1. Water...
Copy !req
2. Earth...
Copy !req
3. Fire...
Copy !req
4. Air.
Copy !req
5. Long ago...
Copy !req
6. The four nations lived together
in harmony.
Copy !req
7. Then everything changed
when the Fire Nation attacked.
Copy !req
8. Only the Avatar, master of
all four elements could stop them.
Copy !req
9. But when the world needed him most
Copy !req
10. he vanished.
Copy !req
11. 100 years passed and my brother
and I discovered the new Avatar
Copy !req
12. an airbender named Aang.
Copy !req
13. And although his airbending
skills were great
Copy !req
14. he has a lot to learn before
he's ready to save anyone.
Copy !req
15. Oof.
Copy !req
16. But I believe Aang can save the world.
Copy !req
17. I am proud of you, Prince Zuko.
Copy !req
18. You slayed the Avatar.
Copy !req
19. You're so beautiful
when you hate the world.
Copy !req
20. I don't hate you.
Copy !req
21. I don't hate you, too.
Copy !req
22. I have everything I always wanted.
Copy !req
23. But it's not at all
how I thought it would be.
Copy !req
24. The Avatar is alive.
Copy !req
25. I want you to find him...
Copy !req
26. And end him.
Copy !req
27. I'm so excited to spend
the weekend on Ember Island.
Copy !req
28. It's gonna be great to hang out
on the beach and do nothing.
Copy !req
29. Doing nothing is a waste of time.
Copy !req
30. We're being sent away on
a forced vacation.
Copy !req
31. I feel like a child.
Copy !req
32. Lighten up.
Copy !req
33. So dad wants to meet
with his advisors alone
Copy !req
34. without anyone else around.
Copy !req
35. Don't take it personally.
Copy !req
36. Doesn't your family have
a house on Ember Island?
Copy !req
37. We used to come every
summer when we were kids.
Copy !req
38. That must've been fun.
Copy !req
39. That was a long time ago.
Copy !req
40. Welcome to Ember Island, kids.
Copy !req
41. It smells like old lady in here.
Copy !req
42. Gee, I wonder why.
Copy !req
43. Who are these two beautiful women?
Copy !req
44. Can't you tell?
Copy !req
45. - It's Li and me.
- It's Lo and me.
Copy !req
46. Ooh, I love this seashell bedspread.
Copy !req
47. Are you serious?
Copy !req
48. It looks like the beach
threw up all over it.
Copy !req
49. LI: We know you're upset
Copy !req
50. that you were forced
to come here this weekend.
Copy !req
51. But Ember Island is a magical place.
Copy !req
52. Keep an open mind.
Copy !req
53. Give it a chance.
Copy !req
54. And it can help you understand
yourselves and each other.
Copy !req
55. The beach has a special way
Copy !req
56. of smoothing even the most ragged edges.
Copy !req
57. Time to hit the beach.
Copy !req
58. Aang, I know swimming is fun and all
Copy !req
59. but do you really think you should be
exposing yourself like that?
Copy !req
60. Cover up.
Copy !req
61. What?
I'm wearing trunks.
Copy !req
62. I know, it's your tattoos
I'm worried about.
Copy !req
63. What if someone sees you?
Copy !req
64. There are walls all around us.
Copy !req
65. It's completely safe.
Copy !req
66. Whoo, hey!
Copy !req
67. This has got to be the most
boring job in the Fire Nation.
Copy !req
68. - Nothing ever happens.
Copy !req
69. Whoa!
Copy !req
70. Let's go again.
Copy !req
71. The Avatar's alive.
Copy !req
72. We better send a messenger hawk
to the Fire Lord.
Copy !req
73. A black ribbon message.
Copy !req
74. This is so exciting.
Copy !req
75. Ahh!
Copy !req
76. Hey, you need some help unpacking?
Copy !req
77. - Sure, thanks.
Copy !req
78. Could you scooch just
a little bit more to the...
Copy !req
79. Perfect.
Copy !req
80. Here...
Copy !req
81. This is for you.
Copy !req
82. Why would I want that?
Copy !req
83. I saw it and I thought it was pretty.
Copy !req
84. Don't girls like stuff like this?
Copy !req
85. Maybe stupid girls.
Copy !req
86. Forget it!
Copy !req
87. Wow, thanks.
Copy !req
88. This is so pretty.
Copy !req
89. Not as pretty as you are.
Copy !req
90. That shell's not so great.
Copy !req
91. Ahem, shade... Shade.
Copy !req
92. I thought since it's so hot... Here.
Copy !req
93. Thanks.
Copy !req
94. This is really refreshing.
Copy !req
95. Hey, beach bums, we're playing next.
Copy !req
96. Ty lee, get over here now.
Copy !req
97. See that girl with the silly pigtails?
Copy !req
98. When she runs towards the ball
Copy !req
99. there's just the slightest
hesitation of her left foot.
