1. I want to give
a big Chuck Charles thanks
Copy !req
2. to all you little people
for coming down
Copy !req
3. to this year's
Wharf It Down Food Festival,
Copy !req
4. which, for so many years,
has been a strange,
Copy !req
5. slightly sad event,
where artisans try to sell
Copy !req
6. specialty foods.
Copy !req
7. not this year,
thanks to me, Chuck Charles,
Copy !req
8. and our 1st Annual
Best Burger Contest!
Copy !req
9. Now, we've met our contestants,
Copy !req
10. we've explained the rules
Copy !req
11. of this really, truly,
simple event.
Copy !req
12. But the only thing
we haven't done
Copy !req
13. is start the clock.
Copy !req
14. Here we go...
Copy !req
15. All right, Bob.
Copy !req
16. Let's do it, let's win!
Copy !req
17. Win! Win! Win!
Lin, please,
Copy !req
18. Let's go!
take it down
a notch, okay?
Copy !req
19. Or five?
Kids, come on,
Copy !req
20. cheer for your father.
Copy !req
21. Cheer! Cheer! Cheer!
Copy !req
22. Lin, stop.
Copy !req
23. Dad, big smile,
big energy!
Copy !req
24. That's it, doll.
Copy !req
25. Hey, you're sweating
too much already, buddy.
Copy !req
26. Pace yourself.
Copy !req
27. Go, Mom and Dad!
Copy !req
28. I mean, stay there and cook,
don't go anywhere.
Copy !req
29. Sorry if I'm
being confusing.
Copy !req
30. Okay, come on. Go!
Cook! Cook! Cook! Cook!
Copy !req
31. Let's check in
with our contestants.
Copy !req
32. Skip Marooch!
Copy !req
33. Uh, am I saying
that right?
Copy !req
34. Yes, Skip.
Copy !req
35. Great! So, you're
from Pakistan,
Copy !req
36. you've got a
successful restaurant,
Copy !req
37. you're on a book tour.
Guy, what can't you do?
Copy !req
38. Complain—
everything is going so well.
Copy !req
39. So, what are you making today?
I already love you.
Copy !req
40. Well, today,
I will be making a
Copy !req
41. pomegranate and
green chili chutney burger
Copy !req
42. with my grandmother's
special spice blend.
Copy !req
43. Two words:
yum and yum.
Copy !req
44. She always told me,
"Put spice on everything."
Copy !req
45. She also said,
"I hate Mondays,"
Copy !req
46. but she never
got credit for that.
Copy !req
47. I would love
to meet her.
Copy !req
48. Ah, too late.
Copy !req
49. Sheesh. I know we're
here for Bob,
Copy !req
50. but it's hard to root
against that guy.
Copy !req
51. He is likeable.
Copy !req
52. Shush! I can't
hear them cooking.
Copy !req
53. Skip Marooch—
I can't believe
Copy !req
54. we're competing
against that guy.
Copy !req
55. He has a book;
I read it.
Copy !req
56. I mean,
I mostly read it.
Copy !req
57. I looked at
all the pictures.
Copy !req
58. Uh, why did I think
this was a good idea?
Copy !req
59. You know what? I'm signing up.
Copy !req
60. We're doing it!
Copy !req
61. Do it! We're doing it!
Copy !req
62. This feels good!
Copy !req
63. Do it!
Copy !req
64. Quiet!
Copy !req
65. I don't know what
kind of "doing it"
Copy !req
66. you're talking about,
Copy !req
67. but you're too loud!
Copy !req
68. I really
hate contests.
Copy !req
69. This is why we made a
Copy !req
70. "no signing up for things
while drunk" rule.
Copy !req
71. Wha...? Gene never would've
taken ballet.
Copy !req
72. Look at Skip
over there.
Copy !req
73. I-I don't think
we can win this.
Copy !req
74. It's-it's like I'm Rocky
and he's Apollo Creed.
Copy !req
75. That's good!
Rocky always won.
Copy !req
76. Rocky lost in the
first movie, Lin.
Copy !req
77. Oh... But he walked up
all those stairs.
Copy !req
78. That's not fair.
Copy !req
79. And... let's get
a few words with
Copy !req
80. Bob "The Slob" Belcher.
Copy !req
81. Hi.
That's not my nickname.
Copy !req
82. Well, it is now,
everyone heard it.
Copy !req
83. Bob and I have a bit
of a history, folks.
Copy !req
84. I graciously
allowed him
Copy !req
85. onto my morning
talk show,
Copy !req
86. and in turn,
he got me fired!
