1. Maybe I'm finally ready
to admit that I still have
feelings for you, too.
Copy !req
2. No! Malcolm is planning
to level the glades!
Copy !req
3. My father, he told me
that he failed the city,
Copy !req
4. But I never knew
what he meant until now.
Copy !req
5. Merlyn's plan is what I returned
from the island to stop.
Copy !req
6. Oh, no!
Copy !req
7. You can survive this.
Copy !req
8. Make it home.
Copy !req
9. Make it better.
Copy !req
10. Right my wrongs.
Copy !req
11. dad?
Copy !req
12. Survive.
Copy !req
13. No! No!
Copy !req
14. I hope I didn't hurt you.
Copy !req
15. At least I can
properly thank you now
for saving my life.
Copy !req
16. If I only knew
Copy !req
17. How you were
spending your nights...
Copy !req
18. My hope is that I can
explain everything to you
Copy !req
19. To help you understand.
Copy !req
20. You murdered my father!
Copy !req
21. You sentenced me
to that island,
Copy !req
22. To five years of hell.
Copy !req
23. I am truly sorry
for what happened to you.
Copy !req
24. You know I have
lost people.
Copy !req
25. Yeah, your wife.
Copy !req
26. Do you really think
Copy !req
27. That you're honoring
tommy's mother
Copy !req
28. By destroying
the glades?
Copy !req
29. As surely as you believe
you're honoring your father
with this hood.
Copy !req
30. Not a day goes by
Copy !req
31. I don't miss your father.
Copy !req
32. You'll see him soon.
Copy !req
33. You can't beat me, oliver.
Copy !req
34. Yes, you're younger.
Copy !req
35. You're faster,
Copy !req
36. But you always seem
to come up short against me.
Copy !req
37. Want to know why?
Copy !req
38. Because you don't know,
Copy !req
39. In your heart,
what you're fighting for.
Copy !req
40. What you're willing
to sacrifice, and I do.
Copy !req
41. No one can stop
what's about to come.
Copy !req
42. Not even the vigilante.
Copy !req
43. The plane's holding steady
at 33,000 feet.
Copy !req
44. That's the range
for missile intercept, sir.
Copy !req
45. Lock missile one
on target.
Copy !req
46. Missile one locked
on the jet's heat trail.
Copy !req
47. Prepare to launch
on my mark.
Copy !req
48. Yes, sir.
Copy !req
49. Fire! Fire the missile now!
Copy !req
50. I take back every joke
I made about you sticking
a tracking device in your boot.
Copy !req
51. Felicity's
at queen consolidated.
Copy !req
52. She's still going through
the data she pulled
off merlyn's network.
Copy !req
53. Did she find
Copy !req
54. Yeah, the design
Copy !req
55. Of the earthquake
Copy !req
56. So we can shut it down.
Copy !req
57. Assuming
we find it in time.
Copy !req
58. Yeah, felicity,
I got him.
Copy !req
59. Thank god.
Is he ok?
Copy !req
60. Mostly.
Copy !req
61. I'm on my way.
Copy !req
62. Miss smoak.
Copy !req
63. Where are you off to
in such a hurry?
Copy !req
64. Please.
Copy !req
65. Take a seat.
Copy !req
66. You know, I think
I'd rather stand.
Copy !req
67. You're not exactly
a hardened criminal,
are you?
Copy !req
68. No, I'm not
any kind of criminal.
Copy !req
69. What do you call
computer hacking?
Copy !req
70. A hobby?
Copy !req
71. That I do not engage in.
Copy !req
72. Hey, I got a whole mess
of computer gobbedly gook
that I don't understand,
Copy !req
73. But it says otherwise.
Copy !req
74. I had my tech guys
go through your computer
at queen consolidated.
Copy !req
75. You used it to hack into
blackhawk squad security
Copy !req
76. To research arrows
shipped to a company
called sagittarius
Copy !req
77. And to analyze a water
sample to tie back
to a vertigo drug lab.
Copy !req
78. These are all cases
Copy !req
79. Involving... The hood.
Copy !req
80. Tell me, felicity.
Copy !req
81. What am I thinking?
Copy !req
82. saved by the bell.
