1. Jesus!
Copy !req
2. Just the man
I want to see.
Copy !req
3. Damn, Lloyd, you back
on the street, man?
Copy !req
4. What happened?
Copy !req
5. You and Vic had
another roomie spat?
Copy !req
6. Yeah, my ex-best friend
kicked me out.
Copy !req
7. I don't give
a damn about him.
Copy !req
8. I couldn't tell you how it was
living with that punk.
Copy !req
9. He's a tyrant.
Copy !req
10. Act like he's
the mayor of something.
Copy !req
11. "Lloyd, wash
your ass, Lloyd.
Copy !req
12. "Wash your ass, Lloyd.
Copy !req
13. Ass. Ass. Ass."
Copy !req
14. He was obsessed.
Copy !req
15. I was like, "Damn, why you
worried about my ass?"
Copy !req
16. 'Cause your ass stink, Lloyd.
Copy !req
17. Whatever.
Copy !req
18. He gonna get what's
coming to him.
Copy !req
19. Have a little food there, Jesus.
Copy !req
20. Oh, thanks, Lloyd.
Copy !req
21. Get as much as you
want now, Jesus.
Copy !req
22. Now... um, I want to talk
to you about my Christmas list.
Copy !req
23. Now, I've been very good.
Copy !req
24. I've been... I'm talking about
I've been excellent.
Copy !req
25. And I got a long list of things
that I want for Christmas.
Copy !req
26. Thank you for the food, man,
but I've been telling folks
Copy !req
27. to miss me with that
"I've been good" shit, man.
Copy !req
28. Take it to that fat white
down at the mall, brah.
Copy !req
29. But it's Christmas. Yeah, I know it's Christmas.
Copy !req
30. It's my birthday.
Copy !req
31. Why you got to get shit
on my birthday?
Copy !req
32. I don't get shit on yours, man.
Copy !req
33. out of here.
Copy !req
34. Jesus!
Copy !req
35. Come back here!
Copy !req
36. You better learn
what Christmas is all about!
Copy !req
37. Man, people always surprised
to hear how I hate Christmas,
Copy !req
38. but they shouldn't be, 'cause
Christmas is some bullshit.
Copy !req
39. It's supposed to be
about giving,
Copy !req
40. but every year
the takers come out.
Copy !req
41. Case in point.
Copy !req
42. Jesus.
Copy !req
43. I'm sorry, did I
wake you? My bad.
Copy !req
44. Early Christmas
Copy !req
45. Happy birthday to
the King of kings.
Copy !req
46. And there's more
where that came from
Copy !req
47. if you just come to
my Christmas party.
Copy !req
48. Man, you can keep this
little funky-ass weed, man.
Copy !req
49. I told you I wasn't coming
to your party, Ms. Tudi.
Copy !req
50. Jesus, baby, please,
you got to come.
Copy !req
51. Because I've already
sent out invitations
Copy !req
52. and-and e-mails with
your picture on it.
Copy !req
53. Merry Christmas,
Ms. Tudi. Merry Christmas, baby.
Copy !req
54. You always have me on some
exploitative shit, man.
Copy !req
55. Just like last year.
Copy !req
56. Remember you set up
the little photo booth
Copy !req
57. and charged people $20 a head?
Copy !req
58. A dub a head!
Right, right.
Copy !req
59. To take a picture with me. That was good!
Copy !req
60. No, it wasn't good, man—
You had drunk
Copy !req
61. sitting on my lap,
spilling drink all on my garb.
Copy !req
62. Smelling like yak all night;
Copy !req
63. is that how you want to be
treated for your birthday?
Copy !req
64. MS. All right, well,
listen here— this is different.
Copy !req
65. Now, I got the
best idea ever.
Copy !req
66. Okay, check this out.
Copy !req
67. A live nativity scene
on my front lawn
Copy !req
68. starring... you!
Copy !req
69. Huh?
Copy !req
70. You want me to be
a lawn ornament?
Copy !req
71. That's some bullshit,
Ms. Tudi.
