1. Water...
Copy !req
2. Earth...
Copy !req
3. Fire...
Copy !req
4. Air...
Copy !req
5. Long ago, the four nations
lived together in harmony.
Copy !req
6. Then, everything changed
when the Fire Nation attacked.
Copy !req
7. Only the avatar,
Copy !req
8. master of all four elements,
Copy !req
9. could stop them.
Copy !req
10. But when the world needed him most,
Copy !req
11. he vanished.
Copy !req
12. A hundred years passed,
and my brother and I
Copy !req
13. discovered the new Avatar,
Copy !req
14. an airbender named Aang.
Copy !req
15. And although his airbending
skills were great,
Copy !req
16. he has a lot to learn before
Copy !req
17. he's ready to save anyone.
Copy !req
18. But I believe Aang can save the world.
Copy !req
19. Those clouds
look so soft, don't they?
Copy !req
20. Like you could just jump down
Copy !req
21. and you'd land in a big, soft,
cottony heap.
Copy !req
22. Maybe you should give it a try.
Copy !req
23. You're hilarious.
Copy !req
24. I'll try it!
Copy !req
25. Ha ha ha!
Copy !req
26. Yeah!
Copy !req
27. Turns out, clouds are made of water.
Copy !req
28. Hey, what is that?
Copy !req
29. It's like a scar.
Copy !req
30. Listen.
Copy !req
31. It's so quiet.
Copy !req
32. There's no life anywhere.
Copy !req
33. Aang, are you ok?
Copy !req
34. Fire Nation!
Copy !req
35. Those evil savages make me sick.
Copy !req
36. They have no respect for―
Copy !req
37. Shh.
Copy !req
38. What, I'm not allowed to be angry?
Copy !req
39. Why would anyone do this?
Copy !req
40. How could I let this happen?
Copy !req
41. Aang, you didn't let this happen.
Copy !req
42. It has nothing to do with you.
Copy !req
43. Yes, it does.
Copy !req
44. It's the avatar's job
to protect nature,
Copy !req
45. but I don't know how to do my job.
Copy !req
46. That's why we're going
to the North Pole―
Copy !req
47. To find you a teacher.
Copy !req
48. Yeah. A waterbending teacher.
Copy !req
49. But there's no one who can
teach me how to be the Avatar.
Copy !req
50. Monk Gyatso said
that Avatar Roku would help me.
Copy !req
51. The Avatar before you?
Copy !req
52. He died over a hundred years ago.
Copy !req
53. How are you supposed to talk to him?
Copy !req
54. I don't know.
Copy !req
55. Uncle, it's time to leave.
Copy !req
56. Where are you? Uncle Iroh!
Copy !req
57. Over here.
Copy !req
58. Uncle?
Copy !req
59. We need to move on.
Copy !req
60. We're closing in
on the Avatar's trail,
Copy !req
61. and I don't want to lose him.
Copy !req
62. You look tired, Prince Zuko.
Copy !req
63. Why don't you join me
in these hot springs
Copy !req
64. and soak away your troubles?
Copy !req
65. My troubles cannot be soaked away.
Copy !req
66. It's time to go!
Copy !req
67. You should take your teacher's advice
Copy !req
68. and relax a little.
Copy !req
69. The temperature's just right.
Copy !req
70. I heated it myself.
Copy !req
71. Enough. We need to leave now.
Copy !req
72. Get out of the water!
Copy !req
73. Very well.
Copy !req
74. On second thought,
Copy !req
75. why don't you take
another few minutes?
Copy !req
76. But be back at the ship
in half an hour,
Copy !req
77. or I'm leaving without you.
Copy !req
78. Ahh.
Copy !req
79. Hey, Aang.
Copy !req
80. Are you ready to be cheered up?
Copy !req
81. No.
Copy !req
82. Ow!
Copy !req
83. Hey, how is that cheering me up?
Copy !req
84. Cheered me up.
Copy !req
85. Ow!
Copy !req
86. Yeah, I probably deserved that.
Copy !req
87. These acorns are everywhere, Aang.
Copy !req
88. That means the forest will grow back.
Copy !req
89. Every one of these will be
a tall oak tree someday,
Copy !req
90. and all the birds and animals
Copy !req
91. that lived here will come back.
Copy !req
92. Thanks, Katara.
Copy !req
93. Hey, who are you?
Copy !req
94. When I saw the flying bison,
Copy !req
95. I thought it was impossible,
Copy !req
96. but those markings...