Copy !req
83. Excuse me.
Copy !req
84. Oliver, voice disguised:
Hello, detective.
Copy !req
85. It's funny
you should call.
Copy !req
86. I got your trusty
sidekick sitting
right in front of me.
Copy !req
87. I don't have a sidekick.
Copy !req
88. When I need help,
I call you.
Copy !req
89. Malcolm merlyn plans
to level the glades
with a manmade earthquake
Copy !req
90. Using technology
from unidac industries.
Copy !req
91. What?
Copy !req
92. now you're just
trying to have some fun with me.
Copy !req
93. I don't know what
merlyn's timetable is,
Copy !req
94. So you need to evacuate
the glades immediately.
Copy !req
95. Get as many people
to safety as you can.
Copy !req
96. Whatever you think
of me, detective,
Copy !req
97. Please... Believe this.
Copy !req
98. Sounds like you have
bigger problems than me.
Copy !req
99. Don't leave town.
Copy !req
100. I used to think
the vigilante
was a criminal, too,
Copy !req
101. But it seems to me,
whoever he is,
Copy !req
102. He's willing
to sacrifice
an awful lot
Copy !req
103. To help the people
of this city.
Copy !req
104. Kind of makes him
a hero...
Copy !req
105. Doesn't it?
Copy !req
106. Look who it is.
Copy !req
107. My best friend in life.
Copy !req
108. Hey, buddy.
Copy !req
109. I took your advice,
you know.
Copy !req
110. I went to laurel's,
to fight for her.
Copy !req
111. So imagine my surprise
Copy !req
112. Seeing you there,
kissing her.
Copy !req
113. I'm sorry.
Copy !req
114. No, you're not.
Copy !req
115. Something's happening,
and it involves your father.
Copy !req
116. Keep my father
out of this.
Copy !req
117. Our fathers.
They aren't the men
Copy !req
118. We thought they were.
Copy !req
119. They made a plan together...
Copy !req
120. To destroy the glades.
Copy !req
121. Do you have any idea
what you sound like
right now?
Copy !req
122. Your father's going to do it.
Copy !req
123. Because he thinks
it will avenge
your mother's death.
Copy !req
124. Do not talk about
my mother!
Copy !req
125. The difference
Copy !req
126. Between us, tommy,
Copy !req
127. Is that I didn't
find out the truth
about my father
Copy !req
128. Until it was too late.
Copy !req
129. But you've always known,
Copy !req
130. Deep down,
Copy !req
131. You have
always known
the man he is.
Copy !req
132. I wish you would have
died on that island.
Copy !req
133. We need to reprogram
the missile.
Copy !req
134. I don't know
how to reprogram
a missile launcher!
Copy !req
135. I do.
Watch out!
Copy !req
136. Oliver, put the chip in.
Copy !req
137. Make it quick,
I got a comm stat
meeting in five.
Copy !req
138. I don't want
to be late for
my own funeral.
Copy !req
139. I've got it under
good authority
Copy !req
140. That malcolm merlyn
is planning on
leveling the glades
Copy !req
141. Using some kind
of earthquake device
Copy !req
142. Made by unidac
Copy !req
143. Who's your source
in all this?
Copy !req
144. the vigilante.
Copy !req
145. He called me.
Copy !req
146. Has been
for the last few months,
Copy !req
147. He's been helpful
on some cases.
Copy !req
148. You asked for the task
force to catch him.
Copy !req
149. You swore to me
you'd bring him in.
I know.
Copy !req
150. I swore to uphold the law,
because the law is steady,
Copy !req
151. The law is unchanging,
the law needed to be protected.
Copy !req
152. But what are laws, rules,
Copy !req
153. If they don't protect people?
Copy !req
154. Now listen, I know,
I'm throwing away my career
Copy !req
155. By telling you this,
but I am willing to sacrifice
Copy !req
156. Catching this guy
if it means saving
people's lives!
Copy !req
157. Please.
Copy !req
158. You're suspended.
Copy !req
159. Leave the gun
and your badge
with the duty sergeant.
Copy !req
160. Lieutenant...
Suspension or incarceration.
