1. My name is Oliver Queen.
Copy !req
2. For 5 years, I was stranded
Copy !req
3. on an island
with only one goal—
Copy !req
4. survive.
Copy !req
5. Oliver Queen is alive.
Copy !req
6. Now I will fulfill
my father's dying wish...
Copy !req
7. You can
survive this.
Copy !req
8. To use the list
of names he left me
Copy !req
9. and bring down those
who are poisoning my city.
Copy !req
10. To do this, I must
become someone else.
Copy !req
11. I must become
something else.
Copy !req
12. Previously on "Arrow"...
Copy !req
13. How am I supposed
to stay away from you
Copy !req
14. if you won't
stay away from me?
Copy !req
15. John Diggle. He'll be accompanying
you from now on.
Copy !req
16. I think I'm just beginning
to understand
Copy !req
17. the kind of man you are.
Copy !req
18. Hey.
Copy !req
19. Oliver?
Copy !req
20. You're that vigilante.
Copy !req
21. Easy, Dig.
Copy !req
22. You were poisoned.
Copy !req
23. Son of a bitch.
Copy !req
24. Come on.
Copy !req
25. Come on.
Copy !req
26. I could have
taken you anywhere,
Copy !req
27. could have
taken you home.
Copy !req
28. I brought you here.
Copy !req
29. You really did lose your mind
on that island.
Copy !req
30. Found a couple things
along the way.
Copy !req
31. Like what,
archery classes?
Copy !req
32. Clarity.
Copy !req
33. Starling City is dying.
Copy !req
34. It is being poisoned
by a criminal elite
Copy !req
35. who don't care
who they hurt,
Copy !req
36. as long as they maintain their
wealth and power.
Copy !req
37. What are you gonna do,
Copy !req
38. take 'em all down
by your lonesome?
Copy !req
39. No.
Copy !req
40. Now, I want you
to join me.
Copy !req
41. Special Forces out of Kandahar.
It's perfect.
Copy !req
42. You're a fellow soldier.
Copy !req
43. Oliver,
you're not a soldier.
Copy !req
44. You're a criminal.
Copy !req
45. And a murderer.
Copy !req
46. Where were you?
Copy !req
47. What?
Copy !req
48. What are you doing here?
Copy !req
49. I heard about
the shooting,
Copy !req
50. and I wanted to make sure
you were ok.
Copy !req
51. You did?
Copy !req
52. Yeah.
Copy !req
53. I knocked
on the door,
Copy !req
54. and I found a family
terrified for you.
Copy !req
55. They had no idea
where you were.
Copy !req
56. Oh.
Copy !req
57. Oliver, are you
so self-centered
Copy !req
58. that you don't think that people
who care about you
Copy !req
59. are gonna wonder where you
are after you all got shot at?
Copy !req
60. You're right.
Copy !req
61. I made peace with your
selfishness a long time ago,
Copy !req
62. but Moira, Thea,
and Walter,
Copy !req
63. they don't
deserve that.
Copy !req
64. They deserve better,
Copy !req
65. someone who doesn't care
only about himself.
Copy !req
66. Laurel...
Copy !req
67. thank you for coming.
Copy !req
68. I care about the lives
of other people, Oliver.
Copy !req
69. Maybe you should
try it sometime.
Copy !req
70. Oh, man.
Copy !req
71. That was harsh.
Copy !req
72. You ok?
Copy !req
73. Sure.
Copy !req
74. Second time tonight
that a friend of mine
Copy !req
75. has taken me
to the woodshed.
Copy !req
76. Kind of tires you out.
Copy !req
77. Yeah.
Copy !req
78. Good night.
Good night.
Copy !req
79. Shengcún.
Copy !req
80. What am I supposed
to do with that?
Copy !req
81. Shengcún.
Copy !req
82. Does that mean "bird"?
Copy !req
83. Shengcún!
Copy !req
84. I don't speak Chinese!
Copy !req
85. I'm sorry, Laurel.
Copy !req
86. I'm so sorry.
Copy !req
87. There were
no signs of forced entry
Copy !req
88. or any evidence
of a struggle,
Copy !req
89. but, hours later, the police found
that the bloodstained
Copy !req
90. kitchen knife in the trunk...
Copy !req
91. Couldn't sleep,
Copy !req
92. No.
Forensic analysis verified...
Copy !req
93. What are you watching?
Copy !req
94. Peter Declan.
Blood on the blade...
Copy !req
95. Hmm?
Peter Declan's fingerprints...
Copy !req
96. A guy who killed
his wife.
Copy !req
97. Despite the growing
list of evidence...
Copy !req
98. Right. This guy
killed his wife
Copy !req
99. in their baby's room.