Copy !req
72. You know what?
Copy !req
73. I'm thinking about Buddhism.
Copy !req
74. Mm-hmm. Mm-hmm.
Copy !req
75. Well, well, well, if it ain't
the Australian con man.
Copy !req
76. Merry Christmas, nigga.
Copy !req
77. Hey, Vic.
Copy !req
78. Did you really
kick Lloyd out, man?
Copy !req
79. On Christmas, brah?
Copy !req
80. Hell yeah, I did.
Copy !req
81. He's a degenerate.
Copy !req
82. A lowlife.
Copy !req
83. Got a horrible work ethic,
just like you.
Copy !req
84. You know, man,
that's some up shit
Copy !req
85. to tell a brother
on his birthday, man. Birthday?
Copy !req
86. That's right. Yeah.
Copy !req
87. Well, I got some good
news for you, man.
Copy !req
88. Gift straight from God. Wha...?
Copy !req
89. Hey, Pops blessed you
with a gift?
Copy !req
90. The Word? Ah, man, that's
the gift that keep on giving.
Copy !req
91. Come on, lay it on me, man,
come on, what'd he say?
Copy !req
92. He says, "Beware
of false prophets
Copy !req
93. "and those that would
disguise themselves
Copy !req
94. "to be servants
of righteousness.
Copy !req
95. "Their end will correspond
with their deeds,
Copy !req
96. "as they will be hurled into
a lake of burning sulfur
Copy !req
97. to be tormented day in
and day out forever."
Copy !req
98. Vic, man,
I-I don't think
Copy !req
99. that was supposed
to be taken literally, brah.
Copy !req
100. In your case, you better
take it literally.
Copy !req
101. You going to
Hell, con man.
Copy !req
102. In case you didn't know,
Copy !req
103. that's a whole lot
hotter than Australia.
Copy !req
104. Hater, man.
Copy !req
105. Man, everybody can miss me
Copy !req
106. with this stupid-ass
holiday bullshit.
Copy !req
107. Oh, man, here this
nigga go again.
Copy !req
108. Nah, man, seriously though.
Copy !req
109. Whatever that is they
out there celebrating
Copy !req
110. ain't got shit to do with me.
Copy !req
111. Yeah, yeah, yeah, we know,
Jesus— you hate Christmas.
Copy !req
112. Everybody knows
that you hate Christmas.
Copy !req
113. Yeah, man, why you got
to it up
Copy !req
114. for the rest of us, man?
Copy !req
115. You want to be known as the
Jesus that ruined Christmas?
Copy !req
116. Yeah, man, don't be
ruining our Christmas
Copy !req
117. just 'cause you
in a bad mood.
Copy !req
118. So we gonna celebrate
your birthday
Copy !req
119. a little early this year.
Copy !req
120. Oh, snap!
Copy !req
121. Hey, y'all did
this for me?
Copy !req
122. Yeah, man, so cheer
your ass up, man.
Copy !req
123. We got you.
Copy !req
124. Your homies got
your back, man.
Copy !req
125. Hey, things could be
a lot worse.
Copy !req
126. Get the door, Jay.
Copy !req
127. Hey, baby.
Copy !req
128. What's up?
Copy !req
129. Your mail.
Copy !req
130. I don't know why I'm
still getting it—
Copy !req
131. we haven't lived
together in ages.
Copy !req
132. Oh, thank you, baby.
Copy !req
133. You ain't even have
to do all that.
Copy !req
134. Hey, Dianne.
Copy !req
135. Want to come inside
and kick it?
Copy !req
136. Nah, I'm cool.
Copy !req
137. Ah.
All right, well, have
fun "kicking it."
Copy !req
138. Have fun shooting people.
Copy !req
139. Jay, you need to go
with her, man.
Copy !req
140. It's your destiny, man.
Copy !req
141. She want to spend
Christmas with you.
Copy !req
142. Nah, I'll just
call her later.
Copy !req
143. Hey, Jesus, what am I
getting this year?
