1. Water...
Copy !req
2. Earth...
Copy !req
3. Fire...
Copy !req
4. Air.
Copy !req
5. Long ago...
Copy !req
6. The four nations lived
together in harmony.
Copy !req
7. Then everything changed
when the Fire Nation attacked.
Copy !req
8. Only the Avatar, master of
all four elements could stop them.
Copy !req
9. But when the world
needed him most
Copy !req
10. he vanished.
Copy !req
11. 100 years passed and my brother
and I discovered the new Avatar
Copy !req
12. an airbender named Aang.
Copy !req
13. And although his airbending
skills were great
Copy !req
14. he has a lot to learn before
he's ready to save anyone.
Copy !req
15. Oof.
Copy !req
16. But I believe Aang
can save the world.
Copy !req
17. I am proud of you,
prince Zuko.
Copy !req
18. I am proud because when your
loyalty was tested
Copy !req
19. by your treacherous uncle
Copy !req
20. you did the right thing
Copy !req
21. and captured the traitor.
Copy !req
22. Why did you tell Father
that I was the one who killed the Avatar?
Copy !req
23. Please, Zuko...
Copy !req
24. What ulterior motive
could I have
Copy !req
25. Unless somehow the Avatar
was actually alive?
Copy !req
26. All that glory would
suddenly turn to shame.
Copy !req
27. Who's there?
Copy !req
28. I think I see
a cave below.
Copy !req
29. Shh... Keep quiet.
Copy !req
30. Great job with the cloud camo,
but next time...
Copy !req
31. Let's disguise ourselves as
the kind of cloud
Copy !req
32. who knows how to keep its mouth shut.
Copy !req
33. Yeah, we wouldn't want a bird to
hear us chatting up there and turn us in.
Copy !req
34. Hey, we're in enemy territory.
Copy !req
35. Those are enemy birds.
Copy !req
36. Well, this is it.
Copy !req
37. This is how we'll be living
until the invasion begins.
Copy !req
38. Hiding in cave after cave...
Copy !req
39. After cave after cave...
Copy !req
40. Sokka, we don't need
to become cave people.
Copy !req
41. What we need
is some new clothes.
Copy !req
42. Yeah, blending in
is better than hiding out.
Copy !req
43. If we get Fire Nation disguises
Copy !req
44. we'll be just as safe as we
would be hiding in a cave.
Copy !req
45. Plus, they have
real food out there.
Copy !req
46. Does anyone wanna sit in the
dirt and eat cave-hoppers?
Copy !req
47. Looks like we
got outvoted, sport.
Copy !req
48. Let's get some new clothes.
Copy !req
49. I don't know about this.
Copy !req
50. These clothes
belong to somebody.
Copy !req
51. I call the silk robe.
Copy !req
52. But if it's essential
to our survival
Copy !req
53. then I call the suit.
Copy !req
54. Ta-dah... Normal kid.
Copy !req
55. Hmm... I should
probably wear shoes
Copy !req
56. But then I won't
be able to see as well.
Copy !req
57. Sorry shoes...
Copy !req
58. Finally, a stylish shoe
for the blind earthbender.
Copy !req
59. How do I look?
Copy !req
60. Uh, your mom's necklace.
Copy !req
61. Oh... Oh, yeah.
Copy !req
62. I guess it's pretty obviously
Water Tribe, isn't it?
Copy !req
63. I used to visit my friend
Kuzon here 100 years ago.
Copy !req
64. So everyone just follow
my lead and stay cool.
Copy !req
65. Or as they say
in the Fire Nation
Copy !req
66. "Stay flamin"'.
Copy !req
67. Greetings, my good Hotman.
Copy !req
68. Oh, hi...
Copy !req
69. I guess?
Copy !req
70. Oh, we're going
to a meat place?
Copy !req
71. Come on, Aang,
everyone here eats meat...
Copy !req
72. Even the meat.
Copy !req
73. You guys go ahead.
Copy !req
74. I'll just get some lettuce
out of the garbage.
