req
126. Start shoveling coal
out of that fire!
Copy !req
127. Aah!
Copy !req
128. Aah!
Copy !req
129. Eh— Aah!
Copy !req
130. Not so fast, mister!
Copy !req
131. We don't need
to get the coal out!
Copy !req
132. We need to redirect the steam!
Copy !req
133. Into the upper deck
Copy !req
134. to keep it from destroying
the main chamber pot!
Copy !req
135. That's... actually
a pretty good idea.
Copy !req
136. But the only way in is through
that tiny piggy hatch!
Copy !req
137. One, two, three
Copy !req
138. Whoa!
Copy !req
139. Oof!
Copy !req
140. Oh, no, which one is it?
Copy !req
141. A, B, C, or D.
Copy !req
142. Uh...
Copy !req
143. Pick C!
Copy !req
144. Always pick C!
Copy !req
145. Okay, here it goes.
Copy !req
146. Hmm...
Copy !req
147. Way to go, kid!
Copy !req
148. Unh!
Copy !req
149. Clarence! Oh!
I'm good!
Copy !req
150. Oh, come here, ya big galoot!
Copy !req
151. Mwah!
Copy !req
152. Does this mean that I get to go
back to your class, Ms. Baker?
Copy !req
153. I suppose you've earned it.
Copy !req
154. Well, I guess we can
get rid of these.
Copy !req
155. Hey, we did it!
Copy !req
156. Okay, class,
Sumo and Clarence have something
Copy !req
157. they want to share, and they've
prepared a little video.
Copy !req
158. Haven't you, boys.
Copy !req
159. Yes, Ms. Baker.
I guess so.
Copy !req
160. Mm-hmm, go ahead.
Copy !req
161. Sumo, what are you going to do
after school today?
Copy !req
162. I am going to finish
my homework.
Copy !req
163. Great idea.
Let's study together.
Copy !req
164. Jeff, where are your books?
Copy !req
165. I don't have books.
I'm suspended!
Copy !req
166. Oh, my gosh!
Copy !req
167. The wrong side of the tracks!
Copy !req
168. Is it on?
Is it on now?
Copy !req
169. Being suspended is bad.
Copy !req
170. Jeff, how will you ever learn
anything and grow as a person?
Copy !req
171. You are right.
Copy !req
172. I'll... never get...
suspended... again!
Copy !req
173. One, two, three, go.
Copy !req
174. Yay!
Copy !req
175. If you get suspended,
your brain has ended.
Copy !req