Copy !req
100. I'm willing to bet a childhood
injury has weakened her.
Copy !req
101. Keep serving the ball to her
left and we'll destroy her
Copy !req
102. and the rest of her team.
Copy !req
103. Dismissed.
Copy !req
104. Yes, we defeated you for all time.
Copy !req
105. You will never rise from the ashes of your
shame and humiliation.
Copy !req
106. Well, that was fun.
Copy !req
107. I'm having a party tonight.
Copy !req
108. You should come by.
Copy !req
109. Sure...
Copy !req
110. I love parties.
Copy !req
111. Your friend can come, too.
Copy !req
112. Uh, what about me and my brother?
Copy !req
113. Aren't you going to invite us?
Copy !req
114. You don't know who we are, do you?
Copy !req
115. Don't you know who we are?
Copy !req
116. We're Chan and Ruon-Jian.
Copy !req
117. Yeah.
Copy !req
118. But fine, you're invited.
Copy !req
119. Just so you know, though
Copy !req
120. some of the most important teenagers in
the Fire Nation
Copy !req
121. are gonna be at this party so...
Copy !req
122. Try and act normal.
Copy !req
123. We'll do our best.
Copy !req
124. Why didn't you tell
those guys who we were?
Copy !req
125. I guess I was intrigued.
Copy !req
126. I'm so used to people worshipping us.
Copy !req
127. They should.
Copy !req
128. Yes, I know, and I love it.
Copy !req
129. But for once, I just wanted to see
Copy !req
130. how people would treat us if
they didn't know who we were.
Copy !req
131. Like waves washing away
Copy !req
132. the footprints on the sand
Copy !req
133. Ember island gives everyone a clean slate.
Copy !req
134. Ember Island reveals the true you.
Copy !req
135. - To the party.
- To the party.
Copy !req
136. Um... You're a little early.
Copy !req
137. No one's here yet.
Copy !req
138. I heard you telling someone
Copy !req
139. You'd be partying from dusk till dawn.
Copy !req
140. It's dusk so we're here.
Copy !req
141. But that's just an expression.
Copy !req
142. We are the perfect party guests.
Copy !req
143. We arrive right on time
because we are very punctual.
Copy !req
144. All right, listen,
my dad's an admiral.
Copy !req
145. He has no idea I'm having this party
Copy !req
146. so don't mess anything up.
Copy !req
147. That's a sharp outfit, Chan... Careful.
Copy !req
148. You could puncture the hull
of an Empire-class Fire Nation battleship
Copy !req
149. leaving thousands to drown at sea...
Copy !req
150. Because it's so sharp.
Copy !req
151. Um... Thanks.
Copy !req
152. Hey, first ones here, huh?
Copy !req
153. He thinks he's so great.
Copy !req
154. Well, what do you think of him?
Copy !req
155. I don't have any opinion about him.
Copy !req
156. I hardly know him.
Copy !req
157. - You like him, don't you?
Copy !req
158. So how do you know Ty Lee?
Copy !req
159. I met her at the beach today.
Copy !req
160. She was pretty impressed
by a sand pagoda that I made for her.
Copy !req
161. Well, I met her first.
Copy !req
162. Look, it doesn't matter
who I met first 'cause I like you all.
Copy !req
163. But which one of us do you like?
Copy !req
164. - Yeah.
- Tell us.
Copy !req
165. I don't know, I don't know.
Copy !req
166. Ooh.
Copy !req
167. Ahh...
Copy !req
168. Oh, I'm glad you're here.
Copy !req
169. Those boys won't leave me alone.
Copy !req
170. I guess they all just like me too much.
Copy !req
171. Come on, Ty Lee,
you can't be this ignorant.
Copy !req
172. What are you talking about?
Copy !req
173. Those boys only like you because
you make it so easy for them.
Copy !req
174. You're not a challenge-you're a tease.
Copy !req
175. It's not like they
actually care who you are.
Copy !req
176. OK, OK, calm down.
Copy !req
177. I didn't mean what I said.
Copy !req
178. Look, maybe I just said it
because I was a little...
Copy !req
179. Jealous.
Copy !req
180. What?
Copy !req
181. You were jealous of me?
Copy !req
182. Um, but, you're the most beautiful,
smartest, perfect girl in the world.
Copy !req
183. Well, you're right about all those things.
Copy !req
184. But for some reason when I meet boys
Copy !req
185. they act as if I'm going to do
something horrible to them.
Copy !req
186. But you probably
would do something horrible to them.
