1. My name is oliver queen.
For 5 years,
Copy !req
2. I was stranded on an island
with only one goal—
Copy !req
3. Survive.
Copy !req
4. Oliver queen is alive.
Copy !req
5. Now I will fulfill
my father's dying wish—
Copy !req
6. To use the list
of names he left me
Copy !req
7. And bring down those
who are poisoning my city.
Copy !req
8. To do this, I must
become someone else.
Copy !req
9. I must become
something else.
Copy !req
10. Previously on "arrow"...
Copy !req
11. Rescuing your father
and stopping fyers
Copy !req
12. Is not going to be
some walk in the park.
Copy !req
13. Yao fei!
Copy !req
14. How did you
Copy !req
15. I didn't.
Copy !req
16. You told me to stay away
from your family and I did,
Copy !req
17. But your family isn't
staying away from me,
Copy !req
18. Which means something
must be done about it.
Copy !req
19. You're going home.
Copy !req
20. About my mother,
Copy !req
21. And about her involvement
in the undertaking.
Copy !req
22. She's working
with malcolm merlyn,
Copy !req
23. And they're planning
something terrible.
Copy !req
24. So, I was
Copy !req
25. There's a late night
happy hour at stella's.
Copy !req
26. You know, the place
across the street.
Copy !req
27. You mean the place
that's always playing
Copy !req
28. Loud salsa music at all hours
when I'm trying to work late?
Copy !req
29. That—that would be
the one, yeah.
Copy !req
30. Anyway, I was
thinking that, um,
Copy !req
31. Maybe, you know,
if you wanted to,
Copy !req
32. We could perhaps
grab a drink?
Copy !req
33. How about two?
Copy !req
34. Oh, my god!
Copy !req
35. I did everything
mr. Meryln required of me!
Copy !req
36. He knows,
dr. Markov,
Copy !req
37. And he thanks you
for your service.
Copy !req
38. Open the door!
Open the door!
Copy !req
39. Freeze!
Copy !req
40. No!
Open the door!
Copy !req
41. Get down on the floor!
Copy !req
42. I've been watching
your mother for days
now, oliver, and nothing.
Copy !req
43. She goes to work,
Copy !req
44. She comes home. Occasionally
she goes out for dinner.
Copy !req
45. She seems to particularly
like the salmon tartar
at table salt.
Copy !req
46. I'm linked
into her home
and office phone.
Copy !req
47. Nothing out
of the ordinary.
Copy !req
48. No mention
of walter's abduction
or the undertaking.
Copy !req
49. Just a few innocuous calls
to malcolm merlyn.
Copy !req
50. Why wouldn't she
call him?
Copy !req
51. They're old friends.
Copy !req
52. We're all
old friends.
Copy !req
53. Are you ok?
Copy !req
54. My mom and my best
friend's dad
Copy !req
55. Are involved
in a conspiracy
Copy !req
56. That may have
dire consequences
for the city.
Copy !req
57. And I'm pretty sure
they murdered my father.
Copy !req
58. I'm not planning
on using the word "ok"
again any time soon.
Copy !req
59. Listen, all
we know for sure
is that malcolm
Copy !req
60. And your mother
are planning something
for the glades.
Copy !req
61. And that walter
and I were getting
too close to it,
Copy !req
62. That's why
they had him kidnapped.
Copy !req
63. We have to find
out what this
undertaking is.
Copy !req
64. I got to ask her.
Copy !req
65. Well, no. The last time
the vigilante paid
your mom a visit,
Copy !req
66. You got shot, and I got
to play doctor with you.
Copy !req
67. Ahh! My brain thinks
of the worst way
to say things.
Copy !req
68. This time it'll
just be me asking.
Copy !req
69. Friendly
mother-son chat.
Copy !req
70. Laurel? What
are you doing here?
It's not even 7:00 a.M.
Copy !req
71. That's just after
closing time, right?
Copy !req
72. How's business?
Copy !req
73. Well, it's busy.
Copy !req
74. Busy. It was easier
when tommy was
running things.
Copy !req
75. Tommy's a good guy.
Copy !req
76. Are you?
Copy !req
77. What do you mean?
Copy !req
78. Last week,
I told you
Copy !req
79. That I wanted
to get back with tommy.
Copy !req
80. That I needed you
to go to him
Copy !req
81. And explain to him
that you didn't still
have feelings for me.
Copy !req
82. But instead,
Copy !req
83. You told me that you did.
Copy !req
84. As I'm sure you can
probably imagine,
Copy !req
85. I haven't been able
to think of much since.
Copy !req
86. I shouldn't
have said that.
Copy !req
87. Then why did you?
Copy !req
88. I didn't...
Have an agenda.
Copy !req
89. I didn't mean to make it
more difficult for you
to fix things with tommy.
Copy !req
90. But what if you did?
Copy !req
91. After you disappeared—
Copy !req
92. With sara—
Copy !req
93. I was sorry
I ever knew you.
