1. Three days before
many of the Bluths
Copy !req
2. would come back together,
Copy !req
3. Lindsay Bluth was on her way
Copy !req
4. to the first phase
Copy !req
5. - of an act of political sabotage...
- My dad's tux looks good on you.
Copy !req
6. with her face-blind boyfriend.
Copy !req
7. I don't care.
Copy !req
8. Together, they were targeting...
Copy !req
9. This guy... Herbert Love.
Copy !req
10. A candidate whose campaign slogan
Copy !req
11. say High-low to my Low-high plan.
Copy !req
12. The "Low" is for low taxes.
Copy !req
13. was embraced by everyone
from the very wealthy...
Copy !req
14. and who doesn't want high income?
Copy !req
15. to their bankers and tax attorneys.
Copy !req
16. It's worth noting that this
was the same Herbert Love
Copy !req
17. who'd recently adopted Lindsay's brother..
. Buster Bluth.
Copy !req
18. We could use a Blind Side monster.
Copy !req
19. And Herbert was soon
Copy !req
20. using the veteran at rallies.
Copy !req
21. Hold your government hand out...
Copy !req
22. as a symbol of government waste.
Copy !req
23. Let's give freedom from government
Copy !req
24. a big thumbs up.
Copy !req
25. although Buster had not mastered
Copy !req
26. the use of his Army-issued, bionic hand.
Copy !req
27. Buster's actual father, George Sr.,
Copy !req
28. needed the help of Herbert Love...
Copy !req
29. - He's got a rally tonight.
Copy !req
30. to gain support for a wall project...
Copy !req
31. to separate the US and Mexico
Copy !req
32. to keep out the immigrants.
Copy !req
33. which some considered insensitive.
Copy !req
34. - Your idea.
- Which was my idea!
Copy !req
35. George Sr. was feeling
more sensitive by the day.
Copy !req
36. I'd be lucky to sell a glass of lemonade
for $1,000 today,
Copy !req
37. But Marky's idea was very different.
Copy !req
38. Three days before the event,
I'm going to take the explosive
Copy !req
39. and hide in the podium...
Copy !req
40. and he had planned an act
of glittery social protest
Copy !req
41. You're going to knock on the podium door.
Let me know the coast is clear.
Copy !req
42. When Love steps up to the podium
Copy !req
43. at exactly eight o'clock, blam!
Copy !req
44. Thing is, I can't find
the glitter anywhere...
Copy !req
45. But Lindsey had only signed on
to the project
Copy !req
46. because she was mad at her mother,
Copy !req
47. "From Gangie for Facelift."
Copy !req
48. over what she assumed her mother
Copy !req
49. had sent her daughter Maeby:
Copy !req
50. a check for plastic surgery.
Copy !req
51. What makes you think I wrote a check
to your daughter?
Copy !req
52. In fact, it was Maeby's royalty check
Copy !req
53. for this film.
Copy !req
54. But when she revealed she was
living in the penthouse...
Copy !req
55. The apple does not
far from the tree fall.
Copy !req
56. Lindsay felt she needed to prove...
Copy !req
57. I am like you nothing. I am a political activist.
Copy !req
58. which is why she decided...
Copy !req
59. I'm in.
Copy !req
60. - Let's bomb the bastard.
- Yes!
Copy !req
61. but as she pulled up to the hotel,
Copy !req
62. her stridency was waning
Copy !req
63. Look, um...
Copy !req
64. I have this check that my mother
wrote for my daughter...
Copy !req
65. It can buy us a lot of leaflets
against Love.
Copy !req
66. And also a lot of Nature's Miracle.
Copy !req
67. You know there's a huge sale
going on at Petco.
Copy !req
68. No, never. Rip it up. No money.
Copy !req
69. Don't worry. I've thought of everything.
Copy !req
70. He had.
Copy !req
71. Except for someone to watch Cindy.
Copy !req
72. But she's locked in.
What's the worst that can happen?