Copy !req
97. Are you the Avatar, child?
Copy !req
98. My village
desperately needs your help.
Copy !req
99. This young person is the Avatar.
Copy !req
100. So the rumors of your return are true.
Copy !req
101. It is the greatest honor of a lifetime
Copy !req
102. to be in your presence.
Copy !req
103. Nice to meet you, too.
Copy !req
104. So, is there something
I can help you with?
Copy !req
105. I'm not sure.
Copy !req
106. Our village is in crisis.
Copy !req
107. He's our only hope.
Copy !req
108. For the last few days at sunset,
Copy !req
109. a spirit monster comes
and attacks our village.
Copy !req
110. He is Hei Bai,
Copy !req
111. the black and white spirit.
Copy !req
112. Why is it attacking you?
Copy !req
113. We do not know.
Copy !req
114. But each of the last three nights,
Copy !req
115. he has abducted one of our own.
Copy !req
116. We are especially fearful
Copy !req
117. because the winter solstice
draws near.
Copy !req
118. What happens then?
Copy !req
119. As the solstice approaches,
Copy !req
120. the natural world and the spirit world
Copy !req
121. grow closer and closer,
Copy !req
122. until the line between them
Copy !req
123. is blurred completely.
Copy !req
124. Hei Bai is already causing
devastation and destruction.
Copy !req
125. Once the solstice is here,
Copy !req
126. there is no telling what will happen.
Copy !req
127. So what do you want me to do exactly?
Copy !req
128. Who better to resolve a crisis
Copy !req
129. between our world and the spirit world
Copy !req
130. than the Avatar himself?
Copy !req
131. You are the great bridge
Copy !req
132. between man and spirits.
Copy !req
133. Right. That's me.
Copy !req
134. Hey, great bridge guy.
Copy !req
135. Can I talk to you over here
for a second?
Copy !req
136. Aang, you seem a little
unsure about all this.
Copy !req
137. Yeah. That might be because
I don't know anything at all
Copy !req
138. about the spirit world.
Copy !req
139. It's not like there's someone
to teach me this stuff.
Copy !req
140. So, can you help these people?
Copy !req
141. I have to try, don't I?
Copy !req
142. Maybe whatever I have to do
will just...
Copy !req
143. Come to me.
Copy !req
144. I think you can do it, Aang.
Copy !req
145. Yeah.
Copy !req
146. We're all gonna get eaten
by a spirit monster.
Copy !req
147. Who's there?
Copy !req
148. A meadow vole.
Copy !req
149. I should have known.
Copy !req
150. You startled me, little one.
Copy !req
151. Seems I dozed off and missed
my nephew's deadline,
Copy !req
152. but it was a very sweet nap.
Copy !req
153. Uhh!
Copy !req
154. He's a Fire Nation soldier.
Copy !req
155. He's no ordinary soldier.
Copy !req
156. This is the Fire Lord's brother.
Copy !req
157. The Dragon of the West―
Copy !req
158. The once great General Iroh.
Copy !req
159. But now, he's our prisoner.
Copy !req
160. Hello? Spirit? Can you hear me?
Copy !req
161. This is the Avatar speaking.
Copy !req
162. I'm here to try to help stuff.
Copy !req
163. This isn't right.
Copy !req
164. We can't sit here and cower while Aang
Copy !req
165. waits for some monster to show up.
Copy !req
166. If anyone can save us, he can.
Copy !req
167. He still shouldn't have to
face this alone.
Copy !req
168. The sun is set.
Copy !req
169. Where are you, Hei Bai?
Copy !req
170. Well, spirit, uh,
Copy !req
171. I hereby ask you
Copy !req
172. to please leave this village in peace.
Copy !req
173. Ok. Well, I guess
that's settled, then.
Copy !req
174. You must be the Hei Bai spirit.
My name is―
Copy !req
175. My name is Aang. I'm the avatar,
Copy !req
176. and I would like to help.
Copy !req
177. Hey, wait up!
Copy !req
178. Uh...
Copy !req
179. The avatar's methods are...
Copy !req
180. Unusual.
Copy !req
181. It doesn't seem too interested
Copy !req
182. in what he's saying.
Copy !req
183. Maybe we should go help him.
Copy !req
184. No. Only the Avatar
stands a chance against the Hei Bai.
Copy !req
185. Aang will figure out
the right thing to do, Sokka.
