1. Good morning, morning.
Copy !req
2. Good morning, sun.
Good morning, trees.
Copy !req
3. Good morning, busy buzzy bees.
Copy !req
4. Good morning, Sarah Lynn.
Good to see you, Sarah Lynn.
Copy !req
5. The tulips and chrysanthemums
are really coming in.
Copy !req
6. Good morning, handsome garden ants.
Copy !req
7. I like the way you plant my plants.
Copy !req
8. Your flowers make my feelings dance.
I like your handsome planter pants.
Copy !req
9. Goddamn it!
Why won't you—?
Copy !req
10. It's okay.
Copy !req
11. Sarah Lynn, you are calm,
you are thin.
Copy !req
12. Your skin is so soft, it's like you
murdered a baby and stole its skin.
Copy !req
13. Your skin is "murdered-baby" soft.
Copy !req
14. Okay.
Copy !req
15. Blueberry, goji berry, flax,
Copy !req
16. chia, shark fin, and... white rhino horn.
Copy !req
17. Sober, so good.
Copy !req
18. - Oh.
Copy !req
19. - BoJack?
- Hey, Sarah Lynn.
Copy !req
20. - You wanna party?
- Oh, thank God. Yes!
Copy !req
21. Okay, hand me the açai.
Copy !req
22. - Is that how you pronounce it?
- Who knows?
Copy !req
23. They should really just call them
"overpriced blueberries for douchebags."
Copy !req
24. - Ow.
- How's life?
Copy !req
25. - Well, the truth is that...
- Didn't catch that, but everything's cool?
Copy !req
26. No. In fact, I've never felt so alone—
Copy !req
27. Sorry, missed it!
You should learn to talk louder, dude!
Copy !req
28. Oh, hey, bummer about you
getting the nomination,
Copy !req
29. but then, it turning out
that you didn't get the nomination.
Copy !req
30. It was big news yesterday.
Copy !req
31. Yeah, I got royally screwed,
know who was there for me?
Copy !req
32. No one, because everyone's an asshole
and the whole world sucks balls.
Copy !req
33. - Anyway, thanks for having me over.
- I'm with you, man.
Copy !req
34. Everything sucks! Especially sobriety.
Why would I make my body a temple?
Copy !req
35. I've been to Temple.
Temple is super boring.
Copy !req
36. What do you say
we go on an epic bender?
Copy !req
37. Yes! Let's get higher
than a stilt walker's dick!
Copy !req
38. That's what I'm talking about.
Let's get some booze and drugs.
Copy !req
39. We can clear out my bank account.
I got nothing left I care about.
Copy !req
40. What do you mean "get"?
This whole house is booze and drugs.
Copy !req
41. - Here.
- Yogurt-covered raisins?
Copy !req
42. - Nope. Vicodin-covered Vicodin.
- Oh!
Copy !req
43. - LSD.
- Wow.
Copy !req
44. - Yah! Crystal meth.
- Ha-ha!
Copy !req
45. Ee-yah!
Copy !req
46. Cocaine— No! That's drywall.
Copy !req
47. Ugh! Where the hell
did I hide the cocaine?
Copy !req
48. Oh, yeah, I also told
the liquor store to deliver.
Copy !req
49. To nine months of sobriety.
Copy !req
50. To life and being done with it!
Copy !req
51. Okay, okay. What about this one?
Copy !req
52. Remember when Erika Eleniak
Copy !req
53. guest starred as Goober's cousin
from out of town,
Copy !req
54. and Brad had a boner
for the whole episode?
Copy !req
55. - What? No.
- You can totally see it in every scene.
Copy !req
56. Cold open, boner! Act one, boner!
Copy !req
57. Commercial break— "Hello, we're from
the Wheaties corporation!" Back to boners!
Copy !req
58. Okay, we'll put it on the list.
We gotta watch that one.
Copy !req
59. What about the one where the writers
made Joelle dress up like a pumpkin,
Copy !req
60. and the whole episode was fat jokes,
so then Joelle got an eating disorder?
Copy !req
61. Everything was so much simpler back then.
Copy !req
62. She had to go to a clinic.
She missed, like, five episodes.