Copy !req
94. But now, things
have happened that
I never thought would.
Copy !req
95. You coming home.
Copy !req
96. My parents being
in the same room.
Copy !req
97. And you.
Copy !req
98. What if I'm finally
starting to see you
Copy !req
99. For who you really are?
No, laurel, it's—
Copy !req
100. And maybe
tommy was right.
Copy !req
101. Maybe he and I
weren't meant to be.
Copy !req
102. Maybe I'm finally
ready to admit that...
Copy !req
103. That I still have
feelings for you, too.
Copy !req
104. Nothing's changed.
Copy !req
105. My life hasn't changed.
Copy !req
106. I haven't changed.
Copy !req
107. I got to go.
Copy !req
108. Walter's coming home.
Copy !req
109. Everything's exactly
as you left it.
Copy !req
110. How are you feeling,
Copy !req
111. I'm on the mend,
thank you, oliver.
Copy !req
112. Oh, I'm so glad
you're home.
Copy !req
113. That makes two of us.
Copy !req
114. All of us.
Copy !req
115. We've prepared
a delicious brunch for you.
Copy !req
116. All your favorites.
Copy !req
117. Oh, yum,
english food.
Copy !req
118. Actually, I'm more
tired from the drive
than I expected.
Copy !req
119. So I think I'd like
to lie down for a bit.
Copy !req
120. Yes, of course.
Copy !req
121. Walter doesn't really
seem like himself.
Copy !req
122. He's gone through a lot.
Copy !req
123. It's just...
Going to take
a little bit of time.
Copy !req
124. I'm really sick of us
Copy !req
125. All having to go through
a lot, you know?
Copy !req
126. Six scientists
and three security personnel
Copy !req
127. Are confirmed killed
in the massacre.
Copy !req
128. Among the dead, respected
seismologist brian markov.
Copy !req
129. A spokesperson
for unidac industries
Copy !req
130. Says a comment
would be forthcoming.
Copy !req
131. Mom, we need to talk.
Copy !req
132. Oh, uh, later,
Copy !req
133. Co-workers, parents
and families of all the victims
Copy !req
134. To see how they're coping
with their loss.
Copy !req
135. You!
Save it.
Copy !req
136. We don't have the luxury
of indulging in vendettas.
Copy !req
137. Ba!
Copy !req
138. You led fyers
right to us, you coward!
Copy !req
139. Fyers was about
to fire bomb
the entire forest
Copy !req
140. Just to eliminate you.
Copy !req
141. This way, you all
have a chance.
Copy !req
142. Well, pray I don't
get the chance
to repay your mercy.
Copy !req
143. How fitting.
Copy !req
144. Everyone reunited
for the end.
Copy !req
145. What? What is all this for?
Copy !req
146. Man on radio: Hkia,
this is ferris air
flight 637 out of paris,
Copy !req
147. Nonstop to hong kong.
Copy !req
148. We are steady on approach
at 33,000 feet
Copy !req
149. And winds at 15 knots.
Copy !req
150. Eta, two hours,
15 minutes, over.
Copy !req
151. Ferris 637, this is hkia.
Copy !req
152. Adjust course
to 0.6 degrees south.
Copy !req
153. 11 minutes, over.
Copy !req
154. Roger, hkia.
Why the course change?
Copy !req
155. Nothing to worry about, 637.
Copy !req
156. Just looking to make sure
you avoid a little turbulence.
Copy !req
157. Roger that.
Adjusting course now.
Copy !req
158. They're altering course,
sir. The plane
Copy !req
159. Will be in range
of lian yu in 26 minutes.
Copy !req
160. Good. Keep tracking it.
Copy !req
161. That's a commercial
airliner, fyers.
Copy !req
162. It's not like it can land here.
Copy !req
163. It won't be landing
anywhere, mr. Queen.
Copy !req
164. I'm going to destroy it.
Copy !req
165. Arrows are black,
not green.
Copy !req
166. Psychopaths
are color-coding
themselves now.
Copy !req
167. That's helpful.
Yeah, except we haven't seen
Copy !req
168. Ok, last time he took
hostages to draw out
the vigilante.
Copy !req
169. This time, he massacres
a bunch of lab nerds?
Copy !req
170. I want a press lockdown,
nobody hears about
the other archer
Copy !req
171. And we need to get a list
of all unidac employees
Copy !req
172. And find out what
they're working on here.
Copy !req
173. Apparently it was
a tight group.
Copy !req
174. Anyone who knows
anything about
the project is dead.
Copy !req
175. And the copycat
fried all their computers
and burned their research.
Copy !req
176. whatever's
going on here,
Copy !req
177. Someone doesn't want
anyone to know about it.
Copy !req
178. Where did you even
get that camera?
Copy !req
179. Come to think of it,
where did you get this car?
Copy !req
180. I borrowed it.
Copy !req
181. You know, when I imagine
being in a car with you,
Copy !req
182. This isn't exactly
what I had in mind.
