1. My name is Oliver Queen.
Copy !req
2. To my family, I am the brother and son
Copy !req
3. who just returned home after
being lost at sea 5 years ago.
Copy !req
4. They don't know I came back with a mission,
Copy !req
5. to bring justice to our city,
Copy !req
6. and they never can.
Copy !req
7. The men and women I've
targeted are dangerous, corrupt,
Copy !req
8. a virulent cancer.
Copy !req
9. Cancers like James Holder,
Copy !req
10. whose corporation put
defective smoke detectors
Copy !req
11. in low-income housing in The Glades.
Copy !req
12. There have been many fires
and too many funerals.
Copy !req
13. But cancers can be fought and conquered.
Copy !req
14. All it takes is a surgeon...
Copy !req
15. and the right instrument.
Copy !req
16. Heh.
Copy !req
17. Other than the bill I got handed
Copy !req
18. this morning by my legal team,
Copy !req
19. I'm feeling pretty good.
Copy !req
20. Plus, now that this lawsuit's been settled,
Copy !req
21. we can focus our attention
on Unidac Industries.
Copy !req
22. Ok.
Copy !req
23. I'll see you in the office first thing.
Copy !req
24. I have armed security inside.
Copy !req
25. All I have to do is call out.
Copy !req
26. Go ahead.
Copy !req
27. They can't hear you.
Copy !req
28. What the hell do you want?
Copy !req
29. How many people died in those fires?
Copy !req
30. How many?
Copy !req
31. The courts say you don't
owe your victims anything.
Copy !req
32. I disagree.
Copy !req
33. James Holder...
Copy !req
34. You...
Copy !req
35. 1x03
Lone Gunmen
Copy !req
36. It's no surprise a
man as corrupt as James Holder
Copy !req
37. has more than one enemy.
Copy !req
38. The bullet. Poison.
Copy !req
39. Ahh.
Copy !req
40. Who are you?
Copy !req
41. Why did you shoot me?
Copy !req
42. Aah!
Copy !req
43. What happened? Thea ok?
Copy !req
44. The cops brought her home.
Copy !req
45. Her and some of her
friends broke into a store,
Copy !req
46. tried on some dresses last night.
Copy !req
47. Lit up the breathalyzer
like a Christmas tree.
Copy !req
48. So how was your evening, sir?
Copy !req
49. You mean after I said I
had to go to the bathroom
Copy !req
50. at dinner and never came back?
Copy !req
51. I guess from now on
I'll be watching you pee.
Copy !req
52. Thank you, officers.
My wife and I appreciate it.
Copy !req
53. I'll see you out.
Copy !req
54. Last time it was public intoxication.
Copy !req
55. This time breaking and entering.
Copy !req
56. My, how we are moving
up in the criminal world.
Copy !req
57. You know, when you pay off the store owner,
Copy !req
58. you should check out the merchandise.
Copy !req
59. They got some pretty killer outfits.
Copy !req
60. Thea, go get ready for school.
Copy !req
61. Uh, you know, I was thinking
of taking a sick day.
Copy !req
62. Fine, then get some sleep.
Copy !req
63. You look like crap.
Copy !req
64. You're letting her play hooky?
Copy !req
65. When your sister gets like this,
Copy !req
66. it's best to give her her space.
Copy !req
67. She's testing you.
Copy !req
68. Yes. Who'd she learn that from?
Copy !req
69. Mom.
Copy !req
70. When I was her age, you and
dad let me get away with murder.
Copy !req
71. Looking back, I could have used less space
Copy !req
72. and more parenting.
Copy !req
73. It doesn't make sense.
Copy !req
74. Holder fits the profile. Wealthy dirtbag.
Copy !req
75. Red meat for the hood.
Copy !req
76. And we recovered at least one arrow.
Copy !req
77. Yeah, only this time the cause of death
Copy !req
78. is a double tap through the heart
Copy !req
79. and our perp doesn't use firearms.