Copy !req
73. As it turned out, she wouldn't be
locked in for long...
Copy !req
74. as Maeby would let the ostrich
in heat out
Copy !req
75. while looking for the very check Marky had told Lindsay to rip up.
Copy !req
76. No money.
Copy !req
77. before going to squat in a podium
for three days.
Copy !req
78. What a great day to step out
Copy !req
79. onto an over-irrigated golf course
Copy !req
80. and play a game that wastes
vast acres
Copy !req
81. of usable, farmable land.
Copy !req
82. And while she didn't find the check
Copy !req
83. she did find an invitation
to an award show
Copy !req
84. that honored young Hollywood.
Copy !req
85. I'm getting an Opie?
Copy !req
86. The only bigger honor
would be having an award like that
Copy !req
87. named after you, I guess.
Copy !req
88. But it was an important morale-booster,
Copy !req
89. as she was jealous of her
cousin George Michael's accomplishments
Copy !req
90. - as a college senior.
Copy !req
91. So, it's privacy software
that's also anti
Copy !req
92. Thanks, yeah.
Copy !req
93. It was neither.
Copy !req
94. In fact, it was actually this...
Copy !req
95. programmers call "hacker traps."
Copy !req
96. which uses false meta data...
Copy !req
97. a fake woodblock app...
Copy !req
98. But George Michael could see
Copy !req
99. he was impressing her
Copy !req
100. so he continued the lie...
Copy !req
101. It's called Fakeblock.
Copy !req
102. Plus, he wanted to expose her
Copy !req
103. to his newly overtly sexual persona.
Copy !req
104. Just trying to be those guys.
Copy !req
105. That's how George Michael
came to make his move.
Copy !req
106. Are you gonna come by
on Thursday?
Copy !req
107. I don't think so.
I have this thing in L.A.
Copy !req
108. Can you blow it off?
Copy !req
109. You might want to get
graduating high school
Copy !req
110. out of the way.
Copy !req
111. I'm getting a Lifetime Achievement Award
at this gala.
Copy !req
112. Might want to get that
out of the way too, I guess.
Copy !req
113. You want me to go with you to that?
Copy !req
114. I could pick you up at your place.
Copy !req
115. They're actually shooting a thing
at my place.
Copy !req
116. As it turns out,
Copy !req
117. they'd end up just clubbing a Thing.
Copy !req
118. Yeah, that might actually be a good idea,
Copy !req
119. because I can't bring my friends
without permission from their parents.
Copy !req
120. With the exception
of her boyfriend, Perfecto,
Copy !req
121. about whom she recently discovered...
Copy !req
122. He's a cop.
Copy !req
123. Maeby realized she needed
to get something incriminating
Copy !req
124. on Perfecto
Copy !req
125. before he could get her
kicked out of school.
Copy !req
126. But she was soon to learn.
Copy !req
127. that her grades might beat him to it.
Copy !req
128. I got you tacos.
Copy !req
129. I hope that's okay,
Copy !req
130. because you're gonna sit here and study.
Copy !req
131. No, I can't.
Copy !req
132. Young lady, you better pull it together,
Copy !req
133. or you're not going to graduate.
Copy !req
134. Are you on drugs?
Copy !req
135. Because from what I hear,
Copy !req
136. there might be an undercover cop
at this school.
Copy !req
137. How long do you wanna stay in high school?
Copy !req
138. You're 17.
Copy !req
139. And that's when she remembered
that Perfecto thought
Copy !req
140. she was 17 too.
Copy !req
141. You know what? I think I will do better
Copy !req
142. once I get a little Mexican in me.
Copy !req
143. Maeby and Perfecto weren't the only ones
Copy !req
144. acting younger than they really were.
Copy !req
145. And in an effort to impress
the young entourage
Copy !req
146. that was growing weary of his act,
Copy !req
147. Gob stopped in front of a club
to pick up some women.
