1. Another cold brew?
Copy !req
2. Don't mind if I cold do.
Nailed it.
Copy !req
3. I am loving this machine
that Charles brought in.
Copy !req
4. It is nice. The trick is to let the
coffee warm up to room temperature.
Copy !req
5. I'm already on my second cup.
Copy !req
6. This is my third.
Copy !req
7. Stop!
Copy !req
8. You're drinking too much!
Copy !req
9. Whoa! What's going on,
Charles? Why are you talking so slow?
Copy !req
10. I'm not. I'm normal.
Copy !req
11. We're all normal.
Copy !req
12. Oh, my God, if you're not going slow,
that means we're going fast.
Copy !req
13. Are we going fast? Can
anyone tell if we're going fast?
Copy !req
14. I don't think we're going fast
at all in any way whatsoever.
Copy !req
15. I feel like we're going slow
in every way whatsoever.
Copy !req
16. Captain, how do you feel?
Great. Excellent. Amazing.
Copy !req
17. I feel better than
I've ever felt at any moment
Copy !req
18. in my entire life.
So, we're all fine?
Copy !req
19. Yep.
Copy !req
20. Hey there, Captain. Oh,
is this your new assistant?
Copy !req
21. John Urblan.
Nice to meet ya.
Copy !req
22. And John Urblan has
just been fired. What?
Copy !req
23. I have?
"Meet ya"?
Copy !req
24. You just abbreviated
a one-syllable word.
Copy !req
25. Is this for real?
Copy !req
26. Now, clean out your des...
Copy !req
27. I removed the "K" so you'd
understand how absurd ya sound.
Copy !req
28. Oh, boy. Sorry,
John Urblan. Bye.
Copy !req
29. Okay, sir, so that is the third
assistant you've fired in three days.
Copy !req
30. Because all the candidates
are garbage.
Copy !req
31. Microsoft Word
is not a special skill,
Copy !req
32. Marcie Lux from South Orange.
Copy !req
33. Come on, look at the size
of that stack of résumés.
Copy !req
34. There's got to be
someone good.
Copy !req
35. Oh, yes,
perhaps I should keep an open mind.
Copy !req
36. Perhaps cross-country skiing
is a valuable skill
Copy !req
37. in an office environment,
Marcie Lux of South Orange.
Copy !req
38. Okay, so we can agree
Marcie Lux is out of the mix.
Copy !req
39. Well, they all are.
Copy !req
40. I'll just make do
with no assistant.
Copy !req
41. No, don't just give up.
Copy !req
42. Maybe you haven't found
the right person yet.
Copy !req
43. I found Gina.
Maybe I could try.
Copy !req
44. Oh, okay. I suppose
it's worth a shot.
Copy !req
45. I can always fire
whoever you choose.
Copy !req
46. Yeah, that's the spirit.
Copy !req
47. Commence Operation Nasty.
Copy !req
48. New Assistant
Selection Team...
Copy !req
49. You.
Copy !req
50. Operation New Assistant
Selection Team You?
Copy !req
51. Yeah, don't worry about it. Everyone
will just call it "Operation Nasty."
Copy !req
52. You don't have
to turn everything
Copy !req
53. into a Thomas Cruise film.
Copy !req
54. Why not?
Movies are super fun.
Copy !req
55. Meanwhile, real life
is very boring.
Copy !req
56. That's why no one watches
Copy !req
57. Tell that to the man sitting next to me
at last Saturday afternoon's screening
Copy !req
58. of Ryuichi Sakamoto: Coda.
Copy !req
59. Was that man Kevin?
Copy !req
60. Yes. All right,
I'm gonna help you
Copy !req
61. find a new assistant.
Copy !req
62. Operation Nasty is a go!
Copy !req
63. Hey, can I talk to you guys?
Copy !req
64. Ugh! You're not selling
those crapola candy bars
Copy !req
65. for your daughters' doomed
basketball team again, are you?
Copy !req
66. Doomed?
Copy !req
67. They're terrible
and you know it.
Copy !req
68. Well, I'm not selling candy.
Copy !req
69. That's next week.
Please bring cash.
Copy !req
70. What I want to talk about
is how our office
Copy !req
71. has turned into a junkyard.
Copy !req
72. Yeah, you know,
this place is a mess.
Copy !req
73. I mean, it's like
an episode of Hoarders.
Copy !req
74. And not one of the funny ones,
where they find a bunch of flat cats.