Copy !req
161. You choose.
Copy !req
162. No more lies, mom.
Copy !req
163. The undertaking.
Copy !req
164. We need to stop it.
Copy !req
165. Everything I have ever
said or done
Copy !req
166. Has been to protect you
and your sister.
Copy !req
167. What about all those
people in the glades?
Copy !req
168. I'm not their mother.
Copy !req
169. I spoke to malcolm.
You what?
Copy !req
170. He could have killed you.
Copy !req
171. He killed your father.
Copy !req
172. No, he didn't.
Copy !req
173. After the "gambit"
went down,
Copy !req
174. Dad and I both made it
to the life raft.
Copy !req
175. And then we drifted,
for days.
Copy !req
176. In the end,
there wasn't enough
Copy !req
177. Food and water
for both of us.
Copy !req
178. So he shot himself
in the head.
Copy !req
179. I don't want to hear this.
Copy !req
180. He sacrificed himself...
Copy !req
181. So that I could live.
Copy !req
182. Do you really think
Copy !req
183. That I could
go on living
Copy !req
184. Knowing that
you sacrificed
Copy !req
185. Thousands more
in my name?
Copy !req
186. Mom.
Copy !req
187. Please.
Copy !req
188. You have to help me
Copy !req
189. Stop malcolm.
Copy !req
190. We need to know
where the device is.
Copy !req
191. Malcolm.
Copy !req
192. How can I help you?
Copy !req
193. I see.
Copy !req
194. Yes, thank you
for calling.
Copy !req
195. What is it?
Copy !req
196. Malcolm's
his timetable.
Copy !req
197. The undertaking is...
Copy !req
198. Is happening tonight.
Copy !req
199. Where you going?
Copy !req
200. Somebody in this
family needs to put
an end to this.
Copy !req
201. Whatever the cost.
Copy !req
202. Hi.
Copy !req
203. Hey.
Copy !req
204. I woke up and you were gone.
Copy !req
205. I'm really sorry
about that.
Copy !req
206. Oliver, I'm trying
not to think
Copy !req
207. That our history's
repeating; that
you're scared again.
Copy !req
208. No.
Copy !req
209. That's not it.
Copy !req
210. Then will you
tell me what's
going on with you?
Copy !req
211. There are so many things
Copy !req
212. That I have wanted
to tell you
Copy !req
213. For so long.
Copy !req
214. I never told you
what happened to me
on the island.
Copy !req
215. You didn't have to.
Copy !req
216. I can see that
it changed you.
Copy !req
217. That's the thing.
Copy !req
218. Laurel, it didn't.
Copy !req
219. Those five years
didn't change me.
Copy !req
220. They just...
They scraped away
Copy !req
221. All the things that I wasn't,
Copy !req
222. And revealed the person
I always was,
Copy !req
223. Which is the person...
Copy !req
224. That's who you always saw.
Copy !req
225. I don't know
how you saw it,
but you did.
Copy !req
226. Nobody in my life
is who I thought they were...
Copy !req
227. Except you.
Copy !req
228. Laurel, I need you
to do something for me.
Copy !req
229. Stay out of the glades tonight.
Copy !req
230. Why?
Copy !req
231. You'll know soon.
Copy !req
232. One way or the other.
Copy !req
233. I have to go.
Copy !req
234. It's over.
Copy !req
235. Laurel and me, I mean.
Copy !req
236. She's with oliver,
again. Always.
Copy !req
237. I'm sorry, son.
Copy !req
238. Yeah, and he said
Copy !req
239. You wanted to nuke
the glades or something.
Copy !req
240. You know,
it's funny,
Copy !req
241. Scotch doesn't make it
any more believable.
Copy !req
242. Maybe after your jihad,
Copy !req
243. We can grab
some steaks.
Copy !req
244. It's true, tommy.
Copy !req
245. It's the reason
I closed your mother's clinic.
Copy !req
246. I didn't want
to see it leveled.
Copy !req
247. What?
Copy !req
248. I have something
I'd like you to listen to.
Copy !req
249. The night
your mother died,
Copy !req
250. She called me.
Copy !req
251. I awoke
to a voicemail
from her.
