1. My name is oliver queen.
For 5 years,
Copy !req
2. I was stranded on an island
with only one goal—
Copy !req
3. Survive.
Copy !req
4. Oliver queen is alive.
Copy !req
5. Now I will fulfill
my father's dying wish—
Copy !req
6. To use the list
of names he left me
Copy !req
7. And bring down those
who are poisoning my city.
Copy !req
8. To do this, I must
become someone else.
Copy !req
9. I must become
something else.
Copy !req
10. Previously on "arrow"...
Copy !req
11. Mom?
What are you doing here?
Copy !req
12. I believe sarah's
still alive.
Copy !req
13. You don't actually
have any proof.
Copy !req
14. I have proof.
Doesn't it look
Copy !req
15. Just like sarah?
Copy !req
16. I did manage
to find one thing.
Copy !req
17. Does that symbol mean
something to you, sir?
Copy !req
18. I want to get out.
Copy !req
19. Malcolm merlyn.
I want you
to kill him for me.
Copy !req
20. We have a traitor
in our midst.
Copy !req
21. He just made his last mistake.
Copy !req
22. Lawyers for john nickels
spoke to the press today.
Copy !req
23. They say they're pleased
the d.A. Declined to indict
Copy !req
24. Their client on charges
stemming from the recent fire
Copy !req
25. In one of nickel's buildings.
Copy !req
26. John nickel
is one of the wealthiest
Copy !req
27. Real estate developers
in starling city.
Copy !req
28. He's also one
of the dirtiest.
Copy !req
29. That building
that burnt down last night?
Copy !req
30. Wiring was not up to code.
Maybe he didn't know that.
Copy !req
31. I guess he also didn't know
about the seven people
who have frozen to death
Copy !req
32. In his other buildings
over the past three years.
Copy !req
33. Yeah, he's a real
man of the people.
Copy !req
34. Not for long.
Copy !req
35. The d.A. Ignores this,
and the police can't do anything
Copy !req
36. Because all these slums
Copy !req
37. Are in the glades.
So tonight, felicity,
Copy !req
38. We cross mr. Nickel's name
off the list.
Copy !req
39. You ok with that?
Copy !req
40. The scene outside
of the courtroom
Copy !req
41. Where nickel was
released this afternoon
Copy !req
42. Was not
surprisingly tense.
Copy !req
43. 100 percent.
Copy !req
44. Hello?
Copy !req
45. Aahh!
Copy !req
46. He was just gone?
Copy !req
47. No! Not gone. Taken.
Copy !req
48. Looks like nickel
was on somebody
else's list, too.
Copy !req
49. After the fire
last night, it's not
entirely surprising.
Copy !req
50. Felicity, I need you
Copy !req
51. To get me everything
that you can on nickel.
Copy !req
52. Focus on his tenants,
and anyone who might have
Copy !req
53. Filed a formal complaint
against him, or...
Copy !req
54. People that lost
something in the fire.
Copy !req
55. Well, it's going to be some
list. I mean, slum lords
Copy !req
56. Aren't generally known
for their popularity.
Copy !req
57. Plus...
Copy !req
58. Nothing, it's just—
Copy !req
59. You went over there to be
all, "grrr, stop being bad
or I'll arrow you,"
Copy !req
60. And now you want to rescue him.
Copy !req
61. I don't like
the idea that somebody
dangerous is out there.
Copy !req
62. Somebody else.
Copy !req
63. Because typically...
Copy !req
64. They don't show
my level of restraint.
Copy !req
65. So you're going
to cross nickel off anyway?
Copy !req
66. No.
Copy !req
67. I'm finding somebody else
who needs a talking to.
Copy !req
68. You're going out
there again, oliver?
Copy !req
69. Why don't you go
home and be with
your family, man?
Copy !req
70. That's when the work
is done, diggle.
Copy !req
71. Ok, then I'll take
you out to dinner.
Copy !req
72. I'm not hungry.
Copy !req
73. I'm not asking.
Copy !req
74. Simple exchange.
Copy !req
75. You get us a way
off the island,
Copy !req
76. And we'll give you
the circuit board
Copy !req
77. So that your
missile launcher
Copy !req
78. Isn't just
Copy !req
79. You've grown up quite
a bit, mr. Queen.