Copy !req
75. The problem is, Commissioner Kelly
is never gonna reopen the first floor.
Copy !req
76. We should just fire
some of the uniforms.
Copy !req
77. But not you. We couldn't
survive without you, Greg, and...
Copy !req
78. Also Greg?
James and Michael.
Copy !req
79. No one is getting fired.
Copy !req
80. We just need to
organize this place.
Copy !req
81. Nah, do what I do.
Embrace the mess.
Copy !req
82. You've got a bagel
stuck to your sweater.
Copy !req
83. Look, I don't want to
sound like a Scully here,
Copy !req
84. but I think
it's hopeless.
Copy !req
85. Nobody could organize
this place.
Copy !req
86. Nobody?
Copy !req
87. Here's what I need. Sticky notes,
three sizes, ten colors.
Copy !req
88. Permanent markers, clickable only.
I don't want caps slowing us down.
Copy !req
89. And I need garbage bags,
33 gallon, blackout, cinch top.
Copy !req
90. What are you all
still doing here?
Copy !req
91. Go, go, go!
Copy !req
92. Captain Holt,
Copy !req
93. I'd like to introduce you
to your new assistant.
Copy !req
94. Drumroll, please.
Copy !req
95. That's your drumroll?
When a tempo isn't specified,
Copy !req
96. any reasonable person
would default to lento.
Copy !req
97. Well, it's terrible,
and you ruined a fun thing,
Copy !req
98. but I would still like to introduce
you to Mr. Gordon Lundt!
Copy !req
99. Mr. Gordon Lundt!
Copy !req
100. Gordon, you want to
come in here?
Copy !req
101. Oh, I'm so sorry.
Copy !req
102. I was just deciding whether
I should just go home.
Copy !req
103. The tone and tenor of your introduction
make me worry that this is a fun office,
Copy !req
104. which I would not enjoy.
Copy !req
105. Huh?
Copy !req
106. Hello, I'm Captain
Raymond Holt,
Copy !req
107. and I can assure you,
this is not a fun office.
Copy !req
108. Thank goodness.
Copy !req
109. In that case,
my interest is renewed.
Copy !req
110. Here is my résumé.
Oh, I'm feeling this.
Copy !req
111. Are you guys feeling this? Gordon,
why don't you tell Captain Holt
Copy !req
112. a little bit about yourself?
Copy !req
113. Where to begin?
I'm 174 centimeters tall,
Copy !req
114. I can type 103 words per
minute with an error rate of 1.6%,
Copy !req
115. and I recently moved here
from Philadelphia,
Copy !req
116. which is the sixth
most populous U.S. city.
Copy !req
117. I understand the city of Philadelphia is
coterminous with Philadelphia County,
Copy !req
118. making it the eighth-largest
metropolitan statistical area.
Copy !req
119. Yeah, Philly's cool. Isn't it
fun just telling each other facts?
Copy !req
120. Yes.
Copy !req
121. Well, I think I have
all the information I need.
Copy !req
122. Thank you for coming in,
Mr. Lundt. My pleasure.
Copy !req
123. So? Looks like Operation Nasty
is a full-on success, huh?
Copy !req
124. You mean Operation Nasty Sex
Copy !req
125. Didn't you see him flirting with me? No,
I most definitely did not.
Copy !req
126. Then you're a blind man
and a prude to boot.
Copy !req
127. Did you see his tie?
A single Windsor.
Copy !req
128. The easiest knot to undo.
Copy !req
129. Why bother wearing
any clothes at all?
Copy !req
130. I think you badly misread
that interaction.
Copy !req
131. Please. He did everything
but lick his lips and purr.
Copy !req
132. Get rid of him, and bring me
someone who can keep it in their slacks.
Copy !req
133. Did someone say
to take off our slacks?
Copy !req
134. No, not even close.
Copy !req
135. Oh! Well,
keep me posted.
Copy !req
136. My dogs are barking.
Copy !req
137. What dogs?
Copy !req
138. Okay, Marie Kondo came up
with a system to unclutter your life.
Copy !req
139. You look at an object,
and if it doesn't bring you joy,
Copy !req
140. you throw it away.
Try it, Sarge.
Copy !req
141. Hello, backup
pair of suspenders.
Copy !req
142. Do you bring me joy?
Copy !req
143. Yes, because you have tab
endings and a sweet leather yoke.