Copy !req
87. I didn't get you fired.
Copy !req
88. Linda did.
Hi, Chuck.
Copy !req
89. So, what stupid burger
are you making, Bob?
Copy !req
90. Okay, well,
it's not stupid; it's smart.
Copy !req
91. I call it the Bet It All
on Black Garlic Burger.
Copy !req
92. It's made with...
Stupid name.
Copy !req
93. What?
Stupid name.
Copy !req
94. It's not... Oh, my God.
Copy !req
95. I-It's made with
black garlic.
Copy !req
96. Uh... it's a
fermented garlic;
Copy !req
97. it comes from Korea.
Copy !req
98. Don't blame Korea for
your stupid burger, Bob.
Copy !req
99. Not fair to them
or burgers.
Copy !req
100. I-I'm not
blaming them...
Copy !req
101. The Stupid Black
Garlic Burger.
Copy !req
102. Put it up on the screen.
Oh, my God.
Copy !req
103. Eh, we made it up.
Copy !req
104. Look, we're
on the screen.
Copy !req
105. Chuck hates us.
Copy !req
106. It's okay,
I hate him, too.
Copy !req
107. God, this was
a bad idea.
Copy !req
108. No...
It's fun. It's fun...
Copy !req
109. Over here, we have
the Prince of Pizza
Copy !req
110. trying to become the
Chancellor of Cheeseburgers...
Copy !req
111. Jimmy Pesto.
Copy !req
112. Thank you, Chuck.
Copy !req
113. Uh, Jimmy Pesto's
is known for
Copy !req
114. our family-friendly
Copy !req
115. festive drink specials
Copy !req
116. and Italian-flavored foods.
Copy !req
117. All right...
A-A-And after I win
this contest today,
Copy !req
118. we're also gonna
be known for our
Copy !req
119. Oregano Burger!
Copy !req
120. All... right!
Copy !req
121. And what's in that?
Copy !req
122. Just a ton
of oregano.
Copy !req
123. The
Big O!
Copy !req
124. Don't say "Big O."
Copy !req
125. A... all right, I won't
say anything, then, ever.
Copy !req
126. Sounds horrible.
Copy !req
127. I guess it's just us
and Skip here.
Copy !req
128. All right,
Copy !req
129. time to break out
the black garlic.
Copy !req
130. Lin?
You got it!
Copy !req
131. It's not in here.
Wait. What?
Copy !req
132. Not in the cooler.
It's empty.
Copy !req
133. Oh, crap. Oh, crap.
Copy !req
134. Oh, crap.
Oh, crap, crap,
crap. Crap!
Copy !req
135. Gene, can you go to the kitchen
and grab the black garlic?
Copy !req
136. On it!
Copy !req
137. What color is it?
Copy !req
138. It's black, Gene.
Copy !req
139. Wait. What's black?
The garlic. On the counter.
Copy !req
140. In the kitchen?
Where I am?
Copy !req
141. Are you?
I think so.
Copy !req
142. Well, then, yes,
on the counter.
Copy !req
143. Okay. I feel really good
about this, Dad.
Copy !req
144. I feel great about it.
Way to go, everybody.
Copy !req
145. Gene!
Copy !req
146. Dad? What are we doing?
Copy !req
147. I asked Gene to get the black
garlic from the kitchen—
Copy !req
148. the single most important
ingredient in my recipe—
Copy !req
149. and we're looking
at an empty cooler!
Copy !req
150. Okay, don't freak out.
Hi. Hi, everyone.
Copy !req
151. Hi. Hi. Hello.
Copy !req
152. I'm not freaking out!
Copy !req
153. He's fine.
He's... he's silly.
Copy !req
154. Just put something
else on the burger.
Copy !req
155. What about a...
Oh, a-a granola bar burger!
Copy !req
156. Half a granola bar burger.
Copy !req
157. Yeah, yeah,
let-let's do that.
Copy !req
158. That's a great idea.
Copy !req
159. Great! I'll start
chopping it up.
Copy !req
160. Ha, ha, ha!
Oh, it's old.
Copy !req
161. Oh, that's okay.
That's fine. We can make it.
Copy !req
162. Linda. Oh, my God,
I wasn't serious.
Copy !req
163. Look at the screen.
Copy !req
164. It says "Stupid
Black Garlic Burger".
Copy !req
165. I'm pretty sure
we can't beat Skip Marooch
Copy !req
166. if we don't have black garlic
on our black garlic burger!