Copy !req
80. I'll give you that.
Copy !req
81. I can get you a boat.
Copy !req
82. But I need time.
Copy !req
83. You got an hour, fyers,
and then you're never—
Copy !req
84. What?
Copy !req
85. We understand it might
take you longer than
an hour to get a boat.
Copy !req
86. What we mean is you need
to move with some dispatch.
Copy !req
87. Ah, wilson, still
in command there, eh?
Copy !req
88. I thought your little pet
had staged a coup d'etat.
Copy !req
89. Just get us the damn boat.
Copy !req
90. Mmm.
Copy !req
91. Now you want
to stop?
Copy !req
92. Well, we don't all have butlers.
Copy !req
93. You know, some of us
actually have to
answer our own doors.
Copy !req
94. Oh, the horror.
Copy !req
95. You look familiar.
Copy !req
96. Did I see you
on tv or something?
Copy !req
97. Probably.
I'm thea queen.
Copy !req
98. Yeah, right.
Copy !req
99. Did you get it?
Copy !req
100. Tomorrow night.
Copy !req
101. Joe wants us there
at 11 p.M.
Copy !req
102. He said to be
on time, harper.
Copy !req
103. What's happening
tomorrow at 11:00?
Copy !req
104. You know, I'm actually
kind of focused on
Copy !req
105. What's happening right now.
Copy !req
106. Oh, ok.
Copy !req
107. No, no, thea, don't!
Copy !req
108. Why do you have a gun?
Copy !req
109. Because I'm no good with knives.
Copy !req
110. Look, it's just a liquor store.
Copy !req
111. The guy's a creep.
Trust me, he deserves it.
Copy !req
112. Look, if it'll make you
feel any better...
Copy !req
113. I won't be armed.
Copy !req
114. But of course, the owner
won't know that, but...
Copy !req
115. I got you a job
at my brother's club.
Copy !req
116. You have choices.
You don't have
to be a criminal!
Copy !req
117. I'm not talking about
phone bills.
Copy !req
118. I owe people.
Copy !req
119. People with much
bigger guns than this.
Copy !req
120. Look, here in the glades,
Copy !req
121. This is pretty much
the only solution.
Copy !req
122. No, lots of people
in the glades
live honest lives.
Copy !req
123. Obviously not you.
Copy !req
124. You're just a waste.
No, thea.
Copy !req
125. Thea!
Copy !req
126. I'm going to make sure
you get home ok.
Copy !req
127. Don't bother.
Copy !req
128. Yeah. Mm-hmm.
Copy !req
129. Yeah.
Copy !req
130. Yeah.
Copy !req
131. Hey, honey.
Copy !req
132. There you go.
Copy !req
133. Um, what's all this?
Copy !req
134. Well, you asked me
to look into your
mother's leads on sarah,
Copy !req
135. So I made some calls.
Copy !req
136. It looks like
you did a lot
more than that.
Copy !req
137. Well, yeah,
but you're the one who said
we should do this, laurel,
Copy !req
138. So, you know,
if there's even a chance
that your sister is—
Copy !req
139. Yeah, but—
thank you.
Copy !req
140. Hi, sweetheart,
I'm sorry about the mess.
Copy !req
141. Quentin, I just
got off the phone
with the consulate
Copy !req
142. In phuket. The secretary there's
going to run sarah's photo
Copy !req
143. Against their database,
see if there's a match.
Copy !req
144. That's good work.
Copy !req
145. What?
Copy !req
146. Well, I guess I just
thought deep down
Copy !req
147. That you were going
to help mom...
Copy !req
148. Accept things.
Copy !req
149. Things you and I
Copy !req
150. Um...
Copy !req
151. Yeah, but...
Copy !req
152. You got to admit.
Copy !req
153. This girl, she looks
a lot like sarah.
Copy !req
154. Sarah had that same cap.
The starling city rockets.
Copy !req
155. Your dad bought it
for her, remember?
Copy !req
156. Yeah, I remember.
Copy !req
157. Stranger things
have happened.
Copy !req
158. Yeah. I can see that.
Copy !req
159. Hungrier than I thought.
Copy !req
160. Are you waiting for me
to finish before
giving me the lecture?
Copy !req
161. Oliver, you've been
spending a lot of time
Copy !req
162. Under that hood
the last couple weeks.
Copy !req
163. Keeps my ears warm.
Copy !req
164. And you made
this decision to, um,
Copy !req
165. Avoid entanglements?
Copy !req
166. For their protection.
The people who get
close to me get hurt.
