1. By the center, quick march!
Copy !req
2. Eyes right!
Copy !req
3. Eyes right!
Copy !req
4. You'd like to book a table
for three by the window for 9:30 pm.
Copy !req
5. Not too near the band in the name
of Oberleutnant von Genschler?
Copy !req
6. Yes, yes, I think you might
have the wrong number...
Copy !req
7. That's all right.
Copy !req
8. Another crossed line, eh, sir?
That phone system is a shambles.
Copy !req
9. No wonder we
haven't had any orders.
Copy !req
10. On the contrary, George,
we've had plenty of orders.
Copy !req
11. We've had orders for six meters
Copy !req
12. of Hungarian crushed velvet
curtain material.
Copy !req
13. Four rock salmon
and a ha'p'orth of chips.
Copy !req
14. And a cab for a Mr Redgrave
picking up from 14 Arnos Grove.
Copy !req
15. "Ring top bell."
Copy !req
16. Yes, but we don't want
those sort of orders.
Copy !req
17. We want orders to death or glory.
Copy !req
18. When are we going to give Fritz a taste
of our British spunk, hmm?
Copy !req
19. George, please.
Copy !req
20. No one is more anxious
to advance than I am,
Copy !req
21. but until I get
these communication problems sorted out,
Copy !req
22. I'm afraid we're stuck.
Copy !req
23. Captain Blackadder speaking.
Copy !req
24. No, I'm afraid the line's very...
Copy !req
25. Hello? Hello?
Captain Blackadder? Hello?
Copy !req
26. I said,
there's a terrible line at my end.
Copy !req
27. You are to advance on the enemy at once.
Copy !req
28. Gale force eight imminent.
Copy !req
29. What's it?
Come on, sir, what's the message?
Copy !req
30. I'm on tenterhooks, do tell.
Copy !req
31. As far as I can tell, the message was,
Copy !req
32. "He's got a terrible lion up his end,"
Copy !req
33. "so there's an advantage
to an enema at once."
Copy !req
34. Damn!
Copy !req
35. Message from HQ, sir.
Copy !req
36. Ah, now this will be it.
A telegram ordering an advance?
Copy !req
37. Hmm. Yes, I'm afraid not, George.
It is a telegram.
Copy !req
38. It is ordering an advance but it seems
to be addressed to someone called
Copy !req
39. Cat-pain Black-udder.
Copy !req
40. Do you know a Cat-pain
Black-udder, George?
Copy !req
41. Well, it rings a bell, but no.
Copy !req
42. No, me neither.
Copy !req
43. Oh, well.
Copy !req
44. Don't worry, George.
Copy !req
45. I'm sure if they want to contact us,
they'll find a way.
Copy !req
46. Pigeon, sir. Pigeon.
There's a pigeon in our trench.
Copy !req
47. Ah, now this'll be it.
Copy !req
48. Yes, it's one of
the King's carrier pigeons.
Copy !req
49. No, it isn't.
That pigeon couldn't carry the King.
Copy !req
50. He hasn't even got a tray or anything.
Copy !req
51. Lieutenant, revolver please.
Copy !req
52. Oh, now, sir!
You really shouldn't do this you know.
Copy !req
53. Come on, George.
With 50,000 men getting killed a week,
Copy !req
54. who's going to miss a pigeon?
Copy !req
55. Well, not you, obviously, sir.
Copy !req
56. In any case,
it's scarcely a court martial offense.
Copy !req
57. Get plucking, Bald rick.
Copy !req
58. All right, sir. Look!
Copy !req
59. It's got a little ring around it's leg.
There's a novelty.
Copy !req
60. Oh, really.
Is there a paper hat as well?
Copy !req
61. No, but there's a joke.
Read it out, sir.
Copy !req
62. Well it's a bit charred, there's a...
Copy !req
63. "Something, something at once."
Copy !req
64. "PS. Due to communication crisis
the shooting of carrier pigeons"
Copy !req
65. "is now a court martial offense."
Copy !req
66. I don't see
what's funny about that, sir.
Copy !req
67. It's not funny. It's deadly serious.
We're in trouble.
Copy !req
68. So, I shall eat the evidence for lunch.
Copy !req
69. And If anyone asks you
any questions at all,
Copy !req
70. we didn't receive any messages
Copy !req
71. and we definitely did not shoot
this delicious, plump-breasted pigeon.
Copy !req
72. Mmm.
Copy !req
73. Delicious!
Copy !req
74. Hey! Blackadder! Attention.
Copy !req
75. And why, Captain, are you not advancing
across no man's land?
