1. My name is Oliver Queen.
Copy !req
2. For 5 years, I was stranded
Copy !req
3. on an island
with only one goal—
Copy !req
4. survive.
Copy !req
5. Oliver Queen is alive.
Copy !req
6. Now I will fulfill
my father's dying wish...
Copy !req
7. To use the list
of names he left me
Copy !req
8. and bring down those
who are poisoning my city.
Copy !req
9. To do this, I must
become someone else.
Copy !req
10. I must become...
something else.
Copy !req
11. Previously on "Arrow"...
Copy !req
12. The company Mrs. Queen
invested in doesn't exist.
Copy !req
13. Tempest purchased
a warehouse in Starling City.
Copy !req
14. I could never really tell if
the playboy thing was all an act,
Copy !req
15. but I guess after a while,
it doesn't really matter.
Copy !req
16. He's a vigilante.
He's a damn criminal.
Copy !req
17. Here's the security footage
from the Exchange building.
Copy !req
18. What do you want me to look for?
Copy !req
19. I want you to look for anything
that's out of the ordinary.
Copy !req
20. What is that? Play that again.
Copy !req
21. Oliver Queen,
you're under arrest
Copy !req
22. on suspicion
of obstruction of justice,
Copy !req
23. aggravated assault,
Copy !req
24. - Are you out of your mind?
- And murder.
Copy !req
25. Dinner.
Copy !req
26. Ah, come—
hey, I got an idea,
Copy !req
27. why don't you let me
shoot that thing
Copy !req
28. and you can go
pick up the bloody,
Copy !req
29. dead, disgusting
Copy !req
30. What?
Copy !req
31. Try. Breathe.
Copy !req
32. Everything, breathe.
Copy !req
33. Breathe, aim... fire.
Copy !req
34. Here.
Copy !req
35. Aim that tree.
Copy !req
36. Breathe.
Copy !req
37. What does that mean?
Copy !req
38. You will die badly.
Copy !req
39. Get.
Copy !req
40. Ahh!
Copy !req
41. Ahh! Ahh! Ahh!
Wait, wait!
Copy !req
42. You can't leave me here!
Don't do this to me, please!
Copy !req
43. Oh-oh! No!
Copy !req
44. Please! I didn't
do anything!
Copy !req
45. The police think
they know who I am.
Copy !req
46. They think
I'm the vigilante.
Copy !req
47. The man in the hood terrorizing
the city's criminals.
Copy !req
48. They also think
they have me trapped.
Copy !req
49. That I have no way out.
Copy !req
50. They're only half right.
Copy !req
51. This is a mistake.
Copy !req
52. I'll be asking you
a few questions,
Copy !req
53. standard stuff
for the report.
Copy !req
54. Have you been
arrested before?
Copy !req
55. That's ok, I know the answer
to that one,
Copy !req
56. plenty of times.
Copy !req
57. Like I said,
this is a mistake.
Copy !req
58. Far as I can tell,
the only mistake I made
Copy !req
59. was not shooting you
down at the docks
Copy !req
60. when I had a chance.
Copy !req
61. I am not who you think I am.
Copy !req
62. Oh, you're exactly
who I think you are.
Copy !req
63. You're a dangerous
menace who doesn't care
Copy !req
64. about who he hurts,
Copy !req
65. except now you're doing
it with bows and arrows
Copy !req
66. instead of trust funds
and yachts.
Copy !req
67. Detective... you hate me.
Copy !req
68. I get it.
Copy !req
69. But that doesn't make me
a vigilante.
Copy !req
70. No. The security camera
footage of you
Copy !req
71. at the UNIDAC auction
with a green hood
Copy !req
72. does that pretty well.
And as I said again,
Copy !req
73. I ran into the stairwell
once I heard the shooting.
Copy !req
74. I saw a duffel that I thought
maybe belonged to the shooter.
Copy !req
75. I grabbed it, looked inside
and saw... a hood.
Copy !req
76. And what about harassing
Adam Hunt?
Copy !req
77. That just happened
to take place
Copy !req
78. right across the street
from your little homecoming bash.
Copy !req
79. - Those were coincidences.
- No.
Copy !req
80. When they pile up
like that,
Copy !req
81. it becomes evidence.
Copy !req
82. His parents are here.
Tell them to wait.
Copy !req
83. I want to see my son.
Copy !req
84. I'm in the middle
of an interrogation here!
Copy !req
85. Detective Lance,
I know you hate my family,
Copy !req
86. but I had no idea
that you'd go so far
Copy !req
87. to arrest my son
without any grounds whatsoever!
Copy !req
88. I have solid grounds,
and I have evidence.
Copy !req
89. Which you can present
to Mr. Queen's attorney
Copy !req
90. when he gets here.
