1. My name is Oliver Queen.
Copy !req
2. For 5 years I was stranded on
an island with only one goal...
Copy !req
3. to survive.
Copy !req
4. Oliver Queen is alive.
Copy !req
5. Now I will fulfill my father's dying wish...
Copy !req
6. to use the list of names he left me
Copy !req
7. and bring down those
who are poisoning my city.
Copy !req
8. To do this, I must become someone else.
Copy !req
9. I must become something else.
Copy !req
10. Previously on "Arrow"...
Copy !req
11. You told me to stay away
from your family and I did.
Copy !req
12. But your family isn't staying away from me.
Copy !req
13. Which means something
must be done about it.
Copy !req
14. Where can I find the man in this picture?
Copy !req
15. Do you not think it convenient
you captured me so easily?
Copy !req
16. Run!
Copy !req
17. Do you even know
what this island really is?
Copy !req
18. It's a prison.
Copy !req
19. What would you do in my position?
Copy !req
20. Corrections by Wally73
Copy !req
21. Yes, sir yeah, yeah
Copy !req
22. yes, sir yeah, yeah
Copy !req
23. whatever you're listening
to, it ain't music.
Copy !req
24. They're ought to be a law.
Copy !req
25. Well, there's not.
Copy !req
26. Watch it!
Copy !req
27. Back up! Get out of here!
Copy !req
28. Tahitian green or midnight black...
Copy !req
29. and mom still isn't buying
you a car for your birthday.
Copy !req
30. I could not have said it better myself.
Copy !req
31. Oliver got a car when he turned 18.
Copy !req
32. Yeah, but I could back it
out of the driveway
Copy !req
33. without hitting a tree.
Copy !req
34. Taking the paint off the
side of your dad's Maserati.
Copy !req
35. Yeah, the party planner's waiting.
Copy !req
36. Sorry to run off like this.
Copy !req
37. Don't we have a convertible to go buy?
Copy !req
38. Good luck.
Copy !req
39. How's she holding up?
Copy !req
40. She's ok.
Copy !req
41. Thea thinks she's actually
a little bit too ok.
Copy !req
42. What do you mean?
Copy !req
43. Just... Behaving erratically.
Copy !req
44. Shut-in one minute, running
the company the next.
Copy !req
45. Well, her husband is missing
and presumed who-knows-what.
Copy !req
46. If anyone had an excuse to be erratic,
Copy !req
47. it's your mom.
Copy !req
48. That's what I told Thea.
Copy !req
49. He's too busy to comment.
Copy !req
50. The department has got the
same comment about this heist
Copy !req
51. as it did the other two. No comment.
Copy !req
52. The SCPD may not be willing
to go on the record,
Copy !req
53. but traffic cameras got the
entire heist in this exclusive.
Copy !req
54. The $2.3 million heist is like
a scene out of the movies.
Copy !req
55. That's why you keep
all your money offshore.
Copy !req
56. Is the equivalent
of nearly $6 million today.
Copy !req
57. The cash has not been found
and neither have the...
Copy !req
58. With all the guys working up top,
Copy !req
59. you might want to think about
a side entrance for your,
Copy !req
60. Arrowcave.
Copy !req
61. Just put one in. South alleyway.
Copy !req
62. Something I want to show you.
Copy !req
63. Finally getting into online dating
Copy !req
64. and you need help with your profile.
Copy !req
65. Not exactly. But there is
somebody I'd like to meet.
Copy !req
66. Yeah, I read about it. This is the
third truck to be hit this month.
Copy !req
67. I saw it on the news this morning.
Copy !req
68. I couldn't figure out why it seemed so familiar.
Then I remembered this.
Copy !req
69. Kandahar, '09, when the marines
took out the U.N. Armored vehicle.
Copy !req
70. Yeah. Well, there's a reason
why it looks so similar.
Copy !req
71. These guys are running the same swarming technique.
Where'd you find this?
Copy !req
72. I was researching someone. Bodyguard
who works for a private security firm.
