1. You and Topanga
can't be apart like this.
Copy !req
2. It's giving me a heart attack.
Copy !req
3. Shawn, I didn't even
do anything, okay?
Copy !req
4. I meet one other
girl, I talk to her,
Copy !req
5. and I get a little
thank you note.
Copy !req
6. Cory, she wrote you the most
passionate love letter I've ever read
Copy !req
7. that didn't start
with "Dear Shawn."
Copy !req
8. I can't control what another
person puts in a letter, Shawn.
Copy !req
9. Now, Topanga knows that.
Copy !req
10. Okay, okay, it's been
raining for seven days.
Copy !req
11. How do you explain that?
Copy !req
12. Warm air meets a
low-pressure system?
Copy !req
13. Wrong. It's raining
because God is crying.
Copy !req
14. And he's crying because
he created you and Topanga
Copy !req
15. to be the role model of the perfect
couple for the entire universe.
Copy !req
16. You know, Shawn,
Topanga's angry at me.
Copy !req
17. What are you so upset about?
Copy !req
18. Because, you know, someday,
Copy !req
19. after a slew of
meaningless relationships,
Copy !req
20. it's possible that I'm
gonna want what you have.
Copy !req
21. Now, how can I
want what you have
Copy !req
22. if you don't have it?
Copy !req
23. I want you to still have it.
Copy !req
24. Shawn, I didn't do
anything, okay. I fell off a bus.
Copy !req
25. I sat on a couch. I
talked to some girl.
Copy !req
26. I didn't write that letter,
and she kissed me.
Copy !req
27. Cory, a guy can do no better
than Topanga Lawrence.
Copy !req
28. Yeah, I know that.
Copy !req
29. Then be at
Chubbie's after school.
Copy !req
30. He lied to me.
Copy !req
31. He lied to me about staying
up all night with Lauren.
Copy !req
32. Strike one.
Copy !req
33. All they did was talk.
Copy !req
34. He lied to me about kissing her.
Copy !req
35. Strike two.
Copy !req
36. All they did was talk and kiss.
Copy !req
37. I read the letter, Shawn.
She's crazy about him.
Copy !req
38. Because she knows
what you know, Topanga.
Copy !req
39. A girl can do no better
than Cory Matthews.
Copy !req
40. You're a good friend, Shawn,
Copy !req
41. and I think it's great what
you're trying to do for Cory, but...
Copy !req
42. I'm not just doing
this for Cory.
Copy !req
43. What?
Copy !req
44. You're my friend, Topanga.
Copy !req
45. You're one of the two
best people I know.
Copy !req
46. Who's first?
Copy !req
47. He is.
Copy !req
48. But you and me are the
two best things in his life.
Copy !req
49. Who's first?
Copy !req
50. You are.
Copy !req
51. Please let him tell you that some
girl named Lauren came on to him,
Copy !req
52. and it was flattering, but
it didn't mean anything.
Copy !req
53. And he's never gonna see
her again for the rest of his life.
Copy !req
54. Talk to him, Topanga.
Copy !req
55. Where?
Copy !req
56. Chubbie's. After school.
Copy !req
57. Will you be there?
Copy !req
58. You know, I'm actually
a little bit nervous.
Copy !req
59. Don't be nervous. She's
about to forgive you, Cory.
Copy !req
60. Nothing can go wrong.
Copy !req
61. Yeah, but it's kind of
like a first date, you know?
Copy !req
62. I mean, I wonder
what she'll be wearing.
Copy !req
63. Hi.
Copy !req
64. Oh, my God. She's
wearing a Lauren costume.
Copy !req
65. Cory.
Copy !req
66. What are you doing here?
Copy !req
67. I just spent four
hours on the bus, Cory.
Copy !req
68. Can you give me
something better than,
Copy !req
69. "What are you doing here?"
Copy !req
70. You have to leave.
Copy !req
71. Sweet talker.
Copy !req
72. No wonder I couldn't
stop thinking about you.
Copy !req
73. Lauren, listen, I'm
meeting someone here,
Copy !req
74. and really, I don't
mean to be rude, but...
Copy !req
75. Get out! Get out! You, get out!
Copy !req
76. Cory, if you want
me to leave, I will.
Copy !req
77. But I needed to see you.
Copy !req
78. You never answered my letter,
and I needed to know if what we had
Copy !req
79. was just because
of the fireplace
Copy !req
80. and the mountains and the sky.
