1. My name is oliver queen.
For 5 years,
Copy !req
2. I was stranded
on an island
with only one goal—
Copy !req
3. Survive.
Copy !req
4. Oliver queen is alive.
Copy !req
5. Now I will fulfill
my father's dying wish—
Copy !req
6. To use the list
of names he left me
Copy !req
7. And bring down those
who are poisoning my city.
Copy !req
8. To do this, I must
become someone else.
Copy !req
9. I must become
something else.
Copy !req
10. Previously on "arrow"...
Copy !req
11. I'd like you to work
with me on the vigilante
Copy !req
12. Thank you, sir!
Copy !req
13. It's just beginning.
In six months,
Copy !req
14. The organization's
vision of what
this city should be
Copy !req
15. Will be complete.
Copy !req
16. Thousands of innocent people
will be dead
Copy !req
17. And you'll feel nothing.
Copy !req
18. That's not true.
Copy !req
19. I'll feel a sense
of accomplishment.
Copy !req
20. So...
Copy !req
21. How can we be of assistance?
Copy !req
22. Malcolm merlyn. I want
you to kill him for me.
Copy !req
23. These black arrows
aren't consistent
with his m.O.
Copy !req
24. Something
doesn't add up.
Copy !req
25. We're dealing
with a copycat.
Copy !req
26. What do you mean,
the chopper's about
to touch down?
Copy !req
27. The flight log doesn't
have them due for
another 20 minutes!
Copy !req
28. Then lock down
the heliport!
Copy !req
29. I've just landed
in starling city.
Copy !req
30. We agreed—
half on arrival,
the other half
Copy !req
31. When the job is done.
Copy !req
32. gracias.
Copy !req
33. Don't worry.
Copy !req
34. The man's as good as—
Copy !req
35. Guillermo barrera.
Copy !req
36. You have failed this city.
Copy !req
37. You've built quite
a reputation.
Copy !req
38. And you should have
stayed overseas.
Copy !req
39. I thought about it,
but then I remembered—
Copy !req
40. I've got
a reputation, too.
Copy !req
41. Ahh! Ow!
Copy !req
42. Now the trick
is to keep your weight
Copy !req
43. I thought the trick was
to avoid getting into fights.
Copy !req
44. Yeah, well, starling city's
not the kind of place
Copy !req
45. Where you can talk
your way out of trouble.
Copy !req
46. Besides, if you're going
to be working with us,
Copy !req
47. I'll sleep a lot easier
knowing that you can
handle yourself...
Copy !req
48. At least a little bit.
Copy !req
49. How'd it go?
Copy !req
50. Badly for him.
Who's him?
Copy !req
51. An assassin for hire
with an affinity
for knives.
Copy !req
52. His name was
guillermo barrera.
Copy !req
53. So we can't ask him
about his intended target?
Copy !req
54. Which is why
I need you to
hack his phone.
Copy !req
55. Barrera's world class.
Copy !req
56. He kills high
profile targets.
Copy !req
57. And whatever job
he was hired for
Copy !req
58. We need to figure
out who he was here
to kill, and fast.
Copy !req
59. They are probably
still in danger.
Copy !req
60. Ok?
Copy !req
61. I have to meet mckenna.
Copy !req
62. Good thing she
didn't meet you
at the heliport.
Copy !req
63. May not be a good idea
to fall for the cop
Copy !req
64. That's hunting you down.
Copy !req
65. Well, it's slim pickings
for us vigilantes.
Copy !req
66. Four.
Copy !req
67. Well, I'm more of a runner.
Copy !req
68. Why the sudden
desire to work out?
Copy !req
69. Well, we can try
to think of another
way off the island.
Copy !req
70. There is no other way.
Copy !req
71. If there was,
I would have found it.
Copy !req
72. We can't just sit here
Copy !req
73. And wait for fyers
to come and kill us.
