1. Ladies and gentlemen,
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2. Dave Chappelle!
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3. Thank you all.
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4. Thank you, folks.
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5. Tonight you tuned in
on a very special night.
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6. You know, now that the show
is becoming successful,
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7. people are writing
about it in the papers,
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8. the only thing more spectacular
than our success
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9. is our failures.
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10. Tonight I will show you
some of the craziest things
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11. we have tried to get away with
and didn't succeed.
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12. These are all sketches
we actually went out,
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13. we shot the sketches—
I didn't make this idea up.
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14. This is a crazy, uh...
Copy !req
15. Well, you'll see
as we go along.
Copy !req
16. But this is the good thing
about black people.
Copy !req
17. We are just the best at taking
lemons and making lemonade.
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18. This is a skill that
black people have been endowed.
Copy !req
19. They gave us
the worst part of pigs,
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20. we said we're gonna
call 'em chitlins,
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21. put some hot sauce
on the nigga,
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22. and we will like 'em,
we will like them!
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23. We'll eat the snout,
if we have to.
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24. If we have to,
I will eat the snout.
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25. Tonight we are gonna
eat all snout.
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26. This whole episode
is just straight up snout.
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27. Now this first sketch
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28. had our first celebrity cameo
Copy !req
29. The Chappelle Show ever had
that nobody ever saw.
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30. It was a
very good cameo.
Copy !req
31. Why don't you show 'em
the beginning.
Copy !req
32. Welcome back.
Copy !req
33. Today, of course,
we are dealing with kids
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34. who are b-a-d, bad.
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35. Do you see, Sally?
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36. This is what
I have to deal with.
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37. Ronald is just out of control.
So trifling.
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38. Aw, ma, shut up.
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39. Alright, it's time
to straighten you up.
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40. Guess where you are going.
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41. Boot camp.
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42. Yeah, boot camp.
That's right.
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43. With the hardest
CO you have ever met.
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44. This is where the sketch
goes completely wrong.
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45. That's right,
Nelson Mandela.
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46. Alright, children,
shut your mouth.
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47. All of you kids disgust me.
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48. Notice how shitty
the wig is.
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49. Not only do I not look
anything like Nelson Mandela,
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50. but the sketch just gets
progressively crazier.
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51. Mandela proceeds to just
beat the hell out of these kids
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52. for the next, like, eight
to nine minutes, alright?
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53. He's just berating 'em
and beating 'em.
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54. Here, just show them some
of the beat-downs.
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55. This is the full Nelson.
Bitch, it's a pun.
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56. You.
Cry "Freedom."
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57. Cry "The Beloved Country."
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58. If I wanted to be mean,
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59. I would tell this kid
how fat he is, huh?
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60. I would tell him that I would
squeeze his breasts together
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61. and make love to his bosom,
if I wanted to.
Copy !req
62. Pretty bad, huh?
Copy !req
63. Well, it gets
weirder than that.
Copy !req
64. Do you think Mandela
doesn't know what this is?
Copy !req
65. Do you think
Mandela doesn't know
Copy !req
66. what's popping on the streets?
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67. Yo, I'm not sure,
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68. but I think Mr. Mandela
smoked my drugs.
Copy !req
69. Pretty bad, huh?
Copy !req
70. Alright, now here's
another stinker.
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71. This one
Copy !req
72. was supposed to be
like The Def Poetry Jam.
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73. It was called—
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74. It was a funny premise—
It was called
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75. The Def Comedy Poetry Jam,
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76. where we basically have people
I knew from Def Comedy Jam
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77. come and do, like,
the corniest joke premises
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78. in poetry style.
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79. It's kind of hard to explain,
but it was funny.
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80. Like, Mos Def came out,
act a fool.
Copy !req
81. Go ahead and show them
the beginning.
Copy !req
82. Are you ready for some
poetry, motherfuckers?
Copy !req
83. Uh!
Copy !req
84. Mm, mm, uh!
Copy !req
85. Alright, so then
Shucky Ducky comes out
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86. and Hamburg and all
these guys come out
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87. and do Hacky black poems.
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88. And I even did one myself,
which is pretty hilarious,
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89. I'll show it to you
in its entirety.
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90. Here's the one I did.
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91. White people do this.
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92. Black people—
black people do that.
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93. When White people's
power goes off they panic.
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94. When black people's
power goes off they plan it.
Copy !req
95. We'll take a quick
commercial break,
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96. but don't go anywhere.
Copy !req
97. We have more of our greatest
misses coming up.
