1. My name is Oliver Queen.
Copy !req
2. For 5 years I was stranded on
an island with only one goal—
Copy !req
3. to survive.
Copy !req
4. Oliver Queen is alive.
Copy !req
5. Now I will fulfill
my father's dying wish—
Copy !req
6. to use the list of names
he left me
Copy !req
7. and bring down those
who are poisoning my city.
Copy !req
8. To do this,
I must become someone else.
Copy !req
9. I must become
something else.
Copy !req
10. Previously on "Arrow"...
Copy !req
11. The company Mrs. Queen
invested in doesn't exist.
Copy !req
12. Tempest purchased
a warehouse in Starling City.
Copy !req
13. Oliver, this is
my daughter, Helena.
Copy !req
14. The Starling City
vigilante comes and goes
Copy !req
15. as he pleases, doesn't he?
Copy !req
16. How did you know?
Copy !req
17. The minute I saw your eyes.
Copy !req
18. It's your fault
Michael's dead.
Copy !req
19. Not your father
for ordering the hit
Copy !req
20. or me for carrying it out.
Copy !req
21. That island changed you
in ways that
Copy !req
22. only someone like me
can understand.
Copy !req
23. I know it feels like
justice, but it's not.
Copy !req
24. Revenge is justice.
Copy !req
25. You feel the same as I do.
I know it.
Copy !req
26. Take your hands off me!
Copy !req
27. What the hell did you
think you were doing?
Copy !req
28. That man was the leader
of the Triad.
Copy !req
29. My father blames them
for the recent hits against his men.
Copy !req
30. These are men you killed.
Copy !req
31. That's right.
Copy !req
32. I take out Zhishan
and the Triad retaliates.
Copy !req
33. I have weakened my father's
organization to the point
Copy !req
34. where there is no way that
he can survive their onslaught.
Copy !req
35. What, and then you'll
have your revenge?
Copy !req
36. Then I have justice,
Copy !req
37. for what he did
to Michael and me.
Copy !req
38. It's not justice.
Copy !req
39. And what you do is?
Copy !req
40. Would you let me show you?
Copy !req
41. Get you anything else?
Copy !req
42. No, thank you, Carly.
Copy !req
43. Where's my brother-in-law?
Copy !req
44. It's late and this
is the Glades.
Copy !req
45. Shouldn't he
be keeping you safe?
Copy !req
46. She is tougher
than she looks.
Copy !req
47. I haven't been on a second
date in a while.
Copy !req
48. It feels good so far.
Copy !req
49. Look, we slept together,
Copy !req
50. and it was really nice.
Copy !req
51. And I needed it.
But I'm not looking for anything.
Copy !req
52. Right. Because you have
everything figured out.
Copy !req
53. I don't think
you're one to judge.
Copy !req
54. I saw you kill people,
Copy !req
55. I only kill people
Copy !req
56. when it is
absolutely necessary.
Copy !req
57. It's not
my opening move.
Copy !req
58. And the way
that you're going,
Copy !req
59. you're gonna get
somebody hurt,
Copy !req
60. like my mother
or yourself.
Copy !req
61. I'm sorry about your mother.
Copy !req
62. That was an accident.
Copy !req
63. How many more accidents
have to happen
Copy !req
64. before you're done
getting back at your father?
Copy !req
65. Hopefully none.
Copy !req
66. I am not getting back
at him.
Copy !req
67. I am stripping away
Copy !req
68. everything that
has meaning to him,
Copy !req
69. just like he did to me
when he had Michael killed.
Copy !req
70. What if I could show you
another way,
Copy !req
71. a way you could take down
your father's organization
Copy !req
72. without putting innocent
people at risk?
Copy !req
73. Thank you
Copy !req
74. for the coffee...
Copy !req
75. and the sex.
Copy !req
76. But I'm not interested.
Copy !req
77. I don't know where
the next Olympics are at,
Copy !req
78. but you might want
to think about signing yourself up.
Copy !req
79. So, you want to talk
about last night?
Copy !req
80. Okay. Last time
you and I spoke,
Copy !req
81. you were on your way
to stop Helena Bertinelli
Copy !req
82. from her one-woman war
against the Mafia.
Copy !req
83. How'd that work out
for you?
Copy !req
84. Nick Salvati,
Frank Bertinelli's right hand,
Copy !req
85. was found
with his neck snapped
Copy !req
86. along with a few
of his thugs.