Copy !req
76. Well, sir, call me
a bluff old traditionalist,
Copy !req
77. but I was always taught to wait for
the order to attack. Before attacking.
Copy !req
78. Are you trying to tell me
you haven't received any orders?
Copy !req
79. What the hell are you
playing at, Darling?
Copy !req
80. That's a blatant lie, sir.
Copy !req
81. I spoke to Blackadder
less than an hour ago.
Copy !req
82. Yes, you did.
To tell me some gobbledy-gook
Copy !req
83. about having a lion up your bottom.
Copy !req
84. Hmm, as I thought,
Copy !req
85. It's the old communications
problem again. Stand easy.
Copy !req
86. Action on this is imperative,
Copy !req
87. - Take that down, Darling.
- Yes, sir.
Copy !req
88. Also make a note of the word
"gobbledy-gook". I like it.
Copy !req
89. I want to use it more often
in conversation.
Copy !req
90. I must say, sir,
I find this all very unlikely.
Copy !req
91. Not only did I telephone Blackadder,
but as you'll recall,
Copy !req
92. we sent him a telegram
and a carrier pigeon.
Copy !req
93. Did you?
Copy !req
94. Are you telling us you haven't
had a pigeon, Blackadder?
Copy !req
95. Er...
Copy !req
96. Come on, man,
you must have done.
Copy !req
97. I sent our top bird,
Speckled Jim.
Copy !req
98. My own true love,
who's been with me since I was a nipper.
Copy !req
99. It's a business.
Copy !req
100. I'm giving you your order
to advance now.
Copy !req
101. Synchronise watches, gentlemen.
Copy !req
102. Private, what is the time?
Copy !req
103. We didn't receive any messages
Copy !req
104. and Captain Blackadder
definitely did not shoot
Copy !req
105. this delicious,
plump-breasted pigeon, sir.
Copy !req
106. What?
Copy !req
107. Do you want to be cremated,
Baldrick, or buried at sea?
Copy !req
108. Erm...
Copy !req
109. - Lieutenant.
- Sir.
Copy !req
110. - Do you mind answering some questions?
- Not at all, sir.
Copy !req
111. We didn't get any messages
Copy !req
112. and Captain Blackadder
definitely did not shoot
Copy !req
113. this delicious,
plump-breasted pigeon.
Copy !req
114. Thanks, George.
Copy !req
115. And look, sir.
Pigeon feathers.
Copy !req
116. White feathers.
Very apt, eh, Blackadder.
Copy !req
117. White feathers?
Copy !req
118. Oh, no, sir, that's
Copy !req
119. They' re not white,
they' re sort of speckly.
Copy !req
120. Speckly!
Copy !req
121. You shot my Speckled Jim!
Copy !req
122. You're for it now, Blackadder.
Copy !req
123. Quite frankly, sir,
Copy !req
124. I've suspected this for some time.
Quite clearly,
Copy !req
125. Captain Blackadder
has been disobeying orders
Copy !req
126. with a breathtaking impertinence.
Copy !req
127. I don't care if he's been
rogering the Duke of York
Copy !req
128. with a prize-winning leek.
Copy !req
129. He shot my pigeon!
Copy !req
130. Easy, sir! Easy, sir!
Take it easy, sir.
Copy !req
131. I think we should
do this by the books, sir.
Copy !req
132. Yes! You're right, of course. I'm...
Copy !req
133. I'm sorry.
Copy !req
134. Take attention!
Copy !req
135. Captain Blackadder, as of this moment,
you may consider yourself under arrest.
Copy !req
136. You know what the penalty is
for disobeying orders, Blackadder?
Copy !req
137. Erm...
Copy !req
138. Court martial followed by immediate
cessation of chocolate rations?
Copy !req
139. No. Court martial followed
by immediate death by firing squad.
Copy !req
140. Oh! So I got it half right.
Copy !req
141. All settled in and happy,
are we then, sir?
Copy !req
142. Written all our last goodbyes?
Copy !req
143. Oh, no need for that, Perkins.
I've just dashed off a couple of notes.
Copy !req
144. One asking for a sponge bag,
and the other, sending for my lawyer.
Copy !req
145. Oh, your lawyer, yes, sir.
Copy !req
146. Now, don't you think that might be
a bit of a waste of money, sir?
Copy !req
147. Not when he's the finest mind
in English legal history.
