1. Water...
Copy !req
2. Earth...
Copy !req
3. Fire...
Copy !req
4. Air.
Copy !req
5. Long ago, the four nations
lived together in harmony.
Copy !req
6. Then, everything changed
when the Fire Nation attacked.
Copy !req
7. Only the Avatar,
master of all four elements,
Copy !req
8. could stop them.
Copy !req
9. But when the world
needed him most,
Copy !req
10. He vanished.
Copy !req
11. 100 years passed,
Copy !req
12. and my brother and I
discovered the new Avatar―
Copy !req
13. An airbender named Aang.
Copy !req
14. And although his airbending
skills are great,
Copy !req
15. he has a lot to learn before
he's ready to save anyone.
Copy !req
16. Oof!
Copy !req
17. But I believe Aang can save the world.
Copy !req
18. I can't believe it.
Copy !req
19. I know the war has spread far,
Copy !req
20. but Omashu always seemed...
Copy !req
21. Untouchable.
Copy !req
22. Up until now, it was.
Copy !req
23. Now, Ba Sing Se is the only great
Earth Kingdom stronghold left.
Copy !req
24. This is horrible.
Copy !req
25. But we have to move on.
Copy !req
26. No.
Copy !req
27. I'm going in to find Bumi.
Copy !req
28. Aang, stop!
Copy !req
29. We don't even know if Bumi's still...
Copy !req
30. What? If he's still what?
Copy !req
31. Around.
Copy !req
32. I know you had
your heart set on Bumi,
Copy !req
33. but there are other people
who can teach you earthbending.
Copy !req
34. This isn't about
finding a teacher.
Copy !req
35. This is about
finding my friend.
Copy !req
36. A secret passage?
Copy !req
37. Why didn't we just
use this last time?
Copy !req
38. Ugh!
Copy !req
39. Does that answer
your question?
Copy !req
40. Ew!
Copy !req
41. That wasn't as bad as I thought.
Copy !req
42. Aagh!
Copy !req
43. They won't let go!
Copy !req
44. Help!
Copy !req
45. Stop making so much noise.
Copy !req
46. It's just a purple pentapus.
Copy !req
47. Oh.
Copy !req
48. Hey!
Copy !req
49. What are you kids
doing out past curfew?
Copy !req
50. Sorry.
Copy !req
51. We were just
on our way home.
Copy !req
52. Wait.
Copy !req
53. What's the matter with him?
Copy !req
54. Uh...
Copy !req
55. He has pentapox, sir.
Copy !req
56. Um, it's highly contagious.
Copy !req
57. It's so awful! I'm dying!
Copy !req
58. And deadly.
Copy !req
59. Hey, I think I've heard of pentapox.
Copy !req
60. Didn't your cousin Chang die of it?
Copy !req
61. We better go wash our hands.
Copy !req
62. And burn our clothes.
Copy !req
63. Thank you, sewer friend!
Copy !req
64. When tracking
your brother and uncle,
Copy !req
65. traveling with
the royal procession
Copy !req
66. may no longer be an option.
Copy !req
67. May no longer be wise.
Copy !req
68. If you hope to keep
the element of surprise.
Copy !req
69. You're right.
Copy !req
70. The royal procession is dead weight.
Copy !req
71. If I want to catch my prey,
Copy !req
72. I must be agile, nimble.
Copy !req
73. I need a small, elite team.
Copy !req
74. It's time to visit some old friends.
Copy !req
75. Let's find Bumi
and get out of here.
Copy !req
76. Where would they
be keeping him?
Copy !req
77. Somewhere he can't earthbend.
Copy !req
78. Somewhere made of metal.
Copy !req
79. There really is no fathoming
Copy !req
80. the depths of my hatred
Copy !req
81. for this place.
Copy !req
82. Mai, your father was appointed governor.
Copy !req
83. We're like royalty here.
Copy !req
84. Be happy and enjoy it.
Copy !req
85. The targets are approaching.
Copy !req
86. Take them out.
Copy !req
87. I thought my life was
boring in the Fire Nation,
Copy !req
88. but this place is unbearably bleak.
Copy !req
89. Nothing ever happens.
Copy !req
90. The resistance!
Copy !req
91. Ty Lee,
Copy !req
92. could that possibly be you?
