1. Hey!
Copy !req
2. Hey!
Copy !req
3. Hey!
Copy !req
4. Hey!
Copy !req
5. Hey, D.W.
Copy !req
6. Hey!
Copy !req
7. Whoa!
Copy !req
8. Sooner or later,
we're all afraid of something...
Copy !req
9. like heights...
Copy !req
10. or big spiders.
Copy !req
11. But you know
who's never afraid?
Copy !req
12. Sue Ellen.
Copy !req
13. Nothing scares her.
Copy !req
14. Not oral reports...
Copy !req
15. If nobody
to go first
Copy !req
16. I'll have
to pick one
of you myself.
Copy !req
17. I volunteer,
Mr. Ratburn.
Copy !req
18. Not the daily special
at the cafeteria.
Copy !req
19. Yuck!
Copy !req
20. Not even scary movies.
Copy !req
21. And after what happened
in the woods
Copy !req
22. she's still not easy to scare.
Copy !req
23. What about you, Arthur?
Copy !req
24. And they hear it again:
Copy !req
25. "screek, screek, screek."
Copy !req
26. And, man, are they scared!
Copy !req
27. So they start the car
and, zoom, they drive off.
Copy !req
28. And then?
Copy !req
29. And then
when they get home
Copy !req
30. they find out what was
making that screeky noise.
Copy !req
31. There, stuck to
the car door handle is...
Copy !req
32. Yeah? Yeah?
Copy !req
33. A big, sharp... book!
Copy !req
34. Wait.
Copy !req
35. I've heard this story before.
Copy !req
36. It should be a hook stuck
to the door, not a book!
Copy !req
37. I know, but where was I
supposed to find a hook?
Copy !req
38. That was still
scary, Binky.
Copy !req
39. Weren't
you scared,
Sue Ellen?
Copy !req
40. Why? It's just a silly,
made-up story.
Copy !req
41. It didn't really happen.
Copy !req
42. We know it's
Copy !req
43. We do?
Copy !req
44. That's what
makes it fun.
Copy !req
45. Fun is traveling,
Copy !req
46. going new places.
Copy !req
47. Real things are fun.
Copy !req
48. Boo!
Copy !req
49. Wow, is she tough.
Copy !req
50. Binky, Buster, Arthur!
Copy !req
51. If you're trying to scare me,
it's not going to...
Copy !req
52. work.
Copy !req
53. Have fun at school
today, Sue Ellen?
Copy !req
54. Yeah, lots of fun.
Copy !req
55. This is silly.
Copy !req
56. There are no such things
as monsters.
Copy !req
57. Not here.
Copy !req
58. Maybe it's something that
followed us from someplace else.
Copy !req
59. Someplace overseas.
Copy !req
60. Like the Baba Yaga—
Copy !req
61. the scary ogre lady
from the Russian backwoods.
Copy !req
62. There she is!
Copy !req
63. Lunch!
Copy !req
64. I don't like
Copy !req
65. chasing my meals,
little one!
Copy !req
66. Don't be late
for school!
Copy !req
67. What's gotten into me?
Copy !req
68. Binky, don't
do that!
Copy !req
69. So you can
get spooked.
Copy !req
70. Hey, we finished
the scary scarecrow.
Copy !req
71. Want to see him?
Copy !req
72. Um... no.
Copy !req
73. We'll be late
for school.
Copy !req
74. No, we won't.
Copy !req
75. We'll take
the shortcut
Copy !req
76. through
the dead woods.
Copy !req
77. No, thanks.
Copy !req
78. Maybe later.
Copy !req
79. No, really— she was scared.
Copy !req
80. Sue Ellen scared?
Copy !req
81. Of what?
Copy !req
82. Uh... a mummy?
Copy !req
83. Nah, mummies are too slow.
Copy !req
84. She could
outrun one.
Copy !req
85. Not if the mummy
had a mountain bike.
Copy !req
86. Nothing on earth scares
Sue Ellen.
Copy !req
87. So... it's not from Earth!
Copy !req
88. At last, someone's seen
a real alien!
Copy !req
89. It's not aliens.
Copy !req
90. It's worse.
Copy !req
91. An old lady in a house
Copy !req
92. that walks like a chicken?
Copy !req
93. What's scary
about that?
