1. The day
I went missing...
Copy !req
2. was the day I died.
Copy !req
3. Five years in hell
forged me into a weapon,
Copy !req
4. which I use to honor
a vow I made to my father,
Copy !req
5. who sacrificed
his life for mine.
Copy !req
6. In his final moments,
he told me the truth...
Copy !req
7. that our family's wealth had been
<i0 built on the suffering of others.
Copy !req
8. That he failed our city,
Copy !req
9. and that it was up to me to save it
and right his wrongs.
Copy !req
10. But to do that without endangering
the people closest to me,
Copy !req
11. I have to be
someone else.
Copy !req
12. I have to be
something else.
Copy !req
13. Who's that?
Where'd he come from?
Copy !req
14. What's going on here?
Copy !req
15. Get the chopper back now.
Copy !req
16. Who's is guy?
Copy !req
17. Whoa, whoa!
Easy, wait, wait!
Copy !req
18. No, please...
Marcus Redman,
Copy !req
19. you failed this city.
Copy !req
20. Please, don't!
Please! Don't!
Copy !req
21. Cell phone, inside pocket,
call your partner.
Copy !req
22. Tell him to give those pensioners
back their money.
Copy !req
23. Do it now.
Copy !req
24. Okay.
Copy !req
25. Over the past 15 years,
Copy !req
26. Mr. Redman has withdrawn more than
$30 million from the plan's account.
Copy !req
27. Mr. Redman claims refunding
the Halcyon pension plan
Copy !req
28. has always been his intent.
Copy !req
29. But sources say Redman
was coerced by the vigilante.
Copy !req
30. This guy gets more air-time
than the Kardashians, right?
Copy !req
31. Five years on an island
and you still know who they are.
Copy !req
32. I've been catching up.
Copy !req
33. It's nice to see how much our culture
has improved while I was away.
Copy !req
34. But the city used to be different.
People used to feel safe.
Copy !req
35. Aw, what's the matter, Mom?
Afraid we're gonna be next?
Copy !req
36. Do you have
any questions about today, Oliver?
Copy !req
37. It's a simple
proof-of-life declaration.
Copy !req
38. Just read out a brief,
prepared statement to the judge,
Copy !req
39. and then your death-in-absentia judgment
will be voided.
Copy !req
40. It's fine, Walter,
I've been in a courtroom before.
Copy !req
41. Four times
by my estimate.
Copy !req
42. You know,
there was the DUI,
Copy !req
43. the assault on that
paparazzi douchebag,
Copy !req
44. stealing that taxi,
which was just awesome, by the way,
Copy !req
45. and who could forget
peeing on the cop?
Copy !req
46. I wish everyone would.
Copy !req
47. I'd hang, but we're
headed to court.
Copy !req
48. I know, that's why
I'm here.
Copy !req
49. My best friend
is getting legally resurrected,
Copy !req
50. I wouldn't miss this for the world.
Right. Okay.
Copy !req
51. What about you?
Copy !req
52. Oh, I think the first four times of you
in court was enough for me.
Copy !req
53. Fair enough.
Copy !req
54. Mrs. Queen?
Car's ready.
Copy !req
55. Walter.
Copy !req
56. Are you going to testify as to
what happened when the yacht sank?
Copy !req
57. Are you going
to talk about the boat crash?
Copy !req
58. Mr. Queen, did you
see Sarah Lance die?
Copy !req
59. Sarah!
Copy !req
60. There was a storm.
Copy !req
61. The boat went down.
I was the only survivor.
Copy !req
62. She's not there!
Copy !req
63. My father
didn't make it.
Copy !req
64. No!
Copy !req
65. I almost died, I...
Copy !req
66. I thought that I had,
because I spent so many days
Copy !req
67. on that life raft
before I saw land.
Copy !req
68. When I reached it,
I knew...
Copy !req
69. I knew that I was
gonna have to live for both of us.
Copy !req
70. And in those five years,
Copy !req
71. it was that one thought
that kept me going.
Copy !req
72. Your Honor, we move to vitiate
the death-in-absentia
Copy !req
73. filed after Oliver's
disappearance at sea
Copy !req
74. aboard the Queen's Gamut
five years ago.
Copy !req
75. Unfortunately we will
not be requesting
Copy !req
76. that the declaration of death filed
for the petitioner's father,
Copy !req
77. Robert Queen,
be rescinded.
Copy !req
78. The Queen family is only
entitled to one miracle, I'm afraid.
