1. Oh, my God!
Copy !req
2. Run, run!
Copy !req
3. No, no, no, no, no!
Copy !req
4. Oh, come on, man!
I'm just trying
Copy !req
5. to make
an honest living!
Copy !req
6. There's nothing honest
about what you do!
Copy !req
7. Who supplies you with Vertigo?
Copy !req
8. Tell me now and you live.
Copy !req
9. Please!
They'll kill me!
Copy !req
10. Whoever you fear...
Copy !req
11. Fear me more!
Copy !req
12. Okay, okay!
Copy !req
13. We call him The Count,
that's all I know.
Copy !req
14. I swear to God!
Copy !req
15. Hey!
Copy !req
16. Get me down
from here!
Copy !req
17. Find what you're looking for?
Copy !req
18. Took down three Vertigo
pushers tonight, Diggle.
Copy !req
19. Last one finally knew a name.
Copy !req
20. The Count.
Copy !req
21. The Count?
That's worse than The Hood.
Copy !req
22. You're not going
back out there.
Copy !req
23. I'm not done
for the night.
Copy !req
24. Whoever this Count is,
he has a lot of blood on his hands,
Copy !req
25. and it is long past time
he started paying.
Copy !req
26. Well, slow down, I think
you're missing the point here.
Copy !req
27. What?
Copy !req
28. Thea.
Copy !req
29. Her hearing's
in a few hours.
Copy !req
30. You think she cares more
about some drug lord
Copy !req
31. getting his
just desserts,
Copy !req
32. or you being by her side
when she needs you the most?
Copy !req
33. Hey, we should
get going.
Copy !req
34. Judges don't
appreciate the value
Copy !req
35. in being
fashionably late.
Copy !req
36. Got any other tips?
Copy !req
37. Let the lawyer
do all the talking.
Copy !req
38. They'll give you
a pad and paper
Copy !req
39. but do not play
tic tac toe.
Copy !req
40. Judges don't
appreciate that, either.
Copy !req
41. Come on, Speedy.
Copy !req
42. I know, I know.
Copy !req
43. Keep on trying
to get up and go,
Copy !req
44. but...
Copy !req
45. just don't.
Copy !req
46. I wish dad were here.
Copy !req
47. I'm here.
Copy !req
48. We should leave now, Thea.
Copy !req
49. Ms. Queen.
Copy !req
50. Thea, over here.
Can we get a comment?
Copy !req
51. Just one comment!
Copy !req
52. Thea, are you
going into rehab?
Copy !req
53. Miss Queen, are you being
dispelled from Balliol Prep?
Copy !req
54. Are you worried
about the outcome?
Copy !req
55. Docket ending 1-10-5-6,
People vs. Thea Dearden Queen.
Copy !req
56. Possession
of a controlled substance,
Copy !req
57. driving under the influence
of a controlled substance.
Copy !req
58. Counselors, I understand
you've reached a plea agreement.
Copy !req
59. We have, Your Honor.
Copy !req
60. Given that my client
is a juvenile,
Copy !req
61. the people have generously
agreed to probation.
Copy !req
62. Juvenile?
Copy !req
63. Says right here she's 18.
Copy !req
64. She is 18 now,
Your Honor,
Copy !req
65. but at the time of arrest,
she was still two days shy
Copy !req
66. of her 18th birthday.
Copy !req
67. Ms. Queen
has no priors.
Copy !req
68. Well, just because
Ms. Queen's family
Copy !req
69. sweeps her priors
under the rug,
Copy !req
70. doesn't mean they don't exist.
Copy !req
71. You get your client off,
Copy !req
72. and you help your boss
avoid dealing with the drug
Copy !req
73. that's sweeping across
our city like the plague.
Copy !req
74. Everyone wins, except us,
Copy !req
75. the people of Starling City.
Copy !req
76. Your Honor,
with all due respect—
Copy !req
77. Ms. Queen,
like it or not,
Copy !req
78. you are now the poster child
for this menace.
Copy !req
79. Maybe if people see
that the Queen family
Copy !req
80. can't get away
with using Vertigo,
Copy !req
81. they'll think twice
before using it themselves.
Copy !req
82. The plea arrangement
is denied.