Copy !req
186. Please, would you stop
destroying things and listen?
Copy !req
187. I'm just trying to do my job
as spirit bridge.
Copy !req
188. Excuse me.
Copy !req
189. Would you please turn around?
Copy !req
190. I command you to turn around now!
Copy !req
191. Uhh!
Copy !req
192. That's it. He needs help.
Copy !req
193. Sokka! Wait!
Copy !req
194. It's not safe.
Copy !req
195. Hei Bai. Over here!
Copy !req
196. Sokka! Go back!
Copy !req
197. We'll fight him together, Aang.
Copy !req
198. I don't want to fight him unless I―
Copy !req
199. Sokka!
Copy !req
200. Uncle.
Copy !req
201. Uncle, where are you?
Copy !req
202. Sir, maybe he thought
you left without him.
Copy !req
203. Something's not right here.
Copy !req
204. That pile of rocks.
Copy !req
205. It looks like
there's been a landslide, sir.
Copy !req
206. Land doesn't slide uphill.
Copy !req
207. Those rocks didn't move naturally.
Copy !req
208. My uncle's been captured
by earthbenders.
Copy !req
209. Aang! Over here!
Copy !req
210. Help!
Copy !req
211. Hang on, Sokka!
Copy !req
212. Aah!
Copy !req
213. Uhh!
Copy !req
214. Sokka!
Copy !req
215. I've failed.
Copy !req
216. Where are you taking me?
Copy !req
217. We're taking you to face justice.
Copy !req
218. Right.
Copy !req
219. But where, specifically?
Copy !req
220. A place you're quite
familiar with, actually.
Copy !req
221. You once laid siege
to it for 600 days,
Copy !req
222. but it would not yield to you.
Copy !req
223. Ah, the great city of Ba Sing Se.
Copy !req
224. It was greater than
you were, apparently.
Copy !req
225. I acknowledge my defeat at Ba Sing Se.
Copy !req
226. After 600 days away from home,
Copy !req
227. my men were tired, and I was tired.
Copy !req
228. And I'm still tired.
Copy !req
229. I'm sure they'll be back.
Copy !req
230. I know.
Copy !req
231. You should get some rest.
Copy !req
232. Everything's gonna be ok.
Copy !req
233. Your brother is in good hands.
Copy !req
234. I would be shocked
Copy !req
235. if the Avatar returned without him.
Copy !req
236. Katara? Katara, I lost him.
Copy !req
237. The sun is rising.
Copy !req
238. Perhaps he will return soon.
Copy !req
239. What? No. I'm right here.
Copy !req
240. Grr!
Copy !req
241. I'm in the spirit world.
Copy !req
242. Ugh. Yep, that's Uncle Iroh.
Copy !req
243. I'll figure this out, Katara.
I promise.
Copy !req
244. Like they said, I'm the bridge
Copy !req
245. between the worlds, right?
Copy !req
246. All I have to do
is figure out what I have to do,
Copy !req
247. but once I do that, no problem.
Copy !req
248. Appa. Hey, buddy. I'm right here.
Copy !req
249. But I guess you can't see me, either.
Copy !req
250. It's ok, Appa. Don't worry.
Copy !req
251. I'm sure they're on their way back.
Copy !req
252. I bet they even found you
a bunch of moon peaches,
Copy !req
253. for a treat.
Copy !req
254. What am I supposed to do?
Copy !req
255. Avatar Roku, how can I talk to you?
Copy !req
256. Sokka?
Copy !req
257. That's definitely not Sokka.
Copy !req
258. Uhh!
Copy !req
259. What?
Copy !req
260. I can't airbend in the spirit world.
Copy !req
261. You don't know where Sokka is, do you?
Copy !req
262. You're Avatar Roku's animal guide,
Copy !req
263. like Appa is to me.
Copy !req
264. I need to save my friend,
and I don't know how.
Copy !req
265. Is there some way for me
to talk to Roku?
Copy !req
266. I'll be back, Katara.
Copy !req
267. Take me to Roku.
Copy !req
268. Oh.
Copy !req
269. What's the problem?
Copy !req
270. Nothing.
Copy !req
271. Actually, there is a bit of a problem.
Copy !req
272. My old joints
are feeling sore and achy,
Copy !req
273. and these shackles are too loose.
Copy !req
274. Too loose?
Copy !req
275. That's right. The cuffs are loose,
Copy !req
276. and they jangle around
and bump my wrists.