Copy !req
144. Nothing, man, your daddy's an
alcoholic and he lost his job.
Copy !req
145. Stop being so self-centered.
Copy !req
146. Jesus, man, you shouldn't
do stuff like that.
Copy !req
147. Nah, they don't care about
nothing but theyself, man.
Copy !req
148. People are over
Christmas now.
Copy !req
149. You're not the only one who
hates your birthday, all right?
Copy !req
150. You don't have a job,
you don't have no money,
Copy !req
151. you can't go shopping.
Copy !req
152. To be honest, we all
wish we could skip it.
Copy !req
153. And I wish I could
just skip being
Copy !req
154. the Holy Redeemer
and the Heavenly Savior.
Copy !req
155. All right, now you
just talking crazy.
Copy !req
156. Nah, man, I'm telling
the truth, man.
Copy !req
157. Sometimes I don't even want
to be Jesus no more.
Copy !req
158. Here I am spreading the goodness
and the light,
Copy !req
159. you feel me?
That's all I know.
Copy !req
160. But all they know is
the Santa Claus bullshit.
Copy !req
161. Hey, brah, I'm gonna
have to ask you to leave.
Copy !req
162. Ah, here we go, man.
Copy !req
163. Why you got to
mess with me, man?
Copy !req
164. Man, you are too agitated
and too black right now.
Copy !req
165. And this outfit is offensive—
it's Christmas.
Copy !req
166. You right— it isChristmas.
Copy !req
167. It's mybirthday!
Copy !req
168. My birthday!
Copy !req
169. all this
hyper-consumerism bullshit!
Copy !req
170. This ain't
what Christmas is about!
Copy !req
171. It's about getting
your boy what he want!
Copy !req
172. And what I want
is peace on Earth!
Copy !req
173. Donnie!
Copy !req
174. We on top of this!
Copy !req
175. Donnie!
Oh, yeah, bitch-ass
Santa Claus.
Copy !req
176. Hey, man,
it's his birthday, man, oh!
Copy !req
177. Donnie!
Copy !req
178. Jesus, are you okay?
Copy !req
179. Quick, we need an ambulance!
Copy !req
180. Jesus! Jesus!
Copy !req
181. Are you okay?
Copy !req
182. Are you okay? you okay?
Copy !req
183. All right, so,
how you feeling?
Copy !req
184. That's a pretty nasty
bump you got there.
Copy !req
185. But no concussions
Copy !req
186. or serious damage.
Copy !req
187. What day is it?
Copy !req
188. Still Christmas Eve.
Copy !req
189. Are my, are my friends here?
Copy !req
190. You didn't come
with any friends.
Copy !req
191. Look, I just need you to
fill out a few documents,
Copy !req
192. and I'll have you
on your way, Fred.
Copy !req
193. Wait...
Copy !req
194. What you call me, brah?
Copy !req
195. Fred.
Fred Bethlehem?
Copy !req
196. At least, that's what's
on your driver's license.
Copy !req
197. I don't have
a driver's license, man.
Copy !req
198. Somebody should've
told this guy.
Copy !req
199. Hmm.
Copy !req
200. You were
born on Christmas Day.
Copy !req
201. That must suck!
Copy !req
202. Look,
Copy !req
203. Doctor, somebody
made a huge mistake.
Copy !req
204. Man, that's not me, brah.
Copy !req
205. L-Like I said, that's
a pretty nasty bump.
Copy !req
206. But it'll all start
coming back to you soon...
Copy !req
207. Fred.
Copy !req
208. I got to get out of here.
Copy !req
209. Hey, Pops, it's me, man.
Copy !req
210. There's some strange shit
going on down here.
Copy !req
211. And I really need you to holler
at me with the quickness.
Copy !req
212. Until then, I'm just gonna
assume it was your divine hand
Copy !req
213. putting in work.