Copy !req
167. Okay! Geez.
Kids! Kids,
come here!
Copy !req
168. The answer is yes,
you look terrified.
Copy !req
169. Is that the question?
Copy !req
170. Gene, what did you do
with the black garlic?
Copy !req
171. It's not in
the cooler!
Copy !req
172. Calm down, Dad.
What is black garlic?
Copy !req
173. Ugh! I need you guys to
go back to the restaurant,
Copy !req
174. get the black garlic
and bring it back here
Copy !req
175. as fast as you
possibly can!
Copy !req
176. No problem.
It's on my way, anyway, bro.
Copy !req
177. No, no! Tina, Louise,
go with your brother.
Copy !req
178. Let's talk more about this clock
that's ticking. Tick, tick.
Copy !req
179. What do want, Louise? Louise?
Tick, tick, tick, tick, tick...
Copy !req
180. We never have
to work again.
Copy !req
181. You can have the
day off tomorrow.
Copy !req
182. Deal!
Great. Here.
Copy !req
183. Aah! Don't throw things!
Copy !req
184. We don't throw things!
Copy !req
185. We don't
catch them, either.
Copy !req
186. We're not in the
circus, Dad.
Copy !req
187. Just go!
Copy !req
188. Hey, Belcher boppers!
Copy !req
189. Mickey! Wait,
you drive
a pedi-cab?
Copy !req
190. I thought
you worked
at Wonder Wharf.
Copy !req
191. Oh, I just started driving this
during festivals and weekends.
Copy !req
192. Make a lot of money hauling
around lazies and drunks.
Copy !req
193. We are both.
Give us a ride!
Copy !req
194. Hey, you kids don't want a ride
from toothpick legs over here.
Copy !req
195. Check out these
pedal monsters, huh?
Copy !req
196. Wow.
Copy !req
197. It looks like a bunch of snakes
inside a leather armchair.
Copy !req
198. Yup.
Back off, Manny.
This is my fare.
Copy !req
199. Oh, yeah? Well this is
my turf, rookie. Here.
Copy !req
200. Hey! My first turf war!
Copy !req
201. Whoa! Oh, hold on,
let me...
Copy !req
202. Okay, well, I-I think we'll go
old-school pedestrian.
Copy !req
203. See you guys!
Good luck
with your turf war.
Copy !req
204. Thanks! Whoa!
Copy !req
205. So, Bob, you
look sweaty.
Copy !req
206. Think you have what it takes
to beat the competition?
Copy !req
207. I personally doubt it.
Copy !req
208. I'm not sweating.
Oh, I am. Okay.
Copy !req
209. I, uh, I was
just prepping.
Copy !req
210. Normal, everything's fine.
Copy !req
211. We've got all our ingredients,
Chuck. All of 'em.
Copy !req
212. Unnecessary information,
totally boring.
Copy !req
213. I'm gonna go ahead
and talk to Skip.
Copy !req
214. Hello!
There he is,
guy! Tell us more
Copy !req
215. about your grandmother's
secret spice blend.
Copy !req
216. All right, well,
there is saffron in it.
Copy !req
217. Oh, no, I told you
the secret!
Copy !req
218. I have to kill you now!
Copy !req
219. Die, die, die!
Copy !req
220. Warm, charming,
Copy !req
221. and funny,
strong hands, to boot!
Copy !req
222. That's why he's got a book
and Bob doesn't.
Copy !req
223. Ah, there you are,
my stinky princess!
Copy !req
224. We're getting you out
of here! Come with us!
Copy !req
225. Hey, there's my
back-scratching spatula!
Copy !req
226. What are you doing
in the kitchen?
Copy !req
227. Aah!
Gene, you're crushing it!
Copy !req
228. What? Oh, no! My shirt!
Copy !req
229. Aah!
You just cost Dad
the competition!
Copy !req
230. Forget Dad.
You just cost us our day off!
Copy !req
231. Maybe it's still good!
Copy !req
232. I'll scrape it off
with my back scratcher.
Copy !req
233. Ooh, it works
on your front, too. Mm.
Copy !req
234. What's so hard to understand
about, "I saw the black garlic,
Copy !req
235. "but then I saw
my spatula back scratcher,
Copy !req
236. "and when I reached for it,
Copy !req
237. your black garlic got smeared
all over my belly"?
Copy !req
238. Oh, my God. Gene, put
Tina on the phone.
Copy !req
239. She's pretty big. It'd be easier
to put the phone on Tina.