Copy !req
79. Now, onto the offices.
Everyone is waiting to meet you there.
Copy !req
80. Uh, Mom, that was...
Copy !req
81. a little bit heavier than I was
expecting it to be.
Copy !req
82. Can we do that
tomorrow? Please?
Copy !req
83. Of course.
Thank you.
Copy !req
84. Last week, you couldn't
wait to get to the company.
Copy !req
85. Tommy, I'd just spent
five years away from civilization.
Copy !req
86. I wasn't exactly
thinking straight.
Copy !req
87. I... Hi.
Copy !req
88. What are you
doing here?
Copy !req
89. Oh, they were bringing me
back from the dead.
Copy !req
90. Legally speaking.
Copy !req
91. What are you doing here?
My job.
Copy !req
92. Right.
More like the D.A.'s.
Copy !req
93. Hi, Oliver Queen.
Emily Nocenti.
Copy !req
94. Oliver just got back from five years on
an uncharted island.
Copy !req
95. Before that, he was cheating on me
with my sister.
Copy !req
96. He was with her
when she died.
Copy !req
97. And last week, he told me
to stay away from him.
Copy !req
98. It was really good advice.
Copy !req
99. Excuse me.
Copy !req
100. It was nice to meet you.
Yeah. Let's go.
Copy !req
101. Come on, buddy,
shake it off. Let's go.
Copy !req
102. Mr. Somers!
Mr. Somers!
Copy !req
103. What do you have to say about the
accusations made by Laurel Lance?
Copy !req
104. I don't know what I've done
to earn this witch-hunt
Copy !req
105. from Miss Lance
and her bosses at the CNRI.
Copy !req
106. But I can tell you this.
Copy !req
107. I am an honest businessman,
and I will fight this slander
Copy !req
108. to my last dime and breath.
Copy !req
109. That's all I have
to say, thank you.
Copy !req
110. Oh, there's Mr. Queen...
Copy !req
111. Mr. Queen, do you want to follow up?
What happened in there, sir?
Copy !req
112. Tell us what happened
inside, Mr. Queen...
Copy !req
113. Step back
everybody, please.
Copy !req
114. Can you give us
a couple comments
Copy !req
115. about the island, Mr. Queen?
Before you go, sir, please.
Copy !req
116. Couple of comments about the island, sir.
What happened in there?
Copy !req
117. Everybody, step back.
Copy !req
118. Hey man, I'll make you
swallow that Nikon. Back!
Copy !req
119. This happens to you
a lot, doesn't it?
Copy !req
120. How much is a life worth?
Copy !req
121. A life of a man,
a good man,
Copy !req
122. a stevedore on the docks
of the city in which we live.
Copy !req
123. A father.
Copy !req
124. A man with a daughter.
Copy !req
125. The plaintiff will prove
by a preponderance of evidence
Copy !req
126. that Victor Nocenti
learned that his boss,
Copy !req
127. that man sitting right there,
Martin Somers,
Copy !req
128. was taking bribes from
the Chinese Triads
Copy !req
129. to smuggle drugs
into our city.
Copy !req
130. And when Victor Nocenti
threatened to tell the police,
Copy !req
131. Martin Somers had him killed.
Copy !req
132. Mr. Somers is
very well-connected,
Copy !req
133. and has friends in the
District Attorney's office.
Copy !req
134. Which is why,
if Emily Nocenti
Copy !req
135. is to get justice
for her father's death,
Copy !req
136. if Martin Somers
is to get justice for his crimes,
Copy !req
137. then someone is going
to have to do it for them.
Copy !req
138. Martin Somers.
Copy !req
139. Laurel's targeted
the worst of Starling City,
Copy !req
140. so it's no surprise
his name is on my father's list.
Copy !req
141. The city's police and
the D.A. can't stop him...
Copy !req
142. or won't.
Copy !req
143. Laurel thinks she's the only one
willing to bring him to justice.
Copy !req
144. She's wrong.
Copy !req
145. You, listen up.
Copy !req
146. The longer this goes on, the more
likely the media is gonna crucify me.
Copy !req
147. You shut this trial down,
do you understand me?
Copy !req
148. What the hell?
Copy !req
149. Martin Somers...
Who the hell are you?
Copy !req
150. you've failed this city.
Copy !req
151. No!
No, no, no, no, no!
Copy !req
152. You're gonna testify
in that trial.
Copy !req
153. You're gonna confess
to having Victor Nocenti killed.
Copy !req
154. There won't be
a second warning.
Copy !req
155. I hired you to
protect my son.