Copy !req
167. What's the problem?
Copy !req
168. Do you think
I'm losing my grip?
Copy !req
169. No, it's just the opposite,
really. You seem calm.
Copy !req
170. Scary calm.
Copy !req
171. I get that things didn't
end well with helena,
with mckenna...
Copy !req
172. With laurel.
Copy !req
173. With sarah.
Copy !req
174. The list goes on.
Yeah. But what do you do?
Copy !req
175. You hood up,
you go home, you repeat.
It's not much of a life.
Copy !req
176. Well, the life
that I'm leading
for myself right now
Copy !req
177. Doesn't leave much room
for an actual life.
Copy !req
178. And I don't need one.
Copy !req
179. That's a pretty bleak future
you plan on spending...
With no one.
Copy !req
180. I'm used to isolation.
Copy !req
181. And that is exactly
what worries me.
Copy !req
182. You've been home
for 8 months, oliver,
Copy !req
183. But I don't think
you left that island yet.
Copy !req
184. What the hell is going on?
Copy !req
185. yeah?
Copy !req
186. Found nickel. Click
the link I just sent you.
Copy !req
187. This came up on every screen
with an I.P. Address
Copy !req
188. Originating from the glades.
Copy !req
189. If you make
the glades your home,
Copy !req
190. You know who this man is.
Copy !req
191. John nickel.
Copy !req
192. He owns your tenements.
Copy !req
193. Manages your slums.
Copy !req
194. Provides the leaking
roofs over your head.
Copy !req
195. the mold in your pipes
Copy !req
196. And asbestos in your walls.
Copy !req
197. Basically, he makes money
off our suffering.
Copy !req
198. But the police aren't
interested in helping us.
Copy !req
199. They may have let us down,
but I won't.
Copy !req
200. John, I want to give you
the chance to state your case.
Copy !req
201. Why shouldn't you
be punished?
Copy !req
202. I knew there was
bad stuff in my buildings.
Copy !req
203. Track him, felicity.
Copy !req
204. I'm looking.
Ok, yes, I made a little profit!
Copy !req
205. At least they had
a place to live.
Copy !req
206. Without me, people like that
would end up on the street.
Copy !req
207. "people like that."
Copy !req
208. That's all we are
to guys like this.
Copy !req
209. Aaah!
Copy !req
210. I find you...
Copy !req
211. Guilty.
Copy !req
212. There are plenty more
people who need to answer
for their crimes against us.
Copy !req
213. So...
Copy !req
214. Who's next?
Copy !req
215. Anything new?
This guy's definitely
Copy !req
216. Got more than
a subscription to "wired."
Copy !req
217. His website's protected
by some very serious encryption.
Copy !req
218. Well, use that air magnet
thing, you said that
it could trace—
Copy !req
219. Oliver! No offense.
Do I tell you how
to sharpen your arrows?
Copy !req
220. Spoke to my friend
at the nsa.
Copy !req
221. The website code
matches a cyber crusader
who's been on their radar.
Copy !req
222. He hacks into fringe sites
under the user name
"the savior."
Copy !req
223. Nsa believes he's a former
resident of the glades.
Copy !req
224. Former?
Yeah, well, a year ago,
Copy !req
225. He hacked himself
right off the radar.
Copy !req
226. He erased all traces
of his existence.
Copy !req
227. So what happened a year ago?
Copy !req
228. We're back.
Copy !req
229. I have with me assistant
district attorney
Copy !req
230. Gavin carnahan.
Copy !req
231. Now, das are supposed
to go after bad guys.
Copy !req
232. But this one can't even
be bothered to bring
them to trial.
Copy !req
233. Like the ones who killed
my wife in a bodega.
Copy !req
234. Felicity...
I'm on it.
Copy !req
235. They said there wasn't
enough evidence.
Copy !req
236. You think the evidence
would have turned up
Copy !req
237. If she'd been killed
in one of starling city's
nicer neighborhoods?
Copy !req
238. Emma falk.
Grieving husband
is Joseph falk.
Copy !req
239. What do we have on him?
Not much.
Copy !req
240. 42, former
city worker.
Copy !req
241. Department
of transportation,
computer technician,
Copy !req
242. Left his job when
she was killed.
One year ago today.