Copy !req
93. Azula!
Copy !req
94. It is so good to see you!
Copy !req
95. Please, don't let me interrupt your...
Copy !req
96. Whatever it is you were doing.
Copy !req
97. Tell me...
Copy !req
98. What is the daughter of a nobleman
doing here?
Copy !req
99. Certainly our parents didn't send us
Copy !req
100. to the Royal Fire Academy for Girls
Copy !req
101. to end up in places like this.
Copy !req
102. I have a proposition for you.
Copy !req
103. I'm hunting a traitor.
Copy !req
104. You remember my old fuddy-duddy uncle,
Copy !req
105. don't you?
Copy !req
106. Oh, yeah. He was so funny.
Copy !req
107. I would be honored
if you would join me on my mission.
Copy !req
108. Oh, I, uh...
Copy !req
109. Would love to.
Copy !req
110. But the truth is
Copy !req
111. I'm really happy here.
Copy !req
112. I mean, my aura has never been pinker.
Copy !req
113. I'll take your word for it.
Copy !req
114. Well, I wouldn't want you to give up
Copy !req
115. the life you love just to please me.
Copy !req
116. Thank you, Azula.
Copy !req
117. Of course, before I leave,
Copy !req
118. I'm going to catch your show.
Copy !req
119. Uh, yeah, sure.
Copy !req
120. Of course.
Copy !req
121. So, is King Bumi with you guys?
Copy !req
122. Is he leading the resistance?
Copy !req
123. Of course not.
Copy !req
124. The day of the invasion,
Copy !req
125. we readied ourselves for battle.
Copy !req
126. We were prepared to defend our city,
Copy !req
127. To fight for our lives
and for our freedom.
Copy !req
128. But before we even had a chance,
Copy !req
129. King Bumi surrendered.
Copy !req
130. The day of the invasion,
Copy !req
131. I asked King Bumi
what he wanted to do.
Copy !req
132. He looked me
in the eye and said...
Copy !req
133. I'm going to do nothing.
Copy !req
134. Ha ha ha ha!
Copy !req
135. Ha ha ha.
Copy !req
136. It doesn't matter now.
Copy !req
137. Fighting the Fire Nation
Copy !req
138. is the only path to freedom.
Copy !req
139. And freedom is worth dying for.
Copy !req
140. Actually, there's another path to freedom.
Copy !req
141. You could leave Omashu.
Copy !req
142. You're directing all your energy
Copy !req
143. to fight the Fire Nation,
Copy !req
144. But you're outnumbered.
You can't win.
Copy !req
145. Now is the time to retreat
Copy !req
146. so you can live to fight another day.
Copy !req
147. You don't understand.
Copy !req
148. They've taken our home,
Copy !req
149. and we have to fight them at any cost!
Copy !req
150. I don't know, Yalo.
Copy !req
151. Living to fight another day
Copy !req
152. is starting to sound
pretty good to me.
Copy !req
153. Yeah, I'm with the kid.
Copy !req
154. Fine.
Copy !req
155. But there's thousands of citizens
that need to leave.
Copy !req
156. How are we gonna get them all out?
Copy !req
157. Suckers!
Copy !req
158. You're all about to come down
with a nasty case of pentapox.
Copy !req
159. The marks make you look sick,
Copy !req
160. but you gotta act sick, too!
Copy !req
161. You gotta sell it.
Copy !req
162. Now, that's what I'm talking about.
Copy !req
163. Years of practice.
Copy !req
164. Ok, everyone,
Copy !req
165. into sick formation!
Copy !req
166. Aang, what are you doing?
Copy !req
167. Aren't you coming with us?
Copy !req
168. No. I'm not leaving until I find Bumi.
Copy !req
169. Sorry, Momo. I'll feed you later.
Copy !req
170. Plague! Plague!
Copy !req
171. What is going on down there?
Copy !req
172. I saw some kids yesterday
Copy !req
173. who were sick with pentapox.
Copy !req
174. It must have spread.
Copy !req
175. Pentapox!
Copy !req
176. Hmm. I'm pretty sure
I've heard of that.
Copy !req
177. Oh, this is terrible.
Copy !req
178. What should we do?
Copy !req
179. Drive them out of the city,
Copy !req
180. but don't touch them.