Copy !req
156. Now, I'm not
a professional bodyguard,
Copy !req
157. but it seems to me that the first
requirement would be managing to stay
Copy !req
158. next to the man
you're hired to protect.
Copy !req
159. With all due respect, ma'am, I never had
a client who didn't want my protection.
Copy !req
160. I hired you. That
makes me the client.
Copy !req
161. Now where do you think my son is going
on these chaperone-less excursions?
Copy !req
162. Ma'am, I truly
do not know.
Copy !req
163. And he truly doesn't.
Copy !req
164. Then perhaps you'd
like to share with me
Copy !req
165. you know, where it is you run off to.
Copy !req
166. I've been alone
for five years.
Copy !req
167. I know that, Oliver.
Copy !req
168. Alone.
Copy !req
169. I see.
Copy !req
170. I promise to introduce
her if it ever gets
Copy !req
171. to the exchanging
first names stage...
Copy !req
172. No, I'd rather you promise to take
Mr. Diggle with you on your next rendezvous.
Copy !req
173. It's not safe, you've
already been abducted once.
Copy !req
174. There is a maniac out there,
hunting the wealthy.
Copy !req
175. That maniac saved my life.
Copy !req
176. This isn't a game.
Copy !req
177. I lost you once.
Copy !req
178. And I am not going
through that again.
Copy !req
179. Okay.
Copy !req
180. Digg's my guy.
Copy !req
181. Thank you.
Copy !req
182. Sorry to give you
so much grief.
Copy !req
183. I served three tours
in Afghanistan, Mr. Queen.
Copy !req
184. You don't even come close
to my definition of grief.
Copy !req
185. But I tell you what...
Copy !req
186. You ditch me
one more time,
Copy !req
187. no one will
have to fire me.
Copy !req
188. Where you going?
Copy !req
189. Uh... Somewhere
loud and smoky.
Copy !req
190. And don't bother trying to
pickpocket my stash this time,
Copy !req
191. because I'm gonna go
get drunk instead.
Copy !req
192. Thea,
Copy !req
193. do you think this is what
Dad would want for you?
Copy !req
194. Dead people
don't want anything.
Copy !req
195. It's one of the
benefits of being dead.
Copy !req
196. I was dead.
Copy !req
197. And I wanted a lot.
Copy !req
198. Except for your family.
Copy !req
199. You've been home
a week and all you do
Copy !req
200. is avoid Mom, ignore
Walter, and judge me.
Copy !req
201. Don't wait up.
Copy !req
202. Well, I owe you
an apology, Mr. Somers.
Copy !req
203. We come all the way
down to your docks,
Copy !req
204. and it turns out, you don't
need the police after all.
Copy !req
205. Which is exactly
what I've been saying.
Copy !req
206. Yeah. So I guess that 9-1-1
call we got last night
Copy !req
207. from your stevedore, saying
that you were getting attacked
Copy !req
208. by a guy in a green hood
and a bow and arrow...
Copy !req
209. I guess... Well, was that
a practical joke?
Copy !req
210. These guys like
to fool around.
Copy !req
211. Yeah.
Copy !req
212. Well, you know, I'd be
very much inclined
Copy !req
213. to believe an honest, upstanding
businessman like yourself,
Copy !req
214. except, well,
one of my men
Copy !req
215. found this
at your docks.
Copy !req
216. You see, there's this
vigilante running around.
Copy !req
217. He thinks he's some
kind of Robin Hood.
Copy !req
218. He's robbing the rich, he's trying
to teach them a lesson I guess.
Copy !req
219. I don't know, I don't know.
But the point is,
Copy !req
220. the man's a killer.
Copy !req
221. And nothing, and no one, is going
to stop me from bringing him down.
Copy !req
222. But like you said...
Copy !req
223. Hmm!
Copy !req
224. clearly, nothing
happened here last night.
Copy !req
225. Isn't this a conflict
of interest, Detective?
Copy !req
226. After all, your
daughter is suing me.
Copy !req
227. I'm pretty good at keeping
my emotions in check.
Copy !req
228. I'm not.
Copy !req
229. You and your daughter don't want
to find out what I'm capable of
Copy !req
230. when I get emotional.
Copy !req
231. As you can see, Oliver, we've
modernized quite a bit.
Copy !req
232. Hi.
Copy !req
233. Are you enjoying yourself?
Yes, I am.
Copy !req
234. I remember when your father used
to bring you here when you were a boy.
Copy !req
235. You always
were so excited.