Copy !req
80. Maybe he's finally figured
out there's easier ways
Copy !req
81. to kill people than with a bow and arrow.
Copy !req
82. It's like you said, the guy's a whackjob.
Copy !req
83. The bullets were laced with curare,
Copy !req
84. a rare and deadly poison,
Copy !req
85. the killer's unique M.O.
Copy !req
86. He's killed all over the world...
Copy !req
87. Chicago, Markovia, Corto Maltese.
Copy !req
88. Interpol even has a codename for him...
Copy !req
89. Deadshot.
Copy !req
90. I was prepared to give
James Holder a chance
Copy !req
91. to right his wrongs, but this
Deadshot has no morality,
Copy !req
92. no honor, no code.
Copy !req
93. He doesn't kill for justice,
Copy !req
94. which makes him as dangerous
as anyone on my list.
Copy !req
95. In fact, it puts him right at the top.
Copy !req
96. So what do you think?
Copy !req
97. Great spot for a nightclub or what?
Copy !req
98. Sweet. Though I got to tell you, man,
Copy !req
99. if you're thinking about calling it Queens,
Copy !req
100. I don't think you're
gonna get the clientele
Copy !req
101. that you were hoping for.
Copy !req
102. Private office.
Copy !req
103. For the private one-on-one
meetings, I would imagine.
Copy !req
104. Hopefully the occasional
two-on-one meeting.
Copy !req
105. Man, are you sure you want to do this?
Copy !req
106. It's not like you really
have any experience
Copy !req
107. in running a... well, running anything.
Copy !req
108. How about tomorrow night the two of us,
Copy !req
109. we go and scope out the competition.
Copy !req
110. There's a new club opening downtown.
Copy !req
111. It's called Poison. Max Fuller owns it.
Copy !req
112. - Max Fuller?
- Mm-hmm.
Copy !req
113. I slept with his fiancée.
Copy !req
114. Yeah, before the wedding.
Copy !req
115. It was at the rehearsal dinner.
Copy !req
116. The rehearsal dinner is
technically before the wedding.
Copy !req
117. Right?
Copy !req
118. And besides, who stays mad at a castaway?
Copy !req
119. Ah, dammit, I got to roll.
Copy !req
120. Anyway, I'll see you later, man.
Copy !req
121. Good place.
Copy !req
122. See you.
Copy !req
123. So... what do you think?
Copy !req
124. Well, I'm here to provide
security, sir, not a commentary.
Copy !req
125. Oh, come on, dig, do me a favor.
Copy !req
126. Speak freely, please.
Copy !req
127. Well, this is The Glades, right?
Copy !req
128. Your rich white friends wouldn't
come to this neighborhood on a bet.
Copy !req
129. I am Oliver Queen, right?
Copy !req
130. People would stand in line
for 3 hours if I opened a club.
Copy !req
131. And no one who actually lives in The Glades
Copy !req
132. would see a penny of those cover charges.
Copy !req
133. So we make it a successful business,
Copy !req
134. we gentrify the neighborhood.
Copy !req
135. I was wondering when we would get to that.
Copy !req
136. The white knight swooping in
to save the disenfranchised.
Copy !req
137. And all by his lonesome
with no help from anybody.
Copy !req
138. Wow.
Copy !req
139. You don't think very much of me, do you?
Copy !req
140. No, sir, actually, I
have a very high regard
Copy !req
141. for how perceptive you are.
Copy !req
142. Sir.
Copy !req
143. The nightclub will
conceal my base underneath
Copy !req
144. and provide an alibi for where
Oliver Queen spends his nights.
Copy !req
145. Hey.
Copy !req
146. Do you have the depos on the Jergens case?
Copy !req
147. Yeah, they're around here somewhere.
Copy !req
148. I was just surfing the 'net.
Copy !req
149. Really?
Copy !req
150. Joanna, I'm over him.
Copy !req
151. And you don't believe me.
Copy !req
152. Well, I would have if I
wouldn't have just caught you
Copy !req
153. trolling for articles on him!