Copy !req
75. Hotman, Hotman.
Copy !req
76. Hotman.
Copy !req
77. Hotman, Hotman.
Copy !req
78. It's over,
we caught you.
Copy !req
79. Who me?
Copy !req
80. It couldn't be more obvious
that you don't belong here.
Copy !req
81. Next time you play hooky
Copy !req
82. You might want to take off
your school uniform.
Copy !req
83. Ah!
Copy !req
84. Oh...
Copy !req
85. Is this a new mind
ready for molding?
Copy !req
86. That's right.
Copy !req
87. Let the molding begin.
Copy !req
88. Wait a minute.
Copy !req
89. You're not
from the Fire Nation.
Copy !req
90. Clearly you're
from the colonies.
Copy !req
91. Yeah, the colonies,
of course.
Copy !req
92. The Fire Nation colonies
in the Earth Kingdom.
Copy !req
93. Your etiquette
is terrible.
Copy !req
94. In the homeland,
we bow to our elders...
Copy !req
95. Like so.
Copy !req
96. Sorry ma'am.
Copy !req
97. And we don't wear
head coverings indoors.
Copy !req
98. Um, I have a scar.
Copy !req
99. It's really embarrassing.
Copy !req
100. Very well.
Copy !req
101. What is your name?
Copy !req
102. Or should we just call you
mannerless colony slob?
Copy !req
103. Just "slob" is fine.
Copy !req
104. Or, uh... Kuzon.
Copy !req
105. We made it through
the day, Momo...
Copy !req
106. And it was pretty fun.
Copy !req
107. Don't let the headmaster
catch you with that monkey.
Copy !req
108. What monkey?
Copy !req
109. Don't worry,
I'm not a tattletale.
Copy !req
110. My name's On Ji.
Copy !req
111. I like your headband,
by the way.
Copy !req
112. On ji, you don't have
to baby-sit the new kid.
Copy !req
113. Wow.
Copy !req
114. You must be one of those popular
kids I've been hearing about.
Copy !req
115. That's right.
Copy !req
116. Now listen, friend...
Copy !req
117. I know you're from the colonies
Copy !req
118. so I'll say this slowly.
Copy !req
119. On Ji is my girlfriend.
Copy !req
120. Don't forget it.
Copy !req
121. It was nice meeting you.
Copy !req
122. I don't believe it.
Copy !req
123. He didn't beat you up.
Copy !req
124. Not even a little.
Copy !req
125. I guess I'm just lucky.
Copy !req
126. We were on our way to play
hide and explode.
Copy !req
127. You wanna come?
Copy !req
128. I'd love to.
Copy !req
129. Where have you been?
Copy !req
130. We've been worried sick.
Copy !req
131. I got invited to play
with some kids after school.
Copy !req
132. After what?
Copy !req
133. I enrolled in
a Fire Nation school
Copy !req
134. And I'm going back tomorrow.
Copy !req
135. Enrolled in what?
Copy !req
136. You again?
Copy !req
137. Stop where you are.
Copy !req
138. Prince Zuko?
Copy !req
139. Ah!
Copy !req
140. I'm going in for a visit.
Copy !req
141. You're gonna stand guard here
Copy !req
142. and no one is going
to know about this.
Copy !req
143. Uncle... It's me.
Copy !req
144. Aang, I'm trying to be mature and not
immediately shoot down your idea.
Copy !req
145. But it sounds...
Really terrible.
Copy !req
146. Yeah, we got our outfits.
Copy !req
147. What do you need
to go to school for?
Copy !req
148. Every minute
I'm in that classroom
Copy !req
149. I'm learning new things
about the Fire Nation.
Copy !req
150. I already have a picture
of Fire Lord, Ozai.
Copy !req
151. And here's one that
I made out of noodles.
Copy !req
152. Impressive, I admit.
Copy !req
153. But I still think
it's too dangerous.