Copy !req
236. Dad let me drink soda
in the office.
Copy !req
237. Ah! So that's why
you enjoyed coming.
Copy !req
238. The Queen Consolidated's
success of late
Copy !req
239. is a result of its
targeted diversification.
Copy !req
240. We have been making impressive
inroads in cutting-edge fields
Copy !req
241. like bio-tech
and clean energy.
Copy !req
242. That's neat.
Excuse me?
Copy !req
243. Can I get a sparkling water,
or something cold, please?
Copy !req
244. Sweetheart, Oliver,
Copy !req
245. Walter and I have something
to discuss with you.
Copy !req
246. Come, please sit.
Copy !req
247. Mom, it makes me nervous
when you ask me to sit down.
Copy !req
248. The company's about to
break ground on a new site
Copy !req
249. for the Applied
Sciences division,
Copy !req
250. and we would like
to honor your father
Copy !req
251. by dedicating the building
in his name. Nice.
Copy !req
252. And we'd like to make an
announcement at the dedication
Copy !req
253. that you will be taking a
leadership position in the company.
Copy !req
254. No. No, your... Your company.
Copy !req
255. No, I don't want
to lead anything.
Copy !req
256. Besides, Walter is doing
a very good job here.
Copy !req
257. You said that you wanted
to be a different person.
Copy !req
258. And you are
Robert Queen's son.
Copy !req
259. I don't need to be
reminded of that.
Copy !req
260. Well, obviously you do.
Copy !req
261. Everyone here understands that this
transition is really difficult for you.
Copy !req
262. Thank you, Walter.
Copy !req
263. Which part, though?
Copy !req
264. Everyone fantasizing that I got
my MBA while I was on the island?
Copy !req
265. Or the fact that my father's CFO
now sleeps down the hall from me?
Copy !req
266. You know, five years ago, your
irresponsibility was somewhat charming.
Copy !req
267. It is a lot less so now.
Copy !req
268. There he is!
Copy !req
269. The driver will
be here in a minute.
Copy !req
270. Okay.
Copy !req
271. You know, I spent the first 27
years of my life in Starling City,
Copy !req
272. and the next five
in Afghanistan.
Copy !req
273. You want to know
what I learned?
Copy !req
274. There's no place
like home?
Copy !req
275. No, just the opposite.
Copy !req
276. Home is a battlefield.
Copy !req
277. Back home, they're all
trying to get you.
Copy !req
278. Get you to open up, be somebody
you're not sure you are anymore.
Copy !req
279. Or I could be wrong.
Copy !req
280. Maybe after
five years alone,
Copy !req
281. you're not as messed up in the head
as you have every right to be.
Copy !req
282. Hey!
Copy !req
283. Hey, get away!
Copy !req
284. Hey!
Copy !req
285. Dad?
Copy !req
286. Hey! Hey, stay away
from him!
Copy !req
287. Well, we anticipate
that Somers' attorney
Copy !req
288. will try and paint you as blinded
by grief or looking to make a buck.
Copy !req
289. This isn't about
the money.
Copy !req
290. I just want justice
for my father.
Copy !req
291. Emily, there are a lot of people who
don't want this trial to proceed.
Copy !req
292. Dangerous people.
Copy !req
293. My mother died
when I was a baby,
Copy !req
294. and my father has been the
only family I've ever known
Copy !req
295. and they slit his throat.
Copy !req
296. They are going to
have to kill me
Copy !req
297. if they want me
to give this up.
Copy !req
298. Well let's hope
it doesn't come to that.
Copy !req
299. And it won't.
Copy !req
300. What's going on?
Copy !req
301. What's going on
is that the three of you
Copy !req
302. are getting around-the-clock
police protection. Okay?
Copy !req
303. Get used to their faces,
Copy !req
304. because they're going with you
everywhere you go, no arguments.
Copy !req
305. I'm a lawyer.
I live to argue.
Copy !req
306. I'm your father.
I live to keep you safe.
Copy !req
307. Um, Emily, let's go grab
a cup of coffee, okay?
Copy !req
308. Yes, why not do that? Thank you.
Please, go with them.
Copy !req
309. Stay there.
Copy !req
310. Protective custody?
Copy !req
311. I seem to recall you trying that
once I discovered boys also.
Copy !req
312. Didn't work then either.
Copy !req
313. This isn't
a joke, Laurel.
Copy !req
314. Martin Somers got
attacked last night.
Copy !req
315. What?
Copy !req
316. By who?
It doesn't matter.