Copy !req
183. Yeah, well,
you're the one
Copy !req
184. Who said you'd help me
find the vigilante.
Copy !req
185. I know,
but it's been two weeks,
Copy !req
186. And the closest we've come
is snapping photos
Copy !req
187. Of the cop who hates
the hood just as much
as you worship him.
Copy !req
188. I don't worship him.
Copy !req
189. I just need
to find him.
Copy !req
190. You don't need to find him
to be somebody.
Copy !req
191. Besides, it's not like
you're going to meet him
any time soon.
Copy !req
192. Just that the cops
don't have a clue.
Copy !req
193. We don't know
what they know.
Copy !req
194. Ok, I officially
do not like that look.
Copy !req
195. You still work
at cnri, right?
Copy !req
196. Hey, mom.
Copy !req
197. Walter's upstairs resting.
Copy !req
198. I think he's...
Doing well, don't you?
Copy !req
199. Who took him?
Copy !req
200. Well, we don't know yet.
But I'm going to make sure
Copy !req
201. All the resources of queen
consolidated are behind it.
Copy !req
202. That's the answer
that you gave to
reporters yesterday.
Copy !req
203. Tell me the truth.
Copy !req
204. I don't know
what you mean.
Copy !req
205. I think you do.
A couple months ago,
Copy !req
206. When I showed you dad's
notebook, you seemed
to know something.
Copy !req
207. Something about our
family being in danger.
Copy !req
208. Are you suggesting
that I knew something
Copy !req
209. About my husband's kidnapping?
Copy !req
210. I'm just suggesting that
maybe you were scared.
Copy !req
211. That maybe you didn't
mean for any of this
to happen.
Copy !req
212. But it was harder
than you thought.
Copy !req
213. And now you're
barely keeping
your head above water.
Copy !req
214. Please, mom.
Copy !req
215. Let me help you
before you drown.
Copy !req
216. You need to stop
asking these things.
Do you understand?
Copy !req
217. I need you to stop.
Copy !req
218. I can't.
Copy !req
219. I need to know.
Copy !req
220. Is that a power outage?
Copy !req
221. I don't know.
Copy !req
222. Oliver! Oliver!
Copy !req
223. Mom!
Copy !req
224. Oliver.
Copy !req
225. Are you ok?
Copy !req
226. Oliver?
Copy !req
227. What—what—
Copy !req
228. We got to get
out of here.
Copy !req
229. Moira queen...
Copy !req
230. You have failed the city.
Copy !req
231. It doesn't make any sense!
Copy !req
232. Why do you want
to blow up a plane?
Copy !req
233. When the new york
stock exchange
Copy !req
234. Reopened after 9-11,
Copy !req
235. The dow jones dropped
nearly 685 points.
Copy !req
236. Can you imagine
what would happen to china,
Copy !req
237. The world's second
largest economy,
Copy !req
238. If all air travel
in and out of china
Copy !req
239. Were to be grounded
Copy !req
240. You want to destabilize
china's economy?
Copy !req
241. It's not what I want,
but rather my employer.
Copy !req
242. We have enough
missiles here
Copy !req
243. To shoot down any aircraft
approaching the mainland.
Copy !req
244. And that will
decimate china's economy.
Copy !req
245. Especially...
Once a rogue element
Copy !req
246. In china's own military
claims responsibility.
Copy !req
247. You see, inconvenient
though you occasionally were,
Copy !req
248. You're always worth
more to me alive than dead.
Copy !req
249. Then you should
have killed me.
Copy !req
250. Because I won't do it.
Copy !req
251. Ahh!
Copy !req
252. Shado! Shado!
Copy !req
253. I said I need you alive,
Copy !req
254. But I can kill
everyone you care about.
Copy !req
255. Help you with something?
Copy !req
256. Yes, um, I'm from cnri
Copy !req
257. And we're investigating
claims of racial bias
in scpd arrests.
Copy !req
258. So I'm going to need
a copy of each file
Copy !req
259. From every arrest in
starling city January,
2011 to the present.
Copy !req
260. It's almost 9:00 at night.
Copy !req
261. Yeah, well, tell that
to judge crow.
Copy !req
262. He's the one who signed
the court order.
Copy !req
263. Wait here.
Copy !req
264. I don't know, it seems
like a bit of a reach.
Copy !req
265. Yeah, which is what you do
when you got nothin'.
Copy !req
266. 'cause all I know
is the copycat,
Copy !req
267. He torched every record
down at unidac.
Copy !req
268. And all we got are
phone records
Copy !req
269. He made a couple of
calls to an unclaimed
line at merlyn global.
Copy !req
270. A couple of calls?
Did I say reach?
Copy !req
271. I misspoke. I meant leap.
Copy !req
272. just get
someone down here
from meryln global
Copy !req
273. To answer a few
questions under oath.
Copy !req
274. Did you find anything?
Copy !req
275. Anything helpful?
No, still looking.
Copy !req
276. What about you?
You learn anything
from the cops?