Copy !req
91. Until then,
this interrogation
Copy !req
92. is over, Detective.
Copy !req
93. Sure. You have
15 minutes.
Copy !req
94. Detective Lance appears to be
on some personal vendetta.
Copy !req
95. He is.
Copy !req
96. He blames me for the death
of his daughter.
Copy !req
97. He also thinks that
I dress up in a green hood
Copy !req
98. and shoot people...
with arrows.
Copy !req
99. The important thing is
not to say anything until
Copy !req
100. your attorney gets here.
Copy !req
101. Fine. I want Laurel.
Copy !req
102. Brilliant.
Copy !req
103. Oliver...
Copy !req
104. I don't think
your ex-girlfriend
Copy !req
105. can be counted on
to be objective here.
Copy !req
106. She knows me better
than anyone.
Copy !req
107. She knows that I could
never be this guy.
Copy !req
108. Walter, you say Lance
has a vendetta?
Copy !req
109. Yes.
I think Laurel
Copy !req
110. can get him off of it.
Copy !req
111. He raised her
to do the right thing.
Copy !req
112. That includes representing
an innocent man.
Copy !req
113. So... Mom.
Copy !req
114. Please.
Copy !req
115. Laurel.
Copy !req
116. - Mrs. Queen! What are you—
- It's Oliver.
Copy !req
117. Something's happened.
It's been all over the news.
Copy !req
118. These charges
are ludicrous.
Copy !req
119. I know.
Copy !req
120. Can I ask you,
who's representing him?
Copy !req
121. Well, that's why I'm here.
Copy !req
122. He wants you to represent him.
Copy !req
123. Me?
Copy !req
124. Yes. I told him
it was a bad idea,
Copy !req
125. but to be frank,
I am desperate.
Copy !req
126. He says if you don't
represent him,
Copy !req
127. then he doesn't want
any attorney.
Copy !req
128. Mrs. Queen, my father
is the arresting officer.
Copy !req
129. Yes.
Copy !req
130. And I don't think
it's a good idea
Copy !req
131. for me to represent someone
who I've been involved with.
Copy !req
132. Listen, I am sorry
Copy !req
133. for what your family
is going through—
Copy !req
134. No apologies.
Copy !req
135. Your idealism, I think,
is why my son,
Copy !req
136. for all his mistakes,
is so smitten with you.
Copy !req
137. Regardless, it was a bad idea
on his part,
Copy !req
138. and I am sorry if I made you
feel uncomfortable.
Copy !req
139. Docket 81941,
Copy !req
140. People vs. Oliver Queen.
Copy !req
141. Murder, aggravated assault,
Copy !req
142. assault with intent,
menacing and trespassing.
Copy !req
143. Where's your attorney,
Mr. Queen?
Copy !req
144. I'm representing myself, Judge.
Copy !req
145. I'm not sure that's the wisest
course, Mr. Queen.
Copy !req
146. I think it is.
Copy !req
147. I'm innocent.
Copy !req
148. Then we'll consider
that your plea.
Copy !req
149. Thank you.
Copy !req
150. Now, as to bail—
Copy !req
151. Your Honor,
Mr. Queen's family
Copy !req
152. owns a pair of private jets,
Copy !req
153. and, well, on the subject
of their wealth,
Copy !req
154. I would point out that
there is virtually no bail amount
Copy !req
155. that can guarantee
his presence at trial.
Copy !req
156. So then I guess
it's a good thing
Copy !req
157. that the people's case
is so circumstantial.
Copy !req
158. Dinah Laurel Lance,
Your Honor.
Copy !req
159. I'd like to file
my appearance
Copy !req
160. on behalf of the defendant.
Copy !req
161. Mr. Queen's wealth
should not deprive him
Copy !req
162. of the right to be
released on bail
Copy !req
163. while under the presumption
of innocence.
Copy !req
164. - He is a flight risk.
- Then minimize the risk.
Copy !req
165. The defendant is willing to submit
to home confinement
Copy !req
166. and electronic monitoring
through the wearing
Copy !req
167. of a UKG45 administrated
ankle device.
Copy !req
168. No, he wouldn't.
Copy !req
169. Your Honor...
Copy !req
170. Bail is set at $15 million.
$5 million bond.
Copy !req
171. Defendant to see probation
Copy !req
172. for the fitting
of a GPS device.
Copy !req
173. I knew you couldn't resist
saving my ass.
Copy !req
174. You're going to make me
regret this, aren't you?
Copy !req
175. No. It's going
to be like old times.
Copy !req
176. Fortunately for you
with the legal case,
Copy !req
177. there's no way that
you're this vigilante.
Copy !req
178. I agree.
Because he's actually
Copy !req
179. trying to make
a difference.
Copy !req
180. We both know that's not
really your style.