Copy !req
83. This case will
proceed to trial.
Copy !req
84. They can't do this.
Copy !req
85. That man cannot send
my daughter to prison.
Copy !req
86. What are our options?
Copy !req
87. An interlocutory appeal.
Copy !req
88. But trial judges have discretion
to reject plea agreements.
Copy !req
89. I think you might want to
prepare yourself for the possibility
Copy !req
90. that this isn't going
to go our way.
Copy !req
91. I'm sorry, Mrs. Queen.
Copy !req
92. I'll get to work
on the appeal.
Copy !req
93. Well, so much for the best
criminal defense attorney in the city.
Copy !req
94. Thea, we will handle this,
I promise.
Copy !req
95. Like you promised Walter
you'd always stay faithful to him?
Copy !req
96. I feel better already.
That's enough!
Copy !req
97. Don't worry.
Sounds like you won't
Copy !req
98. have to be putting up
with me much longer.
Copy !req
99. What, does she not realize
how serious this is?
Copy !req
100. She took drugs.
Copy !req
101. She drove. She could have
killed someone, or herself.
Copy !req
102. I know.
All that judge is looking for
Copy !req
103. is someone to make
an example of.
Copy !req
104. What does it have to be her?
Copy !req
105. Maybe it doesn't.
Copy !req
106. Listen, I have to go
do something.
Copy !req
107. Are you going
to be okay?
Copy !req
108. I'm not the one facing prison.
Copy !req
109. You working
for them now?
Copy !req
110. Why are you
doing this to me?
Copy !req
111. I thought
we were friends.
Copy !req
112. Or... something.
Copy !req
113. I mean, why'd you bother
keeping me safe
Copy !req
114. if you were just going
to hand me over to them?
Copy !req
115. Just get me out of here.
Copy !req
116. I can't.
Copy !req
117. Hey! Don't leave me here!
Copy !req
118. I came back for you!
Copy !req
119. Do you hear me?
Copy !req
120. I came back for you!
Copy !req
121. Hi. Looking
for Detective Hall.
Copy !req
122. I was told
he works in Vice.
Copy !req
123. Oliver?
Copy !req
124. McKenna Hall.
Copy !req
125. Hi.
Copy !req
126. Here I was,
expecting a middle aged guy
Copy !req
127. in a bad suit...
Copy !req
128. And I got McKenna Hall.
Copy !req
129. I live to surprise.
Copy !req
130. Well, I remember.
Copy !req
131. What was that club
that you got us kicked out of?
Copy !req
132. The Club Deville?
Okay, in my defense,
Copy !req
133. there was no sign
that specifically said
Copy !req
134. you had to keep
your clothes on.
Copy !req
135. So, a cop?
Copy !req
136. I guess you're not hitting
the party circuit anymore.
Copy !req
137. I still go to raves.
Copy !req
138. I just go
undercover now.
Copy !req
139. And I have to dress
slightly more appropriately
Copy !req
140. to hide my badge and gun.
Copy !req
141. So what do you need
with a vice cop, Oliver?
Copy !req
142. Vertigo.
Copy !req
143. Right. I saw your sister on TV.
I'm sorry.
Copy !req
144. The judge is trying
to make an example of her.
Copy !req
145. So I was thinking,
Copy !req
146. if you could find the person
selling the drugs,
Copy !req
147. it make take some
of the heat off Thea.
Copy !req
148. Easier said than done.
Copy !req
149. Did some digging
and came up with a name.
Copy !req
150. Um, The Count?
Copy !req
151. Oliver, we've known
about The Count for months.
Copy !req
152. Oh.
Copy !req
153. I wish this
was thicker,
Copy !req
154. but we really don't
have much on him.
Copy !req
155. Love to say we're
going to catch him
Copy !req
156. before your sister's
trial, but it's highly unlikely.
Copy !req
157. Oh, I am late
for my shift.
Copy !req
158. Well, if you hear
of anything about this guy,
Copy !req
159. just... let me know?
Copy !req
160. I always loved how much you cared
about your sister.
Copy !req
161. But leave the policing
to the police, okay?
Copy !req
162. Okay.
Copy !req
163. What did Queen want?
Copy !req
164. He's an old friend,
sister's jammed up.
