1. So hot!
Copy !req
2. Summer's in full swing, huh?
Copy !req
3. Very much so!
Copy !req
4. I think we're almost at Gotoh-san's house.
Copy !req
5. Great!
Copy !req
6. Thanks for showing me around, by the way.
Copy !req
7. Not at all! I'm really
looking forward to this!
Copy !req
8. Yeah! It'll be such a new experience!
Copy !req
9. I mean, we mainly only get
together at Starry, right?
Copy !req
10. Yes!
Copy !req
11. I wonder what Gotoh-san's house is like!
Copy !req
12. She said something about a cramped
cardboard box reminding her of home...
Copy !req
13. A house like a cardboard box?
Copy !req
14. Bocchi-chan says the funniest things, huh?
Copy !req
15. I can't wait!
Copy !req
16. Neither can I!
Copy !req
17. I brought some sweets and a movie I like.
Copy !req
18. Hey! You didn't forget why
we're doing this, did you?
Copy !req
19. No, I remember!
Copy !req
20. We're designing T-shirts
for our concert, right?
Copy !req
21. Yeah!
Copy !req
22. I wish Ryo-senpai could've come too...
Copy !req
23. I did invite her, but...
Copy !req
24. She says her grandma
took a turn for the worse.
Copy !req
25. Is she all right?
Copy !req
26. Oh, she's fine.
Copy !req
27. This is like the tenth critical time
for her grandma this year.
Copy !req
28. I love the way the guitar comes in here.
Copy !req
29. You mean...
Copy !req
30. I mean, at least her grandma really exists.
Copy !req
31. That's a heckuva low bar.
Copy !req
32. Let's hang out!
Copy !req
33. Once, when some classmates invited
her to hang out with them...
Copy !req
34. Sorry, my dog Pe'z has to have surgery.
Copy !req
35. What?
Copy !req
36. So she said, but she's never even had a dog.
Copy !req
37. She hasn't?
Copy !req
38. She hasn't!
Copy !req
39. Then there's "I just got a call from
my twin sister separated at birth,"
Copy !req
40. and "my dad was in a car crash,
and now he has amnesia."
Copy !req
41. Just all the silliest excuses...
Copy !req
42. I'm impressed by how easily she comes up
with such a wide range of lies.
Copy !req
43. Senpai's amazing!
Copy !req
44. I love me a bad girl!
Copy !req
45. That's a serious Ryo obsession right there.
Copy !req
46. We're here! This is it!
Copy !req
47. This... is it, isn't it?
Copy !req
48. It... does say "Kessoku Band," right?
Copy !req
49. Did she mention her house was a ryokan?
Copy !req
50. I'm not sure. It just looks like
a normal house to me.
Copy !req
51. Yeah.
Copy !req
52. Anyway...
Copy !req
53. We're here, Bocchi-chan!
Copy !req
54. Hello!
Copy !req
55. C-Coming!
Copy !req
56. Y-Yaaaay!
Copy !req
57. W-W-Welcome!
Copy !req
58. I liked dark, cramped spaces,
Copy !req
59. so I'd bury my face deep in my hood
Copy !req
60. My eyes resented the heartless world,
Copy !req
61. but yearned for love
Copy !req
62. I liked being soaked by the rain,
Copy !req
63. because my face looked better clouded over
Copy !req
64. I pretended to be afraid of the storm
Copy !req
65. while waiting for the sky to burst
Copy !req
66. Strum through the light's distortion
Copy !req
67. I want to make thunder roar
Copy !req
68. Drum beyond the pain
Copy !req
69. What can I do? This fierce
pounding is out of control
Copy !req
70. Strum in a harmonizing quartet
Copy !req
71. I want to cause a revolution
Copy !req
72. Drum in a lamenting forte
Copy !req
73. What can I do? My savage
nature is beyond wild
Copy !req
74. Are you having fun, Bocchi-chan?
Copy !req
75. Y-Yeah...
Copy !req
76. I b-b-bombed...
Copy !req
77. Isn't that nice?
Copy !req
78. Gotoh-san's made it clear how much
she's been looking forward to this too!
