1. You know, that is exactly
the type of behavior
Copy !req
2. that is gonna get you fired
from the work-study program.
Copy !req
3. Nobody gets fired from
the work-study program.
Copy !req
4. Let's try and have a good time.
Copy !req
5. They're not paying
us to have a good time.
Copy !req
6. Cory, they're not
paying us at all,
Copy !req
7. which is exactly why
the CEO of this company
Copy !req
8. is going to get a
photocopy of my butt.
Copy !req
9. They're paying us in experience.
Copy !req
10. Working in the mailroom?
Copy !req
11. You know, a lot of people in this
company started in the mailroom.
Copy !req
12. I began right where you're
standing 43 years ago.
Copy !req
13. You see that? And
where do you work now?
Copy !req
14. Right where you're
standing. Move.
Copy !req
15. Forty-three years with
the same company. Wow.
Copy !req
16. You must really
love advertising.
Copy !req
17. Advertising? Is that
what they do here?
Copy !req
18. I like this guy.
Copy !req
19. He reminds me of
me, but more mature.
Copy !req
20. You know, Shawn, if it's a
role model you're looking for,
Copy !req
21. there's someone else in this
very room that you could look to.
Copy !req
22. Well, I don't see
anyone except you.
Copy !req
23. Yes, me. This corporate
world is my very essence.
Copy !req
24. Okay? And as I climb
the ladder to success,
Copy !req
25. I want you there right with me.
Copy !req
26. Next to you?
Copy !req
27. Behind me. That's
how ladders work.
Copy !req
28. So, Shawn, listen and learn.
Copy !req
29. Is that where you want to
be, upstairs with the big fellas?
Copy !req
30. Oh, yes, very much.
Copy !req
31. Bon voyage.
Copy !req
32. Hey. How are you?
Copy !req
33. Hey. Good to see you.
Ooh, nice-looking family.
Copy !req
34. You've lost weight.
Copy !req
35. Shawn, what are you doing?
Copy !req
36. You never make eye contact
with senior management.
Copy !req
37. You have to know
your place. Observe.
Copy !req
38. Hi. How you doing? Nice loafers.
Copy !req
39. See?
Copy !req
40. Shawn, what are you doing?
Copy !req
41. Hey, I may not know
much about business,
Copy !req
42. but I do know that when a
phone rings, you answer it.
Copy !req
43. Hello. Keller-Marsden.
Copy !req
44. Uh, no, I don't see
him. Can I help you?
Copy !req
45. Shawn, hang up
the phone. Hang up.
Copy !req
46. What are you yelling for?
Copy !req
47. Oh, my God, there's
yelling. Yell back.
Copy !req
48. If you were supposed to
have it today and it's not there,
Copy !req
49. don't you think that we
have a very good reason?
Copy !req
50. Mr. Becker,
Copy !req
51. we weren't going to send those
ads out until they were perfect.
Copy !req
52. Uh-huh.
Copy !req
53. You'll have them Monday.
Copy !req
54. No, no. Thank you, Mr. Becker.
Copy !req
55. Cor...
Copy !req
56. Who are you?
Copy !req
57. His name is George Feeny.
Copy !req
58. Shawn Hunter. Work-study
program. Who are you?
Copy !req
59. Tom Morris. Vice President,
Copy !req
60. Keller-Marsden Advertising.
Copy !req
61. Oh. You just got a phone call.
Copy !req
62. I heard. I like the way
you handled Becker.
Copy !req
63. I did, too.
Copy !req
64. My temp didn't show up today,
and I could use somebody like you.
Copy !req
65. I work in the
mailroom with Cory.
Copy !req
66. Well, I want you
up here with me.
Copy !req
67. Wow! How about that, huh?
Copy !req
68. Two hours on the job, and
look who's out of the mailroom.
Copy !req
69. Mom.
Copy !req
70. Mom, get a life.
Copy !req
71. Eric, what are you doing? I've
watched this show for four years now.
Copy !req
72. I've never missed an episode.
Copy !req
73. What do you mean, get a life?
Copy !req
74. I just feel that a
woman like you
Copy !req
75. should be out doing
something productive.
Copy !req
76. Oh, yeah? What do you
call raising three children?