Copy !req
63. We didn't know how good we had it.
Copy !req
64. We got to come to work
and have fun every day,
Copy !req
65. and we weren't worried
about our legacy or awards.
Copy !req
66. because buildings are supposed
to be rectangles, goddamn it!
Copy !req
67. Wait, what were we talking about?
Copy !req
68. We were talking about Horsin' Around.
Copy !req
69. Then, you had to go pee.
Copy !req
70. Then, you came back
covered in toilet paper
Copy !req
71. and pretended to be a mummy.
Copy !req
72. Then, you took it all off
because you decided Egypt was stupid,
Copy !req
73. especially pyramids,
Copy !req
74. because you think triangle buildings are,
and I quote, "gauche as shit."
Copy !req
75. That does sound like me,
but I don't remember any of that.
Copy !req
76. I must have blacked out.
Maybe I should lay off the alcohol for—
Copy !req
77. and I said, "You're sitting
on the pizza, Mr. President."
Copy !req
78. - Whoa! I think I just had another one.
- Another what? Pizza?
Copy !req
79. No, blackout. The thing
we were just talking about.
Copy !req
80. - Try to keep up here.
- Oh...
Copy !req
81. Boom! Boner! Pay up!
What did I tell you?
Copy !req
82. That's not a boner. It's a shadow.
Copy !req
83. Well, I think we all learned
a valuable lesson today
Copy !req
84. about the Armenian genocide.
Copy !req
85. The Armenian genocide
was too much, man!
Copy !req
86. All right! Next episode.
Copy !req
87. Why can't life be like it was
on Horsin' Around?
Copy !req
88. All our issues conveniently settled
in 22 hilarious minutes.
Copy !req
89. You know, it's amazing
that it's legal for kids to be actors.
Copy !req
90. How is that not child labor?
I didn't know what I was signing up for.
Copy !req
91. - I was three.
- This is getting me depressed.
Copy !req
92. - Let's do something fun.
- Oh! Okay, you know what really kicks ass?
Copy !req
93. The planetarium!
Copy !req
94. You get crazy high in the parking lot,
Copy !req
95. then you go in and get your mind blown
by all the trippy galaxies and shit.
Copy !req
96. That sounds stupid.
I'm gonna be in charge of the fun.
Copy !req
97. No, no, no! That was drywall.
Copy !req
98. Jesus, we have to start
marking our drugs more clearly.
Copy !req
99. - Let's just take a box of whiskey and go.
- Whoo!
Copy !req
100. It was just so hard.
- Wha—? What the—?
Copy !req
101. I was stuck in a terrifying cycle
of drinking, lifting my head up,
Copy !req
102. drinking, lifting my head up,
drinking, lifting my head up.
Copy !req
103. Coffee, stale donuts, attention hogs
telling boring stories about themselves?
Copy !req
104. - Jesus! Are we at a 12-step meeting?
- Now, you're a detective?
Copy !req
105. Last night, you couldn't even solve
the mystery of where the toilet is.
Copy !req
106. So, all our partying was
an elaborate trick
Copy !req
107. just to get me to go sober?
Copy !req
108. No, Detective Pukes
in the Washing Machine.
Copy !req
109. You're here because I couldn't
leave you alone in my house,
Copy !req
110. and I had to come today.
Copy !req
111. Gotta get my nine-month chip.
Copy !req
112. Chip? We've been wasted for...
31 hours?
Copy !req
113. That's no reason for me
to not get my chip.
Copy !req
114. That's literally exactly the reason
you shouldn't get your chip.
Copy !req
115. Nowhere in the 12 steps
does it say to not drink.
Copy !req
116. That's not actually one of the steps.
Copy !req
117. Take a swig.
Copy !req
118. If you have to listen to losers talk
about their shitty sober lives,
Copy !req
119. it's a lot more fun to be buzzed.
Copy !req
120. And I realized people don't change
because they want to change.
Copy !req
121. They change because they have to change.
Copy !req
122. Oh, God. Boo!
Copy !req
123. Oh, booing is generally
frowned upon here.
Copy !req
124. How else am I supposed to express
how boring these stories are?
Copy !req
125. My name is Simon and I'm an alcoholic.
Copy !req
126. Hi, Simon.
Copy !req
127. My rock bottom was
when I actually woke up under a rock.