Copy !req
148. Ever heard of Bob Massingberd?
Copy !req
149. Oh, yes indeed, sir,
a most gifted gentleman.
Copy !req
150. Right, I remember
Massingberd's most famous case.
Copy !req
151. The case of the bloody knife.
Copy !req
152. A man was found
next to a murdered body.
Copy !req
153. He had the knife in his hand,
Copy !req
154. thirteen witnesses
had seen him stab the victim,
Copy !req
155. and when the police arrived,
he said,
Copy !req
156. "I'm glad I killed the bastard."
Copy !req
157. Massingberd not only got him off,
Copy !req
158. he got him knighted
in the New Year's Honours list,
Copy !req
159. and the relatives of the victim
Copy !req
160. had to pay to have the blood
washed out of his jacket.
Copy !req
161. And he's a dab hand
at the prosecution, as well, sir.
Copy !req
162. Yes, well look at Oscar Wilde.
Copy !req
163. Ol' Butch Oscar.
Copy !req
164. A big-bearded, bonking,
Butch Oscar.
Copy !req
165. The terror of the ladies,
114 illegitimate children.
Copy !req
166. World heavyweight boxing champion
Copy !req
167. and author of the bestselling pamphlet
"Why I Like To Do It With Girls".
Copy !req
168. And Massingberd had him
sent down for being a whoopsy.
Copy !req
169. Ah, Baldrick, anything
from Massingberd yet?
Copy !req
170. Yes, sir. Just arrived, sir.
Copy !req
171. - What is it?
- A sponge bag, sir.
Copy !req
172. - A sponge bag?
- Yes, sir.
Copy !req
173. Baldrick, I gave you two notes.
Copy !req
174. You sent the note asking
for a sponge bag
Copy !req
175. to the finest mind
in English legal history.
Copy !req
176. Certainly did, sir.
Copy !req
177. And you sent the note requesting
legal representation to...
Copy !req
178. Well, tally-ho with a bing and a bong
and a buzz, buzz, buzz!
Copy !req
179. Oh, God!
Copy !req
180. I'll tell you first of all, sir,
I am deeply, deeply honoured.
Copy !req
181. Baldrick, I'll deal with you later.
Copy !req
182. Am I to understand that you are going to
represent me at the court martial?
Copy !req
183. Absolutely, sir.
Copy !req
184. Well, it's a sort of
family tradition, really.
Copy !req
185. My uncle's a lawyer, you know.
Copy !req
186. Your uncle's a lawyer,
but you're not.
Copy !req
187. Oh, good Lord, no.
Copy !req
188. I'm an absolute duffer
at this sort of thing, no.
Copy !req
189. In the school debating society
Copy !req
190. I was voted the boy least
likely to complete a coherent...
Copy !req
191. - Sentence?
- That's it. Yes, yes.
Copy !req
192. But anyway, my dear old friend,
it's an honor to serve.
Copy !req
193. George, I'm in deep trouble here.
Copy !req
194. I need to construct a case that's
as water-tight as a mermaid's brassier.
Copy !req
195. I'm not sure your particular
brand of mindless optimism
Copy !req
196. is going to contribute
much to the proceedings.
Copy !req
197. Well that's a shame, sir,
because I was planning on
Copy !req
198. playing the mindless optimism card
pretty strongly during your trial.
Copy !req
199. I beg your pardon?
Copy !req
200. Yes, I've already planned my closing
address based on that very theme.
Copy !req
201. Oh, go on. Let him off,
Your Honour, please.
Copy !req
202. After all, it's a lovely day,
pretty clouds, trees, birds etc.
Copy !req
203. I rest my case.
Copy !req
204. So, counsel
with that summing-up in mind,
Copy !req
205. what do you think my chances are?
Copy !req
206. Well, not all that good I'm afraid.
Copy !req
207. As far as I can tell you're as guilty as
a puppy sitting next to a pile of poo.
Copy !req
208. Charming.
Copy !req
209. Crikey! So sorry
I'm late, m'lud.
Copy !req
210. But anyway let me open
my defense straight away
Copy !req
211. by saying that I've known this man
for three years.
Copy !req
212. He's an absolutely corking chap.
Copy !req
213. - George?
- Yes, sir?
Copy !req
214. That's the clerk of the court.
Copy !req
215. Is it? Oh.
Copy !req
216. We haven't started yet.
Copy !req
217. - Good luck, Blackadder.
- Thank you, Darling.
Copy !req
218. And what's your big job here today?
Straightening chairs?