Copy !req
214. In my resplendent
and illustrious name,
Copy !req
215. I pray, Pops.
Copy !req
216. Amen, amen.
Copy !req
217. Oh, my bad, Lloyd.
Copy !req
218. You good?
Copy !req
219. What the hell?
Copy !req
220. Oh, Freddie, hey!
Copy !req
221. What's going on, man?
Copy !req
222. Listen, I'm just up here
enjoying the day,
Copy !req
223. taking a nice little nap, man.
How you been, Freddie?
Copy !req
224. Darby?
Copy !req
225. No, I'm not cool!
Copy !req
226. What is you doing out
here on the streets,
Copy !req
227. looking like Lloyd? Hold up, nigga.
Copy !req
228. I might be dirty, nasty
Copy !req
229. and drunker than a,
Copy !req
230. but I damn sure
don't look like no Lloyd!
Copy !req
231. That's just mean.
Copy !req
232. Hey, fellas,
how's it going?
Copy !req
233. Hey, it's that doctor!
Copy !req
234. I ain't no doctor.
That-that's my side hustle.
Copy !req
235. This is my real job.
Copy !req
236. How's your head, Fred?
Copy !req
237. Everything okay?
Copy !req
238. Oh, okay, I get it.
Copy !req
239. You ain't no doctor, man.
You a angel!
Copy !req
240. You can't fool me, man.
Copy !req
241. I know angels when I see them.
Copy !req
242. Guilty!
Copy !req
243. Freddie,
you-you okay, man?
Copy !req
244. Brah, I told you, man.
Copy !req
245. My name ain't Freddie, man.
Copy !req
246. It's Jesus H. Christ.
Come on, you know me, brah.
Copy !req
247. Nigga, you on the pipe?
Copy !req
248. Actually your name
was Jesus H. Christ.
Copy !req
249. Now you're Freddie Bethlehem,
ordinary negro.
Copy !req
250. Retired-foreign-league
Copy !req
251. basketball-playing-looking
Copy !req
252. And look at your boy Jason.
Copy !req
253. Without Jesus in his life.
Copy !req
254. Piece of shit, Bobby Brown
Copy !req
255. reject-looking —
look at him!
Copy !req
256. He's given up.
Nigga, you know
I can hear you?
Copy !req
257. All right, so look, man,
you never
Copy !req
258. did answer my question, man.
Copy !req
259. This-this is all Pops
Copy !req
260. trying to teach me some little
Copy !req
261. Christmas lesson
or something, right?
Copy !req
262. No, this is not Pops
Copy !req
263. teaching you some type
of Christmas lesson.
Copy !req
264. It's Pops granting you
your Christmas wish.
Copy !req
265. You're not Jesus anymore.
Copy !req
266. You're with me, right?
Copy !req
267. I mean, Pops took away
my divinity?
Copy !req
268. Have you noticed how hard
it is to reach him now?
Copy !req
269. Ordinary people
can't reach God.
Copy !req
270. They need you. Ain't this a bitch?
Copy !req
271. Freddie, how many
times I told you
Copy !req
272. to stop loitering in
front of Compton Gardens,
Copy !req
273. giving it a bad name?
Copy !req
274. Lloyd?
Copy !req
275. Get that dirty,
funky box out of here!
Copy !req
276. Package?
Copy !req
277. And I told you stop throwing
packages over that gate.
Copy !req
278. Okay, I'm sorry.
Copy !req
279. You threw one last week. All right.
Copy !req
280. And this funky-ass
nigga here got it.
Copy !req
281. Lies!
And I'm gonna sue your ass.
Copy !req
282. Mr. Lloyd, I will see you
Copy !req
283. at the Compton Christmas
Celebration, right?
Copy !req
284. Oh, yeah,
I'll be there.
Copy !req
285. Without you, Lloyd
stayed in the rat race.
Copy !req
286. And as you can see, look!
Copy !req
287. He's just a bitter,
Copy !req
288. All right, ah.
Copy !req
289. Got more packages to deliver.
Copy !req
290. Hey, wait, though— if-if-if
Lloyd running the complex,
Copy !req
291. where Vic at?