Copy !req
243. No current phone,
no current address.
Copy !req
244. Gavin, you're a lawyer.
You're used to making a case.
Copy !req
245. So go ahead.
Copy !req
246. I'm going to give you
ten minutes to deliver
Copy !req
247. The closing argument
of your life.
Come on.
Copy !req
248. I'm trying to get a lock
on his wireless signal.
Copy !req
249. 10 minutes to convince
me not to blow you away.
Copy !req
250. What did malcolm want
with you last night?
Copy !req
251. A target for reprisal.
Copy !req
252. He wants justice,
and he's not going to
stop until he gets it.
Copy !req
253. Besides, this is good.
Copy !req
254. I think your definition of good
requires an adjustment.
Copy !req
255. No, he came to me.
Which means
he doesn't know
Copy !req
256. That we're responsible
for the attempt
on his life.
Copy !req
257. Yet.
Copy !req
258. What are the chances
of malcolm discovering
Copy !req
259. Who paid the triad
to assassinate him?
Copy !req
260. I was very discreet.
I wired the money through
a shell corporation I own,
Copy !req
261. From an offshore account.
Copy !req
262. Good.
That's good.
Copy !req
263. I'm sending amanda
to london for a few weeks,
Copy !req
264. Just as a precaution.
Copy !req
265. Perhaps you should
do the same for your family.
Copy !req
266. There's nothing
I wouldn't do
Copy !req
267. To protect
my children, frank.
Copy !req
268. Hey, can I talk to you
about something?
Copy !req
269. Almost woman to woman.
Copy !req
270. I'm really busy
right now.
Copy !req
271. Ok.
Copy !req
272. Thea.
Copy !req
273. Sorry.
Copy !req
274. What's up?
Copy !req
275. I could use
some advice.
Copy !req
276. I'm sort of dating
this guy
Copy !req
277. Who would definitely be
described as a bad boy.
Copy !req
278. And I figured,
as someone who's dated
Copy !req
279. Like a gajillion
of them...
Copy !req
280. I haven't dated a gajillion.
Copy !req
281. All right,
guilty as charged.
Copy !req
282. You want my advice? Run.
Copy !req
283. As fast as you possibly can.
Copy !req
284. Yeah. See,
that was my first
instinct, too, but—
Copy !req
285. Laurel?
Copy !req
286. The chinese embassy's
on line two.
Copy !req
287. I'm transferring him over.
Copy !req
288. Chinese embassy?
Copy !req
289. It's just this case
that I'm working on.
Copy !req
290. But we are definitely continuing
this conversation later.
Copy !req
291. Thank you so much
for getting back to me.
Copy !req
292. I'm trying to track down
a woman in the photo
that I emailed you.
Copy !req
293. You did.
Copy !req
294. Really?
Copy !req
295. And you're sure that
she's in the states now?
Copy !req
296. Do you happen to have
an address on her?
Copy !req
297. I got him!
Shut it down.
Copy !req
298. Can't. He has a firewall
protecting his wireless signal.
Copy !req
299. But he's working off an ipx
located at 23rd and mira.
Copy !req
300. You want to hood up?
The middle of the day!
Copy !req
301. Look! Listen.
Listen to me. Ok.
Copy !req
302. I have 53 cases
on my desk right now.
Copy !req
303. I don't always have time
to take on every case!
Copy !req
304. How's carnahan?
Copy !req
305. Not making a very
persuasive argument.
Copy !req
306. I'm almost there.
Copy !req
307. See anything?
I'm only on the first floor.
Copy !req
308. Just six more to go.
Copy !req
309. There aren't resources.
I tried.
Copy !req
310. Oh, my god! I'm sorry!
Oliver, hurry.
Copy !req
311. Can't find him!
Copy !req
312. He's not here, felicity!
Copy !req
313. I searched every office
on every floor!
Copy !req
314. He's not here.
Is this the right place?
Copy !req
315. Are you sure?
Yeah, I—
Copy !req
316. Oh, crap.
Copy !req
317. How is this possible?
This can't happen! He's—
Copy !req
318. Talk to me!
Copy !req
319. He moved.
Just north of you.
Ocean and grand.
Copy !req
320. On my way!
Copy !req
321. I took on cases
that were—that I
thought that I could...
Copy !req
322. Win.
Copy !req
323. I'm sorry.
Copy !req
324. Gavin carnahan,
I find you guilty
Copy !req
325. Of crimes
against the glades.