Copy !req
73. Blackhawk squad protection group.
His name is Ted Gaynor.
Copy !req
74. Oliver, Ted Gaynor
was my commanding officer
Copy !req
75. on my first tour in Afghanistan.
Copy !req
76. Dig... I'm sorry.
Copy !req
77. Gaynor's on the list.
Copy !req
78. Gaynor's a few hundred thousand
dollars short of making your list.
Copy !req
79. Well, I never said it was
just one-percenters, did I?
Copy !req
80. Oliver, this guy saved my life.
Copy !req
81. Received a commendation for it.
Copy !req
82. I don't care what your book
says. He's not a stick-up man.
Copy !req
83. You haven't known him
in a long time, Diggle.
Copy !req
84. We both kept in contact with each
other since we got stateside.
Copy !req
85. 6 months ago he even offered
me a job at blackhawk.
Copy !req
86. Now, trust me, you don't
know this man like I do.
Copy !req
87. I know in Afghanistan
his training specialty
Copy !req
88. was M-32 multiple grenade launchers,
Copy !req
89. the exact same weapon used in these heists
Copy !req
90. and not exactly something that you find
Copy !req
91. at your local sporting goods store.
Copy !req
92. Two months ago, we found out
Copy !req
93. this wasn't even your father's book,
Copy !req
94. that it was written by whoever
hired the other archer.
Copy !req
95. Doesn't that kind of beg the question
Copy !req
96. what else you could be wrong about?
Copy !req
97. I could be wrong.
Copy !req
98. But the list isn't.
Copy !req
99. Now, I'm gonna have a pointed conversation
Copy !req
100. with Mr. Gaynor tonight. We'll
see what he has to say about it.
Copy !req
101. I understand if you want
to take the week off.
Copy !req
102. Well, thank you.
Copy !req
103. Sir.
Copy !req
104. Different day, same slop.
Copy !req
105. You new?
Copy !req
106. Yeah.
Copy !req
107. Don't worry. It took me a year
Copy !req
108. to find my way around the island.
Copy !req
109. Hey, hey. Hey.
Copy !req
110. I'm supposed to be transporting a prisoner.
Copy !req
111. A Chinese guy who wears a green hood.
Copy !req
112. Sounds like the guy they
took to the east camp.
Copy !req
113. I'm heading over that way. Come on.
You can hitch a ride.
Copy !req
114. Let's go. Come on.
Copy !req
115. Hold up! Hold up!
Copy !req
116. One, two.
Copy !req
117. That wall over there still has
to be taped and textured.
Copy !req
118. I need you to to grout the hallway floor
Copy !req
119. as soon as they are done
with the tile install.
Copy !req
120. All right.
Copy !req
121. Yeah? Hey, Tommy.
Copy !req
122. I am really busy.
Copy !req
123. Tommy, I know things have been, well,
Copy !req
124. strained between us since...
Copy !req
125. Since you cut me off and
told me that I was a loser?
Copy !req
126. I was just trying
to jolt you into adulthood.
Copy !req
127. And look at you now.
You've got your first job.
Copy !req
128. My tough love worked.
Copy !req
129. What do you want, dad?
Copy !req
130. Nothing more than
to share a meal with my son.
Copy !req
131. Dinner tomorrow night?
Copy !req
132. Laurel and I have plans.
Copy !req
133. Bring her along. I think it's time
Copy !req
134. I got to know her a little better.
Copy !req
135. Tommy...
Copy !req
136. I've said some pretty hurtful things,
Copy !req
137. and I regret them.
Copy !req
138. But you're still my son.
Copy !req
139. And I still want what I've always wanted.
Copy !req
140. For us to be close.
Copy !req
141. Let me check with Laurel
and I'll get back to you.
Copy !req
142. Ted Gaynor, we're gonna
have a conversation.
Copy !req
143. You make a move, go for a gun, anything,
Copy !req
144. things will end badly for you.