Copy !req
277. As a matter
of fact...
Copy !req
278. I like the sound of that.
Copy !req
279. You know that
copycat archer?
Copy !req
280. Turns out he's
connected to merlyn
global somehow.
Copy !req
281. We're looking for the hood,
not some crazy wannabe.
Copy !req
282. Well, the guy
with the black arrows
Copy !req
283. Seems to hate the guy
with the green arrows, so...
Copy !req
284. So what, we just
show up at merlyn global
Copy !req
285. And hope the hood
shows up, too?
Copy !req
286. Last I checked,
Copy !req
287. You don't have
any better ideas.
Copy !req
288. Please!
Copy !req
289. Do not hurt my son.
Copy !req
290. Tell me what
the undertaking is
and I won't have to.
Copy !req
291. No!
Tell me!
Copy !req
292. Please!
Copy !req
293. Leave my son alone!
Copy !req
294. What is malcolm merlyn
Copy !req
295. I can't tell you!
Copy !req
296. He'll kill me,
he'll kill my family.
Copy !req
297. You should be more worried
about what I'll do.
Copy !req
298. No!
Copy !req
299. Malcolm is planning
to level the glades!
Copy !req
300. He said so he could
rebuild it, but...
Copy !req
301. How?
Copy !req
302. There's a device.
What device?
Copy !req
303. He says that it can
cause an earthquake.
Copy !req
304. How is this possible?
Copy !req
305. I don't know.
Copy !req
306. It was invented
by unidac industries.
Copy !req
307. Malcolm used
my company's
applied sciences
Copy !req
308. To turn it
into a weapon.
Copy !req
309. Why would you get involved
in something like this?
Copy !req
310. My husband...
Copy !req
311. He got involved
without my knowing.
Copy !req
312. He was just trying
to do some good.
Copy !req
313. He was lost. He...
Copy !req
314. His decisions
left me vulnerable
Copy !req
315. To malcolm,
and I had no choice.
Copy !req
316. I had to protect
my family
and my children.
Copy !req
317. This device...
Where is it?
Copy !req
318. I don't know.
Copy !req
319. If you don't tell me,
I can't stop merlyn!
Copy !req
320. Oh, you can't stop him.
Copy !req
321. It's too late.
Copy !req
322. No, no, no,
I told you everything!
Copy !req
323. Oliver!
Copy !req
324. No!
Oh, sweet—
Copy !req
325. Please, I know
what you must be
thinking, sweetheart,
Copy !req
326. But I never intended
any of this to happen.
Copy !req
327. You know I would
never willingly
Copy !req
328. Be a part of
anything like this.
Copy !req
329. I don't know anything anymore.
Copy !req
330. Oh, my god.
Copy !req
331. You said you were going
to pull your punches!
Copy !req
332. I did.
Let me get you an icepack for...
Copy !req
333. Everything.
I'm fine.
Copy !req
334. I need you to dig up
everything you can
on unidac industries.
Copy !req
335. Well, we know queen
consolidated acquired them
seven months ago.
Copy !req
336. That's when we met.
Copy !req
337. I need information
about what I don't know.
Copy !req
338. Unidac is a small
research and development
technology company
Copy !req
339. That specializes in
seismic infringement.
Copy !req
340. Merlyn plans on
leveling the glades
Copy !req
341. With a device that triggers
a manmade earthquake.
Copy !req
342. You're kidding.
Copy !req
343. What else
does it say?
Copy !req
344. More information
on the stock auction
Copy !req
345. And, you know,
the latest
Copy !req
346. On what the media's
Copy !req
347. The unidac massacre.
There's no way
Copy !req
348. This timing is a coincidence.
Copy !req
349. Oliver,
there's a website
Copy !req
350. Claiming the police
suspect a copycat archer.
Copy !req
351. What?
So the other archer
works for meryln?
Copy !req
352. He's tying up
loose ends.
Copy !req
353. Erasing all evidence
this device exists
Copy !req
354. So no one can trace
the devastation
back to him.
Copy !req
355. All right, so you're
going to have a pointed
conversation with mr. Meryln.
Copy !req
356. Well, even if I take
out meryln, the other
archer is still out there.
Copy !req
357. He can set
off the device.
We need to find it.
Copy !req
358. Then meryln
can get his.
Copy !req
359. Well, maybe there's
another way to get
meryln to tell us.
Copy !req
360. What do you have in mind?
Copy !req
361. As I keep proving,
people keep secrets.
Copy !req
362. Computers don't.
Copy !req
363. Felicity, are you hacking
Copy !req
364. Into the merlyn
global mainframe?
Copy !req
365. "hacking" is such
an ugly word.
Copy !req
366. No. I'm...
Copy !req
367. Yeah, totally hacking
into the merlyn
global mainframe.
Copy !req
368. Stop!
Copy !req
369. I knew your good
judgment could be
counted on.
Copy !req
370. Come along now.
Copy !req
371. We need to get you
back into uniform.
