1. My name is Oliver Queen.
Copy !req
2. For 5 years, I was stranded
Copy !req
3. on an island
with only one goal—
Copy !req
4. survive.
Copy !req
5. Oliver Queen is alive.
Copy !req
6. Now I will fulfill
my father's dying wish...
Copy !req
7. Make it home.
Right my wrongs.
Copy !req
8. No!
Copy !req
9. To use the list of names
he left me
Copy !req
10. and bring down those
who are poisoning my city.
Copy !req
11. To do this, I must
become someone else.
Copy !req
12. I must become...
Copy !req
13. something else.
Copy !req
14. As Kanye says,
get 'em high!
Copy !req
15. You better move! Move!
Copy !req
16. Nobody lift their head,
nobody gets hurt.
Copy !req
17. Get down!
Copy !req
18. Get on the floor
right now!
Copy !req
19. You can't jackhammer
into the safe.
Copy !req
20. It's too thick.
Copy !req
21. Shut up!
Copy !req
22. We're through!
Copy !req
23. 3 minutes.
Copy !req
24. Make it 2!
Copy !req
25. Are you
trying to get us killed?
Copy !req
26. Don't worry.
Copy !req
27. I'm a cop.
Copy !req
28. Please don't do
Copy !req
29. I don't want to die.
Copy !req
30. Please!
Copy !req
31. What the hell's going on?
Copy !req
32. He was a freakin' cop.
Copy !req
33. Enough throwing shots.
Copy !req
34. you hear that?
Copy !req
35. Someone triggered the alarm!
Copy !req
36. Don't!
Copy !req
37. That's it. Let's go.
Copy !req
38. Starling City
police department.
Copy !req
39. Lay down your weapons
and come out with your hands up.
Copy !req
40. Everybody keep down!
Copy !req
41. Nobody lifts their head,
nobody gets hurt.
Copy !req
42. You stay down!
Copy !req
43. Hold your fire.
Copy !req
44. These are hostages.
Copy !req
45. You take the hostages.
Copy !req
46. All units, move in!
Move in!
Copy !req
47. Come here. You shot a cop.
Copy !req
48. This is not how
we do things.
Copy !req
49. Me getting killed isn't how
we do things, either, is it?
Copy !req
50. Is it?
Get in the van!
Copy !req
51. Anchor the rear hand,
Diggle. Come on.
Copy !req
52. Hey.
Copy !req
53. Uhh! Uhh!
Copy !req
54. Variable
Copy !req
55. Most fighters work
at the same pace.
Copy !req
56. You switch it up, you throw
your opponent off his game.
Copy !req
57. That was nice.
Where'd you learn that?
Copy !req
58. His name's Yao Fei.
Copy !req
59. He give you those scars?
Copy !req
60. One of them.
Copy !req
61. And the others?
Copy !req
62. You know, one of these day you're
gonna be straight with me
Copy !req
63. about what really
happened on that island.
Copy !req
64. Absolutely.
Copy !req
65. Uhh!
Copy !req
66. But not today.
Copy !req
67. Still some pretty
sweet moves.
Copy !req
68. Yep. Tonight I'm gonna
use them on him.
Copy !req
69. Scott Morgan runs
water and power in the Glades.
Copy !req
70. Jacks up the prices
when people can't pay,
Copy !req
71. shuts them down even
in the dead of winter.
Copy !req
72. Which is at least
a month away.
Copy !req
73. Look at this.
Copy !req
74. These guys started
at Keystone 3 years ago,
Copy !req
75. then began moving west,
hitting banks along the way.
Copy !req
76. This morning they hit
Starling City Trust.
Copy !req
77. Shot an off-duty cop.
He's in a coma
Copy !req
78. and the doctors are saying
it's a coin toss whether he'll make it.
Copy !req
79. If he's a cop, SCPD
will be all over it.
Copy !req
80. Overwhelmed? Underfunded?
Copy !req
81. Listen, these guys
don't hit one time.
Copy !req
82. They hit 2 or 3 banks
per city,
Copy !req
83. which means right now
they're planning their next job.
Copy !req
84. I think you have
the wrong impression
Copy !req
85. about what it is
I do.
Copy !req
86. You take out bad guys
with a bow and arrow.
Copy !req
87. I don't fight street crime.
Copy !req
88. That's a symptom
of what's wrong with this city.
Copy !req
89. I'm trying to cure
the disease.
Copy !req
90. CEOs and crooked
entrepreneurs. I get it.
Copy !req
91. Listen, Oliver,
I'm just saying,
Copy !req
92. maybe you can
make a difference
Copy !req
93. if you think beyond
the scope of those pages.
Copy !req
94. I'm sure your father
wouldn't mind.
Copy !req
95. No, you don't get it.
Copy !req
96. My father died
so that I could live.
Copy !req
97. Live and make a difference
by fixing the city
Copy !req
98. that he and the people
in this book ruined.
