1. Well,
what's she up to this time?
Copy !req
2. I don't know.
You can never tell with her.
Copy !req
3. She's a wacky girl,
you know that?
Copy !req
4. She's gonna tell us something.
Copy !req
5. Check it out.
Copy !req
6. Wow, man, cool!
Copy !req
7. I don't believe it. Chelsea...
Copy !req
8. You got spliced!
Copy !req
9. Crazy, girl. Your dad
must have had a spizz fit.
Copy !req
10. I don't know, Chels.
Copy !req
11. Isn't messing with your DNA
a bit drastic?
Copy !req
12. Even for you?
Copy !req
13. Please.
Copy !req
14. Well, then why is the city
trying to shut it down?
Copy !req
15. Lighten up, Terry.
Copy !req
16. The law's against practically
everything we're into.
Copy !req
17. You gotta
keep an open mind.
Copy !req
18. Here's all the info.
Copy !req
19. Personally, I'd jump on it,
if I were you guys
Copy !req
20. 'cause if you're not the first,
then you're the worst.
Copy !req
21. They call it splicing,
the new high-tech teen rage
Copy !req
22. that has taken
Gotham's youth by storm.
Copy !req
23. But outraged parents
and lawmakers
Copy !req
24. call the use of genetic
animal augmentation
Copy !req
25. a crime against nature.
Copy !req
26. Some say it's a matter of choice.
Copy !req
27. Splicing is like
establishing myself
Copy !req
28. as an individual, you know?
Copy !req
29. Just like all my friends.
Copy !req
30. - Yeah, that's right.
- You tell him, man.
Copy !req
31. At the center
of the controversy is the director
Copy !req
32. of the Chimera Institute,
Dr. Abel Cuvier.
Copy !req
33. I want to assure everyone
that splicing is safe,
Copy !req
34. reversible, and, more importantly,
utterly beautiful.
Copy !req
35. I was the first test subject,
and as you can see
Copy !req
36. I'm perfectly fine.
Copy !req
37. Perfectly creepy is more like it.
Copy !req
38. Him and that whole splicing fad.
Copy !req
39. This is no simple fad.
Copy !req
40. Something bad will
come of this splicing.
Copy !req
41. Something we'll most likely
have to clean up.
Copy !req
42. Gotcha! Gotcha good!
Copy !req
43. You are so dead, Matt.
Copy !req
44. Mom, can I get spliced?
Copy !req
45. I want to be a real wolfman
for Halloween.
Copy !req
46. Sorry, Matthew.
Copy !req
47. No son of mine's going in
for some freaky body treatment.
Copy !req
48. Aw, come on, Mom.
Copy !req
49. What about that little relic
from your wild teen years?
Copy !req
50. Oh, Ter, please.
That's different.
Copy !req
51. A harmless little tattoo's
hardly comparable
Copy !req
52. to having antlers
stuck on your head.
Copy !req
53. Terry doesn't need splicing, Mom,
Copy !req
54. 'cause he's already a donkey!
Copy !req
55. Hee-haw!
Copy !req
56. You're lucky I'm late
for school, twit.
Copy !req
57. Mom, can I get
a wolfman tattoo?
Copy !req
58. As your district attorney,
I'm making it my top priority
Copy !req
59. to outlaw splicing completely.
Copy !req
60. Impartial tests clearly show
Copy !req
61. a rise in aggressive behavior.
Copy !req
62. How's that for breaking news?
Copy !req
63. Nobody can stop splicing.
Copy !req
64. It's the future, whether
you stinking, scared norms
Copy !req
65. like it or not.
Copy !req
66. How about not, snake-boy?
Copy !req
67. Listen, norm.
Don't even think about dissing us.
Copy !req
68. Go chew a can.
Copy !req
69. Huh?
Copy !req
70. So will you petting zoo rejects
be needing a doctor...
Copy !req
71. or a vet?
Copy !req
72. Your time will come, norm.
You'll see.