Copy !req
79. Kita-san knows the kindest words
to soothe my bombed soul.
Copy !req
80. C-Come in.
Copy !req
81. Okay!
Copy !req
82. Coming in!
Copy !req
83. Gotoh-san, these are for you.
Copy !req
84. Please enjoy them with your family.
Copy !req
85. Wh-What?
Copy !req
86. Th-Thank you...
Copy !req
87. Ah, t-trendiness emanates from the bag!
Copy !req
88. I brought a movie, too!
Copy !req
89. I told you, we have to figure out
our T-shirt design for the concert!
Copy !req
90. Rather than just wearing whatever,
Copy !req
91. wouldn't having matching outfits
Copy !req
92. create a sense of one-ness?
Copy !req
93. A sense of band-ness?
Copy !req
94. Am I wrong here?
Copy !req
95. Besides...
Copy !req
96. There's nothing tying you guys together.
Copy !req
97. I know that's what she'll say!
Copy !req
98. You get it? We're not here to play around!
Copy !req
99. Th-This way...
Copy !req
100. I-I'm sorry. I'll put it all away.
Copy !req
101. W-Well, we could play around a little!
Copy !req
102. Yes, I'd love that!
Copy !req
103. W-Well then, I'll fetch the drinks.
Copy !req
104. Please make yourselves at home.
Copy !req
105. Thanks!
Copy !req
106. But wow, she really went
all-out with the decorations!
Copy !req
107. There's nothing here besides the guitar
and effects unit, though.
Copy !req
108. Yeah...
Copy !req
109. I just assumed her room would have
a bit more of a rock feel to—
Copy !req
110. Is this... rock?
Copy !req
111. Yeah, it's pretty rock!
Copy !req
112. I w-wonder if there's
anything else rock about I—
Copy !req
113. Ow!
Copy !req
114. Huh? Why does she have so
many copies of our ProPho?
Copy !req
115. I don't know what's going on,
but it seems pretty darn rock!
Copy !req
116. She's got blown-up ones too!
Copy !req
117. She had this picture stuck up
all over her room.
Copy !req
118. She said she really liked it!
Copy !req
119. But Mom told her to take them down
because they were hurting her eyes.
Copy !req
120. And we put those seals up
when Sis was possessed before!
Copy !req
121. That should just about cover it!
Copy !req
122. Wait, are you Gotoh-san's sister?
Copy !req
123. Yes! A pleasure to meet you.
Copy !req
124. I'm Futari Gotoh.
Copy !req
125. The dog's Jimihen.
Copy !req
126. I hope barley tea's okay.
Copy !req
127. Or would they prefer a trendier drink?
Copy !req
128. So cute!
Copy !req
129. Sorry to keep you guys wa—
Copy !req
130. Hey, will you play the
Munions song on guitar?
Copy !req
131. I'll practice so I can do it
the next time I come by.
Copy !req
132. You gotta! When's the next time you come by?
Copy !req
133. I-Is this...
Copy !req
134. Jimihen's a friendly little guy!
Copy !req
135. Th-They're getting along so well,
there's no room left for me...
Copy !req
136. Huh? Bocchi-chan?
Copy !req
137. Gotoh-san?
Copy !req
138. A five-year-old and a dog
have better social skills than me.
Copy !req
139. Sis is frozen up again.
Copy !req
140. F-Futari. Wh-What are you doing here?
Copy !req
141. Wh-Where are Mom and Dad?
Copy !req
142. Shopping.
Copy !req
143. I-I-I've got grown-up things to talk about,
so please go play with Jimihen.
Copy !req
144. Aw, no fun!
Copy !req
145. I don't mind having Futari-chan here.
Copy !req
146. Yeah, same!
Copy !req
147. Y-Y-Y-You can't!
Copy !req
148. I c-c-can't whoop it up if my sister's here!
Copy !req
149. Bocchi-chan, you've been
whooping it up with us all this time?