Copy !req
165. Anything else,
Copy !req
166. No.
Copy !req
167. You need a tailor.
Copy !req
168. You know about
the hood guy.
Copy !req
169. He just
cornered me, man.
Copy !req
170. The hood guy?
Copy !req
171. I didn't
say anything.
Copy !req
172. Oh, I know.
Copy !req
173. You can't divulge secrets
you don't know.
Copy !req
174. But...
Copy !req
175. examples must be made.
Copy !req
176. Vertigo,
Copy !req
177. in its purest form.
Copy !req
178. When injected directly
into the bloodstream,
Copy !req
179. it affects the thalamus
region of your brain.
Copy !req
180. Which is where all
of the information
Copy !req
181. from your pain receptors
is collected.
Copy !req
182. No doubt you're in
excruciating pain.
Copy !req
183. But actually, you're not.
Copy !req
184. You just think you are.
Copy !req
185. I've seen it last for days,
Copy !req
186. until finally
the heart gives out.
Copy !req
187. One bullet left.
Copy !req
188. Now, you can use
that bullet to shoot me
Copy !req
189. and take your revenge,
Copy !req
190. or... you could
shoot yourself.
Copy !req
191. It's your choice.
Copy !req
192. The Hood.
Copy !req
193. Coming for me.
Copy !req
194. Interesting.
Copy !req
195. I'm learning you're not much
of a morning snuggler.
Copy !req
196. And I'm learning that
you don't like to wake up
Copy !req
197. at any hour
that ends in a.m.
Copy !req
198. That's true. Yeah.
Copy !req
199. So if you're busy
being a lawyer all day
Copy !req
200. and I'm managing
a night club all night,
Copy !req
201. when exactly do we get
to see each other?
Copy !req
202. Hmm.
Copy !req
203. I got it. Stay.
Copy !req
204. Hey.
Copy !req
205. Hey.
Copy !req
206. Hey, how—
how is Thea holding up?
Copy !req
207. She's doing okay.
Thank you.
Copy !req
208. Um... Actually, I—
Copy !req
209. I came to talk
to Laurel.
Copy !req
210. Yeah.
Copy !req
211. Hi.
Copy !req
212. Thank you for coming
to court yesterday.
Copy !req
213. Yeah, of course.
Copy !req
214. But I don't think
the judge is willing
Copy !req
215. to move off his position.
Taking a hard line
Copy !req
216. against criminals is
a platform for his reelection.
Copy !req
217. I need you to talk
to your father.
Copy !req
218. He's inside the system,
and... maybe he cashes in
Copy !req
219. a chip with Judge Brackett,
gets him off throwing the book at Thea.
Copy !req
220. Oliver, I don't—
Copy !req
221. Laurel, I am working
on something on my end,
Copy !req
222. but...
Copy !req
223. If it doesn't work out,
Copy !req
224. this is my best chance
to help my sister.
Copy !req
225. Please.
Copy !req
226. I'll see
what I can do.
Copy !req
227. But no promises.
Copy !req
228. Thank you.
Copy !req
229. Yeah.
Copy !req
230. Absolutely not.
Copy !req
231. Dad, I know
how you feel about Oliver.
Copy !req
232. Then why would you even
ask me to do this.
Copy !req
233. Because Thea,
she's only 18 years old.
Copy !req
234. Which makes her an adult.
She can take her medicine.
Copy !req
235. It's about time someone
in the Queen family did.
Copy !req
236. What about
the Lance family?
Copy !req
237. A young girl
acting out,
Copy !req
238. engaging
in reckless behavior,
Copy !req
239. does that sound
Copy !req
240. Laurel,
don't go there.
Copy !req
241. Thea, she's just like
I remember Sarah.
Copy !req
242. That is not how
I remember your sister.
Copy !req
243. That's because
you remember her
Copy !req
244. the way that you
wish she had been,
Copy !req
245. not the way that
she actually was.
Copy !req
246. She's not the Saint that
you make her out to be.
Copy !req
247. I know she was arrested
for shoplifting
Copy !req
248. and I know
you made it go away.