Copy !req
219. No. In fact, I'm appearing
for the prosecution.
Copy !req
220. I wouldn't raise your hopes
too much,
Copy !req
221. you're as guilty as hell,
you haven't got a chance.
Copy !req
222. Why, thank you, Darling.
Copy !req
223. And I hope your mother dies
in a freak yachting accident.
Copy !req
224. Just doing my job, Blackadder.
Obeying orders.
Copy !req
225. And of course having
enormous fun into the bargain.
Copy !req
226. I wouldn't be too confident
if I were you.
Copy !req
227. Any reasonably impartial judge
is bound to let me off.
Copy !req
228. Well, absolutely.
Copy !req
229. Who is the judge, by the way?
Copy !req
230. Hey!
Copy !req
231. I'm dead!
Copy !req
232. Come on, then, come on.
Let's get this over in five minutes.
Copy !req
233. We can have a spot of lunch.
Copy !req
234. Right! Ooh. Ah.
Copy !req
235. The court is now in session,
Copy !req
236. General Sir Anthony Cecil
Hogmanay Melchett in the chair.
Copy !req
237. The case before us is that of the Crown
versus Captain Edmund Blackadder,
Copy !req
238. the Flanders pigeon murderer.
Copy !req
239. Oh, Clerk, hand me the black cap,
shall you. I'll be needing that.
Copy !req
240. Thank you.
Copy !req
241. I love a fair trial.
Copy !req
242. Anything to say,
before we kick off, Captain Darling?
Copy !req
243. May it please the court.
Copy !req
244. As this is clearly
an open-and-shut case,
Copy !req
245. I beg leave to bring a private
prosecution against the defense counsel
Copy !req
246. for wasting the court's time.
Copy !req
247. Granted. The defense counsel
is fined £50 for turning up.
Copy !req
248. This is fun!
This is just like a real court.
Copy !req
249. Right, let the trial begin.
Copy !req
250. The charge before us is that
the Flanders pigeon murderer
Copy !req
251. did deliberately, callously,
and with beastliness of forethought,
Copy !req
252. murder a lovely,
innocent pigeon...
Copy !req
253. And disobeyed
some orders as well.
Copy !req
254. Is this true?
Copy !req
255. Perfectly true, sir.
I was there.
Copy !req
256. Thanks, George.
Copy !req
257. Damn! Damn!
Copy !req
258. Right. Counsel for the defense,
get on with it.
Copy !req
259. Oh, right, yes, yes! Right, yes.
Copy !req
260. I'd like to call my first witness,
Captain Darling.
Copy !req
261. You wish to call the counsel
for the prosecution
Copy !req
262. as a defense witness?
Copy !req
263. That's right.
Copy !req
264. Don't worry, sir.
I've got it all under control.
Copy !req
265. You are
Captain Darling of the General's staff?
Copy !req
266. lam.
Copy !req
267. Captain, leaving aside
the incident in question,
Copy !req
268. would you think of Captain Blackadder
as the sort of man who would
Copy !req
269. usually ignore orders?
Copy !req
270. Yes, I would.
Copy !req
271. Ah... Erm...
Copy !req
272. You sure? I was rather banking
on you saying "no" there.
Copy !req
273. I'm sure.
Copy !req
274. In fact, I have a list of other orders
he's disobeyed, if it would be useful.
Copy !req
275. May the 16th, 9:15 am.
Copy !req
276. 10:23 a.m., 10:24 am.
11:17 am...
Copy !req
277. - You missed one out there.
- 10:30 a.m., thank you. 11:46 am.
Copy !req
278. - George!
- Oh, yes. Thank you, Captain!
Copy !req
279. No further questions.
Copy !req
280. Well done, George.
You really had him on the ropes there!
Copy !req
281. Don't worry, old man, I have a last,
Copy !req
282. and, I think you'll find,
decisive, witness.
Copy !req
283. Call Private Bald rick!
Copy !req
284. Call Private
Bald rick...
Copy !req
285. Deny everything, Baldrick!
Copy !req
286. Are you Private Baldrick?
Copy !req
287. No!
Copy !req
288. Oh, erm...
Copy !req
289. But you are
Captain Blackadder's batman?
Copy !req
290. No!
Copy !req
291. Come on, Baldrick,
be a bit more helpful. It's me.
Copy !req
292. No, it isn't!
Copy !req
293. - Sir, I must protest!
- Quite right.
Copy !req
294. - We don't need your kind here, Private.
- Get out.