Copy !req
150. I beg of you!
Copy !req
151. Please go play with Jimihen!
Copy !req
152. You can have an ice pop from the freezer.
Copy !req
153. Well, it is what it is!
Copy !req
154. You've got such a sisterly bond!
Copy !req
155. How did you get that
from what just happened?
Copy !req
156. Now, let's design those T-shirts!
Copy !req
157. Feel free to use these!
Copy !req
158. Okay!
Copy !req
159. Okay...
Copy !req
160. We could just slap
our logo on there,
Copy !req
161. but I'd love to sell the shirts as merch, too!
Copy !req
162. N-Nijika-chan is so hungry for merch!
Copy !req
163. So if you have any other great ideas,
I might use those as well!
Copy !req
164. Okay! Let's do our best, Gotoh-san!
Copy !req
165. R-Right!
Copy !req
166. I have to impress the others for once!
Copy !req
167. C'mon, take that stuff off
before you try to look serious!
Copy !req
168. What? They really came?
Copy !req
169. Really? For real?
Copy !req
170. Yeah!
Copy !req
171. These friends aren't just the imaginary kind?
Copy !req
172. Yeah, yeah!
Copy !req
173. All done!
Copy !req
174. Let me see!
Copy !req
175. The concept is friendship,
effort, and victory!
Copy !req
176. It's not a dang sports festival!
Copy !req
177. Aw, but I think it's cute!
Copy !req
178. Hang on. What are we winning at?
Copy !req
179. I'm not sure how "victory"
applies to a concert...
Copy !req
180. Um... vibes!
Copy !req
181. Vibes?
Copy !req
182. I just think wearing these would
really get us feeling like a unit!
Copy !req
183. Right, Gotoh-sa—
Copy !req
184. C-Class unity...
Copy !req
185. Bocchi-chan!
Copy !req
186. Is the idea of a sports festival
that traumatic for you?
Copy !req
187. The sports festival:
Copy !req
188. the number one-source of
school trauma for introverts.
Copy !req
189. Parentheses, based on Japanese Introvert
Society poll, close parentheses.
Copy !req
190. A heinous ritual in which those
with no athletic ability are shunned,
Copy !req
191. and even their right to exist
is stripped away.
Copy !req
192. Not only during school hours,
but afterward too,
Copy !req
193. they are forced to perform slave labor,
creating banners and practicing cheers!
Copy !req
194. One for all! All for one!
Copy !req
195. One for all! All for one!
Copy !req
196. An entire month's torturous existence
living for naught but the sports festival!
Copy !req
197. One for all! All for one!
Copy !req
198. Looks like Gotoh-san melted.
Copy !req
199. It sure is hot today!
Copy !req
200. No cooperation, no life!
Copy !req
201. But the true terror lurking
behind every sports festival...
Copy !req
202. Wow, this week's Bocchi Time lasted
through the whole commercial break!
Copy !req
203. Did I do something wrong?
Copy !req
204. You've really put your foot
in it now, Kita-chan!
Copy !req
205. What? Come back, Gotoh-san!
Copy !req
206. No cooperation, no life!
Copy !req
207. A place in which introverts
are constantly underfoot,
Copy !req
208. but if they just sit quietly in a corner,
Copy !req
209. they're persecuted for
not being team players!
Copy !req
210. Death to those who bring down
the sports festival mood!
Copy !req
211. No cooperation, no life!
Copy !req
212. No cooperation, no life!
Copy !req
213. See? They really exist!
Copy !req
214. Hello!
Copy !req
215. Thanks for having us!
Copy !req
216. Isn't it wonderful?
Copy !req
217. I never imagined Hitori
would have real friends over!
Copy !req
218. Eat your fill, all right?
Copy !req
219. Sure!
Copy !req
220. Thanks so much!
Copy !req
221. You let Hitori join your band, right?
Copy !req
222. Yes.
Copy !req
223. We didn't exactly "let" her join.
Copy !req
224. I asked her to join, and she
was willing to humor me.