Copy !req
145. Put the bow down.
Copy !req
146. It's all clear.
Copy !req
147. You ok?
Copy !req
148. Yeah.
Copy !req
149. Well, I gotta talk to my boss,
Copy !req
150. but after... What I just saw,
Copy !req
151. I'd say you're as good as hired.
Copy !req
152. Hell of a job interview, Ted.
Copy !req
153. Usually the vigilante
only goes after rich schmucks.
Copy !req
154. Any reason why he would
change his M.O. For you?
Copy !req
155. You've known me a long time, John.
Copy !req
156. What do you think?
Copy !req
157. That he made a mistake.
Copy !req
158. Got the wrong guy.
Copy !req
159. I could've shot you. I could've killed you.
Copy !req
160. What the hell were you thinking?
Copy !req
161. I'm not gonna let you
William tell an innocent man.
Copy !req
162. You seem to think that mainly because
of what's in you're damn book,
Copy !req
163. which you apparently trust
more than you trust me.
Copy !req
164. And he explained to me that
every name on that list
Copy !req
165. I thought you took that book
off your father's dead body.
Copy !req
166. How can he have been so chatty?
Copy !req
167. A few years ago, I found
a message he left me
Copy !req
168. explaining the list.
Copy !req
169. Oliver, how is that possible?
Copy !req
170. You were on a deserted island.
Copy !req
171. I didn't say that I found it on the island.
Copy !req
172. Diggle, for the past 4 months,
Copy !req
173. I have lied to, hurt, and hid things
Copy !req
174. from all the people that I care about.
Copy !req
175. Do you really think that
I would do all of this
Copy !req
176. if I wasn't sure?
Copy !req
177. Oliver, listen. Gaynor
got me into blackhawk,
Copy !req
178. and I'm gonna prove he's innocent.
Copy !req
179. And if he isn't?
Copy !req
180. If he's not, I'll be the one
to take him down myself.
Copy !req
181. You owe me that.
Copy !req
182. You owe me at least that.
Copy !req
183. Were you stationed by the perimeter?
Copy !req
184. And your report? Yes.
Copy !req
185. Everything's good, sir. No trouble.
Copy !req
186. How long have you been stationed here?
Copy !req
187. Just arrived, sir.
Copy !req
188. Yes, you do seem rather green.
Copy !req
189. Although I don't recall the submarine
Copy !req
190. bringing in a phalanx of new troops lately.
Copy !req
191. Submarine? I thought everybody
came into the island on the plane.
Copy !req
192. Indeed they do.
Copy !req
193. I think you've tried on
every dress in the city.
Copy !req
194. It's so gonna be worth it.
Copy !req
195. Yes, well, if your father were
still alive, he'd freak, too.
Copy !req
196. Like when he saw what I was wearing
to my first boy-girl dance.
Copy !req
197. That poor boy you went with.
Copy !req
198. Robert scared him to death.
Copy !req
199. You know, dad used to say
Copy !req
200. his saddest day would be when I turned 18.
Copy !req
201. Now he's gone and I'm the one that's sad.
Copy !req
202. Sorry.
Copy !req
203. I need to take this.
Copy !req
204. Hello.
Copy !req
205. Yes, I understand,
but I'm with my daughter.
Copy !req
206. All right. I'll be there.
Copy !req
207. I thought you said we were gonna
spend the whole day together.
Copy !req
208. I know.
Copy !req
209. But,
Copy !req
210. compliance needs to file the 8k
Copy !req
211. connected to my assuming
Walter's position in the company
Copy !req
212. and they can't wait.
Copy !req
213. I'm sorry.
Copy !req
214. Is everything ok?
Copy !req
215. You look worried.
Copy !req
216. Not worried, just...
Copy !req
217. My father called.
Copy !req
218. And how did that go?
Copy !req
219. He invited us to dinner for tonight.
Copy !req
220. Apparently he wants to mend some fences,
Copy !req
221. but thanks to him, I can't afford a fence,
Copy !req
222. so I can only assume
he's got some other agenda.