Copy !req
94. Couldn't you
just catch it
and barbecue it?
Copy !req
95. Stop it!
Copy !req
96. This is real!
Copy !req
97. Why?
Copy !req
98. Because it's
one of your stories
Copy !req
99. and not ours?
Copy !req
100. Did you ever see
a Baba Yaga in Russia?
Copy !req
101. Has Buster ever seen
a space creature?
Copy !req
102. Well, no, but...
Copy !req
103. so does
that mean
Copy !req
104. they're
not real?
Copy !req
105. It still doesn't prove
Copy !req
106. it was a Baba Yaga.
Copy !req
107. I know.
Copy !req
108. It could've been something else.
Copy !req
109. The creek's always noisy
this time of year.
Copy !req
110. It's just water.
Copy !req
111. Or it could
have been
a kappa.
Copy !req
112. What's a kappa?
Copy !req
113. A hungry river demon
from Japan.
Copy !req
114. The only way
to defeat it
Copy !req
115. is to make it bow.
Copy !req
116. Look, a
five dollar bill!
Copy !req
117. Darn! I'm stuck.
Copy !req
118. What kind
of demon are you?
Copy !req
119. You got to work
on your defense, kid!
Copy !req
120. I'll do better next time.
Copy !req
121. Hey, the next guy might
have a sword.
Copy !req
122. Remember what
happened to Larry?
Copy !req
123. That's how
I'd handle him.
Copy !req
124. Okay,
go ahead.
Copy !req
125. Maybe you
heard a bird.
Copy !req
126. Or a banshee,
from Ireland.
Copy !req
127. Her wail
foretells doom
Copy !req
128. for anyone
she visits.
Copy !req
129. Huh?
Copy !req
130. Hey, that hurt!
Copy !req
131. Huh, what's so hard about that?
Copy !req
132. Uh, I think
that was my
mom calling me
Copy !req
133. So I'd better
be going.
Copy !req
134. It was right
around here.
Copy !req
135. That— what is it?
Copy !req
136. An in-intergalactic
cr-cr-creature of some kind.
Copy !req
137. Or a chipmunk.
Copy !req
138. What do you think,
Copy !req
139. I think...
I want to leave.
Copy !req
140. Go away!
Copy !req
141. You don't
scare me!
Copy !req
142. Hah!
Copy !req
143. I showed that
old monster.
Copy !req
144. Any ideas,
Sue Ellen?
Copy !req
145. Yeah... run!
Copy !req
146. Wait!
Copy !req
147. What are we
afraid of?
Copy !req
148. We didn't
see anything!
Copy !req
149. No, just a...
Copy !req
150. It's just the tree house.
Copy !req
151. We can't go on
like this!
Copy !req
152. We're scared
of everything!
Copy !req
153. Well,
we were okay
Copy !req
154. until you told us
all those stories!
Copy !req
155. But they're just stories!
Copy !req
156. No, you heard
that thing.
Copy !req
157. It's real!
Copy !req
158. But there
must be
Copy !req
159. a logical
for this.
Copy !req
160. R-r-right?
Copy !req
161. When you find out,
let me know!
Copy !req
162. Sue Ellen—
Copy !req
163. We're reliving
our Swiss Alps
Copy !req
164. Remember
how afraid we were
Copy !req
165. to climb
our first mountain?
Copy !req
166. So how did you
get over your fear?
Copy !req
167. Once we prepared
with equipment
Copy !req
168. we could face
our fear head on.
Copy !req
169. I wasn't scared!
Copy !req
170. I mean, hello?
Copy !req
171. Binky, I'm going back.
Copy !req
172. Back! Why?
Copy !req
173. We'll never be able
to use the shortcut again
Copy !req
174. if we don't face that thing.
Copy !req
175. We just need to be prepared
and have the right equipment.
Copy !req
176. Oh, man.
Copy !req
177. Let's go.
Copy !req
178. Uh, why not?
Copy !req
179. Remember—
Copy !req
180. whatever happens,
don't scream.
Copy !req
181. Agreed.
Copy !req
182. One for all...
Copy !req
183. and good
for nothing!
Copy !req
184. Come out,
come out
Copy !req
185. whatever you are!