Copy !req
74. I did have one idea.
Copy !req
75. If you go into the forest
Copy !req
76. And gather as much bamboo
as you can find...
Copy !req
77. Yeah?
Copy !req
78. We could build ourselves a boat,
Copy !req
79. Like they did
on "gilligan's island."
Copy !req
80. That's broken.
Copy !req
81. It got busted
during the crash.
Copy !req
82. Did you try
to get it to work?
Copy !req
83. I'm better
at pulling
things apart.
Copy !req
84. My father was a pilot
Copy !req
85. And he used to do
his own maintenance.
Copy !req
86. So you're hoping
aircraft maintenance
is genetic?
Copy !req
87. No, I used to help him
and I liked it.
Copy !req
88. Then I got
pretty good at it.
Copy !req
89. So maybe I can make
the radio work.
Copy !req
90. You should be training
Copy !req
91. For the inevitable fight
that's looming.
Copy !req
92. I think I have
a better chance of
making the radio work.
Copy !req
93. Hey.
Copy !req
94. Sorry I'm late.
Copy !req
95. No, I am. I just got
caught up at the office.
Copy !req
96. Me, too. Wow.
Copy !req
97. You look nice.
Copy !req
98. Ooh.
Copy !req
99. We should go inside.
Copy !req
100. We should.
Copy !req
101. We don't seem to be
going inside.
Copy !req
102. Welcome.
Copy !req
103. Happy birthday,
Thank you.
Copy !req
104. Oh, this feels like
a chateauneuf de pape.
Copy !req
105. It's going to taste
like one, too.
Copy !req
106. You are a true friend.
Thank you.
Copy !req
107. Tommy, you remember
mckenna hall.
Copy !req
108. From back in the day.
And back again.
Copy !req
109. Ollie.
Copy !req
110. Hi.
Copy !req
111. Laurel, this is...
Copy !req
112. Mckenna hall.
We know each other
from the court house.
Copy !req
113. How are you,
Copy !req
114. I'm well, detective.
Copy !req
115. I'm going to go
crack this open.
Come in.
Copy !req
116. Such a nice apartment.
So much space.
Copy !req
117. Oh, this is adorable.
Copy !req
118. How old are you here?
Copy !req
119. That's actually
my sister sarah.
Copy !req
120. Oh, I am so sorry.
Copy !req
121. No, no, it's ok.
Copy !req
122. I don't know why my father
bought her that canary.
Copy !req
123. That thing chirped
night and day.
Copy !req
124. Drove us all nuts.
Copy !req
125. A toast.
Copy !req
126. To the first birthday
that I have enjoyed
Copy !req
127. In a long time.
Copy !req
128. I got my best friend back.
Copy !req
129. And...
Copy !req
130. I have finally
figured out
why poets
Copy !req
131. Have been in business
for the last few
thousand years.
Copy !req
132. Happy birthday, baby.
Thank you.
Copy !req
133. Cheers.
Copy !req
134. Cheers.
Copy !req
135. I think that's the food.
Oh, ok.
Copy !req
136. Oh, thank god,
she didn't cook.
Copy !req
137. Amen.
Copy !req
138. Mr. Merlyn.
Copy !req
139. Laurel.
Can I come in?
Copy !req
140. Oliver.
Copy !req
141. I've been trying
to get in touch with you.
Copy !req
142. What are you
doing here, dad?
Copy !req
143. Happy birthday, tommy.
Copy !req
144. Just give us
a second.
Copy !req
145. Of course.
Copy !req
146. We're about to eat.
I can't stay.
Copy !req
147. Well, that works out
because you weren't invited.
Copy !req
148. I'm being honored
by the starling city
municipal group.
Copy !req
149. They're bestowing me
with their annual
humanitarian award.
Copy !req
150. What, they ran out of actual
humans to give it to?
Copy !req
151. I would like you
to be there,
if you could.
Copy !req
152. I am 100% certain
that I'll be busy.
