1. Good morning!
Copy !req
2. The lat-a-tat-tat attack
will blast your lats,
Copy !req
3. shred your delts,
and bomb your quads!
Copy !req
4. My muscles are on fire.
Copy !req
5. Do you love what you see?
Copy !req
6. Then order it now, you puppies!
It's only 2.99!
Copy !req
7. But I don't have any money.
Copy !req
8. My cat steals it every day.
Copy !req
9. Savings is better
than a hot body.
Copy !req
10. Nice and steamy.
Copy !req
11. Ready, set, go.
Copy !req
12. Perfect.
Copy !req
13. Hmm.
Copy !req
14. Your move, bad guys.
Copy !req
15. See you tomorrow, troopers.
Copy !req
16. Stand back, fish.
Copy !req
17. Goodbye, modern world.
Copy !req
18. See you soon, dinosaurs.
Copy !req
19. Five, four, three, two—
Copy !req
20. Whoa! Abort, abort, abort!
Copy !req
21. I'll go tomorrow.
Copy !req
22. That one's good.
Copy !req
23. That one's good too.
Copy !req
24. That one's good too.
Copy !req
25. That one's really good.
Copy !req
26. Yeah, definitely.
Copy !req
27. Whoa...
Copy !req
28. I'm gonna have a great day.
Copy !req
29. I'm not gonna
worry about Sandy,
Copy !req
30. even if she asks me
for another discount haircut.
Copy !req
31. Sandy... haircut.
Copy !req
32. And I'm gonna make egg salad
for my handsome son, Clarence.
Copy !req
33. Egg salad.
Copy !req
34. I'm the best Chad ever.
Copy !req
35. I'm the best Chad ever.
Copy !req
36. I'm gonna get Clarence
a new puppy.
Copy !req
37. I'm gonna get Clar—
Copy !req
38. What's going on, bud?
Copy !req
39. Ah.
Copy !req
40. Breakfast is served.
Copy !req
41. Compliments of chef Clarence.
Copy !req
42. Aah!
Copy !req
43. Ah.
Copy !req
44. Someday, we're gonna be
best friends, raccoons.
Copy !req
45. Someday.
Copy !req
46. Kid, stand back.
Copy !req
47. This vehicle
is extremely dangerous.
Copy !req
48. Did you find any good
garbage today?
Copy !req
49. If it was good,
it wouldn't be garbage.
Copy !req
50. Yeah? Well, what about this?
Copy !req
51. Looks just as good
as yesterday.
Copy !req
52. Yeah, it's good.
Copy !req
53. Just don't follow us, okay?
Copy !req
54. Hit it, Gary!
Copy !req
55. Bye, Lucine!
Copy !req
56. Bye, Gary! I'll miss you!
Copy !req
57. Hey, that's my friend Randy!
Copy !req
58. Hi, Randy.
Delivering the papers again?
Copy !req
59. Yes.
Copy !req
60. You don't have to ask
the same question every day.
Copy !req
61. Oh, did I? Sorry.
Copy !req
62. But nice throw.
Copy !req
63. Oh. Thanks.
Copy !req
64. Got any candy?
Copy !req
65. Sure do.
Got a little candy for Randy.
Copy !req
66. Ah-ah-ah— Only if you smile.
Copy !req
67. Okay.
Copy !req
68. There it is—
That adorable Randy smile.
Copy !req
69. Thanks.
Copy !req
70. Uh.
Copy !req
71. What is this?
Copy !req
72. I switched it
to a granola bar this time.
Copy !req
73. My mom says
they're really good for you.
Copy !req
74. So can I help deliver
the papers today?
Copy !req
75. Can I, can I, can I, please?
Copy !req
76. Maybe if you give me
a real candy bar.
Copy !req
77. Deal!
Copy !req
78. You can't just do that!
Copy !req
79. Oh, who cares?
Copy !req
80. Nobody reads the papers.
Copy !req
81. I'm going back to bed.
Copy !req
82. Manhunt!
Manhunt, manhunt, manhunt!