Copy !req
187. I'm sure they're just intimidated by you.
Copy !req
188. OK, look, if you want a boy to like you
Copy !req
189. just look at him and smile a lot
Copy !req
190. and laugh at everything he says
even if it's not funny.
Copy !req
191. Well, that sounds
really shallow and stupid.
Copy !req
192. Let's try it.
Copy !req
193. OK.
Copy !req
194. "Hey, there, sweet sugar cakes.
Copy !req
195. "How ya likin' this party?"
Copy !req
196. I'm bored.
I know.
Copy !req
197. - I'm hungry.
- So what?
Copy !req
198. So find me some food.
Copy !req
199. Sure.
Copy !req
200. Chan, I'm ready for a tour of the house.
Copy !req
201. Is this your first time
on Ember Island?
Copy !req
202. No, I used to come here years ago.
Copy !req
203. It's a great place if you like sand.
Copy !req
204. Yeah, it's like, "Welcome to Sandy Land."
Copy !req
205. Your arms look so strong.
Copy !req
206. Yeah, I know.
Copy !req
207. You're pretty.
Copy !req
208. Together, you and I will be...
Copy !req
209. The strongest couple
in the entire world.
Copy !req
210. We will dominate the earth!
Copy !req
211. Uh... I gotta go.
Copy !req
212. Hey, watch it.
Copy !req
213. That food was for my cranky girlfriend.
Copy !req
214. Whoa...
Copy !req
215. What are you doing?
Copy !req
216. Stop talking to my girlfriend.
Copy !req
217. Relax, it's just a party.
Copy !req
218. Uh!
Copy !req
219. Zuko, what is wrong with you?
Copy !req
220. What's wrong with me?
Copy !req
221. Your temper's out of control.
Copy !req
222. You blow up over every little thing.
Copy !req
223. You're so impatient and
hot-headed and angry.
Copy !req
224. Well, at least I feel something...
As opposed to you.
Copy !req
225. You have no passion for anything.
Copy !req
226. You're just a big blah.
Copy !req
227. It's over, Zuko.
Copy !req
228. We're done.
Copy !req
229. Who broke my Nana's vase?
Copy !req
230. That's it, you're out of here.
Copy !req
231. I was just leaving.
Copy !req
232. Have fun by yourself, loser boy.
Copy !req
233. Nice.
Copy !req
234. Guys, you're all gonna think I'm crazy
Copy !req
235. but it feels like a metal man is coming.
Copy !req
236. I thought
I'd find you here.
Copy !req
237. Those summers we spent
here seem so long ago.
Copy !req
238. So much has changed.
Copy !req
239. Come down to the beach with me.
Copy !req
240. Come on, this place is depressing.
Copy !req
241. Hey...
Copy !req
242. Where's your new boyfriend?
Copy !req
243. Are you cold?
Copy !req
244. I'm freezing.
Copy !req
245. I'll make a fire.
Copy !req
246. There's plenty of
stuff to burn in there.
Copy !req
247. This is crazy.
Copy !req
248. How can we beat a guy who blows
things up with his mind?
Copy !req
249. We can.
Copy !req
250. Jump on Appa.
Copy !req
251. I'll try to distract him.
Copy !req
252. I'm OK.
Copy !req
253. Well, that was random.
Copy !req
254. I don't think so.
Copy !req
255. I get the feeling he knows who we are.
Copy !req
256. What are you doing?
Copy !req
257. What does it look like I'm doing.
Copy !req
258. But it's a painting of your family.
Copy !req
259. You think I care?
Copy !req
260. I think you do.
Copy !req
261. You don't know me, so why don't
you just mind your own business?
Copy !req
262. Ah, I know you.
Copy !req
263. No, you don't.
Copy !req
264. You're stuck in your little Ty Lee world
Copy !req
265. where everything's great all the time.
Copy !req
266. Zuko, leave her alone.
Copy !req
267. I'm so pretty, look at me.
Copy !req
268. I can walk on my hands, whoo!
Copy !req
269. Circus freak.
Copy !req
270. Yes, I'm a circus freak.
Copy !req
271. Go ahead and laugh all you want.
Copy !req
272. You wanna know why I joined the circus?
Copy !req
273. Here we go.
Copy !req
274. Do you have any idea
what my home life was like
Copy !req
275. growing up with six sisters
Copy !req
276. who look exactly like me?
Copy !req
277. It was like,
I didn't even have my own name.
Copy !req
278. I joined the circus because
Copy !req
279. I was scared of spending
the rest of my life
Copy !req
280. as part of a matched set.
Copy !req
281. At least, I'm different now.
Copy !req
282. Circus freak is a compliment.
Copy !req
283. Guess that explains why you
need 10 boyfriends, too.