Copy !req
292. Vic's the mayor of Compton!
Copy !req
293. I got a special
Christmas gift for you—
Copy !req
294. a bullet up your ass.
Copy !req
295. Tudi!
Copy !req
296. What?
Copy !req
297. Where's that son of yours?
Copy !req
298. I need to know quick.
Copy !req
299. We got 40 minutes
to get down to the park
Copy !req
300. and it's gonna take me 30
minutes to whip his ass
Copy !req
301. for what he did.You didn't say
Copy !req
302. nothing about no gun.
Copy !req
303. Now, why you got the gun? Come on, baby.
Copy !req
304. This is Compton. It's a lot
of crazy fools out there.
Copy !req
305. Ain't you the mayor?
Copy !req
306. Ain't that why you got
Copy !req
307. all them bodyguards
and Secret Service?
Copy !req
308. I don't need them niggas.
Copy !req
309. I'm the sheep dog.
Copy !req
310. The protector of the flock.
Copy !req
311. The sheep...?
That's right.
Copy !req
312. Hey, what's up, Moms?
Sorry I'm late.
Copy !req
313. Ooh, ooh.I had to go get my hair cut.
Copy !req
314. Uh-oh!
I got a new outfit.
Copy !req
315. And I got my nails done,
my feet done, new jewelry...
Copy !req
316. Stop, Boon.
Copy !req
317. Just stop it.
Copy !req
318. Boonie, I was in
your room earlier.
Copy !req
319. And I found this.
Copy !req
320. Oh, hell nah! Nah, nah.
Copy !req
321. It's because of that bitch!
Copy !req
322. No stepson of mine
gonna be a druggie!
Copy !req
323. You big-ass bitch!
I'm gonna whip your ass!
Copy !req
324. That's why the nigga like you! Wish you had an ass!
Copy !req
325. Come over here, bitch!
Come here!
Copy !req
326. Bad! No drugs, nigga!
Copy !req
327. MS. And you gave
my precious Boonie weed!
Copy !req
328. I'm gonna beat your ass, bitch!
Copy !req
329. See, it's the mayor
house right here.
Copy !req
330. Nah, man, this Ms. Tudi's hou—
Copy !req
331. Vic and Ms. Tudi?
Copy !req
332. Imagine that.
Without you,
Copy !req
333. Ms. Tudi never knew
the pleasures of weed.
Copy !req
334. She became a alcoholic
and married Vic.
Copy !req
335. What?
Copy !req
336. Yep, and without you
around to hate on,
Copy !req
337. Vic had enough time and energy
to run for mayor and win.
Copy !req
338. Is that...
Copy !req
339. Freddie?
Copy !req
340. Damn it, Freddie, what the hell
are you doing here?
Copy !req
341. I'm working!
Copy !req
342. Hey, look, Dianne,
Copy !req
343. I-I know this might
sound crazy as,
Copy !req
344. but I'm not who
you think I am, girl.
Copy !req
345. Yes, you are, Freddie.
You're a loser.
Copy !req
346. What's this?
You hanging out
with bums, now? Huh?
Copy !req
347. I've had enough of this.
Copy !req
348. This relationship is—
Copy !req
349. Yes, sir.
Okay, okay.
Copy !req
350. Some of us
are working.
Copy !req
351. Merry Christmas, you asshole.
Copy !req
352. Man, how you lose
a woman like that?
Copy !req
353. You know what I'd do
to have a woman like that?
Copy !req
354. Oh!
Copy !req
355. Man, that isyour woman!
Copy !req
356. You ain't my daddy!
Copy !req
357. Everybody, come on,
let's get cleaned up.
Copy !req
358. I'm sorry.
We gotta get down
Copy !req
359. to the park and talk
to the people of Compton.
Copy !req
360. I'm-a finish whupping
your ass when I get back.
Copy !req
361. I'll be your daddy
then, nigga.
Copy !req
362. Mayor! Over here!
Mayor, Mayor, over here!
Copy !req
363. Hey, get that
camera out of here. Mayor, over here!