Copy !req
223. Well, there's only one way to find out.
Copy !req
224. Maybe he really is trying
to extend an olive branch.
Copy !req
225. You really do look for the
best in people, don't you?
Copy !req
226. Lucky for you.
Copy !req
227. I'm sorry to have to pull you
away from your family like that.
Copy !req
228. We have a problem with
your friend Carl Ballard.
Copy !req
229. He's trying to gentrify the glades.
Copy !req
230. Carl knows that's not part of the plan.
Copy !req
231. Which is why you're gonna shut him down.
Copy !req
232. You're his friend. He'll listen to you.
Copy !req
233. If you want me to help you with Carl,
Copy !req
234. I want something in return.
Copy !req
235. Proof Walter's still alive.
Copy !req
236. My word isn't enough?
Copy !req
237. What's that saying...
Copy !req
238. "trust but verify"?
Copy !req
239. Words to live by.
Copy !req
240. Two days later, I am still
digging regurgitated tacos
Copy !req
241. out of the car vents and he asks
me why I won't turn on the a/c.
Copy !req
242. All right, you win.
Copy !req
243. Bodyguarding Queen was never that bad.
Copy !req
244. 6 years serving my country,
the only thing I'm qualified for
Copy !req
245. is babysitting spoiled brats.
Copy !req
246. I haven't met one yet that would
survive a single day in country.
Copy !req
247. Sometimes it makes me wonder
what I was doing over there.
Copy !req
248. Specialty of the house.
Copy !req
249. Thank you, carly.
Copy !req
250. No. Where is my cake?
Copy !req
251. Tired of listening to you complain
Copy !req
252. about the dry cleaners shrinking your suit.
Copy !req
253. Yeah.
Copy !req
254. Mm.
Copy !req
255. She likes you.
Copy !req
256. She's my sister-in-law, Ted.
Copy !req
257. Not anymore.
Copy !req
258. Your brother's gone, John.
Copy !req
259. But you are here.
Copy !req
260. Car's waiting outside.
Got a client to drop off
Copy !req
261. at the Chaykin art gallery opening.
Copy !req
262. John, you remember Paul knox?
Copy !req
263. He was a couple of ranks
under us back in the 'Stan.
Copy !req
264. Good to be working with you.
Copy !req
265. I'll be outside.
Copy !req
266. I didn't know knox worked at blackhawk.
Copy !req
267. They recruited him when his
tour ended last month.
Copy !req
268. Mm-
Copy !req
269. People change, John.
Copy !req
270. And everyone deserves a chance to prove it.
Copy !req
271. Knocking is not just a suggestion.
Copy !req
272. Thea, I'm not telling you
if mom's getting you a car.
Copy !req
273. It's not about that.
Copy !req
274. Remember last week when I asked you
Copy !req
275. if you thought mom was acting weird?
Copy !req
276. Yeah.
Copy !req
277. Well, I found out why.
Copy !req
278. She's hooking up with Tommy's dad.
Copy !req
279. That's insane.
Copy !req
280. I just saw them together.
Copy !req
281. It's happening all over again.
Copy !req
282. What are you talking about?
Copy !req
283. A couple of months before you
and dad left on the "gambit,"
Copy !req
284. mom and dad were arguing a lot.
Copy !req
285. About what?
Copy !req
286. I don't know.
Copy !req
287. But she was having a lot of these...
Copy !req
288. Lunch meetings with Mr. Merlyn.
Copy !req
289. And now Walter's gone, too,
and mom and Mr. Merlyn
Copy !req
290. are back at it. It's gross.
Copy !req
291. Mom never would have cheated on dad.
Copy !req
292. She's not cheating on Walter.
Copy !req
293. You don't want to believe it
Copy !req
294. because you have this perfect
image of mom in your head.
Copy !req
295. That's not who she is, Ollie.
Copy !req
296. She's a liar
Copy !req
297. and a cheater.