Copy !req
77. Done. Hatched. Raised.
Copy !req
78. Listen, Mom, I'm gonna give
you the same pearls of wisdom
Copy !req
79. you once gave me, okay?
Copy !req
80. There's a whole
big world out there.
Copy !req
81. You go be part of it, young man.
Copy !req
82. Well, there is one thing
I've always wanted to try.
Copy !req
83. Don't care. Just
go do something.
Copy !req
84. Thank you, Eric.
Copy !req
85. Okay. Bye-bye.
Copy !req
86. Bye-bye.
Copy !req
87. She doesn't love you, Victor.
Copy !req
88. Hey. How you doing?
Copy !req
89. Things are a little
crazy, but I'm handling it.
Copy !req
90. Mr. Morris is still letting
you play assistant, huh?
Copy !req
91. Yeah. He even gave
me a little assignment.
Copy !req
92. It's a... It's a
toothpaste account.
Copy !req
93. And Mr. Morris wants to know
what teenagers are looking for.
Copy !req
94. Easy. Bacteria. I just
saved your job, pal.
Copy !req
95. Actually, I was thinking
that fresh breath is sexy...
Copy !req
96. No, Shawn, no. Okay?
Sex does not sell.
Copy !req
97. Focus on the bacteria, on the
gingivitis, on teeth falling out.
Copy !req
98. That's the pitch.
Copy !req
99. I don't know, Cor.
I've kissed a lot of girls,
Copy !req
100. and I gotta say,
I'm a breath man.
Copy !req
101. Shawn, this is the
business world, okay?
Copy !req
102. I know what I'm talking about.
Copy !req
103. Shawn, toothpaste!
Let's hear what you got.
Copy !req
104. Bacteria.
Copy !req
105. Hey, bud. Oh, sorry, buddy.
Copy !req
106. This seat's saved for Monica.
Copy !req
107. What happened to Bridget?
Copy !req
108. She found out about Monica.
Copy !req
109. Oh, excuse me.
Is this seat taken?
Copy !req
110. Yes, Mom.
Copy !req
111. Mom? Eric?
Copy !req
112. What are you doing
here? Am I in trouble?
Copy !req
113. I'm in creative writing.
Copy !req
114. But this is creative writing.
Copy !req
115. Oh, I had no idea
this was your class.
Copy !req
116. But, well, you said to
get out there in the world,
Copy !req
117. so here I am, back in school.
Copy !req
118. Hey, maybe we could
all have lunch together.
Copy !req
119. Your mom is, like, so cool.
Copy !req
120. No, she's not.
Copy !req
121. Look, Mom, when I said get back
in the world, I meant, like, the mall.
Copy !req
122. Eric, I'm in creative writing
Copy !req
123. because I always
wanted to write.
Copy !req
124. And your words
really inspired me.
Copy !req
125. I was hoping you'd
be happy for me.
Copy !req
126. Happy. I am. I'm happy.
Copy !req
127. Yeah. Who wouldn't be happy
going to school with their mom?
Copy !req
128. Look, at least scoot
down one, okay?
Copy !req
129. The seat's saved for Monica.
Copy !req
130. Gotcha. You won't even
know I'm here. Yeah.
Copy !req
131. Hi. Oh, you must be Monica.
Copy !req
132. Eric, she's really pretty.
Copy !req
133. Hi. Who are you?
Copy !req
134. I'm Eric's mother.
Copy !req
135. Sit up straight, dear.
Copy !req
136. So then the senator told me
that he really liked what I said,
Copy !req
137. and now it's going to be a law.
Copy !req
138. I know what you mean.
Why, here in the mailroom,
Copy !req
139. I suggested that we start
using self-adhesive stamps.
Copy !req
140. Well, what'd they say?
Copy !req
141. "Yeah, whatever."
Copy !req
142. Cory, you'll work your
way out of the mailroom.
Copy !req
143. Don't bet on it.
Copy !req
144. Who's that?
Copy !req
145. My boss.
Copy !req
146. Where's Shawn?
Copy !req
147. You know, he's upstairs.
Copy !req
148. Look, Cory, I hope
you're looking out for him.
Copy !req
149. He really looks up to you.
Copy !req
150. Isn't she cute?
Copy !req
151. Like a young Nancy Sinatra.
Copy !req
152. Hey.
Copy !req
153. Shawn, you're back
in the mailroom.