Copy !req
295. Now George, sum up, please.
Copy !req
296. Oh, right, yes.
Copy !req
297. All right.
Copy !req
298. Gentleman, you have heard all
the evidence presented before you today,
Copy !req
299. but in the end it is up to
the conscience of your hearts to decide.
Copy !req
300. And I firmly believe that, like me,
Copy !req
301. you will conclude
that Captain Blackadder
Copy !req
302. is in fact totally and utterly guilty!
Copy !req
303. Of nothing more
Copy !req
304. than trying to do his duty
under difficult circumstances.
Copy !req
305. Nonsense! He's a hound
and a rotter and he's going to be shot.
Copy !req
306. However before we proceed
Copy !req
307. to the formality of sentencing
the deceased,
Copy !req
308. I mean the defendant!
Copy !req
309. I think we'd all rather enjoy
hearing the case of the prosecution.
Copy !req
310. Captain Darling, if you please.
Copy !req
311. Sir, my case is very simple.
I call my first witness,
Copy !req
312. General Sir Anthony Cecil
Hogmanay Melchett.
Copy !req
313. Ah, hmm.
Copy !req
314. Clever! Clever!
Copy !req
315. General, did you own a lovely,
plump, speckly pigeon
Copy !req
316. - called Speckled Jim,
which you hand-reared from a chick,
Copy !req
317. and which was your
only childhood friend?
Copy !req
318. Yes! Yes, I did.
Copy !req
319. And did Captain Blackadder
shoot the aforementioned pigeon?
Copy !req
320. Yes, he did!
Copy !req
321. Can you see Captain Blackadder
anywhere in this courtroom?
Copy !req
322. That's him. That's him.
That's the man. Ahhh!
Copy !req
323. No more questions, sir.
Copy !req
324. Splendid! Excellent!
First class! Well done.
Copy !req
325. I therefore have
absolutely no hesitation
Copy !req
326. in announcing that the sentence
of this court is
Copy !req
327. that you, Captain Edmund Blackadder,
be taken from this place
Copy !req
328. and suffer death by shooting
tomorrow at dawn.
Copy !req
329. Do you have anything to say?
Copy !req
330. Yes, could I have an alarm call, please?
Copy !req
331. Chappy to see you, Captain!
Copy !req
332. - What does he look like?
- Short, ugly...
Copy !req
333. Hello, Bald rick.
Copy !req
334. I've brought you some food, sir,
for your final breakfast tomorrow.
Copy !req
335. Ah, so you're not pinning much hope
on a last minute reprieve, then!
Copy !req
336. No sir, you are as dead
as some doo-doos.
Copy !req
337. The expression, Baldrick,
is "as a dodo". "Dead as a dodo".
Copy !req
338. Well, I'll leave you to it,
then, shall I?
Copy !req
339. Do not despair, sir.
Copy !req
340. All my talk of food
was just a dead herring.
Copy !req
341. In fact, I have a cunning plan.
Copy !req
342. This is not food, but an escape kit!
Copy !req
343. Good Lord!
Copy !req
344. With a saw, a hammer, a chisel, a gun,
a change of clothes, a Swiss passport
Copy !req
345. and a huge false moustache,
I may just stand a chance!
Copy !req
346. Ah.
Copy !req
347. Let's see. What have we here?
Copy !req
348. A small, painted wooden duck!
Copy !req
349. Yeah.
Copy !req
350. I thought if you get caught near water,
Copy !req
351. you can balance it on the top of
your head as a brilliant disguise.
Copy !req
352. Yes. I would of course
have to escape first.
Copy !req
353. Ah, but what's this?
Copy !req
354. Unless I'm much mistaken,
a hammer and chisel.
Copy !req
355. You are much mistaken.
Copy !req
356. A pencil and a miniature trumpet!
Copy !req
357. A pencil so you can drop me a postcard
to tell me how the breakout went,
Copy !req
358. and a small little tiny miniature
trumpet in case, during your escape,
Copy !req
359. you have to win favor
with a difficult child.
Copy !req
360. Baldrick, I don't want to
spend my last precious hours
Copy !req
361. rummaging through this
feeble collection of stocking-fillers.
Copy !req
362. Let me just ask you
some simple questions.
Copy !req
363. Is there a saw in this bag?
Copy !req
364. - No.
- A hammer?
Copy !req
365. - No.
- A chisel?
Copy !req
366. - No.
- A gun?
Copy !req
367. - No.
- A false passport?