Copy !req
298. And you really don't know her at all.
Copy !req
299. She thinks Malcolm and I
are having an affair?
Copy !req
300. And that it started
back when dad was still alive.
Copy !req
301. Why would she think that?
Copy !req
302. She says you and dad were fighting.
Copy !req
303. Mom...
Copy !req
304. It's not your concern, sweetheart.
Copy !req
305. Thea made it my concern.
Copy !req
306. What was going on?
Copy !req
307. Robert was unfaithful to me repeatedly.
Copy !req
308. It made our marriage
difficult, to say the least.
Copy !req
309. I'm sorry, Oliver, but your father
Copy !req
310. wasn't always the man you thought he was.
Copy !req
311. I know you thought he walked on water,
Copy !req
312. but, you see, that how I
wanted you to remember him...
Copy !req
313. as a good man who loved you.
Copy !req
314. That's how I want Thea to remember him.
Copy !req
315. So promise me you'll keep it a secret.
Copy !req
316. Of course.
Copy !req
317. Mom.
Copy !req
318. Yes?
Copy !req
319. Why would Thea think
that you and Mr. Merlyn
Copy !req
320. are still sneaking around?
Copy !req
321. Well, I can't imagine.
Copy !req
322. Have you seen him lately?
Copy !req
323. Oliver...
Copy !req
324. He's been the ceo of Mervyn
global group for years.
Copy !req
325. I've been running Queen
consolidated mere weeks.
Copy !req
326. Yes, I occasionally go and ask for advice.
Copy !req
327. Is my interrogation over?
Copy !req
328. See, this is where we,
Copy !req
329. detain prisoners prone to running off
Copy !req
330. before I've finished with them.
Copy !req
331. Prisoners like you, Mr. Queen.
Copy !req
332. At Christmas one year,
Copy !req
333. Tommy wanted a puppy.
Copy !req
334. He wanted to name it Arthur,
Copy !req
335. as in king Arthur, because he's a Merlyn.
Copy !req
336. Well, you used to be
so incredibly adorable.
Copy !req
337. I still am.
Copy !req
338. My wife would have liked you, Laurel.
Copy !req
339. I wish I would have known her.
Copy !req
340. She passed away before
Tommy and I became friends.
Copy !req
341. She was killed, Laurel. There's
no need to be polite about it.
Copy !req
342. You're just a ray of sunshine
today, aren't you, dad?
Copy !req
343. Please forgive me. Talking
about my wife has a tendency
Copy !req
344. to make me a little bit maudlin.
Copy !req
345. And here I was beginning
to think my days of being
Copy !req
346. Oliver Queen's personal computer
geek were coming to an end.
Copy !req
347. Is that your way of saying you miss me?
Copy !req
348. No. But if it works for you, go with it.
Copy !req
349. Heh. So a friend of mine
is running a scavenger hunt,
Copy !req
350. and there's a case of Lafite
Rothschild 1982 waiting at the end.
Copy !req
351. I love red wine.
Copy !req
352. But in order to find it,
Copy !req
353. I first need to get through this.
Copy !req
354. Security fob.
Copy !req
355. It's pin protected.
Copy !req
356. Challenge response goes back
to a company called
Copy !req
357. blackhawk squad protection group.
Copy !req
358. Yeah, my friend had
his bodyguard set it up for him.
Copy !req
359. Personally, however, I think it's cheating.
But whatever.
Copy !req
360. This is a military-grade
cryptographic security protocol.
Copy !req
361. Your friend really
went to all this trouble?
Copy !req
362. The idle rich are hard to entertain.
Copy !req
363. You get through it and one of
those bottles of wine is yours.
Copy !req
364. This been lovely, Mr. Merlyn. Thank you.
Copy !req
365. Thank you for joining me.
Copy !req
366. It's been wonderful
getting to know you better.