Copy !req
154. Listen, they shouldn't have put
you in a job you weren't ready for.
Copy !req
155. Actually, I pitched my sexy
breath idea, and Mr. Morris liked it.
Copy !req
156. He liked it?
Copy !req
157. Yeah. I guess you're not
the only one with good ideas.
Copy !req
158. You know, I don't get it, Phil.
Copy !req
159. All he did was pick up a phone.
Copy !req
160. Was it ringing?
Copy !req
161. Yeah.
Copy !req
162. He's a smart kid.
Copy !req
163. "And as I turned the corner
Copy !req
164. "and walked down that
road, it occurred to me,
Copy !req
165. "either I was going the wrong
way, or that semi truck was,
Copy !req
166. "but that's life.
Copy !req
167. "And it's all we have."
Copy !req
168. Thank you.
Copy !req
169. Thank you, Eric.
Copy !req
170. Next, we will hear from Amy.
Copy !req
171. Oh.
Copy !req
172. Um, "A Young Married
Woman, by Amy Matthews."
Copy !req
173. Oh, this is great.
Copy !req
174. A thousand words on dryer lint.
Copy !req
175. "The wedding was over.
Copy !req
176. "I was 19 and about
to embark on a new life.
Copy !req
177. "The hotel suite was
as lovely as a picture.
Copy !req
178. "Alan walked toward me,
and I began to tremble."
Copy !req
179. Oh, my God. "My lips..."
Copy !req
180. Uh, hello. Tom Morris'
office. Can I help you?
Copy !req
181. No, he's still in
the... The bathroom.
Copy !req
182. Uh, well, sir, we were gonna
send it to your office today,
Copy !req
183. but it wasn't good.
Copy !req
184. Hello?
Copy !req
185. No, please don't yell.
Copy !req
186. Hello? Hello? Hello?
Copy !req
187. Who was that?
Copy !req
188. Uh...
Copy !req
189. That was Mr. Davis
from Brock Toys.
Copy !req
190. Well, what did he want?
Copy !req
191. Well, he said something about
moving his account to another agency.
Copy !req
192. Hey, why don't I do a
lunch run, huh? Falafel?
Copy !req
193. Shawn, want to get
Davis back on the phone?
Copy !req
194. Uh, Mr. Morris...
Look, nothing personal,
Copy !req
195. but maybe this isn't
the right place for you.
Copy !req
196. You better pack your things.
Copy !req
197. I have Mr. Davis on line two.
Copy !req
198. Sir...
Copy !req
199. What am I supposed to do?
Copy !req
200. Well, not everybody's cut
out for the business world.
Copy !req
201. Cory, I'm...
Copy !req
202. I'm sorry.
Copy !req
203. Oh, Susan Lucci, how
do you not win an Emmy?
Copy !req
204. Well, somebody looks like he
just got canned from work-study.
Copy !req
205. I did.
Copy !req
206. You're kidding.
Copy !req
207. No.
Copy !req
208. Oh, boy.
Copy !req
209. Well, you know, not every
person is right for every job.
Copy !req
210. Dad, I know,
Copy !req
211. but I was supposed to be
the one to succeed, not Shawn.
Copy !req
212. Everyone knows that.
Copy !req
213. Well, maybe you ought to
give Shawn a little more credit.
Copy !req
214. I mean, if he's doing well,
you should be happy for him.
Copy !req
215. No, I am happy for
him, but what about me?
Copy !req
216. You know, if I don't succeed
in the business world,
Copy !req
217. the future of this
country looks very bleak.
Copy !req
218. Stop putting so much
pressure on yourself.
Copy !req
219. You know you'll do fine.
Copy !req
220. What are you doing here?
Copy !req
221. I was just having lunch with
Mr. Davis from Brock Toys.
Copy !req
222. What exactly did you say to him?
Copy !req
223. I don't want to
talk about it, okay?
Copy !req
224. If you'll excuse me, I
was about to take a nap.
Copy !req
225. Why, I just came by with some
news that may cheer you up.
Copy !req
226. I'm listening.
Copy !req
227. Well, I talked to Morris,
Copy !req
228. and he agreed to let you
come back to the agency.
Copy !req
229. Really?
Copy !req
230. Yeah, but you're gonna
have to take a drug test.
Copy !req
231. They think you're
a little "wound."