Copy !req
99. Every name
that I cross off this list
Copy !req
100. honors that sacrifice.
Copy !req
101. There's more than one way
to save this city.
Copy !req
102. Not for me.
Copy !req
103. Crime happens
in this city every day.
Copy !req
104. What do you want me
to do, stop all of it?
Copy !req
105. It sounds like you have
a narrow definition of being a hero.
Copy !req
106. I'm not a hero.
Copy !req
107. Dad?
Copy !req
108. Please tell me
that this is a nightmare
Copy !req
109. and I'm about to wake up.
Copy !req
110. How can Stagg Industries
pull out completely?
Copy !req
111. They're our largest donor.
Copy !req
112. It's like they say—
"It's the economy, stupid."
Copy !req
113. No, it's the stupid
Copy !req
114. Ok, without Stagg, how long
can CNRI keep the doors open?
Copy !req
115. It depends.
What time you got?
Copy !req
116. I have fiesta time.
Copy !req
117. Or is it siesta time?
Copy !req
118. Which one means a party
and which one means a nap?
Copy !req
119. Tommy, as much
as I would love to relive
Copy !req
120. intro to Spanish with you,
today is not a good day.
Copy !req
121. Of course not. Working in this tiny
brick office is intolerable.
Copy !req
122. Now, you know where is
a spectacular place
Copy !req
123. to spend the day?
Copy !req
124. Coast City. Here's what
I am thinking.
Copy !req
125. Sunset flight
on my private plane,
Copy !req
126. dinner at Broome's,
I'll have you home by midnight.
Copy !req
127. Or maybe in the morning.
Copy !req
128. What is this?
Copy !req
129. This is what
we talked about.
Copy !req
130. This is you getting to know
the real me.
Copy !req
131. Tommy, so you don't
Copy !req
132. CNRI just lost
its largest single donor.
Copy !req
133. Which means all of the hard work
and sacrifices
Copy !req
134. that I have made to help
this legal clinic survive,
Copy !req
135. it may have been for nothing.
Copy !req
136. Maybe another time.
Copy !req
137. Yeah?
Copy !req
138. I mean, haven't you noticed
she's been acting a little down lately?
Copy !req
139. What am I saying?
Of course you haven't.
Copy !req
140. Well, who are you
to judge?
Copy !req
141. Since when do you
pay attention to how mom's feeling?
Copy !req
142. Since our stepfather suddenly
decided to take a business trip
Copy !req
143. halfway across the world.
Copy !req
144. I think when someone at Walter's
pay grade takes a business trip,
Copy !req
145. it's always sudden, Thea.
I wouldn't worry.
Copy !req
146. Ah, guess who I just
hung up with.
Copy !req
147. Janice Bowen.
Copy !req
148. Carter's mother.
Copy !req
149. Oh.
Copy !req
150. Carter Bowen.
Copy !req
151. The perfect son.
Copy !req
152. Is he perfect?
Copy !req
153. According to you.
Copy !req
154. Carter Bowen just won
the national chess championship.
Copy !req
155. Carter Bowen is anchoring
the debate team.
Copy !req
156. I'm sure I didn't
make that big of a fuss.
Copy !req
157. Oliver, Carter
just got accepted
Copy !req
158. into Harvard and Princeton.
Copy !req
159. Well, that's because Carter
got a perfect score on his SATs.
Copy !req
160. Now, how did he manage
to study and cure cancer?
Copy !req
161. All right, all right,
all right. I get it. I get it.
Copy !req
162. Well, they're coming for brunch
and I expect you to be there.
Copy !req
163. I have plans.
Copy !req
164. That's fine.
Brunch is tomorrow.
Copy !req
165. Hmm. Inches from
a clean getaway.
Copy !req
166. Well, you, too, Thea.
Copy !req
167. Snap.
Copy !req
168. Nobody says that anymore.
Copy !req
169. What? Mom.
Copy !req
170. Hmm?
Copy !req
171. I can't actually go.
Copy !req
172. I haven't seen
the Bowens in years.
Copy !req
173. So whatever it is
that you have planned,
Copy !req
174. I'm sure the two of you can make
the sacrifice just this once.
Copy !req
175. We'll be there.
Copy !req
176. I hate you.
Copy !req
177. Yeah.
Copy !req
178. You know your friend
Scott Morgan from your father's list?
Copy !req
179. He tried to kill himself.
Copy !req
180. Maybe he was afraid
of getting a visit from you.
Copy !req
181. How fast can you make it
to Starling General?
Copy !req
182. On my way.
Copy !req
183. Hey, just the man
I wanted to see.
Copy !req
184. I just picked up
a new sports car,
Copy !req
185. and I'm thinking
we can open her up,
Copy !req
186. pick up a few
speeding tickets—
Copy !req
187. That sounds great, but something's
come up. I gotta jet.
Copy !req
188. Oh. Uh, okay.
Copy !req
189. Nice talk. Thanks.
Copy !req
190. He moves fast, doesn't he?
Copy !req
191. It's ironic, really,
Copy !req
192. since you're the one
we call speedy.