Copy !req
368. No.
Copy !req
369. A change of clothes?
Copy !req
370. Yes, sir! Of course,
I wouldn't forget a change of clothes!
Copy !req
371. Well, that's something.
Let's see.
Copy !req
372. A Robin Hood costume!
Copy !req
373. Yeah, I put in a French
peasant's outfit at first.
Copy !req
374. But then I thought what if you arrive
in a French peasants' village
Copy !req
375. and they're in the middle
of a fancy dress party.
Copy !req
376. And what if I arrive in a French peasant
village dressed in a Robin Hood costume
Copy !req
377. and there isn't a fancy dress party?
Copy !req
378. Well, to be quite frank,
sir, I didn't consider that, eventuality
Copy !req
379. because if you did,
you'd stick out like a...
Copy !req
380. Like a man standing in a lake with
a small painted wooden duck on his head?
Copy !req
381. Exactly.
Copy !req
382. - Excuse me, sir.
- Ah, right, um...
Copy !req
383. Thank you, Baldrick.
We'll finish this picnic later.
Copy !req
384. Yum! Yum!
Copy !req
385. Do you mind if I disturb you
for a moment, sir?
Copy !req
386. No, no. Not at all,
my diary's pretty empty this week!
Copy !req
387. Let's see, Thursday morning,
"Get shot."
Copy !req
388. Yes, that's about it actually!
Copy !req
389. Oh, good. It's just, there's a few chaps
out here would like a bit of a chin-wag.
Copy !req
390. Ah, lovely, always keen
to meet new people.
Copy !req
391. Corporal Jones and Privates Fraser,
Robinson and Tipplewick.
Copy !req
392. - Hello, Private.
- Hello.
Copy !req
393. - Hello.
- Hello.
Copy !req
394. Well, nice of you to drop by!
Copy !req
395. And what do you do?
Copy !req
396. We're your firing squad, sir.
Copy !req
397. Of course you are.
Copy !req
398. - Good size chest! Sir.
- Shut up, lad.
Copy !req
399. You see us firing squads are
a bit like taxmen, sir.
Copy !req
400. Everyone hates us, but we're just
doing our job. Aren't we lads?
Copy !req
401. My heart bleeds for you!
Copy !req
402. Well, sir, we aim to please!
Copy !req
403. Just a little firing squad
joke there, sir!
Copy !req
404. You see, sir, we take pride
in the terminatory service we supply.
Copy !req
405. So, is there any particular area
you'd like us to go for?
Copy !req
406. We can aim anywhere.
Copy !req
407. Well, in that case just above my head
might be a good spot.
Copy !req
408. You see! A laugh and a smile,
Copy !req
409. and all of a sudden the job doesn't seem
quite so bad after all, does it, sir?
Copy !req
410. It's a lovely roomy forehead!
Good pulsing jugular, there as well.
Copy !req
411. Look, I'm sorry I know
you mean to be friendly
Copy !req
412. but I hope you don't take it amiss
if I ask you to sod off and die.
Copy !req
413. Ooh!
Copy !req
414. No, no, no, no, no,
fair enough!
Copy !req
415. Of course not, sir.
Copy !req
416. No one likes being shot
first thing in the morning. Do they?
Copy !req
417. No, no.
Copy !req
418. So look forward to seeing
you tomorrow, sir.
Copy !req
419. You'll have a blindfold on
of course, but you'll recognize me.
Copy !req
420. I'm the one that says,
"Ready, aim, fire."
Copy !req
421. Could I ask you to leave a pause between
the word "aim" and the word "fire"?
Copy !req
422. Thirty or 40 years perhaps?
Copy !req
423. That's a funny man!
Copy !req
424. I wish I could pause, sir.
Copy !req
425. I really wish I could,
but I can't you see.
Copy !req
426. Cause I'm a gabbler, me,
you see.
Copy !req
427. Ready, aim, fire.
Copy !req
428. No style, no finesse. But, you know,
it gets the job done, doesn't it, lads?
Copy !req
429. Come on, lads!
Copy !req
430. Whoever gets closest
to the mole gets to keep his gold teeth!
Copy !req
431. Good night, sir.
Copy !req
432. Sleep well, sir!
Copy !req
433. Perfect. I wonder if anything on earth
could depress me more.
Copy !req
434. - Excuse me, sir!
- Of course it could!
Copy !req
435. I forgot to give you this letter
from Lieutenant George, sir.
Copy !req
436. Oh, joy! What wise words from
the world's greatest defense counsel?