Copy !req
186. Hey, that's me!
Copy !req
187. Sorry.
Copy !req
188. Oh!
Copy !req
189. Oops.
Copy !req
190. Oh...
Copy !req
191. Hey,
you guys!
Copy !req
192. It's Perky—
Copy !req
193. Mrs. Wood's
mean old dog!
Copy !req
194. Perky?
Copy !req
195. That's what
scared us?
Copy !req
196. A dog.
Copy !req
197. Imagine that.
Copy !req
198. Oh, my precious
Copy !req
199. I was worried
sick over you.
Copy !req
200. Arthur, you've saved
my Perky again!
Copy !req
201. We all did.
Copy !req
202. Why, she'd
still be trapped
Copy !req
203. if you had let
her cry frighten
you away.
Copy !req
204. Aren't you
a brave group!
Copy !req
205. I shall give you all a big kiss!
Copy !req
206. Then we heard
it again:
Copy !req
207. "Scritch, scritch."
Copy !req
208. It was coming
from the dead woods.
Copy !req
209. I saw its beady, glowing eyes.
Copy !req
210. Then from inside the ghost tree
it sprang!
Copy !req
211. What? What?
Copy !req
212. A hideous,
two-headed wolf-man!
Copy !req
213. Hey, you said wolf-man,
not cow-man.
Copy !req
214. I couldn't find
Copy !req
215. A wolf head.
Copy !req
216. Wow! I didn't think
Copy !req
217. you liked
scary stories.
Copy !req
218. Yeah, how'd you think up
something so cool?
Copy !req
219. And now...
Copy !req
220. sound can fool you sometimes.
Copy !req
221. Everybody in our class
made sound.
Copy !req
222. One kid will maybe make a sound
Copy !req
223. and the other kid will not
be able to see the sound
Copy !req
224. and so they'll try to guess
what the sound is.
Copy !req
225. You get it?
Copy !req
226. Are you playing
a drum?
Copy !req
227. No.
Copy !req
228. Sometimes things sound different
Copy !req
229. than what they are.
Copy !req
230. Taking apart those
packing materials.
Copy !req
231. No.
Copy !req
232. I have to admit
Copy !req
233. but I think it's
the garbage can
Copy !req
234. going up and down.
Copy !req
235. Yes.
Copy !req
236. Taking tape out...
of the thing.
Copy !req
237. Yes!
Copy !req
238. Pulling the cap
off the glue stick.
Copy !req
239. Oh...
Copy !req
240. Two knives?
Copy !req
241. No.
Copy !req
242. Is it any kind
of silverware?
Copy !req
243. No.
Copy !req
244. Sound is a vibration.
Copy !req
245. vibration that sends
waves through the air.
Copy !req
246. Then it would bounce
against your eardrum
Copy !req
247. and your eardrum would vibrate
and then you would hear a sound.
Copy !req
248. Your ears can trick you.
Copy !req
249. Is it sliding
a box around?
Copy !req
250. No.
Copy !req
251. Scissors.
Copy !req
252. Yes!
Copy !req
253. Sound is very mysterious.
Copy !req
254. And now...
Copy !req
255. The mummy of the Egyptian ruler
was surrounded
Copy !req
256. by his finest treasures.
Copy !req
257. If I was a mummy
Copy !req
258. I know exactly which of
my treasures I'd want.
Copy !req
259. Nah...
Copy !req
260. Ick!
Copy !req
261. Nope.
Copy !req
262. Yes!
Copy !req
263. That's it!
Copy !req
264. Some treasures.
Copy !req
265. I'd have real treasures.
Copy !req
266. All the paper from my Christmas
and birthday gifts
Copy !req
267. my favorite stuffed animals
Copy !req
268. my acorn collection,
my button collection.
Copy !req
269. I had a snowball,
but somehow it disappeared.
Copy !req
270. That won't even happen
for another 3,448 years!
Copy !req
271. I am now mummy-ready.
Copy !req
272. If we walk out quietly,
we won't have to ask.
Copy !req
273. Good idea.
Copy !req
274. You have so much
cool stuff, Grandma.
Copy !req
275. But my most
favorite thing is this.
Copy !req
276. You mean
Copy !req
277. I've had her since
I was your age.
Copy !req
278. There's
your mother.
Copy !req
279. We'd better get you
ready to go.