Copy !req
193. Oh, please.
For the love of God.
Copy !req
194. But if you need somebody to talk to,
I'm here.
Copy !req
195. You know,
maybe you could help.
Copy !req
196. There's this girl
that I'm interested in.
Copy !req
197. And I am really not sure
how to pursue it.
Copy !req
198. Have you tried using
your usual lines?
Copy !req
199. Hi, my name is Tommy Merlyn
and I'm a billionaire,
Copy !req
200. but I don't look like
Warren Buffet.
Copy !req
201. Yeah. She is aware
of that,
Copy !req
202. and she doesn't care.
Copy !req
203. You know, money really
isn't a big deal to her.
Copy !req
204. Why don't you just
tell her how you feel?
Copy !req
205. Well, I've—I—
Copy !req
206. I've known her
for a long time,
Copy !req
207. and I'm not sure the direct approach
is really the right way to go.
Copy !req
208. Maybe you just
have to figure out
Copy !req
209. what's a big deal to her
and make it a big deal to you.
Copy !req
210. Yeah.
Copy !req
211. You are amazing.
Copy !req
212. Love you.
Copy !req
213. You sure?
Copy !req
214. Scott Morgan doesn't
seem like the type
Copy !req
215. who would try
to kill himself.
Copy !req
216. True, but it's the best lie
I could come up with on short notice.
Copy !req
217. Mr. Diggle,
I can't thank you enough
Copy !req
218. for arranging to move my husband
Copy !req
219. from County Ward
to Starling General.
Copy !req
220. Now I know he's getting
the best care available.
Copy !req
221. You really should be
thanking this man,
Copy !req
222. Oliver Queen.
He's paying the bill.
Copy !req
223. Jana's husband Stan
is a police officer,
Copy !req
224. who happened to have
been making a deposit
Copy !req
225. at Starling Trust Bank.
Copy !req
226. The bank that was robbed.
Copy !req
227. I was so sorry
to hear about your husband.
Copy !req
228. Is he gonna be okay?
Copy !req
229. The doctors say
the next 24 hours are crucial.
Copy !req
230. He should have just
kept his head down, you know?
Copy !req
231. I've known a few police
officers in my day.
Copy !req
232. Always willing
to help others
Copy !req
233. even if that means
putting themselves at risk.
Copy !req
234. Thank you.
Copy !req
235. You're welcome.
Copy !req
236. You lied to me.
Copy !req
237. You asked me to work
with you, not for you.
Copy !req
238. And when you did,
you said it was because
Copy !req
239. you understand
the kind of man I am.
Copy !req
240. Well, Oliver, I'm the kind of man
who doesn't walk away
Copy !req
241. when there's a chance
to make a difference.
Copy !req
242. And neither does
Stan Washington.
Copy !req
243. Oliver, I'm not finished talking.
Where are you going?
Copy !req
244. To go make a difference.
Copy !req
245. Let's catch
some bank robbers.
Copy !req
246. See that guy right there?
He's got a temper.
Copy !req
247. And he shot
Officer Washington.
Copy !req
248. That's right.
Copy !req
249. College ring.
Copy !req
250. Or high school,
more likely.
Copy !req
251. That ring will get us
an I.D.
Copy !req
252. Yeah, but even with
photo enhancement,
Copy !req
253. you're gonna have a problem
getting a clear shot of that ring.
Copy !req
254. No, but it left an impression the police
would have photographed.
Copy !req
255. It'll be in evidence
Copy !req
256. Please tell me you're not going
where I think you're going.
Copy !req
257. Diggle,
why do you even ask?
Copy !req
258. Are you kidding me?
I don't want to hear this.
Copy !req
259. Don't tell me about
red tape.
Copy !req
260. One of our own's been shot.
Copy !req
261. Tell them to find themselves
a pair of scissors.
Copy !req
262. So, where are you
gonna take me today?
Copy !req
263. Monte Carlo?
Copy !req
264. Actually, I was just
telling Jo here
Copy !req
265. that the Merlyn Global Group
Copy !req
266. is looking to expand
its local philanthropy,
Copy !req
267. and I thought
that we could start
Copy !req
268. by sponsoring a benefit
for CNRI.
Copy !req
269. Thank you, Tommy,
but I think we can manage
Copy !req
270. without your family's
Copy !req
271. Laurel, a word?
Copy !req
272. Come on.
Copy !req
273. What are you doing?
Copy !req
274. He's not interested
in throwing us a fundraiser.
Copy !req
275. What he wants to have
is the first annual attempt
Copy !req
276. to get back
into my pants gala.
Copy !req
277. Who cares why he's doing it?
We need the money.
Copy !req
278. Not like that we don't.
Copy !req
279. We really do. So you're gonna
listen to your best friend's advice.