Copy !req
249. Well, maybe
if I let her go to jail,
Copy !req
250. Queen wouldn't have had her
on that damn boat.
Copy !req
251. Dad, you make it sound
like he kidnapped her.
Copy !req
252. For so long,
Copy !req
253. you and I have blamed Oliver
for Sarah's death,
Copy !req
254. but Sarah's
to blame, too.
Copy !req
255. When I look at Thea,
Copy !req
256. I see Sarah's
potential in her.
Copy !req
257. And her flaws, too.
Copy !req
258. Yes, Thea made
a mistake.
Copy !req
259. But she's been
through a lot.
Copy !req
260. She lost a father
and a brother.
Copy !req
261. She doesn't need prison.
Copy !req
262. She needs help.
Copy !req
263. So please...
Copy !req
264. I'll make some calls.
Copy !req
265. I've seen a fair amount
of Cyrillic back in Afghanistan
Copy !req
266. left over
by the Soviets.
Copy !req
267. Is this Russian owned?
Copy !req
268. This is the not
so hidden headquarters
Copy !req
269. for the Starling City
chapter of the Bratva.
Copy !req
270. Diggle...
Copy !req
271. Whatever I say,
Copy !req
272. whatever goes down,
Copy !req
273. just go with it.
Copy !req
274. Zdravstvuyte.
Copy !req
275. Good to see you.
Copy !req
276. Long time.
Copy !req
277. Particularly
for Bratva captain.
Copy !req
278. I was trying to figure out
where to put my interests.
Copy !req
279. I decided on pharmaceuticals.
Copy !req
280. I don't mean aspirin.
Copy !req
281. A wise choice.
Copy !req
282. Mepheodrone would be a good
investment for you.
Copy !req
283. It's the newest thing.
Copy !req
284. I was thinking Vertigo.
Copy !req
285. Newer thing.
Copy !req
286. Tough market, Vertigo.
Copy !req
287. Only one seller.
I know.
Copy !req
288. I was hoping you could
do me a favor
Copy !req
289. and arrange a meeting.
Copy !req
290. He's difficult man.
Copy !req
291. And he does not
like new friends.
Copy !req
292. This is everything
the police have on him.
Copy !req
293. Tell him it's a gift.
Copy !req
294. I will see
what I can do.
Copy !req
295. Provided you do
favor for me.
Copy !req
296. Vse chto ugodno.
Copy !req
297. It is unusual
for an American
Copy !req
298. to hold such
a position of esteem
Copy !req
299. in our organization.
Copy !req
300. Mr. Queen.
Copy !req
301. Anatoli Knyazev.
Copy !req
302. He speaks
very highly of you.
Copy !req
303. He should.
I saved his life.
Copy !req
304. What did he do?
Copy !req
305. Something
I told him not to.
Copy !req
306. Now the favor.
Copy !req
307. Kill this man for me,
Copy !req
308. and I will believe
your interest
Copy !req
309. in our organization
is genuine.
Copy !req
310. And then I will arrange a meeting
with The Count.
Copy !req
311. Oliver...
Hey, shut up!
Copy !req
312. What are friends for?
Copy !req
313. I'm out of the gates
now. What's going on?
Copy !req
314. Are we getting
out of here?
Copy !req
315. Where are you taking me?
Copy !req
316. While I admit that bout
was particularly one-sided,
Copy !req
317. would anybody else
like to give it a try?
Copy !req
318. The point of these little
gladiatorial distractions
Copy !req
319. is to strengthen
unit cohesion.
Copy !req
320. To that end, I think
Copy !req
321. our newest recruit
ought to be afforded
Copy !req
322. the opportunity
to try his hand.
Copy !req
323. I can't believe
you just killed that guy.
Copy !req
324. You really have
a low opinion of me.
Copy !req
325. Whoa! That's a neat trick.
Copy !req
326. You going to teach me
that one day?
Copy !req
327. No.
Copy !req
328. What are you doing?
Copy !req
329. You need to arrange
a new identity for this guy.
Copy !req
330. Get him out of the city.
Copy !req
331. Right, so your Ruskie pal
Copy !req
332. draws out The Count,
vigilante takes him down.
