1. Huh?
Copy !req
2. Huh?
Copy !req
3. Yay!
That was amazing!
Copy !req
4. Oh, no!
Copy !req
5. Nature Kate! Nature Kate!
Nature Kate!
Copy !req
6. Everyone was going,
"Yay, yay, yay!"
Copy !req
7. But then there was—
There was, um...
Copy !req
8. Um, the rhino guy came back.
Copy !req
9. And he was part man this time.
Copy !req
10. And he had the snake,
and it was one fire,
Copy !req
11. and he was using it
like a spear.
Copy !req
12. She picked us up
and jumped off the cliff!
Copy !req
13. That rhino guy came and threw
the spear, but he missed!
Copy !req
14. And we were just falling
and falling
Copy !req
15. and falling and falling...
Copy !req
16. And— And but then she had
a parachute,
Copy !req
17. and Kate's face was on it.
Copy !req
18. It was amazing.
Copy !req
19. That never happened.
Copy !req
20. Yes, it is.
Sumo was there.
Copy !req
21. Right, Sumo?
Copy !req
22. Yeah. I remember that.
Copy !req
23. Kate's awesome.
Copy !req
24. Well, I'll let them know.
Copy !req
25. Okay, be careful out there.
I love y—
Copy !req
26. Her phone must have cut out.
Copy !req
27. You should've been there.
Bad news, guys.
Copy !req
28. There's a baby goat caught
up on Peeper's Peak.
Copy !req
29. Kate was called
to wrangle it back down.
Copy !req
30. Sorry, guys, hike's canceled.
Copy !req
31. Aww!
Copy !req
32. Aw, man!
I was really excited.
Copy !req
33. Right. So I'm gonna call
all your parents and— Hey!
Copy !req
34. Hey, mister?
Copy !req
35. Where's nature Kate?
I just told you.
Copy !req
36. Um, why did you tell Kate
that you love her?
Copy !req
37. We're involved romantically.
It's pretty serious.
Copy !req
38. What the—?
Kate's dating you? Gross.
Copy !req
39. Oh, you're Joshua?
Copy !req
40. I heard your guys' relationship
is on the rocks.
Copy !req
41. What?
Where'd you hear that?
Copy !req
42. I don't know.
Hey, can we go on some rocks?
Copy !req
43. Did Kate say that?
What else did she say?
Copy !req
44. Oh, she said lots of things.
Copy !req
45. She said that you're lazy,
that you're angry,
Copy !req
46. you don't have any ambitions,
whatever that means.
Copy !req
47. What? I-I-I have tons
of ambition! That's it!
Copy !req
48. We're going on that hike!
Copy !req
49. And we're going to, uh,
Sheep's Bridge!
Copy !req
50. Uh, we shouldn't go there.
Nobody goes there.
Copy !req
51. I know.
That's why we're going.
Copy !req
52. Everybody in the Pronco!
Copy !req
53. Uh, I guess Kate
took the Pronco.
Copy !req
54. Everybody in my car!
Copy !req
55. Hey, Josh, check it out.
Copy !req
56. I drew a map for us with more
accurate topography!
Copy !req
57. Yeah, yeah, that's nice!
Copy !req
58. Whoa!
Copy !req
59. Nature Kate says a rock
will never hurt you,
Copy !req
60. if you treat it
with the respect it deserves.
Copy !req
61. Rocks are rocks.
That's it! The end!
Copy !req
62. Can you open my milk
for me?
Copy !req
63. Nature Kate says that milk
is nature's milk.
Copy !req
64. What?
Copy !req
65. Aw, no!
Copy !req
66. Aah!
Get on your seat!
Copy !req
67. Stop punching my seat!
Copy !req
68. Okay.
Copy !req
69. You don't even know
where we are, do you, Joshua?
Copy !req
70. Yes, I do!
Copy !req
71. Nature Kate always knows
where we are
Copy !req
72. because her brain
is a map of the universe.
Copy !req
73. Just follow the stars
like she does, Joshua.
Copy !req
74. Even if we find it now,
Copy !req
75. it's probably too late
to even hike.