Copy !req
98. Whoo.
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99. Hey, gang, welcome back.
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100. Now, let's see,
how can I describe this sketch?
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101. It was a Frontline piece,
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102. much like we did
the Clayton Bigsby piece,
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103. we wrote this one when they had
opened the first public school
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104. for all-gay students,
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105. and we were like, okay,
America's freaking out now,
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106. like, about the gay thing, like,
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107. so we thought
what if it was, like,
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108. so segregated that there
became two Americas.
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109. It was a Gay America
and a Straight America.
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110. And that was the premise
of the sketch.
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111. Cities like San Francisco
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112. even offer special
municipal services,
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113. like this gay department
of motor vehicles.
Copy !req
114. Honey, with those
cheekbones, you're a natural!
Copy !req
115. Now, just stand there.
That's right.
Copy !req
116. Put your head back
a little bit.
Copy !req
117. Let's get that
great big smile.
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118. Let's see those
pearly whites.
Copy !req
119. Hold it, hold it.
Copy !req
120. Congratulations.
Your license plate is so ready.
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121. It was funny.
Copy !req
122. I mean, we were just
messing around.
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123. You know,
just having fun.
Copy !req
124. Right.
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125. But it gets worse, like,
we keep going on like this.
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126. Okay, so there's a gay DMV,
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127. what else can we just make,
like, a gay version of?
Copy !req
128. And then we just went
to town with, like,
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129. the gay versions of things.
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130. For instance...
Copy !req
131. Every aspect of American life
Copy !req
132. is being affected
by the culture.
Copy !req
133. There are gay butchers.
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134. Gay landscapers.
Copy !req
135. Just for fun,
can we see that guy again?
Copy !req
136. That shit was very funny to me.
Copy !req
137. Here's where we start
spinning out of control.
Copy !req
138. Alright, this next one
was offensive,
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139. not only to gay people
but black people.
Copy !req
140. And if you're
a gay black person
Copy !req
141. then you'll get doubly mad,
Copy !req
142. but it was all
in the spirit of fun.
Copy !req
143. I thought—
I still think it's funny.
Copy !req
144. Alright, go ahead
and show the clip.
Copy !req
145. Here in Hartsfield, Alabama,
Copy !req
146. they have started a gay chapter
of the Ku Klux Klan.
Copy !req
147. Oh, it's hot
like the dickens.
Copy !req
148. As I was saying at brunch,
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149. and we hate, too, okay?
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150. But we do it a special way.
We do it with compassion.
Copy !req
151. Good morning,
I'm with the K.K.K.
Copy !req
152. We had a meeting
and we were talking
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153. and we'd be more comfortable
Copy !req
154. if you guys
left the neighborhood.
Copy !req
155. Have you considered
going back to Africa?
Copy !req
156. Alright.
Copy !req
157. Now, this next piece
was the piece that started
Copy !req
158. the whole she-bang-a-bang.
Copy !req
159. This was the first premise
that led
Copy !req
160. to this Gay America sketch.
Copy !req
161. This actually
was Charlie Murphy's idea.
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162. He called and was like
"I got this funny idea
Copy !req
163. for a sketch, man."
Copy !req
164. And he told me, he told Neal,
and we just ran with it.
Copy !req
165. This is the most
Copy !req
166. spectacious monumental event
in the history of the world.
Copy !req
167. Professional boxing
with all-gay fighters.
Copy !req
168. I call it
"Friday Night Sissy Fights"
Copy !req
169. and it's on
none other than HBO.
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170. On my right,
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171. "The Bathhouse Brawler",
Copy !req
172. none other than
sweet puss Rogers.
Copy !req
173. Look at that footwork.
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174. His dad was a schoolgirl.
Copy !req
175. Man, he's gay.
Copy !req
176. And to my left,
"The Tyrannical Tea-Bagger"
Copy !req
177. none other than Reggie Blazer.
Copy !req
178. He's weighing himself in
as we speak.
Copy !req
179. Uh-uh, uh-uh,
this scale is broke.
Copy !req
180. Cheetah, didn't I tell you
to fix this scale.
Copy !req
181. And what you looking at
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182. with your ashy-ass lips?
Copy !req
183. Whatever, fat-ass.
Copy !req
184. I love it!
Copy !req
185. On that note, we're actually
gonna take a commercial break,
Copy !req
186. but don't go nowhere.
Copy !req
187. We'll be right back with more
of our greatest misses.