Copy !req
87. Was that her or you?
Copy !req
88. I was with Helena
when somebody jumped us.
Copy !req
89. We didn't have a choice.
Copy !req
90. We?
Copy !req
91. She knows, Diggle,
about me.
Copy !req
92. It was my secret
or her life.
Copy !req
93. It's not just your secret
anymore, Oliver.
Copy !req
94. This woman is a killer. She's been
dropping bodies all over the city.
Copy !req
95. Diggle, she's not
what you think she is.
Copy !req
96. 3 years ago she was gonna
turn her father in to the FBI.
Copy !req
97. She put everything
she had on him on a laptop.
Copy !req
98. Her father found it,
thought it belonged to her fiance,
Copy !req
99. and had him murdered.
Copy !req
100. All right, listen,
that's a heavy thing, man.
Copy !req
101. But it doesn't change
the fact that she is dangerous.
Copy !req
102. And if Bertinelli
retaliates against the Triad
Copy !req
103. or is perceived to, the Triad
is gonna rain down hell
Copy !req
104. and innocent people
are gonna be killed.
Copy !req
105. She's lost, Diggle,
Copy !req
106. and whether she
knows it or not, I can save her,
Copy !req
107. stop her from
doing anything reckless.
Copy !req
108. That's just it.
You can't save her, okay?
Copy !req
109. Some people don't change.
Copy !req
110. I can.
Copy !req
111. I can help her.
Copy !req
112. All right.
Copy !req
113. Maybe you think you're more
persuasive than you are,
Copy !req
114. or maybe she thinks
she's fine the way she is
Copy !req
115. on her mission
of righteous fury.
Copy !req
116. Whatever it is,
either way,
Copy !req
117. all of this,
it ends badly.
Copy !req
118. Either way...
Copy !req
119. I got to try.
Copy !req
120. Where are you off to so early?
You just got home.
Copy !req
121. The trouble with traveling
overseas for a few weeks
Copy !req
122. is that a few weeks' worth
of work is piling up on my desk.
Copy !req
123. I just want to start digging
my way out from underneath it.
Copy !req
124. Of course.
Copy !req
125. What is it?
Copy !req
126. We haven't spoken
since you left.
Copy !req
127. Really spoken.
Copy !req
128. I know.
Copy !req
129. Well, I can imagine
finding out
Copy !req
130. that I had Robert's
yacht salvaged
Copy !req
131. and that he was murdered,
it was a lot for you to take in.
Copy !req
132. Yes, it was.
Copy !req
133. I just don't want you
Copy !req
134. to feel that you can't
trust me anymore.
Copy !req
135. I wasn't lying to—
to hurt you,
Copy !req
136. but to keep you safe.
Copy !req
137. I haven't changed,
Copy !req
138. I'm still the woman
you fell in love with and married.
Copy !req
139. Do you see that?
Copy !req
140. Yeah.
Copy !req
141. Of course I do.
Copy !req
142. I just want us to agree
Copy !req
143. to be honest with
one another, moving forward.
Copy !req
144. Okay.
Yes, of course.
Copy !req
145. Walter.
Copy !req
146. Will you give me
a lift to school?
Copy !req
147. I like to mix it up sometimes
and actually be on time.
Copy !req
148. That would be
my parental privilege.
Copy !req
149. Or, you know, you could just
buy me a convertible
Copy !req
150. and then we could avoid this.
Copy !req
151. What, and miss out on all
those wonderful conversations
Copy !req
152. we have in the car?
I don't think so.
Copy !req
153. I'm so sorry, Frank.
The last thing you need
Copy !req
154. is me crying on your
shoulder all night.
Copy !req
155. I just can't believe
that Nick is gone.
Copy !req
156. Dina, look, you and Nicky,
Copy !req
157. you're like family
to me, okay?
Copy !req
158. And in my family,
Copy !req
159. we take care
of our own. Okay?
Copy !req
160. Okay.
Copy !req
161. I'm sorry for your loss.
Copy !req
162. Nick was like
a brother to me.
Copy !req
163. Hey now, come on.
Copy !req
164. We'll talk to you
soon. Okay.
Copy !req
165. I'm gonna find
the son of a bitch who did this.
Copy !req
166. And on my life,
I'm gonna make him pay.
Copy !req
167. You know, that girl's
always forgetting something.
Copy !req
168. Frank.
Copy !req
169. Sorry to drop by unannounced.
Copy !req
170. No, no, no, come on in.
It's all right.
