1. My name is Oliver Queen.
For five years,
Copy !req
2. I was stranded on an island
with only one goal—
Copy !req
3. survive.
Copy !req
4. Oliver Queen is alive.
Copy !req
5. Now I will
fulfill my father's dying wish—
Copy !req
6. to use the list
of names he left me
Copy !req
7. and bring down those
who are poisoning my city.
Copy !req
8. To do this,
Copy !req
9. I must become someone else.
Copy !req
10. I must become
something else.
Copy !req
11. Previously on "Arrow"...
Copy !req
12. Next time your daughter
calls the Vigilante,
Copy !req
13. we'll be able
to listen to every word.
Copy !req
14. I know you swore to bring
this guy down, detective,
Copy !req
15. but using your own
daughter as bait,
Copy !req
16. that's stone cold.
Copy !req
17. Where'd you get it?
From your stepfather.
Copy !req
18. And where
did he get it?
Copy !req
19. Belongs to your mother.
Copy !req
20. Mmm.
Copy !req
21. Hi, George.
Copy !req
22. Vanch...
Surprised to see me?
Copy !req
23. I imagine you would be, seeing
as how you botched my trial,
Copy !req
24. and from what Viv here tells me,
protecting my interests.
Copy !req
25. There were contingencies
that couldn't be anticipated.
Copy !req
26. Yes, Vivian told me.
Copy !req
27. The head of the Triad
getting ventilated,
Copy !req
28. Bertinelli getting collared,
Copy !req
29. and, uh, this archer.
Copy !req
30. Exactly.
Copy !req
31. What am I supposed to do in
the face of something like that?
Copy !req
32. Absolutely nothing, Georgie.
Tell you what.
Copy !req
33. All is forgiven.
Give us a hug.
Copy !req
34. Come on.
Copy !req
35. You know, I could use
a place to stay
Copy !req
36. while I'm getting my sea legs
back under me, George.
Copy !req
37. And you got a nice place here.
Copy !req
38. What do you say? George?
Copy !req
39. George?
Copy !req
40. Ahem.
Copy !req
41. I hope George
has been food shopping.
Copy !req
42. I'm famished.
Copy !req
43. So this book contains
a list of the names
Copy !req
44. of the guys you've been hunting.
Copy !req
45. And this book,
your mother's,
Copy !req
46. has the same list of names.
Copy !req
47. It's identical.
Copy !req
48. So where'd your mother
get her copy, Oliver?
Copy !req
49. For that matter,
who gave it to you?
Copy !req
50. Felicity Smoak.
Copy !req
51. She said that Walter found it
in their bedroom.
Copy !req
52. And now he's missing.
Copy !req
53. She's my mother,
Copy !req
54. She's not the kind
of person who would—
Copy !req
55. Have her husband disappeared?
Copy !req
56. Because that's really
the question, isn't it, Oliver?
Copy !req
57. I understand why you would believe
your mother over your stepfather,
Copy !req
58. but I tend to believe the innocent
party is whoever's missing—
Copy !req
59. and presumed dead.
Copy !req
60. Twitch, and I will
open your throat.
Copy !req
61. How many more with you?
Copy !req
62. What?
Copy !req
63. You have ten seconds
to tell me something I believe
Copy !req
64. before I cut out
your voice box.
Copy !req
65. Wait, wait, wait.
Yao Fei sent me here,
Copy !req
66. and I'm pretty sure
it wasn't so you could kill me.
Copy !req
67. What?
Copy !req
68. Yao Fei.
Copy !req
69. He gave me
directions to your...
Copy !req
70. plane.
Copy !req
71. Frank, you got be
kidding me.
Copy !req
72. You can't throw me
another assignment now.
Copy !req
73. It's Lieutenant,
and I'm pretty sure
Copy !req
74. that's what gives me
the authority.
Copy !req
75. I'm drawing in
on the Hood investigation.
Copy !req
76. I am going
to get this bastard.
Copy !req
77. Have you considered
the possibility no one wants you to?
Copy !req
78. What?
Copy !req
79. He saved the Christmas hostages.
Copy !req
80. He took down an arsonist
and armored car thieves,
Copy !req
81. and just last week, he busted
the Vertigo drug ring when we couldn't.
Copy !req
82. What was urban legend's
becoming heroic.
Copy !req
83. If this man's a hero,
Copy !req
84. I don't know what my life
in this city as a cop means.
Copy !req
85. Let me suggest you find meaning
in following orders.
Copy !req
86. Frank, listen!
Copy !req
87. I'm close.
Copy !req
88. If my lead comes
to something more...
Copy !req
89. Come to me with something real,
Quentin, and we'll talk.
Copy !req
90. In the meantime,
I'm assigning you another case.