Copy !req
144. I'm so glad
you're in my life.
Copy !req
145. I guess I'm keeping them.
Ooh! Let me try.
Copy !req
146. Hello, bag of
old dried mushrooms.
Copy !req
147. Do you bring me joy?
Copy !req
148. You provide rich,
earthy flavor to both soups and teas.
Copy !req
149. I guess I'm keeping mine too.
This is fun.
Copy !req
150. Guys, you can't keep everything.
That defeats the purpose.
Copy !req
151. I got this, Ames.
Hello, unsolved case.
Copy !req
152. Do you bring me joy?
Copy !req
153. No, because you're boring
and you're too hard. See ya.
Copy !req
154. Personal items only,
Copy !req
155. Get that case
out of the trash.
Copy !req
156. Oh, for Pete's sake.
Copy !req
157. Sir, we need to talk about Gordon Lundt,
and before you ask,
Copy !req
158. I have not fired him.
Yes, I noticed.
Copy !req
159. He's been strutting around like a
peacock, trying desperately to arouse me,
Copy !req
160. his unwilling peahen.
Copy !req
161. Did you hear there's a
barrel-making exhibit
Copy !req
162. at the Brooklyn Museum
of Industry?
Copy !req
163. Yes.
Copy !req
164. Has he no shame?
The door was open.
Copy !req
165. I think he wanted
people to hear.
Copy !req
166. Yeah, well, I didn't fire him because
I thought you were being crazy
Copy !req
167. and I wanted to change
your mind,
Copy !req
168. so I called all the places
he used to work.
Copy !req
169. You didn't do that
before you brought him in?
Copy !req
170. What? No,
you check references
Copy !req
171. after there's a problem.
That's hiring 101.
Copy !req
172. Anyways, it turns out he never
worked at the Philadelphia PD.
Copy !req
173. So, he's a liar and a hussy?
Why is he still here?
Copy !req
174. Because I started thinking,
why would he lie?
Copy !req
175. And the answer is,
Copy !req
176. because he's a spy,
planted here by Commissioner Kelly.
Copy !req
177. Think about it.
Copy !req
178. You've been rounding up all
the captains who oppose him.
Copy !req
179. Kelly wants those names.
Copy !req
180. Gordon was sent here
to seduce you.
Copy !req
181. He's a red
sparrow. You mean a honeypot.
Copy !req
182. Potato, tomato, but yes.
Copy !req
183. He is the world's
most boring sex spy,
Copy !req
184. and he's here to
infiltrate the Nine-Nine.
Copy !req
185. No, this is just you still trying
to make everything into a movie.
Copy !req
186. This is the real world,
Copy !req
187. There are no spies
in our midst.
Copy !req
188. I'm sure Gordon just lied
on his résumé to get a job.
Copy !req
189. Oh, really? Then how come
he's in this old staff photo
Copy !req
190. from the Three-Six?
Copy !req
191. Kelly's old precinct?
Copy !req
192. You're right.
Gordon is a honeypot.
Copy !req
193. Or a red sparrow.
Copy !req
194. Buzz, buzz, little bee.
Copy !req
195. Fly, bird, fly.
Copy !req
196. Buzz.
Copy !req
197. Buzz.
Copy !req
198. Buzz.
Copy !req
199. The point is,
we're on the same page. He's a spy.
Copy !req
200. Hey, Hitchcock. God,
you scared me. I've got a razor.
Copy !req
201. Sorry.
I need the bathroom.
Copy !req
202. Fine, but you're lucky
I didn't cut myself.
Copy !req
203. Yep, sure am.
Copy !req
204. Ooph!
Have a good one, buddy.
Copy !req
205. Any poopers?
Copy !req
206. What is this? Why are we
meeting in the bathroom?
Copy !req
207. Super cool meeting spot.
Copy !req
208. Don't roll your eyes
at me, Daria.
Copy !req
209. Commissioner Kelly
sent a spy into our midst.
Copy !req
210. This is happening. We
need to talk about our plan.
Copy !req
211. Okay, here it is.
I'm going to fire him.
Copy !req
212. You can't do that.
Copy !req
213. In a movie, when you find out
someone's a spy, you don't fire them.
Copy !req
214. You can either
have them murdered...
Copy !req
215. Not an option. Yeah, I know,
we're cops. Blah, blah.
Copy !req
216. No one likes this side of you. Or we
can launch a counter-spying mission.