Copy !req
128. Can't get lower than that.
Copy !req
129. Come on!
You people call yourself drunks?
Copy !req
130. Most of this is stuff I do
on a daily basis completely sober.
Copy !req
131. Trust me, pal,
we've done some awful things.
Copy !req
132. One time, I didn't want
my friend to move out,
Copy !req
133. so I used character actress Ann Dowd
to help me sabotage his hip-hopera.
Copy !req
134. Oh, please, that's baby stuff.
Copy !req
135. You so-called drunks want
something to feel shitty about?
Copy !req
136. - BoJack, maybe we should go.
- I got somethin' for ya. Whoa.
Copy !req
137. My name is BoJack.
Copy !req
138. Hi, BoJack.
Copy !req
139. Oh, like you didn't know?
Copy !req
140. Anyway, I once went all the way down
to New Mexico to see a woman that I knew,
Copy !req
141. and she had a young daughter, Penny.
Copy !req
142. Penny Carson. That's her real name.
You can look her up. I don't care.
Copy !req
143. And first, I tried to sleep
with the mom, but she said no.
Copy !req
144. - Then, I tried to sleep with the daughter.
Copy !req
145. Then, the mom walked in on me
trying to sleep with the daughter,
Copy !req
146. and I was like,
"Oopsie-doopsie! Exit stage right!"
Copy !req
147. Oh, God.
Copy !req
148. The worst part is, I don't even know
what happened after I left.
Copy !req
149. Did I ruin the family?
Did I scar that little girl for life?
Copy !req
150. I don't know. I'll never know.
Copy !req
151. And that's just, like,
one of a billion things
Copy !req
152. that I have going through my head
all the time.
Copy !req
153. So, anyone got a better story than that?
Copy !req
154. Wow.
Copy !req
155. Didn't think so, bitches.
Copy !req
156. Where's my trophy, or chip,
or whatever?
Copy !req
157. - Whoa!
Copy !req
158. That was impressive, BoJack.
Copy !req
159. I've never seen them cancel an AA meeting
because everyone got bummed out before.
Copy !req
160. Uh, what are you talking about?
Copy !req
161. You told everyone about that Penny chick.
Copy !req
162. Then, you went on and on
about how you're never going to change.
Copy !req
163. Then, you chased the slug around,
threatening to pour salt on his head.
Copy !req
164. - I talked about Penny?
- Hey! We've all done shitty stuff before.
Copy !req
165. Most of us aren't as proud of it
as you seem to be.
Copy !req
166. I'm not proud. I feel really terrible that
I might have really messed that girl up.
Copy !req
167. Oh, she's fine.
I looked her up on Facebook.
Copy !req
168. She's going to Oberlin,
Copy !req
169. likes Thai food and the smell of a fire
on the first really cold day of winter.
Copy !req
170. That doesn't mean anything.
Everyone likes the smell of fire
Copy !req
171. on the first cold day of winter.
Copy !req
172. You know, I used to feel just like you
before I got into this "12 steps" thing.
Copy !req
173. They taught me how to make amends.
Copy !req
174. You just say you're sorry
for the things you did
Copy !req
175. and you get a clean slate.
Copy !req
176. - So, what? Just dirty up the slate again.
- Then, you just make amends again.
Copy !req
177. It's a never-ending cycle,
Copy !req
178. where you always end up
feeling good about yourself.
Copy !req
179. No!
- You know what?
Copy !req
180. This may be the nitrous
and bath salts talking,
Copy !req
181. but I want to do some more
nitrous and bath salts.
Copy !req
182. And then, let's make
some goddamn amends.
Copy !req
183. Maybe you should start with the family
whose playhouse you just smashed.
Copy !req
184. Oh, no!
- Oh. Hey, kid!
Copy !req
185. I'm sorry your lame dad built
such a cheap-ass playhouse!
Copy !req
186. Yeah, you gotta use parallel joints
to support that foundation, dumbshit!
Copy !req
187. - Also, suck a dick!
- You know what? I do feel better.
Copy !req
188. - I don't think they're home.
- So, we wait.