Copy !req
333. No, Diggle,
because then the Bratva
Copy !req
334. would know that I used them,
and that relationship is too valuable.
Copy !req
335. I do the meet
with The Count as myself,
Copy !req
336. let him leave, then we follow him
to his hideout.
Copy !req
337. Just that easy, huh?
Copy !req
338. Well, I will still need
my trust bodyguard.
Copy !req
339. Fantastic. Looking forward
to my new and exciting career
Copy !req
340. as a drug dealer.
Copy !req
341. He's a captain.
Copy !req
342. And he has money.
Copy !req
343. Are you interested?
Copy !req
344. Hmm.
Copy !req
345. Let's say... yes.
Copy !req
346. My father was able
to get Judge Brackett
Copy !req
347. to back off
his hardline stance.
Copy !req
348. Your father hates me.
Copy !req
349. No.
Copy !req
350. My father hates him.
Copy !req
351. Look, nobody asked you
to get involved.
Copy !req
352. I did.
Copy !req
353. The judge has agreed
to a sentence
Copy !req
354. of 500 hours
of community service
Copy !req
355. and two years of probation.
Copy !req
356. Provisional on the appointment
of someone to act in loco parentis.
Copy !req
357. In loco what?
Copy !req
358. It means that
the court will appoint
Copy !req
359. an individual to assume
responsibility for you.
Copy !req
360. Me.
Copy !req
361. I say thanks,
but no thanks.
Copy !req
362. Thea!
Copy !req
363. You don't actually
have a choice.
Copy !req
364. Oh, actually, I do.
Copy !req
365. See, I'm 18 now and I can make
my own decisions.
Copy !req
366. So I decide not to be
your ex-girlfriend's office monkey.
Copy !req
367. Well, if you change
your mind, then.
Copy !req
368. Thank you.
Copy !req
369. Yeah.
Copy !req
370. Thea...
Copy !req
371. You're in real trouble,
and rightly so.
Copy !req
372. Doing drugs
and driving?
Copy !req
373. It is beyond stupid. That is
a good deal that Laurel got you.
Copy !req
374. Why aren't you
jumping at it?
Copy !req
375. I already have a mother.
Copy !req
376. So...
Copy !req
377. you're going
to go to jail
Copy !req
378. and it will ruin
the rest of your life.
Copy !req
379. No.
Copy !req
380. I want to ruin mom's life.
Copy !req
381. She's a liar and a cheat.
Copy !req
382. I mean, deal with, Ollie.
You can pretend
Copy !req
383. all you want to
that she's a saint,
Copy !req
384. but I hate her.
And she betrayed dad.
Copy !req
385. So you're just—you're going
to go to jail to spite her?
Copy !req
386. Thea...
Copy !req
387. Mom didn't cheat on dad.
Copy !req
388. He cheated on her.
Copy !req
389. Is that the best
you can come up with?
Copy !req
390. Dad wasn't the man
he said he was.
Copy !req
391. On "The Queen's Gambit"
right before he died,
Copy !req
392. he admitted to me
that he failed us.
Copy !req
393. You.
Copy !req
394. Me. And mom.
Copy !req
395. That he wasn't the man
he said he was
Copy !req
396. and that he just wished...
Copy !req
397. he wished he had more time
to right his wrongs.
Copy !req
398. I don't believe you.
Copy !req
399. Yes, you do.
Copy !req
400. Leave me alone.
Copy !req
401. How dare you.
Copy !req
402. She was old enough
to know the truth.
Copy !req
403. Oliver, the Russians called.
Copy !req
404. The meet is set.
Copy !req
405. It's tonight.
Copy !req
406. You know why
they call him The Count?
Copy !req
407. When he was
developing this drug,
Copy !req
408. he experimented
on the homeless.
Copy !req
409. Prostitutes, runaways.
Copy !req
410. The police
would find their bodies,
Copy !req
411. puncture marks
on their neck,
Copy !req
412. like a vampire.
Copy !req
413. You should not be in such a hurry
to meet this man.
Copy !req
414. Thank you for this.
Copy !req
415. But I'm not
overly concerned
Copy !req
416. about the SCPD.
Copy !req
417. Now, I understand
you gentlemen
Copy !req
418. wish to participate in
the feel good business.