Copy !req
364. Come on, girl... I-I got it, I got it.
Copy !req
365. Hey! Boon! Can I get one?
Copy !req
366. What's up, Boon?
It's me!
Copy !req
367. It's your boy, Jesus! Hey, you, man.
Copy !req
368. Maggie! What's up?
It's your boy, it's Jesus!
Copy !req
369. Mayor, look this way!
Copy !req
370. Right here! Come on, man, watch out.
Copy !req
371. What's up, man?
Copy !req
372. It's your boy!
Copy !req
373. Mayor, let me get one!
Copy !req
374. Are y'all just gonna
push off old Jesus?
Copy !req
375. Come on, it's...
Copy !req
376. Okay.
Copy !req
377. A'ight, a'ight, dawg.
Copy !req
378. Look, this is all getting
a little bit too weird.
Copy !req
379. Okay, Pops, I'm good,
I'm straight.
Copy !req
380. Tell Pops I got the message,
I understand, I'm straight.
Copy !req
381. I don't want to not be
Jesus no more; I'm good.
Copy !req
382. I can't help you, bruh.
Copy !req
383. Fish...
Copy !req
384. Hey, you know this
dude named Fish?
Copy !req
385. Yeah. You talking 'bout
your homeboy Fish, right?
Copy !req
386. Yeah!
Copy !req
387. Yeah, you know, the
brown-skinned dude?
Copy !req
388. Thug nigga?
Yes, yes!
Copy !req
389. I always liked Fish, man. Yeah...
Copy !req
390. You know, he-he my kind
of dude right there.
Copy !req
391. Uh, where he at, though?
Copy !req
392. Oh, he dead.
Copy !req
393. Yeah.
Copy !req
394. Police kill him
for selling burned DVDs.
Copy !req
395. Mm-hmm.
Copy !req
396. Shame.
Copy !req
397. Wh... Wh... Where?
Copy !req
398. Couple blocks
up that way.
Copy !req
399. Crazy nigga.
Copy !req
400. Nah, Pops.
Pops, come on, Pops.
Copy !req
401. I'm sorry I hated
on Christmas so hard, Pops.
Copy !req
402. I'm sorry I s...
I said I didn't want to be
Copy !req
403. your Divine and Holy Son
no more, Pops.
Copy !req
404. It's too late for Fish, Freddie.
Copy !req
405. Jesus was the only one
Copy !req
406. holding him down
in these streets.
Copy !req
407. And you better
hurry up,
Copy !req
408. because Fish won't be
the only dead homie out here.
Copy !req
409. Lloyd is planning
on assassinating Vic
Copy !req
410. at the Christmas
in Compton celebration.
Copy !req
411. Assassinate Vic?
Copy !req
412. Without you, Lloyd became
a radical libertarian.
Copy !req
413. He thinks Vic's a tyrant.
Copy !req
414. is crazy.
Copy !req
415. No, Pops, this can't be right.
Copy !req
416. Pops, this ain't right, Pops!
Copy !req
417. Come on, Pops.
Copy !req
418. Come on,
let's fix this, Pops,
Copy !req
419. come on, Pops,
send me a sign, Pops.
Copy !req
420. This ain't real, man!
Copy !req
421. Oh, no, it's real, it's real.
Copy !req
422. Here go your sign
right here.
Copy !req
423. You put it up there. Look.
Say "Freddie B."
Copy !req
424. Mm-hmm.
Copy !req
425. Now that's what I'm talking
'bout, pimp?
Copy !req
426. Thanks, Pops.
Copy !req
427. Come on, Jay.
Copy !req
428. Hey, nigga, slow down.
Copy !req
429. Welcome, and Merry Christmas.
Copy !req
430. As we all know,
Copy !req
431. Christmas is a time
for happiness.
Copy !req
432. Joy.
Copy !req
433. Family.
Copy !req
434. And family is what I want
to talk to y'all about today.