Copy !req
189. I need to make amends to Diane,
and we're not leaving until I do.
Copy !req
190. But it's boring out here,
and I'm hungry and I'm bored!
Copy !req
191. I bet they have food inside.
Copy !req
192. Let's see if I still have
that spare key. Here it is.
Copy !req
193. - Yes!
Copy !req
194. Okay, after we get food,
Copy !req
195. remind me that this is another thing
I need to make amends for.
Copy !req
196. Where are those two?
Copy !req
197. They did not keep their fridge
stocked enough
Copy !req
198. for two stoned people
waiting around for hours.
Copy !req
199. It's only been, like, ten minutes.
You have a real thing with food.
Copy !req
200. That's what happens when you mix
the appetite of a horse
Copy !req
201. with the appetite of someone
with a hole inside him
Copy !req
202. that needs to be constantly filled
with attention, food, and sex.
Copy !req
203. - Pass the Bugles.
- There's no more Bugles.
Copy !req
204. There's no more of anything.
Let's just go.
Copy !req
205. - I can't leave until I make amends.
I got a idea!
Copy !req
206. My name is BoJack's friend What's-Her-Face
and I wear glasses.
Copy !req
207. Do you have something
to say to me, BoJack?
Copy !req
208. - Am I BoJack or Mr. Peanutbutter?
- You can be anyone you want.
Copy !req
209. This is your dream... dream... dream...
Copy !req
210. Stop doing that. We're both awake.
Let's just get to this.
Copy !req
211. Diane, I'm sorry
I said mean things to you.
Copy !req
212. That's cool. I forgive you.
Wait, would my character say that?
Copy !req
213. What's Diane's deal again?
She's, like, an Asian Daria?
Copy !req
214. - She's a little more complex.
- But she's basically Asian Daria, right?
Copy !req
215. With the glasses and the jacket
and her whole "blah" thing.
Copy !req
216. Okay, shut up.
Now, I'll be Mr. Peanutbutter
Copy !req
217. and you make amends to me.
Copy !req
218. Who's Mr. Peanutbutter?
Copy !req
219. And, now, you be Mr. Carolyn
and I'll be Princess Diana.
Copy !req
220. - Oh, yeah. Good idea.
Copy !req
221. Um... should we do something about this?
Copy !req
222. Hey, why don't you two
sleep this off in our guest room?
Copy !req
223. Oh, my God, that mirror is talking to us!
Copy !req
224. You can't stop us, us from the future!
Copy !req
225. - We're making amends, assholes!
Copy !req
226. Ow! Come on!
Copy !req
227. - That felt so good!
- See?
Copy !req
228. When you make amends,
don't you just feel lighter?
Copy !req
229. Well, I also ate
a shit ton of Bugles, so no.
Copy !req
230. But I do feel like we got to the bottom
of who really killed Princess Di.
Copy !req
231. - It was all of us.
- Next stop, Todd!
Copy !req
232. Todd, I'm sorry. I want to take
full responsibility for what happened,
Copy !req
233. even though it is not my fault
and I did nothing wrong.
Copy !req
234. Emily is an adult woman
who can make her own choices.
Copy !req
235. And besides,
are you even really into girls?
Copy !req
236. - I mean, what is your deal?
- Uh...
Copy !req
237. - Hey, what are you doing with our son?
- Uh...
Copy !req
238. Wait, you're BoJack Horseman.
Copy !req
239. I am, and this is
my best buddy Todd.
Copy !req
240. That movie star has really
taken a shine to our boy.
Copy !req
241. You think this is our big break?
Copy !req
242. You don't think he's inappropriately
interested, do you?
Copy !req
243. What? No. But if he is,
that could also be a big break.
Copy !req
244. I'm just saying.
Copy !req
245. - Hey, wait!
- Hold on. Where are you going?
Copy !req
246. - Come back.
- You want to take Todd for a sleepover?
Copy !req
247. - Sleepover?
- No offense, Todd,
Copy !req
248. but your parents are creeping me out.
Copy !req
249. To the next amends!
Copy !req
250. - What do you want, BoJack?
- I don't know.
Copy !req
251. I'm very drunk and a little nauseous,
Copy !req
252. but if I'm here in your house,
it must be to make amends.