Copy !req
171. Come on in.
Copy !req
172. Look, I know, uh,
I know we've been working
Copy !req
173. on that construction deal,
Copy !req
174. and I'm sorry for
my dropping the ball.
Copy !req
175. We've had a death
in the family.
Copy !req
176. I'm terribly sorry
to hear that.
Copy !req
177. Thank you.
Copy !req
178. Actually, though,
I'm not here
Copy !req
179. to discuss business.
Copy !req
180. Okay.
Copy !req
181. Well, this is...
Copy !req
182. this is one merger
I won't stand in the way of.
Copy !req
183. Excuse me, sweetie.
Copy !req
184. A father knows
when he's not needed.
Copy !req
185. Was I not clear
Copy !req
186. that I wasn't interested
in talking?
Copy !req
187. You don't have to talk.
Copy !req
188. Who was she?
Copy !req
189. Somebody I knew a long time ago.
Copy !req
190. I was dating her sister,
Copy !req
191. and it was getting serious.
Copy !req
192. But back then,
I did not do serious well.
Copy !req
193. But I was excellent
at screwing things up.
Copy !req
194. I started sleeping
with Sara.
Copy !req
195. I started sleeping with
my girlfriend's sister.
Copy !req
196. I brought her on the yacht
and she died.
Copy !req
197. Right in front of me.
Copy !req
198. And I hurt—
I hurt her family...
Copy !req
199. I just didn't care.
Copy !req
200. Before the island,
I wasn't a good person.
Copy !req
201. I was...
Copy !req
202. Selfish and thoughtless
Copy !req
203. and awful, and it affected—
really affected people.
Copy !req
204. People I loved.
Copy !req
205. 'Cause, Helena...
Copy !req
206. You're on an island, too.
Copy !req
207. Oliver, I...
Copy !req
208. I want to let you in.
Copy !req
209. But... Michael was
the last man I opened up to.
Copy !req
210. I can't be hurt again.
Copy !req
211. I'd never hurt you.
Copy !req
212. I would never hurt you.
Copy !req
213. I promise.
Copy !req
214. Relax.
Copy !req
215. Relax, relax, relax.
Copy !req
216. Now, pull back gently.
Copy !req
217. You need all 3 fingers
Copy !req
218. to come off the bowstring
at the same time.
Copy !req
219. Relax. Breathe.
Copy !req
220. And release.
Copy !req
221. This is a waste of time.
Copy !req
222. I'm trying
to teach you something.
Copy !req
223. What, the least effective way
to shoot people?
Copy !req
224. No. Control.
Copy !req
225. To use a bow and arrow
Copy !req
226. requires patience
and discipline.
Copy !req
227. I can do this all day.
Copy !req
228. It's kind of fun.
Copy !req
229. I love a man with stamina.
Copy !req
230. Our crusades have
something in common.
Copy !req
231. Mine started
with my father, too.
Copy !req
232. He left me with a list.
Copy !req
233. People who need to be reminded
Copy !req
234. that Starling City isn't
theirs for the taking.
Copy !req
235. Anthony Venza is in here.
Copy !req
236. He works for my dad.
Copy !req
237. He deals illegal
prescription pills.
Copy !req
238. Diggle, this is Helena.
Copy !req
239. Diggle's my...
Copy !req
240. Associate.
Copy !req
241. Well, any associate
of Oliver's is—
Copy !req
242. Absolutely nothing
to you, ma'am.
Copy !req
243. I'll leave you two
Copy !req
244. She knows my name.
Copy !req
245. That's lovely.
Copy !req
246. You can trust her.
Copy !req
247. Except I don't.
Copy !req
248. You sleeping
with this girl, Oliver?
Copy !req
249. Well, I don't think that's
any of your business, Diggle.
Copy !req
250. It became my business when
you brought me into this.
Copy !req
251. And when I signed on,
I told you I was gonna
Copy !req
252. keep your head straight.
Copy !req
253. Well, Oliver, you're lonely.
Lonelier than you want to admit.
Copy !req
254. And that's why you think
you can change this girl,
Copy !req
255. because you
need to think you can.
Copy !req
256. You're like a dope fiend
who thinks
Copy !req
257. he can deal with
his own addiction
Copy !req
258. by making another addict
go straight.
Copy !req
259. Oliver, what you do
is dangerous.
Copy !req
260. And getting confused about
who's good and who's bad
Copy !req
261. is a good way
to get yourself dead.