Copy !req
367. And if Tommy doesn't mind me mixing
a little business with pleasure,
Copy !req
368. I could use your signature on these.
Copy !req
369. You want to shut down mom's free clinic?
Copy !req
370. It's not hers anymore, Tommy.
Copy !req
371. That clinic meant everything to mom.
Copy !req
372. You were 8 years old. I don't
think you were in a position
Copy !req
373. to know what was important to your mother.
Copy !req
374. I just need your signature...
Copy !req
375. stop.
Copy !req
376. This dinner
Copy !req
377. was never about getting to know Laurel.
Copy !req
378. It was about this.
Copy !req
379. You haven't changed and you never will.
Copy !req
380. It's about time that I learned that
Copy !req
381. and stopped letting you disappoint me.
Copy !req
382. We're leaving.
Copy !req
383. This clinic was his mother's.
Copy !req
384. And his mother taught him a
lesson I've been trying to,
Copy !req
385. that the world is a harsh
and unforgiving place.
Copy !req
386. And when did she teach him that?
Copy !req
387. When she was lying dead in the street
Copy !req
388. with a bullet in her head.
Copy !req
389. Good night.
Copy !req
390. Management keeps things
running smooth, which is nice.
Copy !req
391. Better than going to war
with the army you got, right?
Copy !req
392. Indeed.
Copy !req
393. So, Ted, are you the reason
knox is working for blackhawk?
Copy !req
394. Look, I know you don't like the guy.
Copy !req
395. I wasn't his biggest fan, either,
Copy !req
396. but jobs are hard to come by
for everybody these days.
Copy !req
397. When all anyone thinks you're
qualified for is shooting at people...
Copy !req
398. if I hadn't gotten knox this job,
Copy !req
399. chances are he'd be out
knocking over liquor stores
Copy !req
400. or robbing banks.
Copy !req
401. I think your friend's bodyguard
gave him the wrong security fob.
Copy !req
402. Well, once I got past blackhawk's
authentication system,
Copy !req
403. there wasn't anything
about a scavenger hunt.
Copy !req
404. Just a directory and...
Copy !req
405. Well, I think you stumbled onto,
Copy !req
406. or got me to stumble onto
something pretty illegal.
Copy !req
407. Define illegal.
Copy !req
408. You know. Robbing an armored car
Copy !req
409. with grenade launchers and tear gas.
Copy !req
410. Someone at blackhawk whoa. What?
Copy !req
411. Was using their system to store
detailed routes and schedules
Copy !req
412. for each of the city's
7 major armored car carriers,
Copy !req
413. Mr. Queen, I think we should provide
this information to the police.
Copy !req
414. With it, they should be able
to predict the next heist.
Copy !req
415. Hold on. Felicity, I don't want you
to get in trouble with my friend,
Copy !req
416. so do me a favor. Forward
that directory on to me
Copy !req
417. and I'll get it to the police personally.
Copy !req
418. Thank you.
Copy !req
419. So, no wine, then?
Copy !req
420. Knox, he's hurt!
Copy !req
421. Let's go! Let's go!
Copy !req
422. God, check it out!
Copy !req
423. You must be so surprised.
Copy !req
424. Isn't everything absolutely perfect?
Copy !req
425. Except for dad's not here.
Copy !req
426. If dad were here,
Copy !req
427. he'd say you look beautiful.
Copy !req
428. Excuse me a sec.
Copy !req
429. I heard the hood foiled an
armored car heist this evening.
Copy !req
430. Gaynor wasn't running the rocket launcher.
Copy !req
431. I know. I was with him the
whole time it was going down.
Copy !req
432. It looks like you were right.
Copy !req
433. Listen, if someone
at blackhawk is involved,
Copy !req
434. I'd put my money on knox.
Copy !req
435. He started right before the heists began,
Copy !req
436. and he has military training.
Copy !req
437. He was bleeding pretty badly
when they made off in their van.
Copy !req
438. Ok, so if any of Knox's blood is
in one of the motor pool vans,
Copy !req
439. I'm going with you. We'll know for sure.
Copy !req
440. No, no, no, listen. You have this party.
Copy !req
441. And I told you I would handle this.
Copy !req
442. If there's any problems,
you're just a phone call away.