Copy !req
253. - Amends... for what?
- I don't know.
Copy !req
254. Whatever it is that you think I did
to make you disappear.
Copy !req
255. - BoJack—
- How could you leave me like that
Copy !req
256. when I needed you most?
Copy !req
257. I'm sorry, BoJack. I thought
you were a winner. I was wrong.
Copy !req
258. This is hard for me, too.
I staked my reputation—
Copy !req
259. No, this is not about the Oscar campaign.
Copy !req
260. How could you think
that this is about the Oscar campaign?
Copy !req
261. We had something more, didn't we?
Copy !req
262. - You've been drinking.
- Well, not just drinking.
Copy !req
263. Yes, Ana, I'm a mess.
Copy !req
264. Whoa! I am a broken,
screwed-up misfit toy,
Copy !req
265. and you act all in control,
Copy !req
266. but I know that, deep down,
you're broken, too.
Copy !req
267. And I don't know why you won't just
give us a chance to be broken together.
Copy !req
268. What about that doesn't appeal to you?
Copy !req
269. BoJack, when I was in college,
I had a job as a lifeguard...
Copy !req
270. Wait, did we just go to Ana's house?
Did I get closure?
Copy !req
271. If by "closure" you mean
I lit her ottoman on fire, then yes.
Copy !req
272. We gotta go back.
Copy !req
273. - What the hell?
- I know I was just here,
Copy !req
274. but I feel like you told me
some important story
Copy !req
275. that explained everything about us.
Copy !req
276. Unfortunately, I totally spaced it.
Copy !req
277. Gotta be honest.
I've had a couple beers.
Copy !req
278. Ugh! All right, I'll tell you again,
if it'll make you leave.
Copy !req
279. When I was a lifeguard, I...
Copy !req
280. - Oh, crud.
- You want to go back to Ana's, don't you?
Copy !req
281. I feel like I'll definitely
get it this time.
Copy !req
282. Lifeguard...
Copy !req
283. - One more time?
- No. This time I wrote it down.
Copy !req
284. "I'm a lifeguard. This woman's house
smells weird, or is that me?
Copy !req
285. Pay attention, Sarah Lynn.
Copy !req
286. Don't do that thing
where you write down your thoughts
Copy !req
287. instead of what the person
is actually saying.
Copy !req
288. I wonder if it's time to get
my boobs done again."
Copy !req
289. - Mm-hmm.
That's very helpful.
Copy !req
290. Thank you. Who's next?
Copy !req
291. I'm sorry!
Copy !req
292. I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry!
Copy !req
293. I'm sorry!
Copy !req
294. Okay, so I know
I keep bothering you tonight.
Copy !req
295. Tonight? I haven't seen you
in two weeks.
Copy !req
296. Oh, really?
Copy !req
297. I just need to know what you were
trying to tell me about being a lifeguard,
Copy !req
298. and then, I'll leave
and you'll never see me again.
Copy !req
299. Mmm...
Copy !req
300. After I almost drowned, I decided
I would never again be weaker than water.
Copy !req
301. So, I became a lifeguard.
Copy !req
302. On my first day of training,
my instructor told me
Copy !req
303. that there are going to be times
when you'll see someone in trouble.
Copy !req
304. You're going to want to rush in there
and do whatever you can to save them,
Copy !req
305. but you have to stop yourself,
Copy !req
306. because there are some people
you can't save.
Copy !req
307. 'Cause those people
will thrash and struggle
Copy !req
308. and try to take you down with them.
Copy !req
309. What does that have to do with me?
Copy !req
310. What the—?
Where the hell are we now?
Copy !req
311. - Ohi—
- Ojai?
Copy !req
312. - We drove all the way to Ojai?
- Let me finish.
Copy !req
313. Ohi, and here's the kicker... O.
Copy !req
314. - Ohio.
- We drove all the way to Ohio?
Copy !req
315. I wanted to go to the planetarium,
but you demanded we come here.
Copy !req
316. You said you had to make
one more amend, to that Penny girl.
Copy !req
317. What? No! That is a terrible idea.
Copy !req
318. - Let's turn this car around right now.