Copy !req
181. Mom. It's not that bad.
Copy !req
182. Ok. This device has a direct line
into the precinct.
Copy !req
183. Stay on the property,
you're golden.
Copy !req
184. Any questions?
Copy !req
185. I'm having
a sizeable get together
Copy !req
186. here tomorrow evening, and
there is a better than likely chance
Copy !req
187. it spills into
the outdoor pool.
Copy !req
188. Pool deck's fine.
Step on the grass,
Copy !req
189. they're sending a SWAT team
to forcibly subdue you.
Copy !req
190. Thank you, officer.
Copy !req
191. A "sizeable get together"?
Copy !req
192. I'm confined
to this house
Copy !req
193. for the foreseeable future.
I might as well make the most of it.
Copy !req
194. And this party
is going to be themed.
Copy !req
195. I'm thinking prison,
Copy !req
196. uh, burning man meets
"Shawshank Redemption".
Copy !req
197. The invite says,
"come before Oliver Queen gets off."
Copy !req
198. Maybe a party's not
in the best of taste,
Copy !req
199. you know, considering
the circumstances.
Copy !req
200. Tommy, the circumstances
Copy !req
201. are why we're having
the party in the first place.
Copy !req
202. I want people to know that I'm
not worried about any of this.
Copy !req
203. Well, that makes one of us.
Copy !req
204. Before you start
Copy !req
205. Why would I yell?
Copy !req
206. You're only defending
the man that killed your sister.
Copy !req
207. Oliver did not kill Sarah!
Copy !req
208. If it wasn't for him, she wouldn't
have been on that boat.
Copy !req
209. Have you consider
the possibility
Copy !req
210. that that's the reason
you're trying
Copy !req
211. to make him out
to be this—this menace?
Copy !req
212. No, it is
the video tape,
Copy !req
213. is the suspicious
timing, that is the reason!
Copy !req
214. This is Oliver Queen
we're talking about.
Copy !req
215. He wrecks fancy cars
and he dates models.
Copy !req
216. He doesn't kill people.
Copy !req
217. No, he just uses them,
like he used Sarah
Copy !req
218. and like he used you,
and he's only asked you
Copy !req
219. to be his lawyer
to get at me.
Copy !req
220. No, he asked me to be his lawyer
to get through to you.
Copy !req
221. You hate the Hood
and you hate Oliver,
Copy !req
222. and you want more than anything
for them to be the same person.
Copy !req
223. But Oliver isn't the reason
why Sarah died.
Copy !req
224. Or the reason mom left.
Copy !req
225. I don't have
to listen to this.
Copy !req
226. By the way...
Copy !req
227. You're not the only
one who misses them.
Copy !req
228. Yup?
Copy !req
229. Thank you for coming.
Shut the door.
Copy !req
230. I guess it was just
a matter of time
Copy !req
231. before the police
caught up with you.
Copy !req
232. Except they didn't.
Copy !req
233. Oliver, they
got you on video.
Copy !req
234. I knew the security camera
was there,
Copy !req
235. just like I knew the police
would review the footage
Copy !req
236. and arrest me.
Copy !req
237. All part of the plan.
Copy !req
238. So you wanted
to get arrested?
Copy !req
239. Well, I returned
to Starling City
Copy !req
240. and a few days later,
the vigilante appears.
Copy !req
241. Sooner or later, somebody
was going to make the connection.
Copy !req
242. So what part of serving
yourself up to the cops
Copy !req
243. will help you avoid going to prison for
the rest of your life?
Copy !req
244. There's more to it.
Copy !req
245. Well, there better be,
for your sake,
Copy !req
246. because your family is
freaking out downstairs.
Copy !req
247. Oliver, your mother
and your sister just got you back,
Copy !req
248. and now you're going to put them
through a trial, maybe even worse?
Copy !req
249. Don't you care?
Copy !req
250. Of course I care.
Copy !req
251. The mission comes first.
Copy !req
252. Who is he?
Copy !req
253. Leo Mueller.
German arms dealer.
Copy !req
254. Suspected in the theft
of a hundred M249
Copy !req
255. Squad Automatic Weapons.
Copy !req
256. Ok...
Copy !req
257. Last night he arrived
in Starling City to sell the guns.
Copy !req
258. Oliver,
don't you imagine
Copy !req
259. there's enough trouble
you're in this week
Copy !req
260. than to go after
this guy?
Copy !req
261. I imagine what would happen
if a street gang
Copy !req
262. got their hands
on military-grade hardware.
Copy !req
263. I imagine our city's streets
turned into a war zone.
Copy !req
264. But you're under
house arrest, Oliver,
Copy !req
265. which means you can't
just go after this guy.
Copy !req
266. Look, for now, I would just
like you to shadow Mueller.
Copy !req
267. I would like you
to track his movements.