Copy !req
443. Hey.
Copy !req
444. Head on a swivel.
Copy !req
445. That's the way I was born, man.
Copy !req
446. Happy Birthday!
Copy !req
447. It's called vertigo. It's supposed
to make you feel all floaty.
Copy !req
448. If my mom caught me with this,
Copy !req
449. I wouldn't make it to 19.
Copy !req
450. I'm gonna go put it upstairs,
Copy !req
451. and then I'll be right back down.
Copy !req
452. Come on down
Copy !req
453. moira, I have a little something for you.
Copy !req
454. Walter...
Copy !req
455. I did as you asked.
Copy !req
456. Now it's your turn to do as I asked.
Copy !req
457. I'll take care of it.
Copy !req
458. At my party.
Copy !req
459. Right here in front of me?
Copy !req
460. No, Thea, you don't understand.
Copy !req
461. Walter hasn't been gone two months
Copy !req
462. and you're already cheating on him.
Copy !req
463. Just like you did on dad.
Copy !req
464. Thea, I never cheated.
Copy !req
465. Like I would believe anything you say.
Copy !req
466. No. I wish it had been you
that was on that boat.
Copy !req
467. I had a feeling you'd show up.
Copy !req
468. Yeah? Why is that?
Copy !req
469. Right after Gaynor got you hired,
Copy !req
470. first person to ever make
it through our firewall.
Copy !req
471. You want to tell me how you did it?
Copy !req
472. I'm not really sure.
Copy !req
473. He didn't think you'd be very cooperative.
Copy !req
474. Who?
Copy !req
475. Hey, John.
Copy !req
476. Ted, you're part of this?
Copy !req
477. No, not part of.
Copy !req
478. My men. My mission.
Copy !req
479. Mission?
Copy !req
480. This isn't Afghanistan.
Copy !req
481. Don't I know that.
Copy !req
482. Over there we were trusted
with millions of dollars
Copy !req
483. in weapons and personnel.
Copy !req
484. We were conquerors.
Copy !req
485. Now we're nannies with tasers.
Copy !req
486. So that gives you the right to steal,
Copy !req
487. to kill innocent civilians?
Copy !req
488. I'm not gonna convince you I'm right.
Copy !req
489. I am gonna convince you to join the team.
Copy !req
490. Yeah, now I know you're crazy.
Copy !req
491. Earlier tonight was supposed
to be our last score,
Copy !req
492. but because of the hood guy, we struck out.
Copy !req
493. Now we're down a man.
Copy !req
494. Good thing you're qualified
to take his place.
Copy !req
495. Ted, I think your convincing
Copy !req
496. is gonna have to be a lot more convincing.
Copy !req
497. Copy that.
Copy !req
498. Cavanaugh.
Copy !req
499. Carly.
Copy !req
500. You son of a bitch.
Copy !req
501. Kill her. No!
Copy !req
502. Don't! Don't! Wait!
Copy !req
503. Don't. Knox.
Copy !req
504. You both can die tonight, John.
Copy !req
505. Or once we do this, we're on a plane
Copy !req
506. and she can go home to your nephew.
Copy !req
507. It's your call.
Copy !req
508. Well, you shouldn't have done that, dig.
Copy !req
509. Now you gotta watch us kill
your pretty little girlfriend.
Copy !req
510. No! Please don't!
Copy !req
511. You're forgetting one thing, guys.
Copy !req
512. Yeah, what's that?
Copy !req
513. I'm the one with the grenade.
Copy !req
514. Carly, get out of there!
Copy !req
515. Freeze!
Copy !req
516. Drop it, Ted,
Copy !req
517. or I swear...
Copy !req
518. Don't... Posture.
Copy !req
519. You're not gonna do it.
Copy !req
520. You can't.
Copy !req
521. I can see it in your eyes.
Copy !req
522. You're late.
Copy !req
523. You knew I was coming?
Copy !req
524. Next time you plant a bug on someone,
Copy !req
525. be more subtle about it.