Copy !req
225. Really?
Copy !req
226. See? Music really brings people together!
Copy !req
227. Right, Jimihen?
Copy !req
228. She doesn't cause too much trouble with her
retreats into her own little world, does she?
Copy !req
229. Aw, that's no trouble at all!
Copy !req
230. Yeah! It's fun!
Copy !req
231. Nice to hear.
Copy !req
232. Here, it's done.
Copy !req
233. The fact that I'm still
upset about school festivals
Copy !req
234. makes me realize I'm a downer even more,
which made everything worse...
Copy !req
235. Karaage's done!
Copy !req
236. Wow, that looks good!
Copy !req
237. That one is soy sauce with garlic,
and this one is shio koji.
Copy !req
238. And there's lemon and
shichimi spice to taste.
Copy !req
239. Thanks!
Copy !req
240. Kita-chan, eat!
Copy !req
241. Okay!
Copy !req
242. When she said she had friends coming,
Copy !req
243. I assumed they were imaginary
or hallucinations,
Copy !req
244. but then, she did have that picture...
Copy !req
245. Hallucinations?
Copy !req
246. But of course, image editing software
is pretty sophisticated these days...
Copy !req
247. Software?
Copy !req
248. If I might ask, you're not from
some kind of friend rental servi—
Copy !req
249. We're her bona fide bandmates!
Copy !req
250. Oh, okay.
Copy !req
251. I can't say it doesn't sound
like something I'd do...
Copy !req
252. It's just that Hitori's never
brought a friend home before.
Copy !req
253. but hearing Mom and Dad's
ideas about me is so...
Copy !req
254. So Bocchi's like this even at home.
Copy !req
255. She's been so restless for days now.
Copy !req
256. She said something about practicing
decorating her room,
Copy !req
257. put it all up, took it all down,
and put it back up, over and over again.
Copy !req
258. And she played a simulated game of Twister,
just in case you played.
Copy !req
259. M-Mom! Dad!
Copy !req
260. You don't have to tell them all that stuff!
Copy !req
261. I'm glad we went shopping just in case!
Copy !req
262. Okay, this is a day worth remembering!
Copy !req
263. A friend-a-versary!
Copy !req
264. Friend-a-versity!
Copy !req
265. C-Cut it out already!
Copy !req
266. That's right.
The job she said she'd gotten...
Copy !req
267. Yeah, it's at my sister's club.
Copy !req
268. Bocchi-chan mainly serves
drinks to customers.
Copy !req
269. T-To customers?
Copy !req
270. Yeah!
Copy !req
271. It does feel pretty weird to
have friends at my house...
Copy !req
272. Am I dreaming?
Copy !req
273. Amazing. Music really does
cause personal growth!
Copy !req
274. And you were having so much fun
when we burst in like that!
Copy !req
275. I'm so sorry.
Copy !req
276. Maybe we should butt out?
Copy !req
277. Hey, hey, Kita-chan!
Copy !req
278. What's this?
Copy !req
279. That's my favorite heartwarming movie!
Copy !req
280. I've always wanted to watch that one!
Copy !req
281. Wanna watch it all together?
Copy !req
282. Yes, please!
Copy !req
283. Great idea! What fun!
Copy !req
284. Yeah! So fun! So fun! Yeah!
Copy !req
285. I don't know why, but... it feels
kind of hard to go back in now...
Copy !req
286. The large Typhoon #8 remains on the move,
Copy !req
287. and will lose strength while
passing to the south of Japan...
Copy !req
288. We ended up watching the movie,
playing games, and having nothing but fun.
Copy !req
289. Twister and Tycoon were so much fun to play!
Copy !req
290. Yeah! So much fun!
Copy !req
291. And yet...
Copy !req
292. That's right! We still need to design
our T-shirts for the concert.
Copy !req
293. Oh, wait...
Copy !req
294. Senpai! Gotoh-san's back to it!
Copy !req
295. Oh, I know why.
Copy !req
296. Watching that heartwarming seishun movie
has her back in a spiral.