Copy !req
76. Yeah, Joshua, hurry up!
Copy !req
77. Fine!
Copy !req
78. Everybody wanna go back?
Fine. We'll go home!
Copy !req
79. We're all going home!
Copy !req
80. No! Keep going,
nature Joshua!
Copy !req
81. No, we're going home.
Deal with it!
Copy !req
82. Turn around!
Copy !req
83. Turn around! Turn around!
Turn around!
Copy !req
84. We love clowns!
We love clowns!
Copy !req
85. Turn around! Turn around!
Copy !req
86. Um, you should slow down,
Copy !req
87. or you're going
to pop a tire!
Copy !req
88. You kidding?
It's a Binto!
Copy !req
89. These things are invincible!
Copy !req
90. All right, everyone.
Just stay calm.
Copy !req
91. I'm going to see what
the problem is— Aah!
Copy !req
92. Hey, hey! No, no, no! Wait!
Copy !req
93. Where's he going?
Yeah, he does that.
Copy !req
94. You're supposed to lock
the doors so he doesn't get out.
Copy !req
95. Well, does he come back?
Yeah, probably.
Copy !req
96. No bars.
No bars.
Copy !req
97. No bars.
Oh, I got lots of bars.
Copy !req
98. We were driving
for almost four hours.
Copy !req
99. That's a two-day walk.
Copy !req
100. Nature Kate always got us here
in 20 minutes.
Copy !req
101. And also,
she brought us granola.
Copy !req
102. Well, that's fine!
That's fine!
Copy !req
103. Absolutely fine!
You do it!
Copy !req
104. Somebody else wanna lead?
Go ahead! I quit!
Copy !req
105. Well, nature Kate did say
I'm a natural leader,
Copy !req
106. so... yeah, I'll do it.
Copy !req
107. I'll be nature Clarence.
Copy !req
108. Follow me!
Copy !req
109. Where are we?
Copy !req
110. You'll find out as soon as you
turn that frown upside down.
Copy !req
111. Oh, boy. I'm having
a wonderful time.
Copy !req
112. Hey, look at that!
We're here!
Copy !req
113. Sheep's Bridge?
Copy !req
114. But how did you— How?
Copy !req
115. Yes! Woo-hoo!
Copy !req
116. Nice job, Clarence!
Copy !req
117. It's like little
fluffy hot dogs!
Copy !req
118. Percy, you're dehydrated.
Copy !req
119. Get some water.
Copy !req
120. Jeff, you see
if we can eat these plants.
Copy !req
121. I think these are tubers.
Copy !req
122. And Josh,
I want you to find matches.
Copy !req
123. What?
I can't find matches out here.
Copy !req
124. Not with that attitude,
you can't!
Copy !req
125. I'm going to hunt us a elk!
Copy !req
126. What the—?
Copy !req
127. Matches!
Copy !req
128. I just don't get it!
Copy !req
129. It's like he's magic
or something!
Copy !req
130. Everything's
going right for him,
Copy !req
131. and when I try my hardest,
nothing ever even pans out!
Copy !req
132. That's just Clarence.
Copy !req
133. Uh, where's the bathroom?
Copy !req
134. Hey, you guys!
Copy !req
135. I found a hot tub!
Copy !req
136. Oh, he's lost it!
Copy !req
137. Not so easy being the leader,
Copy !req
138. I believe him!
Copy !req
139. What?
Copy !req
140. Hey, guys! Hop in!
The water's great!
Copy !req
141. It smells like eggs!
Copy !req
142. Why is this here?
Copy !req
143. Come on in, Joshua!
Copy !req
144. Don't you wanna relax
your tootsies
Copy !req
145. in this nice natural hot tub?
Copy !req
146. No.
No, it's not natural.
Copy !req
147. I mean, what is this?
Copy !req
148. Someone hauled
a hot tub out here
Copy !req
149. and planted bamboo around it?
Copy !req
150. Why not? It's awesome.
I'd do it if I had a truck.
Copy !req
151. I'm game.
Copy !req
152. Uh—
Copy !req
153. Come on, climb in here,
big guy.