Copy !req
419. Yes.
And why is that?
Copy !req
420. Well, I am opening
a nightclub,
Copy !req
421. and I'd like my customers
to have a little...
Copy !req
422. something extra.
Copy !req
423. Well, as it happens,
Copy !req
424. I'm looking
to expand my brand.
Copy !req
425. A good wine's value is measured
by its vintage.
Copy !req
426. The number of years
it took to ferment.
Copy !req
427. Vertigo is measured
in lives.
Copy !req
428. 56 people died
Copy !req
429. to perfect this high.
Copy !req
430. Believe me when I say
that they did not
Copy !req
431. die for nothing.
Copy !req
432. The cops!
Copy !req
433. We've been set up!
Let's get out!
Copy !req
434. Go! Go!
Copy !req
435. SCPD! Put your weapons down!
Copy !req
436. Down!
Copy !req
437. Oliver!
Copy !req
438. Hey!
Copy !req
439. No witnesses.
Copy !req
440. Get out of the car!
Copy !req
441. Keep it.
Yeah, we got to go.
Copy !req
442. Steps. Let's go.
Copy !req
443. Oliver!
Copy !req
444. Drink.
Copy !req
445. Wait!
Copy !req
446. Mornin'.
Copy !req
447. How you feeling?
Copy !req
448. I feel like
I'm getting
Copy !req
449. the worst hangover
of my life.
Copy !req
450. That coming from a guy who spent
most of his twenties in a hangover,
Copy !req
451. that's really saying something.
Copy !req
452. You think
you can uncuff me?
Copy !req
453. Not going to kill you.
Copy !req
454. Promise.
Copy !req
455. Ahh.
Copy !req
456. You're standing.
Copy !req
457. That's pretty impressive.
Copy !req
458. The Count only got you
with half a dose,
Copy !req
459. but you still sweated out
a small swimming pool coming down.
Copy !req
460. The Count.
Copy !req
461. Any chance our friends
in SCPD took him down?
Copy !req
462. None at all, but we did
manage to get this.
Copy !req
463. Think we should analyze it.
Copy !req
464. Listen, Oliver, maybe you need
to give it a few hours.
Copy !req
465. A near drug overdose isn't something
you just walk away from.
Copy !req
466. Neither is Thea.
Copy !req
467. What's wrong?
Copy !req
468. Is everything
okay with Thea?
Copy !req
469. This isn't about your sister,
this is about you.
Copy !req
470. Last night we got a call
from a C.I.,
Copy !req
471. busted up a drug sale between
a big time dealer and the Russian mob.
Copy !req
472. "We"? I thought
you worked Vice.
Copy !req
473. Joint task force. Vertigo's
got everybody holding hands.
Copy !req
474. Like I said...
Copy !req
475. Last night,
drug deal gone south.
Copy !req
476. An eyewitness
put you at the scene.
Copy !req
477. Whoever he is,
he's mistaken.
Copy !req
478. Yeah?
Copy !req
479. I saw you, Oliver.
Copy !req
480. Is this true?
Copy !req
481. I was checking
into The Count.
Copy !req
482. He's the guy who
sold drugs to Thea.
Copy !req
483. And I figured if I could find out
what he looked like,
Copy !req
484. then I could give your sketch artist
something to go on.
Copy !req
485. So I paid a low-life
with a Russian accent
Copy !req
486. an obscene amount
of money to arrange a meeting.
Copy !req
487. And? Did you get eyes on him?
Copy !req
488. No.
Copy !req
489. All right, are you pressing charges
against my son?
Copy !req
490. You get involved
in this again,
Copy !req
491. you'll see the inside
of a cell,
Copy !req
492. and unlike last time,
you will not see the way out.
Copy !req
493. Detective.
Copy !req
494. Thank you very much.
Copy !req
495. Thank you for what
you did for Thea.
Copy !req
496. My daughter asked me
for a favor and I did it.
Copy !req
497. And that's the end of it.
Copy !req
498. Hope you don't think
I sold you out.
Copy !req
499. No. Just doing your job.
Copy !req
500. What on earth
were you thinking?