Copy !req
153. You might not
believe this,
Copy !req
154. But all I ever wanted
for you was happiness.
Copy !req
155. If it will allay
this tension between us,
Copy !req
156. I'll turn
the switch back on.
Copy !req
157. Save your money, dad.
Copy !req
158. I don't need it anymore.
Copy !req
159. I'd still like you
to come to the event.
Copy !req
160. It would mean
a lot to me.
Copy !req
161. You know what, dad?
Copy !req
162. Sometimes the people
that you want there the most...
Copy !req
163. Aren't.
Copy !req
164. You taught me that.
Copy !req
165. Multiple times.
Copy !req
166. Hello, lawton.
Copy !req
167. I see your edge has dulled.
Copy !req
168. Oh, I knew
you were there.
Copy !req
169. I just didn't care
if you killed me.
Copy !req
170. What do you want?
Copy !req
171. My organization
has been contracted
Copy !req
172. To eliminate a certain
high profile individual.
Copy !req
173. A very well-guarded target.
Copy !req
174. Well, forget it.
Copy !req
175. Look, I'm retired.
Copy !req
176. To drink and smoke
your life away?
Copy !req
177. We all got to die
some time.
Copy !req
178. I need someone to die
at the right time.
Copy !req
179. And no one does it
better than you.
Copy !req
180. My vision...
Copy !req
181. Ain't exactly
what it used to be.
Copy !req
182. No.
Copy !req
183. It's going to be better.
Copy !req
184. So...
Copy !req
185. Who needs two bullets
in the chest?
Copy !req
186. Moira.
Copy !req
187. Is it happening?
Copy !req
188. Yes.
Copy !req
189. The humanitarian award ceremony.
Copy !req
190. Isn't that
a little public?
Copy !req
191. No one will expect it.
Copy !req
192. I have very welcome news
to share with all of you.
Copy !req
193. Thanks to queen consolidated's
applied sciences division
Copy !req
194. And their recent acquisition
of unidac industries,
Copy !req
195. The undertaking
which we set for ourselves
Copy !req
196. Is only months
from fruition.
Copy !req
197. There's hope on the horizon
for everyone in starling.
Copy !req
198. We won't fail this city.
Copy !req
199. And I think I speak
for everyone here
Copy !req
200. When I say we're all
with you, malcolm.
Copy !req
201. Jeez, this is one
paranoid assassin.
Copy !req
202. Barerra's got cobalt-level
encryption on his phone.
Copy !req
203. It's not going
to be easy to break.
Copy !req
204. But codebreaker
is my middle name.
Actually, it's megan—
Copy !req
205. Felicity, can you get
anything off of it?
Copy !req
206. Just the last number
he dialed.
Copy !req
207. Which was?
A restaurant in china town.
Copy !req
208. A jade dragon.
I guess even hired killers
Copy !req
209. Enjoy the city's best chow mien.
Copy !req
210. Yeah, jade dragon
is a front
Copy !req
211. For the chinese
Copy !req
212. Call the restaurant,
make a reservation
for two for tonight.
Copy !req
213. You need to decrypt that phone.
Copy !req
214. I'm kind of in the mood
for chinese now.
Copy !req
215. Hmm.
Copy !req
216. That is—that is
one big fried fish.
Copy !req
217. I was told this was
the most authentic
szechwan in town.
Copy !req
218. Whatever. I wanted to make sure
that your birthday celebration
Copy !req
219. Got its due celebration.
Copy !req
220. It was a little bit, um,
tense last night.
Copy !req
221. Well, trust my dad
to run all the smiles
out of the room.
Copy !req
222. He did come by,
Copy !req
223. And it seemed like
he was trying
Copy !req
224. To act a little bit dad-like.
Copy !req
225. Dad-like, that sums up
my father perfectly.
Copy !req
226. I know the two of you
have never been close,
Copy !req
227. But it couldn't have been
easy for him
Copy !req
228. Yeah, I guess he forgot
that there were two
of us in that club.