Copy !req
154. I wasn't trolling! I don't want to have
Copy !req
155. to be the one to remind you
that he cheated on you, Laurel.
Copy !req
156. With your sister.
Copy !req
157. I appreciate your self control.
Copy !req
158. You're stuck in the past.
And the reason I know this
Copy !req
159. is the fact that the
only physical relationship
Copy !req
160. you've had since Oliver
is with his best friend.
Copy !req
161. It is time to move on.
Copy !req
162. It is past time.
Copy !req
163. I've been busy.
Copy !req
164. I work a lot.
Copy !req
165. Ok.
Copy !req
166. That's got to stop.
Copy !req
167. So we are going out tonight.
Copy !req
168. And... and we are going
to have some shots
Copy !req
169. and we are going to dance
with men that we don't know
Copy !req
170. and we are going to
stay out way too late.
Copy !req
171. Oh!
Copy !req
172. Jergens depos.
Copy !req
173. I really don't think I can go out tonight.
Copy !req
174. It is adorable that you actually
think I'm giving you a choice.
Copy !req
175. I want you to come home right after school.
Copy !req
176. Oh, can't. Margot and I
are going to go to the mall.
Copy !req
177. What, more shopping?
Copy !req
178. Tell Margot you'll have to cancel.
Copy !req
179. You're grounded for two weeks.
Copy !req
180. Grounded?
Copy !req
181. I've never been grounded.
Copy !req
182. Well, you've never
committed larceny before.
Copy !req
183. Since when do you care?
Copy !req
184. I've always cared. I'm your mother.
Copy !req
185. Look, we've had a good thing
going on the last five years.
Copy !req
186. Why mess with that now?
Copy !req
187. No, we are paying off store owners
Copy !req
188. to keep your record clean,
Copy !req
189. so clearly, it hasn't been working.
Copy !req
190. And you're going to teach me.
Copy !req
191. It's Oliver, isn't it?
Copy !req
192. His judgmental hypocrisy
is rubbing off on you.
Copy !req
193. No, I don't need Oliver to
teach me how to parent you.
Copy !req
194. You'll be home by 4:00.
Copy !req
195. Or what?
Copy !req
196. You're going to call the cops on me?
Copy !req
197. Tell them I say hi.
Copy !req
198. Got ballistics back on the Holder murder.
Copy !req
199. They pulled two 7.62
millimeter bullets out of him.
Copy !req
200. According to the stippling
and size of the entry wound,
Copy !req
201. they estimate the shots were fired
Copy !req
202. from approximately a hundred yards away.
Copy !req
203. A hundred yards?
Copy !req
204. What, so the hood shoots
him from another building,
Copy !req
205. goes over to his place,
he takes out his security,
Copy !req
206. and then he fires off a few arrows?
Copy !req
207. And according to his tox screen,
Copy !req
208. his blood contained
high concentrations
Copy !req
209. of strychnos toxifera.
Copy !req
210. - What?
- Curare.
Copy !req
211. It's a kind of poison.
Copy !req
212. Oh. Ok, so now we switch from arrows
Copy !req
213. to sniper bullets and poison.
Copy !req
214. I'm not buying it.
Copy !req
215. We still found arrows on the scene.
Copy !req
216. Solid evidence the hood was there.
Copy !req
217. Where you going?
Copy !req
218. I'm going to get my own evidence.
Copy !req
219. 7.62 millimeter rounds.
Copy !req
220. The money trail leads back to the Bratva...
Copy !req
221. the Russian mob.
Copy !req
222. Finally... some good luck.
Copy !req
223. Pleased to meet you.
Copy !req
224. I apologize.
Copy !req
225. We meant no disrespect
Copy !req
226. to a captain.