Copy !req
297. Heartwarming seishun movies:
Copy !req
298. I did it again?
Copy !req
299. the number-one source of movie
trauma for introverts, by genre.
Copy !req
300. Parentheses, based on Japanese
Introvert Society poll, close—
Copy !req
301. Bocchi-chan! We're running
out of time! Snap out of it!
Copy !req
302. A-An ordinary girl has two hot
guys trying to win her heart...
Copy !req
303. Gotoh-san!
Copy !req
304. It's hopeless.
Copy !req
305. But if someone that cute is "ordinary,"
what hope is there for me?
Copy !req
306. Ryo sent in a bunch of design ideas!
Copy !req
307. Let me see! I want to see!
Copy !req
308. C'mon! Look with us, Bocchi-chan!
Copy !req
309. Wh-What in the world?
Copy !req
310. Curry?
Copy !req
311. Now sushi...
Copy !req
312. I don't get it.
Copy !req
313. Which should I have for dinner?
Copy !req
314. Make your own decisions!
Copy !req
315. "I think curry's better!"
Copy !req
316. Kita-chan, don't actually respond!
Copy !req
317. E-Excuse me...
Copy !req
318. Hey, Bocchi-chan's back?
Copy !req
319. Y-Yes...
Copy !req
320. I thought you might like to see my design...
Copy !req
321. What do you think?
Copy !req
322. S-So lame!
Copy !req
323. I-Is it too trendy?
Copy !req
324. It's that mystery font I see on middle
school boys' clothing all the time.
Copy !req
325. I thought it would keep people focused
on our clothing when we're playing.
Copy !req
326. Yeah, for several reasons.
Copy !req
327. What's the point of all
the zippers and chains?
Copy !req
328. I thought I could use
the zippers to hold picks,
Copy !req
329. and the chain could serve
as a guitar strap.
Copy !req
330. Weirdly practical!
Copy !req
331. So, can I assume we're all in on this one?
Copy !req
332. I'm not sure about that...
Copy !req
333. Is this what you like to wear normally?
Copy !req
334. My mom buys my clothes, so no.
Copy !req
335. Oh, really?
Copy !req
336. I've never worn any of them, though...
Copy !req
337. They're not to my taste.
Copy !req
338. Aw, I wanna see!
Copy !req
339. Same! I've never seen you in
anything but the tracksuit!
Copy !req
340. C'mon, please! Try one on!
Copy !req
341. Please! Please!
Copy !req
342. Please! Please! Please!
Please! Please! Please!
Copy !req
343. F-Fine...
Copy !req
344. Yeah!
Copy !req
345. She's so...
Copy !req
346. C-Cute!
Copy !req
347. I love it! Look right this way!
Copy !req
348. N-No pictures, please...
Copy !req
349. I knew it! Bocchi-chan's cute!
Copy !req
350. It's easy to forget, with how she usually is!
Copy !req
351. U-Um... c-can I take it off now?
Copy !req
352. Wait, hang on!
Copy !req
353. I know!
Copy !req
354. Let's brush back your bangs!
Copy !req
355. That's what you need!
Copy !req
356. Are you growing them out?
Copy !req
357. I j-just can't get to the salon,
so they grow out...
Copy !req
358. Then I'll do some styling!
Copy !req
359. N-No, thank you!
Copy !req
360. Aw, don't be shy!
Copy !req
361. Bocchi-chan's turning to ash!
Copy !req
362. Her body can't keep up with the sudden
stress of her face being exposed!
Copy !req
363. Bocchi-chan's... dead.
Copy !req
364. We'll have to find a new guitarist.
Copy !req
365. Senpai! What's wrong?
Copy !req
366. I'm suddenly so dizzy...
Copy !req
367. The room is so damp all of a sudden,
like all the air's been sucked out of it...
Copy !req
368. I breathed it in!
Copy !req
369. S-So did I!
Copy !req
370. I-It's no use. G-Going limp...
Copy !req
371. Is this... Gotoh-san's curse?
Copy !req
372. Would anyone like dessert?
Copy !req
373. We've got the sweets Kita-chan brought—
Copy !req
374. I'm sorry for trying to push
through everything with positivity.
