1. Once upon a time,
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2. not so long ago,
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3. there was a little girl,
and her name was Emily.
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4. And she had a shop.
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5. There it is!
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6. It was rather an unusual shop
because it didn't sell anything.
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7. You see,
everything in that shop window
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8. was a thing
that somebody had once lost
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9. and Emily had found
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10. and brought home to Bagpuss.
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11. Emily's cat, Bagpuss.
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12. The most important,
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13. the most beautiful,
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14. the most magical
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15. saggy, old cloth cat
in the whole wide world.
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16. Well, now, one day,
Emily found a thing.
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17. And she brought it back
to the shop
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18. and put it down
in front of Bagpuss
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19. who was in the shop window,
fast asleep as usual.
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20. But then, Emily said
some magic words:
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21. "Bagpuss, dear Bagpuss,
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22. old fat furry cat-puss,
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23. wake up and look
at this thing that I bring.
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24. Wake up, be bright,
be golden and light.
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25. Bagpuss, oh, hear what I sing!"
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26. And Bagpuss
was wide awake.
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27. And when Bagpuss wakes up,
all his friends wake up, too.
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28. The mice on the mouse organ
woke up and stretched.
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29. Madeleine the rag doll.
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30. Gabriel the toad.
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31. And last of all,
Professor Yaffle
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32. who is a very distinguished
old woodpecker.
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33. He climbed down off his bookend
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34. and went to see what it was
that Emily had brought.
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35. Nerp, nerp, nerp.
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36. Now, what's all this?
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37. Bits and pieces.
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38. Broken bits and pieces
of things.
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39. No! Those things are not broken.
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40. No, wait a minute.
We will fit them together.
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41. We will do it. Wait! Wait!
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42. Ah, yes, a turtle.
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43. - Look everybody, a turtle.
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44. It's alive! It's real.
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45. Look, it's nodding its head. Oh!
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46. No, No, no.
It isn't real.
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47. It is only a model of a turtle.
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48. Are there any real
turtles, real live turtles?
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49. Oh, no. Turtles live a long way
away across the sea.
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50. At least I think so.
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51. Madeleine, do you know
if there are any
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52. real turtles living around here?
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53. Oh, no, this country is too cold
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54. for turtles to live out
of doors.
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55. There may be some in zoo's
or special places like that.
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56. Yes, that's right.
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57. The only turtles around here
that I ever heard of
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58. were very cold and sad
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59. and very glad to go home
to Montego Bay.
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60. Oh, yes.
How did they go home?
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61. Shall I tell you?
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62. Yes! Tell us, tell us.
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63. Yes, yes, tell us!
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64. All right then.
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65. If you get the roll
of turtle music.
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66. Heave, heave,
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67. heave, heave.
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68. The Marvellous
Mechanical Turtle-organ!
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69. Nerp, nerp, nerp.
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70. What a pretty song.
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71. Hmm. How nice.
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72. I did enjoy that.
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73. I do like a song
with a happy ending, yes.
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74. It was a lot
of rubbish, of course,
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75. absolute rubbish.
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76. Turtles don't go on
ships and buses.
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77. Turtles don't even weep.
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78. It was all nonsense.
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79. And in any case
we haven't fitted
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80. all the pieces together yet.
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81. Have we? What about
those other pieces, hmm?
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82. Look at that!
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83. That's a little man.
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84. He's a funny-looking chap,
isn't he?
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85. He is not a funny-looking chap,
as you put it.
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86. He is a Chinese gentleman
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87. of great wisdom
and respectability.
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88. I think his name is Wung Hi
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89. and if I am right,
he is the wise man of Ling-Po.
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90. Tell us! Tell us!
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91. Tell us about Wung Po and wise
man of Ling-Hi and his turtles.
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92. Yes, I daresay, but Bagpuss,
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93. you must think some
Chinese thoughts for me.
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94. Chinese thoughts?
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95. Oh, dear, I don't know.
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96. I think I shall need
a Chinese thinking-cap
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97. to think Chinese thoughts.
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98. Come on! Let's find Bagpuss
a Chinese thinking-cap.
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99. A Chinese thinking-cap.
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100. Here's one.
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101. This will do!
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102. Yes, hold still Bagpuss,
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103. Ah. Oh, oh Yes. Thank you. Yes.
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104. Hmm.
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105. Now, what Chinese
thoughts shall I think?
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106. Nerp, nerp, nerp. Yes, ah,
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107. the wise man of Ling-Po
lived on an island.
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108. It was an island
in the middle of a Chinese lake.
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109. An island in the middle
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110. of a Chinese lake.
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111. How about that?
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112. That will do nicely.
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113. I will begin the story.
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114. It was a long time ago.
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115. There lived on an island
by a lake
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116. in Ling-Po, a wise man.
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117. He was very old and very wise
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118. and all he wanted to do was sit
beside the lake and think
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119. and watch the leaves
growing on the trees.
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120. His favourite companions
were the turtles,
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121. who would come out
of the water to sit beside him.
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122. The wise man
particularly liked the turtles
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123. because they didn't talk
or ask him silly questions.
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124. They would just bow
politely to him
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125. and he would bow
politely to them
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126. and they would sit in the sun.
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127. The wise man and the turtles
would have been perfectly happy
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128. except for the fact
that there was a bridge
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129. between the island
and the shore.