Copy !req
262. You done?
Copy !req
263. Yeah, I'm done.
Copy !req
264. With this.
Copy !req
265. Everything else, I don't know.
Copy !req
266. I don't know, Oliver.
You tell me.
Copy !req
267. I hope you don't have
plans tomorrow night,
Copy !req
268. because I just got us a rez
at that new restaurant,
Copy !req
269. Table Salt, opening night.
Copy !req
270. Isn't that place
ridiculously expensive?
Copy !req
271. Everywhere worth going is.
Copy !req
272. Ah, you have the cutest crinkle
in your forehead when you're worried.
Copy !req
273. Tommy, stop.
This is serious.
Copy !req
274. I thought you were going
to live more frugally.
Copy !req
275. Yeah, I know. Everybody
is grown up except for me.
Copy !req
276. Even Oliver has a job.
He's working on that new night club.
Copy !req
277. You have thinky face.
Why do you have thinky face?
Copy !req
278. Have you ever thought about
asking Oliver for a job?
Copy !req
279. Not even once.
Copy !req
280. This isn't a quality
that I love most about you,
Copy !req
281. but you do know the club scene
and how to have fun.
Copy !req
282. You make some
very valid points.
Copy !req
283. Look, I'll take care of it.
I'll talk to Ollie later
Copy !req
284. and we'll see
what he thinks.
Copy !req
285. He is gonna think
it is a great idea.
Copy !req
286. How was your trip
to Australia?
Copy !req
287. I've always wanted to go.
Copy !req
288. Down under. It's just—
Copy !req
289. I have this thing
about kangaroos.
Copy !req
290. More of a phobia.
They wig me out.
Copy !req
291. They look evil, and I'm
sure their picture's up
Copy !req
292. on like everything
everywhere in that country.
Copy !req
293. You had something
important to tell me, Ms. Smoak?
Copy !req
294. Yes, I did.
Copy !req
295. It's about Tempest.
Your wife's mysterious LLC,
Copy !req
296. the one she diverted
company funds to.
Copy !req
297. I appreciate your
diligence on this, but, uh,
Copy !req
298. it was a simple misunderstanding
between my wife and I.
Copy !req
299. Everything's been resolved.
Copy !req
300. No. See, it hasn't.
Copy !req
301. There was something
about the money transfer
Copy !req
302. that felt hinky to me.
The money your wife
Copy !req
303. withdrew from the company,
I wasn't the only one who tracked it.
Copy !req
304. She was being shadowed
by another entity,
Copy !req
305. and whoever it is,
they're good.
Copy !req
306. NSA good.
Copy !req
307. But, as you know,
Copy !req
308. I'm good, too.
Copy !req
309. So even though they
left almost no trace
Copy !req
310. of their presence
in our system,
Copy !req
311. I did manage
to find one thing.
Copy !req
312. Well, one image.
Copy !req
313. Does that symbol mean
something to you, sir?
Copy !req
314. No.
Copy !req
315. What means something to me
Copy !req
316. is one of my employees
Copy !req
317. prying into my wife's
private business
Copy !req
318. without authorization.
Copy !req
319. And should it happen again,
Copy !req
320. I'll have you suspended.
Copy !req
321. Is that clear?
Copy !req
322. Crystal.
Copy !req
323. Where's your friend?
Copy !req
324. Just the two of us
Copy !req
325. Really?
Copy !req
326. And what did you
have in mind?
Copy !req
327. An object lesson.
Copy !req
328. We're going after
Anthony Venza?
Copy !req
329. Yes. But we're doing it
on my terms.
Copy !req
330. Your father loses a piece
of his organization,
Copy !req
331. but no innocent people
get hurt in the process.
Copy !req
332. What is it?
Copy !req
333. I explained to you
that guns
Copy !req
334. were weapons of emotion
and unpredictability,
Copy !req
335. but since you are far
from an expert at archery,
Copy !req
336. this will have to do,
for now.
Copy !req
337. I like it.
Copy !req
338. You can't go out
like that.
Copy !req
339. Why? You got a spare hood?
Copy !req
340. Does it come in purple?
Copy !req
341. I like purple.
Copy !req
342. This isn't crack.
Copy !req
343. Anyone can sell crack.
Copy !req
344. All you need's a street
corner and a hoodie.
Copy !req
345. This is pharmaceutical
grade Oxycodone.
Copy !req
346. It is caviar.
It is champagne.