Copy !req
181. We have to rid the city of this disease.
Copy !req
182. Fire flakes, dad?
Copy !req
183. How awful!
Copy !req
184. Flopsie!
Copy !req
185. Come on, Flopsie.
Copy !req
186. You gotta help me find Bumi.
Copy !req
187. Yip, yip!
Copy !req
188. Oh, I guess that
doesn't work with you.
Copy !req
189. Let's go.
Copy !req
190. Whoa!
Copy !req
191. Wee!
Copy !req
192. We're deeply honored
Copy !req
193. to have the Fire Lord's daughter
Copy !req
194. at our humble circus.
Copy !req
195. And tell us if there's anything
Copy !req
196. we can do to make
the show more enjoyable.
Copy !req
197. I will.
Copy !req
198. Incredible.
Copy !req
199. Do you think she'll fall?
Copy !req
200. Of course not.
Copy !req
201. Then wouldn't it make it more interesting
Copy !req
202. if you removed the net?
Copy !req
203. Uh, the thing is...
Copy !req
204. The performers―
Copy !req
205. You're right. You're right.
Copy !req
206. That's been done.
Copy !req
207. I know.
Copy !req
208. Set the net on fire.
Copy !req
209. Of course, Princess.
Copy !req
210. Brilliant. Just brilliant.
Copy !req
211. Ooh!
Copy !req
212. What kind of dangerous animals
do you have?
Copy !req
213. Well, our circus boasts
the most exotic assortment―
Copy !req
214. Release them all!
Copy !req
215. We looked everywhere.
Copy !req
216. No Bumi.
Copy !req
217. We've got a problem.
Copy !req
218. We just did a head count.
Copy !req
219. Oh, no.
Did someone get left behind?
Copy !req
220. No. We have an extra.
Copy !req
221. So, the resistance
has kidnapped my son.
Copy !req
222. Everything is so clever, so tricky―
Copy !req
223. Just like their King Bumi.
Copy !req
224. What do you want to do, sir?
Copy !req
225. What an exquisite performance.
Copy !req
226. I can't wait to see
Copy !req
227. how you'll top yourself tomorrow.
Copy !req
228. I'm sorry, Azula,
Copy !req
229. but unfortunately there
won't be a show tomorrow.
Copy !req
230. Really?
Copy !req
231. The universe is giving
me strong hints
Copy !req
232. that it's time for a career change.
Copy !req
233. I want to join you on your mission.
Copy !req
234. No! Bad Fire Nation baby.
Copy !req
235. Waah!
Copy !req
236. Oh, all right.
Copy !req
237. Oh, you're so cute!
Copy !req
238. Ooh!
Copy !req
239. Sure, he's cute now.
Copy !req
240. But when he's older,
he'll join the Fire Nation army.
Copy !req
241. You won't think he's so cute then.
Copy !req
242. He'll be a killer.
Copy !req
243. Does that look like
the face of a killer to you?
Copy !req
244. A messenger hawk.
Copy !req
245. It's from the Fire Nation governor.
Copy !req
246. He thinks we kidnapped his son.
Copy !req
247. So, he wants to make a trade.
Copy !req
248. His son...
Copy !req
249. For King Bumi!
Copy !req
250. You realize
we're probably walking right into a trap.
Copy !req
251. I don't think so.
Copy !req
252. I'm sure the governor wants his son back
Copy !req
253. as much as we want Bumi.
Copy !req
254. It's a new day.
Copy !req
255. I have a good feeling about this.
Copy !req
256. Please tell me you're
here to kill me.
Copy !req
257. It's great to see you, Mai.
Copy !req
258. I thought you ran off
and joined the circus.
Copy !req
259. You said it was your calling.
Copy !req
260. Well, Azula called a little louder.
Copy !req
261. I have a mission,
Copy !req
262. and I need you both.
Copy !req
263. Count me in.
Copy !req
264. Anything to get me
out of this place.
Copy !req
265. I apologize.
Copy !req
266. You've come to Omashu at a difficult time.
Copy !req
267. At noon, we're making a trade
Copy !req
268. with the resistance to get Tom-Tom back.
Copy !req
269. Yes, I'm so sorry to
hear about your son.