Copy !req
81. All right, listen, toots.
May I call you toots?
Copy !req
82. What you had
was, "You, get out!"
Copy !req
83. Lauren, I'm meeting
Topanga here, okay?
Copy !req
84. And I don't want her
to see us together.
Copy !req
85. Can't always get what you want.
Copy !req
86. Strike three.
Copy !req
87. Topanga, I'm sorry,
Copy !req
88. it didn't mean what
it sounded like, okay?
Copy !req
89. I had no idea she
was gonna be here.
Copy !req
90. She came all this way
to talk to you, and...
Copy !req
91. If you feel that you
need to talk to her,
Copy !req
92. then that's what you should do.
Copy !req
93. It's a trap.
Copy !req
94. Take Topanga and go. Trap.
Copy !req
95. I couldn't be with somebody
who wasn't 100% sure.
Copy !req
96. So if you need some
time, then, yeah,
Copy !req
97. take it.
Copy !req
98. And the world as we
know it has ended.
Copy !req
99. Oh, Eric.
Copy !req
100. I just had a phone call. I
need to ask you a favor.
Copy !req
101. Oh, no problem. Just
give me your keys.
Copy !req
102. I'll mow your lawn and
water those ugly little plants.
Copy !req
103. You don't think I'd actually
let you inside my house.
Copy !req
104. No. No, what I'm talking about
Copy !req
105. is a lot more important
than watering plants.
Copy !req
106. Oh, look, Mr. Feeny,
don't get my hopes up
Copy !req
107. that you're actually gonna
trust me with something, okay?
Copy !req
108. I'll wash your car. No biggie.
Copy !req
109. My citizenship class is starting a
series of practice tests this week.
Copy !req
110. Unfortunately, I have
a scheduling conflict.
Copy !req
111. I need you to proctor.
Copy !req
112. Me? Proctor?
Copy !req
113. Proctor Matthews.
Copy !req
114. You know what proctor is?
Copy !req
115. Yeah. It's a tushie doctor.
Copy !req
116. I'm not gonna do that!
Copy !req
117. Maybe you better
just wash the car.
Copy !req
118. No, Mr. Feeny. No problem.
What do you want me to do?
Copy !req
119. Well, you see, this is a class
Copy !req
120. of people from foreign countries
Copy !req
121. who want to become
American citizens.
Copy !req
122. All I want you to do, all...
Copy !req
123. Is pass out the
pencils and tests
Copy !req
124. and gather them at
the end of the class.
Copy !req
125. You do nothing else.
Copy !req
126. Do you understand?
Copy !req
127. All right, everybody hold
your tests up like this.
Copy !req
128. Now do this.
Copy !req
129. There will be no test today.
Copy !req
130. Throw away the textbooks,
throw away the tests.
Copy !req
131. You're my class now, and
for the first time in my life,
Copy !req
132. I'm the smartest
guy in the room.
Copy !req
133. Can we all just take a
second and let that sink in?
Copy !req
134. In my country, I was
a nuclear physicist.
Copy !req
135. Yeah, but, see, everybody
here starts with a clean slate.
Copy !req
136. And as your proctologist, I'm
gonna show you something.
Copy !req
137. Please don't pick me.
Copy !req
138. Pick a card, any card you want.
Copy !req
139. You know, Topanga practically
told me to go out with Lauren.
Copy !req
140. What did she mean by that?
Copy !req
141. She's a woman. She was
speaking to you in "womanese."
Copy !req
142. Oh, you speak that language?
Copy !req
143. I'm conversational. I
wouldn't say I was fluent.
Copy !req
144. What I do know is that you have
to look for stuff that's not there.
Copy !req
145. And believe me, there's
a whole lot she was saying
Copy !req
146. that's not there.
Copy !req
147. What do your parents think?
Copy !req
148. I haven't told them yet.
Copy !req
149. Haven't told us what?
Copy !req
150. That I agreed to see that
girl I met up at the mountains.
Copy !req
151. Lauren.
Copy !req
152. Yeah. Order me not
to see her. Order me.
Copy !req
153. Cory, nobody loves
Topanga as much as we do,
Copy !req
154. but if you think you
really like this girl,
Copy !req
155. then you owe it to yourself and
to Topanga and Lauren to find out.
Copy !req
156. You know, a long time ago,
when your mom and I were dating,
Copy !req
157. she let me go out
with another girl.