Copy !req
240. Gene!
Copy !req
241. This is Tina.
Copy !req
242. Tina, listen to me.
Go to your mom's bra drawer
Copy !req
243. and find the cash
she thinks is secret.
Copy !req
244. There's no money in there!
There's no money.
Copy !req
245. Take $20 and go to that
specialty food market on Third.
Copy !req
246. Uh, Fig Jam.
Copy !req
247. Uh... aren't there any
other places we could go?
Copy !req
248. It's the only place in town
that has black garlic.
Copy !req
249. Hurry. We're down
to 12 minutes here.
Copy !req
250. Dad hung up on me, but it's okay
because I know he loves me,
Copy !req
251. and he says we have
to go to Fig Jam.
Copy !req
252. Fig Jam?
Fig Jam.
Copy !req
253. We'll take
this dark chocolate bar
Copy !req
254. with bacon
and red pepper flakes, please.
Copy !req
255. Okay, that'll be $13.
Copy !req
256. What?
Copy !req
257. No, we're just
getting one,
Copy !req
258. so this should cover
it. Here you go.
Copy !req
259. Mm. You know, I think you three
may be in the wrong store.
Copy !req
260. Perhaps you'd be more
comfortable shopping
Copy !req
261. at the gum ball machine
at the gas station.
Copy !req
262. Are you kicking us out?
Copy !req
263. No. I am strongly
Copy !req
264. that you take your
business elsewhere,
Copy !req
265. what little of
it you have.
Copy !req
266. Hmm. All right.
Copy !req
267. But when a rich john
sets me up in style,
Copy !req
268. I'm coming back.
Copy !req
269. And you better hope
you don't work on commission.
Copy !req
270. Yeah, where'd you import
this chocolate from
Copy !req
271. anyway, your butt?
Copy !req
272. No.
Yeah, and where'd you import
Copy !req
273. these sea salt caramel crisps
from, your butt? Oh, Belgium.
Copy !req
274. That's it. You're banned.
Copy !req
275. We ban you.
Get out of the store!
Copy !req
276. I will not get
out of my store!
You— get out!
Copy !req
277. You are banned!
You're banned!
Copy !req
278. You're banned!
You're banned!
You're banned!
Copy !req
279. You're banned!
You're banned!
Copy !req
280. We have to try, guys.
Copy !req
281. If we don't get
this black garlic,
Copy !req
282. Dad is going to lose, and our
family will be dishonored.
Copy !req
283. It's not like we've got a whole
bunch of honor to spare, is it?
Copy !req
284. No.
Let's go!
Copy !req
285. Oh, wow, Skip Marooch
Copy !req
286. is cooking up something special.
Copy !req
287. It smells good, and he
looks good doing it.
Copy !req
288. Scratch that.
He looks great.
Copy !req
289. Thank you!
Moving on.
Copy !req
290. Let's see how Jimmy
Pesto's doing.
Copy !req
291. Done! Ding!
Ooh, what?
Copy !req
292. Wow, Jimmy has plated his
burgers with ten minutes left.
Copy !req
293. Course, those burgers
may get cold
Copy !req
294. before the judges
have a chance to...
Copy !req
295. Ah! Da-da-da.
Copy !req
296. Oh, okay, brought
a little heat lamp with him.
Copy !req
297. Yeah. Heat lamp adds
a little flavor.
Copy !req
298. And it keeps my
lizard warm!
Copy !req
299. Would you? Come on!
Let's check in on Bob,
Copy !req
300. because we
kind of have to.
Copy !req
301. Lots of chopping.
Copy !req
302. His bald spot's getting
bigger and shinier.
Copy !req
303. Hair probably falling
out all over his food.
Copy !req
304. What a disgusting
Copy !req
305. I'm catching all the hair before
it even comes close to the food.
Copy !req
306. God, it is coming out.
Copy !req
307. Your wife is a
lucky woman, Bob.
Thank you!
Copy !req
308. Maybe he won't
recognize us.
Copy !req
309. Whoa, hey, come on.
Let's not do this again.
Copy !req
310. Let's start fresh. What'd
you say your name was?
Copy !req
311. I didn't.
It's none of your business.
Copy !req
312. Hey, don't look at my nametag.
Copy !req
313. It's Ray. I saw it.
Copy !req
314. Aw, Ray, I love that.
Copy !req
315. Ray of sunshine.
Copy !req
316. Ray of hope.
Copy !req
317. We need some emergency
black garlic;
Copy !req
318. it's a black garlic
Copy !req
319. Oh... a black garlic emergency.
Copy !req
320. Yeah, so...
Copy !req
321. Well, in that case... No!
Copy !req
322. A "no" is just a "yes"
Copy !req
323. Get out.
We'll pay double.