Copy !req
252. Dad...
Copy !req
253. Her final gift to me.
Copy !req
254. Malcolm,
I'm in trouble.
Copy !req
255. I told—I told him
to take everything.
Copy !req
256. My money... My ring.
Copy !req
257. Turn it off.
Copy !req
258. They shot me.
I screamed for help,
Copy !req
259. But no one would come.
No one would come.
Copy !req
260. Malcolm, I don't want
to die alone.
Copy !req
261. She bled out into
the pavement while
people passed,
Copy !req
262. Did nothing.
Copy !req
263. Your mother
built her clinic
in the glades
Copy !req
264. Because she wanted
to save this city.
Copy !req
265. It can't be saved.
Copy !req
266. Because the people
there don't want it
to be saved.
Copy !req
267. So you kill them all—
Copy !req
268. Yes!
Copy !req
269. They deserve to die!
Copy !req
270. All of them!
Copy !req
271. The way she died.
Copy !req
272. The undertaking
is happening tonight.
Copy !req
273. Oliver, felicity
may have found
Copy !req
274. This symbol
is a map of the old
subway tunnel system.
Copy !req
275. That's what got us
thinking the undertaking
is connected to the glades.
Copy !req
276. What if it's more
specific than that?
Copy !req
277. What do you mean?
If I had a machine
Copy !req
278. That could trigger
an earthquake
in an otherwise
Copy !req
279. Geologically stable area,
where would I position it?
Copy !req
280. Underground.
Copy !req
281. Yeah.
Copy !req
282. This is a u.S.
Geological survey
Copy !req
283. Of the tectonic plates
running underneath
starling city.
Copy !req
284. This red line here
is a known fault
Copy !req
285. That runs right below
the glades.
Copy !req
286. About a mile, the fault
runs underneath the old
tenth street subway line.
Copy !req
287. Dollars to donuts,
the seismic device is
somewhere along there.
Copy !req
288. I know where it is.
Copy !req
289. Now is not a good time.
Copy !req
290. Yeah, understate much?
Copy !req
291. Mom has a whole bunch
of reporters here.
Copy !req
292. She's holding
a press conference
or something.
Copy !req
293. What channel?
Copy !req
294. Ah, it looks like
all of them.
Copy !req
295. Felicity, pull up
the local news, please.
Copy !req
296. My name is
moira dearden queen.
Copy !req
297. I am the acting ceo
of queen consolidated.
Copy !req
298. And god forgive me,
I have failed the city.
Copy !req
299. For the past five years,
under the threat for my life
Copy !req
300. And the lives of my family...
Copy !req
301. I have been complicit
in an undertaking
Copy !req
302. With one horrible purpose—
Copy !req
303. To destroy the glades
and everyone in it.
Copy !req
304. I realize now
Copy !req
305. That my family's safety
will mean nothing
Copy !req
306. If I let this
dreadful act occur.
Copy !req
307. But you need to know
Copy !req
308. That the architect
of this nightmare...
Copy !req
309. Is malcolm merlyn.
Copy !req
310. No!
Copy !req
311. Yes, and I have proof
that he has killed dozens
Copy !req
312. In pursuit of this madness.
Copy !req
313. Adam hunt, frank chen,
Copy !req
314. And my husband...
Copy !req
315. Robert.
Copy !req
316. Please.
Copy !req
317. If you reside in the glades,
you need to get out now.
Copy !req
318. Your lives and the lives
of your children depend on it.
Copy !req
319. Please.
Copy !req
320. I don't understand.
Copy !req
321. I'm sorry. I love you.
Copy !req
322. I love roy.
Copy !req
323. He lives
in the glades.
Copy !req
324. I can't leave him there.
Copy !req
325. Moira queen,
you're under arrest
for conspiracy.
Copy !req
326. Anything you say can
and will be used against
you in a court of law.
Copy !req
327. You have the right
to an attorney.
Copy !req
328. Is it true?
Copy !req
329. Did you kill
all those people?
Copy !req
330. I did what I had to do.
Copy !req
331. Freeze!
Copy !req
332. Malcolm merlyn,
you are under arrest.