Copy !req
217. I just want him
out of the Nine-Nine.
Copy !req
218. If we can prove
that Kelly sent a spy
Copy !req
219. into one of his own precincts
to seduce a captain,
Copy !req
220. it's gonna look
really bad for him.
Copy !req
221. And how will we prove that?
With Operation Dragon.
Copy !req
222. Don't Reveal Anything,
Gordon's Our Nemesis.
Copy !req
223. No.
I worked so hard
Copy !req
224. on that acronym. You're not
even going to acknowledge it?
Copy !req
225. All right, look, if Kelly's been
communicating with Gordon,
Copy !req
226. there has to be evidence
on his laptop.
Copy !req
227. Yeah, but he doesn't leave
his computer unattended.
Copy !req
228. It's always in his bag,
which he always has on his person.
Copy !req
229. How do you know that? I've
glanced at his work satchel.
Copy !req
230. I'm married,
but I'm still a man.
Copy !req
231. Choosing to ignore that. Now,
if there were only some place
Copy !req
232. where they make you
check your bag,
Copy !req
233. like an airport,
or even a museum?
Copy !req
234. No. I couldn't.
Copy !req
235. Couldn't you?
Copy !req
236. Mr. Lundt, would you like to go to
the barrel-making exhibit this evening?
Copy !req
237. Yes, Captain Holt.
I could make time for that.
Copy !req
238. I need a shower.
Copy !req
239. Okay, I went through my desk
and got rid of everything
Copy !req
240. that didn't give me joy.
Copy !req
241. You didn't get rid of anything.
Because it all gives me joy.
Copy !req
242. Picture of Nikolaj, joy.
Copy !req
243. Cocktail napkin from my first
date with Genevieve, joy.
Copy !req
244. Birthday card from my urologist,
joy. He was the only doctor
Copy !req
245. of my entire urethral support
staff who remembered.
Copy !req
246. All right, I don't think
Marie Kondo's gonna work here.
Copy !req
247. We need something stronger.
Copy !req
248. The Norwegian system,
Copy !req
249. It was designed by a radical
group of Scandinavian organizers
Copy !req
250. who are doing things with
cubbies that would blow your minds.
Copy !req
251. We need to Munkensmat.
Copy !req
252. "Munkensmat"?
Sexy, right?
Copy !req
253. In Munkensmat, you get rid
of all personal possessions
Copy !req
254. except one.
I can't do that.
Copy !req
255. What, I'm just supposed to get rid
of my great-grandfather's shoes?
Copy !req
256. He had one baby foot.
This is cruel.
Copy !req
257. Munkensmat isn't cruel.
It's freeing.
Copy !req
258. When you cling to these things,
you cling to the past,
Copy !req
259. and you don't leave room
for new experiences.
Copy !req
260. Okay, what one thing
should I keep?
Copy !req
261. Hatchet or Blu-ray
of The Intern?
Copy !req
262. You can always watch
The Intern online.
Copy !req
263. Not the extras. There's a
virtual tour of Jules' kitchen.
Copy !req
264. Monster.
Copy !req
265. Well, Sarge,
what's it gonna be,
Copy !req
266. pictures of your kids
or those suspenders?
Copy !req
267. Terry can't throw
his family away,
Copy !req
268. but these are
nice suspenders.
Copy !req
269. Are they special
in some kind of way?
Copy !req
270. Damn, Amy, I told you
about the leather yoke!
Copy !req
271. Terry, you're clinging.
Copy !req
272. Munkensmat.
Copy !req
273. My turn. It's between
my seizure medication
Copy !req
274. and this fidget spinner.
Copy !req
275. I think I made
the right call.
Copy !req
276. Uh-oh.
Copy !req
277. I forgot that it lit up.
Copy !req
278. I've made
a terrible mistake.
Copy !req
279. Look at that. They put the
sherry barrels right up front.
Copy !req
280. Ugh! I hate it when museums
pander to the tourists.
Copy !req
281. Oh, I think you need to check
your bag, Gordon.
Copy !req
282. It's a small price to pay to make
sure the barrels are protected.
Copy !req
283. My thoughts exactly.
Copy !req
284. The package is headed
your way. Copy that.
Copy !req
285. This better work.
I'm debasing myself out here.
Copy !req
286. What must people think?
Copy !req
287. There's literally no other
people at this museum.
Copy !req
288. Thank you very much.
Here is $100.