Copy !req
324. Really?
Copy !req
325. All right, $16.
Aw, that's the
Copy !req
326. ray of greed I remember.
Gene, where's the cash?
Copy !req
327. We got to go.
Come on, we got to go.
Copy !req
328. A cool older kid
with a skateboard
Copy !req
329. asked me for a dollar.
Copy !req
330. So, I gave him the $20
Copy !req
331. and he's skating
right back with the change.
Copy !req
332. Ugh!
Gene, you fool.
Copy !req
333. He's not coming back.
Copy !req
334. Never trust a boy
with a skateboard.
Copy !req
335. They're too fast.
Copy !req
336. Hey, Ray, friend,
uh, new plan:
Copy !req
337. I'm gonna give you Gene,
Copy !req
338. and then I'll take...
Copy !req
339. Out now. Banned.
Copy !req
340. Banned!
Copy !req
341. Psst. Psst.
Time for Operation
Copy !req
342. Black Garlic Down Freedom.
Copy !req
343. What's that?
Copy !req
344. Hey!
Copy !req
345. We'll come back
and pay for it later!
Copy !req
346. Thanks for
all your help, Ray!
Copy !req
347. Get back here!
Copy !req
348. Mickey!
Hey, kids!
Copy !req
349. Hey.
Hi, Ron.
Copy !req
350. Hey, move over, buddy.
Copy !req
351. Aw, sorry, gang, I'm kind of
in the middle of a fair here.
Copy !req
352. I was going to the library.
Copy !req
353. Taking a pedi-cab there
is my weekly splurge.
Copy !req
354. But we stole
Copy !req
355. Oh, why didn't
you say so? Where to?
Copy !req
356. Take us to the food festival
Copy !req
357. and step on it!
Copy !req
358. Stop!
Ho, ho, ho there, cowboy.
Copy !req
359. I will give you 20 bucks if you
catch up to that pedi-cab.
Copy !req
360. Wait, what? You mean that
spaghetti-legged fare thief?
Copy !req
361. Uh... yes.
Copy !req
362. Oh. Oh, baby.
Copy !req
363. Mickey, you are going down.
Copy !req
364. Let's get 'em!
Copy !req
365. Let me hold the
black garlic.
Copy !req
366. I want to apologize for
murdering its brother.
Copy !req
367. No, Gene. I don't think
that's a good idea.
Copy !req
368. Yeah, we're trying
to get a day off here.
Copy !req
369. Wait, why can't I hold
the black garlic?
Copy !req
370. It's just that you always...
I don't want
Copy !req
371. to say "screw everything up,"
but maybe Louise does?
Copy !req
372. You screw
everything up!
Wait, me?
Copy !req
373. This Gene Belcher?
It's just sometimes
you lose focus.
Copy !req
374. Your name is a verb
in this family, Gene.
Copy !req
375. We call it
"Gene-ing out."
Copy !req
376. I thought that meant taking off
your shorts after a good meal.
Copy !req
377. No.
I was Gene-ing out
at work the other day.
Copy !req
378. I'm Gene-ing out
right now.
Copy !req
379. Mickey, no! Mickey, hey!
Copy !req
380. You're taking us to the food
festival as fast you can!
Copy !req
381. Oh, right, right, right, right,
right, right, right.
Copy !req
382. Oh, my God. I'm a verb.
I'm a bad verb.
Copy !req
383. You're a berb.
I'm a berb!
Copy !req
384. Eight minutes left
until burger judgment day!
Copy !req
385. The kids should've been
back by now. We're screwed.
Copy !req
386. Bob, you said
you were Rocky.
Copy !req
387. Come on. Start acting
like Rocky. Scream "Adrian."
Copy !req
388. I-I don't want
to scream "Adrian."
Scream "Adrian"!
Copy !req
389. Linda, that analogy
doesn't work anymore.
Copy !req
390. Rocky's son didn't leave
Rocky's boxing gloves at home.
Copy !req
391. Yeah. Rocky's son, huh?
Copy !req
392. Hmm. Well, maybe...
Eh, forget it.
Copy !req
393. No, what? Wh-What
were you gonna say?
Copy !req
394. I'm just saying, you picked
our least responsible kid
Copy !req
395. to do the most
important thing.
Copy !req
396. Maybe you kind of
expected him to screw up.