Copy !req
270. But, really, what did you expect
Copy !req
271. by just letting all the citizens leave?
Copy !req
272. My father has trusted you with this city,
Copy !req
273. and you're making a mess of things.
Copy !req
274. Forgive me, Princess.
Copy !req
275. You stay here.
Copy !req
276. Mai will handle the hostage trade
Copy !req
277. so you don't have a chance to mess it up.
Copy !req
278. And there is no more Omashu.
Copy !req
279. I am renaming it
in honor of my father.
Copy !req
280. The city of New Ozai!
Copy !req
281. Hi, everybody!
Copy !req
282. You brought my brother?
Copy !req
283. He's here.
Copy !req
284. We're ready to trade.
Copy !req
285. I'm sorry, but a thought
just occurred to me.
Copy !req
286. Do you mind?
Copy !req
287. Of course not, Princess Azula.
Copy !req
288. We're trading a two-year-old for a king―
Copy !req
289. A powerful earthbending king.
Copy !req
290. It just doesn't seem like a fair trade.
Copy !req
291. Does it?
Copy !req
292. You're right.
Copy !req
293. The deal's off.
Copy !req
294. Whoa!
Copy !req
295. See you all later!
Copy !req
296. Ha ha ha.
Copy !req
297. Bumi!
Copy !req
298. The Avatar.
Copy !req
299. My lucky day.
Copy !req
300. Aang! Is that you?
Copy !req
301. Where did you
come from?
Copy !req
302. Hang on. We're gonna get you out of here.
Copy !req
303. We've gotta get the baby out of here!
Copy !req
304. Way ahead of you.
Copy !req
305. Aang! Stop your blowing for a minute.
Copy !req
306. Now hold on just a―
Copy !req
307. Aagh!
Copy !req
308. It's just like old times,
Copy !req
309. Isn't it, Bumi?
Copy !req
310. Aang, I need to talk to you!
Copy !req
311. It's good to see you, too!
Copy !req
312. Aagh!
Copy !req
313. Phew!
Copy !req
314. Aagh!
Copy !req
315. How are you gonna fight
without your bending?
Copy !req
316. I seem to manage!
Copy !req
317. There's Aang!
Copy !req
318. We can catch him!
Copy !req
319. Hang on, Bumi!
Copy !req
320. Our ride's here!
Copy !req
321. Aang!
Copy !req
322. Oof!
Copy !req
323. You could earthbend...
Copy !req
324. All along?
Copy !req
325. Well, they didn't cover my face.
Copy !req
326. I don't understand.
Copy !req
327. Why didn't you free yourself?
Copy !req
328. Why did you surrender
when Omashu was invaded?
Copy !req
329. What's the matter with you, Bumi?
Copy !req
330. Listen to me, Aang.
Copy !req
331. There are options in fighting called jing.
Copy !req
332. It's a choice of how
you direct your energy.
Copy !req
333. I know! Positive jing
when you're attacking,
Copy !req
334. and negative jing when you're retreating.
Copy !req
335. And neutral jing, when you do nothing.
Copy !req
336. There are three jings?
Copy !req
337. Well, technically, there are 85.
Copy !req
338. But let's just focus on the third.
Copy !req
339. Neutral jing is the key
to earthbending.
Copy !req
340. It involves listening and waiting
Copy !req
341. for the right moment to strike.
Copy !req
342. That's why you surrendered, isn't it?
Copy !req
343. Yes, and it's why I can't leave now.
Copy !req
344. I guess I need to find someone else
to teach me earthbending.
Copy !req
345. Your teacher will be someone
Copy !req
346. who has mastered neutral jing.
Copy !req
347. You need to find someone
Copy !req
348. who waits and listens before striking.
Copy !req
349. - Hey, Momo.
Copy !req
350. Momo's mastered
a few jings himself.
Copy !req
351. Good-bye, Aang.
Copy !req
352. I'll see you when the time is right.
Copy !req
353. So, we're tracking down
your brother and uncle, huh?
Copy !req
354. It'll be interesting seeing Zuko again,
Copy !req
355. won't it, Mai?
Copy !req
356. It's not just Zuko And Iroh anymore.
Copy !req
357. We have a third target now.
Copy !req
358. Tom-tom!
Copy !req