Copy !req
83. I can't believe it.
It's a manhunt, isn't it?
Copy !req
84. Son, I don't know why you're up
this early every day,
Copy !req
85. but you need
to go home right now.
Copy !req
86. Is it a cat burglar
or a dog burglar
Copy !req
87. or a kissing bandit?
Copy !req
88. It's a mountain lion.
Copy !req
89. Really?
Copy !req
90. This isn't a pink mountain lion
Copy !req
91. lisping about stage left.
Copy !req
92. This is a wild, vicious animal.
Copy !req
93. A few years ago,
Copy !req
94. a mountain lion wandered into
a neighborhood just like this.
Copy !req
95. Let's just say
it wasn't pretty.
Copy !req
96. What wasn't pretty—
The mountain lion?
Copy !req
97. Uh... are you crying?
Copy !req
98. Home! Now!
Copy !req
99. All right.
Who wants second breakfast?
Copy !req
100. Oh, no! A bear!
Copy !req
101. Oh, no! A bear!
Copy !req
102. Don't worry, raccoon friends!
I'll help you!
Copy !req
103. Sorry, big guy. Too loud?
Copy !req
104. I'll keep it down.
Copy !req
105. Help!
Copy !req
106. Was that the mountain lion?
Copy !req
107. No. It's too... weird.
Copy !req
108. Raccoons!
Copy !req
109. Treed! Rawr! Scary!
Copy !req
110. Come on!
Copy !req
111. Don't follow us, Lucine!
Stay here!
Copy !req
112. Randy, Randy,
it's too dangerous!
Copy !req
113. Don't help us!
Copy !req
114. After I hit the mountain lion
with the tranquilizer dart,
Copy !req
115. move in with the net.
Copy !req
116. Why don't we just talk
to the mountain lion instead?
Copy !req
117. You can't talk to a wild animal.
Copy !req
118. I'm sorry, Clarence.
It's the only way.
Copy !req
119. Oh, okay.
Copy !req
120. Well, I'm sorry too, 'cause...
Copy !req
121. Hey, mountain lion! Run!
Copy !req
122. Aw, snap.
Copy !req
123. Got to get them down
Copy !req
124. before they touch
those power lines!
Copy !req
125. Wait! Don't shoot!
Copy !req
126. I know what to do!
Copy !req
127. Hello, mountain lion.
Copy !req
128. It's you, myself,
the mountain lion.
Copy !req
129. I am the mountain-lioniest
mountain lion,
Copy !req
130. the best there
ever was or will be.
Copy !req
131. My mom was a mountain,
and my dad was a lion,
Copy !req
132. and that pretty much
gives me superpowers.
Copy !req
133. Wh-what?
Copy !req
134. But most importantly,
Copy !req
135. I don't want to hurt
any nice raccoons.
Copy !req
136. I just want to go home.
Copy !req
137. Well, that didn't work.
Copy !req
138. Dang!
Copy !req
139. All clear!
Copy !req
140. Hut. Hut.
Copy !req
141. Hah! You did it!
Copy !req
142. I'm sorry, raccoon friends,
but you're safe now,
Copy !req
143. and maybe when you wake up,
Copy !req
144. you can forgive me
and we can be best friends.
Copy !req
145. Uh, look, kid,
I found you something.
Copy !req
146. Wow! Old, wet comics?
Copy !req
147. Lucine, you shouldn't have!
Copy !req
148. Well, you've always been
very supportive
Copy !req
149. of the Bureau of Sanitation.
Copy !req
150. Thanks, Lucine, but I'm still
worried about my little guys.
Copy !req
151. Don't touch those!
They might have rabies!
Copy !req
152. Aah! Rabies hands!
Rabies hands!
Copy !req
153. Randy, Randy, get it off!
Get it off!
Copy !req
154. Are they gonna be okay?
Copy !req
155. Not if they have rabies.
Copy !req
156. Rise and shine, lazybones!
Copy !req
157. Ah, five more minutes.
Copy !req
158. Okay, but I'm making egg salad.
Copy !req
159. Egg salad?
Copy !req