Copy !req
397. That is ridiculous, Lin.
Copy !req
398. forgetting the black garlic
sort of
Copy !req
399. lets you off the hook
for losing.
Copy !req
400. Like it's not your fault.
Copy !req
401. All of a sudden, you got
Copy !req
402. a built-in excuse
for not being the best.
Copy !req
403. That is crazy. That's...
Copy !req
404. maybe right?
Oh, my God.
Copy !req
405. Oh, it's the kids!
"Got garlic. Broke law.
Copy !req
406. You fix later. On our way.
'Smiley face.'"
Copy !req
407. Aw, smiley face!
Oh, my God.
They got it.
Copy !req
408. They're coming. We're gonna
have everything we need.
Copy !req
409. No more excuses.
Copy !req
410. I'm terrified.
So I was ri...
Copy !req
411. Linda, you were right.
Copy !req
412. Yes! Right! Me!
Copy !req
413. Aw, you don't have
to say that.
Copy !req
414. It's Ray, and he's either
Copy !req
415. getting bigger or closer.
Copy !req
416. Uh-oh, he's got
Manny driving him.
Copy !req
417. Don't worry, I'll slow
him down.
Copy !req
418. Oh, that was overdue.
Why did I do that?
Copy !req
419. Eh, they're throwing stuff
at us.
Copy !req
420. Ah, no throwsies, man!
Copy !req
421. Yeah! No throwsies.
Copy !req
422. We got to
get this to dad.
Copy !req
423. Go. Go. Get him. Faster.
Copy !req
424. Faster.
I am going!
Copy !req
425. I just want you kids to know,
I will fight.
Copy !req
426. I will fight Manny or Ray,
Copy !req
427. but I-I prefer
to fight Ray, actually,
Copy !req
428. 'cause he's smaller.
Copy !req
429. Nice.
Thanks, Ron.
Copy !req
430. Ah, no problem.
There's the contest!
Copy !req
431. Mickey, pedal harder.
Copy !req
432. Mow these people down!
Copy !req
433. Oh, no, a train!
Copy !req
434. Beat it, Mickey!
Beat it.
Copy !req
435. Ah, damn it!
Copy !req
436. No...!
Copy !req
437. Sorry, kids.
Copy !req
438. You're gonna have to
run from here.
Copy !req
439. You guys stay here
and block.
Copy !req
440. I'll cut through the crowd
like a fart through butter.
Copy !req
441. Let me take the garlic.
Copy !req
442. I need this.
Copy !req
443. This is my
redemption song.
Copy !req
444. Bob Marley,
give me strength!
Copy !req
445. This is a
food festival, Gene.
Copy !req
446. It's a distraction
minefield for you.
Copy !req
447. Yeah, Gene. Stay here
and help me block Ray.
Copy !req
448. It'll be a block party.
Copy !req
449. Okay. Hey, look,
that cloud looks like
Copy !req
450. a dinosaur on a thing.
Copy !req
451. Where?
Copy !req
452. Aah! I can't believe it!
Copy !req
453. Gene made us Gene out!
Copy !req
454. Oh, yeah, I see it.
Copy !req
455. Okay, Gene. Get this
black garlic to dad.
Copy !req
456. Don't lose focus.
Copy !req
457. Ooh, muffins.
No, don't lose focus!
Copy !req
458. Hi. I'm Ron.
Copy !req
459. I'm blocking you.
Where are those kids?
Copy !req
460. Oh, you mean us?
Copy !req
461. Meet your new
cankles, Ray.
Copy !req
462. Where's the black garlic?
Copy !req
463. You'll never get it.
It's too far away,
Copy !req
464. and as we've already said,
you're cankled.
Copy !req
465. Don't you cankle me!
Copy !req
466. These are good.
Copy !req
467. These are gonna be good.
Linda, be my eyes.
Copy !req
468. You see the kids
out there?
No, I don't.
Copy !req
469. What do they look like?
Copy !req
470. Oh, God. I'm panicking.
I'm panicking.
Copy !req
471. Free cupcake-flavored ice cream,
Copy !req
472. served on a waffle!
Copy !req
473. You're killing me!
Copy !req
474. Pizza tacos.
Copy !req
475. Pizza tacos?
Copy !req
476. Ten for one dollar.
Copy !req
477. Don't you tell me
"ten for one dollar."
Copy !req
478. Robot cake,
Copy !req
479. release your hold on me!
Copy !req
480. So, uh, you work
at Fig Jam, huh?
Copy !req
481. I-I-I heard you had
great fig jam.