Copy !req
91. Hey.
Copy !req
92. Heading out?
Copy !req
93. Oh, yeah,
it's a meeting
Copy !req
94. with the financial
Copy !req
95. Are you all right?
Copy !req
96. There was something
that I wanted to talk to you about.
Copy !req
97. I want to talk
to you about Walter.
Copy !req
98. Right around Christmas,
when he... disappeared,
Copy !req
99. he gave me this.
Copy !req
100. This is your
father's notebook.
Copy !req
101. He kept a list
Copy !req
102. of all the people in Starling City
who owed him favors.
Copy !req
103. I had... no idea
Copy !req
104. there was
so many of them.
Copy !req
105. I've just been researching
Copy !req
106. some of those names
online, and, um,
Copy !req
107. they're not good people.
Copy !req
108. Oliver, I have no idea
what your father
Copy !req
109. was involved in
or with whom.
Copy !req
110. And you and your sister
both now know
Copy !req
111. that he wasn't exactly
honest with me.
Copy !req
112. Then we need to find out—
Copy !req
113. If what you say
is true
Copy !req
114. and this list is filled
with bad people
Copy !req
115. and Walter was looking
into it, and now he—
Copy !req
116. the only way to keep
this family safe
Copy !req
117. is for everyone in it to stop
asking questions,
Copy !req
118. including you,
Copy !req
119. Promise me.
Copy !req
120. So this is really happening.
Copy !req
121. 498 hours
of community service to go.
Copy !req
122. 499. This orientation
doesn't count.
Copy !req
123. Tell me how this is not
cruel and unusual punishment.
Copy !req
124. Anastasia, I'd like you
to meet our new intern,
Copy !req
125. Thea Queen.
Interns get school credit.
Copy !req
126. I'm more like
a court-ordered slave.
Copy !req
127. Oh. I can relate.
Copy !req
128. Anastasia is on
a one year pro-bono
Copy !req
129. sabbatical
from her law firm.
Copy !req
130. And apparently
from my six figure salary.
Copy !req
131. The experience of helping others
is its own reward.
Copy !req
132. I have yet to see
any evidence of that.
Copy !req
133. And speaking a lack of evidence,
Copy !req
134. Cyrus Vanch was released
from Iron Heights.
Copy !req
135. We represent a victim's
advocacy group
Copy !req
136. who's trying
to keep Vanch locked up.
Copy !req
137. I'm calling Kate Spencer.
I already did.
Copy !req
138. She said there's nothing
the D.A.'s office can do
Copy !req
139. without further evidence.
Copy !req
140. Well, then I'm going
to her office.
Copy !req
141. And then she also said
not to show up at her office.
Copy !req
142. Vanch is connected
to human trafficking,
Copy !req
143. drug running,
Copy !req
144. and at least 52
different homicides.
Copy !req
145. Ok, so what's the play?
Because unless you have access
Copy !req
146. to some private police force,
Copy !req
147. Vanch will stay free
to roam the streets.
Copy !req
148. I have to get this.
Copy !req
149. Hello?
Copy !req
150. How does a night with me
and a dozen famous chefs sound?
Copy !req
151. Like an episode
of "The Bachelor".
Copy !req
152. I'm auditioning potential chefs
for the club tomorrow night.
Copy !req
153. I've arranged a tasting,
Copy !req
154. and I could use
an extra set of taste buds.
Copy !req
155. I'm trying
to figure out how to get
Copy !req
156. a vicious criminal
back in jail. I can't.
Copy !req
157. It's perfect.
It sounds like hungry work.
Copy !req
158. Tomorrow night?
Copy !req
159. Maybe, if we could
do it early.
Copy !req
160. Look, I got to go.
Copy !req
161. There's someone
I have to call.
Copy !req
162. I'll see you later. Bye.
Copy !req
163. You don't find that
a little convenient,
Copy !req
164. her just so happening
to have burned the book?
Copy !req
165. She did it out of concern for
my safety, Diggle.
Copy !req
166. Or her own.
Oliver, you said it yourself.
Copy !req
167. Whoever compiled that list is
involved in something very dangerous.
Copy !req
168. And if your mother
is lying to you...
Copy !req
169. And she didn't know
any of the names on the list.
Copy !req
170. She said she didn't.
Copy !req
171. You don't have to take
her word for it.
Copy !req
172. Oliver, if this were anybody else,
you'd be hooded up right now
Copy !req
173. on your way to having
an arrow-side chat with them.
Copy !req
174. This isn't anybody else.
This is my mother.
Copy !req
175. And I know her.
Copy !req
176. What's that?
Copy !req
177. That is the phone
that I gave to Lance
Copy !req
178. so that he could
contact the Hood.
Copy !req
179. Is he asking
to turn yourself in?
Copy !req
180. He gave it
to Laurel. Hello?