Copy !req
280. You are gonna go over there
and say, "Thank you, Tommy,
Copy !req
281. we'd be honored if you'd
throw us a fundraiser." Hmm?
Copy !req
282. Thank you, Tommy.
We would be honored
Copy !req
283. for you to throw us
a fundraiser.
Copy !req
284. The bank manager
Ace punched,
Copy !req
285. his ring left a mark.
Copy !req
286. Larchmont High.
Copy !req
287. High school.
Copy !req
288. I cross-referenced
his height and relative age
Copy !req
289. with a list of students
and alumni.
Copy !req
290. Still, that's
a pretty long list.
Copy !req
291. It was. I dug a little deeper
and found Kyle Reston.
Copy !req
292. Right before Kyle's
senior year,
Copy !req
293. not only did he drop out,
he dropped off the grid.
Copy !req
294. Along with his family—
Copy !req
295. father, mother,
younger brother.
Copy !req
296. There are two other guys
involved in this robbery.
Copy !req
297. And a woman.
Copy !req
298. Aside from Stan Washington,
Copy !req
299. there were 22 customers
and employees
Copy !req
300. that came out of the bank.
Copy !req
301. 9 men, 13 women.
Copy !req
302. Inside the bank,
Copy !req
303. 9 men, 14 women.
Copy !req
304. They put a ringer in.
Copy !req
305. The mom. The police
are looking for a crew,
Copy !req
306. we're gonna look for a family.
Speaking of which,
Copy !req
307. I'm incredibly late
for mine.
Copy !req
308. Well, I'm sorry Walter
couldn't join us.
Copy !req
309. Oh, yes, well, the Australian trip
came up suddenly.
Copy !req
310. He sends his apologies.
Copy !req
311. Where's Oliver?
He's not out of town, too, is he?
Copy !req
312. Oh, I'm sure he's just—
Copy !req
313. Stuck in traffic.
Copy !req
314. One of the things
I didn't miss on the island—
Copy !req
315. Sunday drivers.
Sorry I'm late.
Copy !req
316. Thank God you're here.
Copy !req
317. It is so good
to see you.
Copy !req
318. Mm. We all thought
you were—
Copy !req
319. Oh, well, we are
just happy he's home.
Copy !req
320. Hmm. And returning
a celebrity, too.
Copy !req
321. How do you mean?
Copy !req
322. Billionaire scion,
castaway for 5 years.
Copy !req
323. You know,
there is a bidding war
Copy !req
324. for the rights
to your life story.
Copy !req
325. At least that's what
my agent says.
Copy !req
326. Agent? I thought you were
a neurosurgeon, Carter.
Copy !req
327. I know.
It's crazy, right?
Copy !req
328. One minute I'm
publishing this book
Copy !req
329. on how long-term
Copy !req
330. initiates the creation
of a slow-moving
Copy !req
331. protein synthesis,
Copy !req
332. and the next,
there's an agent
Copy !req
333. trying to make me
the next Dr. Oz.
Copy !req
334. Why would he want
you to be a wizard?
Copy !req
335. Oh, Oliver.
Copy !req
336. For all our sakes,
start ready "Us Weekly."
Copy !req
337. Well, the truth is,
I just feel it's our duty
Copy !req
338. as Starling City's more fortunate
to help those most in need.
Copy !req
339. Oh, of course.
Copy !req
340. Wouldn't you agree,
Copy !req
341. You're the hero, Carter.
Copy !req
342. Quick and clean,
and try not to shoot anybody.
Copy !req
343. So now that you're back,
what are your plans?
Copy !req
344. Will you be taking a job
with Queen Consolidated?
Copy !req
345. I'm opening a night club.
Copy !req
346. Sir, your liquor
distributor's on the line.
Copy !req
347. First Bank of Starling
was hit two minutes ago.
Copy !req
348. Sorry. Business.
Copy !req
349. If the Restons' M.O. holds,
they'll make their escape underground.
Copy !req
350. First Bank of Starling is located
right above the water treatment tunnels.
Copy !req
351. The entrance is located here.
Copy !req
352. Oliver.
Copy !req
353. Where are you going?
Copy !req
354. Something's come up.
Copy !req
355. I'm really sorry.
Copy !req
356. SCPD! Don't move!
Copy !req
357. Enough! What are you doing?
Copy !req
358. Let's get out of here!
Copy !req
359. Forget it!
The cash!
Copy !req
360. Let's go!
Copy !req
361. All right, let's move!
Copy !req
362. It's vigilante.
Copy !req
363. Who the hell was that guy?
Copy !req
364. The local vigilante.
Copy !req
365. Usually goes after
rich guys.
Copy !req
366. Well, clearly
he's branching out.
Copy !req
367. Things have gone sideways
for us lately.
Copy !req
368. That hood guy showing up,
Kyle shooting a cop.
Copy !req
369. You were the one
who warned me he was a cop.
Copy !req
370. So you would take his gun,
not shoot him.