Copy !req
227. Particularly an American one.
Copy !req
228. So...
Copy !req
229. How can I be of assistance?
Copy !req
230. I'm in the market for a hired gun.
Copy !req
231. Someone the organization's used before.
Copy !req
232. His calling card is a 7.62
millimeter gun laced with curare.
Copy !req
233. I know no man who uses such tools.
Copy !req
234. But you can find out who does.
Copy !req
235. First, we will drink
to each other's health,
Copy !req
236. then I will look into the
identity of this man you seek.
Copy !req
237. Ahh.
Copy !req
238. I will also confirm that you
are really Bratva captain.
Copy !req
239. Should this not be the case,
Copy !req
240. I will send my mechanic here
Copy !req
241. to find you and kill you and your family.
Copy !req
242. Man on TV: Carl Rasmussen was found
Copy !req
243. shot to death in his
home earlier this evening.
Copy !req
244. The police will not comment
if there's a connection
Copy !req
245. between Mr. Rasmussen's death
Copy !req
246. and the murder of James
Holder a few nights ago.
Copy !req
247. Mr. Rasmussen leaves behind
a wife and three children.
Copy !req
248. It's a great loss.
Copy !req
249. Carl was a titan.
Copy !req
250. A titan who was looking
to buy out a company called
Copy !req
251. Unidac Industries?
Copy !req
252. Well, industries are
something of a misnomer.
Copy !req
253. UI's recent activity was actually
looking into alternative energy.
Copy !req
254. I think the point my
partner is trying to make
Copy !req
255. is that Carl Rasmussen was
Copy !req
256. the second bidder this
week to lose his life.
Copy !req
257. Are you implying something, Detective?
Copy !req
258. Well, only that your husband's
looking into buying Unidac Industries
Copy !req
259. and the competition seems
to be dropping like flies.
Copy !req
260. And I'm sure your veiled accusation
Copy !req
261. has nothing to do with how
you feel about my family?
Copy !req
262. Unidac's in receivership, Detective.
Copy !req
263. Ownership is subject
Copy !req
264. to a liquidation auction,
so that means there are
Copy !req
265. many prospective buyers.
Copy !req
266. And the auction's tomorrow, so...
Copy !req
267. if I was taking out the competition,
Copy !req
268. I have a lot of killing to do
in a very short amount of time.
Copy !req
269. We're just making the rounds
with the interested buyers.
Copy !req
270. Let them know to be careful.
Copy !req
271. Oh, yes. And I'm overwhelmed
Copy !req
272. that Detective Lance is
concerned for our safety.
Copy !req
273. Well...
Copy !req
274. Thank you for your concern, gentlemen.
Copy !req
275. Our security consultant, Mr. Diggle,
Copy !req
276. is taking all the necessary precautions.
Copy !req
277. Yeah.
Copy !req
278. Right.
Copy !req
279. Well, if you need us,
Copy !req
280. we're just a 911 call away.
Copy !req
281. Ha ha ha!
Copy !req
282. Oh, my, this is going to be killer.
Copy !req
283. If Max never sees me here... I agree.
Copy !req
284. Ah, if you want to run a business,
you've got to take a few risks.
Copy !req
285. I don't see your name on the list.
Copy !req
286. Mr. Queen.
Copy !req
287. Oh!
Copy !req
288. I have never seen this
guy before in my life.
Copy !req
289. Ever.
Copy !req
290. Oh, come on, he's good.
Copy !req
291. Oh, wow!
Copy !req
292. Doesn't you going out and having
fun violate some kind of law,
Copy !req
293. you know, like the ones that
are carved on a stone tablet?
Copy !req
294. - That's cute, Tommy.
- Thanks.
Copy !req
295. I can see you two are up to
your old hunting patterns.
Copy !req
296. Just seeing what passes for fun
in starling city after five years.
Copy !req
297. Ah.
Copy !req
298. Well, I'm sure you'll find that it
just hasn't been the same without you.