Copy !req
229. I'm not defending him, tommy.
Copy !req
230. It's...
Copy !req
231. With everything
I've been through,
Copy !req
232. People that I've lost...
Copy !req
233. I know how hard it can be.
Copy !req
234. You probably don't
remember this.
Copy !req
235. Ahh...
Copy !req
236. We were eight.
Copy !req
237. But after her funeral,
Copy !req
238. He left for like
two years.
Copy !req
239. And when
he did come back,
Copy !req
240. He was...
Copy !req
241. He was so frickin' cold.
Copy !req
242. We barely spoke.
Copy !req
243. And that's why
I spent so much
time at your house.
Copy !req
244. From the outside,
Copy !req
245. It always looked
like I had a father.
Copy !req
246. He paid my bills,
Copy !req
247. He lived in the house,
he bailed me out.
Copy !req
248. But your dad took me
to my first hockey game.
Copy !req
249. Your dad taught me
how to fly fish.
Copy !req
250. Your dad took us
to our first
r-rated movie.
Copy !req
251. But he wasn't perfect.
Copy !req
252. My dad made mistakes.
Copy !req
253. And...
Copy !req
254. We haven't talked
about this.
Copy !req
255. But I have a lot
of anger towards him.
Copy !req
256. But still, I would give anything
Copy !req
257. To have him back,
Copy !req
258. At the end of the day,
your dad is...
Copy !req
259. Your dad.
Copy !req
260. I meant what I said
last night.
Copy !req
261. I'm...
Copy !req
262. Really glad
that you're back.
Copy !req
263. I got to hit the restroom.
Copy !req
264. Check, please.
Copy !req
265. I hope you like
Copy !req
266. Well, don't fall over
yourself thanking me
Copy !req
267. For spending
six hours up a tree
so you can eat.
Copy !req
268. What?
Copy !req
269. Great. I'll eat later.
Copy !req
270. You've been
on that for days.
Give it a rest.
Copy !req
271. It's because I can do this.
Copy !req
272. Sure, kid. When pigs fly.
Copy !req
273. You're kidding me.
Copy !req
274. Can you clean this up?
Copy !req
275. I don't know. I don't know
how I got this far!
Copy !req
276. Man on radio: Continue
approach. Big jet 365.
Copy !req
277. Mayday,
mayday, mayday.
Copy !req
278. This is wedgetail 325.
Copy !req
279. Pilot
and passenger down.
Copy !req
280. Woman on radio:
Big jet 365,
cleared to land.
Copy !req
281. Runway 2-7 right, wind,
Copy !req
282. 2-7-0 degrees, 10 knots.
Copy !req
283. I repeat—pilot
and passenger down
Copy !req
284. On the island
of lian yu.
Copy !req
285. Request
immediate rescue.
Copy !req
286. Cleared to land,
runway 2-7 right.
Copy !req
287. Big jet 365.
Copy !req
288. They can't hear us,
and we can't call out.
Copy !req
289. We're still trapped.
Copy !req
290. Lance.
Copy !req
291. The triad have hired
a contract killer.
Copy !req
292. Yeah? You mean the one
you put in the morgue?
Copy !req
293. Congratulations,
you're the talk
of the station again.
Copy !req
294. they hired
one, they're going to hire
another, detective.
Copy !req
295. I'm trying to find out
but I'm hitting dead ends.
Copy !req
296. I need you to put
your people on it.
Copy !req
297. My people don't work for you.
Copy !req
298. And come to think of it,
neither do I.
Copy !req
299. It's not about you
and me, detective.
Copy !req
300. It's about
saving a life.
Copy !req
301. Call me back
when you got a name.