Copy !req
148. And so the night before Mark Cherry
Copy !req
149. was also due to be honored
at the Opies,
Copy !req
150. the gang from the Malibu Colony
Copy !req
151. met the gang from Gob's bee colony.
Copy !req
152. I'm like, "Those are police boats..."
Copy !req
153. So everybody's running around...
Copy !req
154. To the entourage,
the evening was a complete disaster.
Copy !req
155. Drunken, sick and covered with bee stings,
Copy !req
156. they had truly hit bottom.
Copy !req
157. But to the man they called Getaway,
Copy !req
158. it was an amazing night,
Copy !req
159. and he couldn't wait to forget it.
Copy !req
160. Fun day.
Copy !req
161. Fun night.
Copy !req
162. Now the story of what happened
Copy !req
163. when the one man
Copy !req
164. who was holding his family
Copy !req
165. finally let go,
Copy !req
166. and the separate journeys
Copy !req
167. that eventually gave them no choice,
Copy !req
168. but to come back together.
Copy !req
169. It's Arrested Development:
Fateful Consequences.
Copy !req
170. On the day of the Opies,
Copy !req
171. Gob headed out to make sure
everything was in order,
Copy !req
172. trying not to arouse the gang
he felt he'd won back,
Copy !req
173. with what he dimly recalled
to be a fun night.
Copy !req
174. Wake up!
Copy !req
175. And that night, a softening George Sr.
Copy !req
176. arrived to meet the candidate
Herbert Love at his rally.
Copy !req
177. So... tender.
Copy !req
178. At the same hotel that was hosting
Copy !req
179. Young Hollywood's Opie Awards.
Copy !req
180. It's really nice to be
out with you as adults.
Copy !req
181. In Spain they don't even
eat dinner until after 11 p.m.
Copy !req
182. I'm going to mingle with 13-year-olds
who think they still play fifth grade.
Copy !req
183. And, as he told himself,
Copy !req
184. it was okay to unleash
Copy !req
185. his overtly sexual persona
Copy !req
186. on his cousin...
Copy !req
187. Gentlemen, start your engines.
Copy !req
188. he inadvertently ogled his aunt,
Copy !req
189. who'd arrived in disguise.
Copy !req
190. And Maeby ran into her
old studio boss, Mort Meyers.
Copy !req
191. I'm actually getting
the Lifetime Achievement Opie tonight.
Copy !req
192. I'm very sorry.
Copy !req
193. They only give that award away
to somebody after they die
Copy !req
194. or, even worse, after your career's dead.
Copy !req
195. Really?
Copy !req
196. Consider yourself lucky...
Copy !req
197. They told you your career was over.
Copy !req
198. I didn't find out until I was locked out
of my office.
Copy !req
199. I passed on Hunger Games.
Copy !req
200. It wasn't the most graceful of exits.
Copy !req
201. That's the way the cookie crumbles.
Copy !req
202. This is for you.
Copy !req
203. Thanks, man.
Copy !req
204. Actually, the exit was pretty graceful.
Copy !req
205. I think I just remember it that way
Copy !req
206. because it got dicey when I was
sneaking back in
Copy !req
207. to take a on Sid's desk.
Copy !req
208. But do what I do.
When they kick you out of the business,
Copy !req
209. save face by starting
your own internet company.
Copy !req
210. You started an internet company?
Copy !req
211. It's the real deal.
Copy !req
212. It's a system that automates provision—
Copy !req
213. And, once again, she found herself
Copy !req
214. with someone who had not
only moved on with their life,
Copy !req
215. but done so in ways
she couldn't understand.
Copy !req
216. overseas financial transactions.
It's called Schnoodle.
Copy !req
217. - Schnoodle.
- It was a busy night at the hotel.
Copy !req
218. Take a hat. We got 18,000 of them.
Copy !req
219. And as Maeby put on a brave face...
Copy !req
220. George Sr. put on a braver one.
Copy !req
221. I just think there'll be lot of support
Copy !req
222. flowing in this relationship.