Copy !req
347. And you sell this
with fancy houses,
Copy !req
348. at parties with rich kids
have got money to burn.
Copy !req
349. Check it out!
Copy !req
350. Whoever you are,
Copy !req
351. you really think you're gonna
get out of here in one piece?
Copy !req
352. I was thinking
the same thing.
Copy !req
353. Anthony Venza...
Copy !req
354. You have failed this city.
Copy !req
355. The door!
Copy !req
356. Please... just don't hurt me.
Copy !req
357. How about just a little?
Copy !req
358. Millions of dollars' worth
of illegal drugs confiscated,
Copy !req
359. a massive blow to your
father's criminal proceeds,
Copy !req
360. and nobody had to die.
Copy !req
361. Justice.
Copy !req
362. What do you think?
Copy !req
363. I think this feels good.
Copy !req
364. And not just
the justice part.
Copy !req
365. Anthony Venza
was arrested last night.
Copy !req
366. The police confiscated
a warehouse
Copy !req
367. full of illegal
prescription drugs
Copy !req
368. with a street value
estimated in the millions.
Copy !req
369. Several unconfirmed
witnesses reported seeing
Copy !req
370. the Starling City vigilante
leaving the scene
Copy !req
371. with another
unknown accomplice...
Copy !req
372. possibly a woman.
Copy !req
373. Bad year?
Copy !req
374. The scotch, I mean.
Copy !req
375. Yeah. Sorry.
Copy !req
376. Another business setback.
Copy !req
377. You look beautiful.
Copy !req
378. Oliver Queen?
Copy !req
379. It's nice to see you happy again.
Copy !req
380. It's been too long.
Copy !req
381. Yeah.
Copy !req
382. Yeah. Yeah, I heard about Venza.
Copy !req
383. Yeah, I know where
that leaves us!
Copy !req
384. I'm sorry to rush out.
Copy !req
385. I have this impromptu
Board of Directors meeting
Copy !req
386. with the Starling City
Modern Art museum.
Copy !req
387. I don't know much about art,
Copy !req
388. but I do know
how to pay for it.
Copy !req
389. No worries.
Whip them into shape.
Copy !req
390. Yes, sir. I'll see you
when I get back.
Copy !req
391. Well, it's only been 30 minutes.
Copy !req
392. That's not too bad
for an opening.
Copy !req
393. If they don't seat us soon,
Copy !req
394. I'm going to write
a horrible review online.
Copy !req
395. Let me see what I can do.
Copy !req
396. I'm loving the Cavalli.
Copy !req
397. Look, I'm Tommy Merlyn.
Copy !req
398. Is there any way that we can go
to the head of the class?
Copy !req
399. Is there?
Copy !req
400. Let us know
when our table's ready, okay?
Copy !req
401. Maybe you can eat
Copy !req
402. some of those fancy peanuts
from behind the bar.
Copy !req
403. Hey!
Copy !req
404. Hi. It's the two of you.
Copy !req
405. Tommy, Laurel,
this is Helena.
Copy !req
406. Nice to meet you.
My pleasure.
Copy !req
407. Likewise.
Copy !req
408. You look beautiful.
Copy !req
409. Thank you.
Copy !req
410. Mr. Queen,
your table is ready.
Copy !req
411. When is our table
gonna be ready?
Copy !req
412. When it is.
Copy !req
413. Why don't you both
join us?
Copy !req
414. No, no, we're just
gonna have a drink and—
Copy !req
415. We'd love to.
Are you sure?
Copy !req
416. I'm sure I'm hungry.
Copy !req
417. That—
Copy !req
418. That'll be great.
That sounds great.
Copy !req
419. There you go.
Copy !req
420. I had forgotten that you filled
your parents' pool with beer.
Copy !req
421. How many cases did that take?
Copy !req
422. Roughly a thousand or so.
Copy !req
423. You know, his father
was so pissed,
Copy !req
424. I thought he was actually
going to drown you in it.
Copy !req
425. Yeah, well, death by beer,
Copy !req
426. there's worse ways to go.
Right, Helena?
Copy !req
427. Well, there are
no good ways to die.
Copy !req
428. So, uh, how did you
and Tommy meet?
Copy !req
429. Actually, we've all known
each other since—
Copy !req
430. We've all known each other
Copy !req
431. You 3 have
a lot of history.
Copy !req
432. Sometimes a little too much.
Copy !req
433. So, how's the night club
coming along?