Copy !req
289. Pleasure doing business
with you.
Copy !req
290. You know, you could have
just stolen the bag,
Copy !req
291. and I wouldn't have
noticed or cared.
Copy !req
292. Be better, Yanya.
Copy !req
293. Yanya!
Copy !req
294. Okay, sir,
I am cloning the hard drive.
Copy !req
295. You should only
have to distract him for...
Copy !req
296. Three hours? Good Lord.
Copy !req
297. Do you think that you can talk
about barrels for three hours?
Copy !req
298. Watch me.
Copy !req
299. Uh, Gordon, take a gander
at this brine barrel from 1787.
Copy !req
300. It looks to me like the work of
master hooper Josiah Wooldruff,
Copy !req
301. who learned the craft from
his father Jesiah Wooldruff,
Copy !req
302. who in turn
learned it from his.
Copy !req
303. I'm already so bored.
Copy !req
304. The slats are
not flat. They're curved.
Copy !req
305. The base of the barrel
is approximately 20...
Copy !req
306. Every barrel is inspected
before usage.
Copy !req
307. The key is that
the oak was cured and shaped
Copy !req
308. by Josiah's cousin Joshua,
Copy !req
309. who was a cooper
and not a hooper.
Copy !req
310. Wait, are you still
at the same barrel?
Copy !req
311. Please move on
to another one.
Copy !req
312. There are so many barrels
in there.
Copy !req
313. You know what?
Let's look at that barrel.
Copy !req
314. Oh, thank God.
It's a brine barrel as well.
Copy !req
315. It was also made in the 1780s.
Copy !req
316. In fact, it's identical
to the last barrel.
Copy !req
317. Let's review
why that's interesting.
Copy !req
318. No!
Copy !req
319. Having
each selected our one item,
Copy !req
320. we move on to stage two,
Copy !req
321. In Munkensmat, you don't just
throw away your discarded belongings.
Copy !req
322. You incinerate them.
Copy !req
323. Can't we just
donate this stuff?
Copy !req
324. So, you can go
to Goodwill after work
Copy !req
325. and buy back those suspenders
you're so attached to?
Copy !req
326. No.
Now, in true Munkensmat,
Copy !req
327. you pile all of your
belongings on a raft,
Copy !req
328. push it out to the icy sea,
and set fire to it with a flaming arrow.
Copy !req
329. But since we obviously
don't have an archer...
Copy !req
330. I'm an archer. I have
like six bows in my car.
Copy !req
331. Really?
Copy !req
332. Launch.
Copy !req
333. Munkensmat.
Copy !req
334. Munkensmat.
Copy !req
335. Munkensmat!
Copy !req
336. Have you reviewed the contents
of Gordon's computer?
Copy !req
337. Did you find anything?
Copy !req
338. Uh... Well...
Copy !req
339. Hem... Haw...
Copy !req
340. Are you literally saying
"hem" and "haw"?
Copy !req
341. Look, I haven't found
anything, okay?
Copy !req
342. Not a single email
between Kelly and Gordon.
Copy !req
343. So, I whored myself out
at that museum for nothing.
Copy !req
344. Not entirely for nothing.
You know? We had fun.
Copy !req
345. Sneaking around, bribing people,
lying, stealing stuff.
Copy !req
346. Coming home and having my husband
ask me why I smelled like barrels?
Copy !req
347. Seriously?
What did you say?
Copy !req
348. I told him everything. He understood,
until I showed him a picture of Gordon.
Copy !req
349. The thought of me
at a museum with that ten?
Copy !req
350. He banished me to the guest
Copy !req
351. Captain Holt,
are you in there?
Copy !req
352. Oh, no, it's him.
What does he want?
Copy !req
353. Do you think he knows something
happened at the Barrel Museum?
Copy !req
354. I wanted
to talk to you
Copy !req
355. about something that
happened at the Barrel Museum.
Copy !req
356. I think he knows.
This is bad!
Copy !req
357. Well, the longer we talk,
the more suspicious it seems.
Copy !req
358. Tell him to come in.
Come in!
Copy !req
359. Oh! I prefer to discuss
this matter in private.
Copy !req
360. Anything you have to say to me,
you can say in front of Peralta.
Copy !req
361. Very well.
Copy !req
362. I've been sent here to spy on you.
Copy !req
363. I am truly shocked.
Copy !req
364. We are both shocked.
Copy !req
365. Commissioner Kelly knows you're recruiting
a team of captains to oppose him.