Copy !req
181. I need your help.
That's why you have the phone.
Copy !req
182. Cyrus Vanch was just released
from prison on a technicality.
Copy !req
183. Living large
in his lawyer's house.
Copy !req
184. Who is now missing.
Copy !req
185. There's no evidence
of foul play.
Copy !req
186. But I know he's just
Vanch's first victim,
Copy !req
187. and he won't be
his last.
Copy !req
188. What
about the police?
Copy !req
189. They can't move on him
without evidence
Copy !req
190. of new criminal
Copy !req
191. Laurel, obtaining evidence
isn't what I do.
Copy !req
192. Vanch is dangerous.
Copy !req
193. Hold on to the phone,
I'll call.
Copy !req
194. Laurel needs my help.
Copy !req
195. Oliver, are you running
to help her...
Copy !req
196. or away from the truth
about your mother?
Copy !req
197. I have work to do.
Copy !req
198. Hey, Detective?
Copy !req
199. I'm busy, Kelton.
Copy !req
200. I'm pretty sure you're going to
want to hear this.
Copy !req
201. The bug I put in that phone
from the Vigilante just lit up.
Copy !req
202. Your daughter's playing
Maid Marion to Robin Hood again.
Copy !req
203. Where you going?
Copy !req
204. Lieutenant Pike's
Copy !req
205. If she's meeting
with the Hood,
Copy !req
206. there's going to be
a task force there when she does.
Copy !req
207. See, we got to look at all this
as an opportunity.
Copy !req
208. The Triad and the Bertinelli
organization are leaderless.
Copy !req
209. The giant sucking
sound you're hearing
Copy !req
210. is the current power vacuum
in Starling City,
Copy !req
211. the one that
I plan on filling.
Copy !req
212. How are you going to convince
the Triad and Bertinelli's crew
Copy !req
213. that they should
sign up with you?
Copy !req
214. Well...
Copy !req
215. that's an excellent
Copy !req
216. I need to do something.
Copy !req
217. Something spectacular.
Copy !req
218. To get their attention
and earn their respect.
Copy !req
219. You know what
I learned in prison?
Copy !req
220. If you want to be
Copy !req
221. you find the biggest guy
and you put him down permanent.
Copy !req
222. I think I just found
the biggest guy.
Copy !req
223. This is going to be fun.
Copy !req
224. I even wore
my fat pants.
Copy !req
225. I don't want to know
what those are, do I?
Copy !req
226. Nope.
Copy !req
227. Ohh.
Copy !req
228. This is work.
Copy !req
229. It'll just
be a second, okay?
Copy !req
230. Hello?
Copy !req
231. It's me. I have something.
Copy !req
232. Can you meet?
Copy !req
233. Yeah, where?
Copy !req
234. Rooftop, Winick building.
30 minutes.
Copy !req
235. Good work, Kelton.
Copy !req
236. Okay, everybody.
Copy !req
237. Rubber bullets.
This is my daughter here.
Copy !req
238. She cannot come
to any harm.
Copy !req
239. But outside of that,
Copy !req
240. you do whatever
needs doing
Copy !req
241. to bring that
archer down.
Copy !req
242. You sure about this?
Copy !req
243. Look, she knows I'd do anything
to catch this bastard.
Copy !req
244. And this is the best—
it's the only option I've got.
Copy !req
245. Look, I want to get this guy
just as badly as you do.
Copy !req
246. I just don't want to see
anything come between you two.
Copy !req
247. I warned her. I said stay away
from this lunatic.
Copy !req
248. She didn't.
Copy !req
249. You don't think that turns
a knife in my back?
Copy !req
250. I hope she sees it that way.
Copy !req
251. Mmm, put those
puppy dog eyes away.
Copy !req
252. Something's
come up at work.
Copy !req
253. That can't wait
until tomorrow?
Copy !req
254. It'll only be an hour.
I can meet you at the club.
Copy !req
255. One hour.
Copy !req
256. An hour and a half.
Copy !req
257. Tops.
Copy !req
258. Ricky has been driving me
Copy !req
259. for six years now.
Copy !req
260. I can't remember
the last time he missed a day.
Copy !req
261. Thank you for offering
to fill in, Mr. Diggle.
Copy !req
262. It's my pleasure, Mrs. Queen.
Believe me.
Copy !req
263. Are you sure my son
won't miss you?
Copy !req
264. He said he was staying
in for the evening.
Copy !req
265. And you believed him?
Copy !req
266. It's been my experience
Copy !req
267. when your son wants
some alone time,
Copy !req
268. there's not much I
can do to stop him.
Copy !req
269. Hmm. Much to my chagrin.
Copy !req
270. You can stop just up ahead.
Copy !req
271. No need to escort me inside.
Copy !req
272. I'm fine on my own,
Mr. Diggle.