Copy !req
437. "Dear Mother".
Copy !req
438. Unusual start!
"Thanks for the case of scotch"
Copy !req
439. You've excelled yourself,
Bald rick.
Copy !req
440. You've brought
the wrong letter again!
Copy !req
441. Cor, yeah! He did write two!
Copy !req
442. Yes, his mother's
about to get a note
Copy !req
443. telling her he's sorry she's
going to be shot in the morning.
Copy !req
444. While I have to read this drivel.
Copy !req
445. "Hope Celia thrives
in the Pony Club trials
Copy !req
446. "and that little Freddy
scores a century for the first 11
Copy !req
447. You can't deny
it's a riveting read.
Copy !req
448. "Send my love to Uncle Rupert,
who'd have thought it?"
Copy !req
449. "Mad Uncle Rupert,
Minister of War,"
Copy !req
450. "with power of life and death
over every bally soldier in the Army!"
Copy !req
451. Hang on a minute! This is it!
Copy !req
452. All George has to do is send him
a telegram and he'll get me off!
Copy !req
453. Baldrick, I love you!
Copy !req
454. I want to kiss your cherry lips
and nibble your shell-like ears!
Copy !req
455. I'm free!
Copy !req
456. - I'm useless! Useless!
- Sir! Sir!
Copy !req
457. - Hello, Private, how's the captain?
- He's absolutely fine, sir.
Copy !req
458. You're just trying to cheer me up.
I know the truth.
Copy !req
459. He hates me because I completely
arsed up his defense.
Copy !req
460. - Yes, I know, sir, but...
- Because I'm thick you see.
Copy !req
461. I'm as thick as the big print version of
the complete works of Charles Dickens!
Copy !req
462. - But".
- If only I could have saved him!
Copy !req
463. - But you can, sir!
- What? How?
Copy !req
464. You send a telegram!
Copy !req
465. Of course!
I send a telegram!
Copy !req
466. - Yeah.
- Who to?
Copy !req
467. - To the person in the letter.
- What letter?
Copy !req
468. - To your mother.
- I send a telegram to my mother!
Copy !req
469. - No.
- No.
Copy !req
470. You send a telegram to
the person in the letter to your mother.
Copy !req
471. Well who is in the
letter to my mother?
Copy !req
472. - I can't remember!
- Well, think, think!
Copy !req
473. - No, you think, think!
- Well, I...
Copy !req
474. Celia! Of course!
The Pony Club Trials! Yes!
Copy !req
475. Celia could leap over the walls
of the prison and save him!
Copy !req
476. - No! No? No! No!
- Um... Cricket!
Copy !req
477. Yes. I've got cousin Freddy, of course!
Copy !req
478. He could knock out the firing squad
with his cricket bat!
Copy !req
479. - No, someone else!
- Well, who?
Copy !req
480. - I don't know!
- Well, neither do I.
Copy !req
481. - Well, think, think!
- You think!
Copy !req
482. - You think, sir.
- I'm stuck!
Copy !req
483. Stuck? Fine.
Copy !req
484. - No, it hasn't helped.
- Yes it has, sir.
Copy !req
485. Your Uncle Rupert,
who's just been made Minister of War!
Copy !req
486. Of course! Uncle Rupert's
just been made the Minister of War!
Copy !req
487. Baldrick, I'll send him a telegram
and he'll pull strings and scratch backs
Copy !req
488. and fiddle with knobs and...
Copy !req
489. And get the captain off!
Copy !req
490. Hurray!
Copy !req
491. We got there in the end,
eh, Baldrick!
Copy !req
492. Just about, sir!
Copy !req
493. I think this calls for a celebration,
don't you?
Copy !req
494. What about a tot of Old Moorhen's
Shredded Sporran, which Mumsy sent.
Copy !req
495. I think a toast, don't you?
To Captain Blackadder and freedom.
Copy !req
496. Captain Blackadder and freedom, sir!
Copy !req
497. - Morning!
- Good morning, sir!
Copy !req
498. I must say, Captain,
I've got to admire your balls.
Copy !req
499. Perhaps later.
Copy !req
500. 50, boys, how are you doing?
Copy !req
501. - Very well.
- Very well.
Copy !req
502. - Robinson, good to see you!
- Good to see you too, sir!
Copy !req
503. Corporal, how's the voice?
Copy !req
504. Excellent, sir. Ready, aim,
fire! Wait for it! Wait for it!
Copy !req
505. So the phone's on the hook,
isn't it, Perkins?