Copy !req
284. I'm sorry, what?
Copy !req
285. Attention issues?
Copy !req
286. You couldn't get enough
attention when you were a kid
Copy !req
287. so you're trying to make up for it now.
Copy !req
288. Well, what's your excuse, Mai?
Copy !req
289. You were an only child for 15 years.
Copy !req
290. But even with all that attention
Copy !req
291. your aura is this dingy, pasty, gray...
Copy !req
292. I don't believe in auras.
Copy !req
293. Yeah, you don't believe in anything.
Copy !req
294. Oh, well, I'm sorry I can't be as
high-strung and crazy as the rest of you.
Copy !req
295. I'm sorry, too.
Copy !req
296. I wish you would be
high-strung and crazy for once
Copy !req
297. instead of keeping all your
feelings bottled up inside.
Copy !req
298. She just called your aura dingy.
Copy !req
299. Are you gonna take that?
Copy !req
300. What do you want from me?
Copy !req
301. You want a teary confession
about how hard my childhood was?
Copy !req
302. Well, it wasn't.
Copy !req
303. I was a rich only child
who got anything I wanted
Copy !req
304. as long as I behaved...
Copy !req
305. And sat still
Copy !req
306. and didn't speak unless spoken to.
Copy !req
307. My mother said I had
to keep out of trouble.
Copy !req
308. We had my dad's political
career to think about.
Copy !req
309. Well, that's it, then.
Copy !req
310. You had a controlling mother
who had certain expectations
Copy !req
311. and if you strayed from them
you were shut down.
Copy !req
312. That's why you're afraid
to care about anything
Copy !req
313. and why you can't express yourself.
Copy !req
314. You want me to express myself?
Copy !req
315. Leave me alone!
Copy !req
316. I like it when you express yourself.
Copy !req
317. Don't touch me.
Copy !req
318. I'm still mad at you.
Copy !req
319. My life hasn't been that easy,
either, Mai.
Copy !req
320. Whatever. That doesn't excuse the way
you've been acting.
Copy !req
321. Calm down, you guys.
Copy !req
322. This much negative energy
is bad for your skin.
Copy !req
323. You'll totally break out.
Copy !req
324. Bad skin?
Copy !req
325. Normal teenagers worry about bad skin.
Copy !req
326. I don't have that luxury.
Copy !req
327. My father decided to teach me
a permanent lesson on my face.
Copy !req
328. Sorry, Zuko, I...
Copy !req
329. For so long, I thought
that if my dad accepted me, I'd be happy.
Copy !req
330. I'm back home, now.
Copy !req
331. My dad talks to me.
Copy !req
332. Huh, he even thinks I'm a hero.
Copy !req
333. Everything should be perfect, right?
Copy !req
334. I should be happy now, but I'm not.
Copy !req
335. I'm angrier than ever
and I don't know why.
Copy !req
336. There's a simple question
you need to answer then.
Copy !req
337. Who are you angry at?
Copy !req
338. No one, I'm just angry.
Copy !req
339. Yeah, who are you angry at, Zuko?
Copy !req
340. Everyone... I don't know.
Copy !req
341. Is it Dad?
Copy !req
342. No, no.
Copy !req
343. - Your uncle?
- Me?
Copy !req
344. No, no... No, no.
Copy !req
345. Then who?
Copy !req
346. Who are you angry at?
Copy !req
347. Answer the question, Zuko.
Copy !req
348. Talk to us.
Copy !req
349. Come on, answer the question.
Copy !req
350. Come on, answer it.
Copy !req
351. I'm angry at myself.
Copy !req
352. Why?
Copy !req
353. Because I'm confused.
Copy !req
354. Because I'm not sure I know the difference
Copy !req
355. between right and wrong anymore.
Copy !req
356. You're pathetic.
Copy !req
357. I know one thing I care about...
Copy !req
358. I care about you.
Copy !req
359. Well, those were wonderful
performances, everyone.
Copy !req
360. I guess you wouldn't understand,
would you, Azula
Copy !req
361. because you're just so perfect.
Copy !req
362. Well, yes, I guess you're right.
Copy !req
363. I don't have sob stories like all of you.
Copy !req
364. I could sit here and complain how our mom
liked Zuko more than me
Copy !req
365. but I don't really care.
Copy !req
366. My own mother...
Copy !req
367. Thought I was a monster.
Copy !req
368. She was right, of course,
but it still hurt.
Copy !req
369. What Lo and Li said came true.
Copy !req
370. The beach did help us
learn about ourselves.
Copy !req
371. I feel all smoothed.
Copy !req
372. I'll always remember this.
Copy !req
373. You know what would make
this trip really memorable?
Copy !req
374. We've got some bad news, Chan.
Copy !req
375. Party's over.
Copy !req