Copy !req
100. Camille was
everything to me.
Copy !req
101. I couldn't kill her any more than I
could kill myself.
Copy !req
102. So why can't you sleep?
Copy !req
103. Bad dreams.
Copy !req
104. About?
Copy !req
105. Laurel.
Copy !req
106. So why don't you
make a play?
Copy !req
107. I mean, she did
come over here
Copy !req
108. just to make sure
you didn't get shot.
Copy !req
109. There are reasons.
Copy !req
110. Mm, what are they?
Copy !req
111. Besides you sleeping
with her sister
Copy !req
112. and her sister dying
Copy !req
113. and her father
hating your guts
Copy !req
114. and you basically
being a jerk
Copy !req
115. to everybody since
you've been back?
Copy !req
116. Those are the top ones.
Copy !req
117. I know that it might not seem
like it sometimes, but...
Copy !req
118. I'm not the same person
I used to be.
Copy !req
119. So show her.
Copy !req
120. Be yourself.
Copy !req
121. I mean
your new self.
Copy !req
122. How did you sleep?
Copy !req
123. Just fine.
Thank you.
Copy !req
124. We have
a visitor.
Copy !req
125. Hmm. Mr. Diggle's
Copy !req
126. Replacement?
Copy !req
127. Yes. He tendered
his resignation this morning.
Copy !req
128. Did he say why?
Copy !req
129. He said he didn't approve of the way
you spend your evenings,
Copy !req
130. particularly given that they always begin
with you ditching him.
Copy !req
131. Hi.
Copy !req
132. Mr. Queen,
Rob Scott.
Copy !req
133. I'll be your
new body man.
Copy !req
134. That's a firm grip
you got there, rob.
Copy !req
135. That's 5 years SWAT
with Monument Point M.C.U.
Copy !req
136. I feel safer already.
Copy !req
137. Ah, thank God we
don't have to hear about
Copy !req
138. this awful man anymore.
Copy !req
139. Declan's execution is set for
midnight 2 days from now.
Copy !req
140. Camille Declan's
former employer,
Copy !req
141. Jason Brodeur, released
a statement saying, quote,
Copy !req
142. "I hope this gives Camille
the peace she deserves."
Copy !req
143. Jason Brodeur?
Copy !req
144. What?
Copy !req
145. The dead wife worked
for Jason Brodeur.
Copy !req
146. Apparently so. What—
Copy !req
147. why?
Copy !req
148. No reason.
Copy !req
149. Say, Rob, I want
to go into town.
Copy !req
150. Could you please
get the car for me?
Copy !req
151. No offense,
Mr. Queen,
Copy !req
152. but I have been filled in
on your tendency
Copy !req
153. to slip the leash.
Copy !req
154. If it's all the same to you,
I'd prefer
Copy !req
155. keeping you in my sights
at all times.
Copy !req
156. We're 20 miles
from the city.
Copy !req
157. If you don't drive me,
Copy !req
158. how else am I
gonna get there?
Copy !req
159. Right?
Copy !req
160. I like him.
Copy !req
161. Hey!
Copy !req
162. They say Peter Declan
murdered his wife in cold blood.
Copy !req
163. He had no alibi,
Copy !req
164. and all the evidence
pointed toward him.
Copy !req
165. He was tried, convicted,
and sentenced to death,
Copy !req
166. an open-and-shut case,
Copy !req
167. except for one thing.
Copy !req
168. Declan's wife Camille
worked for Jason Brodeur.
Copy !req
169. And Jason Brodeur
is on the list.
Copy !req
170. Mr. Brodeur.
Copy !req
171. Admiring your handiwork?
Copy !req
172. You should have just let me
kill both of 'em.
Copy !req
173. Peter Declan is
worth more alive.
Copy !req
174. "Husband kills wife" is
a much better headline
Copy !req
175. than "whistle-blower uncovers
toxic dumping," don't you think?
Copy !req
176. Either way, 48 hours,
Copy !req
177. all this'll be over.
Copy !req
178. The odds are good that
Brodeur is involved in this woman's murder,
Copy !req
179. which means an innocent man
is facing execution.
Copy !req
180. He'll need a good attorney.
Copy !req
181. So I take it there's
absolutely no point
Copy !req
182. in asking if you'd
like to grab a drink?
Copy !req
183. I can't. I have to go over transcripts
for the Fernands case.
Copy !req
184. You know, if you go somewhere
that's not work or your home,
Copy !req
185. your odds of meeting someone
increase by, like, a gazillion percent.
Copy !req
186. Oh, that's not true.
Copy !req
187. I could still get mugged
on the way home.
Copy !req
188. In that case, I hope
he's cute and single.