Copy !req
326. Don't do this!
Don't do this!
Copy !req
327. And I sentence you to death.
Copy !req
328. I'm at ocean
and grand, felicity.
That's just a vacant lot.
Copy !req
329. How is this possible?
This can't happen. He—
Copy !req
330. Find the right address, now!
Copy !req
331. He's...
Copy !req
332. Oliver, it's over,
carnahan is dead.
Copy !req
333. Where's diggle?
Copy !req
334. I asked him
to leave me alone.
Copy !req
335. In my loud voice.
Copy !req
336. This wasn't your fault.
Copy !req
337. I was the one
who was supposed
to find carnahan,
Copy !req
338. And I was the one
who sent you that
bogus location.
Copy !req
339. I've never seen
anybody die.
Copy !req
340. Hey.
Copy !req
341. This is the thing
Copy !req
342. With what we do.
Copy !req
343. Sometimes we lose.
Copy !req
344. Maybe it is better
being alone.
Copy !req
345. I'm not seeing anyone
currently, but...
Copy !req
346. If I were,
Copy !req
347. I don't know
how I'd tell him
about today.
Copy !req
348. Gentlemen. Welcome.
Copy !req
349. So happy we were able
to reach an accord.
Copy !req
350. Oh, good.
Small talk.
Copy !req
351. Are we going
to get on with this?
Copy !req
352. As you wish.
Straight to business.
Copy !req
353. The circuit board.
Where is it?
Copy !req
354. Somewhere safe.
Copy !req
355. So get us to the boat and then
we'll tell you where it is.
Copy !req
356. And of course
you'll be honest
about its location.
Copy !req
357. Well, I wouldn't be.
Copy !req
358. But this one's got
some strange hang up
Copy !req
359. About principles
and integrity.
Copy !req
360. I always imagined
as much.
Copy !req
361. Which is why I'd like to
make a counter proposal.
Copy !req
362. Men!
Copy !req
363. No!
Copy !req
364. No!
Copy !req
365. You will deliver back
to me the circuit board,
Copy !req
366. Or I will kill
yao fei's daughter.
Copy !req
367. So I wouldn't leave.
Copy !req
368. I can't imagine
you want the death
Copy !req
369. Of an innocent young
woman on your hands.
Copy !req
370. Not with your...
Copy !req
371. Hey.
Copy !req
372. Hi.
Copy !req
373. I wanted to do
some research on my own
Copy !req
374. Into the evidence
that you gathered on sarah.
Copy !req
375. So I called my friend
from law school
Copy !req
376. Who works at the chinese
embassy, and...
Copy !req
377. The photo of the girl.
Copy !req
378. I found her.
Copy !req
379. I'm sorry. Can I—
can I borrow your phone?
Copy !req
380. I promised my fianée
that I'd call him
before dinner.
Copy !req
381. My phone's dead.
Copy !req
382. Jen, these are my parents.
Copy !req
383. Hi. Nice to meet you.
Copy !req
384. Yeah, you, too.
Copy !req
385. I just told jen
about this photograph
Copy !req
386. That popped up in this case
that I'm working on.
Copy !req
387. Is that you
in the picture?
Copy !req
388. Yeah. I spent six months
Copy !req
389. On an island
off the coast of china.
Copy !req
390. That was taken
in a small fishing village
Copy !req
391. Called zhengjiu.
Copy !req
392. It's mandarin for...
Copy !req
393. Salvation.
Copy !req
394. Are you all right,
mrs. Lance?
Copy !req
395. Yes, I—
Copy !req
396. It's just, uh,
Copy !req
397. You look like
someone I used to know.
Copy !req
398. wow.
Copy !req
399. I was waiting for this.
Copy !req
400. Waiting for what?
Copy !req
401. The whole "you can change,
I can see the real you" speech.
Copy !req
402. Look around, thea.
Copy !req
403. This is home sweet home for me.
Copy !req
404. You either starve
or you do things
Copy !req
405. That mean you're lucky
enough to make it to 21.
Copy !req
406. I can't accept that.
Copy !req
407. You can't accept me.
Copy !req
408. Roy harper?
Copy !req
409. Roy!
Copy !req
410. More on the story
out of the glades.
Copy !req
411. The kidnapper seems
to have another victim
Copy !req
412. And is broadcasting the feed
to his website.