Copy !req
434. Slower than I expected
it to. I've, uh, I've been busy.
Copy !req
435. Well, then you must be happy
to have the extra help, then.
Copy !req
436. Laurel, I'm sure
that Oliver what do you mean?
Copy !req
437. Doesn't want to talk
about work right know.
Copy !req
438. You didn't ask him?
Copy !req
439. Ask me what?
Copy !req
440. Tommy wanted— Tommy said
that he was gonna talk to you
Copy !req
441. about working for you
at your night club.
Copy !req
442. Really?
Copy !req
443. Sorry. I didn't think
that you wanted
Copy !req
444. any responsibility at all.
Copy !req
445. Yeah,
who'd believe that?
Copy !req
446. You've always wanted
to get into business with Tommy.
Copy !req
447. I mean, don't you remember
when we went to Aspen
Copy !req
448. and you wanted
to open a ski lodge?
Copy !req
449. The only thing
that I remember from Aspen
Copy !req
450. was your father being furious
we shared a room with one bed.
Copy !req
451. Wait...
Copy !req
452. So you two
were together...
Copy !req
453. And now you're dating
his best friend?
Copy !req
454. Yeah, we're just prime for
a reality show, aren't we?
Copy !req
455. Tommy, you working for me,
that could be fun.
Copy !req
456. I don't feel so good.
I'm gonna step outside.
Copy !req
457. I should probably
go check on him.
Copy !req
458. Helena, it was very nice
to meet you.
Copy !req
459. Tommy, why are you so upset?
Copy !req
460. Why did you have to say
something to Oliver about the job?
Copy !req
461. You were supposed
to talk to him.
Copy !req
462. Well, I hadn't.
Copy !req
463. Okay, I didn't realize.
I was only trying to help.
Copy !req
464. No, you were trying
to get Oliver to help.
Copy !req
465. It's typical Laurel.
Always running to a white knight.
Copy !req
466. It's Oliver and Laurel.
Copy !req
467. It always has been.
Copy !req
468. That's not gonna change.
Copy !req
469. Oliver and I are over.
Copy !req
470. Oh, really? Because you seemed
awfully bothered by his new girlfriend.
Copy !req
471. What, am I supposed
to like her?
Copy !req
472. I do not want to be
Oliver's charity case, okay?
Copy !req
473. To every day be reminded
Copy !req
474. that I can't give you
everything he could?
Copy !req
475. You know, losing a fortune
Copy !req
476. I think is going to be
easier than losing you,
Copy !req
477. so why don't we
just stop now.
Copy !req
478. I'm sorry.
Copy !req
479. How am I supposed to know
it's gonna get so weird in there?
Copy !req
480. No, I'm sorry.
Sorry I ever listened to you.
Copy !req
481. Helena, what—
Copy !req
482. you know what
I've been through.
Copy !req
483. I told you I couldn't
be hurt again.
Copy !req
484. I'm not trying
to hurt you.
Copy !req
485. So, making me have dinner
with the love of your life
Copy !req
486. is what, Oliver?
Copy !req
487. Laurel was the girl things
were getting too serious with,
Copy !req
488. the girl whose sister's grave
you used to manipulate me.
Copy !req
489. I saw the way
you looked at her.
Copy !req
490. That kind of love
doesn't die.
Copy !req
491. You still love her.
Copy !req
492. I don't.
Copy !req
493. Don't.
Copy !req
494. Don't touch me.
Copy !req
495. I am done talking.
Copy !req
496. I came to apologize.
Copy !req
497. I know you were
just trying to help.
Copy !req
498. I guess I wasn't ready
to face reality.
Copy !req
499. This is just so new,
you and me,
Copy !req
500. and I didn't
want you to see...
Copy !req
501. I'm scared.
Copy !req
502. I'm almost 30 years old
and I've never been given
Copy !req
503. an ounce of responsibility
in my life.
Copy !req
504. You, you are driven
and intelligent.
Copy !req
505. You're a million times
too good for me,
Copy !req
506. even before I was broke.
Copy !req
507. And now I have absolutely
nothing to bring to whatever this is.
Copy !req
508. I never cared
about the money.
Copy !req
509. And truth be told,
Copy !req
510. was your least
attractive quality.
Copy !req
511. I am so sorry if I pushed you
too hard on the job with Oliver.
Copy !req
512. I just— I thought you working
for him was a good idea
Copy !req
513. because
he's your friend.