Copy !req
501. I was trying to help.
Copy !req
502. By running around
with the Russian mob
Copy !req
503. and a murderous
drug dealer?
Copy !req
504. Are you out
of your mind?
Copy !req
505. Mom, look,
Copy !req
506. the real reason
that you're upset
Copy !req
507. is because I told Thea
the truth about dad.
Copy !req
508. She never needed
to know that.
Copy !req
509. Yes, I did.
Copy !req
510. I'm old enough
to know the truth, Mom.
Copy !req
511. It wasn't about
your age.
Copy !req
512. It was about preserving
your memory of your father.
Copy !req
513. He loved you.
Copy !req
514. No matter his faults,
he loved you.
Copy !req
515. I said that I wished
Copy !req
516. you had died
instead of him,
Copy !req
517. but... you still
didn't say anything.
Copy !req
518. Why?
Copy !req
519. One day,
Copy !req
520. I hope you're lucky enough
to have a daughter,
Copy !req
521. and you'll know why.
Copy !req
522. I'm so sorry for what I said.
Copy !req
523. I know, I know.
Copy !req
524. Now what?
Copy !req
525. Like you said,
we analyze the Vertigo.
Copy !req
526. It's in liquid form,
which means it contains water.
Copy !req
527. So maybe we can
trace back to where
Copy !req
528. in the city The Count is...
Copy !req
529. cooking up this garbage.
Copy !req
530. Hey, we need
to get you to a hospital.
Copy !req
531. No.
Copy !req
532. Oliver, God knows
what was in that drug.
Copy !req
533. It could be causing
permanent damage.
Copy !req
534. Felicity.
Copy !req
535. Hey, they said
you'd be up here.
Copy !req
536. You look like something
the cat dragged in.
Copy !req
537. Not that there are cats
in this building.
Copy !req
538. Well, once a cat did get in,
but a guard tazed it.
Copy !req
539. It smelled like fur and static
in here for like a week.
Copy !req
540. Ahem.
Copy !req
541. Would you mind stepping
away from the window for a moment?
Copy !req
542. I have a little bit
of a hangover.
Copy !req
543. Sounds like you need
a bloody Mary and a pretzel,
Copy !req
544. not the I.T.
Copy !req
545. Actually, my buddy Kevin
Copy !req
546. is starting
an energy drink company.
Copy !req
547. He says it's fantastic
for curing hangovers,
Copy !req
548. but I am very particular
Copy !req
549. about what it is
I put in my body.
Copy !req
550. I've noticed.
Copy !req
551. I said, not noticed.
Copy !req
552. Right?
Copy !req
553. I'm trying to find
a secret recipe.
Copy !req
554. Could you please
do a spectroanalysis
Copy !req
555. of the sample
and find out exactly
Copy !req
556. where in the city it's made?
Copy !req
557. If it's an energy drink,
Copy !req
558. why is it
in a syringe?
Copy !req
559. I ran out of sports bottles.
Copy !req
560. Okay.
Copy !req
561. Your B.S. stories
are getting worse.
Copy !req
562. I'm well aware.
Copy !req
563. Looks like Felicity
came through.
Copy !req
564. The solvent used
in the Vertigo sample
Copy !req
565. was run off water originated
within a ten block radius
Copy !req
566. of where East Glades
meets the bay.
Copy !req
567. Nothing there except
for an old juvenile detention center
Copy !req
568. abandoned about three years ago.
Copy !req
569. Cutbacks.
Copy !req
570. You can't go out there,
though, Oliver.
Copy !req
571. You're still suffering
the after-affects of the Vertigo.
Copy !req
572. Did you hear The Count?
Copy !req
573. He's taking
this drug citywide.
Copy !req
574. If we don't stop him now,
this becomes an epidemic.
Copy !req
575. I can stop you from leaving.
Copy !req
576. Try.
Copy !req
577. Oliver, you hit this
and you can leave.
Copy !req
578. I'm glad you came
to your senses.
Copy !req
579. You should always
remember one thing, Dig.
Copy !req
580. What's that?
Copy !req
581. I don't need the bow.
Copy !req
582. My C.I. swears
this is the place.
Copy !req
583. Bring your men
up on the flank.