Copy !req
268. I want to know
where the buy is happening.
Copy !req
269. Ok.
Copy !req
270. And how am I supposed
to track him?
Copy !req
271. Well, you know us
billionaire vigilantes—
Copy !req
272. we do love our toys.
Copy !req
273. Ow!
Copy !req
274. Oooh.
Copy !req
275. Oh, well, that's sweet.
Copy !req
276. You wanted to see me, sir?
Copy !req
277. No. I didn't.
Copy !req
278. In fact, this meeting
isn't taking place.
Copy !req
279. How long have you been
head of security
Copy !req
280. at Queen Consolidated,
Copy !req
281. Going on seven years now, sir.
Copy !req
282. Sounds about right.
Copy !req
283. But what I'm about
to tell you
Copy !req
284. will test the bounds
of your discretion.
Copy !req
285. You're aware
of the "Queen's Gambit",
Copy !req
286. Robert Queen's
ill-fated yacht?
Copy !req
287. Well, I found it.
Copy !req
288. Sir, the boat went down in the
North China Sea five years ago.
Copy !req
289. Which is why
my discovery of its remains
Copy !req
290. in a warehouse downtown
was unexpected, to say the least.
Copy !req
291. I want you to transfer
those remains
Copy !req
292. to a secure location.
Can I count on you?
Copy !req
293. What's going on, sir?
Copy !req
294. That's very much what
I'm trying to determine.
Copy !req
295. Thank you both for coming.
Copy !req
296. No, thank you.
Copy !req
297. It's nice to get out
of the house.
Copy !req
298. I'll cut right to it. Detective Lance
arrested your client
Copy !req
299. without consulting
my office first.
Copy !req
300. So congratulations.
I am willing
Copy !req
301. to consider
a plea in this case.
Copy !req
302. Absolutely not.
Copy !req
303. Mr. Queen spent
five years in seclusion
Copy !req
304. on a deserted island,
cut off from civilization.
Copy !req
305. It is quite possible
he's suffering from some form
Copy !req
306. of post traumatic stress.
Copy !req
307. Given that,
we would support
Copy !req
308. a plea of insanity.
Copy !req
309. Conditional on a period
of indeterminate incarceration
Copy !req
310. at a psychiatric facility.
Copy !req
311. No, thank you.
I'm not crazy.
Copy !req
312. Finally something
we agree on.
Copy !req
313. He's not a nut,
he's a killing machine.
Copy !req
314. Actually,
I'm neither.
Copy !req
315. There is nothing
you can say to me
Copy !req
316. that I would believe.
Copy !req
317. I'll take
a polygraph.
Copy !req
318. Uh, polygraphs
are inadmissible.
Copy !req
319. In front of the jury.
Copy !req
320. I'll take a polygraph
in front of him.
Copy !req
321. He's the one
I need to convince.
Copy !req
322. I'm going to need a minute.
Copy !req
323. You're looking
at life in prison.
Copy !req
324. What Spencer
just offered you is a gift.
Copy !req
325. I'm not crazy.
I am innocent.
Copy !req
326. I kind of want
to take the polygraph.
Copy !req
327. And if I take it
and I fail, then...
Copy !req
328. I will consider
making a deal.
Copy !req
329. Fine.
Copy !req
330. I'll set up the poly.
Copy !req
331. And I will tell Spencer
that we're not pleading out,
Copy !req
332. but Oliver, you have a family.
Copy !req
333. Friends. People
who actually care about you.
Copy !req
334. So don't, for one second,
think you're the only person
Copy !req
335. with something to lose here.
Copy !req
336. I'll be right back.
Copy !req
337. Please, sit.
Copy !req
338. You're making me
feel rude.
Copy !req
339. I do apologize
for my men's
Copy !req
340. treatment of you.
Copy !req
341. They're—
they're trained
Copy !req
342. to view any stranger
as hostile.
Copy !req
343. I'm Edward Fyers,
by the way.
Copy !req
344. And you are?
Copy !req
345. I'm Oliver Queen.
Copy !req
346. I was shipwrecked here.
Copy !req
347. I don't... know
for how long.
Copy !req
348. My family has money.
Copy !req
349. They have lots of money
you would be...
Copy !req
350. You'd be really well compensated
for my rescue.
Copy !req
351. Well, I look
forward to that.
Copy !req
352. But for the moment,
let's just talk.
Copy !req
353. About what?
Copy !req
354. Well, for instance...
Copy !req
355. this gentleman.
Copy !req
356. Do you know him?
Copy !req
357. No.
Copy !req
358. No. Who's he?
Copy !req
359. You're a poor liar.
Copy !req
360. I've been polite.
Copy !req
361. I'll offer you
one more chance
Copy !req
362. before my manners
leave me.