Copy !req
302. Hall.
Copy !req
303. Yes, sir?
Copy !req
304. You and me.
We're going to catch
Copy !req
305. That vigilante.
Copy !req
306. There are five
exit routes
from the main floor
Copy !req
307. That need to be cut off.
Copy !req
308. Once the fire alarm goes off,
Copy !req
309. We'll have less
than 30 seconds
Copy !req
310. To disable merlyn's
private security
Copy !req
311. And force him outside
with the others.
Copy !req
312. Once he's outside...
Copy !req
313. The rest will be
up to mr. Lawton.
Copy !req
314. Roger that.
Copy !req
315. You look handsome!
Copy !req
316. I try not to.
It just keeps happening.
Copy !req
317. what's the occasion?
Copy !req
318. I decided to go
to my dad's thing.
Copy !req
319. Really?
Copy !req
320. Are you sure?
Copy !req
321. Oh, mostly.
Copy !req
322. Did you want me
to go with you?
Copy !req
323. No, no, no, I know
you have work to do.
Copy !req
324. I promise
I will be fine.
Copy !req
325. You look beautiful.
Copy !req
326. Thank you.
Copy !req
327. If you're free,
Copy !req
328. Maybe after the ceremony,
we could have dinner
Copy !req
329. And talk like we used to.
Copy !req
330. I'd like that.
Copy !req
331. that's my cue.
Copy !req
332. I've been
trying to avoid
him all evening.
Copy !req
333. If we didn't show,
it'd look suspicious.
Copy !req
334. How can you talk
to him that way?
Copy !req
335. I've been living this life
for five years. Five more
minutes won't matter.
Copy !req
336. Good evening,
ladies and gentlemen.
Copy !req
337. Now tonight's honoree
needs very little
Copy !req
338. It's neither his wealth
nor his name
Copy !req
339. That we celebrate here tonight.
Copy !req
340. But it is his efforts
Copy !req
341. In making starling city a better
Copy !req
342. And safer place to live.
Copy !req
343. So please help me welcome
Copy !req
344. Starling city's
humanitarian of the year,
Copy !req
345. Mr. Malcolm merlyn.
Copy !req
346. And so that's a stage, right.
Copy !req
347. Most nights we'll have a band.
Copy !req
348. Somebody cool.
Is fallout boy still cool?
Copy !req
349. They broke up.
Copy !req
350. And never.
Copy !req
351. So somebody else
will pick the bands.
Copy !req
352. Something
bothering you?
Copy !req
353. Don't say no,
'cause you're
a terrible liar.
Copy !req
354. Really?
Copy !req
355. I thought I was
getting better at it.
Copy !req
356. Mm-mmm.
What's wrong?
Copy !req
357. There's a lot of stuff
going on in my life.
Copy !req
358. Work.
Copy !req
359. Friends.
Copy !req
360. And I'm having a...
Copy !req
361. Difficult time figuring out
how to fit it all in.
Copy !req
362. I've been struggling
Copy !req
363. With some of those
thoughts, as well.
Copy !req
364. Do you have any good ideas?
Copy !req
365. I think we just have
to be really honest
Copy !req
366. About what's going
on in our lives.
Copy !req
367. Think you can do that?
Copy !req
368. Come on.
Copy !req
369. I'm in! Yes!
Copy !req
370. Yes! Yes, way to go,
Copy !req
371. Felicity smoak.
Copy !req
372. You don't happen
to speak spanish,
do you?
Copy !req
373. Arabic.
Copy !req
374. Oh, le sigh.
Copy !req
375. Oh, my god.
Copy !req
376. You know
I'm there for you.
Copy !req
377. Excuse me, mr. Queen.
Copy !req
378. The I.T. Department
has that item
that you requested.
Copy !req
379. One sec.
Copy !req
380. You find the target?
Copy !req
381. Oliver, the target
is tommy's father.
Copy !req
382. At the awards ceremony?
Copy !req
383. Tommy's there.
Copy !req
384. Um, mckenna, mr. Diggle
is going to take you home.
