1. What is that?
Copy !req
2. Is that a question?
Copy !req
3. Or are you talking to yourself?
Copy !req
4. If so, then I'll ignore you.
Copy !req
5. Since we have never seen
anything like that before,
Copy !req
6. no one in the Thirteen Court Guard Squads
Copy !req
7. will be stupid enough
to ask questions like that.
Copy !req
8. So I guess I should ignore...
Copy !req
9. Well, I'll cut it down then.
Copy !req
10. Were you about to say something, Nemu?
Copy !req
11. Of course not, Lord Mayuri.
Copy !req
12. Wait, Zaraki!
Copy !req
13. Zaraki...
Copy !req
14. No worries.
Copy !req
15. It's just an arm.
Copy !req
16. But at least I got his head.
Copy !req
17. What is that thing?
Copy !req
18. Are you asking me?
Copy !req
19. Or are you talking to yourself again?
Copy !req
20. Thousand-Year Blood War
Copy !req
21. The head became huge.
Copy !req
22. What's that?
Copy !req
23. It doesn't look useful for fighting.
Copy !req
24. There must be a reason.
Copy !req
25. It's kind of creepy.
Copy !req
26. You say that?
Copy !req
27. We lost the chance to jump in.
Copy !req
28. Idiot! We don't have to jump in!
Copy !req
29. If we intervene, they'll get mad at us!
Copy !req
30. I agree.
Copy !req
31. It's weird that you voice your opinion.
Copy !req
32. Is it?
Copy !req
33. Lord Mayuri always orders me
Copy !req
34. not to move until he calls me.
Copy !req
35. I don't think
Lord Mayuri is struggling so much
Copy !req
36. that he will need to call me.
Copy !req
37. What are you saying?
Copy !req
38. It's the same for Captain Zaraki too.
Copy !req
39. What's that?
Copy !req
40. The broken arm...
Copy !req
41. He folded it up so much
that it turned into a pool of blood.
Copy !req
42. How does that work?
Copy !req
43. Oh. That's quite nice.
Copy !req
44. It was a good idea
to rip off your arm right away.
Copy !req
45. Good job, Captain Zaraki.
Copy !req
46. If you hadn't taken
that decision on the spot,
Copy !req
47. now you'd be turned
into a sinewy and tasteless...
Copy !req
48. mountain of meatballs.
Copy !req
49. I'm not sure
whether you're praising or provoking me.
Copy !req
50. What do you think?
Copy !req
51. Whatever.
Copy !req
52. What is his power?
Copy !req
53. As always,
Copy !req
54. I don't understand if you're asking me
or just talking to yourself.
Copy !req
55. But either way, I don't know either.
Copy !req
56. What I can say now, is that it's better
not to get close to it.
Copy !req
57. Not to get close?
Copy !req
58. Nemu, tie up his arm
and stop the blood loss.
Copy !req
59. Yes.
Copy !req
60. Don't kid me.
Copy !req
61. How can I slash it up
if I don't get close?
Copy !req
62. Good grief. Another question?
Copy !req
63. Slashing is not the only way to fight.
Copy !req
64. I'll think of a way to deal with him
without getting close...
Copy !req
65. Sorry.
Copy !req
66. I was just talking to myself.
Copy !req
67. Hey, Zaraki!
Copy !req
68. If I don't understand his power,
Copy !req
69. I'll just cut him in half
Copy !req
70. before he gets me!
Copy !req
71. - Captain!
- Captain!
Copy !req
72. Kurotsuchi, you...
Copy !req
73. In just controlling the limbs,
the other bones will break.
Copy !req
74. Ashisogijizo.
Copy !req
75. Fear Factor 4.
Copy !req
76. Please cover your ears.
Copy !req
77. You'll go paralyzed in four seconds.
Copy !req
78. Okay.
Copy !req
79. Anesthesia is the best thing I can do.
Copy !req
80. This guy's wrist strength
may still come in handy.
Copy !req
81. Being turned into meatballs here
would be a bit inconvenient anyway.
Copy !req
82. And also, that the anesthetic
is working means
Copy !req
83. you've revealed the true nature
of your power.
Copy !req
84. In other words,
Copy !req
85. your nerves.
Copy !req
86. You're using your own nerves
to infiltrate the enemy's bodies
Copy !req
87. and forcibly control their movements.
Copy !req
88. I saw it coming, you know.
Copy !req
89. I hear that Quincy can pump
Reishi into the blood vessels
Copy !req
90. and make use of that power for himself.
Copy !req
91. So it's not a surprise
that other beings use Reishi
Copy !req
92. to control other parts of the body.
Copy !req
93. But, whatever the process is,
we do not need to be scared
Copy !req
94. once we know what it is.
Copy !req
95. Does it hurt?
Copy !req
96. The acrid hardship
of having your nerves exposed.