Copy !req
584. Okay, this way.
Follow me.
Copy !req
585. He's here!
He who?
Copy !req
586. The Hood!
Copy !req
587. Looks like we're not
the only guests.
Copy !req
588. You should have stuck
to your depraved elite.
Copy !req
589. I am merely providing people
with what they want.
Copy !req
590. I am providing
a public service!
Copy !req
591. So am I.
Copy !req
592. Enjoy the fruits
of your labor.
Copy !req
593. Freeze! Put down the needle!
Copy !req
594. Or I will shoot you!
Copy !req
595. Put down the syringe.
Copy !req
596. He deserves this!
Not according to the law.
Copy !req
597. The people that think
you're a hero,
Copy !req
598. people like my daughter,
if they could see you now...
Copy !req
599. You're no hero.
Copy !req
600. You're what I always
said you were—
Copy !req
601. a killer.
Copy !req
602. Get him!
Copy !req
603. Get me an ambulance. Now!
Copy !req
604. Juvenile delinquent
reporting for duty.
Copy !req
605. Since you lost
your driver's license,
Copy !req
606. I'll pick you up at 5:00.
Copy !req
607. We have a lot of work
for her to do.
Copy !req
608. Well, then, let's say
7:00 just to be safe.
Copy !req
609. Is it too late
to choose jail?
Copy !req
610. Yes.
Copy !req
611. I need you to go
through these files
Copy !req
612. and pull out all the documents
dated March 2007.
Copy !req
613. Do you think
you could do that?
Copy !req
614. I think I can.
Copy !req
615. I know I messed up.
Copy !req
616. I really appreciate
this, Laurel.
Copy !req
617. We are going to make
an upstanding citizen
Copy !req
618. out of you yet, speedy.
Copy !req
619. Thank you.
And this will be good for her,
Copy !req
620. having a role model,
somebody better than me.
Copy !req
621. Oh, you're not so bad.
Copy !req
622. And besides, it'll be nice
to have her around.
Copy !req
623. I got to take this.
Excuse me.
Copy !req
624. Hello?
Copy !req
625. We got The Count.
Copy !req
626. Bust up his lab,
got him on everything
Copy !req
627. from drug trafficking
to homicide.
Copy !req
628. He'll be gone
for a long while.
Copy !req
629. That's great, thanks.
Copy !req
630. It was great
seeing you, Oliver.
Copy !req
631. You, too.
Copy !req
632. See ya.
Copy !req
633. He's still critical.
Copy !req
634. I've never seen
anyone OD
Copy !req
635. on this much Vertigo
and live.
Copy !req
636. There's just
no way of knowing
Copy !req
637. what kind of damage
has been done to his brain
Copy !req
638. and nervous system.
Copy !req
639. Or if its irreparable.
Copy !req
640. Shengeun...
Copy !req
641. Survive.
Copy !req
642. Hi.
Copy !req
643. Thanks for meeting me.
I was... nervous
Copy !req
644. to come to your house.
Copy !req
645. Okay...
Copy !req
646. The thing is,
Copy !req
647. I've been debating
whether or not
Copy !req
648. to share this
with you for weeks.
Copy !req
649. Can I trust you?
Copy !req
650. I'm not an idiot.
Copy !req
651. You've dropped some fairly
ridiculous lies on me,
Copy !req
652. and... yet I still feel
like I can trust you.
Copy !req
653. Why is that?
Copy !req
654. I have one
of those faces.
Copy !req
655. Sorry.
Copy !req
656. Yes.
Copy !req
657. You can trust me.
Copy !req
658. Then I have something
to show you.
Copy !req
659. Have you ever
seen this before?
Copy !req
660. No.
Copy !req
661. Where'd you get it?
Copy !req
662. From your stepfather.
Copy !req
663. From Walter.
Copy !req
664. Um...
Copy !req
665. Well, where did
he get it?
Copy !req
666. He said he found it
in your house.
Copy !req
667. That it belongs to your mother.
Copy !req
668. Walter thought
she was hiding something.
Copy !req
669. Something more, and...
Copy !req
670. He wanted me to look into it,
but then he vanished.
Copy !req
671. I think this list might have cost
Walter his life.
Copy !req