Copy !req
366. He asked me to find out
who they are.
Copy !req
367. But I've decided
I won't help him.
Copy !req
368. Why not?
Copy !req
369. I've fallen in love
with you.
Copy !req
370. What?
Copy !req
371. That is truly shocking.
Copy !req
372. For real this time. What?
Copy !req
373. The plan was for me
to weaken your defenses
Copy !req
374. with my brazen sexuality.
I wouldn't say "brazen"
Copy !req
375. so much as
"completely undetectable."
Copy !req
376. I couldn't have
been more obvious.
Copy !req
377. I wore
a single Windsor knot.
Copy !req
378. I might as well have a sign
around my neck that reads "DTF."
Copy !req
379. "Desiring Thorough
Copy !req
380. Nope. Oh!
Copy !req
381. At first, the flirting
was just part of the ruse.
Copy !req
382. It meant nothing to me.
Copy !req
383. But then the Barrel Museum.
Copy !req
384. I fell hard.
Not surprising.
Copy !req
385. It is an erotically
charged atmosphere.
Copy !req
386. The curve of the slats, the rivets,
the bilge, the bunghole.
Copy !req
387. Okay, I am actually starting
to hear the sex talk now.
Copy !req
388. The bunghole is the least
erotic part of the barrel.
Copy !req
389. It's simply functional.
Sure. Sure, sure, sure.
Copy !req
390. Bunghole. Continue.
Copy !req
391. Captain, I know nothing
could ever happen between us,
Copy !req
392. but I care about you too much
to do Kelly's dirty work,
Copy !req
393. which is why
I'm tendering my resignation.
Copy !req
394. That's very honorable.
I accept.
Copy !req
395. Oh, no, you don't.
This could be our chance.
Copy !req
396. We can turn Kelly's agent
into a double agent.
Copy !req
397. Operation Double Dragon.
Copy !req
398. Oh, it's all
starting to happen.
Copy !req
399. I don't want to play these
movie spy games, Peralta.
Copy !req
400. It could backfire.
Or it could front-fire.
Copy !req
401. What?
It worked. Gordon,
Copy !req
402. do you have any hard proof
that Kelly sent you here?
Copy !req
403. Nothing in writing.
We only communicate in person.
Copy !req
404. Okay, so you call Kelly,
Copy !req
405. arrange for a meeting,
then you wear a wire,
Copy !req
406. and we have tape
of the commissioner
Copy !req
407. admitting that he's spying
on one of his captains.
Copy !req
408. It could work, but I could
never put Gordon in that position.
Copy !req
409. I would do anything for you,
Captain Holt.
Copy !req
410. Thank you. And you
can call me Raymond.
Copy !req
411. Captain Raymond Holt.
Copy !req
412. I don't think that's such a good
idea. You're right, too much.
Copy !req
413. That should never
have happened. Agreed.
Copy !req
414. Wait, what?
Did something just happen?
Copy !req
415. I've been standing here
the whole time.
Copy !req
416. What did I miss?
Copy !req
417. What did I miss?
Copy !req
418. What did I miss?
Copy !req
419. Hey,
can I take a couple photos of your desk?
Copy !req
420. I want to submit them
to Organizers Quarterly.
Copy !req
421. What? There's a
magazine about organizing?
Copy !req
422. Yeah. I want to be featured
as Organizer of the Month.
Copy !req
423. Just imagine, me on the cover
with tons of scarves lying around.
Copy !req
424. I'm holding them up like,
Copy !req
425. "This is too many scarves.
We got to do something!"
Copy !req
426. Okay.
Copy !req
427. Oh,
now can you open the drawers?
Copy !req
428. If you want to get featured,
you got to show them
Copy !req
429. what's under the skirt,
know what I mean?
Copy !req
430. Uh, no, there are
case files in here.
Copy !req
431. I don't want any
sensitive info to get out.
Copy !req
432. I'll blur the personal stuff.
Copy !req
433. Come on, this is
the money shot.
Copy !req
434. Seriously, Terry?
Copy !req
435. You didn't throw out
the suspenders?
Copy !req
436. What?
That's not fair.
Copy !req
437. I had to throw out Great
Grandpa Ellen's bitty shoe.
Copy !req
438. Why are you even
holding on to these?
Copy !req
439. I've never seen you
wear them. I haven't.