Copy !req
97. I'm very interested in your power.
Copy !req
98. Let's take our time.
Copy !req
99. I have tons of drugs
that will work on the nerves.
Copy !req
100. Oh.
Copy !req
101. I stabbed you for your own sake.
Copy !req
102. That couldn't be helped.
Copy !req
103. Don't glare at me like that.
Copy !req
104. Oh. It's pretty amazing
that you can still move your eyes.
Copy !req
105. You're quite a monster.
Copy !req
106. Well. I'll improve
Copy !req
107. Ashisogijizo's paralytic power
before stabbing you again, I guess.
Copy !req
108. Oh. Besides the enemy's power,
Copy !req
109. you also made me discover
a way to improve Ashisogijizo.
Copy !req
110. Good grief.
Copy !req
111. I can't help
but feel gratitude towards you.
Copy !req
112. Jerk, he sent the captain
against the enemy on purpose.
Copy !req
113. He was curious about the enemy's power
Copy !req
114. and wanted to fight him alone.
Copy !req
115. So the captain was in the way of that?
Copy !req
116. Your captain is always the same.
Copy !req
117. Yes. So I hope.
Copy !req
118. What do you mean?
Copy !req
119. Just...
Copy !req
120. Exactly what I said.
Copy !req
121. Alright.
Copy !req
122. Thanks to the noble sacrifice of a captain
Copy !req
123. of our beloved
Thirteen Court Guard Squads,
Copy !req
124. we learned how your power works,
which is valuable.
Copy !req
125. Do you know what this means?
Copy !req
126. Eerie Quincy.
Copy !req
127. Since you're not replying, I'll go on.
Copy !req
128. What I'm trying to say is
Copy !req
129. that I'm almost on the verge of crying
because of this touching sacrifice.
Copy !req
130. Noble victories are always
preceded by noble sacrifices.
Copy !req
131. That jerk! How dare he talk like that?
Copy !req
132. In other words, you should show
your respect for this touching sacrifice
Copy !req
133. by donating your body
to me for my experiments.
Copy !req
134. Oh. It seems that you don't agree.
Copy !req
135. You're too stubborn
to understand romance, I see.
Copy !req
136. This is...
Copy !req
137. What is that?
Copy !req
138. I see, I didn't expect this.
Copy !req
139. I reckon that is the Soul King's left arm.
Copy !req
140. This monster is the Soul King's left arm?
Copy !req
141. Was Soul King this huge?
Copy !req
142. I've no idea since I've never met him.
Copy !req
143. His Spiritual Pressure is almost the same
as the one I sampled from Ukitake.
Copy !req
144. If Ukitake had a contract
with Soul King's right arm...
Copy !req
145. it's not weird
that the left arm can still move
Copy !req
146. after being parted from the Soul King.
Copy !req
147. I think it's weird.
Copy !req
148. The fact that it has one eye on it
Copy !req
149. also matches Kisuke Urahara's description.
Copy !req
150. I guess someone might say
that it's wrong to call that "one eye."
Copy !req
151. The only thing I don't understand is
Copy !req
152. why the Soul King's left arm
would work for Yhwach.
Copy !req
153. But
Copy !req
154. compared to my happiness now,
that's just a tiny issue.
Copy !req
155. Happiness?
Copy !req
156. You understand?
I didn't expect that either.
Copy !req
157. I wonder what organs you use to speak.
Copy !req
158. It's so intriguing.
Copy !req
159. Captain Kurotsuchi!
Copy !req
160. Stop grinning and run!
Copy !req
161. How can you be so happy
about this situation?
Copy !req
162. How can I be so happy, you ask?
Copy !req
163. I found a never-before-seen
object to observe.
Copy !req
164. It keeps on growing
beyond my expectations.
Copy !req
165. How could I not be happy about this?
Copy !req
166. Yes.
Copy !req
167. Show me more, Soul King's left arm!
Copy !req
168. Left... arm...
Copy !req
169. Name is... wrong...
Copy !req
170. What?
Copy !req
171. Louder, please.
Copy !req
172. My name... is Pernida...
Copy !req
173. Pernida Parnkgjas.
Copy !req
174. That's long.
Copy !req
175. I'm the one who found you anyway,
Copy !req
176. so I've got the right to name you.
Copy !req
177. But if you say so yourself,
Copy !req
178. I guess this time I can make an exception.
Copy !req
179. He makes no sense.
Copy !req
180. Same as always.
Copy !req
181. However I'll decide the spelling.
Copy !req
182. Not understand... what... you say...
Copy !req
183. What I not... understand... is bad things...
Copy !req
184. You are enemy...
Copy !req
185. The bad things enemy say... are bad things...
toward Quincy...