Copy !req
189. Good night, Joanna.
Copy !req
190. Hello, Laurel.
Copy !req
191. Don't move!
Copy !req
192. I'm not gonna hurt you.
Copy !req
193. Stay back.
My father's a cop.
Copy !req
194. You are making
a huge mistake.
Copy !req
195. I'm not the person
you think I am,
Copy !req
196. and I need your help.
Copy !req
197. Peter Declan is gonna
be executed in 48 hours.
Copy !req
198. I think he's innocent.
Copy !req
199. Declan's wife was gonna blow
the whistle on Jason Brodeur.
Copy !req
200. Brodeur had her murdered.
Copy !req
201. There are a thousand lawyers
in Starling City.
Copy !req
202. Why me?
Copy !req
203. We're both trying to help.
Copy !req
204. What makes you sure
I'm gonna help you?
Copy !req
205. Because I know
you'd do anything
Copy !req
206. to save the life
of an innocent man.
Copy !req
207. A jury has charged you
as guilty, Mr. Declan.
Copy !req
208. The evidence was
stacked against me,
Copy !req
209. but I didn't
kill my wife.
Copy !req
210. I didn't take my daughter's
mother from her.
Copy !req
211. The murder weapon
was a knife
Copy !req
212. from your kitchen
with your prints on it.
Copy !req
213. It was found,
along with Camille's blood,
Copy !req
214. in the trunk
of your car.
Copy !req
215. Your neighbors said they heard
an argument that night.
Copy !req
216. We had a knockdown fight
over Jason Brodeur.
Copy !req
217. Camille worked for him,
Copy !req
218. and his company had been
dumping toxic waste into the Glades.
Copy !req
219. Now, Camille told me that she'd
gone and told a supervisor about it.
Copy !req
220. I was afraid for
my family's safety.
Copy !req
221. And we argued
Copy !req
222. very loudly, yes.
Copy !req
223. Izzy started crying,
Copy !req
224. so Camille went and
stayed in her room.
Copy !req
225. In the morning,
I went to apologize,
Copy !req
226. and that's
when I found her.
Copy !req
227. So I just
grabbed Izzy,
Copy !req
228. and I ran outside,
and I called 911.
Copy !req
229. I'm innocent,
Ms. Lance.
Copy !req
230. Well, it looks
like someone forgot
Copy !req
231. a lunch date
with his wife.
Copy !req
232. What do you mean?
Copy !req
233. Lunch isn't
for another—
Copy !req
234. 45 minutes ago.
I'm so sorry.
Copy !req
235. It's all right. The restaurant
is holding our table.
Copy !req
236. Is there
something wrong?
Copy !req
237. Compliance department
has tagged something,
Copy !req
238. $2.6 million withdrawal
Copy !req
239. from one of our
Vancouver subsidiaries.
Copy !req
240. What—you mean—
are you saying that someone
Copy !req
241. embezzled $2.6 million
from the company?
Copy !req
242. Well, it's probably
a bookkeeping error,
Copy !req
243. but compliance
is understandably
Copy !req
244. worried about
an irs audit.
Copy !req
245. Hmm.
Copy !req
246. But don't worry.
Copy !req
247. I'm sure it's nothing.
Come on.
Copy !req
248. We're gonna be late.
Copy !req
249. On our way.
Copy !req
250. Well, I wasn't
the lead on this,
Copy !req
251. but from what I recall,
we had fingerprints.
Copy !req
252. We had blood.
We got motive, everything.
Copy !req
253. Brodeur seems
like the type of guy
Copy !req
254. with resources
needed to frame someone.
Copy !req
255. Laurel, in 24 hours,
Peter Declan is lying down
Copy !req
256. with a needle in his arm,
and he's not getting up.
Copy !req
257. If I thought for a second we didn't
have the right guy,
Copy !req
258. do you think there's anything
else I'd be doing right now
Copy !req
259. except trying to get at
what really happened?
Copy !req
260. Declan said his wife
went to her supervisor
Copy !req
261. with allegations that Brodeur was
dumping toxic waste.
Copy !req
262. Yeah, but that supervisor,
Copy !req
263. he said
that never happened.
Copy !req
264. Let me see.
What was his name?
Copy !req
265. Here you go.
Istook, Matt Istook.
Copy !req
266. He said he didn't even
see Camille that day.
Copy !req
267. Happy now?
Copy !req
268. Yes.
Copy !req
269. You know, I thought
it'd be a cold day in hell
Copy !req
270. before you started
defending criminals.
Copy !req
271. I'm not so sure
Declan's a criminal.
Copy !req
272. Like you said,
he's on a clock.
Copy !req
273. Can't leave
any stone unturned.