Copy !req
273. Of course, Mrs. Queen.
Copy !req
274. Mr. Diggle.
Mrs. Queen.
Copy !req
275. I was just, uh,
looking for the restroom.
Copy !req
276. Excuse me, ladies.
Happy Birthday.
Copy !req
277. Hello, Laurel.
Copy !req
278. Thank you
for helping.
Copy !req
279. I couldn't do much.
Copy !req
280. Vanch's position
is too heavily fortified.
Copy !req
281. But I did get this.
Copy !req
282. Evidence he's trying
to take over the positions
Copy !req
283. vacated by Frank Bertinelli
Copy !req
284. and...
Copy !req
285. and the Triad.
Copy !req
286. What's wrong?
Copy !req
287. We're not alone.
Copy !req
288. SCPD!
Copy !req
289. Get down! Hands
where we can see 'em!
Copy !req
290. Dad!
Do it now!
Copy !req
291. You so much as leave
a bruise on her,
Copy !req
292. and I swear I will
drag you down to hell myself.
Copy !req
293. Laurel, I'm sorry.
Copy !req
294. Quentin, don't!
Copy !req
295. I don't know what's worse—
the fact that you lied to me
Copy !req
296. or nearly got me killed!
Copy !req
297. You were
completely safe.
Copy !req
298. I was on a rooftop
Copy !req
299. with an army of men pointing
their guns in my face!
Copy !req
300. Well, you shouldn't have been
on that roof in the first place.
Copy !req
301. No! You wanted me
on that roof.
Copy !req
302. Wasn't that the whole point
of your little trap?
Copy !req
303. I'm trying
to catch a killer.
Copy !req
304. You manipulated me.
Copy !req
305. Manipulated?
You practically ran to this guy.
Copy !req
306. I told you, I said stay away from him
and you did not.
Copy !req
307. That was before you gave me the phone!
Copy !req
308. That's before you realized
that you could use me as bait.
Copy !req
309. Your own daughter.
Copy !req
310. Yeah, but you wouldn't
listen to me!
Copy !req
311. You are so blinded
by your hate for him
Copy !req
312. that you don't
realize the damage
Copy !req
313. that it's doing
in your own life.
Copy !req
314. To your family.
Copy !req
315. So what happens
when you catch him?
Copy !req
316. What happens then, Dad?
Copy !req
317. You're going to find
another criminal;
Copy !req
318. somebody else to blame
for mom leaving?
Copy !req
319. For Sarah dying,
for your drinking?
Copy !req
320. That's enough,
Copy !req
321. Yeah, you're damn right, it is.
Copy !req
322. Laurel!
Copy !req
323. The phone.
Copy !req
324. Give me the phone.
Copy !req
325. Laurel could have
been hurt, or worse.
Copy !req
326. And I suppose
that was Lance's fault.
Copy !req
327. What's your point, Dig?
Copy !req
328. Just that you don't really see
straight when it comes to Laurel.
Copy !req
329. Or your mother.
Copy !req
330. This is not the time
Copy !req
331. to bring
this up again.
Copy !req
332. Ok. Ok.
Copy !req
333. But there's something
I should tell you
Copy !req
334. and it's better
I tell you now than later.
Copy !req
335. I'll be driving your mother
around for a few days.
Copy !req
336. You're spying on her?
Just doing my due diligence,
Copy !req
337. Oliver. See if she meets with
anyone we might be interested in.
Copy !req
338. She's not a suspect.
Copy !req
339. She's my mother.
Copy !req
340. Which is exactly
why someone needs to take
Copy !req
341. a close, objective
look at her.
Copy !req
342. Oliver, something's going on
in this city. You know it.
Copy !req
343. That doesn't mean
she's involved.
Copy !req
344. Then there's no harm
in me driving her around
Copy !req
345. for a few days, is there?
Copy !req
346. I still can't believe it.
He used me as bait!
Copy !req
347. Who?
My father.
Copy !req
348. He was trying
to catch the Vigilante.
Copy !req
349. He eavesdropped on my phone
conversation with him
Copy !req
350. and then lied in wait
with his jack boots.
Copy !req
351. This was tonight?
Copy !req
352. While you were working.
Copy !req
353. This was work.
Copy !req
354. So you met up with the Hood guy?
Copy !req
355. He's contacted me before.
Copy !req
356. He helped me
with the Declan case
Copy !req
357. and Joanna's arson
Copy !req
358. The Declan case
was months ago.
Copy !req
359. I know, Tommy, I've been
wanting to tell you.
Copy !req
360. Laurel,
he's a murderer!
Copy !req
361. God.
Copy !req
362. You sound like my father.
Copy !req
363. Well, I hate to break it to you,
but he's right.
Copy !req
364. Are you seriously
taking his side?