Copy !req
319. Uh...
Copy !req
320. - I feel we didn't turn the car around.
- No, we did,
Copy !req
321. but then, you turned it back around
Copy !req
322. because you really wanted
to find that deer girl,
Copy !req
323. so we decided to do a stakeout.
Copy !req
324. There was a whole makeover sequence,
where we went to the mall
Copy !req
325. and tried on different trench coats
for each other.
Copy !req
326. Do you not remember any of that?
Copy !req
327. This is insane.
I already scarred her for life.
Copy !req
328. If I see her again, I'll just end up
getting my horribleness all over her.
Copy !req
329. You think it's too late for me
to go to college?
Copy !req
330. I always wanted to be an architect.
Copy !req
331. But one of those architects,
Copy !req
332. where, at night,
she's a high-end call girl,
Copy !req
333. and, by day,
she's an international superspy.
Copy !req
334. - So, when is she an architect?
- I don't know. Frontier times?
Copy !req
335. No, I didn't mean what era.
Copy !req
336. If she's a call girl at night
and a spy during the day—
Copy !req
337. - Hey, look, Penny.
- Oh, God, what's she doing?
Copy !req
338. - Does she look emotionally damaged?
- She's just going to the computer.
Copy !req
339. She's probably in a sex chat room
with some middle-aged horse
Copy !req
340. because that's the only way
she can still feel love.
Copy !req
341. - Yeah, probably.
- Or she's so upset about what you did
Copy !req
342. that she's using the Internet
to find ways to commit suicide.
Copy !req
343. That makes even more sense.
Copy !req
344. All right, we've established
that you ruined her.
Copy !req
345. - Can we go back to L.A. now?
- Yes.
Copy !req
346. So... obviously, I wanted to keep
following Penny because I'm an idiot.
Copy !req
347. Let's just nip this in the bud.
Copy !req
348. I'm gonna write "Do not follow Penny"
on my hands
Copy !req
349. in the unlikely scenario
of my blacking out again.
Copy !req
350. I'll just write "Follow Penny"
on this hand,
Copy !req
351. and then, on this hand, I'll write...
Copy !req
352. - Goddamn it!
- What?
Copy !req
353. We're just doing what the hand said.
Copy !req
354. - Uh, what?
- The hand demanded donuts.
Copy !req
355. There she is.
- She's drinking beer.
Copy !req
356. Oh, God, this is just like
the episode of Horsin' Around
Copy !req
357. when Olivia went to the frat party,
Copy !req
358. but Penny doesn't have a kind angel
played by Jose Canseco
Copy !req
359. to help her get out of this jam!
Copy !req
360. Ugh. Okay, now, I'm bored again.
Quit hoggin' the 'nocs.
Copy !req
361. She's just drinking Red Bull.
Wait. Now, she's leaving.
Copy !req
362. - Hey, look, it's the Obertones!
Copy !req
363. Love your sound, dudes!
Copy !req
364. She seems... fine.
Copy !req
365. Too fine, like she's hiding a dark secret
that's eating away at her soul.
Copy !req
366. Or, possibly... she's fine.
Copy !req
367. Maybe I didn't ruin her life.
Copy !req
368. Hey, you were a father figure,
who was sexually inappropriate to me,
Copy !req
369. and I turned out perfect.
Copy !req
370. - Now, can we please go home?
- Okay, good plan.
Copy !req
371. I'll just go pee out the last 20 beers.
Whoa. Look at me, walking good.
Copy !req
372. Whoa, whoa, whoa.
Copy !req
373. No, no, no! Shush, shush.
Copy !req
374. - BoJack?
- Oh!
Copy !req
375. - What are you doing here?
- Hey, Penny!
Copy !req
376. - Did you come here to find me?
- No, I—
Copy !req
377. You can't be here.
I-I don't want to see you here.
Copy !req
378. I don't want to see you at all.
I was 17. I didn't know any better.
Copy !req
379. - I tried—
- You need to leave.
Copy !req
380. It's BoJack Horseman and Sarah Lynn!
Copy !req
381. - Oh, my God! Oh, my God!
- BoJack, we need to get out of here now.
Copy !req
382. Can I get a selfie and another selfie
if the first selfie doesn't look good?