Copy !req
363. Hey, hey.
I don't know this guy.
Copy !req
364. I thought I was
on this island all by myself.
Copy !req
365. Do you know what
this island is named?
Copy !req
366. We're on Lian Yu—
Copy !req
367. Mandarin for "Purgatory",
Copy !req
368. and I can make it
feel like hell.
Copy !req
369. I don't know
why you're protecting him.
Copy !req
370. You're young, foolish.
Copy !req
371. Perhaps you don't know
why, either.
Copy !req
372. Think on that when
you're begging for death.
Copy !req
373. He's yours now.
Copy !req
374. Hey, sweetie.
Copy !req
375. One of the workers
left a keg too far from the bar.
Copy !req
376. Can you ask them
to move it please?
Copy !req
377. I got the ankle... thingie.
Copy !req
378. I don't want to set off
a SWAT invasion.
Copy !req
379. Hey!
Copy !req
380. All this stuff?
Copy !req
381. It's going to be
fine, I promise.
Copy !req
382. Yeah, well, when you and dad
left on the yacht,
Copy !req
383. you promised me I'd see you
in a few days.
Copy !req
384. Which didn't happen.
Copy !req
385. This is different
than that.
Copy !req
386. I didn't do any of this
stuff, you know that.
Copy !req
387. Right?
Copy !req
388. You're out all the time.
Copy !req
389. You have those scars,
Copy !req
390. and since you've been back,
you've been acting really weird.
Copy !req
391. None of this makes me
some Robin Hood wannabe.
Copy !req
392. And you get me this.
Copy !req
393. I mean, it's an arrowhead.
Copy !req
394. Oh, man.
Copy !req
395. Thea,
I bought that
Copy !req
396. in the gift shop
of the Beijing airport.
Copy !req
397. Now I'm sort of happy
I didn't buy you
Copy !req
398. the shot glass
with the panda on it,
Copy !req
399. 'cause then you'd be worried
I was panda man.
Copy !req
400. You know, I knew
you couldn't be
Copy !req
401. this person.
Copy !req
402. I-I just—
Copy !req
403. I can't lose you again.
Copy !req
404. Deal.
Copy !req
405. Moira. Thank you for coming
on such short notice.
Copy !req
406. Yes. Could you please
make this quick?
Copy !req
407. I'm in the midst of somewhat
of a family emergency.
Copy !req
408. Yes, of course.
Copy !req
409. It's all over the local news.
Copy !req
410. Possibly even national.
Copy !req
411. Well, I know what you're thinking.
Do you?
Copy !req
412. My son is not the man
targeting the list.
Copy !req
413. The charges are preposterous.
Copy !req
414. Not according
to the district attorney,
Copy !req
415. assistant
district attorney,
Copy !req
416. investigating detective
in the police department
Copy !req
417. that filed charges
against him.
Copy !req
418. That detective has a vendetta
against my family.
Copy !req
419. Why? Is there
something untoward
Copy !req
420. about your family?
Copy !req
421. If so, something really needs
to be done about that.
Copy !req
422. Is your name
Oliver Queen?
Copy !req
423. You don't know
who I am, Detective?
Copy !req
424. The questions are to calibrate
the polygraph.
Copy !req
425. Is your name Oliver Queen?
Copy !req
426. Were you born
in Starling City
Copy !req
427. May 16th, 1985?
Copy !req
428. Yes.
Copy !req
429. Is your hair blue?
Copy !req
430. Have you ever been to
Iron Heights prison?
Copy !req
431. No.
Copy !req
432. Are you the man
in this picture?
Copy !req
433. Where can I find the man
in this picture?
Copy !req
434. No.
Copy !req
435. You steal 40 million dollars
off Adam Hunt?
Copy !req
436. No, I didn't.
Were you marooned
Copy !req
437. on an island called Lian Yu for 5 years?
Copy !req
438. How is that
even relevant?
Copy !req
439. I don't need
to show relevance,
Copy !req
440. but since you asked,
whatever happened
Copy !req
441. to your client on that island turned
him into a cold blooded killer.
Copy !req
442. No!
Copy !req
443. The physician that examined you
reported that
Copy !req
444. 20% of your body
is covered in scar tissue.
Copy !req
445. The machine won't work
unless you ask a question.
Copy !req
446. Did that happen
to you there?
Copy !req
447. Yes.
Copy !req
448. When you came back,
Copy !req
449. you told everyone that you
were alone on that island.
Copy !req
450. Are you claiming
that your scars were...
Copy !req
451. Self-inflicted?
Copy !req
452. No.
Copy !req
453. I wasn't alone.
Copy !req
454. I didn't want to talk about what
happened to me on the island.
Copy !req
455. Why not?
Copy !req
456. Because the people
that were there tortured me.