Copy !req
365. He's been lying
to me for weeks!
Copy !req
366. Yeah, it feels like
crap, doesn't it?
Copy !req
367. Tommy!
Copy !req
368. A sting operation to catch
the notorious Starling City vigilante
Copy !req
369. wreaked havoc last night.
Copy !req
370. Despite the police's
failed attempt
Copy !req
371. to apprehend the Vigilante,
Copy !req
372. police have continued to insist
Copy !req
373. that their warnings remain.
Copy !req
374. This archer is to be
considered armed and dangerous.
Copy !req
375. Should you find yourself in
harm's way, always always,
Copy !req
376. call 9-1-1.
Copy !req
377. Interesting.
Copy !req
378. Using deception
and intimidation
Copy !req
379. to make a name
for himself.
Copy !req
380. This guy
stole my move.
Copy !req
381. I have news.
Copy !req
382. From my friend
in the police department.
Copy !req
383. I think I've figured out a way to
get the Hood out and into the open.
Copy !req
384. Huh.
Copy !req
385. Astonish me.
Copy !req
386. Remember that attorney?
Copy !req
387. Laurel Lance?
Copy !req
388. Now what's wrong
with this picture?
Copy !req
389. You look like
you're... working.
Copy !req
390. I'm going
over résumes
Copy !req
391. for the Chef's position
at the nightclub.
Copy !req
392. This guy looks pretty good.
He won "Top Chef" Season Six.
Copy !req
393. At this point,
it is basically
Copy !req
394. a culinary prerequisite
to be on that show.
Copy !req
395. Ohh.
Copy !req
396. Can I talk to you
about something?
Copy !req
397. Tommy...
Copy !req
398. Every time you want
to talk to me about something
Copy !req
399. and that something is Laurel,
you look like you're about
Copy !req
400. to tell me you have
a terminal disease.
Copy !req
401. She's been working
with the Hood guy.
Copy !req
402. What?
Copy !req
403. You're letting her work
with that crazy person?
Copy !req
404. She could get hurt, Tommy.
Copy !req
405. I'm not "letting"
her do anything, okay?
Copy !req
406. I only just
found out about it
Copy !req
407. because she accidentally
slipped up
Copy !req
408. on one
of her many lies.
Copy !req
409. She's lying to you?
That doesn't sound like Laurel.
Copy !req
410. Lying, keeping secrets
about who she's spending time with—
Copy !req
411. does that remind you
of anybody we know?
Copy !req
412. Me, in every relationship
that I've been in.
Copy !req
413. Me, too.
Except this one.
Copy !req
414. There's some sort of infatuation
thing going on here.
Copy !req
415. I...
Copy !req
416. We both know
that she has
Copy !req
417. a pretty strong
track record
Copy !req
418. of being attracted to
guys who are dangerous,
Copy !req
419. who break the rules.
Copy !req
420. Show me a more dangerous
rule breaker than the Hood.
Copy !req
421. I just think you need to have
an honest chat with her.
Copy !req
422. Find out the real reason
she's keeping secrets.
Copy !req
423. I just can't
believe that Laurel,
Copy !req
424. of all people,
would lie to my face.
Copy !req
425. I guess that's
the way that it is
Copy !req
426. with the people
that you're closest to.
Copy !req
427. I know.
Copy !req
428. But talk to her anyway,
and fix this.
Copy !req
429. Before it becomes
something that's unfixable.
Copy !req
430. Shéngcun.
Copy !req
431. It's Chinese.
It means sur—
Copy !req
432. Survive.
Copy !req
433. What do you think he meant,
besides not getting killed?
Copy !req
434. There's an airfield
10 clicks from here.
Copy !req
435. It's key off this island.
Copy !req
436. Yao Fei and I had been
observing it for months,
Copy !req
437. familiarizing ourselves
with their operations.
Copy !req
438. We were supposed to get off
this island together.
Copy !req
439. But then Yao Fei
was compromised,
Copy !req
440. and we were separated.
Copy !req
441. What's this for?
Copy !req
442. I think Yao Fei sent you
Copy !req
443. because he knows
I cannot take the airstrip alone.
Copy !req
444. Sounds like Yao Fei.
Copy !req
445. He is a softer judge
of character than I am.
Copy !req
446. If you're going
to have my back,
Copy !req
447. I need to know
you can cover it.
Copy !req
448. What are you doing?
Copy !req
449. Fight back.
Copy !req
450. Keep your blade up.
Always stay
Copy !req
451. behind your sword.
Copy !req
452. You have no skill.
No strength.
Copy !req
453. No training.
Copy !req
454. To say you fight like a girl
would be a compliment.
Copy !req
455. I told you—
I'm not a soldier.