Copy !req
371. Your mother has a point.
Copy !req
372. Maybe this is a sign
we need to hang it up.
Copy !req
373. Head for Mexico, retire.
Copy !req
374. We don't have enough.
Copy !req
375. We always said
that we wouldn't quit
Copy !req
376. until we had enough
to set ourselves up.
Copy !req
377. The kid's right.
We need to hit another.
Copy !req
378. We'll be okay. We can make do
with what we've got.
Copy !req
379. I didn't spend 5 years
risking my life and my freedom
Copy !req
380. to just be okay.
Copy !req
381. No. Set for life.
Copy !req
382. That was our deal.
Copy !req
383. Ok.
Copy !req
384. One more.
Copy !req
385. And then we're out.
Copy !req
386. I should add "personal Internet
researcher for Oliver Queen"
Copy !req
387. to my job title.
Copy !req
388. Happily, I mean.
Copy !req
389. His name is Derek Reston.
Copy !req
390. We were close before
I... went away.
Copy !req
391. And I want to
get back in touch.
Copy !req
392. I guess you didn't have
Facebook on that island.
Copy !req
393. Nope. Not even
a MySpace account.
Copy !req
394. It was a very dark time.
Copy !req
395. Well, there's not much here
that's recent.
Copy !req
396. No credit activity.
Copy !req
397. No utility bills.
Copy !req
398. Well, I guess you guys
must have met at the factory.
Copy !req
399. Wait.
What—what factory?
Copy !req
400. The Queen Steel Factory.
Copy !req
401. Derek Reston worked there
for 15 years
Copy !req
402. until it shut down in '07.
Copy !req
403. Derek Reston
worked for my father?
Copy !req
404. You weren't really
close friends, huh?
Copy !req
405. It looks like Derek
was the factory foreman
Copy !req
406. until your dad outsourced
production to China.
Copy !req
407. About 1,500 employees
got laid off.
Copy !req
408. Looks like the finance guys
even found a loophole
Copy !req
409. in the union contract,
so, they didn't have to pay
Copy !req
410. severance packages
and pensions to their employees.
Copy !req
411. They all pretty much
lost their homes.
Copy !req
412. Including your friend.
Copy !req
413. You died.
Copy !req
414. I asked you,
I begged you to survive.
Copy !req
415. But I don't think you can.
Copy !req
416. There's still one bullet left.
Copy !req
417. But, Oliver,
Copy !req
418. my death is made
meaningless by yours.
Copy !req
419. I'm starving.
Copy !req
420. I'm gonna die anyway,
Copy !req
421. and I just want it
to be quick.
Copy !req
422. I want it to be quick,
like yours was.
Copy !req
423. You can survive this.
Copy !req
424. No, I can't.
Copy !req
425. I'm not as strong
as you think I am.
Copy !req
426. And I'm sorry.
Copy !req
427. The Restons just got home
after 5 years of being away.
Copy !req
428. Those factory guys hung out
at a bar after work.
Copy !req
429. I'm going down there.
Hopefully Derek Reston
Copy !req
430. wants to take a stroll
down memory lane.
Copy !req
431. And if by some miracle
Reston's there?
Copy !req
432. I'm gonna give him
the chance to do the right thing.
Copy !req
433. Oliver, he already had his chance
to do the right thing.
Copy !req
434. It's called
not being a criminal.
Copy !req
435. This is happening
because of my father.
Copy !req
436. Because of my family.
Copy !req
437. No. You're worried
about the wrong thing.
Copy !req
438. It's not your fault.
The Restons aren't the victims.
Copy !req
439. My family
stole from this city.
Copy !req
440. They hurt the people in it.
Copy !req
441. And I am hell-bent
on making that right.
Copy !req
442. For Derek Reston, that
means giving him the chance
Copy !req
443. to make it right.
Copy !req
444. Hey, don't fade on me now.
Copy !req
445. We have about 10,000
more decisions to make.
Copy !req
446. Now, cake—
chocolate or mocha?
Copy !req
447. Mm... Carrot.
Copy !req
448. Are you sure about that?
Because Bugs Bunny hasn't RSVP'd yet.
Copy !req
449. Tell me,
why the full-court press?
Copy !req
450. Asking me to Coast City,
the fundraiser—
Copy !req
451. why now?
Copy !req
452. You know, I was in a bar
last week,
Copy !req
453. and I was talking
to this girl,
Copy !req
454. and things were progressing,
if you know what I mean.
Copy !req
455. No. You're too subtle.
Copy !req
456. Anyway, we finally
go back to her place,
Copy !req
457. and I realize all of a sudden—
Copy !req
458. That I'd been there before.
Copy !req
459. Been with her before.
Copy !req
460. Two years ago.
Copy !req
461. Just... didn't remember.
Copy !req
462. So I left.
Copy !req
463. You know, I remember
some of the mornings
Copy !req
464. when you and I
were together
Copy !req
465. and I made you omelets.