Copy !req
232. They want me back.
Copy !req
233. This has got to be a mistake.
Copy !req
234. Don't tell me you're not
qualified for this job either.
Copy !req
235. I'm supposed to be
an executive, Phil,
Copy !req
236. making important
executive decisions.
Copy !req
237. You will. Now, here are
the deodorizers for the toilet.
Copy !req
238. You decide how many
to put in each one.
Copy !req
239. I'll give you a hint.
It's less than two.
Copy !req
240. No, no, I... I won't do it.
Copy !req
241. Okay, listen,
Copy !req
242. the work-study program is
supposed to prepare you for life.
Copy !req
243. Where's the lesson in this?
Copy !req
244. The lesson is that you do
whatever they ask you to do,
Copy !req
245. and you do it as
well as you can.
Copy !req
246. Oh, come on, you're a good kid.
Copy !req
247. Oh, don't take home the
toilet paper. They check cars.
Copy !req
248. Cory, what are you
doing dressed as a janitor?
Copy !req
249. I don't know,
Shawn. You tell me.
Copy !req
250. Well, I thought they gave you
your old job back in the mailroom.
Copy !req
251. No. This is my job.
Copy !req
252. You're kidding. No.
Copy !req
253. So that's the toothpaste
campaign, huh?
Copy !req
254. Yeah.
Copy !req
255. Looks like I was
wrong. Sex does sell.
Copy !req
256. Just a different way to go.
Copy !req
257. Hey, Shawn, I spilled my coffee.
Copy !req
258. You want to get the guy
to clean up that mess?
Copy !req
259. I'm the guy.
Copy !req
260. Hey, bud.
Copy !req
261. Hi, kids.
Copy !req
262. Hi, Amy.
Copy !req
263. Amy? Her name is not Amy.
Her name is Mrs. Matthews.
Copy !req
264. So, what are you guys doing?
Copy !req
265. I had a little trouble with
my writing assignment,
Copy !req
266. so Amy offered to help.
Copy !req
267. By the way, that
last paper you wrote,
Copy !req
268. I couldn't stop
thinking about it.
Copy !req
269. That's because it was smut!
Copy !req
270. "My lips quivered." It was
filth! It was squeamy filth!
Copy !req
271. Eric, the teacher
gave Amy an "A."
Copy !req
272. He's dirty, too.
Copy !req
273. Well, I think he's really
going to like my next paper.
Copy !req
274. Let me see this.
Let me see this.
Copy !req
275. "An evening in Cape Cod."
Now this is more like it.
Copy !req
276. "As Alan touched me,
my lips began to quiver."
Copy !req
277. Don't you do
anything but quiver?
Copy !req
278. Oh, my God, you do.
Copy !req
279. Give me that.
Copy !req
280. Mom, college is my time.
You shouldn't be here.
Copy !req
281. You should be at home raising
your kids. They're not done yet.
Copy !req
282. I've been a mother and a wife
for most of my life, and I've loved it.
Copy !req
283. But I need to be more.
Copy !req
284. And if you're
uncomfortable with that,
Copy !req
285. then you're right, I
shouldn't be here.
Copy !req
286. Mmm.
Copy !req
287. Mmm!
Copy !req
288. Mmm?
Copy !req
289. Oh.
Copy !req
290. Oh!
Copy !req
291. Oh, well, okay.
Copy !req
292. Whoo!
Copy !req
293. Well, what do you think?
Copy !req
294. Amy, it's some of the most
provocative fiction I have ever read.
Copy !req
295. It's all true, George.
Copy !req
296. Oh, dear.
Copy !req
297. Well, nevertheless,
you have a lot of talent.
Copy !req
298. I mean, as a storyteller.
Copy !req
299. Well, it doesn't really matter,
'cause I'm dropping the class.
Copy !req
300. Eric shouldn't have to be embarrassed
by having his mother with him.
Copy !req
301. You can't do that, Amy.
Copy !req
302. Why are you calling me Amy?
Copy !req
303. Because that's your human name.
Copy !req
304. I reread your paper,
Copy !req
305. and I realized that you're more
than just a mother and a housewife.
Copy !req
306. You're also a really
good storyteller,
Copy !req
307. and you should... You
should come back to class.