Copy !req
154. I guess we'll never find out
about the secret river, then.
Copy !req
155. It goes right to
the Fire Lord's palace.
Copy !req
156. We were supposed to learn
about it in class tomorrow...
Copy !req
157. Hmm... I am a fan
of secret rivers.
Copy !req
158. Fine, let's stay
a few more days.
Copy !req
159. Flamey-O, Hotman.
Copy !req
160. - Flamey-O?
Copy !req
161. You brought this
on yourself, you know.
Copy !req
162. We could have returned together.
Copy !req
163. You could have been a hero.
Copy !req
164. You had no right
to judge me, Uncle.
Copy !req
165. I did what I had to do
in Ba Sing Se
Copy !req
166. and you're a fool
for not joining me.
Copy !req
167. You're not
gonna say anything?
Copy !req
168. Oh!
Copy !req
169. You're a crazy old man.
Copy !req
170. You're crazy,
and if you weren't in jail
Copy !req
171. you'd be sleeping
in a gutter.
Copy !req
172. Good morning, class.
Copy !req
173. Recite the Fire Nation oath.
Copy !req
174. My life,
I give to my country.
Copy !req
175. With my hands,
I fight for Fire Lord...
Copy !req
176. Fire Lord...
Copy !req
177. Forefathers...
Copy !req
178. With my mind, I seek
ways to better my country
Copy !req
179. and with my feet...
Copy !req
180. Firebenders...
Copy !req
181. Fire Lord.
Copy !req
182. - Wha, bah, blah, blah.
Copy !req
183. Since it's obviously hilarious
to mock our national oath
Copy !req
184. we'll begin with a pop quiz on
our great march of civilization.
Copy !req
185. Question one.
Copy !req
186. What year did Fire Lord Sozin
battle the Air Nation army?
Copy !req
187. Kuzon?
Copy !req
188. Is that a trick question?
Copy !req
189. The air nomads didn't
have a formal military.
Copy !req
190. Sozin defeated them by ambush.
Copy !req
191. Well, I don't know how you could
Copy !req
192. possibly know more than our
national history book
Copy !req
193. unless you were there
a hundred years ago.
Copy !req
194. I'll just write down
my best guess.
Copy !req
195. Kuzon?
Copy !req
196. I know, I'm a terrible
tsungi hornist.
Copy !req
197. No, child.
Copy !req
198. That hullabaloo going
on with your feet.
Copy !req
199. Is that a nervous disorder?
Copy !req
200. I was just dancing.
Copy !req
201. You do dances here in the
homeland, right?
Copy !req
202. Not really, no.
Copy !req
203. Dancing is not conducive to
a proper learning environment.
Copy !req
204. Young people must have rigid
discipline and order.
Copy !req
205. But what about
expressing yourself?
Copy !req
206. I know sometimes we're so moved
by our love for our nation
Copy !req
207. that we can't control
our own bodies.
Copy !req
208. If you must
Copy !req
209. you may march in place quietly
next time the urge hits you.
Copy !req
210. Oh, hi, Kuzon.
Copy !req
211. I really liked that crazy
dance you were doing.
Copy !req
212. Thanks, On Ji.
Copy !req
213. I could show it to you
again if you'd like.
Copy !req
214. Ah!
Copy !req
215. What'd you say,
colony trash?
Copy !req
216. You're gonna show her something?
Copy !req
217. Just some
dance movements.
Copy !req
218. Nobody shows
my On Ji anything
Copy !req
219. Especially movement.
Copy !req
220. Ah!
Copy !req
221. Ha!
Copy !req
222. Yah!
Copy !req
223. Ah.
Copy !req
224. Picking fights
on your second day?
Copy !req
225. We need to have a conference
to discuss your punishment.
Copy !req
226. Bring your parents
to my office after school.
Copy !req
227. Parents, but...
Copy !req
228. Don't be late.
Copy !req
229. Thank you for coming
Copy !req
230. Mr. And Mrs...
Copy !req
231. Fire... Wang Fire.
Copy !req
232. This is my wife,
Copy !req
233. Sapphire Fire,
nice to meet you.