Copy !req
188. Man, I'm bored
Copy !req
189. I got to go to
The Chappelle Show.
Copy !req
190. Alright,
welcome back, welcome back.
Copy !req
191. Alright.
Copy !req
192. This next one might be
my favorite failure of all time.
Copy !req
193. Now, last season
we did this sketch called
Copy !req
194. "The player hater's ball."
Copy !req
195. Wasn't our
most popular sketch,
Copy !req
196. but it was just
one of my favorites.
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197. It was just very silly.
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198. So we said let's bring 'em back,
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199. but let's try
to do something different.
Copy !req
200. Up the ante a little bit.
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201. So it starts out
that the player haters
Copy !req
202. are having a science fair.
Copy !req
203. Alright,
go ahead, go ahead.
Copy !req
204. Furthermore, my wave machine
can create enough energy
Copy !req
205. to power most
medium-sized homes with ease.
Copy !req
206. Thank you, bitches.
Copy !req
207. When you said wave machine,
Copy !req
208. I thought you was talking
about something that could
Copy !req
209. repair that catastrophe
you call a hairstyle.
Copy !req
210. Buck Nasty, you are so dark
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211. when you touch yourself,
it's like black-on-black crime.
Copy !req
212. Ah.
Copy !req
213. Right,
so, so far so good.
Copy !req
214. It has all the elements
of the old sketch that we loved.
Copy !req
215. There's Jheri Curl juice
snapping, going back and forth.
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216. Alright, here's where it
starts getting a little weird.
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217. - Attention.
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218. I brought to you, bitches,
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219. my great invention yet.
Copy !req
220. The time machine.
Copy !req
221. - So now the premise
is that they travel through time
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222. and hate on people.
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223. Now, that's—
that's not a bad premise,
Copy !req
224. but somehow
Copy !req
225. it just didn't come
together right.
Copy !req
226. Let's see what happens.
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227. First, they go back
and I think they fuck up Hitler.
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228. Hitler momma got one
big titty and one little titty,
Copy !req
229. and they call the bitch
Biggie Smalls.
Copy !req
230. Alright, so the crowd's
still kind of with us.
Copy !req
231. And now we take
'em to the 1840s.
Copy !req
232. Let's see how that hate
works out.
Copy !req
233. Good God!
Copy !req
234. Incarcerated
Copy !req
235. Slavery, if you will.
Copy !req
236. These men here
Copy !req
237. work for the minimumest
of wages,
Copy !req
238. grits and tattered clothes.
Copy !req
239. Lookey here, man.
Copy !req
240. Them lames ain't even
got no shoes on, Jack.
Copy !req
241. I could never
go out like that.
Copy !req
242. Buck Nasty,
have some respect.
Copy !req
243. One of these men could be
your great-granddaddy.
Copy !req
244. Alright, Charlie
was definitely funny,
Copy !req
245. 'cause every time
we do Buck Nasty, right,
Copy !req
246. like, he'll be sittin' in
the back of the time machine
Copy !req
247. and as soon as they say,
"Okay, roll sound,"
Copy !req
248. Charlie'd get
to shaking like this.
Copy !req
249. He'd start...
Copy !req
250. Alright, just
show 'em, like—
Copy !req
251. Just give 'em an example of
what it's like to shoot this.
Copy !req
252. From doctors?
Copy !req
253. Yeah.
Copy !req
254. Alright, ready?
Copy !req
255. Roll sound.
Copy !req
256. It was killing me.
Copy !req
257. Alright, but I'm
getting off the point now.
Copy !req
258. Let's keep going.
Copy !req
259. Now, so the now time haters,
they're in slavery times, right?
Copy !req
260. And stuff is still kind of going
good in the sketch.
Copy !req
261. Okay, okay,
keep, just, keep—
Copy !req
262. let it play out.
Copy !req
263. Let's see
what's happening.
Copy !req
264. Uh-oh, fellas,
looks as though we have company.
Copy !req
265. And what the hell are you
niggras doin' out here?
Copy !req
266. We are the time haters.
Copy !req
267. We traveled all the way
back through time...
Copy !req
268. To call you a cracker.
Copy !req
269. You better
watch your mouth.
Copy !req
270. Actually, you better
watch your mouth, White boy,
Copy !req
271. before I put these gators
up your ass
Copy !req
272. and show your insides
some style.
Copy !req
273. That's enough!
Copy !req
274. I can't be no slave, Silky.
Copy !req
275. Oh, Good God.
Copy !req
276. Look, Silky,
Copy !req
277. he done pulled out a whip.