Copy !req
372. It's fyers.
It's happening.
Copy !req
373. Understood.
Copy !req
374. That was fyers.
Copy !req
375. Everything is proceeding
to your plan.
Copy !req
376. It truly is
very kind of you to come
all the way out here.
Copy !req
377. Walter?
Copy !req
378. Who are you
speaking to—
Copy !req
379. Moira.
Copy !req
380. How are you?
Copy !req
381. Well.
Thank you.
Copy !req
382. Actually, you look
a little bit out of sorts.
Copy !req
383. Oh, no, no,
I'm fine.
Copy !req
384. Malcolm stopped by
to check up on his nemesis.
Copy !req
385. On the racquetball court.
Copy !req
386. I didn't get a chance
to talk to walter
Copy !req
387. At the hospital.
Like everyone,
Copy !req
388. I'm glad he's back
where he belongs.
Copy !req
389. With his family.
Copy !req
390. Yes.
Copy !req
391. I'll let you get
some rest.
Copy !req
392. Thanks again.
Copy !req
393. Uh, I'll
walk you out.
Copy !req
394. Your assassin
wasn't too subtle
Copy !req
395. In eliminating those
people at unidac.
Copy !req
396. Well, now the police
are focused on
the copycat archer
Copy !req
397. Instead of the undertaking.
As for our collateral damage,
Copy !req
398. I had to limit our exposure.
I see.
Copy !req
399. And does paying walter
a visit just now
Copy !req
400. Fall under
the same category?
Copy !req
401. You held him
for nearly six months.
Copy !req
402. Surely you had him questioned.
He was.
Copy !req
403. And I assume
that if walter knew
Copy !req
404. Something you'd rather he
didn't, agreement be damned,
Copy !req
405. I would be a widow again.
Am I wrong?
Copy !req
406. Rarely.
Copy !req
407. Well, we discovered
a few phone calls
Copy !req
408. Between one
of the unidac victims
Copy !req
409. And someone
at the merlyn
global group.
Copy !req
410. Which is why I asked
for someone at your company
Copy !req
411. But naturally, they send down
the one guy that's been
working there 30 seconds
Copy !req
412. And knows nothing.
Copy !req
413. Detective lance,
if someone from
meryln global
Copy !req
414. Is involved
with those deaths,
Copy !req
415. I want them found
as much as you do.
Copy !req
416. Give me more to go on
than some phone calls
Copy !req
417. And I will help you
in any way that I can.
Copy !req
418. What are you
doing here?
Copy !req
419. Helping your father
with an investigation.
Copy !req
420. Uh...
Copy !req
421. Call me
Copy !req
422. If you need
anything else.
Copy !req
423. Thank you.
Copy !req
424. One second, sweetie.
Copy !req
425. Ok, someone at merlyn global
could be connected
Copy !req
426. To the copycat archer,
all right?
Copy !req
427. Any chance you can have
a little snoop around
their computer systems?
Copy !req
428. You'll need a warrant.
Copy !req
429. No, we'll need a judge
who owes me a favor.
Copy !req
430. Hey.
Copy !req
431. You never did tell me what had
you and merlyn on the outs.
Copy !req
432. No, I didn't.
Copy !req
433. You don't have to tell me.
Copy !req
434. Oliver.
Copy !req
435. come on.
Copy !req
436. I know.
I know. Say it.
Copy !req
437. You—you think
I'm crazy.
Copy !req
438. I mean, oliver,
he cheated on me,
Copy !req
439. He broke my heart,
he led sara to her death
Copy !req
440. And you would probably
rather drink acid than
see me with him again.
Copy !req
441. Dad...
Copy !req
442. I am sure you're
disappointed in me.
Copy !req
443. Since queen's been back, he's...
Copy !req
444. Different.
Copy !req
445. I'll deny ever
having said that.
Copy !req
446. Hmm.
Copy !req
447. Let's eat.
Copy !req
448. anything?
Copy !req
449. Just for the record,
I will pump my fist
in the air
Copy !req
450. And scream, "yes!"
if I get in.
Copy !req
451. You know, you can just say
this isn't working.
Copy !req
452. This isn't working.
Copy !req
453. All right, there has
to be some other way
Copy !req
454. We can find out where
he's keeping this device.
Copy !req
455. Unless I can waltz up
to merlyn's mainframe
Copy !req
456. And plug in my tablet
directly, there's no way
of getting that location.
Copy !req
457. Then we waltz.
Copy !req
458. Excuse me?
Copy !req
459. You need
direct access
to the mainframe,
Copy !req
460. So we get you
direct access
to the mainframe,
Copy !req
461. And we figure out
where the device
is being kept.
Copy !req
462. Oliver... I did mention
Copy !req
463. That the mainframe
is located inside
Copy !req
464. Merlyn global group's
main headquarters,
Copy !req
465. It's only accessible
through a restricted
access elevator.
Copy !req
466. I know.
Copy !req
467. We're going
to have to break in.