Copy !req
299. Big brother!
Copy !req
300. Oh! I am so wasted right now.
Copy !req
301. There is... there is two of you.
Copy !req
302. I thought you were grounded.
Copy !req
303. I am. And thank you...
thank you for that, by the way.
Copy !req
304. You're done for the night.
Copy !req
305. Oh, what are you going to do?
Copy !req
306. - Tell mom?
- Thea!
Copy !req
307. You are hanging with
the wrong people.
Copy !req
308. You're one to talk.
Copy !req
309. How much do you know about your
own so-called friends over here?
Copy !req
310. Oh, Thea, maybe you should...
Copy !req
311. Tommy... I think your
BFF has a right to know.
Copy !req
312. Thea, let's go.
Copy !req
313. Well, I guess they never told you
Copy !req
314. that they've been screwing
while you were gone.
Copy !req
315. Look, man, I...
Copy !req
316. Tommy...
Copy !req
317. It's ok.
Copy !req
318. You and me, we're done for the night.
Copy !req
319. Take your hands off of me.
Copy !req
320. You're not my father.
Copy !req
321. And you're barely my brother.
Copy !req
322. Well...
Copy !req
323. look at this.
Copy !req
324. Oliver Queen.
Copy !req
325. Max Fuller.
Copy !req
326. How you been?
Copy !req
327. Happy you drowned.
Copy !req
328. Hey, Max...
Copy !req
329. Get him up!
Copy !req
330. Hey, let him go, let him go!
Copy !req
331. Hey, I said let him go!
Copy !req
332. Told you he was going to be pissed.
Copy !req
333. Back off, Merlyn.
This isn't your problem.
Copy !req
334. You want to get to him?
Copy !req
335. You've got to go through me.
Copy !req
336. Wow, they are probably
going to get through me.
Copy !req
337. So is this over, Max?
Copy !req
338. Or are you going to have
your boys pound on me next?
Copy !req
339. You three consider
yourselves banned for life.
Copy !req
340. Get the hell out of my place!
Copy !req
341. Your club sucks anyway.
Copy !req
342. You guys ok?
Copy !req
343. Where'd you learn to do
that? Cop dad, remember?
Copy !req
344. He made me take self defense classes.
Copy !req
345. Laurel.
Copy !req
346. Thea said...
Copy !req
347. Oliver, Tommy and I
don't need your blessing.
Copy !req
348. And I don't need your forgiveness.
Copy !req
349. Ah.
Copy !req
350. Why don't you guys take a seat,
Copy !req
351. and I will grab a couple of burgers
Copy !req
352. and some ice for those faces.
Copy !req
353. The girl's pretty cute.
Copy !req
354. That's my sister in law.
Copy !req
355. Who I will never speak to or... look at.
Copy !req
356. Ever. Gonna grab a booth.
Copy !req
357. She's not wearing a wedding ring.
Copy !req
358. Brother out of the picture?
Copy !req
359. Yeah, you could say that.
Copy !req
360. Hey you.
Copy !req
361. So sweet of you to adopt two white boys.
Copy !req
362. They need a good role model.
Copy !req
363. That's my client Oliver Queen.
Copy !req
364. Looks like you're doing a
bang up job protecting him.
Copy !req
365. Mmm.
Copy !req
366. Look, man...
Copy !req
367. about Laurel.
Copy !req
368. I was going to tell you.
Copy !req
369. I was just trying to
figure out the right way.
Copy !req
370. To tell somebody that you
slept with their girlfriend
Copy !req
371. after they went missing
and were then presumed dead.
Copy !req
372. What, there's no greeting card for that?
Copy !req
373. Look...
Copy !req
374. it was wrong.
Copy !req
375. - And I'm sorry...
- Tommy.