Copy !req
223. And your base...
Copy !req
224. You got a point behind
all those teeth?
Copy !req
225. If you support the wall,
I'll give you a piece of the action
Copy !req
226. - Yeah.
Copy !req
227. - Yes, sir.
Copy !req
228. Do I look like Carl Weathers to you?
Copy !req
229. No, no.
Copy !req
230. Do I look like someone
who eats at CW Swappigan's?
Copy !req
231. I don't want to be the one to say it,
Copy !req
232. but I happen to be fond of
redheads and greenbacks.
Copy !req
233. George Sr, had neither. How would you like both?
Copy !req
234. Buenas noches...
Copy !req
235. I will be needing a room...
Copy !req
236. - Two.
Copy !req
237. No, just one night.
I thought you were saying people.
Copy !req
238. - Two.
Copy !req
239. No, one bed...
Copy !req
240. Why give her the option?
Keep itn real simple.
Copy !req
241. One bed, one night, two people
that's solved for X.
Copy !req
242. I hate Young Hollywood.
Copy !req
243. Maeby soon ran into an actress she knew...
Copy !req
244. from the time before that actress
cleaned up her act.
Copy !req
245. Next time, don't pocket it.
Copy !req
246. Pay for it.
Copy !req
247. And you're getting the Lifetime
Achievement Award?
Copy !req
248. You want me to play
the bagpipes at your funeral?
Copy !req
249. You know, I can laugh about it,
Copy !req
250. because I'm actually on the upswing.
Copy !req
251. I was just telling Mort here...
Copy !req
252. that I've actually started
my own internet company.
Copy !req
253. I was just about to tell you.
Copy !req
254. - We don't.
Copy !req
255. That's what it is.
Copy !req
256. Schnoodle's dead. Fakeblock
is the next big thing.
Copy !req
257. But George Michael was
surprised to hear Maeby
Copy !req
258. talking about a software.
Copy !req
259. called Fakeblock.
Copy !req
260. What's this?
You're talking about Fakeblock? Yes, your privacy software.
Copy !req
261. that didn't exist.
Copy !req
262. - It's private.
Copy !req
263. Can I talk to you for a second, please?
Copy !req
264. I don't want people to know
I'm doing this.
Copy !req
265. Everybody has to know about this, okay?
Copy !req
266. This could be big for me.
Copy !req
267. I could make Fakeblock huge.
Copy !req
268. Maeby, there is no company.
Copy !req
269. Fakeblock is just a software
that I'm developing.
Copy !req
270. And the whole point is that it's private.
Copy !req
271. So you can't
be telling people about it.
Copy !req
272. We've got to tell people about it. I just got a Lifetime Achievement Award.
Copy !req
273. I'm finished.
Copy !req
274. And also, I think you should consider
calling it The Fake Block.
Copy !req
275. - It's cleaner, like "the Netflix."
- It's just not ready.
Copy !req
276. There's still a bunch
of programming problems.
Copy !req
277. You can get it ready, George Michael.
Copy !req
278. Think they invite animals
Copy !req
279. and ask 'em to wait
while they build the zoo?
Copy !req
280. No, that would be a bloodbath.
Copy !req
281. Yeah, a total bloodbath.
Copy !req
282. - We have no money to start a business.
- Don't worry.
Copy !req
283. I'll get the ball rolling
with free publicity
Copy !req
284. when I accept my award.
Copy !req
285. Come on, this could be my only chance
to be a "hairess."
Copy !req
286. A "hairess"?
Copy !req
287. You can still be the boss, okay?
Copy !req
288. Just don't want people to know
I'm working with my cousin.
Copy !req
289. So you are not my cousin.
Copy !req
290. You are not George Michael Bluth.
Copy !req
291. I'm great with that.
Copy !req
292. In fact, you know what
might really help us sell it...
Copy !req
293. Oh, heiress!
You don't pronounce the "h."