Copy !req
333. Dad, no!
Copy !req
334. Please, dad.
Copy !req
335. Stay back.
Copy !req
336. I don't want to hurt you.
Copy !req
337. You can't.
Copy !req
338. And you can't stop me.
Copy !req
339. Oliver, I'm sorry.
Copy !req
340. Don't be.
Copy !req
341. She gave those
people a chance.
Copy !req
342. I thought merlyn
broke your bow.
Copy !req
343. I have another.
Copy !req
344. I was going over
the device schematics.
Copy !req
345. The device can be set
for a timed detonation
Copy !req
346. Or can be remote activated
by a mobile transmitter.
Copy !req
347. Something merlyn
could have on him.
Copy !req
348. Listen, oliver,
if we can just
Copy !req
349. Get our hands
on this transmitter,
Copy !req
350. Maybe we don't need
to track down the device.
Copy !req
351. It's too big
of an "if," diggle.
Copy !req
352. I need you
in the subway.
Copy !req
353. Find the device,
disarm it.
Copy !req
354. So you can take on
merlyn by yourself?
Copy !req
355. I have to.
Copy !req
356. Oh, he'll kill you, oliver.
Copy !req
357. I know.
Copy !req
358. He's beaten me twice.
Copy !req
359. And I don't know
how to stop him.
Copy !req
360. Ok. Well, how about this time,
you bring along something
Copy !req
361. You didn't have
the last time
you two fought—
Copy !req
362. Me.
I can't let you.
Copy !req
363. I can't let you do this
by yourself, man.
Copy !req
364. Oliver, you are not alone,
Copy !req
365. Not since
you brought me into this.
Copy !req
366. Us into this.
Copy !req
367. Besides, army regulations—
Copy !req
368. A soldier never lets
a brother go into battle alone.
Copy !req
369. I'm out of bows.
I got my gun.
Copy !req
370. I guess it's up to me
to do the dismantling.
Copy !req
371. This whole area
is ground zero.
Copy !req
372. I want you
out of here.
Copy !req
373. If you're not leaving,
I'm not leaving.
Copy !req
374. Besides, if I don't
deactivate the device,
Copy !req
375. Who will?
Copy !req
376. You were right.
Copy !req
377. I need one more
thing from you.
Copy !req
378. Yeah? What do I got
left to give?
Copy !req
379. I know where merlyn
is keeping the device.
Copy !req
380. It's in an abandoned subway
station near puckett street.
Copy !req
381. How do you know?
Copy !req
382. That's where
his wife was murdered.
Copy !req
383. I need someone I can trust
to deactivate the device.
Copy !req
384. We have a mutual friend
that I think could...
Copy !req
385. Talk you through it.
Copy !req
386. She says you care
about the people
of this city,
Copy !req
387. That it needs you.
Copy !req
388. Right now, detective...
Copy !req
389. It needs you.
Copy !req
390. Earlier today,
moira queen, ceo
of queen consolidated.
Copy !req
391. Admitted to a conspiracy
to destroy the glades.
Copy !req
392. Everyone who's in
a five mile radius
is asked to evacuate.
Copy !req
393. Please leave the area
Copy !req
394. Evacuation centers
have been set up
in starling city.
Copy !req
395. Looks like we missed him.
Copy !req
396. Shado!
Copy !req
397. Slade!
Copy !req
398. Boy, I should
have figured.
Copy !req
399. You couldn't
save the day...
Copy !req
400. Without making a mess.
Copy !req
401. Where's shado?
Copy !req
402. I thought
she was with you.
Copy !req
403. Actually...
Copy !req
404. She's with me.
Copy !req
405. Let her go!
It's over, fyers!
Copy !req
406. Let her go.
Copy !req
407. Amazing.
Copy !req
408. A two year operation undone
Copy !req
409. Because a young playboy
happened to wash up
on the shore,
Copy !req
410. And now here you are—
a killer.
Copy !req
411. you wanted
nothing more than
to leave this island,
Copy !req
412. And now you can.
Copy !req
413. I can call in a rescue ship,
you can go home.