Copy !req
457. Have you killed anyone?
Copy !req
458. Yes.
Copy !req
459. When I asked
your daughter Sarah
Copy !req
460. to come on my father's
yacht with me.
Copy !req
461. I killed your daughter.
Copy !req
462. I'd have
to study the data,
Copy !req
463. but just eyeballing it,
he's telling the truth.
Copy !req
464. Hmm.
Copy !req
465. Can I assume that
you'll be recommending
Copy !req
466. Ms. Spencer to drop
all charges against my client?
Copy !req
467. No.
Copy !req
468. I know a guilty man
when I see one.
Copy !req
469. He is guilty, whether you can
see it or not.
Copy !req
470. Hi, everybody!
Copy !req
471. Hey!
Copy !req
472. I'm very touched
that you came
Copy !req
473. to celebrate with me
before I am
Copy !req
474. sent up the river.
Copy !req
475. Closest neighbors
are six miles away,
Copy !req
476. so don't worry
about the noise.
Copy !req
477. Actually,
on second thought...
Copy !req
478. Let's wake
those losers up!
Copy !req
479. Whoo!
Copy !req
480. If you think this is what
prison's like,
Copy !req
481. you are in
for a rude awakening.
Copy !req
482. Mueller's car has been parked
in the warehouse district
Copy !req
483. of the Glades
for 45 minutes.
Copy !req
484. Yeah, that's a good place
for an arms deal.
Copy !req
485. Ok, since this is
going down tonight,
Copy !req
486. what do we do, drop a dime
on Mueller with the cops?
Copy !req
487. No, the man in the Hood.
Copy !req
488. He's going to stop them.
Copy !req
489. Oliver, you can't
leave the house.
Copy !req
490. It doesn't have to be me
in the hood.
Copy !req
491. That's why you threw
this ridiculous party?
Copy !req
492. So you have
a hundred witnesses
Copy !req
493. placing you here
at the house
Copy !req
494. while I'm supposed to be across
town dressed as a vigilante?
Copy !req
495. I thought that it was
going to be good enough
Copy !req
496. just for you to be seen
in the hood.
Copy !req
497. I didn't count
on Mueller showing up
Copy !req
498. and I didn't count
on the possibility
Copy !req
499. that the Glades
could be flooded
Copy !req
500. with machine guns.
Copy !req
501. Look.
Copy !req
502. I promise, it was
never my intention
Copy !req
503. to put you in harm's way.
Copy !req
504. Oliver, I didn't think
joining your crusade was
Copy !req
505. ever going to be risk-free.
Copy !req
506. I just don't like
being played.
Copy !req
507. Now you might have gotten used
to lying to everyone else in your life,
Copy !req
508. but I'm the one guy
you don't lie to.
Copy !req
509. You're right.
Copy !req
510. I'm sorry.
Copy !req
511. So am I going
to jail?
Copy !req
512. No, man.
Copy !req
513. I got to stop an arms deal.
Copy !req
514. Hello?
Copy !req
515. Mr. Steel, I'm sorry
to bother you, sir.
Copy !req
516. This is Mike Vogel
down in security.
Copy !req
517. But I have some
sad news for you.
Copy !req
518. The company's head
of security, Josiah Hudson,
Copy !req
519. was in a car accident tonight.
Copy !req
520. He's dead, sir.
Copy !req
521. Hello.
Copy !req
522. Do we have a legal meeting
or something?
Copy !req
523. Because I have friends over.
Copy !req
524. Do you think maybe you can
tear yourself away
Copy !req
525. from this inappropriately
themed rave
Copy !req
526. for a couple minutes?
Copy !req
527. Wow.
Copy !req
528. I can't remember
the last time
Copy !req
529. that I've been
in this room.
Copy !req
530. I can. Halloween, 2005.
Copy !req
531. We were getting ready
for Tommy's party.
Copy !req
532. Ah. Yes.
Copy !req
533. I wore those
horrible fishnets.
Copy !req
534. I thought
you looked good.
Copy !req
535. Listen...
Copy !req
536. I just wanted
to come by and apologize
Copy !req
537. for my father's behavior today.
Copy !req
538. During the polygraph.
Copy !req
539. You don't have
to apologize for him.
Copy !req
540. He has a right to feel any way
that he wants.
Copy !req
541. It wasn't just Sarah, Ollie.
Copy !req
542. What do you mean?
Copy !req
543. After Sarah died,
Copy !req
544. my father threw himself
into his work.
Copy !req
545. I think that's part
of the reason I'm an attorney.
Copy !req
546. He ran to the law
and I followed.
Copy !req
547. But my mother couldn't.
Copy !req
548. So she left him.
Copy !req
549. Left us.
Copy !req
550. Look, I'm not trying
to tell you this
Copy !req
551. to make you feel bad, or worse.