Copy !req
294. - And that's not what heiress means.
- I pronounce the "h."
Copy !req
295. But that's not how the word—
Copy !req
296. We say words the way we say them
for a reason...
Copy !req
297. So, what is this?
Copy !req
298. Is this another one of these
social networking things?
Copy !req
299. Because I am so over those.
Copy !req
300. I tried to deactivate my Facebook profile.
Copy !req
301. It's easier to get out of Scientology.
Copy !req
302. Well, this is actually the opposite
of Facebook.
Copy !req
303. It's the anti-social network.
Copy !req
304. It prevents piracy. Right?
Copy !req
305. Really? Rebel Alley.
Copy !req
306. George Mi-hairess.
Copy !req
307. George Maharis.
Copy !req
308. And that's how George Michael
finally got himself
Copy !req
309. a new name.
Copy !req
310. Strong, rugged... untainted.
Copy !req
311. Yes, George Maharis.
Copy !req
312. Perfecto.
Copy !req
313. De nada.
Copy !req
314. That's my undercover cop boyfriend.
Copy !req
315. I'm trying to get him in bed.
Copy !req
316. Boyfriend?
Copy !req
317. So funny that didn't come up in the car.
Copy !req
318. George Michael had just discovered
Copy !req
319. that Maeby had a boyfriend.
Copy !req
320. So, how does it work?
Copy !req
321. How does what work?
Copy !req
322. Your privacy software.
Copy !req
323. How does it protect you from piracy?
Copy !req
324. I don't know.
Copy !req
325. Don't worry about it.
Copy !req
326. No, you really piqued my interest.
Copy !req
327. I'm sorry.
Copy !req
328. But some women don't forget
being told no.
Copy !req
329. Marion Ross comes to mind.
Copy !req
330. And Maeby set to work
Copy !req
331. entrapping this local predator.
Copy !req
332. I know why you're here.
Copy !req
333. Promise you won't tell anyone at school.
Copy !req
334. I'm just a huge fan of teen stars.
Copy !req
335. Yeah. Very convincing.
Copy !req
336. You're a better actor
than most of the kids here.
Copy !req
337. Even Zack and Cody.
Copy !req
338. Are they here?
Copy !req
339. I thought they were filming
a movie in Maui.
Copy !req
340. Look, I may only be 17, Perfecto,
but I know you're a cop.
Copy !req
341. There's that cop stare.
Copy !req
342. I got to tell you...
Copy !req
343. I find it very sexy.
Copy !req
344. Okay,
Copy !req
345. I'm a cop.
Copy !req
346. I'm working here undercover.
Copy !req
347. We're hunting down an ex-CIA operative
named Estevez,
Copy !req
348. who's gone rogue—
Copy !req
349. It's the kids from Modern Family.
Copy !req
350. He's become a drug kingpin
Copy !req
351. and his son goes to Newport.
Copy !req
352. There's something going down tonight
or possibly even at Cinco Rico!
Copy !req
353. Wow, you are good.
Copy !req
354. I have to be.
Copy !req
355. Our lives depend on it.
Copy !req
356. To be continued.
Copy !req
357. You better believe it.
Copy !req
358. Rico!
Copy !req
359. But George Sr. was far from rico himself,
Copy !req
360. despite promising Herbert Love
he had money.
Copy !req
361. But at least he could go home.
Copy !req
362. with some coconut shrimp.
Copy !req
363. I should have known you'd be here.
Copy !req
364. supporting this right-wing,
dangerous crack-pot.
Copy !req
365. Lindsay, I forgot. You dyed your hair.
Copy !req
366. What are you doing here?
Copy !req
367. I'm supporting Love as well.
Copy !req
368. We're both doing that.
Copy !req
369. Oh honey, I wanted to contact you
Copy !req
370. every single day since last May.
Copy !req
371. I haven't seen you since January.
Copy !req
372. Yeah, the first four months,
I was in denial.