Copy !req
158. Her name was Teresa Lulich.
Copy !req
159. So, I went out with her just
to test my love of your mother.
Copy !req
160. I never let you go out
with any Teresa Lulich.
Copy !req
161. I would never do that. We
wouldn't be together this very day.
Copy !req
162. Actually, I'm mixing up
a couple of stories here.
Copy !req
163. Gee! What are these, peaches?
Copy !req
164. Where do they go?
Copy !req
165. Cory, the rest of your life,
Copy !req
166. you're gonna be presented with
opportunities and temptations.
Copy !req
167. And it's how you deal
with them that matters.
Copy !req
168. Yeah.
Copy !req
169. Hi.
Copy !req
170. Hi.
Copy !req
171. Hi, Shawn.
Copy !req
172. Oh, stop trying to
butter me up, Yoko.
Copy !req
173. I'm Lauren. I met Cory
up at the mountains.
Copy !req
174. Hi, Teresa. Nice to meet you.
Copy !req
175. Are you kidding me?
Copy !req
176. Hi, Lauren, nice to meet you.
Copy !req
177. Cory's told us so
much about you.
Copy !req
178. Oh! What is this?
Copy !req
179. Oaties.
Copy !req
180. You know what goes
good with Oaties?
Copy !req
181. Peaches. You know
where they are?
Copy !req
182. They're right over here.
Copy !req
183. I told my parents how you
took care of me up at the lodge,
Copy !req
184. how, you know, we stayed
up and talked all night.
Copy !req
185. That's why I needed to see you.
Copy !req
186. I don't think we
really finished talking.
Copy !req
187. I hope it's okay.
Copy !req
188. Shawn, don't be mad at me.
Copy !req
189. I would never hurt your friend.
Copy !req
190. What's she really saying?
Copy !req
191. She's saying she
wouldn't hurt you.
Copy !req
192. Ready?
Copy !req
193. Yeah. Mom, Dad.
Copy !req
194. Have a good time.
Copy !req
195. Have a time.
Copy !req
196. Shawn?
Copy !req
197. Lauren?
Copy !req
198. Shawn?
Copy !req
199. Have him home by midnight.
Copy !req
200. Not a minute after.
Copy !req
201. I like her.
Copy !req
202. I like her.
Copy !req
203. I like her, too.
Copy !req
204. So you want to live
in a cottage, huh?
Copy !req
205. Yeah. A little wood house.
Copy !req
206. That's all I want.
Copy !req
207. That's it?
Copy !req
208. You don't want a big
brick house in the suburbs
Copy !req
209. with walk-in closets and a
skylight over the Jacuzzi?
Copy !req
210. Who would want any of that?
Copy !req
211. Nobody.
Copy !req
212. No, just, want to be
in love with someone
Copy !req
213. and maybe have
some kids someday.
Copy !req
214. Do you want to have kids?
Copy !req
215. Yeah, but I have to
be home by midnight.
Copy !req
216. No, I do.
Copy !req
217. So, I'm not the wild and reckless
guy you thought I was, huh?
Copy !req
218. It's not what I'm looking for.
I've met too many of them.
Copy !req
219. All talk, nothing
real. Slick and boring.
Copy !req
220. Yeah, Topanga always
says the reason that I...
Copy !req
221. Sorry.
Copy !req
222. It's okay. She's a
big part of your life.
Copy !req
223. Yeah, she is.
Copy !req
224. It's raining.
Copy !req
225. Here, let's get
inside somewhere.
Copy !req
226. No, no, no, no. Let's not.
Copy !req
227. But I'm not the kind of guy
Copy !req
228. who stands out in the rain
without the appropriate outerwear.
Copy !req
229. Here, let me keep
you warm and dry.
Copy !req
230. So, you got any film
you need developed?
Copy !req
231. I love the rain!
Copy !req
232. Yeah. I do, too, now.
Copy !req
233. You do?
Copy !req
234. 'Cause I got your
rain right here.
Copy !req
235. Good, good. Tell you what.
You can dry your hair off.
Copy !req
236. Come here.
Copy !req
237. You're worried about
something, aren't you?
Copy !req
238. Yeah.
Copy !req
239. Aren't you having fun with me?
Copy !req
240. That's what I'm worried about.
Copy !req
241. I had a good time.
Copy !req
242. Cory, you're soaking wet.
Copy !req
243. I went out with
Lauren. We had fun.
Copy !req
244. I had fun with a girl
who isn't Topanga.