Copy !req
385. I have some unexpected business.
Copy !req
386. It's ok.
Copy !req
387. Oliver, voice disguised:
Target is malcolm merlyn.
Copy !req
388. Establish a perimeter
but keep your distance.
Copy !req
389. I don't want the police
caught in the crossfire.
Copy !req
390. The true humanitarian
in the merlyn family
Copy !req
391. Was my wife rebecca.
Copy !req
392. Many of you here
knew her.
Copy !req
393. She tirelessly
devoted herself
Copy !req
394. To helping those less
fortunate in the glades.
Copy !req
395. I like to think
that if the men
who murdered her
Copy !req
396. Knew her;
Copy !req
397. Knew the work
that she did,
Copy !req
398. Knew the person
that she was...
Copy !req
399. He would have
helped her to her car,
made sure she was safe,
Copy !req
400. Instead of stealing her
purse and shooting her.
Copy !req
401. The truth is,
I haven't done
enough for this city.
Copy !req
402. My city.
Copy !req
403. I failed it.
Copy !req
404. But I promise you—
Copy !req
405. I am not finished yet.
Copy !req
406. I promise you
that this city
Copy !req
407. Will be better
for all of us.
Copy !req
408. And on that day,
I will look
Copy !req
409. At this beautiful award
and feel that I have
earned it.
Copy !req
410. I thank you.
Copy !req
411. Oh!
Copy !req
412. Mr. Merlyn, you should
head for the exit—
Copy !req
413. Tommy!
Copy !req
414. Merlyn's not taking the bait.
Change of plans.
Copy !req
415. I don't like improvisation.
Copy !req
416. Drive him upstairs
to his penthouse office.
Copy !req
417. I need to switch
vantage points.
Copy !req
418. Tommy!
Copy !req
419. Tommy!
Copy !req
420. Come with me.
Copy !req
421. There's an exit
on the second floor.
Copy !req
422. I wasn't leaving
until I knew you were safe.
Copy !req
423. Go somewhere safe.
I'll hold them off.
Copy !req
424. Go now!
Come on!
Copy !req
425. Where are we going?
Copy !req
426. Who are those guys?
I don't know.
Copy !req
427. They're trying to kill you!
Copy !req
428. And we're going up,
without any of
your bodyguards?
Copy !req
429. Dad! We need
to get out of here.
Copy !req
430. Tommy, take a deep
breath and trust me.
Copy !req
431. Upstairs in my office
is a panic room.
Copy !req
432. We get there,
we seal it off.
Copy !req
433. Merlyn's headed
to the penthouse.
Copy !req
434. Why do you want
malcolm merlyn dead?
Copy !req
435. I'll settle for you.
Copy !req
436. Wait!
Copy !req
437. Go!
You killed him!
Copy !req
438. Surely as he would have
killed you.
Copy !req
439. Move, move, move!
Copy !req
440. Electromagnetic locks.
Copy !req
441. What if they
cut the power?
Copy !req
442. This floor is on
an entire separate grid.
Copy !req
443. The glass?
Copy !req
444. Lexan. Bulletproof.
It's over.
Copy !req
445. How did you know
how to do that?
Copy !req
446. Fight.
Copy !req
447. Kill.
Copy !req
448. Dad?
Copy !req
449. Freeze! Scpd.
Copy !req
450. Put the bow down.
Copy !req
451. Tommy, you ok?
Copy !req
452. Dad!
Copy !req
453. Dad?
Copy !req
454. Turn around slowly.
Copy !req
455. Dad.
Copy !req
456. I'm sorry.
Copy !req
457. I'm ok.
Copy !req
458. I'm ok.
Copy !req
459. Damn it.
Copy !req
460. You're bleeding.
You're bleeding.
Copy !req
461. I'll be fine, tom.
Copy !req
462. No, no, no, dad!
Copy !req
463. Dad!
Copy !req
464. No!
Copy !req
465. I'm not here to hurt
you or your father.