Copy !req
375. I'm sorry I couldn't get good at guitar.
Copy !req
376. I'm sorry for being too cute.
Copy !req
377. They're all acting like Sis!
Copy !req
378. Dear, the salt and the seals!
Copy !req
379. Should I call that exorcist?
Copy !req
380. Why?
Copy !req
381. And so...
Copy !req
382. Since nobody had any good ideas,
Copy !req
383. we're going with my T-shirt design!
Copy !req
384. Ta-dah.
Copy !req
385. I love it!
Copy !req
386. Did you make this, Ijichi-senpai?
Copy !req
387. I'm pretty good at the design stuff!
Copy !req
388. Then why didn't you just
design it from the start?
Copy !req
389. Bocchi-chan.
Copy !req
390. You look like you were just thinking,
"Then why didn't you just design it from the start?"
Copy !req
391. Sh-She's psychic!
Copy !req
392. I'm getting pretty good at
guessing what you're thinking lately!
Copy !req
393. Awesome! Our ties feel so much stronger now!
Copy !req
394. Yeah, I love it!
Copy !req
395. The quality of the model helps.
Copy !req
396. Totally!
Copy !req
397. Senpai, look right here!
Copy !req
398. This is pretty good, though.
Copy !req
399. Two days to our concert.
Copy !req
400. And we worked hard to make our ties feel...
Copy !req
401. Hey, looks like there's a typhoon on the way.
Copy !req
402. No way! This is the first I've heard of it!
Copy !req
403. Summer weather is so fickle.
Copy !req
404. Seriously?
Copy !req
405. B-But what about the concert?
Copy !req
406. Should we make rain charms?
Copy !req
407. Yeah! That's our only choice!
Copy !req
408. Your quota is ten each!
Copy !req
409. R-Right!
Copy !req
410. Oh, it looks like it won't
hit the Kanto region, though.
Copy !req
411. Oh, really?
Copy !req
412. Whew, that's a relief!
Copy !req
413. I can't wait for the show!
Copy !req
414. Yeah.
Copy !req
415. I think the new song's coming
together pretty well!
Copy !req
416. U-Um...
Copy !req
417. Yeah! We're all sounding awesome!
Copy !req
418. Okay, let's get practicing!
Copy !req
419. Excuse me!
Copy !req
420. Sh-Shouldn't we still make the
rain charms? Just to be safe?
Copy !req
421. Yeah, sure! Better safe than sorry, right?
Copy !req
422. Totally!
Copy !req
423. I'll bring in what we need to make them.
Copy !req
424. O-Okay!
Copy !req
425. I haven't made rain charms
since elementary school!
Copy !req
426. I'm used to being negative,
so I always assume the worst, but...
Copy !req
427. Sorry, the five younger brothers
I haven't seen since birth—
Copy !req
428. Stop acting above it! It was your idea!
Copy !req
429. You okay, Bocchi-chan?
Copy !req
430. Y-Y-Y-Y-Yes!
Copy !req
431. It'll be okay... I think.
Copy !req
432. Typhoon #8 has taken an unexpected course...
Copy !req
433. I sleep, with big problems
weighing down on me
Copy !req
434. Though you can't beat that feeling
of being loved, it's true
Copy !req
435. When I awaken from cold dreams,
my body feels numb
Copy !req
436. You shine so brightly,
it could make me a shadow
Copy !req
437. It's time to take that step
Copy !req
438. Though there's nothing certain about it
Copy !req
439. It carries my childish heart into tomorrow
Copy !req
440. It's time to blast out the thoughts
rattling around in my brain
Copy !req
441. And live, to its fullest, a life
Copy !req
442. I've been taking advances on for so long
Copy !req
443. But I also love the days I spend
lying around, doing nothing
Copy !req
444. So I know I'm going to go see you
Copy !req
445. Before it all disappears some day
Copy !req
446. Watch it!
Copy !req