Copy !req
413. According to viewers,
this is live footage,
Copy !req
414. So we're not sure
what we're about to see.
Copy !req
415. Meet roy harper.
Copy !req
416. Arrests for larceny
Copy !req
417. And robbery,
aggravated assault.
Copy !req
418. And yet you're out
on the street.
Copy !req
419. Another gangbanger
in the glades running free,
Copy !req
420. Like the ones
who killed my wife.
Copy !req
421. I'm from
the glades, too.
Copy !req
422. And it didn't turn me
into a criminal.
Copy !req
423. I know that kid.
Copy !req
424. How?
Copy !req
425. Tommy?
Copy !req
426. Oh!
Copy !req
427. Oh, god, no.
Copy !req
428. I didn't know where else to go.
Copy !req
429. You know him?
Roy, he's my friend.
Copy !req
430. And we were in a fight
and some guy came out
of nowhere
Copy !req
431. And just attacked us!
Copy !req
432. He doesn't deserve to die!
Copy !req
433. I promise you,
he's going to be ok.
Copy !req
434. You stay here with
tommy, all right?
Copy !req
435. Hello?
Copy !req
436. Moira, it's malcolm.
Copy !req
437. I've learned
a high ranking member
Copy !req
438. Of the triad
was just arrested.
Copy !req
439. Well, I should have
a word with him.
Copy !req
440. I already have.
He's agreed to find out
Copy !req
441. Who hired his organization
to assassinate me in return
Copy !req
442. For a reduced
prison sentence.
Copy !req
443. By tonight, we should know
the name, or names,
Copy !req
444. Of the people
who tried to kill me.
Copy !req
445. Good.
Copy !req
446. What are you doing?
Copy !req
447. So it's not sarah
in the photo.
Copy !req
448. But she's still
out there, quentin.
Copy !req
449. And I'm going to find her.
Copy !req
450. Look, I understand now
Copy !req
451. That neither of you
have the stomach
Copy !req
452. To continue looking for her.
Copy !req
453. And that's fine.
Copy !req
454. I'm sorry
I involved you both.
Copy !req
455. You know that I would cross
to hell and back
Copy !req
456. To bring her home,
but I can't!
Copy !req
457. 'cause she's gone, di.
Copy !req
458. No.
Copy !req
459. You got to let go
of this now.
Copy !req
460. No! I can't!
Copy !req
461. I won't!
Copy !req
462. How did you know
sarah had her hat
Copy !req
463. With her when she
went on the boat?
Copy !req
464. You were so sure
that the girl
Copy !req
465. In the photo was sarah.
Copy !req
466. Not because
she was american,
but because of her hat.
Copy !req
467. Her starling city
rockets hat that
dad bought her.
Copy !req
468. Mom.
Copy !req
469. How did you know
she took her hat
Copy !req
470. With her on
"the queen's gambit"
with oliver?
Copy !req
471. I saw her.
Copy !req
472. What do you mean?
Copy !req
473. I came home early that day,
Copy !req
474. And I saw her.
Copy !req
475. Sarah.
Copy !req
476. I saw her put the hat in a bag.
Copy !req
477. She was packing.
Copy !req
478. You knew she was
going with him?
Copy !req
479. I told her not to—
Copy !req
480. I told her not to do this,
not to you, laurel.
Copy !req
481. But she said she was in love
and she had to follow her heart,
Copy !req
482. Even if nobody else
thought it was right.
Copy !req
483. Just like I told her...
Copy !req
484. Just like I told her I once did.
Copy !req
485. So...
Copy !req
486. I let her go.
Copy !req
487. I killed her.
Copy !req
488. I...
Copy !req
489. I killed my daughter.
Copy !req
490. I killed her.
Copy !req
491. I'm so sorry, quentin.
Copy !req
492. I'm so sorry, quentin.
Copy !req
493. I killed our baby.
Copy !req
494. Anything?
Copy !req
495. I've been going through
all the video we got,
Copy !req
496. Trying to see
if there's anything
that'll tell us
Copy !req
497. Where this guy is.
I got nothing,
except a sound.
Copy !req
498. Buried in the ambient noise.
Almost rhythmic.
Copy !req
499. Here, I've isolated it.
Copy !req
500. What is that?
Copy !req
501. Sounds like
a car driving
over lane markers.