Copy !req
482. Oh, yes, it's delicious.
Copy !req
483. And you'll never know,
because you're banned!
Copy !req
484. Aw.
Hey, wait a minute.
Copy !req
485. Is anyone even watching
Fig Jam right now?
Copy !req
486. Ray, people are
probably looting it.
Copy !req
487. A bunch of hippies
stuffing truffled cheese
Copy !req
488. in their banjo cases.
Copy !req
489. Hello?
Copy !req
490. Hello...?
Copy !req
491. I'm just gonna leave money
on the counter.
Copy !req
492. Love your store.
Copy !req
493. Oh, my God.
Fig Jam! Fig Jam!
Copy !req
494. That was some mean pedi-cabbing
out there, rookie.
Copy !req
495. You got the legs of a mouse
but the heart of a lion.
Copy !req
496. My uncle's got
the heart of a lion.
Copy !req
497. He got it in Thailand.
Copy !req
498. Thailand, huh?
Copy !req
499. They got nice ties
in Thailand?
Copy !req
500. I love you, Manny.
Copy !req
501. I'm almost there.
Copy !req
502. Hot Fudge Car Wash.
Copy !req
503. Hot Fudge Car Wash?
Copy !req
504. No...!
Copy !req
505. Oh, it's Gene.
Bob, it's Gene.
Copy !req
506. Dad...!
Copy !req
507. I-I'm sorry
I screwed up today!
Copy !req
508. I...
Copy !req
509. I'm sorry I screw up
all the time!
Copy !req
510. No, Gene, you didn't screw up.
Copy !req
511. I screwed up by trusting you.
Copy !req
512. Wait, that came out wrong.
Copy !req
513. I'm confused, are you
trying to make me feel better?
Copy !req
514. Yes, I am.
Copy !req
515. Before I give you
the black garlic,
Copy !req
516. I just want to say
one more thing.
Copy !req
517. There's only 45 seconds left,
Gene, so...
Copy !req
518. I've always admired you.
Copy !req
519. Just give me
the garlic, Gene!
Copy !req
520. We'll talk later!
Copy !req
521. Okay.
Thank you.
Copy !req
522. Sorry I snapped.
Copy !req
523. Come on, Bobby.
Copy !req
524. You got your gloves,
now time to beat Apollo.
Copy !req
525. Adrian...!
Copy !req
526. No, not like that.
Say it right.
Copy !req
527. What?
I'm saying it right.
Copy !req
528. Adri...
I don't have time, Lin.
Copy !req
529. Ten seconds left.
Some cooks look like
Copy !req
530. they might not make it.
I'm talking about Bob.
Copy !req
531. Ten. Nine. Eight.
Copy !req
532. Seven.
Copy !req
533. I got everything ready.
Here we go.
Copy !req
534. Six. Five.
Copy !req
535. Four.
Copy !req
536. Three.
Copy !req
537. Two.
Copy !req
538. One.
Copy !req
539. Time's up. Hand off
your meat, chefs.
Copy !req
540. We finished!
Copy !req
541. We finished
the burgers!
Copy !req
542. Hooray for Bob.
He managed to somehow do
Copy !req
543. what he does
every day for a living.
Copy !req
544. What a champion.
Copy !req
545. That's my Bobby!
Copy !req
546. Chefs.
Copy !req
547. Pre...
Copy !req
548. sent your burgers
to the judges.
Copy !req
549. Looks like the judges
Copy !req
550. are tasting
Jimmy Pesto's burger first.
Copy !req
551. Let's see how he... oh, oh,
they are spitting it out.
Copy !req
552. Oh, it's cool.
Copy !req
553. Hey, two-for-one pizza night
Wednesdays, karaoke Tuesdays,
Copy !req
554. trivia Thursdays.
We never card.
Copy !req
555. Come on down!
Copy !req
556. Thank you, Jimmy.
Copy !req
557. Spitting it out—
bad sign.
Copy !req
558. You can probably go.
Copy !req
559. Ah... come on, Trev.
Copy !req
560. Hey, I'm sorry
I was so hard on you.
Copy !req
561. Things got
a little heated.
Copy !req
562. And not just
'cause of your heat lamp.
Copy !req
563. Ah... you said "hard."
Copy !req
564. I did. Up top.
Copy !req
565. All right, now they're tasting
Bob's idiot burger.
Copy !req
566. Get ready for another spit-out.
Copy !req
567. This is...
Copy !req
568. fantastic.