Copy !req
274. Oh, yeah.
Copy !req
275. So when are you
gonna tell me?
Copy !req
276. Hmm?
Copy !req
277. About what happened
to your arm.
Copy !req
278. Oh, it's my shoulder,
Copy !req
279. and it's—it's fine.
Copy !req
280. I knew that Queen guy
was trouble.
Copy !req
281. Hey, I never said this happened
protecting Queen.
Copy !req
282. Oh, yeah?
Copy !req
283. Then what's
he doing here?
Copy !req
284. Area is secure, sir.
Copy !req
285. Thank you very much, rob.
Copy !req
286. Hello, Diggle's
sister-in-law Carly.
Copy !req
287. I'm Oliver Queen.
I know who you are.
Copy !req
288. No, you really don't.
Copy !req
289. Hello.
Copy !req
290. I couldn't
help but notice
Copy !req
291. a distinct lack of police cars
when I got home.
Copy !req
292. I knew you wouldn't
drop a dime on me.
Copy !req
293. So have you
considered my offer?
Copy !req
294. Offer.
Copy !req
295. That's one hell
of a way to put it.
Copy !req
296. It is an offer.
Copy !req
297. It's a chance to do
the kind of good
Copy !req
298. that compelled you
to join the military.
Copy !req
299. Please.
Copy !req
300. You were born with a platinum spoon
in your mouth, Queen.
Copy !req
301. What, you spent 5 years on an island
with no room service,
Copy !req
302. and suddenly you
found religion?
Copy !req
303. This was my father's.
Copy !req
304. I found it
when I buried him.
Copy !req
305. I thought you said your father
died when the boat went down.
Copy !req
306. We both made it
to a life raft,
Copy !req
307. but there wasn't enough
food and water
Copy !req
308. for both of us,
so he shot himself in the head.
Copy !req
309. And as much
as he was doing it
Copy !req
310. to give me
a chance to survive,
Copy !req
311. I believe that he
was also atoning for his sins.
Copy !req
312. I need to right
the wrongs done by my family,
Copy !req
313. and I'm offering you
the chance
Copy !req
314. to right the wrongs
done to yours.
Copy !req
315. Oliver, what are
you talking about?
Copy !req
316. The police never caught
your brother's shooter.
Copy !req
317. Hey, you leave Andy
out of this.
Copy !req
318. The bullets were laced
with curare.
Copy !req
319. That's
Floyd Lawton's M.O.
Copy !req
320. He is the sniper
that I stopped.
Copy !req
321. Are you trying
to tell me
Copy !req
322. that you took down
Andy's killer?
Copy !req
323. I'm—I'm giving you
the chance,
Copy !req
324. a chance to help
other people's families.
Copy !req
325. Do you remember
when the people
Copy !req
326. in this city
helped each other?
Copy !req
327. They can't
do that anymore,
Copy !req
328. because a group
of people,
Copy !req
329. people like my father,
Copy !req
330. they see nothing wrong
with raising themselves up
Copy !req
331. by stepping on
other people's throats.
Copy !req
332. It does need to stop,
Copy !req
333. and if it's not
gonna be the courts
Copy !req
334. and it's not gonna
be the cops...
Copy !req
335. Then it's
gonna be me.
Copy !req
336. And, I hope, you.
Copy !req
337. I'm gonna go
to the washroom, Rob.
Copy !req
338. Oh, that boy's
long gone, man.
Copy !req
339. Phew.
Copy !req
340. You still following
the money trail?
Copy !req
341. Mm-hmm.
Copy !req
342. Don't we have accountants
for that sort of thing?
Copy !req
343. They're being singularly ineffective
in this instance.
Copy !req
344. Well, then...
Copy !req
345. it's fortunate that
I've solved the mystery.
Copy !req
346. I think I'm the culprit.
Copy !req
347. 2.6 million is
a rather specific figure.
Copy !req
348. That's the exact amount
the company invested
Copy !req
349. in a friend's start-up venture
3 years ago.
Copy !req
350. I will call accounting.
They'll clean it all up.
Copy !req
351. Then there's nothing
to worry about.
Copy !req
352. Ok.
Copy !req
353. You really are putting a lot of hours
into this Declan thing.
Copy !req
354. You actually think
he's innocent.
Copy !req
355. Someone does.
Copy !req
356. So you said,
Copy !req
357. but you didn't
say who.
Copy !req
358. The guardian angel.
Copy !req
359. The guy in the hood?
Copy !req
360. Look, you're—
you're kidding.
Copy !req
361. He tracked me down and asked me
to look into the Declan case.
Copy !req
362. But you've met him?
Copy !req
363. But he goes
against everything
Copy !req
364. that I was ever taught
to believe in.