Copy !req
73. You'll all see.
Copy !req
74. I don't know about this, Terry.
Copy !req
75. Come on, Dana.
Copy !req
76. You're the one who told me
to keep an open mind
Copy !req
77. to new things.
Copy !req
78. Personally, I think
the young lady would look
Copy !req
79. stunning in spots.
Copy !req
80. You're smart to come in now.
Copy !req
81. If my critics have their way,
splicing might go
Copy !req
82. the way of the dinosaurs.
Copy !req
83. Not that I don't plan
to fight them tooth and nail.
Copy !req
84. Yo! We need to see
the doctor. Right now!
Copy !req
85. Please excuse me.
Copy !req
86. You know, Ter, as cool as this is,
Copy !req
87. I just don't know if it's for me.
Copy !req
88. Ter? Terry?
Copy !req
89. Gee, thanks for
the swell afternoon, Ter.
Copy !req
90. I really enjoyed myself.
Copy !req
91. It's all over the news.
Copy !req
92. Those scared-o stiffs
are gonna shut us down.
Copy !req
93. Then we must strike tonight.
Copy !req
94. The splicers' revolution
cannot be stopped.
Copy !req
95. If the norms are determined to
drive us underground, so be it.
Copy !req
96. But we'll take first blood
from the throat of DA Young.
Copy !req
97. Yeah!
Copy !req
98. Wayne, I'm in
the Chimera Institute.
Copy !req
99. Wayne!
Copy !req
100. McGinnis!
Copy !req
101. What did you just
do to me, Cuvier?
Copy !req
102. Why, you've been spliced,
of course.
Copy !req
103. With a little something
I prepared just in case
Copy !req
104. Gotham's self-appointed defender
ever fluttered into my business.
Copy !req
105. You see, splicing isn't
just style, Batman.
Copy !req
106. It's lifestyle, something that
will literally change the world.
Copy !req
107. Have you considered checking
into Arkham
Copy !req
108. for a little R&R, doc?
Copy !req
109. Because, quite frankly,
you're nuts.
Copy !req
110. You're welcome to your opinions
for the short time
Copy !req
111. you'll be human enough
to have them.
Copy !req
112. All right, Cuvier.
Copy !req
113. Call your freaks off DA Young,
Copy !req
114. or so help me I'll...
Copy !req
115. What's the matter, Batman?
Copy !req
116. Not feeling quite yourself?
Copy !req
117. Don't worry about the DA.
Copy !req
118. He's dead meat.
Copy !req
119. And so are you.
Copy !req
120. It won't matter.
Copy !req
121. It's too late for you
to save Young or yourself!
Copy !req
122. Ah, thanks, hon.
Copy !req
123. Sam, honey, maybe
you should take a break.
Copy !req
124. You've been at it
since 5:00 this morning.
Copy !req
125. Can't be helped.
Copy !req
126. Putting Cuvier out of business
is going to mean
Copy !req
127. a lot of long nights.
Copy !req
128. Right now I just can't relax
knowing that Cuvier
Copy !req
129. and his guinea pigs are out there,
doing God knows what.
Copy !req
130. I bet I could relax you.
Copy !req
131. Evening, Counselor.
Copy !req
132. Hey, Commish.
Copy !req
133. Looking good.
Copy !req
134. But not for long.
Copy !req
135. Whoa, Sammy.
Copy !req
136. Your honey's got
some hectic moves.
Copy !req
137. Too bad she can't stop us
Copy !req
138. any more than you can stop
Dr. Cuvier's dream.
Copy !req
139. Break him in half.
Copy !req
140. Sam!
Copy !req
141. Get him!
Copy !req
142. Whoa. What's up with him?
Copy !req
143. Batman, stop!
Copy !req
144. You're killing him!
Copy !req
145. Come on.
Copy !req
146. That psycho bat will finish
the job for us.
Copy !req
147. Batman. Terry?
Copy !req
148. What's gotten into you?
Copy !req
149. Wayne.
Copy !req
150. Bruce. It's Barbara.
Copy !req
151. Is Terry there?
Copy !req
152. No, I've been trying
to raise him all night, but—
Copy !req
153. Bruce, listen to me.
Copy !req
154. There's something
wrong with him.