Copy !req
456. I was shipwrecked here.
I killed the guy
Copy !req
457. that was wearing
this uniform by accident.
Copy !req
458. Where was Yao Fei?
Copy !req
459. He told me to run.
Copy !req
460. And I did.
Copy !req
461. Hey, it's Tommy,
hit me on the beep.
Copy !req
462. Hey, it's me again.
Copy !req
463. Please call me back.
Copy !req
464. I think
we should talk.
Copy !req
465. I was just
leaving you a message.
Copy !req
466. I love a girl who can take
care of herself.
Copy !req
467. But can't block a taser.
Copy !req
468. Oh, no need to get out
of the car, Mr. Diggle.
Copy !req
469. It's just my accountant.
Copy !req
470. The only threat is boredom.
Copy !req
471. Well, it's no
problem at all,
Copy !req
472. Mrs. Queen.
It's my job.
Copy !req
473. Yes. Well, then,
take the night off.
Copy !req
474. I'm quite all right.
Copy !req
475. It's taken care of.
Copy !req
476. I've taken care of it.
Copy !req
477. Carl Ballard will not be
a problem anymore.
Copy !req
478. Given your propensity
for squeamishness,
Copy !req
479. I'm assuming that Mr. Ballard
remains in good health.
Copy !req
480. I made it clear
to him persuasively
Copy !req
481. that his plans endangered
the undertaking.
Copy !req
482. I didn't have to make
the usual threats.
Copy !req
483. Excellent.
Copy !req
484. Now, one more matter
to attend to.
Copy !req
485. I need you to have
to contents of this address
Copy !req
486. removed and disposed of
Copy !req
487. The warehouse where
you're storing the remains
Copy !req
488. of "the Queen's Gambit".
Copy !req
489. I already told you, I knew
Robert's yacht was sabotaged.
Copy !req
490. And I don't think it serves for
anyone to find evidence of that.
Copy !req
491. Do you?
Copy !req
492. What the hell
are you doing?
Copy !req
493. Nothin'. Just hangin'.
Copy !req
494. I work for Mrs. Queen.
Copy !req
495. And I work security for
the man she's meeting with.
Copy !req
496. I guess that means
we're on the same team.
Copy !req
497. I don't think so.
And I'm going to need to see
Copy !req
498. what you put
in your pocket just then.
Copy !req
499. What are you, man,
the police?
Copy !req
500. Show it to me.
Copy !req
501. Do it now.
Copy !req
502. Right.
Copy !req
503. Just thought I could come in
here and ruin my lungs a little bit.
Copy !req
504. I know,
it's a filthy habit.
Copy !req
505. Laurel, it's me.
Can we talk?
Copy !req
506. Laurel?
Copy !req
507. Laurel?
Copy !req
508. Make sure this message
finds its way to the Vigilante.
Copy !req
509. Do it fast,
because at sunrise,
Copy !req
510. I'm going to leave pieces
of this girl all over Starling City
Copy !req
511. unless he pays me
a little visit.
Copy !req
512. You know, gives us a chance
to get to know each other better.
Copy !req
513. What do we do?
Copy !req
514. Can your CSIs,
I don't know,
Copy !req
515. can they track this
or trace it or something?
Copy !req
516. How did he know
about Laurel?
Copy !req
517. What?
Copy !req
518. How does this guy know
Copy !req
519. Laurel is connected
to the Hood?
Copy !req
520. I have no idea.
Copy !req
521. I only found out about it
myself last night.
Copy !req
522. She—she said you knew.
Copy !req
523. Well, just me and...
Copy !req
524. Mr. Lance,
this maniac has got Laurel!
Copy !req
525. You got to call in
posse or something,
Copy !req
526. I don't know, SWAT teams.
I can't.
Copy !req
527. Detective Lance...
Copy !req
528. I got to go
make a call.
Copy !req
529. Thanks for coming.
Copy !req
530. It didn't seem like a good idea
to talk about this at your house.
Copy !req
531. Yeah, it would have been
a little awkward
Copy !req
532. for you to explain to my mother
that you're spying on her.
Copy !req
533. No, man.
Copy !req
534. Awkward part's
coming up.
Copy !req
535. You bugged
my mother?
Copy !req
536. Just listen.
Copy !req
537. It's taken care of.
Copy !req
538. I've taken care of it.
Copy !req
539. Carl Ballard will not be
a problem anymore.
Copy !req
540. Given your propensity
for squeamishness,
Copy !req
541. I'm assuming that Mr. Ballard
remains in good health.
Copy !req
542. I made it clear
to him persuasively
Copy !req
543. that his plans endangered
the undertaking.
Copy !req
544. I didn't have to make
the usual threats.
Copy !req
545. Excellent.
Copy !req
546. Now, one more matter
to attend to.