Copy !req
365. He breaks the law
and God knows what else.
Copy !req
366. How are you not afraid
that he is gonna do
Copy !req
367. God knows what to you?
Copy !req
368. He won't.
Copy !req
369. I don't know.
I can feel it.
Copy !req
370. You know, when I told you
to meet someone,
Copy !req
371. this is far, far away
from what I meant.
Copy !req
372. I got your message.
Copy !req
373. Is there a reason
we can't do this face to face?
Copy !req
374. You've met
with Peter Declan.
Copy !req
375. You were right.
Copy !req
376. He might be innocent.
Copy !req
377. Declan said his wife
blew the whistle on Brodeur
Copy !req
378. the day she was murdered.
Copy !req
379. Then we need to get whoever
Copy !req
380. she told about
Brodeur to testify.
Copy !req
381. He already has.
Copy !req
382. Matt Istook,
Camille's supervisor.
Copy !req
383. Only, he says that she didn't say
a word to him.
Copy !req
384. He could be lying.
Copy !req
385. Well, if he is,
then he's very convincing.
Copy !req
386. He had the jury
and police believing him.
Copy !req
387. He hasn't been
questioned by me.
Copy !req
388. I didn't
become a lawyer
Copy !req
389. to break the law
or hurt anybody.
Copy !req
390. I do what's necessary,
Copy !req
391. what people
like Peter Declan need.
Copy !req
392. If what you're doing
isn't wrong...
Copy !req
393. Then why are you
hiding your face with a hood?
Copy !req
394. To protect the ones
I care about.
Copy !req
395. That sounds lonely.
Copy !req
396. It can be.
Copy !req
397. But not today.
Copy !req
398. I've got one question.
Copy !req
399. Why am I being fired?
Copy !req
400. Ms. Smoak, isn't it?
Copy !req
401. And I am without a doubt
Copy !req
402. the single most valuable member
of your technical division.
Copy !req
403. That's including
my so-called "supervisor."
Copy !req
404. Letting me go would be a major error
for this company.
Copy !req
405. I agree, which is why you're
not being fired.
Copy !req
406. Uh, I assumed when
you brought me up here,
Copy !req
407. it was because...
Copy !req
408. It's because I wanted
you to look into something for me.
Copy !req
409. A variance
of $2.6 million
Copy !req
410. on a failed investment
from 3 years ago.
Copy !req
411. It was authorized
by my wife.
Copy !req
412. I was hoping
you could find out
Copy !req
413. some of the details
of the transaction for me.
Copy !req
414. Find out...
Copy !req
415. Dig up discreetly.
Copy !req
416. I'm your girl.
Copy !req
417. I mean,
I'm not your girl.
Copy !req
418. I wasn't
making a pass at you.
Copy !req
419. Thank you
for not firing me.
Copy !req
420. Ahh.
Copy !req
421. What the...
Copy !req
422. Matt Istook.
Copy !req
423. You're him,
that hood guy.
Copy !req
424. You're the guy
that's been terrorizing the city.
Copy !req
425. Peter Declan,
Copy !req
426. your lies helped
put him on death row.
Copy !req
427. Now, either it's time
to tell me the truth,
Copy !req
428. or it's time
for the 10:15 to Blüdhaven.
Copy !req
429. O-ok.
Copy !req
430. Ok, I—
Brodeur paid me to—
Copy !req
431. to say that Camille
never spoke to me,
Copy !req
432. but I didn't have anything to do
with her death.
Copy !req
433. Oh, God, please.
I'll do anything.
Copy !req
434. Y-you could
have the file.
Copy !req
435. What file?
Camille gave me a file
Copy !req
436. of evidence
against Jason Brodeur.
Copy !req
437. Where is it?
Let me go,
Copy !req
438. and I'll tell you.
Copy !req
439. Wait! Wait! Wait! Wait!
Don't go! It's in my desk!
Copy !req
440. The file, it's in my desk
at the office!
Copy !req
441. You can have it!
Get me out of here!
Copy !req
442. What is that?
Copy !req
443. I'm so hungry.
Copy !req
444. It smells really good.
Copy !req
445. Aah!
Copy !req
446. Hey, fine. Don't share.
Copy !req
447. Shengcún.
Copy !req
448. I'm not gonna kill
the bird.
Copy !req
449. Shengcún.
Copy !req
450. Compliments
of Matt Istook.
Copy !req
451. What's in here?
Copy !req
452. Leverage
on Jason Brodeur,
Copy !req
453. enough to help save
Peter Declan's life.
Copy !req
454. As an attorney, I never would have
gotten a file like this.
Copy !req
455. I always thought the law was sacred,
I-it fixed everything.