Copy !req
569. The meat is seasoned perfectly,
Copy !req
570. and this black garlic is...
Oh! Oh...
Copy !req
571. This has exquisite mouth feel.
Copy !req
572. Bobby, they loved it!
Copy !req
573. That one's creepy,
but he loved it.
Copy !req
574. Oh, my God.
Did we just win?
Copy !req
575. I mean, they still haven't
had Skip's burger, but...
Copy !req
576. And now the last,
Copy !req
577. but most likely
the best,
Copy !req
578. from the Cinnamon Stallion,
Skip Marooch.
Copy !req
579. This is...
Copy !req
580. amazing.
Copy !req
581. This chutney is absolutely,
mmm, oh...
Copy !req
582. Exceptional mouth feel.
Copy !req
583. Hmm. It might be
a little closer
Copy !req
584. than I thought.
Okay. Okay, Bob.
Copy !req
585. You got a "fantastic"
and an "ooh,"
Copy !req
586. but he got an "amazing"
and a really weird moan.
Copy !req
587. And he liked
both your mouth feels.
Copy !req
588. I'd say
it's a tight race.
Copy !req
589. And now the judges
will deliberate.
Copy !req
590. Cue deliberating
music, please.
Copy !req
591. You know what?
I did my best,
Copy !req
592. I held my own
with Skip,
Copy !req
593. and no matter
what happens, Lin,
Copy !req
594. I feel pretty good.
And the winner is
Copy !req
595. Skip Marooch!
Copy !req
596. Oh, my God, I feel bad.
Copy !req
597. Ah, damn it!
Piece of garbage!
Copy !req
598. How could we lose?
Are you kidding me?
Copy !req
599. Okay. Okay.
Copy !req
600. Ah, it's shaped like
a burger! I get it!
Copy !req
601. I'm so excited!
Copy !req
602. Skip Marooch, handsomest chef.
Copy !req
603. What about me?
Copy !req
604. Great emcee.
Copy !req
605. Gonna go have
Copy !req
606. a plate of shrimp,
a 20-ounce beer
Copy !req
607. and a massage,
Copy !req
608. from my friend,
Hank the masseuse...
Copy !req
609. Oh, my God.
Copy !req
610. Sorry you lost, Dad.
Copy !req
611. Maybe if I'd gotten you
the black garlic sooner,
Copy !req
612. you would have won.
Copy !req
613. No, no. We made
the best burger we could,
Copy !req
614. but we lost,
and that's okay.
Copy !req
615. I don't need an excuse.
Copy !req
616. I guess Skip was just more
charismatic and likeable, Dad.
Copy !req
617. That's right.
Copy !req
618. No! I don't need
an excuse.
Copy !req
619. Either way, I'm sorry.
Copy !req
620. Listen, Gene.
Copy !req
621. You may get distracted
from time to time,
Copy !req
622. but I love you
and I love who you are.
Copy !req
623. And what matters
most is... Gene?
Copy !req
624. Gene, are you
Copy !req
625. I am. I am.
I love you.
Copy !req
626. I love you, too.
Copy !req
627. But what are
those people doing
Copy !req
628. waiting in front
of the restaurant?
Copy !req
629. Hmm. People don't wait
Copy !req
630. for our restaurant.
Copy !req
631. Maybe they all need
to use the bathroom.
Copy !req
632. Hey, get out of here!
Copy !req
633. Go pee in the bushes
Copy !req
634. like normal people.
Copy !req
635. Are you guys open?
Copy !req
636. We want to try
that black garlic burger.
Copy !req
637. Can I have a black
garlic burger, too?
Copy !req
638. Skip? What the hell?
Copy !req
639. You want to try my burger?
Copy !req
640. Yeah, I smelt it, and now
I want you to dealt it.
Copy !req
641. Into my mouth.
Copy !req
642. Come on in.
W-We just need a few minutes
Copy !req
643. to get the grill going.
Copy !req
644. Gene, you want to
go start the grill?
Copy !req
645. Nope. My day off starts now.
And I will be spending the next
Copy !req
646. 24 hours at the Hot Fudge
Car Wash. Bye-bye.
Copy !req
647. Oh.
Copy !req
648. Yeah?
Did you just say
"Hot Fudge Car Wash"?
Copy !req
649. I did.
My day off starts now,
too. Bye-bye.
Copy !req
650. Whoa, whoa, wait.
We have customers.
Copy !req
651. Sorry, Dad. I have to go see
a car wash about a fudge.
Copy !req
652. Get Mommy a to-go bucket.
Copy !req