Copy !req
526. I wish you trusted me, though.
Copy !req
527. I trust you, Diggle.
Copy !req
528. But them, never.
Copy !req
529. You should get out of here.
Copy !req
530. John!
Copy !req
531. Carly. You ok?
Copy !req
532. This is the police! Drop your weapon!
Copy !req
533. Thea.
Copy !req
534. Are you ok?
Copy !req
535. Yeah. Yeah. I'm fine.
Copy !req
536. I'm just headachy, really.
Copy !req
537. The car... is... is it...
Copy !req
538. Thea, the car isn't important right now.
Copy !req
539. Do you remember what happened, sweetheart?
Copy !req
540. You go away.
Copy !req
541. Thea, please.
Copy !req
542. I said I'm fine.
Copy !req
543. Now, when Larry shows up tonight,
Copy !req
544. you gotta show him
and Janet that he doesn't...
Copy !req
545. Your father's even
beginning to call me now.
Copy !req
546. Don't waste your minutes.
Copy !req
547. Your father is a jerk, but
he's still your father.
Copy !req
548. They're broken up.
Copy !req
549. They're not gonna get back together ever.
Copy !req
550. I think in his own way,
Copy !req
551. I think he sees himself
as protecting you somehow.
Copy !req
552. Yeah. He is really good
at using my dead mother
Copy !req
553. for an excuse for being a jerk.
Copy !req
554. You never talk about your mother.
Copy !req
555. I was only 8 and I don't remember much
Copy !req
556. about what happened.
Copy !req
557. But after...
Copy !req
558. My father completely shut me out.
Copy !req
559. And then he went away.
Copy !req
560. He was gone for maybe a year or two.
Copy !req
561. I was 8 and he left me.
Copy !req
562. That is who my father is.
Copy !req
563. He only cares about himself.
Copy !req
564. Nah. I explained to them to me
and Gaynor were old war buddies.
Copy !req
565. He tried to rope me in...
Copy !req
566. When I refused, he kidnapped carly,
Copy !req
567. everything else happened under duress.
Copy !req
568. I screwed up, Oliver.
Copy !req
569. Obviously Gaynor
wasn't who I thought he was.
Copy !req
570. I was wrong.
Copy !req
571. Yeah, but...
Copy !req
572. You were right, too.
Copy !req
573. When you told me that I trusted the
list more than I trusted you...
Copy !req
574. Diggle, the truth is, after what
happened to me on the island...
Copy !req
575. It's difficult for me to trust... Anything.
Copy !req
576. But you do.
Copy !req
577. And that reminded me why I
chose you as my partner.
Copy !req
578. It's because you see the best in people.
Copy !req
579. I learned something, too.
Copy !req
580. Until you tell me, I'll never want to know
Copy !req
581. what other names are in this book.
Copy !req
582. She promised me she's
not cheating on Walter.
Copy !req
583. Like I would trust
anything that woman says.
Copy !req
584. Miss Queen! Thea Queen?
Copy !req
585. Is there a problem?
Copy !req
586. We received a call from your doctor.
Copy !req
587. In the event of a vehicular accident,
Copy !req
588. they're required to report to result
Copy !req
589. miss Queen tested positive
for a narcotic called vertigo.
Copy !req
590. The drug they're using in the glades?
Copy !req
591. Thea Queen, you're under arrest
Copy !req
592. for driving under
the influence of narcotics.
Copy !req
593. Do you know why my men
wear balaclavas, Mr. Queen?
Copy !req
594. Because it masks everything but the eyes.
Copy !req
595. In a man's eyes, one can
always find the truth.
Copy !req
596. You risked everything to save your friend.
Copy !req
597. Someone I warned you about,
Copy !req
598. yet you trusted him.
Copy !req
599. But that trust was misplaced.
Copy !req
600. Corrections by Wally73
Copy !req