Copy !req
245. You got a tough
choice to make here.
Copy !req
246. We are going to
decide this scientifically.
Copy !req
247. Hand me those jelly
beans over there.
Copy !req
248. First off, personality.
Which girl makes you laugh?
Copy !req
249. We're not gonna decide the rest
of my life with jelly beans, Shawn.
Copy !req
250. Then who is going to decide
the rest of your life, Cory, you?
Copy !req
251. Okay, but don't use the
red ones. I want to eat those.
Copy !req
252. Who makes you laugh?
Copy !req
253. Topanga makes me laugh.
Copy !req
254. But, you know, Lauren
makes me laugh, too.
Copy !req
255. All right, which girl would you
rather have deep conversations with?
Copy !req
256. Well, I mean, I can talk to
Topanga about anything.
Copy !req
257. But I like talking
to Lauren also.
Copy !req
258. All right.
Copy !req
259. Honesty. You can trust
her. Very key. Very key.
Copy !req
260. Well, Topanga's the most
honest person I've ever met.
Copy !req
261. Well, that's a double beaner,
and I'm gonna use red.
Copy !req
262. But Lauren has been honest with
me, Shawn, from the very beginning.
Copy !req
263. Okay.
Copy !req
264. Okay, now I'm gonna ask
you a very important question.
Copy !req
265. Who's got the
better... You know.
Copy !req
266. Who's got the perfume going?
Who do you see yourself...
Copy !req
267. Oh, you mean...
Copy !req
268. Well, there's only one Topanga,
Copy !req
269. and she's got the "Huh-huh-huh"
Copy !req
270. with the "ra-ra" and
the "hockity-hockity."
Copy !req
271. Oh, yeah.
Copy !req
272. But there's nothing like
being inside Lauren's Jacket.
Copy !req
273. What?
Copy !req
274. Just pour the beans.
Copy !req
275. It's a tie.
Copy !req
276. You like Lauren as
much as you like Topanga,
Copy !req
277. and you can't live
without either of them.
Copy !req
278. Maybe this was a bad idea.
Copy !req
279. No. No, this was a good idea.
Copy !req
280. Shawn, yeah, I like Lauren.
Copy !req
281. I like spending time with her.
Copy !req
282. But I can live without her.
Copy !req
283. I can't live without Topanga.
Copy !req
284. It's no contest.
Copy !req
285. All right, Raj, your turn.
Copy !req
286. What do you got, babe?
Copy !req
287. I'm lucky enough to
have picked an ace.
Copy !req
288. Ooh!
Copy !req
289. An ace. Okay,
category is pop culture.
Copy !req
290. Pop culture.
Copy !req
291. Ace Ventura: Pet Detective launched
the career of funny movie man Jim Carrey.
Copy !req
292. Very nice.
Copy !req
293. Do nothing!
Copy !req
294. I said all I wanted
you to do was nothing.
Copy !req
295. Just watch them take the test.
Copy !req
296. Oh, no tests. Tore them up.
Copy !req
297. You what?
Copy !req
298. I understand what
you were doing.
Copy !req
299. You were testing me,
to see if I had initiative.
Copy !req
300. You think I should be a teacher.
Copy !req
301. No, I don't!
Copy !req
302. I just wanted you
to pass out the test.
Copy !req
303. And what has Ace Ventura got to
do with United States citizenship?
Copy !req
304. Eric, for the love of God.
Copy !req
305. Mr. Feeny, if you don't mind, I'm in
the middle of teaching a class, okay?
Copy !req
306. Minh, your turn. Come on.
Copy !req
307. I have a king.
Copy !req
308. Let me guess. King Kong.
Copy !req
309. Don King.
Copy !req
310. Donkey Kong King.
Copy !req
311. Okay, those were all good
answers, weren't they?
Copy !req
312. Except for the Donkey Kong King.
Copy !req
313. Look, Mr. Feeny, you can't play.
Copy !req
314. You're already a citizen, okay?
Copy !req
315. All right, Minh,
you're holding a king.
Copy !req
316. Category is civil rights.
Copy !req
317. "I have a dream that my four
little children will live in a nation
Copy !req
318. "where they will not be
judged by the color of their skin
Copy !req
319. "but by the content of their
character." Dr. Martin Luther King.
Copy !req
320. Well, I must say,
although unorthodox,
Copy !req
321. I'm very impressed with your
teaching methods, Mr. Matthews.