Copy !req
468. Hi. Oliver queen.
Copy !req
469. I have an 11:30
with tommy merlyn.
Copy !req
470. I have a super deluxe
big belly buster
Copy !req
471. For a mr. Andrews.
I think he's in security.
Copy !req
472. He a good tipper?
Copy !req
473. You can go on up,
mr. Queen.
Copy !req
474. You can wait a second.
Copy !req
475. New guy,
you order food?
Copy !req
476. Yeah, I'm addicted
to big belly burger.
Copy !req
477. Never had it.
Copy !req
478. I'll split it with you.
Copy !req
479. Keep the change.
Copy !req
480. Hold that.
Copy !req
481. Where you heading,
Copy !req
482. 19th floor.
Copy !req
483. Too bad,
I'm going to 13.
Copy !req
484. Damn it!
Copy !req
485. Mr. Andrews
got his lunch?
Copy !req
486. One belly buster
with benzodiazepine.
Hold the mayo.
Copy !req
487. Sleep tight.
Copy !req
488. Mainframe's on 25,
guys. That's as close
as I can get you.
Copy !req
489. Come on.
Copy !req
490. Don't look down.
Copy !req
491. I should mention,
I'm afraid
of heights,
Copy !req
492. Which I just
Copy !req
493. Hey, felicity.
Copy !req
494. I imagined you
saying that under
different circumstances.
Copy !req
495. Very platonic...
Copy !req
496. Ready?
Copy !req
497. Come on.
Copy !req
498. You all right?
Copy !req
499. Yeah, this is just
my "about to hack" face.
Copy !req
500. I always...
Oh, look like this
Copy !req
501. Right before I,
you know, hack.
Copy !req
502. Security patrol's on
a ten minute cycle.
Copy !req
503. I'll have my meeting
with tommy and be
back in nine, ok?
Copy !req
504. Ok.
Copy !req
505. Ok.
Copy !req
506. Dig, you got
eyes on her?
Copy !req
507. Five by five.
Copy !req
508. Ok.
Copy !req
509. Sure beats
the back of a bar.
Copy !req
510. I saw your name
in my schedule,
Copy !req
511. I thought it must
be a typo.
Copy !req
512. Why so serious?
Did someone decide
Copy !req
513. That they didn't
want you putting
an arrow in them today?
Copy !req
514. I thought it was
past time we talked.
Copy !req
515. Me leaving
the club, you being
a serial killer?
Copy !req
516. Let's start with laurel,
since you're still
in love with her.
Copy !req
517. So are you.
Copy !req
518. I can't be with her, tommy.
Copy !req
519. You know why I can't.
Copy !req
520. So what?
Copy !req
521. I'm her consolation
prize? I'll pass.
Copy !req
522. She's not anyone's... Property.
Copy !req
523. Laurel makes
her own decisions.
Copy !req
524. And she chose you.
Copy !req
525. Until you couldn't handle it.
Copy !req
526. Lord knows I am guilty
of a lot of things
between us,
Copy !req
527. But not you and her.
Copy !req
528. That's all I came to say.
Copy !req
529. What exactly do you do here?
Copy !req
530. I work closely
with my father.
Copy !req
531. Guys, you got trouble.
Copy !req
532. Felicity's about
to have some head
of schedule company.
Copy !req
533. I'm not there yet
on the download.
Copy !req
534. Hold tight,
I'm on my way.
Copy !req
535. Oliver.
Copy !req
536. Mr. Merlyn.
Copy !req
537. I must say,
I'm surprised
to see you here.
Copy !req
538. Tommy and I just had
a little unfinished business.
Copy !req
539. Ahh. I know things
have been challenging
between you two,
Copy !req
540. But I trust you're
working things out.
Copy !req
541. Felicity!
Just a few more seconds.
Copy !req
542. Yes.
Copy !req
543. There are some investors
waiting for me back at the club.
Copy !req
544. I'm heading out
to a meeting myself.
Copy !req
545. I'll walk you down
to the lobby.
Copy !req
546. She's going
to get made, oliver.
Copy !req
547. Oliver, did you hear me?
Copy !req
548. Felicity!
Copy !req
549. What? Just a few
more seconds!
Copy !req
550. Come on, come on, come on.
Copy !req
551. You don't have
a few more seconds.
Copy !req
552. Yes! Wow,
I really do do that.
Copy !req
553. Damn it, oliver,
she's in trouble,
where are you?
Copy !req
554. This is
a restricted area.
Copy !req
555. Let's see some I.D.
Copy !req
556. I.D.? Um...
Copy !req
557. Tell your mother
I said hello.
Copy !req
558. I will.
Copy !req
559. Got held up.
Heading back upstairs.
Copy !req
560. Ollie?
Copy !req
561. Thea?
Copy !req
562. What are you
doing here?
Copy !req
563. I, uh, just saw tommy.
Copy !req
564. Yeah, me, too.
Copy !req
565. I'm going to run
back up, I don't
want to be late.