Copy !req
466. I said stay back.
Copy !req
467. Curare.
Copy !req
468. Don't come any closer.
Copy !req
469. An assassin named
floyd lawton laces
his bullets with curare.
Copy !req
470. I've dealt with this before.
We need to dilute the poison
in his bloodstream.
Copy !req
471. I said stay the hell back!
Copy !req
472. In three minutes
he's paralyzed.
Copy !req
473. In four minutes,
he suffocates.
Copy !req
474. If you don't let me
help you now,
Copy !req
475. He's dead before
anybody gets here!
Copy !req
476. Help. How?
Copy !req
477. Fresh blood buys
him time to get
to the hospital.
Copy !req
478. A blood transfusion?
Copy !req
479. That's insane!
Copy !req
480. It's the only way.
Copy !req
481. He needs your blood.
Copy !req
482. You're out of time.
Copy !req
483. You need to make
a decision right now.
Copy !req
484. Why should I trust you?
Copy !req
485. because you always have.
Copy !req
486. Oliver.
Copy !req
487. Ok. Ready?
Copy !req
488. Do it.
Copy !req
489. Hold his arm.
Copy !req
490. Come on, come on, come on.
Copy !req
491. You're the vigilante.
Copy !req
492. Why?
Copy !req
493. Later.
Copy !req
494. He's still going to need
medical attention
Copy !req
495. To fully clean out
his system, you understand?
Copy !req
496. Ok.
Copy !req
497. Thank you.
Copy !req
498. Tommy.
Copy !req
499. I'm right here, dad.
Copy !req
500. What did the hood
say to you?
Copy !req
501. He didn't say anything.
Copy !req
502. You let a homicidal
maniac talk you into
Copy !req
503. A homemade blood
Copy !req
504. Instead of calling
the paramedics?
Copy !req
505. My father's life
was at stake.
Copy !req
506. So first the hood
rescues you and queen
from those kidnappers,
Copy !req
507. Now he saves
your old man.
Copy !req
508. But he's taking down
every other one
percenter out there.
Copy !req
509. Is this guy a friend
of yours, merlyn?
Copy !req
510. I don't know
who the hell he is.
Copy !req
511. If they can't hear us,
then what's the point?
Copy !req
512. Wait!
Copy !req
513. You still might have
done us some good.
Copy !req
514. Man on radio:
0500 hours from my mark.
Copy !req
515. Final deployment
is five by five.
Copy !req
516. That's fyers!
Copy !req
517. I'm tuned into
the soldier's frequency.
Copy !req
518. Scylla is in route.
Eta 0600 hours.
Copy !req
519. At the southwest bay.
Copy !req
520. I'll call you when scylla
is in my possession.
Copy !req
521. Fyers out.
Copy !req
522. Who was fyers talking to?
Copy !req
523. I don't know.
Copy !req
524. Sounds like someone
off this island,
Copy !req
525. Maybe his benefactor.
More importantly,
Copy !req
526. Who or what is scylla?
Copy !req
527. It's "the odyssey,"
from one of the four
nightmare chapters.
Copy !req
528. Scylla was a monster.
Copy !req
529. I want to meet
this monster.
Copy !req
530. Am I going alone?
Copy !req
531. So how's it feel
to save a one percenter?
Copy !req
532. Looks like
malcolm meryln's
going to be ok.
Copy !req
533. They took him
to starling general.
Copy !req
534. Good thing
he was wearing
a bulletproof vest.
Copy !req
535. He's not in the hospital
because he was shot.
Copy !req
536. He was poisoned
by curare.
Copy !req
537. Lawton's alive.
Copy !req
538. I'm sorry, john.
Copy !req
539. This lawton kick his dog
or something?
Copy !req
540. No.
Copy !req
541. He killed his brother.
Copy !req
542. What?
Copy !req
543. What is it?
Copy !req
544. You were right.
Copy !req
545. Scylla is a monster.
Copy !req
546. A russian-made s300
Copy !req
547. Anti-aircraft
missile launcher.