Copy !req
514. And it's okay to ask
a friend for help.
Copy !req
515. You won't lose
your street cred.
Copy !req
516. I'm happy to lose
my street cred.
Copy !req
517. I just don't want
to lose you.
Copy !req
518. Well...
Copy !req
519. I'm not saying that
it's gonna be easy...
Copy !req
520. But I'm here for you
Copy !req
521. if you need someone
to lean on.
Copy !req
522. That's what people do
when they're together.
Copy !req
523. Together like
Copy !req
524. Mm. Do not ruin
this moment.
Copy !req
525. It was going so well
for you.
Copy !req
526. Didn't expect to hear
from you tonight.
Copy !req
527. Something happen?
Copy !req
528. I think you were right.
Copy !req
529. Okay. About which part?
Copy !req
530. All of it.
Copy !req
531. I should have listened to you.
Copy !req
532. Oliver, you said you wanted
to help her change.
Copy !req
533. The thing is,
she already did change.
Copy !req
534. When her father
killed her fiance,
Copy !req
535. she changed into something
dark and twisted.
Copy !req
536. You see that now, don't you?
Copy !req
537. It's not that It's not
that I couldn't see it, Diggle.
Copy !req
538. I didn't— I didn't want to.
Copy !req
539. I'm living a double life,
and to do that,
Copy !req
540. I'm taking all these people
that I love
Copy !req
541. and I'm putting them
at arm's length.
Copy !req
542. I'm giving up a lot,
so maybe—
Copy !req
543. maybe I thought
the universe owed me one.
Copy !req
544. But I looked in
her eyes tonight,
Copy !req
545. and I can't stop her
from going over the edge.
Copy !req
546. She's— she's already past it.
Copy !req
547. I don't speak Chinese,
Copy !req
548. so I'm just gonna assume
you said good-bye.
Copy !req
549. Tell your mistress
Frank Bertinelli sends his regards.
Copy !req
550. You wanted to see me,
Mr. Steele?
Copy !req
551. Did I mention,
it's almost Christmas,
Copy !req
552. and many of the suicides
this time of year
Copy !req
553. are due to sudden
and unexpected joblessness?
Copy !req
554. I want you to find out
all you can about that notebook.
Copy !req
555. Where it was made,
how it was purchased.
Copy !req
556. And what it could mean.
Yes, sir.
Copy !req
557. Felicity...
Copy !req
558. I asked Josiah Hudson,
our head of security,
Copy !req
559. to look into
the same subject matter.
Copy !req
560. He died the next day
under questionable circumstances.
Copy !req
561. What I may be asking of you,
Copy !req
562. this mystery,
Copy !req
563. are you sure
you want to do this?
Copy !req
564. I hate mysteries.
Copy !req
565. They bug me.
Copy !req
566. They need to be solved.
Copy !req
567. It's Dig.
Copy !req
568. What's the situation?
Copy !req
569. War.
Copy !req
570. Boss, we just got word—
somebody hit Zhishan.
Copy !req
571. He's dead.
Copy !req
572. All right. Then we know
what's coming next.
Copy !req
573. Tell everyone
to strap up.
Copy !req
574. Ricco's not answering
his walkie. Check it out.
Copy !req
575. Frank Bertinelli—
Copy !req
576. this is for Zhishan.
Copy !req
577. Run.
Copy !req
578. Helena.
Copy !req
579. What is this?
Copy !req
580. Payback for Michael.
Copy !req
581. I know you had him killed.
Salvati told me.
Copy !req
582. I did that to protect
the family!
Copy !req
583. I had to take everything
away from you
Copy !req
584. because you took
everything away from me.
Copy !req
585. You finally know
what it feels like
Copy !req
586. to find out, your own blood
is responsible
Copy !req
587. for the death
of your entire world.
Copy !req
588. No!
Copy !req
589. Helena?
Copy !req
590. Helena.
Copy !req
591. Helena, easy. Easy.
Copy !req
592. You were lucky.
Copy !req
593. Am I supposed
to be grateful?
Copy !req
594. Helena—
Copy !req
595. He's a monster.
Copy !req
596. A criminal.
Why would you save him?
Copy !req
597. I didn't save him.
I saved you.
Copy !req
598. You think that because
you've killed,
Copy !req
599. you understand what it's like
to have blood on your hands.
Copy !req
600. You don't understand.
You don't understand
Copy !req
601. the toll
that it takes on you,
Copy !req
602. especially
when it's your father.