Copy !req
566. Oh, I thought
you just came down.
Copy !req
567. There you are!
Copy !req
568. Thanks a lot, man,
this one snuck
past security.
Copy !req
569. One of merlyn junior's
Copy !req
570. She's pissed he never
called her back.
Copy !req
571. Copy that.
I read the tabloids.
Copy !req
572. Yeah. Thanks again.
Let's go, barbie.
Copy !req
573. Your new last name
ain't going to be
Copy !req
574. But I love him!
He's my man!
Copy !req
575. you're my knight
in shining armor.
Copy !req
576. Is that
your friend roy?
Copy !req
577. No, um...
Copy !req
578. Yeah, he gave me a ride.
Copy !req
579. Thea, what are you
really doing here?
Copy !req
580. The truth, please.
Copy !req
581. The truth?
Copy !req
582. Um... We're trying to find
the vigilante.
Copy !req
583. Roy's been kind of obsessed
with him since he saved
his life at the subway.
Copy !req
584. And I overheard
detective lance saying
Copy !req
585. That the other
archer was connected
to merlyn global, so—
Copy !req
586. Hey!
Copy !req
587. We haven't met.
I'm thea's disapproving
older brother.
Copy !req
588. Yeah, I know.
Good to meet you.
Copy !req
589. Don't mess around
with the hood.
Copy !req
590. He's a psychopath,
he's dangerous,
Copy !req
591. And anyone
who gets near him
winds up dead.
Copy !req
592. That will not
be my sister.
Do you hear me?
Copy !req
593. Ok.
Copy !req
594. Take her home... Now.
Copy !req
595. What are you doing?
Copy !req
596. The vigilante's not
too fond of guys
who sell vertigo.
Copy !req
597. I know a guy
who claims he still
has a stash to sell.
Copy !req
598. Maybe we could
stake him out,
Copy !req
599. Hope the hood
shows up for him.
Copy !req
600. Did you not hear
what my brother said?
Copy !req
601. What does
your brother
know about him?
Copy !req
602. Uh, for one thing,
the vigilante once
saved his life,
Copy !req
603. So if he's telling us
to keep away, that
should say something.
Copy !req
604. No offense, thea,
but your brother's
kind of a wimp.
Copy !req
605. Don't say that.
Why not? It's true.
Copy !req
606. My brother survived
five years alone
on an island!
Copy !req
607. Five years I thought
I had lost him.
Copy !req
608. Yeah? Well, I lost
someone, too.
Copy !req
609. And they aren't coming back.
Copy !req
610. Who?
Copy !req
611. It doesn't matter.
Copy !req
612. That is why I need to find him.
Copy !req
613. So he can teach me
to be like him.
Copy !req
614. I'm not losing
anyone else ever again.
Copy !req
615. I can't do this, roy.
Copy !req
616. If you don't give this up,
Copy !req
617. You're going to lose me.
Copy !req
618. Better now
than later.
Copy !req
619. Oh, good.
Copy !req
620. I was just coming
to check on you
Copy !req
621. To see if maybe
you'd like some tea, or...
Copy !req
622. What is this?
Copy !req
623. Walter...
Copy !req
624. Please.
Copy !req
625. Divorce is an extreme reaction.
Copy !req
626. Well, considering
the circumstances,
Copy !req
627. I find it
somewhat reserved.
Copy !req
628. Or do you think
I believe that
Copy !req
629. My abduction
on the night
you told me
Copy !req
630. That I was getting too close
to your conspiracy
Copy !req
631. Was a coincidence.
Copy !req
632. You—you were in danger.
Copy !req
633. This arrangement,
it saved your life.
Copy !req
634. well,
that's ironic.
Copy !req
635. Because it feels like
you've destroyed it.
Copy !req
636. You know, I read about
people in forced captivity.
Copy !req
637. Some of them said
it was a simple thought
Copy !req
638. That got them through
the isolation and fear—
Copy !req
639. returning
to their loved ones.
Copy !req
640. So I don't know
really why I'm
still alive, moira,
Copy !req
641. Because I didn't
have that.
Copy !req
642. Walter, please...
Copy !req
643. What do you think
you can say to me
Copy !req
644. To convince me that
everything I knew,
my whole life...
Copy !req
645. Hasn't just evaporated?
Copy !req
646. Where are you going?
Copy !req
647. Come here.
Copy !req
648. Detective?
Copy !req
649. What'd you find?
Copy !req
650. Merlyn global's
cyber security
is off the charts.
Copy !req
651. Firewalls, nsa-grade
I.P. Sec protocols...
Copy !req
652. What's that, tech speak
for "I struck out, boss."
Copy !req
653. Yeah, but I wasn't
the only one.
Copy !req
654. Somebody else
tried hacking into
merlyn global systems.
Copy !req
655. Same pathways I used,
same result.
Copy !req
656. You're saying
that someone else
was looking
Copy !req
657. Yeah, someone good.
Knew how to reverse
engineer her footprints.