Copy !req
373. How are you?
Copy !req
374. Are you good?
Copy !req
375. Do you have any money?
Copy !req
376. Not really.
Copy !req
377. Except for a $50,000 check
Copy !req
378. your wife sent to my daughter
for plastic surgery.
Copy !req
379. What kind of woman does that?
Copy !req
380. I thought there was no money left.
Copy !req
381. Oh no. That's awful.
Copy !req
382. She's just precious the way she is.
Copy !req
383. Does Maizie even know?
Copy !req
384. Her name is Maeby.
Copy !req
385. You don't think "Maizie" is cuter?
Copy !req
386. You know what I want to do?
I want to take this...
Copy !req
387. and I want to deposit it
in a trust fund...
Copy !req
388. that she can't open until she's 21.
Copy !req
389. She was 22 at the time.
Copy !req
390. I guess I can't use it anyway.
Copy !req
391. Are you kidding me?
Copy !req
392. You are the most beautiful little girl.
Copy !req
393. If you have any more work,
Copy !req
394. your cartilage is going to collapse.
Copy !req
395. Let me see if I can...
Copy !req
396. There you go.
Copy !req
397. And that's when George Sr...
Copy !req
398. Got the check.
Copy !req
399. finally tipped a black man.
Copy !req
400. Man...
Copy !req
401. I am going to put this on my wall.
Copy !req
402. It was then that Lindsay
ran into a daughter,
Copy !req
403. whose $50,000 check she'd just given away
Copy !req
404. stealing some coconut shrimp.
Copy !req
405. Of course you're here.
I should have known you'd be supporting
Copy !req
406. this right-wing, dangerous crack pot.
Copy !req
407. No, I am here undercover
Copy !req
408. with my boyfriend.
Copy !req
409. We are going to take down Love
Copy !req
410. with a random act of senseless
Copy !req
411. Maeby felt a foreign feeling.
Copy !req
412. I actually respect that.
Copy !req
413. Thank you, Maeby.
Copy !req
414. Which is why, for the first time
in her adult life...
Copy !req
415. So, what are you doing here?
Copy !req
416. Maeby was totally honest with her mother.
Copy !req
417. I'm getting a Lifetime Achievement Award
Copy !req
418. for my work in the entertainment business.
Copy !req
419. I tried.
Copy !req
420. Tell your therapist I tried.
Copy !req
421. I'm not in therapy.
Copy !req
422. Then I must have done something right.
Copy !req
423. And soon she was saying
farewell to Hollywood
Copy !req
424. in a way she hoped they'd remember.
Copy !req
425. Thank you, Kirk Cameron,
Copy !req
426. for that incredibly Bible-y introduction.
Copy !req
427. Okay, tie yourself to your chair,
Copy !req
428. because this is
going to be a rough ride.
Copy !req
429. I'm leaving this, dying business,
Copy !req
430. to join the software game.
Copy !req
431. Double news flash.
Copy !req
432. I'm starting Fakeblock...
Copy !req
433. with George Maharis,
Copy !req
434. the world's first anti-social network.
Copy !req
435. So you can take this Opie and shove it up
Copy !req
436. because I will
Copy !req
437. the next goddamn
Copy !req
438. who tells me I'm finished.
Copy !req
439. You.
Copy !req
440. You can all go yourselves.
Copy !req
441. What? Sure.
Copy !req
442. Please welcome the talented voices
of Phineas and Ferb.
Copy !req
443. Go yourself.
Copy !req
444. you!
Copy !req
445. Meanwhile, Gob had arrived back stage
Copy !req
446. and was doing some advanced recon
for Mark Cherry...
Copy !req
447. - ... before his scheduled performance.
Copy !req
448. Especially if they could get it
with a bit of...
Copy !req
449. It was then that Gob noticed
Copy !req
450. the presence of a competitor
from his past.