Copy !req
547. I need you to have
to contents of this address
Copy !req
548. removed and disposed of
Copy !req
549. The warehouse where
you're storing the remains
Copy !req
550. of "the Queen's Gambit".
Copy !req
551. I already told you, I knew
Robert's yacht was sabotaged.
Copy !req
552. I'm sorry, man.
Copy !req
553. The yacht was sabotaged.
Copy !req
554. Somebody tried
to kill my father.
Copy !req
555. And your mother
was involved somehow.
Copy !req
556. You do not know
that she was involved, Diggle!
Copy !req
557. What I do know Oliver,
and so do you,
Copy !req
558. is that she kept this a secret.
Copy !req
559. Why would she do that if she
didn't have something to hide?
Copy !req
560. Is that...?
Copy !req
561. You have three seconds
before I have this line
Copy !req
562. permanently disconnected.
Copy !req
563. It's Laurel.
She's been kidnapped.
Copy !req
564. Listen, whoever this is,
Copy !req
565. he's going to kill my daughter.
Copy !req
566. Please believe me.
Copy !req
567. Sorry.
Copy !req
568. It's nothing personal.
Copy !req
569. The airfield was a very
heavily fortified position.
Copy !req
570. I've been there.
Copy !req
571. And I cannot
take it on my own.
Copy !req
572. So—so what?
Copy !req
573. Huh? You're just
going to kill me?
Copy !req
574. Like I said...
Copy !req
575. It's nothing personal.
Copy !req
576. But if you're alive,
they will find you.
Copy !req
577. And if they find you,
they will torture you
Copy !req
578. until you give up my location,
Copy !req
579. and I cannot allow
for that to happen.
Copy !req
580. Hey, don't leave! No, please don't
do this, all right?
Copy !req
581. I'm not going to say
anything to that—
Copy !req
582. Don't make it
more difficult upon yourself.
Copy !req
583. I can do this
in a way
Copy !req
584. that you will not
feel it at all.
Copy !req
585. Ahhh!
Copy !req
586. Steve Wilson.
Oliver Queen.
Copy !req
587. Well, Oliver Queen...
Copy !req
588. There might be a fighter
inside of you after all.
Copy !req
589. Detective.
Copy !req
590. If this is another trick,
Copy !req
591. you will not like
the consequences.
Copy !req
592. I'm not particularly
happy right now.
Copy !req
593. I hate you.
I hate everything you stand for.
Copy !req
594. But this lunatic
has my little girl.
Copy !req
595. He left this behind
as some kind of ransom note.
Copy !req
596. His name is Cyrus Vanch.
Copy !req
597. Jeez...
Copy !req
598. He'll kill her if he
doesn't get to you.
Copy !req
599. He'll kill her anyway.
Copy !req
600. So why come to me?
Copy !req
601. It's a pretty tight
circle that knows
Copy !req
602. about you and my daughter
working together.
Copy !req
603. If Vanch knows, it's because someone
at the precinct talked.
Copy !req
604. There isn't anybody else
I could trust.
Copy !req
605. Vanch is holed up
in a mansion.
Copy !req
606. It's a heavily
fortified position.
Copy !req
607. I was there. I can't
take it by myself.
Copy !req
608. I need your help.
Copy !req
609. Then I need yours.
Copy !req
610. Time's running out.
Copy !req
611. And still no visit
from your friend.
Copy !req
612. I might have overestimated his
fondness for you.
Copy !req
613. Assault with intent.
Copy !req
614. And kidnapping.
Copy !req
615. You're going to rot in prison
for life this time.
Copy !req
616. That's assuming
Copy !req
617. your hooded BFF
saves you.
Copy !req
618. And his chances
of survival are not so great.
Copy !req
619. He's going up
against trained men
Copy !req
620. with their fingers
on the trigger
Copy !req
621. of guns that fire up to
600 rounds per minute.
Copy !req
622. Now, I'm no Einstein,
Copy !req
623. but that is a lot
of bullets.
Copy !req
624. And even if he were
to take them out,
Copy !req
625. I have two sharpshooters
on the roof.
Copy !req
626. And even if he were
to get by them,
Copy !req
627. what's he going to do against
the veritable army
Copy !req
628. of sons of bitches
I've got waiting for him?
Copy !req
629. Now, as I said,
Copy !req
630. I'm no Einstein.
Copy !req
631. But I can count to 24.
Copy !req
632. And in case
you're wondering—
Copy !req
633. I was so I studied up
on my news footage—
Copy !req
634. 24 is the exact number
of arrows he carries in his quiver
Copy !req
635. and flechettes
around his forearm.
Copy !req
636. Lose the bow,
Copy !req
637. Ventilate him.
Copy !req
638. My daughter!
My little girl!
Copy !req
639. I'm the Vigilante.
You're the cop.