Copy !req
376. I was dead.
Copy !req
377. No, man, you were with Laurel.
Copy !req
378. And whether you were
dead, or as it turns out,
Copy !req
379. alive on a deserted island,
Copy !req
380. you are my friend.
Copy !req
381. And me being with Laurel
violated that friendship
Copy !req
382. in about 50 different ways.
Copy !req
383. Thank you.
Copy !req
384. But it's ok.
Copy !req
385. How dangerous is this gig, anyway?
Copy !req
386. It's a cakewalk, Carla, don't worry.
Copy !req
387. Too late.
Copy !req
388. Or have you forgotten this job
Copy !req
389. got your brother killed?
Copy !req
390. Because, Dig, I haven't.
Copy !req
391. I can't.
Copy !req
392. You are being really chill about this. I...
Copy !req
393. Hello?
Copy !req
394. It's a Russian model calling me.
Copy !req
395. Can we... can I have a minute, please?
Copy !req
396. I can see now why you
were able to be so chill.
Copy !req
397. Enjoy.
Copy !req
398. So I checked out?
Copy !req
399. You did. His name is Floyd Lawton.
Copy !req
400. I have address. Where he stayed
last time, he was in starling city.
Copy !req
401. But that is all.
Copy !req
402. Let's hope he's a
creature of habit. Go.
Copy !req
403. 1700 Broadway, Papp Motel, room 52.
Copy !req
404. You'll leave us out of this, yes?
Copy !req
405. Assuming Mr. Lawton doesn't kill you first.
Copy !req
406. Ahem.
Copy !req
407. Felicity smoke?
Copy !req
408. Hi. I'm Oliver Queen.
Copy !req
409. Of course.
Copy !req
410. I know who you are,
you're Mr. Queen.
Copy !req
411. No, Mr. Queen was my father.
Copy !req
412. Right, but he's dead. I mean, he drowned.
Copy !req
413. But you didn't, which means you
could come down to the I.T. department
Copy !req
414. and listen to me babble.
Copy !req
415. Which will end.
Copy !req
416. In 3... 2... 1.
Copy !req
417. I'm having some trouble with my computer
Copy !req
418. and they told me that you were
the person to come and see.
Copy !req
419. I was at my coffee shop surfing the web
Copy !req
420. and I spilt a latte on it.
Copy !req
421. - Really?
- Yeah.
Copy !req
422. 'Cause these look like bullet holes.
Copy !req
423. My coffee shop is in a bad neighborhood.
Copy !req
424. If there is anything that
you can salvage from it,
Copy !req
425. I would really appreciate it.
Copy !req
426. Mm-hmm.
Copy !req
427. Oh. Well, good, you're here.
Copy !req
428. I'm under house arrest, remember.
Copy !req
429. Do you want to wear the
Calvin Klein or the Zac Posen?
Copy !req
430. For dinner?
Copy !req
431. I was just going to wear pajamas.
Copy !req
432. To Walter's stock auction.
Copy !req
433. I think I rather be grounded.
Copy !req
434. No, it's important that you come.
Copy !req
435. Important to whom?
Copy !req
436. To me.
Copy !req
437. All right, listen to me.
Copy !req
438. When you were four years old,
Copy !req
439. you came home one day with a cat.
Copy !req
440. It was a stray, it was filthy,
Copy !req
441. and it was mean.
Copy !req
442. But you stood there and you declared
Copy !req
443. that it was coming to live with us.
Copy !req
444. Your father came home from the office
Copy !req
445. and he saw what was going on,
Copy !req
446. and he sat you down and he explained to you
Copy !req
447. that the cat was in fact a tiger
Copy !req
448. and that we needed to get it home.
Copy !req
449. And somehow...
Copy !req
450. you understood.
Copy !req
451. Robert was always so good
at getting through to you.
Copy !req
452. I... I was always so jealous of that.
Copy !req
453. I...
Copy !req
454. You never talk about him.
Copy !req
455. Dad.
Copy !req
456. That's the first time you've
talked about him in years.