Copy !req
234. Mr. And Mrs. Fire...
Copy !req
235. Your son has been enrolled
here for two days
Copy !req
236. and he's already
causing problems.
Copy !req
237. He's argued with
his history teacher
Copy !req
238. disrupted music class
Copy !req
239. and roughed up my star pupil.
Copy !req
240. My goodness.
Copy !req
241. That doesn't sound
like our Kuzon.
Copy !req
242. That's what any mother
would say, ma'am.
Copy !req
243. Nonetheless,
you're forewarned.
Copy !req
244. If he acts up
one more time
Copy !req
245. I'll have him sent
to reform school...
Copy !req
246. By which I mean the coal mines.
Copy !req
247. Are we clear?
Copy !req
248. Don't you worry,
Mr. Headmaster
Copy !req
249. I'll straighten this boy
out something fierce.
Copy !req
250. Young man, as son as we get home,
Copy !req
251. you're gonna get the punishment of
a lifetime.
Copy !req
252. That's what I like to hear.
Copy !req
253. Orange is such
an awful color.
Copy !req
254. You're so beautiful
when you hate the world.
Copy !req
255. I don't hate you.
Copy !req
256. I don't hate you, too.
Copy !req
257. Zuko, could I have
a word with you?
Copy !req
258. Can't you see we're busy?
Copy !req
259. Oh, Mai, Ty Lee needs your help
untangling her braid.
Copy !req
260. Sounds pretty serious.
Copy !req
261. So I hear you've been to visit your
Uncle Fatso in the prison tower.
Copy !req
262. That guard told you.
Copy !req
263. No, you did... Just now.
Copy !req
264. OK, you caught me.
Copy !req
265. What is it that
you want, Azula.
Copy !req
266. Actually, nothing.
Copy !req
267. Believe it or not,
I'm looking out for you.
Copy !req
268. If people find out
you've been to see Uncle
Copy !req
269. they'll think you're
plotting with him.
Copy !req
270. Just be careful dum-dum.
Copy !req
271. That settles it.
Copy !req
272. No more school for you,
young man.
Copy !req
273. I'm not
ready to leave.
Copy !req
274. I'm having fun for once
Copy !req
275. Just being a normal kid.
Copy !req
276. You don't know
what it's like, Sokka.
Copy !req
277. You get to be normal
all the time.
Copy !req
278. Ha, ha.
Copy !req
279. Listen, guys, those kids at school are
the future of the Fire Nation.
Copy !req
280. If we wanna change
this place for the better
Copy !req
281. We need to show them
a little taste of freedom.
Copy !req
282. What could you possibly do for a country
of depraved little fire monsters?
Copy !req
283. I'm gonna throw them
a secret dance party.
Copy !req
284. Go to your room.
Copy !req
285. I can't believe we're
having a dance party.
Copy !req
286. It seems so... Silly.
Copy !req
287. Don't think of it
as a dance party
Copy !req
288. But as a cultural event
celebrating the art of fancy footwork.
Copy !req
289. They're coming.
Copy !req
290. Everyone stop bending.
Copy !req
291. Sorry, buddy.
Copy !req
292. You should probably
wait out back.
Copy !req
293. I know, you've got
fancier feet than anybody...
Copy !req
294. And six of 'em.
Copy !req
295. Ladies and gentlemen.
Copy !req
296. The Flamey-Os!
Copy !req
297. Yeah, this ought to get
everybody moving.
Copy !req
298. Now what
do we do?
Copy !req
299. This is when you start dancing.
Copy !req
300. I don't think my parents want me
dancing in a cave.
Copy !req
301. Yeah, what if someone
finds out?
Copy !req
302. Oh, boy.
Copy !req
303. Listen, guys...
Copy !req
304. Dancing isn't something
you think about.