Copy !req
552. I just—I really want you
to understand him.
Copy !req
553. Why don't you hate me?
Copy !req
554. You should.
Copy !req
555. I did.
Copy !req
556. For so long,
I did, Ollie.
Copy !req
557. But after today,
I realized that...
Copy !req
558. I was so focused
on what happened to my family
Copy !req
559. that I didn't even
stop and wonder
Copy !req
560. what could have
happened to you.
Copy !req
561. I didn't know about
the torture, or your scars.
Copy !req
562. What happened to you
on that island
Copy !req
563. was far more
than you deserved.
Copy !req
564. And I was wrong
Copy !req
565. that I didn't ask you before,
Copy !req
566. but I'm asking you now.
Copy !req
567. I need to know.
I need to see.
Copy !req
568. Are you sure?
Copy !req
569. Yes.
Copy !req
570. How did you survive this?
Copy !req
571. There were times
when I wanted to die.
Copy !req
572. In the end...
Copy !req
573. there was something
I wanted more.
Copy !req
574. No. Laurel,
you don't have to go.
Copy !req
575. Oh, God.
I have to.
Copy !req
576. Amazing.
Copy !req
577. You have resolve
I didn't credit you for.
Copy !req
578. Or perhaps he truly
doesn't know anything.
Copy !req
579. We should put him
out of his misery.
Copy !req
580. It's an M249
machine gun.
Copy !req
581. Gas-powered, air-cooled,
Copy !req
582. fires up to 800 rounds
per minute.
Copy !req
583. We need to move, now!
Copy !req
584. What are you doing?
Get out of here!
Copy !req
585. Move! Let's go!
Copy !req
586. Well.
Copy !req
587. I'm not accustomed
to being summoned
Copy !req
588. to the office
in the middle of the night.
Copy !req
589. Well, what was it
that was so important
Copy !req
590. that I had to race down here?
Copy !req
591. I found the "Queen's
Gambit", Moira.
Copy !req
592. I know you secretly
had the boat salvaged.
Copy !req
593. I wanted to move it
to a more secure location
Copy !req
594. before confronting you about it.
In fact, I sent Josiah Hudson
Copy !req
595. to the warehouse
for precisely that purpose.
Copy !req
596. But he died mysteriously
in a car accident.
Copy !req
597. I hope you now have
a better understanding
Copy !req
598. of why it is I've been
so distant of late.
Copy !req
599. It's very disconcerting
to discover
Copy !req
600. that the person with whom
you share your home,
Copy !req
601. your bed and your heart
Copy !req
602. has been lying to you
so convincingly,
Copy !req
603. and I would be a fool
not to consider
Copy !req
604. all the things that you
have told me were lies.
Copy !req
605. Walter, you're my husband, I—
Copy !req
606. Yes, I am.
Copy !req
607. Walter, please.
Copy !req
608. You've got to stop
looking into this, it's not safe.
Copy !req
609. You'll be—you'll be
upsetting people,
Copy !req
610. people with influence.
Copy !req
611. You are very far
out of your depth.
Copy !req
612. Man in the hood, one,
gangbangers, zero.
Copy !req
613. Hang on.
Copy !req
614. Yeah?
Copy !req
615. Mr. Queen, if you're
entertaining guests upstairs,
Copy !req
616. should I have
some drinks sent up?
Copy !req
617. No. It's just me up here and I'm on
my way back down.
Copy !req
618. Good job.
Copy !req
619. Now get back here.
Copy !req
620. Yeah. Yep.
Copy !req
621. How did you know
I was in trouble?
Copy !req
622. Because when the guy
was fighting you,
Copy !req
623. he broke the ankle monitor.
Are you all right?
Copy !req
624. I'm fine.
Copy !req
625. Mom. I promise.
Copy !req
626. This is on you.
By accusing my son publicly,
Copy !req
627. you've made him a target.
Copy !req
628. Do you have any idea
who attacked Oliver?
Copy !req
629. We haven't identified him.
Though it must be someone
Copy !req
630. with a grudge against
the Hood, obviously.
Copy !req
631. What are you doing?
Copy !req
632. I got a call from my lieutenant.
Copy !req
633. An arms dealer was attacked
across town tonight.
Copy !req
634. By the vigilante.
Multiple witnesses put him there.
Copy !req
635. In light of that, all charges against
your son are being dropped.
Copy !req
636. I'm truly sorry for what's happened
to your family, Quentin.
Copy !req
637. But would you kindly get
the hell out of my house?
Copy !req
638. Mr. Lance...
Copy !req
639. Thank you.
Copy !req
640. Moira.
Copy !req
641. Did we have an appointment?
No, but I decided
Copy !req
642. to screw propriety after you
tried to have my son killed.