Copy !req
308. Really?
Copy !req
309. Yeah. And if that's
what you want to do,
Copy !req
310. you should come back, and
you should really keep writing.
Copy !req
311. That means so much
coming from you.
Copy !req
312. Mom, your paper was so
good, and I was so proud of you,
Copy !req
313. that I sent a copy to Grandma.
Copy !req
314. Mother?
Copy !req
315. Oh, dear.
Copy !req
316. Cory, look,
Copy !req
317. I know it's awkward for you to be
doing so much better than Shawn,
Copy !req
318. but this dinner has been
planned for a long time, okay?
Copy !req
319. We just won't talk about work.
Copy !req
320. Okay.
Copy !req
321. Hey, you guys.
These are for you.
Copy !req
322. Let's put them in water.
Copy !req
323. Hey.
Copy !req
324. Cory. Hi.
Copy !req
325. I'm... I'm glad you came.
Copy !req
326. Why wouldn't I come?
Copy !req
327. I was invited for dinner,
so I'm here for dinner.
Copy !req
328. Where's my dinner?
Copy !req
329. Cory's right. Why don't we eat?
Copy !req
330. Aren't you going to get that?
Copy !req
331. No, it's... It's just the fax.
Copy !req
332. They gave you a fax.
Copy !req
333. Why didn't they
give you a fax, Cory?
Copy !req
334. Well, at my level, they
don't fax you. You just know.
Copy !req
335. What's that ringing?
Copy !req
336. Nothing.
Copy !req
337. A cell phone?
Copy !req
338. The... The company
gave it to him.
Copy !req
339. Good for you, Shawn.
Copy !req
340. Yeah. They also
gave him a credit card.
Copy !req
341. Oh, a credit card, too.
Copy !req
342. Cory, the company gave Shawn
a cell phone and a credit card.
Copy !req
343. What did they give you?
Copy !req
344. They gave me these.
Copy !req
345. Cory, they look
like janitor's keys.
Copy !req
346. Yeah, they are.
I'm a janitor, okay?
Copy !req
347. It's all out in the open now. I
hope you're happy. Thanks.
Copy !req
348. Cory, there's nothing
wrong with being a janitor.
Copy !req
349. Cory. Cory, look, I didn't
want any of this to happen,
Copy !req
350. but it did, okay?
Copy !req
351. I really want to enjoy it.
Copy !req
352. Shawn, no one's stopping you.
Copy !req
353. I can't enjoy this because
of what it's doing to you.
Copy !req
354. Because it's killing me!
Copy !req
355. Okay? All of my life, you're
the one that messes up,
Copy !req
356. I'm the one that
cleans up after you.
Copy !req
357. That's the way it's always been.
Copy !req
358. I know.
Copy !req
359. For the first time, I'm
doing something on my own.
Copy !req
360. And it feels good.
It feels really good.
Copy !req
361. Well, I mean, it's
supposed to feel good.
Copy !req
362. You did great.
Copy !req
363. I guess for the first time,
Copy !req
364. I'm just jealous of you.
Copy !req
365. Of me?
Copy !req
366. Cory, stop putting so
much pressure on yourself.
Copy !req
367. Everyone knows
you're going to be fine.
Copy !req
368. I'm sorry I underestimated you.
Copy !req
369. I'm real proud of you.
Copy !req
370. Yeah, well, I'm
proud of you, too.
Copy !req
371. For what?
Copy !req
372. Well, you know the executive
washroom on the 30th floor?
Copy !req
373. I heard Keller say to Marsden
that it's never been cleaner.
Copy !req
374. That was me.
Copy !req
375. So, Eric, are you okay with
having your mom stay in the class?
Copy !req
376. Sure. We had a
little discussion,
Copy !req
377. and she promised no more
revealing stories about her and Dad.
Copy !req
378. I'm going to miss those.
Especially the one in the elevator.
Copy !req
379. Amy, would you like to read
us your latest short story?
Copy !req
380. I'd be glad to.
Copy !req
381. All right, Mom!
Copy !req
382. "A Mother's Struggle,
by Amy Matthews.
Copy !req
383. "After 36 hours of
screaming and sweating,
Copy !req
384. "my bundle of joy, Eric,
Copy !req
385. "gallantly made his way
through the birth canal."
Copy !req
386. Hey, hey, hey, hey!
Copy !req