Copy !req
278. Nice whip.
Copy !req
279. This here is a pistol.
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280. Reach for the sky, honky.
Copy !req
281. Honky?
Copy !req
282. Honky is a racial epithet
used for White people.
Copy !req
283. Was made popular by
a man named George Jefferson
Copy !req
284. in the 1970s.
Copy !req
285. You see,
he and his wife, Weezy,
Copy !req
286. had a dry cleaning business,
Copy !req
287. so they moved on up
to the east side,
Copy !req
288. to a deluxe apartment
in the sky.
Copy !req
289. They finally got
a piece of the pie.
Copy !req
290. Convoluted story, I'll admit,
Copy !req
291. but the point is this,
Copy !req
292. that in the future,
all black people will be free.
Copy !req
293. In a second, alright,
Copy !req
294. this is what stopped
the whole show.
Copy !req
295. This stopped—
I mean, literally,
Copy !req
296. the whole episode came
to a screeching halt right here.
Copy !req
297. As a matter of fact,
I can predict this episode
Copy !req
298. coming to a screeching halt
right now.
Copy !req
299. But I'll show it.
Copy !req
300. When's we gonna be free?
Copy !req
301. That is a good question,
my man.
Copy !req
302. How about now-ish?
Copy !req
303. Apparently,
shooting a slave master
Copy !req
304. isn't funny to anybody
but me and Neal.
Copy !req
305. If I could,
I'd do it every episode.
Copy !req
306. So that was that one.
Copy !req
307. Now, this next one,
the premise, again,
Copy !req
308. funny premise,
it's about a dating service
Copy !req
309. where you tell 'em what
kind of girls you like,
Copy !req
310. and they'll send dudes to just
go out to malls and stuff
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311. and holler at bitches for you.
Copy !req
312. Now...
Copy !req
313. not so bad, right?
Copy !req
314. Go ahead,
just show 'em the set up.
Copy !req
315. In a matter of seconds,
we'll beam your information
Copy !req
316. to one of our skilled
field technicians.
Copy !req
317. Hey, hey, hey.
Can I holler?
Copy !req
318. Can I holler at you?
Can I holler at you?
Copy !req
319. Can I holler, holler, holler,
holler, holler, holler
Copy !req
320. holler, holler, holler, holler,
holler, holler at you?
Copy !req
321. What's wrong with ya?
Copy !req
322. That dude
is hilarious to us.
Copy !req
323. His name's Anthony Barry,
Copy !req
324. and, I mean,
everything he says is funny.
Copy !req
325. And in the course
of shooting this sketch,
Copy !req
326. we figured out
he could do this.
Copy !req
327. So we were like,
"just do that."
Copy !req
328. And we just filmed
him doing it.
Copy !req
329. This is what he did that had us
cracking up in editing.
Copy !req
330. Holler, holler, holler...
Holler, holler, holler...
Copy !req
331. Holler, holler, holler...
Holler, holler, holler...
Copy !req
332. Holler, holler, holler, holler,
holler, holler...
Copy !req
333. Holler, holler, holler...
Holler, holler, holler...
Copy !req
334. Let me holler at you.
Let me holler at you.
Copy !req
335. Let me holler at you, let me
holler at you.
Copy !req
336. Holler, holler, holler, holler,
holler, holler...
Copy !req
337. Holler, holler, holler, holler,
holler, holler...
Copy !req
338. Holler, holler, holler...
Holler, holler, holler...
Copy !req
339. I'm hollerin' at you, bitch.
Don't you hear me?
Copy !req
340. Bitch, let me holler.
Copy !req
341. Holler, holler, holler...
Holler, holler, holler...
Copy !req
342. I'd like to thank
each and every one of y'all
Copy !req
343. for being here.
Copy !req
344. I'd like to thank
you at home for watching.
Copy !req
345. I'll see you next week.
Good night.
Copy !req
346. I'm rich, bitch.
Copy !req
347. Hi, thank you.
Copy !req
348. Like BET, the network
will also air sitcoms
Copy !req
349. such as "Gay Sanford and Son."
Copy !req
350. I gave that money
back to the church.
Copy !req
351. It was the right thing
to do.
Copy !req
352. Lamont, you big,
gay dummy.
Copy !req
353. Oh, gay pop.
Copy !req
354. Come on, gay Julio.
Copy !req
355. Adios, Mr. Sanford.
Copy !req
356. This is the big, gay one.
Copy !req
357. Why they dick so small?
Copy !req