Copy !req
322. Well, thank you, Mr. Feeny.
That means a lot coming from you.
Copy !req
323. You know, Mr. Feeny, all of
us from different backgrounds
Copy !req
324. are like cards in deck.
Copy !req
325. Some cards are red,
some cards are black,
Copy !req
326. some are kings and queens,
and some are sixes and sevens.
Copy !req
327. But without even one of them,
the deck of cards doesn't work,
Copy !req
328. and that's what
Mr. Matthews says is America.
Copy !req
329. Topanga. Hi.
Copy !req
330. I'm glad you're here. Sit, sit.
Copy !req
331. I want to tell you
everything that happened.
Copy !req
332. Okay, I went out with Lauren,
Copy !req
333. and I'm not gonna lie to
you, we had a great time.
Copy !req
334. Well, Lauren's
a nice girl, Cory.
Copy !req
335. I knew you'd have fun.
Copy !req
336. Yeah, but I didn't
know I was allowed to.
Copy !req
337. See, when I first met Lauren,
Copy !req
338. she was the first
girl besides you
Copy !req
339. that I ever
thought I could like.
Copy !req
340. And that made me feel bad
because I thought if I liked another girl,
Copy !req
341. it somehow meant
that I liked you less.
Copy !req
342. I'm sorry you felt
bad. No, no, no.
Copy !req
343. But it was good that
I went through this,
Copy !req
344. because it taught me
that liking someone else
Copy !req
345. could never, ever take
away from loving you.
Copy !req
346. And I don't have to be afraid of
what I feel about anybody else,
Copy !req
347. because I know that it could
never take away from loving you.
Copy !req
348. And I always will.
Copy !req
349. And I know that completely now.
Copy !req
350. You know that now?
Copy !req
351. Yeah.
Copy !req
352. Is there anything else
you have to tell me?
Copy !req
353. Love you completely,
know that now, always will...
Copy !req
354. No, that's it. So, listen, can
you put me in your jacket,
Copy !req
355. because I only want
to be in your jacket.
Copy !req
356. Cory, I can't see you anymore.
Copy !req
357. What?
Copy !req
358. Do you have any idea
how many guys hit on me?
Copy !req
359. What are you talking about?
Copy !req
360. I never needed to
test my feelings for you.
Copy !req
361. I moved away from my parents
in Pittsburgh to be close to you.
Copy !req
362. Ever since we were little kids,
Copy !req
363. I felt like I belonged
with you and...
Copy !req
364. I would've given
you everything, Cory.
Copy !req
365. Topanga...
Copy !req
366. I'm so sorry.
Copy !req
367. I forgive you.
Copy !req
368. I forgive you for
lying at the lodge,
Copy !req
369. I forgive you for kissing her,
Copy !req
370. and I forgive you for
the letter, which I read.
Copy !req
371. I know how intimately
she felt about you.
Copy !req
372. But that you needed to see her
Copy !req
373. to test how you felt about me...
Copy !req
374. I don't forgive
you for that, Cory.
Copy !req
375. No. No! You told me
to see her, Topanga!
Copy !req
376. You told me to see how I felt.
Copy !req
377. And you listened.
Copy !req
378. Topanga, what's up?
Copy !req
379. It's gonna be okay.
Copy !req
380. No. No, it won't.
Copy !req
381. "We the People of
the United States,
Copy !req
382. "in order to form a
more perfect union,
Copy !req
383. "establish justice, ensure
domestic tranquility..."
Copy !req
384. "Secure the blessings of liberty
Copy !req
385. "to ourselves and our posterity,
Copy !req
386. "do ordain and
establish this constitution
Copy !req
387. "for the United
States of America."
Copy !req
388. "We hold these truths
to be self-evident,
Copy !req
389. "that all men are created equal,
Copy !req
390. "and they are
endowed by their creator
Copy !req
391. "with certain
unalienable rights,
Copy !req
392. "that among these
Copy !req
393. "are life, liberty, and
the pursuit of happiness."
Copy !req
394. I never understood why anybody
would want to be a teacher until now.
Copy !req
395. That's because you're seeing
your students succeed and grow
Copy !req
396. right in front of your eyes.
Copy !req
397. Makes you feel so proud to know
Copy !req
398. you made a difference in
somebody's life, doesn't it, Mr. Feeny?
Copy !req
399. Yes, it does, my
boy. Indeed it does.
Copy !req