Copy !req
466. And I'd be in your kitchen
and I would think to myself,
Copy !req
467. this isn't just fun.
Copy !req
468. This is more than fun.
This is...
Copy !req
469. this is different.
Copy !req
470. I never felt that way
with anybody else.
Copy !req
471. And I miss it.
Copy !req
472. Not mocha. Carrot.
Copy !req
473. Carrot.
Copy !req
474. Ok, fellas.
Copy !req
475. Thanks for playing.
Copy !req
476. Ahem. Mind if I sit in?
Copy !req
477. Oliver Queen.
Copy !req
478. The prodigal son returns.
Copy !req
479. I didn't figure you
for someone who would
Copy !req
480. hang out in the Glades.
Copy !req
481. My father used to bring me here
after we visited the factory.
Copy !req
482. There was a Pac-man machine
in the back.
Copy !req
483. I had the high score
for two months.
Copy !req
484. The last time
I saw your dad,
Copy !req
485. he was making a speech,
Copy !req
486. telling my crew not to believe
all the gossip,
Copy !req
487. that there was no way
Queen Consolidated
Copy !req
488. was moving production
to China.
Copy !req
489. A week later,
they closed the doors.
Copy !req
490. I didn't even get the two weeks
vacation pay due to me.
Copy !req
491. My father made mistakes.
Copy !req
492. He hurt people.
Copy !req
493. When people are hurt,
people are in trouble,
Copy !req
494. they tend to make
the wrong choices.
Copy !req
495. Right, Derek?
Copy !req
496. But those choices
don't have to define you,
Copy !req
497. they don't have to define
who your family will be,
Copy !req
498. because there's always
one moment
Copy !req
499. when you can turn it
all around.
Copy !req
500. If my father
had another chance...
Copy !req
501. I think he'd do things
Copy !req
502. But...
Copy !req
503. time ran out for him.
Copy !req
504. How poetic.
Copy !req
505. That doesn't help me
get my house back, now, does it?
Copy !req
506. No, it doesn't.
Copy !req
507. No, all I can offer you
is an apology and a job.
Copy !req
508. Queen Consolidated has
subsidiaries all over the country.
Copy !req
509. I make one phone call,
you start next week.
Copy !req
510. So what do you say?
Copy !req
511. How about I still have
some pride left?
Copy !req
512. I don't need charity
from the son of the man
Copy !req
513. who screwed me over.
Copy !req
514. Ok.
Copy !req
515. If you change your mind...
Copy !req
516. You and I have
one thing in common.
Copy !req
517. We're both dealing
with the consequences
Copy !req
518. of our fathers' actions.
Copy !req
519. What he did then,
that's on him.
Copy !req
520. What we do now,
Copy !req
521. that's on us.
Copy !req
522. I've been thinking, baby,
maybe you were right.
Copy !req
523. Maybe it's time
to hang it up, retire.
Copy !req
524. But Kyle says
we do one more
Copy !req
525. or he'll go out
on his own.
Copy !req
526. Well, if that's what he wants to do,
that's his right,
Copy !req
527. but you and me
and Teddy, we're out.
Copy !req
528. I want to quit, too,
but I am not leaving without Kyle.
Copy !req
529. What's this?
Copy !req
530. I dropped a bug
in Derek Reston's jacket.
Copy !req
531. I thought you were going
to give the man a second chance.
Copy !req
532. That's what I believe in.
Copy !req
533. I also believe in covering
all my bases.
Copy !req
534. Derek, we can't abandon our son.
Copy !req
535. After all this time,
we wants to end up a winner.
Copy !req
536. Set for life.
Otherwise what was the point?
Copy !req
537. All right.
Copy !req
538. One more.
Copy !req
539. Now what?
Copy !req
540. We take them down.
Copy !req
541. Monitor the Restons
with this.
Copy !req
542. When you get a line
on their plans, we move.
Copy !req
543. And you're gonna do
another abrupt exit?
Copy !req
544. I'm getting better at it
with practice.
Copy !req
545. Honey, keep the alcohol
Copy !req
546. I can't—wow.
Copy !req
547. You look just
Copy !req
548. really lovely.
Copy !req
549. Lovely.
Copy !req
550. Well, it's nice that you've
extended your vocabulary
Copy !req
551. from words like
hot and mega hot.
Copy !req
552. You can just say
thank you, you know.
Copy !req
553. Thank you.
Copy !req
554. You know?
Copy !req
555. You're welcome.
Copy !req
556. Tommy.
Copy !req
557. This is wonderful.
Copy !req
558. It means the world to us.
Copy !req
559. Oh, God. Excuse me,
just for a second.
Copy !req
560. Excuse me.
Copy !req
561. So?
Copy !req
562. You were right.
Copy !req
563. Thank you for coming.
Copy !req
564. Thank you
for inviting me.
Copy !req
565. Well, I figured the entire
Queen family
Copy !req
566. and their checkbooks
should be present.
Copy !req
567. Oh, right. And how is that
going for you so far?