Copy !req
280. Good-bye, Clarissa.
Copy !req
281. Maybe Clarissa would
like a vacation
Copy !req
282. from that musty
old cabinet.
Copy !req
283. How would you like
to take care of her
for a week, D.W.?
Copy !req
284. Oh, thank you, Grandma!
Copy !req
285. I know you'll treat Clarissa
like the treasure she is.
Copy !req
286. Now, you two
have fun.
Copy !req
287. Rapunzel, Rapunzel
Copy !req
288. let down your hair.
Copy !req
289. There will now be
a brief intermission.
Copy !req
290. Is the show over?
Copy !req
291. No... intermission.
Copy !req
292. Rapunzel fell out
of the castle and
broke her neck.
Copy !req
293. This is much
more exciting
Copy !req
294. than the version
Mom told me.
Copy !req
295. I am Rapunzelaria
Copy !req
296. princess of the second
layer of sky!
Copy !req
297. I am flying to my cloud castle!
Copy !req
298. Watch me fly away,
loyal followers!
Copy !req
299. Can you give
these to D.W.?
Copy !req
300. Here I go...
Copy !req
301. disappearing into...
Copy !req
302. No!
Copy !req
303. Oops!
Copy !req
304. What have you done
to this doll?
Copy !req
305. Didn't Grandma tell you
to be careful?
Copy !req
306. She told me
to treat her
like a treasure
Copy !req
307. and I've treated
her like my best
treasure of all.
Copy !req
308. But, D.W.,
she's a mess.
Copy !req
309. Yeah, I've played
with her a lot.
Copy !req
310. Maybe we should get Grandma
a new one.
Copy !req
311. But, D.W.
Copy !req
312. Clarissa's old.
Copy !req
313. Then she won't mind
Copy !req
314. that it broke.
Copy !req
315. Oh, good!
Copy !req
316. No, she's
old-old, unique
Copy !req
317. and very special
to Grandma.
Copy !req
318. Here, I'll show you.
Copy !req
319. When Grandma Thora was
your age, D.W.
Copy !req
320. the world was
a very different place.
Copy !req
321. She must
have lived
Copy !req
322. in a really
small town.
Copy !req
323. That's right here
in Elwood City.
Copy !req
324. That's Grandma
with her brothers.
Copy !req
325. D.W.:
Everyone in our family got
stuck with brothers.
Copy !req
326. How sad.
Copy !req
327. Actually, Thora's brothers are
Copy !req
328. part of the reason she ended up
getting Clarissa.
Copy !req
329. You see...
Copy !req
330. Mama, may I go
across the street
Copy !req
331. and look in the toy
store window?
Copy !req
332. Why, of course,
Thora, dear.
Copy !req
333. D.W.:
Her mom let her go by herself?
Copy !req
334. Things were different then, D.W.
Copy !req
335. How you doing,
Copy !req
336. Hello, Mr. Jensen.
Copy !req
337. How are you today, Thora?
Copy !req
338. This way
Copy !req
339. young Thora.
Copy !req
340. Again?
Copy !req
341. I can't believe we're
under the flight route
for that zeppelin.
Copy !req
342. It's getting so there's
no peace and quiet!
Copy !req
343. Victoria—
Copy !req
344. How nice of you to come.
Copy !req
345. Guenevere, your castle
is beautiful
Copy !req
346. much nicer than mine.
Copy !req
347. Hmph!
Copy !req
348. Thora, you said you wanted
a horse-drawn carriage
Copy !req
349. so here it is.
Copy !req
350. This is an airplane.
Copy !req
351. Right...
see, Victoria's
actually a spy
Copy !req
352. sent to destroy
Guenevere's castle.
Copy !req
353. Is something wrong?
Copy !req
354. I hate playing
with my brothers'
Copy !req
355. Why can't I have my own toys?
Copy !req
356. Maybe when you're older.
Copy !req
357. Toys are expensive, Thora
Copy !req
358. and girls your age aren't
very careful.
Copy !req
359. Oh, I'd be very careful, mother!
Copy !req
360. Thora, I've made you
a fairy-godmother doll!
Copy !req
361. I'm not playing
with a potato!
Copy !req
362. Gee, I think
it's a good idea.