Copy !req
383. - BoJack, over here!
Copy !req
384. Penny, no.
Copy !req
385. Penny?
Copy !req
386. You know, on the plus side,
she really seemed okay.
Copy !req
387. Mm-hmm.
Copy !req
388. - Until she saw you and freaked out.
Copy !req
389. But she probably would have been
totally fine if you'd never shown up.
Copy !req
390. - Oh, God.
- I think the wound was completely healed
Copy !req
391. before you reopened it by showing up
unannounced at her college
Copy !req
392. and all the pain came
rushing back to her.
Copy !req
393. Oh, good Lord!
Copy !req
394. In a way, it's like
you destroyed her life twice.
Copy !req
395. - Will you please stop talking about it?
- Okay, fine.
Copy !req
396. Whoop.
Copy !req
397. Man, Ohio sucks!
Copy !req
398. Next time, could you almost molest
someone who lives in Hawaii?
Copy !req
399. You could be bummed out
at a luau right now.
Copy !req
400. Let's just go home.
Copy !req
401. - You got a bottle opener?
- Glove compartment.
Copy !req
402. Well, I'll be a dick sucked by a dumbshit!
What do we have here?
Copy !req
403. Oh, that? Turns out there's
a brand of heroin called BoJack.
Copy !req
404. Dude, that's a big freaking deal.
Copy !req
405. Getting a drug named after you
is cooler than getting an Oscar.
Copy !req
406. I mean, there's Billy Crystal Meth,
Angel Dustin Hoffman,
Copy !req
407. Lucille Eightball and now you.
Copy !req
408. It's a rarefied breed, man.
Copy !req
409. - Thank you?
- Oh, we have to do BoJack!
Copy !req
410. - It's too perfect.
- I don't know.
Copy !req
411. There's that old saying.
"Liquor before beer, never fear.
Copy !req
412. Don't do heroin."
Copy !req
413. "I'm BoJack.
Please, put me inside you."
Copy !req
414. I'm not gonna shoot heroin
with you, Sarah Lynn.
Copy !req
415. We can snort heroin
like sophisticated adults.
Copy !req
416. Way ahead of you.
Copy !req
417. Okay, thank you.
Happy Thanksgiving 2007.
Copy !req
418. Why did you just say what year it is?
Copy !req
419. I guess I just get nervous
talking to network executives.
Copy !req
420. This last episode got
the worst ratings yet.
Copy !req
421. I was afraid your character trying heroin
would be a bridge too far.
Copy !req
422. - Oh.
- And the disjointed blackout structure,
Copy !req
423. with the one flashback in the middle,
really confused our audience.
Copy !req
424. Yeah.
Copy !req
425. They hated all
the fourth-wall-breaking meta jokes.
Copy !req
426. Of course. Audiences hate meta jokes.
When will comedy writers learn?
Copy !req
427. BoJack, I know there is an audience
out there for our show.
Copy !req
428. We just need to find a way
to get more people to check us out.
Copy !req
429. I know what you're thinking—
Full frontal.
Copy !req
430. I was thinking guest star.
Copy !req
431. We need a celebrity who
is incredibly popular right now, like—
Copy !req
432. - Oh, what about Sarah Lynn?
- Ooh, that's genius!
Copy !req
433. Sarah Lynn? I don't know.
I haven't spoken to her in years.
Copy !req
434. Besides, she's not gonna
want to do this.
Copy !req
435. She's the world's biggest pop star.
Copy !req
436. She's the only hope we have
to keep this show alive.
Copy !req
437. Would you ask her?
I'm sure she'd do it for you.
Copy !req
438. You're like a father to her.
Copy !req
439. - So, what is it?
- What is what?
Copy !req
440. You were mumbling about
how you had to ask me something.
Copy !req
441. Oh! Um, never mind. Hey, how long
have we known each other?
Copy !req
442. - Feels like our entire lives.
- Well, my entire life, pretty much.
Copy !req
443. We were on a TV show.
Isn't that insane?
Copy !req
444. Yeah, it's pretty wild.
Copy !req
445. You know, sometimes it feels like you're
the only one who really understands me,
Copy !req
446. because how could anyone else?