Copy !req
568. It is going amazing.
And all thanks to you.
Copy !req
569. Thea Queen, the unlikely
voice of reason.
Copy !req
570. Little old me?
What did I do?
Copy !req
571. You gave me
that great advice.
Copy !req
572. I thought about what
the girl was interested in,
Copy !req
573. and, uh...
Copy !req
574. And you did this
for Laurel.
Copy !req
575. And it's working.
Copy !req
576. Thanks again, sweetie.
Copy !req
577. Yeah.
Copy !req
578. Anytime.
Copy !req
579. Oh, Tommy, do you remember
Carter Bowen from high school?
Copy !req
580. Oh, yeah, sure I do.
Copy !req
581. So glad you could make it.
Copy !req
582. It's so great to see you.
You look amazing.
Copy !req
583. I gotta say I'm so
impressed with the work
Copy !req
584. that you and CNRI
are doing.
Copy !req
585. Thanks, Carter.
Copy !req
586. You know, I've actually
been thinking
Copy !req
587. about starting a free clinic
down here in the Glades.
Copy !req
588. Really?
Copy !req
589. Can we grab
a couple drinks
Copy !req
590. and I'll tell you
what I'm thinking.
Copy !req
591. That sounds great.
Copy !req
592. Hi.
Copy !req
593. Excuse me.
Copy !req
594. Well. I'm surprised
you made it tonight,
Copy !req
595. given your hectic schedule.
Copy !req
596. Mom, I messed up
with the Bowens yesterday.
Copy !req
597. I made you a promise.
I couldn't keep it.
Copy !req
598. Well, it's nothing new
for you, Oliver.
Copy !req
599. I know you and I
have had our difficulties,
Copy !req
600. but despite all my many
Copy !req
601. I always thought that you and I
had a connection.
Copy !req
602. So can you imagine...
Copy !req
603. Just imagine, after being
granted the miracle
Copy !req
604. of having my child
returned to me...
Copy !req
605. That you seem to have
little or no interest
Copy !req
606. in being with me
Copy !req
607. or telling me the truth.
Copy !req
608. Ma'am.
Copy !req
609. Redwood United Bank.
Copy !req
610. Gonna try a nighttime hit.
Copy !req
611. I have to go.
Copy !req
612. I'm sorry.
Copy !req
613. No, don't bother apologizing.
Copy !req
614. Honestly, Oliver,
there are times when I wonder
Copy !req
615. why you bother
coming home at all.
Copy !req
616. 3 minutes.
Copy !req
617. Ok.
Copy !req
618. You hear that?
Copy !req
619. I'll check it out.
Copy !req
620. Alright.
Copy !req
621. Kyle Reston.
Copy !req
622. I came prepared.
Copy !req
623. Uhh!
Copy !req
624. Uhh!
Copy !req
625. Uhh!
Copy !req
626. It's okay.
It's gonna be okay.
Copy !req
627. No, hey, I got this.
Copy !req
628. Drop your weapon!
Copy !req
629. Now!
Copy !req
630. Call an ambulance. Now!
Copy !req
631. Kyle! Kyle.
Copy !req
632. He's okay.
Copy !req
633. He's just knocked out.
Copy !req
634. It wasn't his fault.
Copy !req
635. I turned my son
into this.
Copy !req
636. Of course
it doesn't work.
Copy !req
637. I'm hallucinating.
Or I'm dreaming.
Copy !req
638. But if you weren't...
Copy !req
639. You betrayed me, Oliver.
Copy !req
640. I died so that you could live,
and you threw that gift away.
Copy !req
641. You made that sacrifice empty.
Copy !req
642. I'm not you.
I'm not.
Copy !req
643. I'm not strong like you.
I never was.
Copy !req
644. I told you, I'm not
the man you think I am.
Copy !req
645. The things I've done.
Copy !req
646. What I was about to do.
Copy !req
647. Dad... Dad.
Copy !req
648. What does that mean?
Copy !req
649. Please?
Copy !req
650. I don't know
what that means.
Copy !req
651. I told you.
I begged you.
Copy !req
652. Right my wrongs!
Copy !req
653. This is your responsibility now.
Copy !req
654. How?
Copy !req
655. How do I do this?
Copy !req
656. I can't even
get off this island.
Copy !req
657. I'm sorry I didn't tell you
the truth about me.
Copy !req
658. But I hope...
Copy !req
659. hope that you know
Copy !req
660. that I love you.
Copy !req
661. Did you know
that as a doctor,
Copy !req
662. I was able
to diagnose myself
Copy !req
663. as a giant tool?
Copy !req
664. How about a dance,
Copy !req
665. Hey, uh, I thought
that we agreed
Copy !req
666. that you were going
to call me before
Copy !req
667. you did something stupid.
Copy !req
668. You're no fun.
Copy !req
669. I'm going to show
you how to have some fun.
Copy !req
670. Whoa, whoa,
what are you doing?