Copy !req
155. Something terribly wrong.
Copy !req
156. Bruce?
Copy !req
157. Bruce, are you there?
Copy !req
158. Terry?
Copy !req
159. Bruce!
Copy !req
160. Help... me.
Copy !req
161. Nice to see you, too.
Copy !req
162. Can't say I blame him.
Copy !req
163. You roughed us up
before I could cure you.
Copy !req
164. Cure me? Cuvier!
Copy !req
165. He spliced me in his lab.
Copy !req
166. With a massive overdose
of vampire bat serum.
Copy !req
167. I figured we'd be needing a new
supply of the mutagen antidote,
Copy !req
168. although it was sooner
than I had expected.
Copy !req
169. Thanks.
Copy !req
170. Barbara told me about the attack.
Copy !req
171. After Batman foiled
the assassination attempt
Copy !req
172. on DA Young, police raided
the Chimera Institute,
Copy !req
173. but Dr. Cuvier and his followers
had already gone into hiding.
Copy !req
174. I can assure you Cuvier
will be found and prosecuted
Copy !req
175. for this attack.
Copy !req
176. Cuvier will be deadlier
than ever
Copy !req
177. now that's he's being hunted.
Copy !req
178. What's this?
Copy !req
179. Hmm.
Copy !req
180. One of Cuvier's claws.
Copy !req
181. Too bad we can't use it
to find him.
Copy !req
182. We can't.
Copy !req
183. Look, wonder-dog,
I don't like you
Copy !req
184. and you don't like me.
Copy !req
185. But how about cutting me
a break this one time?
Copy !req
186. Bad guy. You find. Me stop.
Copy !req
187. Got it?
Copy !req
188. Whoa, whoa, whoa! Wait up!
Copy !req
189. Please, Doctor.
Copy !req
190. We tried to kill him,
but Batman was—
Copy !req
191. Forget Batman.
Copy !req
192. It was your weakness
that ruined my plans.
Copy !req
193. All right.
You've gotten us this far.
Copy !req
194. I'll take it from here.
Copy !req
195. Whoa, whoa. Stay! Stay!
Copy !req
196. Good bat-dog.
Copy !req
197. Now don't move until I get back.
Copy !req
198. What is it?
Copy !req
199. Prey.
Copy !req
200. We could smell
your human stink a mile away.
Copy !req
201. What did you do to her?
Copy !req
202. Let's just say
I put the cat out.
Copy !req
203. No. I'll never go back
to being a nobody.
Copy !req
204. You hear me?
Copy !req
205. Have a dose of reality, pal.
Copy !req
206. You need it.
Copy !req
207. I fixed your pets, Doc.
Copy !req
208. Now it's just you and me.
Copy !req
209. So why not come on out and fight me,
man to freakshow?
Copy !req
210. Cuvier?
Copy !req
211. No longer, Batman.
Copy !req
212. Now you face a true chimera.
Copy !req
213. You bring out the beast in me.
Copy !req
214. Look at me!
Copy !req
215. The abilities of the entire
animal kingdom
Copy !req
216. are at my command!
Copy !req
217. What can one blind little
bat do against that?
Copy !req
218. The best I can!
Copy !req
219. The hunt ends, Batman.
Copy !req
220. Now you die.
Copy !req
221. Can't control the changing!
Copy !req
222. What have you done to me?
Copy !req
223. Don't touch my dog.
Copy !req
224. Terry?
Copy !req
225. I'm okay now.
Copy !req
226. Listen to experience, kid.
Copy !req
227. I appreciate
what you've done tonight,
Copy !req
228. but ditch the costume.
Copy !req
229. You can't live a life
of narrow escapes forever.
Copy !req
230. It's a thankless existence,
Copy !req
231. and the rewards are small, if any.
Copy !req
232. Well, sometimes
the small rewards are the best ones.
Copy !req