Copy !req
457. Well, I think you and I have
gotten into some bad habits.
Copy !req
458. There's been a lot that
has changed recently, Thea,
Copy !req
459. and I think that maybe
this can change, too.
Copy !req
460. It looks like blueprints.
Copy !req
461. Do you know what of?
Copy !req
462. - The exchange building.
- Never heard of it.
Copy !req
463. It's where the Unidac industry's
auction is scheduled to take place.
Copy !req
464. I thought you said that was your laptop.
Copy !req
465. Yes.
Copy !req
466. Look, I don't want to get in the middle
Copy !req
467. of some Shakespearian family drama thing.
Copy !req
468. What?
Copy !req
469. Mr. Steele marrying your mom.
Copy !req
470. Claudius, Gertrude...
Copy !req
471. Hamlet?
Copy !req
472. I didn't study Shakespeare
at any of the four schools
Copy !req
473. that I dropped out of.
Copy !req
474. Mr. Steele is trying to
buy Unidac Industries.
Copy !req
475. And you've got a company laptop
Copy !req
476. associated with one of the
guys he's competing against.
Copy !req
477. - Floyd Lawton.
- No.
Copy !req
478. Warren Patel.
Copy !req
479. Who's Floyd Lawton?
Copy !req
480. He is an employee of Mr. Patel, evidently.
Copy !req
481. The exchange building
Copy !req
482. is surrounded by 3 towers with
eye lines into the building.
Copy !req
483. Lawton could get a kill shot off
Copy !req
484. from virtually anywhere.
Copy !req
485. But I can't cover the area.
Copy !req
486. I can't protect all of Deadshot's targets.
Copy !req
487. I can't do this alone.
Copy !req
488. Ah, you son of a bitch! Detective, quiet!
Copy !req
489. You've got a pair on you, pulling
this right outside the police station!
Copy !req
490. Floyd Lawton's the one targeting the buyers
Copy !req
491. interested in Unidac Industries.
Copy !req
492. Interpol calls him "Deadshot"
because he never misses.
Copy !req
493. You can look this up after I go.
Copy !req
494. Yeah, and stop chasing you, I suppose?
Copy !req
495. Warren Patel hired Lawton.
Copy !req
496. I can't be sure who they're targeting,
Copy !req
497. it might be all the buyers,
Copy !req
498. and I can't protect
them in a space that big.
Copy !req
499. I need your help.
Copy !req
500. Yeah?
Copy !req
501. Professional help.
Copy !req
502. Lawton laces his bullets with curare.
Copy !req
503. Tell your men to wear kevlar.
Copy !req
504. I'll them to shoot you...
Copy !req
505. Well, it's quite a turn out, huh?
Copy !req
506. Well, it's quite an opportunity, actually.
Copy !req
507. But regardless of the
outcome of the auction,
Copy !req
508. I'm already a winner because I
have the two most beautiful women
Copy !req
509. - at my side tonight.
- Two?
Copy !req
510. Mm-hmm.
Copy !req
511. Thanks for coming, Thea.
Copy !req
512. It means a lot to your mother. And me.
Copy !req
513. Mr. Steele, the auction
Copy !req
514. will be opening in 5 minutes.
Copy !req
515. Please make sure your bid is ready.
Copy !req
516. - Thank you, Gina.
- Mm-hmm.
Copy !req
517. - Shall we?
- Mm-hmm.
Copy !req
518. Warren Patel. I'm going to
need you to come with me, sir.
Copy !req
519. Unit one, all clear. Unit two, you copy?
Copy !req
520. We have Patel in custody.
Still, no sign of Lawton.