Copy !req
317. Point is, you have whipped
up a storm with these guys,
Copy !req
318. and until the dust settles
you'll be protected, okay?
Copy !req
319. End of discussion.
Copy !req
320. That might have worked
when I was eight.
Copy !req
321. But it's not gonna
work anymore.
Copy !req
322. End of discussion,
Copy !req
323. You're insistent on doing
your job, that's great.
Copy !req
324. But this is me
doing mine, okay?
Copy !req
325. And not just as a
father, but as a cop.
Copy !req
326. These people, they are more dangerous
than you are willing to admit.
Copy !req
327. And you've made them angry.
Copy !req
328. Thank you for coming.
Anything for a friend.
Copy !req
329. We're not friends.
Copy !req
330. You smuggle drugs,
I let you use my port.
Copy !req
331. For which you're paid
a lot of money.
Copy !req
332. I don't get paid enough
to have arrows shot at me.
Copy !req
333. You need to take
this guy seriously.
Copy !req
334. He is a bigger threat to your
operation than Nocenti ever was.
Copy !req
335. Except now it's Nocenti's
daughter who's the problem.
Copy !req
336. Unlike your friend with the hood,
we know where to find her.
Copy !req
337. Don't be an idiot.
Copy !req
338. You take out Emily Nocenti, and
Laurel Lance will never let this go.
Copy !req
339. She won't stop until
she burns you,
Copy !req
340. me, and then the entire
Triad to the ground.
Copy !req
341. Then we kill Miss Lance.
Copy !req
342. Attorney for shipping
magnate, Martin Somers,
Copy !req
343. has confirmed his client has
no intention of testifying,
Copy !req
344. maintaining his innocence in the
wrongful death of Victor Nocenti.
Copy !req
345. Nocenti's body was
found four weeks ago.
Copy !req
346. We'll keep you updated as more
information becomes available.
Copy !req
347. Wait, how did
you get those?
Copy !req
348. Don't you knock?
Copy !req
349. No, wait... Mom said
that there were scars, but...
Copy !req
350. I'm... Oliver, what
happened to you out there?
Copy !req
351. I don't want
to talk about it.
Copy !req
352. Of course you don't.
Copy !req
353. You never want to talk
to me about anything.
Copy !req
354. Except for my social life. Wait!
Copy !req
355. Where are you going?
Copy !req
356. Why should I tell you?
Copy !req
357. I'm sorry, Thea.
Copy !req
358. I need to get better at talking
about what happened to me there.
Copy !req
359. But I'm not ready yet.
Copy !req
360. Okay?
Copy !req
361. Do you have a second?
Copy !req
362. Yeah.
Copy !req
363. Good.
Copy !req
364. I wanna show you
something out back.
Copy !req
365. Sometimes, when I
felt... Whatever...
Copy !req
366. I'd come here.
Copy !req
367. About a month after the funerals,
Mom stopped going out.
Copy !req
368. Pretty soon, she stopped
talking altogether.
Copy !req
369. The house got so quiet,
so I'd come here.
Copy !req
370. To talk to you.
Copy !req
371. I mean, stupid stuff.
Copy !req
372. Like what I was doing that day,
what boy I had a crush on...
Copy !req
373. And then sometimes,
I'd ask you,
Copy !req
374. beg you, to find
your way home to me.
Copy !req
375. Now, here you are.
Copy !req
376. And the truth is, I felt closer
to you when you were dead.
Copy !req
377. Look, I know it was
hell where you were.
Copy !req
378. But it was hell here too.
Copy !req
379. You gotta
let me in, Ollie.
Copy !req
380. You gotta let
someone in.
Copy !req
381. Hi.
Copy !req
382. Are you okay?
Copy !req
383. There are two
cop cars outside.
Copy !req
384. How am I supposed
to stay away from you
Copy !req
385. if you won't
stay away from me?
Copy !req
386. I... What are you
doing here, Ollie?
Copy !req
387. My sister took...
Copy !req
388. She pointed out to me that I have been
distant since I got back and that...
Copy !req
389. It would probably be a good
idea if I let somebody in.
Copy !req
390. So, you thought you'd start with
the first person you pushed away.
Copy !req
391. I did that
to protect you.
Copy !req
392. And then I
saw you yesterday,
Copy !req
393. and I realized
that I hurt you.
Copy !req
394. Thank you.
Copy !req
395. Wow.
Copy !req
396. This place hasn't changed
in five years.
Copy !req
397. I haven't really had
time to redecorate.