Copy !req
440. I saw them at the store,
and they're obviously way better
Copy !req
441. than my normal suspenders.
Copy !req
442. Are they?
Copy !req
443. Tab endings,
leather yoke.
Copy !req
444. I can't keep
describing them.
Copy !req
445. All right, calm down.
I'm sorry.
Copy !req
446. I bought them right before
I took the lieutenant's exam.
Copy !req
447. I was gonna wear them on
my first day as a lieutenant,
Copy !req
448. but then I failed the test.
Copy !req
449. I thought I'd keep them
just in case I ever pass it,
Copy !req
450. but I'll be honest.
Copy !req
451. That's never gonna happen.
Copy !req
452. I'll just throw them out.
Copy !req
453. There. You can take
your photo now.
Copy !req
454. The deadline is tomorrow.
Copy !req
455. We're just
listening from afar.
Copy !req
456. Do we really need to be
in disguise?
Copy !req
457. Yes, Carmine.
Yes, we do.
Copy !req
458. Oh, I forgot to tell you.
Your cover is Carmine Frunch.
Copy !req
459. You have emphysema, and your
best friend is your pet bird.
Copy !req
460. I'm not sure
I like this persona.
Copy !req
461. Well, if you make it too cool,
it's not believable.
Copy !req
462. By the way, my name
is Jackson Fox.
Copy !req
463. I'm an NBA player,
and LeBron James is my best friend.
Copy !req
464. Oh! Here comes Kelly.
Copy !req
465. So, Mr. Lundt.
Good to see you.
Copy !req
466. What's all this about?
Copy !req
467. Captain Holt
and the Nine-Nine.
Copy !req
468. That's it, Gordon.
Lure him in.
Copy !req
469. He's plotting against you
with a group of captains.
Copy !req
470. I'm only here because he asked
me to help him entrap you.
Copy !req
471. What is happening?
He's triple-crossing us.
Copy !req
472. Holt is listening in from
that surveillance vehicle.
Copy !req
473. Hey, Gordon, can you
still hear me?
Copy !req
474. Yes.
You are blowing this, man!
Copy !req
475. Oh! Hi, Raymond.
Copy !req
476. Good to see you. Pull up a chair.
Cut the crap.
Copy !req
477. Stop masking your evil
with a candy cane smile.
Copy !req
478. Ooh! I love candy canes.
Copy !req
479. Everyone loves candy canes,
John Kelly.
Copy !req
480. Now admit you sent in this
boring bastard to honeypot Holt.
Copy !req
481. It feels like you two are the spies
based on your disguises, et cetera.
Copy !req
482. Nuh-uh! This is who
we actually are.
Copy !req
483. A professional basketball
player and a guy with a bird friend.
Copy !req
484. Oh, it's not
just about disguises.
Copy !req
485. Everything that you
recorded on your wire
Copy !req
486. clearly indicates that
I was the one being spied on.
Copy !req
487. Oh.
Case closed.
Copy !req
488. Pretty cool, huh? I can't wait
to play that tape for the mayor.
Copy !req
489. You are gonna look so bad,
Copy !req
490. You're never gonna
get away with this, Kelly.
Copy !req
491. Oh, I already have. Worked
out better than I expected.
Copy !req
492. I just sent Lundt in to find out which
captains you'd rallied against me,
Copy !req
493. and then you decided you wanted to
bug the commissioner of the NYPD.
Copy !req
494. Somebody shot themselves
in the foot.
Copy !req
495. Hey, do me a favor.
Copy !req
496. Put your resignation
on my desk in the morning.
Copy !req
497. I'm so sorry, sir.
This is all my fault.
Copy !req
498. Operation Double Dragon
was a debacle.
Copy !req
499. Yes, it was.
Copy !req
500. If only someone had thought
to plan a backup operation.
Copy !req
501. Did you do something cool?
I did something very cool.
Copy !req
502. While I was banished
to the guest room,
Copy !req
503. I flipped across one of
those Thomas Cruise films
Copy !req
504. on Home Box Office,
and I realized something.
Copy !req
505. On a spy mission,
there's always another twist.
Copy !req
506. What are you saying? I'm saying
I knew you would triple-cross
Copy !req
507. our double-cross, so I planted a
microphone in the napkin holder.
Copy !req
508. There's one in the flowerpot. Ketchup,
mustard. There are mics in both.