Copy !req
502. It's bigger than a car.
Copy !req
503. Bigger than a car.
What, a bus? Uh—
Copy !req
504. Wait, I know this.
Copy !req
505. I know it.
Copy !req
506. come on! Guys!
Copy !req
507. Felicity, show me a map.
Sights of the abductions
Copy !req
508. On where we've seen
the signal so far.
Copy !req
509. Right there, right there.
Copy !req
510. 23rd and mira.
Copy !req
511. Locksley and adams.
Copy !req
512. Wells street down by cnri.
Copy !req
513. Those are all subway stops!
Starling city
Copy !req
514. Doesn't have a subway.
Copy !req
515. No, but they used to.
When I was a kid,
Copy !req
516. My dad used to take me down
to the rockets game.
Copy !req
517. By subway. For 14 minutes,
I'd lean against the window,
Copy !req
518. Feeling the rhythm
of the train moving.
Copy !req
519. That's how he did it.
Copy !req
520. He was at 23rd and mira,
but he was underground.
Copy !req
521. He used to work
for the department
of transportation,
Copy !req
522. So that's why he knows
all the old subway stops.
Copy !req
523. That's why I couldn't
trace the signal.
Copy !req
524. He was moving.
He was in a subway car.
Copy !req
525. Where is he now?
Copy !req
526. He's on the old
cross town line.
Copy !req
527. If he continues on this route,
he'll be at the spring street
Copy !req
528. Stop in 15 minutes.
Copy !req
529. Let the girl go.
Copy !req
530. No deal?
Copy !req
531. Very well.
Kill her.
Copy !req
532. No!
Copy !req
533. No!
Copy !req
534. That was unexpected.
Copy !req
535. Fire!
Copy !req
536. Ahh!
Copy !req
537. Come on!
Come on!
Copy !req
538. Get her to safety! Now!
Copy !req
539. I'll only slow you down. Go!
Copy !req
540. Just go! You've got to go!
Copy !req
541. Go! Go!
Copy !req
542. Go!
Copy !req
543. It's happening.
I'll give you 10 minutes
Copy !req
544. To state your case, roy.
Copy !req
545. So tell us.
Copy !req
546. Why do you get to live?
Copy !req
547. I shouldn't.
Copy !req
548. Just do it.
Copy !req
549. Kill me.
Copy !req
550. Just go on!
Kill me!
Copy !req
551. You really don't care
if you live or die?
Copy !req
552. No one's going to miss me.
Copy !req
553. I'm just a waste.
Copy !req
554. Then we agree on something.
Copy !req
555. This world would be
better off without you in it.
Copy !req
556. We seem to have lost the feed.
Copy !req
557. We will stay on this story
and keep you up to date
on any developments.
Copy !req
558. Let the kid go.
Copy !req
559. You'll never get
an opportunity
to change!
Copy !req
560. You can give him
a second chance.
Copy !req
561. We're the only ones
who can save this city.
Copy !req
562. We can't stop now.
Copy !req
563. We're not the same!
Copy !req
564. You've killed people
for this city, so have I.
Copy !req
565. What's the difference
between you and me?
Copy !req
566. Emma never got
her second chance.
Copy !req
567. You have no idea
how lonely it is.
Copy !req
568. Joseph.
Copy !req
569. Joseph!
Copy !req
570. I understand
being alone.
Copy !req
571. But it doesn't
give you the right
Copy !req
572. To kill people
in cold blood.
Copy !req
573. He deserves it.
Copy !req
574. Just like the gangbangers
who gunned her down,
Copy !req
575. He's no different than them.
Copy !req
576. And now I get
to gun him down.
Copy !req
577. Don't do it!
Copy !req
578. Got to get going
to the airport.
Copy !req
579. That red eye to central city.
Copy !req
580. I should be home in a flash.
Copy !req
581. Mom.
Copy !req
582. Call me some time.
Copy !req
583. I'd really
like that.
Copy !req
584. You would?
Copy !req
585. Of course I would.
Copy !req
586. You're my mother.
Copy !req
587. I love you so much.
Copy !req
588. I love you, too.
Copy !req
589. I thought you were
going to die.
Copy !req
590. That makes two of us.
Copy !req
591. I probably
look like a mess.