Copy !req
154. Take a load off.
Copy !req
155. Look at all those stars, guys.
Copy !req
156. There's so many.
Copy !req
157. And around each one,
there's a bunch of planets
Copy !req
158. with some aliens
sitting in their alien hot tubs
Copy !req
159. just looking down at us.
Copy !req
160. Hey, guys.
Copy !req
161. You might be right about that,
Copy !req
162. Alien hot tubs would be
much more advanced than ours.
Copy !req
163. Yeah, but they're probably not
havin' as much fun as we are!
Copy !req
164. Right, Joshua?
Copy !req
165. Josh? Hello?
Copy !req
166. Hey, buddy. You okay?
Copy !req
167. Josh? Hello? Hey, buddy.
You okay?
Copy !req
168. We'll stay.
Copy !req
169. Um, come again?
Copy !req
170. We'll stay.
Copy !req
171. This can be our spa! Ha!
Copy !req
172. Oh, yes!
Copy !req
173. Oof! Yes!
And this— This can be my room.
Copy !req
174. And this can be your rooms!
Copy !req
175. I love it!
Copy !req
176. And this— This can be our...
Copy !req
177. kitchen!
Copy !req
178. Who wants pancakes?
Copy !req
179. I don't see a kitchen.
Copy !req
180. And this can be our ballroom!
Copy !req
181. Oh, how we'll dance!
Copy !req
182. Come on, guys!
The next dance is the conga—
Copy !req
183. Oh, no, I'll catch you!
Copy !req
184. Guys! Help me!
Copy !req
185. Throw down a rope or something!
Copy !req
186. Don't worry, Joshua!
We'll save you!
Copy !req
187. Jeff, throw him a rope.
Copy !req
188. Uh, we don't have a rope.
Copy !req
189. Excuse me. The adults
need to talk for a moment.
Copy !req
190. Oh, no, what do we do?
What do we do?
Copy !req
191. What do we do?
What do we do?
Copy !req
192. We could make a human chain.
Copy !req
193. That's right!
Human chain!
Copy !req
194. Human chain! Human chain!
Copy !req
195. Human chain!
Human chain!
Copy !req
196. Human chain!
Human chain!
Copy !req
197. Human chain! Human chain!
Human chain! Human chain!
Copy !req
198. Do not do a human chain!
Copy !req
199. I said no human chain!
Copy !req
200. I changed my mind!
Clarence, no more human chain!
Copy !req
201. Ooh!
Copy !req
202. I'm gonna die! No! No!
Copy !req
203. Josh, I'm scared!
Copy !req
204. Nature Kate says that if
you just believe in nature,
Copy !req
205. then nature will—
Copy !req
206. Excuse me.
Copy !req
207. Oh, my gosh!
It's the hot tub aliens!
Copy !req
208. Huh?
Copy !req
209. Oh.
Copy !req
210. Nature Kate!
Copy !req
211. And Sumo?
Copy !req
212. And then—
And then I farted on him!
Copy !req
213. I'm not cut out
for nature.
Copy !req
214. I belong in a grocery store.
Copy !req
215. I'm grocery Josh!
Copy !req
216. And if you can't accept that,
Copy !req
217. well, then it's over
between us!
Copy !req
218. Oh. That is great,
Copy !req
219. 'cause I've sorta been
seeing Damien for a while now,
Copy !req
220. and I didn't know
how to tell you.
Copy !req
221. Ah.
Copy !req
222. You know, guys, when we were out
there in the middle of nowhere
Copy !req
223. with all of the dangerous stuff
around us,
Copy !req
224. I wasn't even scared.
Copy !req
225. Because we were in Mother Nature
Copy !req
226. and Mother Nature would never
do anything to hurt us.
Copy !req
227. Right, Sumo?
Copy !req
228. Yeah, that sounds true.
Copy !req
229. My ear!
Copy !req
230. Oh, no! Where is it?
Copy !req
231. Oh, it's under the seat!
Somebody get it!
Copy !req
232. It's under the seat!
Copy !req