Copy !req
603. I'm not going to stop.
Copy !req
604. The police
have him in custody.
Copy !req
605. He's going to jail
and then on to prison.
Copy !req
606. They don't have
any evidence on him.
Copy !req
607. They do now.
Copy !req
608. The laptop.
Copy !req
609. He's going away, Helena,
Copy !req
610. for the rest of his life.
Copy !req
611. This... is justice.
Copy !req
612. Then I guess you were right.
Copy !req
613. I'm more interested
in revenge.
Copy !req
614. Stay out of my way, Oliver,
Copy !req
615. or I'll make sure your secret
doesn't stay secret.
Copy !req
616. Helena.
Copy !req
617. What I did,
Copy !req
618. everything that I've done,
Copy !req
619. I've done because
I care about you.
Copy !req
620. Too bad I can't say
the same.
Copy !req
621. Hey, you.
Copy !req
622. Thanks for the call.
Copy !req
623. What are
ex-sisters-in-law for?
Copy !req
624. Chili cheese fries
with jalapenos. Hmm.
Copy !req
625. That's a cry for help
if I've ever seen one.
Copy !req
626. I don't know what hurts worse,
Copy !req
627. this or getting shot
with a curare-laced bullet.
Copy !req
628. Been there, done that.
Definitely the bullet.
Copy !req
629. You know, Oliver, I'm
no expert at this, but...
Copy !req
630. I don't think love is about
changing or saving a person.
Copy !req
631. I think it's about
finding the person
Copy !req
632. who's already the right fit.
Copy !req
633. One day you will.
Copy !req
634. I think I burnt
that particular bridge.
Copy !req
635. Napalmed it, actually.
Copy !req
636. So things didn't work out
exactly as you planned.
Copy !req
637. You did save
Frank Bertinelli's life.
Copy !req
638. He'll be doing time
for a while.
Copy !req
639. Justice wins out.
Copy !req
640. Helena
doesn't see it that way.
Copy !req
641. You opened up,
took a risk with your heart.
Copy !req
642. The Oliver I met
a few months ago
Copy !req
643. would not have been
able to do that.
Copy !req
644. And when you meet
the right person,
Copy !req
645. you'll be ready for her.
Copy !req
646. What are you doing?
Copy !req
647. It needs to be dark in here
for me to do this.
Copy !req
648. If I had had more time
to think of that sentence
Copy !req
649. it wouldn't have sounded
so dirty.
Copy !req
650. Look.
Copy !req
651. I don't see anything.
Copy !req
652. I got these
from applied sciences.
Copy !req
653. They're able to pick up
the subvisible variations
Copy !req
654. in the UV spectrum.
Copy !req
655. Now look at the book again.
Copy !req
656. Hi.
Copy !req
657. Now, look,
Copy !req
658. I'm sorry about last night.
Copy !req
659. It just— I let it
get too far
Copy !req
660. sitting at the same table.
That was...
Copy !req
661. that was stupid.
Copy !req
662. No. I was stupid.
Copy !req
663. I haven't been
entirely honest with you.
Copy !req
664. My dad cut me off.
Copy !req
665. He froze all my funds.
Copy !req
666. I am living on fumes.
Copy !req
667. Really?
Copy !req
668. Why didn't you
say anything?
Copy !req
669. Embarrassment,
shame, jealousy,
Copy !req
670. probably a few other emotions
I'm not used to feeling.
Copy !req
671. Tommy, my trust fund
is your trust fund.
Copy !req
672. No.
Copy !req
673. That is the easy answer.
Copy !req
674. And believe me,
I have loved easy answers.
Copy !req
675. What I need is a job.
Copy !req
676. I'm trying to change.
Copy !req
677. Not sure into what yet,
Copy !req
678. I don't want to be
what I was anymore.
Copy !req
679. It just so happens
that I have
Copy !req
680. a general manager
Copy !req
681. that is available.
Copy !req
682. You're probably
the guy for the job.
Copy !req
683. Will I be getting dental?
This smile wasn't cheap.
Copy !req
684. I'll look into that.
Thank you.
Copy !req
685. Thank you.
Copy !req
686. You're welcome.
Copy !req
687. You okay?
Copy !req
688. I will be.
Copy !req
689. Something happen with Helena?
Copy !req
690. We had a falling out.
Copy !req
691. But I have a feeling that
I will be seeing her again.
Copy !req