Copy !req
506. Oh, yes, sir.
Copy !req
507. Splendid. 50! Where do you want me?
Copy !req
508. Well up against the wall
is traditional, sir!
Copy !req
509. Of course it is.
This side or the other side?
Copy !req
510. No messengers waiting, Perkins?
Copy !req
511. - I'm afraid not, sir.
- Fair enough, fair enough.
Copy !req
512. All right lads, line up...
Copy !req
513. Yes, now look, I think there might have
been a bit of a misunderstanding here.
Copy !req
514. You see, I was expecting, a telegram.
Copy !req
515. - Attention!
- Quite an important one, actually.
Copy !req
516. Take aim!
Copy !req
517. Stop!
Copy !req
518. I think that's what they call
"the nick of time"!
Copy !req
519. - Message for you, Captain!
- Of course it is, read it, please.
Copy !req
520. "Here's looking at you!"
Copy !req
521. "Love from all the boys
in the firing squad."
Copy !req
522. You soft bastards, you.
Copy !req
523. I saw a card
I couldn't resist it!
Copy !req
524. - How thoughtful.
- Attention!
Copy !req
525. Now look, something has gone
spectacularly badly wrong.
Copy !req
526. - Take aim!
- Baldrick, you're mincemeat.
Copy !req
527. Oh, my head!
Oh, my head!
Copy !req
528. It feels like the time I was initiated
Copy !req
529. into the Silly Buggers Society
at Cambridge.
Copy !req
530. I misheard the rules and pushed
a whole aubergine into my ear hole.
Copy !req
531. Permission to die, sir.
Copy !req
532. What started us drinking?
Copy !req
533. Oh, yes. We were celebrating getting
Captain Blackadder off scot-free...
Copy !req
534. Oh, my sainted trousers!
We forgot!
Copy !req
535. - Oh, whoops.
- Oh, now he's dead, you see!
Copy !req
536. He's dead, dead, dead, because we're
a pair of selfish so-and-sos.
Copy !req
537. Oh, God, If I had a rope
Copy !req
538. I'd put it around my neck and bally well
hang myself until it really hurt.
Copy !req
539. Morning, George.
Morning, Baldrick.
Copy !req
540. Still a striking resemblance
to guppy fish at feeding time.
Copy !req
541. Yep, it arrived
in the nick of time.
Copy !req
542. Oh, excellent!
Copy !req
543. So you've got the scotch out anyway.
Copy !req
544. Well, of course, sir.
Copy !req
545. Yes, we wanted to lay on
a bit of a bash for your safe return.
Copy !req
546. There you go.
Copy !req
547. There was a second telegram
arrived, actually George,
Copy !req
548. addressed to you personally
from your uncle.
Copy !req
549. Oh, thank you...
Copy !req
550. "George, my boy.
Outraged to read in dispatches"
Copy !req
551. "of how that arse Melchett
made such a pig's ear"
Copy !req
552. "of your chum Blackadder's
court martial."
Copy !req
553. "I've reversed the decision forthwith."
Copy !req
554. "Surprised you didn't ask me
to do it yourself, actually."
Copy !req
555. Now, this is interesting, isn't it?
Copy !req
556. Yes, well you see, sir.
The thing is...
Copy !req
557. You two got whammed
last night didn't you?
Copy !req
558. Well, not whammed, exactly!
A little tiddly, perhaps.
Copy !req
559. And you forgot the telegram
to your uncle!
Copy !req
560. Well, no, not completely.
I mean, partially. Erm...
Copy !req
561. Well, yes, yes entirely, yes.
Copy !req
562. I think I can explain, sir...
Copy !req
563. Can you, Bald rick?
Copy !req
564. No.
Copy !req
565. As I suspected!
Copy !req
566. Now I'm not a religious man,
as you know, but henceforth,
Copy !req
567. I shall nightly pray to the God
that killed Cain and squashed Samson
Copy !req
568. that he comes out of retirement and gets
back in to practice on the pair of you!
Copy !req
569. Captain Blackadder.
Ah, Captain Darling!
Copy !req
570. Well, you know, some of us just have
friends in high places, I suppose.
Copy !req
571. Yes, I can hear you perfectly.
Copy !req
572. You want what?
Copy !req
573. You want two volunteers
for a mission into no man's land?
Copy !req
574. Code name,
Operation Certain Death?
Copy !req
575. Yes. Yes I think I have
just the fellows.
Copy !req
576. God is very quick these days!
Copy !req