Copy !req
592. I'm going to go
to the bathroom
and freshen
Copy !req
593. Way, way up.
Copy !req
594. Ok.
Copy !req
595. Ollie?
Copy !req
596. Hi!
Copy !req
597. Hi.
Copy !req
598. I heard thea's
friend was ok.
Copy !req
599. Yeah. That worked out ok.
Copy !req
600. This roy...
Copy !req
601. Is more than just
a friend, isn't he?
Copy !req
602. Bad boys.
Copy !req
603. Hook you every time.
Copy !req
604. Oh, I think, uh,
Copy !req
605. Tommy actually went home
for the night.
Copy !req
606. Oh.
Copy !req
607. You all right?
Copy !req
608. You seem like
you're something
other than all right.
Copy !req
609. My mom, she showed up
in town this week
Copy !req
610. And she's been...
Copy !req
611. What?
Copy !req
612. She had this crazy idea
Copy !req
613. That sarah
was still alive.
Copy !req
614. She was so sure of it
Copy !req
615. That she kind of had me
believing it, also.
Copy !req
616. But sarah's gone.
Copy !req
617. Yeah.
Copy !req
618. I can't believe
she sucked me in
like that.
Copy !req
619. You miss her.
I miss them both.
Copy !req
620. Thanks for listening.
Copy !req
621. Of course.
Copy !req
622. Laurel.
Copy !req
623. Want to have dinner, or...
Copy !req
624. Coffee, I don't know.
Copy !req
625. Why?
Copy !req
626. I don't want to be
on an island anymore.
Copy !req
627. Good night.
Good night.
Copy !req
628. Slade?
Copy !req
629. Circuit board's gone.
Copy !req
630. Damn. Fyers played us.
Copy !req
631. While he was
screwing us around,
Copy !req
632. His men were combing
the woods for it.
Copy !req
633. Now his missile launcher
is fully operational.
Copy !req
634. And he was never
going to let us off
the island, I get it!
Copy !req
635. Of course he wasn't
going to help you.
Copy !req
636. He couldn't chance you
warning the mainland
Copy !req
637. What he has planned.
Copy !req
638. She speaks english.
Yeah, well, guess what.
Copy !req
639. Neither one of us
have any idea
what his plans are.
Copy !req
640. I do.
Copy !req
641. Thank you
for coming, frank.
Copy !req
642. Meeting like this
is dangerous, moira.
Copy !req
643. Particularly now.
Yes, I know.
Copy !req
644. Malcolm knows.
Copy !req
645. What?
I had no choice
Copy !req
646. But to turn over
what I've discovered.
Copy !req
647. The evidence
of the wire transfer;
Copy !req
648. The money that
you paid the triad
to assassinate him.
Copy !req
649. The money I—
Copy !req
650. Moira!
Copy !req
651. Mr. Merlyn thanks you
for your loyalty.
Copy !req
652. You've done well.
Copy !req
653. Now chen's family
will share his fate.
Copy !req
654. Chen betrayed us,
Copy !req
655. But his daughter
Copy !req
656. Tell mr. Merlyn
I want her to live.
Copy !req
657. Amanda nearly lost her
life in the glades,
Copy !req
658. Now she's lost
her father. I think
she's suffered enough.
Copy !req
659. We must send a message.
Copy !req
660. We have.
Copy !req
661. We...
Copy !req
662. Very well.
Thank you—
Copy !req
663. Thea's friend
is upstairs.
I saw.
Copy !req
664. You probably saw
that they were very
happy to see each other,
Copy !req
665. If you know what I mean.
Copy !req
666. Which you probably don't
want to talk about,
Copy !req
667. Because she's
your baby sister.
Copy !req
668. You ok?
Copy !req
669. I'm getting there.
Copy !req
670. Thank you.
Copy !req
671. Psst.
Copy !req
672. By the way.
Copy !req
673. If you ever need
to tell someone
about your day...
Copy !req
674. You can tell me.
Copy !req
675. What's that?
Copy !req
676. Felicity
pulled it up.
It's an old map
Copy !req
677. Of a decommissioned
subway line.
Copy !req
678. Runs underneath
the low rent district
of the city.
Copy !req
679. I've seen that map before.
Copy !req
680. It was right in front
of our faces
Copy !req
681. The entire time.
Copy !req
682. My father, the other archer,
Copy !req
683. The undertaking,
whatever the plan is.
Copy !req
684. It's all connected
to the glades.
Copy !req