Copy !req
643. I'm sure you understand,
Copy !req
644. I was justified
in suspecting your son
Copy !req
645. of being the vigilante
targeting our associates.
Copy !req
646. I had to take steps.
Copy !req
647. And now that you know
your steps were taken in error,
Copy !req
648. that Oliver
is not your enemy.
Copy !req
649. I offer my sincerest apologies.
Copy !req
650. I know you found out I had
the yacht salvaged,
Copy !req
651. just as I know you had
Josiah Hudson killed.
Copy !req
652. Well, accidents tend to befall
people who are too curious.
Copy !req
653. I've been
the good soldier.
Copy !req
654. I've done
everything you asked.
Copy !req
655. But if any member
of my family
Copy !req
656. so much as gets
a paper cut,
Copy !req
657. I will burn your entire world
to ashes.
Copy !req
658. I tell you,
island dangerous,
Copy !req
659. but you not tell them
where to find me.
Copy !req
660. You stronger than I thought.
Take it.
Copy !req
661. I lead them off,
you stay.
Copy !req
662. Remember everything breathe.
Copy !req
663. You breathe,
you survive here longer.
Copy !req
664. No! I'm coming with you!
Copy !req
665. Rough party.
Copy !req
666. My father told me
what happened.
Copy !req
667. Are you ok?
Copy !req
668. Yeah, I'm fine.
Copy !req
669. These are your
polygraph results.
Copy !req
670. My father asked you if you'd
ever been to Iron Heights.
Copy !req
671. It's the prison where the vigilante
saved me last week.
Copy !req
672. It's also where you and I went
on our eighth grade field trip.
Copy !req
673. When you said
that you had never been there,
Copy !req
674. I thought maybe
you were just nervous,
Copy !req
675. or that you'd forgotten.
Copy !req
676. But then I looked
at your results,
Copy !req
677. and there is a slight flutter
in your answer to that question.
Copy !req
678. And if you lied on one,
Copy !req
679. you could have lied
on others.
Copy !req
680. What happened to me
being too selfish
Copy !req
681. to be a masked crusader?
Copy !req
682. Oliver!
I saw your scars.
Copy !req
683. Do you want to know why
Copy !req
684. I don't talk about
what happened to me there?
Copy !req
685. Because if people knew;
Copy !req
686. if you knew...
Copy !req
687. You'd see me differently.
Copy !req
688. And not as some...
Copy !req
689. vigilante guy.
Copy !req
690. As damaged.
Copy !req
691. I don't sleep.
Copy !req
692. I barely eat.
Copy !req
693. I can barely sign my name,
Copy !req
694. let alone aim
a bow and arrow.
Copy !req
695. After last night...
Copy !req
696. clearly we're still
attracted to one another.
Copy !req
697. Oliver.
Copy !req
698. Nothing can ever
happen between us.
Copy !req
699. I know.
Copy !req
700. So you lied to her.
Copy !req
701. Or maybe you just gave her
a version of the truth.
Copy !req
702. I told her what
she needed to hear, Diggle.
Copy !req
703. She was too close.
Copy !req
704. Sad thing is, I think you
actually believe that.
Copy !req
705. I think things didn't go down
exactly how you planned.
Copy !req
706. You didn't count on
so many people having questions,
Copy !req
707. doubting you.
Copy !req
708. You didn't think about
what happens when you lie.
Copy !req
709. Thank you, Chris.
Copy !req
710. Especially when you lie to
the ones you love the most.
Copy !req
711. What is this?
Copy !req
712. Business trip.
Copy !req
713. I decided it's long overdue
Copy !req
714. for me to inspect
our holdings in Melbourne.
Copy !req
715. And how long
will you be?
Copy !req
716. I don't know.
Copy !req
717. When you were
stuck on that island
Copy !req
718. plotting your grand plan
to save the city,
Copy !req
719. I don't think you stopped
to consider the effect
Copy !req
720. it would have
on the people in your life.
Copy !req
721. Let's go.
Copy !req
722. You're ok.
No, no, no.
Copy !req
723. Or how it might hurt them.
Copy !req
724. You're wrong.
Copy !req
725. I think about it
all the time.
Copy !req
726. And just to be clear,
Copy !req
727. not being able to tell my family
the truth...
Copy !req
728. It doesn't hurt anyone worse
than it hurts me.
Copy !req
729. Where are you going?
Copy !req
730. Mueller still has to sell those guns
and I have to stop him.
Copy !req
731. Oliver...
He had his chance.
Copy !req
732. 28 crates,
four guns in each crate,
Copy !req
733. $250,000 cash.
Copy !req
734. Take it or leave it.
Copy !req
735. That's the deal.
Copy !req
736. Leo Mueller,
Copy !req
737. you have failed
this city.
Copy !req