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130. Over this bridge would come
the people of Ling-Po
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131. to ask the wise man questions
and bring him presents.
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132. The wise man
was always polite to them.
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133. He usually thought
their questions were silly
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134. and he didn't really want
their presents,
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135. but he was happy
to put up with them
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136. until the day
they brought him soup.
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137. Yes, one day a person came over
the bridge to the island
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138. and presented the wise man
with a bowl of soup.
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139. Now, this person said
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140. it was exceptionally
delicious soup.
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141. It was a new recipe.
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142. Everybody thought
it was marvellous.
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143. It was turtle soup.
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144. Now, it was many years
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145. since the wise man
had been angry,
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146. but the thought
that he was being offered soup
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147. made from his best friends
displeased him so much
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148. that he threw the soup bowl
and all
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149. at the grinning face
of the silly person
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150. and then drove him from
the island with a big stick.
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151. The wise man was really furious.
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152. He said, "The people of Ling-Po
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153. are stupid as well as silly.
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154. I will have nothing more
to do with them.
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155. I will break the bridge
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156. so they cannot come
to my island.
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157. Then the wise man
took his big hammer
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158. and walked across the bridge.
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159. As he crossed
each section of the bridge
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160. he swung his hammer.
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161. Thump! Thump!
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162. And smashed the piece
of bridge he had just crossed.
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163. Thump, thump.
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164. Thump, thump.
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165. The people
of Ling-Po watched him
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166. and they were amazed.
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167. They had always thought
of him as a wise man,
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168. and here he was
doing something very silly.
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169. He was breaking his own bridge.
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170. When he reached the shore,
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171. the wise man spoke
to the people.
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172. He said,
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173. "The turtles are my friends
and do you no harm.
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174. Please do not catch them
and make them into soup."
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175. Then the people said,
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176. "Why should we do what you say?"
Copy !req
177. The wise man replied,
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178. "Because I am the wise man
of Ling-Po
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179. and the turtles are my friends."
Copy !req
180. Then the people laughed.
Copy !req
181. They said, "You were once
the wise man of Ling-Po
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182. but now you are the silly man
of Ling-Po
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183. because you
have broken your bridge."
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184. The wise man said, "I do not
need the bridge any more.
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185. I shall live on my island alone
and have nothing to do with you.
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186. Then the people laughed
still more.
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187. "How will you get to your island
you silly wise man?
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188. You have
broken your own bridge!"
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189. Then the wise man said,
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190. "I am the wise man and I know
many things you do not know.
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191. I tell you to stop
catching turtles
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192. and making them into soup.
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193. Now I will go home."
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194. The people were still laughing
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195. as he walked down
to the edge of the water,
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196. but they stopped
laughing very suddenly
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197. when they saw him walk briskly
across the surface of the water
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198. and step on to his island,
without, it seemed,
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199. getting more than
the soles of his feet wet.
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200. They said,
"The wise man must be very wise
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201. and full of magic.
We must do as he says."
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202. So the people stopped
catching turtles
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203. and the wise man lived
happily alone on the island.
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204. Oh. Is that
the end of the story?
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205. Certainly.
How else should it end?
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206. But how did
he walk back to his island?
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207. He wasn't really
doing magic, was he?
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208. Of course not.
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209. Bagpuss, think about
what the turtles were doing
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210. while the wise man
was talking to the people.
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211. Ah, yes, of course,
the turtles. Yes.
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212. Yes, the wise
man's friends, the turtles.
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213. They piled themselves up
on the bed of the lake
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214. and made stepping-stones just
under the surface of the water.
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215. Then the wise man just stepped
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216. from one pile of turtles
to the next,
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217. and as he stepped
off them the turtles swam away.
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218. The people of Ling-Po
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219. never found out what had
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220. They thought it was all magic
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221. and they never
caught turtles again.
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222. Also, they couldn't cross
to the island
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223. to ask the wise man
silly questions.
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224. So he just sat beside the lake
thinking his thoughts
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225. and watching the leaves
growing on the trees.
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226. Sometimes he would
catch a turtle's eye
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227. and then they would nod
and smile to each other
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228. as they remembered
how they had fooled everybody.
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229. But most of the time
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230. they just sat in the sun
and were happy.
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231. Look! He bows!
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232. Of course, of course.
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233. The Chinese are very courteous
and polite people.
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234. Now, mice, take them
and put them in the window.
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235. So the mice pulled them
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236. to the front of the window
and left them there,
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237. bowing and nodding
to each other,
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238. so that if anybody who had lost
a Chinese wise man and a turtle
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239. should happen to come past,
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240. he would see them there
and come in to collect them.
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241. And so their work was done.
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242. Bagpuss gave a big yawn
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243. and settled down to sleep.
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244. And of course,
when Bagpuss goes to sleep,
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245. all his friends
go to sleep, too.
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246. The mice were ornaments
on the mouse organ.
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247. Gabriel and Madeleine
were just dolls.
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248. And Professor Yaffle
was a carved wooden bookend
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249. in the shape of a woodpecker.
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250. Even Bagpuss himself,
once he was asleep,
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251. was just an old,
saggy cloth cat,
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252. baggy and a bit loose
at the seams.
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253. But Emily loved him.
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