Copy !req
414. Tell me, mr. Queen.
Copy !req
415. Are you prepared
to sacrifice your freedom...
Copy !req
416. For her?
Copy !req
417. Guess so.
Copy !req
418. Tommy.
Copy !req
419. Tommy. Tommy!
Copy !req
420. Oliver.
Copy !req
421. Where's your father?
Copy !req
422. Ohh. I don't know.
Copy !req
423. You were right.
Copy !req
424. You were right about him.
Copy !req
425. Oliver.
Copy !req
426. Are you going to kill him?
Copy !req
427. Get to safety.
Copy !req
428. Looks like a false wall.
Copy !req
429. Welcome, gentlemen.
Copy !req
430. I've been waiting for you.
I wanted to see you
Copy !req
431. Watch your city die.
Copy !req
432. Where's
the transmitter?
Copy !req
433. Somewhere I can
easily get to it.
Copy !req
434. I doubt it.
You're going
to be too dead.
Copy !req
435. Aaah!
Copy !req
436. Stairs. Go, go.
Copy !req
437. So tell me—
are you ready to die?
Copy !req
438. You found it yet, detective?
Copy !req
439. Not exactly sure
what I'm looking for.
Copy !req
440. Do you want me
to describe it to you?
Copy !req
441. No, I've got it.
Copy !req
442. You should see
something that looks
like a circuit board.
Copy !req
443. Pull it out.
Do you see a timer?
Copy !req
444. Seven minutes.
Copy !req
445. Ok. Well, the good news is,
Copy !req
446. This is going to be
a paperweight in three.
Copy !req
447. What do you got there, grandpa?
Copy !req
448. Hey! Hey!
Copy !req
449. Hey!
Copy !req
450. Back off!
Copy !req
451. Learn how to count, jerkwad.
There's three of us.
Copy !req
452. Oh, is that right?
Copy !req
453. 'cause I only count one.
Copy !req
454. With a gun.
Copy !req
455. Where did you learn
how to do that?
Copy !req
456. I guess I have wicked aim.
Copy !req
457. What?
I went to your house.
Copy !req
458. Yeah, I figured
I'd run for my life
with everyone else.
Copy !req
459. Did you—did you
come to rescue me?
Copy !req
460. Yeah.
Copy !req
461. Come on.
Copy !req
462. There are three wires—
you need a green one,
Copy !req
463. A yellow and one blue.
Copy !req
464. Cut the blue.
Copy !req
465. All right,
I got it, I got it.
Copy !req
466. Oh, my god.
Copy !req
467. No, no, no, no, no!
Copy !req
468. There must be some sort
of anti-tamper safeguard.
Copy !req
469. Hold on. I'm going
to try to figure out
how to override it.
Copy !req
470. Not enough time.
There's not enough time!
Copy !req
471. Just hold on!
Copy !req
472. Not enough time.
Copy !req
473. Dad, don't worry,
I got your message,
Copy !req
474. And I did not
come into work today.
Copy !req
475. Save it, kiddo,
we both know
you're there.
Copy !req
476. But listen—you got to
get out of the glades.
Copy !req
477. You got to get out of
the glades right now!
Ok, please.
Copy !req
478. Dad?
Copy !req
479. Right now, laurel!
Right now, laurel!
Copy !req
480. Daddy,
you're scaring me.
Copy !req
481. Sorry, but I'm not...
Copy !req
482. I'm not going
to make it.
Copy !req
483. What?
Copy !req
484. What?
Copy !req
485. You have to promise me
one thing, laurel.
Copy !req
486. You're not going
to die along with me.
Copy !req
487. You have to go on
with your life.
Copy !req
488. After your sister died,
I pushed people away,
Copy !req
489. I became like a ghost.
Copy !req
490. I didn't think I had
the right to live
Copy !req
491. When my baby girl
Copy !req
492. Promise me
you're not going
Copy !req
493. To make the same
mistakes as I did.
Copy !req
494. Where are you?
Copy !req
495. Promise me, laurel.
Copy !req
496. Promise me.
Copy !req
497. I promise.
Copy !req
498. I love you, honey,
now and forever.