Copy !req
509. Where?
In the tips.
Copy !req
510. Oh, this is so great.
Where else are there mics?
Copy !req
511. Nowhere.
Copy !req
512. But there are cameras!
Copy !req
513. There's a camera, there's a camera,
and there's a camera.
Copy !req
514. I've got you on tape, Kelly.
You're screwed.
Copy !req
515. The only thing that's gonna be
on your desk in the morning
Copy !req
516. is a list of my demands.
Copy !req
517. Operation Triple Dragon
is complete.
Copy !req
518. You named it.
Not only did I name it,
Copy !req
519. Triple Dragon is an acronym.
Copy !req
520. Two Righteous Individuals
Copy !req
521. Performing Law Enforcement
Directives Rapidly
Copy !req
522. Against Gordon Our Nemesis.
Triple Dragon!
Copy !req
523. This is the best thing
that's ever happened!
Copy !req
524. I mean, not for you,
Copy !req
525. It's bad for you.
Copy !req
526. What is all this junk
on my desk?
Copy !req
527. It's not very Munkensmat.
Copy !req
528. They're study materials
for the lieutenant's exam.
Copy !req
529. You can't give up.
Copy !req
530. You're gonna take the exam
again, you're gonna ace it,
Copy !req
531. and then you're gonna
wear these.
Copy !req
532. My lieutenant suspenders.
You fished them out of the trash.
Copy !req
533. No, they were
covered in precinct goo,
Copy !req
534. but I got you a new pair,
leather yoke and all.
Copy !req
535. Oh. Some things
are worth clinging to.
Copy !req
536. I was wrong.
Or Niles Bunkampf,
Copy !req
537. the inventor of Munkensmat,
was wrong.
Copy !req
538. Yeah, that guy's an idiot.
Was an idiot.
Copy !req
539. He got rid of all his objects,
including his clothes,
Copy !req
540. and froze to death
in a snowdrift.
Copy !req
541. Why didn't you tell us that
before we burned all our treasures?
Copy !req
542. Eight framed photos
of my dad, up in flames.
Copy !req
543. So, does this mean we can start keeping
personal objects in the office again?
Copy !req
544. Yes, on one condition.
Copy !req
545. No one tells Bruce
from Organizers Quarterly.
Copy !req
546. I'm definitely not gonna
reach out to Bruce.
Copy !req
547. Thank you.
Copy !req
548. You're a good friend.
Copy !req
549. Ah, good morning,
Captain Holt.
Copy !req
550. You're looking refreshed.
Copy !req
551. I didn't sleep a wink.
Copy !req
552. Let's just say Kevin no longer
has me in the guest room.
Copy !req
553. Nice. My two dads,
straight smashing it.
Copy !req
554. Sorry, that came out weird.
Title of your sex tape.
Copy !req
555. But more importantly,
how did it go with Commissioner Kelly?
Copy !req
556. I gave him a list
of my demands,
Copy !req
557. and he's agreed to back off
of vigilant policing.
Copy !req
558. Whoa! That's amazing.
But that's not all.
Copy !req
559. I also got something
for the precinct.
Copy !req
560. Is it a fighter jet?
How did you get a fighter jet?
Copy !req
561. We don't have the budget
for that.
Copy !req
562. It's not a fighter jet.
Copy !req
563. I got him to reopen
the first floor.
Copy !req
564. It's back to normal.
Copy !req
565. It's beautiful.
Copy !req
566. Thank you, sir.
Copy !req
567. I couldn't have done it
without you.
Copy !req
568. As a matter of fact, I'd like
to take you out tonight
Copy !req
569. for a thank-you dinner.
Oh, I would love that,
Copy !req
570. but I'm gonna have
to take a rain check,
Copy !req
571. 'cause Amy and I
already have plans.
Copy !req
572. Although I'm pretty sure
you would approve.
Copy !req
573. So, this is a brine barrel.
Copy !req
574. It's made by Josiah Wooldruff,
Copy !req
575. who learned the craft from his
father Jesiah Wooldruff,
Copy !req
576. who in turn learned...
You know what?
Copy !req
577. This was a terrible idea.
I'm sorry.
Copy !req
578. Don't you dare stop.
Copy !req
579. Oh! Okay.
Copy !req
580. Josiah's
cousin Joshua was a cooper,
Copy !req
581. not a hooper.
Copy !req
582. Oh, mama.
Copy !req