Copy !req
456. And now, Laurel?
Copy !req
457. Now what do you think?
Copy !req
458. I think there's
too many people in this city
Copy !req
459. who only care
about themselves...
Copy !req
460. people who
are selfish.
Copy !req
461. I think they need
someone who cares
Copy !req
462. about the lives
of other people...
Copy !req
463. someone like you.
Copy !req
464. Oh, my God.
Copy !req
465. What is wrong
with your face?
Copy !req
466. What do you mean?
Copy !req
467. There's something
really weird on it,
Copy !req
468. like this thing
with your mouth.
Copy !req
469. It—it looks like
it's in the shape of a smile.
Copy !req
470. That's cute.
So why are you grinning?
Copy !req
471. I took your advice
with Laurel
Copy !req
472. to be myself.
Copy !req
473. And...
Copy !req
474. It's helping.
Copy !req
475. Got mad relationship
skills, bro.
Copy !req
476. Let me know if you
need trendy places to propose.
Copy !req
477. I think you're getting
a little bit ahead of yourself.
Copy !req
478. Mm.
Little bit.
Copy !req
479. Rob.
Copy !req
480. You gotta keep up.
Copy !req
481. Hey, you look busy.
Copy !req
482. Is that the Declan case?
Copy !req
483. You know, it was a funny development
on Matt Istook.
Copy !req
484. He, uh, filed
a police report.
Copy !req
485. He said the hood
harassed him last night.
Copy !req
486. And that's funny,
Copy !req
487. because I gave
my daughter Istook's name.
Copy !req
488. Dad—
He's a vigilante.
Copy !req
489. He's a damn criminal,
Copy !req
490. and you working with him,
that makes you an accessory.
Copy !req
491. I am trying to save
an innocent man's life.
Copy !req
492. No.
Copy !req
493. You're breaking the law.
Copy !req
494. Well, I wouldn't
have to if the police
Copy !req
495. would have done
their job right in the first place.
Copy !req
496. I asked you
how you got this case.
Copy !req
497. You lied to me
straight to my face, eh?
Copy !req
498. I thought you and I
didn't do that.
Copy !req
499. Guess I was wrong.
Copy !req
500. The mere existence
of the file
Copy !req
501. proves that Mr. Istook
perjured himself
Copy !req
502. for Jason Brodeur's
Copy !req
503. That's slander.
Copy !req
504. Jared Swanstrom,
Your Honor.
Copy !req
505. I represent Jason Brodeur and
Brodeur Chemical.
Copy !req
506. The interest of justice
requires you
Copy !req
507. to stay the defendant's
Copy !req
508. pending exploration
of the newly discovered evidence.
Copy !req
509. Ours isn't a court of justice,
Ms. Lance.
Copy !req
510. It's a court of law,
Copy !req
511. and under the law,
I don't think your evidence
Copy !req
512. is sufficient to warrant
a stay of execution.
Copy !req
513. Your motion for habeas corpus
is denied.
Copy !req
514. This isn't over.
Copy !req
515. I've got
the loose end now,
Copy !req
516. and no matter
what happens,
Copy !req
517. I am going to pull
on it until your whole world unravels.
Copy !req
518. Declan's lawyer's
pulling me into this.
Copy !req
519. I'm gonna go to prison,
Copy !req
520. if not for murder,
Copy !req
521. then this—
this dumping thing.
Copy !req
522. That won't happen.
Copy !req
523. There are steps
we can take.
Copy !req
524. You saw her.
She's going after me.
Copy !req
525. She's gonna want
to meet with her client
Copy !req
526. after what happened
in court today.
Copy !req
527. We have friends
up in Iron Heights.
Copy !req
528. Prison can be
a dangerous place.
Copy !req
529. We're not done yet.
Copy !req
530. I'm an attorney.
Copy !req
531. Trust me.
We're done.
Copy !req
532. What do you need
to free Peter Declan?
Copy !req
533. At this point,
Copy !req
534. nothing short of a signed confession
from Brodeur.
Copy !req
535. Where are you going?
Copy !req
536. To get
a confession.
Copy !req
537. The company Mrs. Queen—
Copy !req
538. or Steele.
Copy !req
539. Mrs. Queen-Steele.
Copy !req
540. She hyphenate?
Copy !req
541. She seems like a woman
who would hyphenate.
Copy !req
542. Right.
Copy !req
543. The company she invested in
doesn't exist.
Copy !req
544. I don't understand.
Copy !req
545. There was no investment.
The money was used
Copy !req
546. to set up an offshore
LLC called Tempest.
Copy !req
547. I don't recall that name being under
the Queen Consolidated banner.
Copy !req
548. 'Cause it's not.