Copy !req
398. I'm a jerk.
Copy !req
399. Before the island, I was a
jerk, and now I'm just a...
Copy !req
400. I'm a damaged jerk.
Copy !req
401. What's in the bag?
Copy !req
402. I thought about many
things on the island,
Copy !req
403. but there was one thing that
I thought about every day.
Copy !req
404. I actually
dreamed about it,
Copy !req
405. and I promised myself that
if I ever got a chance
Copy !req
406. to do it again,
I'd do it with you.
Copy !req
407. Eat ice cream.
Copy !req
408. This is as good
as I remember.
Copy !req
409. My mother wants me
to join the company.
Copy !req
410. Yeah. Take my
rightful place.
Copy !req
411. I can't exactly picture you
as master of the universe.
Copy !req
412. You know,
after five years,
Copy !req
413. I have plans.
Copy !req
414. I have things
that I have to do.
Copy !req
415. I can't do that if I'm...
Copy !req
416. I don't know...
Copy !req
417. Attending board meetings
and stockholder briefings.
Copy !req
418. Oliver?
Copy !req
419. You're an adult.
Copy !req
420. You can say no.
Copy !req
421. Oh, I tried.
Copy !req
422. Didn't take.
Copy !req
423. Well, then
don't tell her.
Copy !req
424. Show her.
Copy !req
425. Be the person that you
want her to see you as.
Copy !req
426. Trust me.
Copy !req
427. I have plenty of experience
with disapproving parents.
Copy !req
428. I have been on the receiving end
of your father's disapproval.
Copy !req
429. He blames himself
more than he blames you.
Copy !req
430. He thinks that, you know, maybe
if he and Sarah were closer,
Copy !req
431. she would have told him
about the boat trip.
Copy !req
432. And he could have stopped
her from going with you.
Copy !req
433. I am sorry.
Copy !req
434. You apologized already.
Copy !req
435. And it'll never be enough.
Copy !req
436. Did you hear that?
Copy !req
437. What?
Copy !req
438. There's someone
on the fire escape.
Copy !req
439. Hey, come on..
What are...
Copy !req
440. Are you hurt?
Copy !req
441. Are you hurt, Mr. Queen? No! No.
Copy !req
442. This is why it's a good
idea to have a bodyguard.
Copy !req
443. You okay?
Copy !req
444. Daddy!
Oh, thank God.
Copy !req
445. Thank God. Are you all right?
I'm okay.
Copy !req
446. Those cops that you
put on me...
Copy !req
447. They...
Copy !req
448. I went outside to ask for a light and
they were both dead in the squad car.
Copy !req
449. Mr. Diggle, thank you.
Copy !req
450. Feel free to run as many red
lights in the city as you want.
Copy !req
451. I was just
doing my job, sir.
Copy !req
452. No, your job
is protecting him.
Copy !req
453. It seems like whenever you're with
one of my daughters, people die.
Copy !req
454. You stay away
from Laurel,
Copy !req
455. or I swear the next
time you disappear,
Copy !req
456. it will be permanent.
Copy !req
457. No, Laurel...
It's okay.
Copy !req
458. I understand.
Copy !req
459. Yeah.
Copy !req
460. Here!
Copy !req
461. I'd say thank you, but I don't
think that would cover it.
Copy !req
462. Well, like I told your cop
friend, I was just doing my job.
Copy !req
463. Besides, I think it should
be you that I'm thanking.
Copy !req
464. What for?
The knife.
Copy !req
465. The knife.
Copy !req
466. I got lucky. That was
a kitchen knife.
Copy !req
467. It wasn't even
weighted properly,
Copy !req
468. yet you threw it with accuracy
across a 10-foot room.
Copy !req
469. Exactly.
I got lucky.
Copy !req
470. I'm not the kind of man you want to take
for a fool, Mr. Queen, you understand me?
Copy !req
471. Yes.
Copy !req
472. And I think I'm just beginning to
understand the kind of man you are.
Copy !req
473. Shouldn't take
you very long.
Copy !req
474. I'm shallow.
Copy !req
475. And very tired, so...
Copy !req
476. Good night.
Copy !req
477. Good night, sir.
Copy !req
478. It wasn't how
I wanted things to go.
Copy !req
479. I wanted to give Martin
Somers the chance to confess
Copy !req
480. and face a court's justice,
Copy !req
481. but he chose to go after
someone I care about instead.
Copy !req
482. He's still going
to face justice.
Copy !req
483. It'll just be
a different kind.