Copy !req
548. It can simultaneously track
up to a hundred targets
Copy !req
549. While engaging
with at least
a dozen.
Copy !req
550. I mean, from here,
Copy !req
551. They could shoot down
a commercial airliner,
Copy !req
552. Or start a war.
Copy !req
553. Hey, you're here.
Copy !req
554. Walk with me.
Copy !req
555. I heard you were
there, are you ok?
Copy !req
556. I'm fine. Fine.
Copy !req
557. I'm really sorry
that I had to run
out on you like that.
Copy !req
558. Don't worry.
Five more minutes,
Copy !req
559. And I would have had
to run out on you.
Copy !req
560. our lives
are complicated.
Copy !req
561. But I'm willing
to figure us out.
Copy !req
562. If you are.
Copy !req
563. Willing and able.
Copy !req
564. Hey. Hey, dad.
Copy !req
565. Dad, dad.
Copy !req
566. Take it easy.
Copy !req
567. You were shot.
Copy !req
568. The bullet was
laced with poison.
Copy !req
569. I should be dead.
Copy !req
570. I gave you
a blood transfusion.
Copy !req
571. Actually it was...
Copy !req
572. The vigilante's idea.
Copy !req
573. He saved you.
Copy !req
574. He did?
Copy !req
575. I was worried I was
going to lose you.
Copy !req
576. I'm not going anywhere.
Copy !req
577. You said that
after mom died.
Copy !req
578. But you left.
Copy !req
579. I wasn't a very good father
to you after your mother
passed away.
Copy !req
580. I was so lost.
Copy !req
581. You never told me
where you went.
Copy !req
582. I found myself in a place
called nanda parbat.
Copy !req
583. I met a man there.
Copy !req
584. He helped me
make sense of things.
Copy !req
585. He helped me to find
a purpose for my life;
Copy !req
586. To make this city
a better place
for everyone.
Copy !req
587. Especially for you.
Copy !req
588. How are you going
to do that?
Copy !req
589. Malcolm?
Copy !req
590. Tommy.
Copy !req
591. Could I talk to moira
for a minute?
Copy !req
592. Thank god
you're all right.
Copy !req
593. We have a traitor
in our midst.
Copy !req
594. I want you to find out who.
Copy !req
595. He just made his last mistake.
Copy !req
596. My dad's
going to be ok,
thanks to you.
Copy !req
597. It's thanks to you.
Copy !req
598. No one's asked you
what happened to you
out on that island.
Copy !req
599. You said "a lot."
that doesn't
quite cover it.
Copy !req
600. Tommy...
Copy !req
601. I saw you
kill those guys
Copy !req
602. Who kidnapped us
when you first got
back, didn't I?
Copy !req
603. I...
Copy !req
604. I know you have
a lot of questions.
Copy !req
605. Yeah.
Copy !req
606. Yeah, but for now,
just the one.
Copy !req
607. Were you ever
going to tell me?
Copy !req
608. No.
Copy !req
609. Tommy, I just saw it
all on the news.
Copy !req
610. I'll be there
as soon as I can.
Copy !req
611. Bye.
Copy !req
612. Hello, laurel.
Copy !req
613. Mom?
Copy !req
614. What are you doing here?
Copy !req
615. I need
to talk to you.
Copy !req
616. About what?
Copy !req
617. I know
I've made mistakes.
Copy !req
618. yeah.
Copy !req
619. Yes, you have.
Copy !req
620. Look, I have to go.
Copy !req
621. Why don't you send me an email
or a postcard some time?
Copy !req
622. I have something
important I need
to discuss with you.
Copy !req
623. What could be so important
after all this time?
Copy !req
624. It's about sarah.
Copy !req
625. What about her?
Copy !req
626. I think
she may be alive.
Copy !req