Copy !req
277. It would help me
if you would tighten them
Copy !req
278. so they wouldn't shake around so much.
Copy !req
279. Very well.
Copy !req
280. Corporal, tighten
the prisoner's handcuffs.
Copy !req
281. Aah!
Copy !req
282. Aah!
Copy !req
283. Aah!
Copy !req
284. Hey! What are you doing?
Copy !req
285. Aah!
Copy !req
286. I don't understand.
Copy !req
287. This is just a statue of Roku.
Copy !req
288. Is that what Roku
wants to talk to me about?
Copy !req
289. A comet?
Copy !req
290. When can I talk to him?
Copy !req
291. It's a calendar,
Copy !req
292. and the light will reach Roku
on the solstice.
Copy !req
293. So that's when I'll be able
to speak to Roku?
Copy !req
294. But I can't wait that long.
Copy !req
295. I need to save Sokka now!
Copy !req
296. Ugh! Uhh!
Copy !req
297. Hyah!
Copy !req
298. He is too dangerous, captain.
Copy !req
299. We can't just carry him
to the capital.
Copy !req
300. We have to do something now.
Copy !req
301. I agree.
Copy !req
302. He must be dealt with immediately
Copy !req
303. and severely.
Copy !req
304. Ptoh!
Copy !req
305. It's no use, Appa.
I don't see them anywhere.
Copy !req
306. Our best hope is to go back
to the village and wait.
Copy !req
307. The Avatar.
Copy !req
308. Whoa.
Copy !req
309. Aah!
Copy !req
310. You're back!
Copy !req
311. Where's Sokka?
Copy !req
312. I'm not sure.
Copy !req
313. These dangerous hands
must be crushed.
Copy !req
314. Hyah!
Copy !req
315. Hyah!
Copy !req
316. Excellent form, Prince Zuko.
Copy !req
317. You taught me well.
Copy !req
318. Surrender yourselves.
Copy !req
319. It's five against two.
Copy !req
320. You're clearly outnumbered.
Copy !req
321. Uh, that's true,
Copy !req
322. but you are clearly outmatched.
Copy !req
323. Hy... Ah!
Copy !req
324. Yah! Yah!
Copy !req
325. Hyah! Hyah!
Copy !req
326. Hyah!
Copy !req
327. - Uhh!
- Uhh!
Copy !req
328. Uhh!
Copy !req
329. Uhh! Uhh!
Copy !req
330. Yah!
Copy !req
331. Oh!
Copy !req
332. Now, would you please
put on some clothes?
Copy !req
333. Aah!
Copy !req
334. Aang! What are you doing?
Copy !req
335. Run!
Copy !req
336. You're the spirit of this forest.
Copy !req
337. Now I understand.
Copy !req
338. You're upset and angry
Copy !req
339. because your home was burned down.
Copy !req
340. When I saw the forest had burned,
Copy !req
341. I was sad and upset,
Copy !req
342. but my friend gave me hope
Copy !req
343. that the forest would grow back.
Copy !req
344. Sokka!
Copy !req
345. What happened?
Copy !req
346. You were trapped in the spirit world
for 24 hours.
Copy !req
347. How are you feeling?
Copy !req
348. Like I seriously need
to use the bathroom.
Copy !req
349. Thank you, Avatar.
Copy !req
350. If only there were a way
Copy !req
351. to repay you for what you've done.
Copy !req
352. You could give us
some supplies and some money.
Copy !req
353. - Sokka.
- What?
Copy !req
354. We need stuff.
Copy !req
355. It would be an honor
to help you prepare for your journey.
Copy !req
356. I'm so proud of you, Aang.
Copy !req
357. You figured out what to do
all on your own.
Copy !req
358. Actually, I did have a little help.
Copy !req
359. And there's something else.
Copy !req
360. What is it?
Copy !req
361. I need to talk to Roku,
Copy !req
362. and I think I found a way
Copy !req
363. to contact his spirit.
Copy !req
364. - That's great.
- Creepy, but great.
Copy !req
365. There's a temple
on a crescent-shaped island,
Copy !req
366. and if I go there on the solstice,
Copy !req
367. I'll be able to speak with him.
Copy !req
368. But the solstice is tomorrow.
Copy !req
369. Yeah, and there's one more problem.
Copy !req
370. The island is in the Fire Nation.
Copy !req