Copy !req
484. Everyone wants to know
what kind of man I am.
Copy !req
485. Martin Somers is
about to find out.
Copy !req
486. Triad bitch screwed up
the hit on Lance.
Copy !req
487. Now, the Triad is gonna
erase every ounce
Copy !req
488. of evidence of their smuggling
operation, including me.
Copy !req
489. Except that's
not gonna happen.
Copy !req
490. Tell Wallace to get the boat ready.
I'm leaving tonight.
Copy !req
491. Wallace?
Copy !req
492. Wallace, you copy?
Copy !req
493. Wallace?
Copy !req
494. Wallace isn't here.
Copy !req
495. But I am.
Copy !req
496. We need to move, now.
Copy !req
497. Move! Sir, we've got
six men out there.
Copy !req
498. It's not enough.
Move it!
Copy !req
499. You're gonna go back into
that courtroom tomorrow
Copy !req
500. and you're gonna recuse yourself
from this case, all right?
Copy !req
501. Or drop it.
Either way, you're done.
Copy !req
502. If you think I'm gonna
abandon Emily Nocenti,
Copy !req
503. then you don't know me
all that well.
Copy !req
504. You don't know me well,
young lady.
Copy !req
505. I will lock you in a cell
if that's what it takes.
Copy !req
506. Well, I guess that's what
it's gonna take then.
Copy !req
507. Damn it, Laurel!
Copy !req
508. I thought after what
happened with Sarah,
Copy !req
509. you'd stop being
just so reckless.
Copy !req
510. It's not about
being reckless!
Copy !req
511. It's just the opposite.
Copy !req
512. I'm trying to make this
city safer, just like you.
Copy !req
513. Sweetie.
Copy !req
514. You're my only
daughter, Laurel.
Copy !req
515. You're all I have
left to live for.
Copy !req
516. But what you want
from me isn't living.
Copy !req
517. Having cops around, not
being able to do my job.
Copy !req
518. Your job is not going after
people like the Triad or Somers.
Copy !req
519. My job is to use the law
to fight for what is right.
Copy !req
520. Just like you taught me.
Copy !req
521. Well, that's dirty.
Using me against me.
Copy !req
522. You can't do that.
Copy !req
523. Well...
Copy !req
524. Maybe I picked that up
along the way, too.
Copy !req
525. Lance.
Copy !req
526. I'll be right there.
Copy !req
527. I gotta go.
Copy !req
528. Something's going on
at the docks.
Copy !req
529. Somers!
Copy !req
530. Oh, God, no, no, no.
Copy !req
531. He can't help you.
Copy !req
532. I want the truth
about Victor Nocenti.
Copy !req
533. I can't.
Copy !req
534. The Triad will kill me.
Copy !req
535. The Triad's not
your concern right now.
Copy !req
536. All right, all right,
all right.
Copy !req
537. It wasn't me that killed him.
It was the Triad.
Copy !req
538. Acting on whose
Copy !req
539. Whose?
Copy !req
540. All right, all right. It was mine.
It was mine, all right?
Copy !req
541. Nocenti said he was gonna
testify against me.
Copy !req
542. Put down your weapons
Copy !req
543. or we will open fire.
Copy !req
544. I repeat,
lay down your weapons.
Copy !req
545. Freeze!
Copy !req
546. You twitch and you're dead.
Copy !req
547. Bow down, hands up.
Copy !req
548. All right, all right.
It was mine. It was mine, all right?
Copy !req
549. Nocenti said he was gonna
testify against me.
Copy !req
550. You son of a bitch.
Copy !req
551. Laurel will be safe.
Copy !req
552. She was right.
Copy !req
553. I can't be the Oliver
my mother wants me to be
Copy !req
554. and still keep the promise
I made to my father.
Copy !req
555. I have to be the person
I need them to see me as.
Copy !req
556. Oh!
Excuse me, ladies.
Copy !req
557. Okay, this is a surprise.
Copy !req
558. Did you show up
here by mistake?
Copy !req
559. By invitation.
Copy !req
560. Oliver invited me last night.
Last night?
Copy !req
561. Is that surprise
or jealousy I'm hearing?
Copy !req
562. Look, I just don't want him
to find out anything, okay?
Copy !req
563. Oliver has been
through a lot.
Copy !req
564. Tommy, we've all
been through a lot.
Copy !req
565. Good afternoon.
Copy !req
566. And thank you
all for coming.
Copy !req
567. Welcome to the future site of the Robert
Queen Memorial Applied Sciences Center.