Copy !req
640. That doesn't mean I have to read
the bastard his rights, though.
Copy !req
641. Laurel, are you ok?
Copy !req
642. Yeah.
Copy !req
643. I'm ok.
Copy !req
644. All right,
you're good to go.
Copy !req
645. I'll, uh, I'll take you
home now.
Copy !req
646. I can take a cab.
Copy !req
647. Laurel, you had a trauma.
I'll drive you home.
Copy !req
648. No.
Copy !req
649. I'm going to need you to keep
your distance for a while.
Copy !req
650. Laurel...
Copy !req
651. Dad, I love you.
Copy !req
652. I'll always love you.
Copy !req
653. But what I can't do right now
is trust you.
Copy !req
654. I was just doing my job.
Copy !req
655. I thought you'd understand
at least that.
Copy !req
656. That part I do understand.
Copy !req
657. But lying to me,
using me...
Copy !req
658. It's going to take longer.
Copy !req
659. Are you all right?
Copy !req
660. What would you think if I said
I didn't know?
Copy !req
661. That you were being honest.
Copy !req
662. My father
has the phone now.
Copy !req
663. And I don't think he'll be
giving it back any time soon.
Copy !req
664. Maybe that's good.
Copy !req
665. I didn't see how
it would put you in danger.
Copy !req
666. I'm a big girl.
Copy !req
667. I knew the risks.
Copy !req
668. Now I know them.
Copy !req
669. And I'm not willing
to take them with you.
Copy !req
670. What does that mean?
Copy !req
671. It means good-bye.
Copy !req
672. Laurel!
Copy !req
673. Laurel.
Copy !req
674. Oh, my God, Laurel.
Copy !req
675. Laurel, tell me
you are okay, please.
Copy !req
676. No, no, I'm fine, I'm fine.
I'm so sorry.
Copy !req
677. No, no,
it doesn't matter,
Copy !req
678. just as long
as you're okay.
Copy !req
679. You know, this does not
change anything
Copy !req
680. between you and I.
Copy !req
681. It takes two men
to take the air field.
Copy !req
682. And if you compromise
my getting off this island,
Copy !req
683. I will kill you.
Copy !req
684. You've had
your second chance.
Copy !req
685. You need me
just as much as I need you.
Copy !req
686. So what's our next step?
Copy !req
687. Turning you into something
that won't get us both killed.
Copy !req
688. Choose a weapon.
Copy !req
689. We're starting now?
Copy !req
690. That's mine.
Copy !req
691. You are the lunatic
who tortured me?
Copy !req
692. No, that was another guy.
Copy !req
693. This mask, it's my
operational equivalent
Copy !req
694. to a balaclava.
Copy !req
695. My partner
and I wore them
Copy !req
696. to keep our identities
classified during our missions.
Copy !req
697. You're lying.
Copy !req
698. Fyers told me this nutcase
is a prisoner on the island.
Copy !req
699. He lied to you.
Copy !req
700. My partner and I came
here to free Yao Fei
Copy !req
701. and get him
off this island.
Copy !req
702. We're A.S.I.S.
Copy !req
703. Australian
Copy !req
704. Now.
Copy !req
705. You are going to find
your silver weapon.
Copy !req
706. Have you considered
a sword?
Copy !req
707. I like swords.
Copy !req
708. I made it clear
to him persuasively
Copy !req
709. that his plans endangered
the undertaking.
Copy !req
710. I didn't have to make
the usual threats.
Copy !req
711. I've listened
to this 15 times.
Copy !req
712. It's definitely her
voice, Diggle. I just...
Copy !req
713. I can't believe
it's her.
Copy !req
714. We all have blind spots
when it comes to family.
Copy !req
715. Yeah. Laurel's almost
got her killed tonight.
Copy !req
716. Vanch never would have known
about her connection to me
Copy !req
717. if Lance hadn't
have lied to her.
Copy !req
718. I guess the lesson here
is blind trust can be dangerous.
Copy !req
719. I made it clear
to him persuasively
Copy !req
720. that his plans endangered
the undertaking.
Copy !req
721. I didn't have to make
the usual threats.
Copy !req
722. What's the undertaking?
Copy !req
723. I don't know.
Copy !req
724. But with all this
talk about threats,
Copy !req
725. it can't be good.
Copy !req
726. You warned me that
if she was lying
Copy !req
727. would be to cover up her
involvement in something dangerous.
Copy !req
728. I need to know what
The Undertaking is.
Copy !req
729. What are you going to do?
Copy !req
730. I need to have another
chat with my mom.
Copy !req
731. I'll need the Unidac merger
finalized by the end of the week.
Copy !req
732. We're on something
of a clock here.
Copy !req
733. Moira Queen,
Copy !req
734. you have failed this city.
Copy !req