Copy !req
435. See, we have a scourge
in our neighborhoods
Copy !req
436. and that scourge is called
Copy !req
437. Why, I just caught my stepson
Copy !req
438. smoking marijuana
just this morning.
Copy !req
439. Yeah, that's right, Boonie.
Copy !req
440. You up Christmas
for everybody!
Copy !req
441. That's why, henceforth,
as your mayor, I declare,
Copy !req
442. okay, that in spite
of the liberals
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443. and all these other hippies
running around talking shit,
Copy !req
444. smoking weed— and weed itself—
Copy !req
445. will remain
illegal in Compton forever.
Copy !req
446. That's right, 'cause we gonna
have a clean Compton.
Copy !req
447. A Compton where little babies
Copy !req
448. can breathe freely.
Copy !req
449. A Compton where kids
can walk to school
Copy !req
450. without walking through
a cloud of smoke.
Copy !req
451. We pushing for a new Compton!
Copy !req
452. A Compton where niggas
remember they last name!
Copy !req
453. Where we no longer have to spend
Copy !req
454. half our paychecks on chips
Copy !req
455. from smoking weed
and gettin' the munchies.
Copy !req
456. We gonna move forward... Can't let the
tyrant get away!
Copy !req
457. What the hell are you
doing here, Lloyd?
Copy !req
458. Sending your
black ass home!
Copy !req
459. Aah!
Copy !req
460. MS.
No! No! Vic!
Copy !req
461. Hey, what the
are you doing?
Copy !req
462. Someone's coming, baby!I'm sending you home!
Copy !req
463. MS.
Copy !req
464. MS.
Oh, my baby!
Copy !req
465. It's the Mayor
and his wife! Babe! My baby!
Copy !req
466. We need backup!
Copy !req
467. Pops...
Copy !req
468. Pops, Pops, please...
Copy !req
469. MS.
Copy !req
470. Please, Pops, I've had it...
Copy !req
471. Jesus! Are you okay?
Copy !req
472. Jesus... are you okay?
Copy !req
473. What day is it?
Copy !req
474. You're okay!
Copy !req
475. It's Christmas Eve.
Copy !req
476. You dating Boonie?
Copy !req
477. Ew.
Copy !req
478. No, I tried to give her
some money,
Copy !req
479. but she wouldn't go for it.
Copy !req
480. It ain't too late.
It's ain't too late!
Copy !req
481. It ain't too late!
Copy !req
482. He did it, y'all!
Copy !req
483. It ain't too late,
you know, he did it.
Copy !req
484. God delivered us from the most
up Christmas ever!
Copy !req
485. Eh... Merry Christmas!
Copy !req
486. All right,
so maybe I need to chill out
Copy !req
487. on Christmas, man.
Copy !req
488. Problem is, we put way too much on it, you know?
Copy !req
489. Christmas is a time
to with cake,
Copy !req
490. love all your peeps,
share your weed
Copy !req
491. and be thankful
for your blessings.
Copy !req
492. And get fat with people
you love. That's it.
Copy !req
493. Merry Christmas, buddy.
Copy !req
494. Hey, man, why don't you come in
and have some Christmas dinner?
Copy !req
495. Really, Vic? Really.
Copy !req
496. Oh, Vic...
Copy !req
497. Oh, you the man, Vic.
Copy !req
498. Thank you, Vic.
Copy !req
499. You still stink, man.
Copy !req
500. I got some new
Christmas soaps.
Copy !req
501. Smell like
Copy !req
502. Everybody know
Copy !req
503. smell better
than ass. Thank you.
Copy !req
504. Oh, and it's a great excuse
for hard-headed niggas
Copy !req
505. to squash that bullshit
they going through
Copy !req
506. and just keep it moving.
Copy !req
507. Yeah, them, too.
Copy !req
508. But at the end of it all,
Copy !req
509. what matters most is me:
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510. Jesus Christ.
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511. As much as I loved me before,
Copy !req
512. I love me even more now.
Copy !req
513. And that's what Christmas
is all about.
Copy !req
514. And Santa Claus!
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