Copy !req
658. I almost didn't catch her.
Copy !req
659. Yeah. She works
at queen consolidated.
Copy !req
660. Name's felicity smoak.
Copy !req
661. Who the hell
is felicity smoak?
Copy !req
662. In addition to the download,
I also took the liberty
Copy !req
663. Of uploading a trojan
to meryln's system.
Copy !req
664. Figured it might
come in handy.
Copy !req
665. That's smart.
If meryln thinks
he's been compromised,
Copy !req
666. It'll help
if we know first.
Copy !req
667. Can you locate
the seismic device?
Copy !req
668. But there's at least
a terraflop of data
to go through.
Copy !req
669. You all right?
Copy !req
670. My father, he told me
that he failed the city.
Copy !req
671. Asked me to right his
wrongs, but I never knew
what he meant until now.
Copy !req
672. It's the undertaking.
Copy !req
673. I promised myself
that when I crossed
all these names
Copy !req
674. Off the list,
I'd be done, but...
Copy !req
675. Taking down these people,
it doesn't honor him.
Copy !req
676. I was just treating
the symptoms while
the disease festered.
Copy !req
677. I stop the undertaking...
Copy !req
678. I wipe out the disease.
Copy !req
679. What are you saying, oliver?
You would hang up the hood?
Copy !req
680. Meryln's plan
is what I returned
from the island to stop.
Copy !req
681. Where are you going?
Copy !req
682. Out.
Copy !req
683. Hi.
Copy !req
684. Can we talk?
Copy !req
685. Thank you.
Copy !req
686. What did you want
to talk about?
Copy !req
687. Wow, I thought
this was going
to be easier to say.
Copy !req
688. But now
I'm standing here...
Copy !req
689. Looking at you,
and it's—
Copy !req
690. Just say what you have
to say and go, ok?
Copy !req
691. Ever since I've been back,
we've been doing this dance.
Copy !req
692. We come together,
and then I pull away.
Copy !req
693. Something pulls me away.
Copy !req
694. But I think...
Copy !req
695. Finally...
Copy !req
696. That something
might be over.
Copy !req
697. What are you trying to say?
Copy !req
698. That... You know me
better than anyone.
Copy !req
699. And that you...
Copy !req
700. Are more important to me
than anyone.
Copy !req
701. I just hope
I didn't wait
too long to say it.
Copy !req
702. You didn't.
Copy !req
703. You're right on time.
Copy !req
704. What is it?
Copy !req
705. Felicity found
the markov device.
Copy !req
706. Meryln's keeping it
at a warehouse
Copy !req
707. His company
owns in the glades.
Copy !req
708. Good. Coordinate an attack.
Copy !req
709. You take the device,
I'll take merlyn.
Copy !req
710. Got a location?
Copy !req
711. Yeah. According to
felicity's trojan,
Copy !req
712. Meryln's logged
on to his computer
from his office.
Copy !req
713. I'm on my way.
Copy !req
714. The uniform
suits you, yao fei.
Copy !req
715. Any time
you're ready.
Copy !req
716. To the people of china
and citizens of the world,
Copy !req
717. I make this statement
Copy !req
718. Taking responsibility
for the shooting
Copy !req
719. Of ferris air flight 637
Copy !req
720. To protest the people's
republic of china's
treatment of me;
Copy !req
721. For betraying
and abandoning me
Copy !req
722. To the island of lian yu.
Copy !req
723. Consider this my righteous
delivery of powerful vengeance.
Copy !req
724. Thank you.
Copy !req
725. No!
Copy !req
726. Ba!
Copy !req
727. Plane is within range.
Copy !req
728. Very well.
Copy !req
729. I'll be in touch.
Copy !req
730. Can I help you?
Copy !req
731. No...
Copy !req
732. I wasn't
talking to you.
Copy !req
733. Malcolm merlyn...
Copy !req
734. You have failed this city.
Copy !req
735. And how have I
done that?
Copy !req
736. The undertaking.
Copy !req
737. It ends now.
Copy !req
738. Oliver, the device...
Copy !req
739. It's gone.
Copy !req
740. Where's the device?
Copy !req
741. I don't know how
you got that trojan
onto my system,
Copy !req
742. But it prompted me
to take precautions.
Copy !req
743. There is nothing
you can do to stop
what is about to happen.
Copy !req
744. And you shouldn't.
Copy !req
745. This city needs
what is about to happen
Copy !req
746. In order to survive.
Copy !req
747. The people who are
destroying it
from the inside
Copy !req
748. Need to be erased
from the map.
Copy !req
749. Fine.
Copy !req
750. Let's start with you.
Copy !req
751. Ironic, isn't it?
Copy !req
752. Last christmas,
I almost killed you.
Copy !req
753. A few months ago,
you saved my life.
Copy !req
754. And now you're here
trying to kill me.
Copy !req
755. You should
make up your mind.
Copy !req
756. Done.
Copy !req
757. Oh, no.
Copy !req