Copy !req
671. You said
I was amazing.
Copy !req
672. Yeah, you are amazing,
but you're also like my sister.
Copy !req
673. My baby sister.
Copy !req
674. Well, I'm not
a baby anymore.
Copy !req
675. Thank you for noticing.
Copy !req
676. Laurel
doesn't even like you.
Copy !req
677. She doesn't
understand you.
Copy !req
678. I do.
Copy !req
679. Why can't you
just see that?
Copy !req
680. Thea. Thea,
it was a mistake
Copy !req
681. to talk to you
Copy !req
682. about girls and stuff.
Copy !req
683. It was inappropriate, and I think
it may have confused you.
Copy !req
684. Yeah, the rejection?
Copy !req
685. It is pretty clear.
Even if it wasn't,
Copy !req
686. between my mom
and Oliver
Copy !req
687. and everybody
in my entire life,
Copy !req
688. I'm pretty much used to it
by now, so...
Copy !req
689. Whoa, whoa.
Copy !req
690. Ok, let's go,
let's go, come on.
Copy !req
691. Tommy?
Copy !req
692. Is Thea okay?
Copy !req
693. Oh, yeah, she just ate
some bad crab cakes.
Copy !req
694. Are you sure it wasn't
something she drank?
Copy !req
695. Ahem. Don't worry.
I got this.
Copy !req
696. You can go back inside.
Keep having fun.
Copy !req
697. Looked like you were having a nice
little do-si-do with the good doctor.
Copy !req
698. Tommy, I'm going to let you in
on a little-known secret
Copy !req
699. about Dr. Carter Bowen.
Copy !req
700. The man is a gigantic ass.
Copy !req
701. And the only reason
why I danced with him
Copy !req
702. is because he wrote
a massive check to CNRI.
Copy !req
703. Why would you think
anything else?
Copy !req
704. I guess when it comes
to you, I tend not to think straight.
Copy !req
705. Can you call me a cab?
Copy !req
706. Absolutely not.
I am taking you home.
Copy !req
707. Get in.
Copy !req
708. I apologize
for making such a scene.
Copy !req
709. Just feel
better, okay?
Copy !req
710. Hey, Tommy.
Copy !req
711. I owe you a dance.
Copy !req
712. Yeah?
Copy !req
713. You earned it.
Copy !req
714. Please don't hate me.
Copy !req
715. No, no.
Copy !req
716. Never.
Copy !req
717. What went down
wasn't your fault.
Copy !req
718. I didn't say it was.
Copy !req
719. Oliver, it wasn't
your fault, man.
Copy !req
720. You gave Reston a chance.
Copy !req
721. That was more
than he deserved.
Copy !req
722. I'm not so sure
about that.
Copy !req
723. Well, listen,
I'll tell you this much.
Copy !req
724. You say going after
the guys on that list
Copy !req
725. is the way you honored
your dad?
Copy !req
726. Well, if your dad
could have seen you this week,
Copy !req
727. the way you cared
about the people he had hurt,
Copy !req
728. the way you stepped up
to try to help them,
Copy !req
729. I'd say he'd be
pretty damn honored.
Copy !req
730. So maybe there is more
than one way to save this city?
Copy !req
731. Maybe.
Copy !req
732. By the way,
Stan Washington woke up.
Copy !req
733. He's going to be fine.
Copy !req
734. My responsibility.
Copy !req
735. I promise, Dad.
Copy !req
736. I promise.
Copy !req
737. Nightcap?
Copy !req
738. Well, I thought
it might help me.
Copy !req
739. I—I don't
sleep well alone.
Copy !req
740. I'm sorry about
what I said tonight.
Copy !req
741. No.
Copy !req
742. You were being honest.
Copy !req
743. No, not entirely.
Copy !req
744. The truth is, with Walter
being gone, I'm...
Copy !req
745. I'm lonely.
Copy !req
746. You know, you and I
used to talk.
Copy !req
747. I used to know what
you were thinking.
Copy !req
748. But now, even when
you're home,
Copy !req
749. you're somewhere
else. I...
Copy !req
750. I guess I just
miss my son.
Copy !req
751. I miss you, too.
Copy !req
752. And I wish that...
Copy !req
753. Are you hungry?
Copy !req
754. Thank you.
Copy !req
755. All right.
Copy !req
756. Mmm. Mom—
Copy !req
757. It's okay to get your hands
dirty every once in a while.
Copy !req
758. For me. Please.
Copy !req
759. All right.
Copy !req
760. Mmm.
Copy !req
761. Mmm.
Copy !req
762. That is
a great burger.
Copy !req
763. Thank you for this.
Copy !req
764. You know, I'll bet
Carter Bowen
Copy !req
765. doesn't know where to find
the best burger joint
Copy !req
766. in Starling City.
Copy !req
767. So I have one thing on him.
Copy !req
768. No.
Copy !req
769. You have
everything on him, Oliver.
Copy !req