Copy !req
568. Now, this is a building that
will stand as a monument
Copy !req
569. to the man whose company and
vision are his greatest legacies.
Copy !req
570. Whoa! Whoa!
Copy !req
571. What about me? Right?
I'm a legacy.
Copy !req
572. Hey! Thanks for
warming them up, Walt.
Copy !req
573. All right.
Ow! Fine, fine shovel. I got it.
Copy !req
574. - Whoa! Ow!
- He must be drunk.
Copy !req
575. I got it. I got it.
Copy !req
576. Some of you may not know me.
My name is Oliver Queen.
Copy !req
577. Watch some television,
read a newspaper,
Copy !req
578. I'm kind of famous
right now.
Copy !req
579. Mostly, though, I'm famous
because I'm Robert Queen's son.
Copy !req
580. Uh, but as Walter,
who's my new dad...
Copy !req
581. Huh? Who is... Sorry.
Copy !req
582. As Walter was saying,
Copy !req
583. I'm not much of
a legacy, per se.
Copy !req
584. Oliver, you don't
have to do this.
Copy !req
585. No, sit. Sit!
Copy !req
586. Gosh.
Copy !req
587. See, I was supposed
to come here today,
Copy !req
588. and I'm supposed to take my
rightful place at the company.
Copy !req
589. Prodigal son returns home
and becomes the heir apparent.
Copy !req
590. But I'm not my father.
Copy !req
591. I'm not the man he was.
Copy !req
592. I'm not half
the man he was.
Copy !req
593. I never will be.
Copy !req
594. So, please,
stop asking me to be.
Copy !req
595. Martin Somers,
the CEO of Starling Port,
Copy !req
596. was arrested last night for
the murder of Victor Nocenti.
Copy !req
597. He is also being accused of accepting cash,
including over $10 million in bribes.
Copy !req
598. Well, we can pursue the
civil suit if you want,
Copy !req
599. but the D.A.
now has no choice,
Copy !req
600. with Mr. Somers' confession,
to prosecute him.
Copy !req
601. He's going to jail, Emily.
Copy !req
602. For the rest
of his life.
Copy !req
603. Thank you so much
for fighting for us.
Copy !req
604. Well, thank you for being
brave enough to let me.
Copy !req
605. Hey.
Copy !req
606. I thought I didn't need
police protection anymore.
Copy !req
607. I thought I didn't need a
reason to see my own daughter.
Copy !req
608. You don't.
Copy !req
609. Hmm. You look tired.
Copy !req
610. Yeah, I was filling out reports on
the shootout at the port last night
Copy !req
611. and getting grilled about how
I let that archer get away.
Copy !req
612. I have to admit,
I'm kind of glad he did.
Copy !req
613. He brought down
Martin Somers.
Copy !req
614. He hurt a bunch
of people doing it, okay?
Copy !req
615. He is no hero.
He is an anarchist.
Copy !req
616. Yeah, well, whoever he is,
Copy !req
617. it seems like
he's trying to help.
Copy !req
618. The city doesn't need
that kind of help, okay?
Copy !req
619. It's like I always told
you, you don't need to go
Copy !req
620. outside the law to find justice.
Now I believe that.
Copy !req
621. All right? And I promise
you, when I catch this guy,
Copy !req
622. he's gonna
believe it, too.
Copy !req
623. Well, you saw
for yourself.
Copy !req
624. My son knows nothing.
Copy !req
625. Robert didn't tell him
anything that could hurt us.
Copy !req
626. And he has no idea that
the yacht was sabotaged.
Copy !req
627. All that time on the island,
plotting my return,
Copy !req
628. I didn't realize
how hard it would be.
Copy !req
629. To reconnect
with Mom, Thea,
Copy !req
630. Laurel. Okay, I didn't...
Copy !req
631. I didn't know how painful it
would be to keep my secrets.
Copy !req
632. You asked me
to save the city.
Copy !req
633. To right your wrongs.
Copy !req
634. I will.
Copy !req
635. I swear.
Copy !req
636. But to do that,
Copy !req
637. I can't be the Oliver that
everyone wants me to be,
Copy !req
638. which means
that sometimes...
Copy !req
639. To honor your wishes...
Copy !req
640. I need to dishonor
your memory.
Copy !req
641. I'm sorry.
Copy !req
642. Take it down.
Copy !req
643. Will you be
going out tonight, sir?
Copy !req
644. Definitely.
Copy !req
645. No, no...
Copy !req