Copy !req
549. There's nothing registered with
the Secretary of State,
Copy !req
550. no federal tax records,
Copy !req
551. no patent applications
Copy !req
552. But in 2009, Tempest purchased
a warehouse in Starling City.
Copy !req
553. Enough moping.
Copy !req
554. Mm.
Copy !req
555. You quit. It's done.
Copy !req
556. My advice would be
to move on.
Copy !req
557. Well, if it were
only that easy.
Copy !req
558. Except it is.
Copy !req
559. Personal security
is dangerous.
Copy !req
560. Your nephew already
lost his father.
Copy !req
561. He can't lose
his uncle, too.
Copy !req
562. Does it ever bother you
Copy !req
563. they never caught
the guy who killed Andy?
Copy !req
564. You know, when I was
in Afghanistan,
Copy !req
565. I had a job,
and I did it.
Copy !req
566. And when I could,
Copy !req
567. I would help out
the people there
Copy !req
568. so that, in some small way,
when I left,
Copy !req
569. I could believe I left it
a better place.
Copy !req
570. But ever since
I've been home,
Copy !req
571. all I do
is protect punks
Copy !req
572. and spoiled
one percenters.
Copy !req
573. Yeah.
Copy !req
574. I miss feeling like I'm making
a difference in the world.
Copy !req
575. Then get out
of personal security
Copy !req
576. and go do something
you believe in.
Copy !req
577. Yeah,
what if it's wrong?
Copy !req
578. John, if you
believe in something,
Copy !req
579. how can it be wrong?
Copy !req
580. What do you want?
Copy !req
581. You're gonna confess
that you arranged
Copy !req
582. to have Peter Declan's wife
Copy !req
583. What, so I can
take his place in prison?
Copy !req
584. So you can avoid
the death penalty.
Copy !req
585. Except if I'm dead,
Copy !req
586. well, then, you've got no one
to pin Camille's murder on.
Copy !req
587. You need me to exonerate
Peter Declan.
Copy !req
588. Maybe you could
try to force me
Copy !req
589. to sign a confession
or something.
Copy !req
590. Yaah!
That might be difficult.
Copy !req
591. My hand!
Copy !req
592. Just answer it.
Copy !req
593. What?
It's Ankov.
Copy !req
594. It's going down,
one hour.
Copy !req
595. What's going down
in an hour?
Copy !req
596. What?
Copy !req
597. Let's just say...
Copy !req
598. Peter Declan's
Copy !req
599. it's getting
moved up.
Copy !req
600. We still
have a shot.
Copy !req
601. Do you remember
the friend that I mentioned,
Copy !req
602. the one
who believes in you?
Copy !req
603. He is working
on something.
Copy !req
604. I told you,
Copy !req
605. Jason Brodeur
is powerful.
Copy !req
606. Time to unlock the cages.
Copy !req
607. I've been here before.
Copy !req
608. These lawyers holding out these
little nuggets of hope.
Copy !req
609. Secure all corners
in cell block "C".
Copy !req
610. The warden's
setting up
Copy !req
611. a secure perimeter
in "C" block.
Copy !req
612. Stay here,
Ms. Lance.
Copy !req
613. Wait!
Copy !req
614. There's Lance.
Copy !req
615. Let's go.
Copy !req
616. Stop.
Copy !req
617. Get down!
Copy !req
618. Get down!
Get out there!
Copy !req
619. Stay down!
Stay down!
Copy !req
620. Don't move!
Copy !req
621. Laurel.
Copy !req
622. Sweetie.
Copy !req
623. What are you—
Copy !req
624. I'm all right.
Copy !req
625. You sure?
Copy !req
626. I'm sorry about
what I said to you.
Copy !req
627. Yeah, well,
you were right.
Copy !req
628. Ankov just confessed
to Camille Declan's murder.
Copy !req
629. We got
the wrong guy.
Copy !req
630. Now, listen to me,
Copy !req
631. I'm right, too,
about him.
Copy !req
632. He's dangerous.
Copy !req
633. He's outside the law.
Copy !req
634. I know.
Copy !req
635. He's a killer.
Copy !req
636. He would have killed that man.
Copy !req
637. The look in his eyes, I—
Copy !req
638. it was awful.
Copy !req
639. Hey, please.
Copy !req
640. I'm starving.
Copy !req
641. I never killed
anything before.
Copy !req
642. I'm sorry.
Copy !req
643. Let's get you home,
Copy !req
644. How'd he get into
that prison, anyway, huh?
Copy !req
645. A grown man
in an outfit and a hood,
Copy !req
646. that kind of stands out a little,
doesn't it?
Copy !req
647. He actually wasn't
wearing the outfit this time.
Copy !req
648. He was
in a prison guard uniform
Copy !req
649. and a ski mask.