Copy !req
186. So what if it is bad things?
Copy !req
187. Unforgivable!
Copy !req
188. You can penetrate inorganic things
too with your nerves.
Copy !req
189. I didn't expect that. Nice.
Copy !req
190. You have some kind of grudge
with Haschwalth, don't you?
Copy !req
191. You can go find him.
Copy !req
192. What?
Copy !req
193. We will take care of His Majesty.
Copy !req
194. I will take down both of them.
Copy !req
195. I really want to see His Majesty
Copy !req
196. and Haschwalth turn into zombies.
Copy !req
197. Let's go.
Copy !req
198. - Captain Kurotsuchi!
- Captain Kurotsuchi!
Copy !req
199. Don't yell.
Copy !req
200. That's just reactive armor.
Copy !req
201. I won't explain it.
Look it up in the dictionary yourself.
Copy !req
202. Stop, Captain Kurotsuchi!
Copy !req
203. The ground has that guy's nerves!
Copy !req
204. Do you know this?
Copy !req
205. Of course!
Copy !req
206. This is the sky-walking technique
used by you Quincies.
Copy !req
207. Hirenkyaku.
Copy !req
208. However, this is the name used
by Soken and Uryu Ishida.
Copy !req
209. The real name might be a different one.
Copy !req
210. But anyway,
Copy !req
211. you may as well cover the whole ground
with your nerves,
Copy !req
212. but it's meaningless
if I don't step on them.
Copy !req
213. No!
Copy !req
214. Well then, as planned, I'll take a sample.
Copy !req
215. It's preserving liquid.
Copy !req
216. It might sting a little.
Copy !req
217. After the fight is over,
I'll build a water tank to preserve it.
Copy !req
218. Until then, this is needed
to maintain its freshness.
Copy !req
219. What?
Copy !req
220. I rearranged the position of nerves,
blood vessels, and muscles.
Copy !req
221. Don't think you can take control
of my body so easily,
Copy !req
222. Pernida.
Copy !req
223. It's not very well done.
Copy !req
224. It's been a while since I last did
an operation on singlehanded,
Copy !req
225. I've lost my intuition.
Copy !req
226. It's quite shameful.
Copy !req
227. Shameful?
Copy !req
228. Do you mean that you're nervous?
Copy !req
229. Do I look so?
Copy !req
230. Want to become more nervous?
Copy !req
231. No!
Copy !req
232. The ripped finger becomes
another left hand?
Copy !req
233. I guess it will be hard to rip you apart
and take home the pieces.
Copy !req
234. Become more nervous?
Copy !req
235. I see.
Copy !req
236. Blood got in my eye.
Copy !req
237. It hurts, it really hurts.
Copy !req
238. This is what I read in a book
when I was young.
Copy !req
239. The right hand of the Soul King
governs stillness.
Copy !req
240. His left hand governs advancement.
Copy !req
241. The knowledge you learn in books is
just knowledge.
Copy !req
242. I usually don't believe it
until I can prove it with my own hands.
Copy !req
243. But I never imagined that I'd be able
to prove both at the same time.
Copy !req
244. This is really a wonderful fight.
Copy !req
245. Bankai.
Copy !req
246. This is bad, it's Konjiki Ashisogi Jizo!
Copy !req
247. He wants to poison it to death!
Copy !req
248. - Captain Zaraki!
- Captain Zaraki!
Copy !req
249. Poison it to death?
Copy !req
250. That would be a real waste.
Copy !req
251. Now.
Copy !req
252. It's time to give birth.
Copy !req
253. Konjiki Ashisogi Jizo,
Matai Fukuin Shoutai.
Copy !req
254. What is that?
Copy !req
255. It's a modified Bankai.
Copy !req
256. I created Matai Fukuin Shoutai
by modifying Konjiki Ashisogi Jizo.
Copy !req
257. It's an aberrant form.
Copy !req
258. It can give birth
Copy !req
259. to other Ashisogijizo
based on the information I send to it.
Copy !req
260. You don't understand?
Copy !req
261. Just look, and you'll know.
Copy !req
262. This Ashisogijizo has nerves
on the surface of its body.
Copy !req
263. That's why it feels pain
even just by coming in to contact with air
Copy !req
264. or hitting the ground.
Copy !req
265. Let's not talk about this for now.
Copy !req
266. What's important is that those nerves
are divided into 70,000 layers.
Copy !req
267. In other words,
even if you shoot your nerves onto it,
Copy !req
268. the surface layer detaches itself,
and that's it.
Copy !req
269. What's wrong? You can fight it.
Copy !req
270. If you're able to shoot your nerves
Copy !req
271. through all the 70,000 layers
before it completely swallows you down.
Copy !req
272. On a stage stained crimson with blood,
Copy !req
273. pine needles are dispersed.
Copy !req
274. Traversing numerous Buddha realms
to the hell.
Copy !req