Copy !req
447. Nobody knows what we went through,
nobody who wasn't on that show.
Copy !req
448. But we knew each other
before we were anybody,
Copy !req
449. and that's how we can be friends,
because we're not like those other people.
Copy !req
450. The people who glom onto you
because of who they think you are,
Copy !req
451. and they think they can sleep
on your couch and eat your food.
Copy !req
452. They think you're gonna
save their agency.
Copy !req
453. I never asked for that kind of pressure,
Copy !req
454. but you and me, we don't want
anything from each other.
Copy !req
455. You know, I... I could never
figure out what love meant,
Copy !req
456. but, right now, I don't need
to figure out anything.
Copy !req
457. I just feel it.
I love you, Sarah Lynn.
Copy !req
458. - Sarah Lynn?
Copy !req
459. - Sarah Lynn?
- What?
Copy !req
460. - Oh, my God! Thank God you're okay!
- I'm not okay. I'm bored.
Copy !req
461. This hotel room is boring!
Copy !req
462. What's on TV?
Copy !req
463. The Oscars are on.
- Really?
Copy !req
464. - How long have we been on this bender?
- I love the Oscars.
Copy !req
465. The red carpet, the fashion,
Copy !req
466. all the magic of Hollywoo
wrapped up in one exciting night.
Copy !req
467. And the winner
for Best Original Song is...
Copy !req
468. "The Silly Banana Song
Copy !req
469. from The Nazi Who Played Yahtzee
by Sarah Lynn.
Copy !req
470. Get your ass up here, girl.
Copy !req
471. I won! Oh, my God!
I forgot I was even nominated.
Copy !req
472. I accept this on her behalf.
Copy !req
473. And if you're watching this,
Sarah Lynn,
Copy !req
474. wherever you are,
please come home.
Copy !req
475. Oh, man, I should have been there.
Copy !req
476. When I was a kid,
if you'd told me I'd win an Oscar,
Copy !req
477. I'd never have believed it.
Copy !req
478. And, now, I've done it and...
Copy !req
479. BoJack... I don't...
Copy !req
480. like anything about me.
Copy !req
481. - Hey.
- None of this is me.
Copy !req
482. These boobs aren't me.
Copy !req
483. - This house isn't me.
- We're not at your house right now.
Copy !req
484. The only reason I wear this shirt
Copy !req
485. is because some company
paid me $8,000 to wear it.
Copy !req
486. And I don't even need the money.
Copy !req
487. I just liked that someone
still wanted me to wear their shirt.
Copy !req
488. Hey, hey, hey, it's okay.
Everything's gonna be okay.
Copy !req
489. What am I supposed to do?
I don't know what to do.
Copy !req
490. Am I doomed? Are you doomed?
Are we all doomed?
Copy !req
491. No, no! Calm down. Nobody is doomed.
Copy !req
492. And I'll tell you what we're gonna do.
We're gonna go to the planetarium.
Copy !req
493. Really?
Copy !req
494. Our solar system formed
about four and a half billion years ago...
Copy !req
495. - Isn't this place amazing?
- Totally.
Copy !req
496. I always forget that there are
more than just the six stars
Copy !req
497. you can see in the Los Angeles sky.
Copy !req
498. Yeah, that's cool, too,
but I meant this building.
Copy !req
499. It's a giant dome.
Domes are so cool.
Copy !req
500. I prefer rectangular buildings,
as I firmly established.
Copy !req
501. I wanna be an architect.
Copy !req
502. be it horse, cat, human,
or even lizard,
Copy !req
503. our lives are but the briefest flashes
Copy !req
504. in a universe
that is billions of years old.
Copy !req
505. See, Sarah Lynn, we're not doomed.
Copy !req
506. In the great grand scheme of things,
we're just tiny specks
Copy !req
507. that will one day be forgotten.
Copy !req
508. So, it doesn't matter what we did
in the past, or how we'll be remembered.
Copy !req
509. The only thing that matters
is right now, this moment,
Copy !req
510. this one spectacular moment
we are sharing together.
Copy !req
511. Right, Sarah Lynn?
Copy !req
512. Sarah Lynn?
Copy !req
513. Sarah Lynn?
Copy !req