Copy !req
650. What?
Copy !req
651. I just had an idea.
Copy !req
652. Get in the car.
Copy !req
653. Ok, here's
the security footage
Copy !req
654. from the Exchange
building shooting,
Copy !req
655. but I've already
scrubbed through all of it.
Copy !req
656. Yeah? Well,
we're gonna do it again.
Copy !req
657. So, listen,
when you went through
Copy !req
658. the camera security tapes,
you were looking for
Copy !req
659. a guy in a green outfit
and a green hood, right?
Copy !req
660. What do you want me
to look for,
Copy !req
661. a man in a wig
and a tutu?
Copy !req
662. I want you to look
for anything
Copy !req
663. that's out of the ordinary,
ok? Just look.
Copy !req
664. Hey, whoa, whoa, whoa.
Wait. Wait.
Copy !req
665. Go back 10 seconds.
What is that?
Copy !req
666. I'll be damned.
Copy !req
667. Play that again.
Copy !req
668. Thank you, Laurel.
Copy !req
669. Don't thank me.
Copy !req
670. Thank Brodeur's bodyguard
Ankov for flipping him.
Copy !req
671. I think there's someone
that wants to see you.
Copy !req
672. Izzy.
Copy !req
673. At least 5 federal, state,
and local agencies
Copy !req
674. are seeking
millions of dollars
Copy !req
675. in fines and
environmental cleanup costs
Copy !req
676. from Brodeur Chemical,
Copy !req
677. new facts have come to light that
Brodeur Chemical employee Camille Declan
Copy !req
678. had discovered Brodeur
was illegally disposing waste
Copy !req
679. and had collected
a file of evidence
Copy !req
680. against her employer
before her murder in 2007.
Copy !req
681. Peter Declan, who was
convicted of killing his wife,
Copy !req
682. has been released,
and the case has been reopened.
Copy !req
683. Shengcún.
Copy !req
684. Yeah.
Copy !req
685. Bird. I know.
Copy !req
686. Shengcún
not mean "bird."
Copy !req
687. Shengcún
mean "survive."
Copy !req
688. You speak English.
Copy !req
689. You want survive
this place,
Copy !req
690. bird not
last thing you kill.
Copy !req
691. And forget her.
Copy !req
692. You look at that
all day,
Copy !req
693. you not survive
this place.
Copy !req
694. You wanted to see me?
Copy !req
695. You look nervous,
Copy !req
696. Hmm. Do I have
a reason to be?
Copy !req
697. We all do.
Copy !req
698. A modern-day Robin hood.
Copy !req
699. What, are you worried that your
net worth makes you a target?
Copy !req
700. Jason Brodeur,
Adam Hunt,
Copy !req
701. Warren Patel.
Copy !req
702. Tell me you see
a connection, Moira.
Copy !req
703. He's not targeting
the rich.
Copy !req
704. No, he's not.
Copy !req
705. He's targeting
the list.
Copy !req
706. You here
for the bodyguard position?
Copy !req
707. 'Cause the new guy
just quit.
Copy !req
708. No, I'm not.
Copy !req
709. I'm here about
the other position.
Copy !req
710. Just to be clear,
Copy !req
711. I'm not signing on
to be a sidekick.
Copy !req
712. But you're right.
Copy !req
713. Fighting for this city
needs to be done,
Copy !req
714. and you're gonna do this
with or without me.
Copy !req
715. Yeah.
But with me,
Copy !req
716. there'll be fewer casualties,
including you.
Copy !req
717. Diggle, I'm not looking
for anybody to save me.
Copy !req
718. Maybe not,
Copy !req
719. but you need someone
just the same.
Copy !req
720. You are fighting
a war, Queen,
Copy !req
721. except you have
no idea what war does to you,
Copy !req
722. how it scrapes off
little pieces of your soul.
Copy !req
723. And you need someone
to remind you
Copy !req
724. of who you are,
Copy !req
725. not this thing
you're becoming.
Copy !req
726. Oliver Queen.
What is this?
Copy !req
727. You can't just
barge in here.
Copy !req
728. Yeah? Well, I got a badge
and a gun that say different.
Copy !req
729. Hey, what the hell's
going on?
Copy !req
730. Detective Lance—
Copy !req
731. Oliver Queen,
you're under arrest on suspicion
Copy !req
732. of obstruction of justice,
aggravated assault...
Copy !req
733. What is going on?
Walter, stop them!
Copy !req
734. Trespassing,
acting as a vigilante...
Copy !req
735. Are you out
of your mind?
Copy !req
736. And murder.
Copy !req
737. You have the right
to remain silent.
Copy !req
738. Give up
that right...
Copy !req