Copy !req
305. It's a form of self-expression
Copy !req
306. that no one can ever
take away from you.
Copy !req
307. Maybe it was different in the colonies,
Kuzon, but we don't do that here.
Copy !req
308. Sure you do.
Copy !req
309. You have for generations.
Copy !req
310. It just so happens that I know
several classic Fire Nation dances.
Copy !req
311. A hundred years ago
Copy !req
312. this was known as
"The Phoenix Flight."
Copy !req
313. Ooh... Wow.
Copy !req
314. And this was
the "Camelephant Strut".
Copy !req
315. Who knew Twinkle Toes
could dance?
Copy !req
316. I brought you some
Copy !req
317. I know you don't care for it
Copy !req
318. but I figure
it beats prison food.
Copy !req
319. I admit it.
Copy !req
320. I have everything
I always wanted
Copy !req
321. but it's not at all how
I thought it would be.
Copy !req
322. The truth is
Copy !req
323. I need your advice.
Copy !req
324. I think the Avatar
is still alive.
Copy !req
325. I know he's out there.
Copy !req
326. I'm losing my mind.
Copy !req
327. Please, Uncle, I'm so confused,
I need your help.
Copy !req
328. Forget it.
Copy !req
329. I'll solve this myself.
Copy !req
330. Waste away in here
for all I care.
Copy !req
331. And this is how they do it in
the ballrooms of Ba Sing Se.
Copy !req
332. Wow, they look pretty
good together.
Copy !req
333. Eh, if that's what you like.
Copy !req
334. Yeah, that's it.
Copy !req
335. That's the sound of happy feet.
Copy !req
336. All right, go with that.
Copy !req
337. Everybody, freestyle.
Copy !req
338. I don't know, Aang.
Copy !req
339. These shoes aren't
really right for dancing
Copy !req
340. and I'm not sure
that I know how to...
Copy !req
341. Take my hand.
Copy !req
342. OK.
Copy !req
343. Aang, everyone's watching.
Copy !req
344. Don't worry about them.
Copy !req
345. It's just you and me right now.
Copy !req
346. Wow.
Copy !req
347. It is a dancing party.
Copy !req
348. You did the right thing by
telling me, Hide.
Copy !req
349. Anytime,
Headmaster, sir.
Copy !req
350. This is incredible.
Copy !req
351. It's like my inhibitions
just disappear.
Copy !req
352. OK, they're back again.
Copy !req
353. He's
the one we want.
Copy !req
354. The boy with the headband.
Copy !req
355. Uh-oh.
Copy !req
356. Got ya.
Copy !req
357. Looking for me?
Copy !req
358. That's not the one.
Copy !req
359. He's here somewhere.
Copy !req
360. Don't let him leave the cave.
Copy !req
361. Yes?
Copy !req
362. - Hi there.
- How we doing?
Copy !req
363. Looking for someone?
Copy !req
364. Who are you
looking for?
Copy !req
365. Do you need something?
Copy !req
366. Over here.
Copy !req
367. Stop that.
Copy !req
368. Stop that.
Copy !req
369. We're safe, Sokka.
Copy !req
370. You can take off
the mustache, now.
Copy !req
371. Oh, no, I can't.
Copy !req
372. It's permanently
glued to my skin.
Copy !req
373. Way to go, dancy pants.
Copy !req
374. I think you really
did help those kids.
Copy !req
375. You taught them to be free.
Copy !req
376. I don't know.
Copy !req
377. It was just
a dance party, that's all.
Copy !req
378. Well, that was some
dance party, Aang.
Copy !req
379. Mwah.
Copy !req
380. Flamey-O, sir...
Copy !req
381. Flamey-O.
Copy !req
382. You're sure
you weren't followed?
Copy !req
383. I've heard about you.
Copy !req
384. They say you're good
at what you do
Copy !req
385. and even better
at keeping secrets.
Copy !req
386. The Avatar's alive.
Copy !req
387. I want you to find him
Copy !req
388. and end him.
Copy !req