Copy !req
521. Unit three?
Copy !req
522. I'm at the northwest perimeter. All clear.
Copy !req
523. Unit four?
Copy !req
524. Second man: Parking structure is secure.
Copy !req
525. Unit five, what's your status?
Copy !req
526. This is unit five. All clear.
Copy !req
527. Oh, what a shock.
Copy !req
528. It is Friday night.
Copy !req
529. What are you doing here?
Copy !req
530. Well, I am an attorney
and this is a courthouse,
Copy !req
531. so I think the better question
is, what are you doing here?
Copy !req
532. I wanted to talk to you about last night.
Copy !req
533. You mean how I saved your asses?
Copy !req
534. You're welcome.
Copy !req
535. Ok, first of all, we shall never,
Copy !req
536. ever speak of that ever again.
Copy !req
537. And secondly, I think you know
that I meant the other thing.
Copy !req
538. I don't care to talk about that.
Copy !req
539. I spoke to Oliver.
Copy !req
540. He was surprisingly cool.
Copy !req
541. That's because he knew.
Copy !req
542. Did you see his face when Thea told him?
Copy !req
543. Tommy, he didn't even blink.
Copy !req
544. Trust me, he knew.
Copy !req
545. Then why didn't he say anything?
Copy !req
546. I don't know.
Copy !req
547. Maybe because he knows he doesn't
have any right to judge me.
Copy !req
548. There's a silver lining, though.
Copy !req
549. Now that the whole truth
Copy !req
550. and nothing but is out,
Copy !req
551. is there a chance now for you and me?
Copy !req
552. You said you didn't think
Copy !req
553. that I was a one girl type of guy.
Copy !req
554. I'm going to prove you wrong.
Copy !req
555. By dating me.
Copy !req
556. By being better.
Copy !req
557. By being someone that you deserve
Copy !req
558. and that you want to be with.
Copy !req
559. Well...
Copy !req
560. that's certainly a guy I'd
be interested in meeting.
Copy !req
561. Good.
Copy !req
562. Now how about we start, ahem,
Copy !req
563. by getting you the heck out of here.
Copy !req
564. Come on, it is Friday night.
Copy !req
565. Come on.
Copy !req
566. Fine. Good.
Copy !req
567. Well, don't you scrub up nice?
Copy !req
568. Here to support my family.
Copy !req
569. Yeah, me, too, God help me.
Copy !req
570. Thank you.
Copy !req
571. Dig. Got your eyes open?
Copy !req
572. That's what I'm here for, sir.
Copy !req
573. That and answering patronizing questions.
Copy !req
574. This guy's out of time.
If he's going to do something,
Copy !req
575. it's going to happen
before the auction.
Copy !req
576. Sir?
Copy !req
577. I heard the story on the radio.
Copy !req
578. Oliver.
Copy !req
579. So pleased you were able to attend. Hmm.
Copy !req
580. Walter, the police said that some
of the Unidac bidders were murdered.
Copy !req
581. I just think that we should
be a little bit more careful.
Copy !req
582. My mother's already lost a husband.
Copy !req
583. Well, if moira shared your
concern, she wouldn't have come.
Copy !req
584. And she definitely wouldn't
have brought your sister.
Copy !req
585. Hi.
Copy !req
586. Oliver, what a wonderful surprise.
Copy !req
587. I need you to get them
out of here right now.
Copy !req
588. Are you ok? Are you hurt?
Copy !req
589. No, I'm fine! Where is Walter?
Copy !req
590. Go, go, go, go! Walter's fine.
Copy !req
591. - Sir, I have to get you out of here.
- No, them!
Copy !req
592. Them.
Copy !req
593. Go, go, I'll find him,
ma'am, I'll find him.
Copy !req
594. Drop your guns.
Copy !req
595. I admire your work.
Copy !req
596. Guess you won't be extending
me any professional courtesy.
Copy !req
597. We're not in the same line of work.
Copy !req
598. Your profession is murder.
Copy !req
599. You've taken lives.
Copy !req
600. For the good of others.
Copy !req
601. You're out for yourself.
Copy !req
602. Hey.
Copy !req