Copy !req
499. I love you.
Copy !req
500. Dad!
Copy !req
501. Detective lance?
Copy !req
502. I need you to listen to me
very carefully.
Copy !req
503. You do know how dangerous
Copy !req
504. It is to text and drive,
right? It can wait!
Copy !req
505. No, it can't.
I'm trying to find us
another route out of here.
Copy !req
506. Let me. It's not
worth the risk.
Copy !req
507. Roy!
Copy !req
508. roy!
Copy !req
509. Help me out!
Help me out!
Help me out!
Copy !req
510. Roy, stop! Roy!
Copy !req
511. The device is about
to go off any second!
Copy !req
512. I can't leave
anyone behind.
Copy !req
513. I know you think
you have something to prove.
Copy !req
514. But you're not the vigilante!
Copy !req
515. I can't do this
unless I know
you're safe.
Copy !req
516. Then you better
haul ass out of it.
Copy !req
517. Don't struggle.
It's over.
Copy !req
518. There was never any
doubt in the outcome.
Copy !req
519. Don't worry. Your mother
and sister will be
joining you in death.
Copy !req
520. Survive.
Copy !req
521. Thank you
for teaching me
Copy !req
522. What I'm fighting for.
Copy !req
523. But my father taught me how.
Copy !req
524. come on!
Copy !req
525. Oliver,
lance did it.
Copy !req
526. It's over.
Copy !req
527. If I've learned anything
as a successful businessman,
Copy !req
528. It's...
Copy !req
529. Redundancy.
Copy !req
530. Felicity...
Copy !req
531. There's another device.
Copy !req
532. There's two of them!
Copy !req
533. What the hell's
Copy !req
534. Ok, that's enough.
Copy !req
535. Ohh!
Copy !req
536. I turned
the damn thing off!
Copy !req
537. Merlyn had a second device!
Copy !req
538. My daughter! Laurel!
She's at cnri!
Copy !req
539. Run!
Copy !req
540. Laurel!
Copy !req
541. Oliver?
Copy !req
542. Are you ok?
Copy !req
543. Yeah.
Copy !req
544. The damage seems
to be contained
Copy !req
545. On the east side,
Copy !req
546. Past wells street.
Copy !req
547. Laurel.
Copy !req
548. Are you going
to be ok?
Copy !req
549. Go, go, go.
Copy !req
550. help!
Copy !req
551. Please! Help me!
Copy !req
552. tommy!
Copy !req
553. What are you doing here?
Copy !req
554. I kind of figured
that you might
come back to cnri.
Copy !req
555. You came here for me?
Copy !req
556. I love you.
Copy !req
557. Get up! Go!
Copy !req
558. I'm right behind you!
Copy !req
559. Laurel! Laurel!
Copy !req
560. Dad! Dad!
Oh, thank god.
Copy !req
561. No!
Copy !req
562. No! Laurel!
No, you can't!
Copy !req
563. Tommy!
You can't!
Copy !req
564. It's too late,
it's too late.
Copy !req
565. Tommy!
Copy !req
566. Ah, tommy.
Copy !req
567. You're going to be fine.
Copy !req
568. Another thing...
We got to disagree on.
Copy !req
569. Tommy...
Copy !req
570. Is—is laurel safe?
Copy !req
571. Is laurel safe?
I tried to get her
out of here.
Copy !req
572. Yeah, yeah, you did.
Copy !req
573. You saved her.
Copy !req
574. I'm going to get you
out of here.
Copy !req
575. You're going to be fine.
Copy !req
576. Stop.
Copy !req
577. I'm sorry.
Copy !req
578. No. Don't apologize.
Copy !req
579. I was angry.
Copy !req
580. And I was jealous. I—
Copy !req
581. I am my father.
Copy !req
582. No.
Copy !req
583. No, you're not.
Copy !req
584. Did—did you get him?
Copy !req
585. No.
Copy !req
586. Thank you.
Copy !req
587. No, no!
Copy !req
588. Tommy!
Copy !req
589. It should have been me.
Copy !req
590. Open your eyes, tommy!
Copy !req
591. Open your eyes.
Copy !req