Copy !req
363. Hmm...
Copy !req
364. Happy birthday, Thora!
Copy !req
365. And now that you're
one year older...
Copy !req
366. A doll!
Copy !req
367. A real doll!
Copy !req
368. I'm going to take care of you
for the rest of my life!
Copy !req
369. Grandma kept Clarissa perfect
her whole life
Copy !req
370. and I wrecked her!
Copy !req
371. What am I going to do?
Copy !req
372. Let's try
the doll hospital.
Copy !req
373. "Gone on vacation!
Copy !req
374. See you in a month, Bill."
Copy !req
375. What kind of a doctor goes
on vacation
Copy !req
376. when there are dolls in trouble?
Copy !req
377. Good news!
Copy !req
378. I found a place
on the Internet
Copy !req
379. that fixes
old dolls.
Copy !req
380. I e-mailed them...
Copy !req
381. We're saved!
Copy !req
382. And there's
a six-month wait.
Copy !req
383. Oh, no!
Copy !req
384. Grandma Thora called.
Copy !req
385. She's dropping a travel column
off with Bitzi Baxter
Copy !req
386. and will come
for dinner.
Copy !req
387. But we can't get Clarissa fixed
by tonight!
Copy !req
388. Now Grandma
will find out
Copy !req
389. what a bad
granddaughter I am.
Copy !req
390. She'll probably fire me.
Copy !req
391. Look... I tied
Copy !req
392. this ribbon
around Clarissa's head
Copy !req
393. like a headband.
Copy !req
394. Maybe Grandma won't notice.
Copy !req
395. If only there was someone
who could fix my doll.
Copy !req
396. Come on!
Copy !req
397. Rapunzel
Copy !req
398. you sure are accident-prone.
Copy !req
399. Mr. Ratburn!
Copy !req
400. What's the rush, Arthur?
Copy !req
401. You know, your geography report
isn't due until Thursday.
Copy !req
402. I was wondering
if, uh, maybe
you could, uh...
Copy !req
403. Please, save this doll!
Copy !req
404. It looks like she had
quite an accident.
Copy !req
405. Can you help her?
Copy !req
406. Hmm... this material really
isn't too different
Copy !req
407. than what I use
on some of my puppets.
Copy !req
408. Yes, I think I can.
Copy !req
409. Come by my workshop
in a couple of hours.
Copy !req
410. Oh, thank you, thank you!
Copy !req
411. Gee, I don't
think you're
scary at all.
Copy !req
412. Huh?
Copy !req
413. Let's go, D.W.
Copy !req
414. D.W.:
Hurry, you only have two hours!
Copy !req
415. It's been two hours! Hurry!
Copy !req
416. He's killing her!
Copy !req
417. Hello, there.
Copy !req
418. What have you done
Copy !req
419. to the doll?
Copy !req
420. Huh?
Copy !req
421. I was working
on a new desk.
Copy !req
422. Note the six-compartment
separator for graded papers.
Copy !req
423. And here...
Copy !req
424. is your doll.
Copy !req
425. Wow.
Copy !req
426. What do you think, D.W.?
Copy !req
427. She's perfect.
Copy !req
428. Here she is,
Copy !req
429. Why, she almost looks
Copy !req
430. prettier than when
I lent her to you.
Copy !req
431. You took
good care of her.
Copy !req
432. Arthur, you were going
to let me read
Copy !req
433. that A-plus report of yours.
Copy !req
434. D.W.:
I confess!
Copy !req
435. I broke Clarissa,
and Arthur's teacher
Copy !req
436. who's really nice,
not scary, fixed her
Copy !req
437. but it's wrong to lie
Copy !req
438. so I'm
telling you
Copy !req
439. even though
you'll never
trust me again
Copy !req
440. And... that's
all, I'm done.
Copy !req
441. D.W., Clarissa's broken
many times over the years
Copy !req
442. and I've had her fixed,
just like you did.
Copy !req
443. Really?
Copy !req
444. Your repairing her shows
Copy !req
445. that not only
are you trustworthy
Copy !req
446. you're very
Copy !req
447. Well, yes, that's exactly right!
Copy !req
448. And that's exactly the kind
of girl Clarissa needs
Copy !req
449. to take care of her
Copy !req
450. all the time.
Copy !req
451. Oh, thank you, Grandma!
Copy !req