Copy !req
451. Tony Wonder.
Copy !req
452. That lousy, failed magician.
Copy !req
453. Gob realized that where there was glitter
Copy !req
454. there must also be Tony Wonder,
Copy !req
455. waiting to make his magical re-appearance
Copy !req
456. so he decided to take advantage
Copy !req
457. of an unexpected diversion
Copy !req
458. and have a little fun by
wedging shut a panel on the podium
Copy !req
459. he knew Tony Wonder would pop out of.
Copy !req
460. You guys wanna see
a real failed magician?
Copy !req
461. Get down to the Opies tonight.
Copy !req
462. It's gonna be hysterical.
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463. But, while Gob dimly remembered
the fun night,
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464. he'd completely forgotten
the seven ambulances
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465. that had arrived after Josh Abramson
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466. had swung by to pick up
an old computer.
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467. One of them is Mark Cherry.
He's a singer.
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468. Calm down. How many ambulances?
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469. Five, ten. Maybe seven at least.
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470. That's how Gob found out his colony...
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471. had checked into rehab.
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472. Come on, you guys.
It's just...
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473. a little alcohol poisoning
never killed anyone.
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474. Actually, alcohol poisoning is responsible
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475. for over four thousand deaths a year.
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476. "Binge-drinking." Not cool.
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477. Well. That's a drag.
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478. I thought we were friends.
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479. But, of course, they weren't.
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480. And that's when he saw Tony Wonder.
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481. I'm here and I'm queer...
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482. come out of a speaker.
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483. And now I'm in a speaker.
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484. No one can stop us.
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485. Wait, if...
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486. If Wonder wasn't in the... podium,
then who's...
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487. It was Marky, of course.
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488. But moments earlier, and realizing
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489. it was still too early to let him
out of the podium...
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490. Lindsay headed to the bar
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491. and was suddenly face-to-face
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492. with Herbert Love...
Copy !req
493. are we the only two people
who don't fit in
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494. with all these Orange County phonies?
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495. and had no idea who he was.
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496. They are a bunch of phonies.
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497. I usually don't even go to these things.
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498. And perhaps it was because
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499. he reminded her so much of Tobias
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500. when they first started dating,
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501. that Lindsay flirted back.
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502. - Cindy Feather... bottom.
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503. Of the Laguna Beach Featherbottoms?
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504. Are you trying to find out where I live?
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505. And your favorite kind of jewelry. Lindsay hadn't heard the word jewelry
in a long time,
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506. but tried to stay strong.
Copy !req
507. How do I know you're not
one of these phonies?
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508. The only phony I'm interested in...
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509. is your phone-y number.
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510. And, like Cinderella at the ball...
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511. Lindsay really felt like a princess,
for a change.
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512. But also like Cinderella,
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513. she lost track of the time.
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514. And that's when she was struck
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515. with an eerie sense of deja vu.
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516. Lindsay! Oh God.
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517. He blue himself.
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518. Lindsay's attempt to create a disaster
for Herbert Love
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519. was a complete disaster.
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520. And as she tried to slip away
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521. without drawing attention to herself,
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522. she was once again approached by the man
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523. whose name she never got.
Copy !req
524. Perhaps we can engage
in some sexual congress.
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525. But that's a total give away, right?
Copy !req
526. What a wonderful sense of humor.
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527. I'd like that very much.
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528. Sir, the press awaits.
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529. I thought you were sticking it to the man,
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530. - not the other way around.
- Maeby.
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531. You think he likes me that way?
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532. No Mom, that's Herbert Love,
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533. the man you're here to protest.
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534. the guy with the bomb
snuck up from Mexico. That's why I say,
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535. we have to build a wall.
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536. Oh no...
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537. How could you not recognize him?
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538. In fairness to Lindsay,
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539. It was Marky's face-blindness
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540. that led him to mistake this photo
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541. for the candidate.
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542. Why Lindsay failed to recognize
musical icon Nat King Cole
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543. cannot be explained.
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544. But he's so modern looking.
Copy !req
545. I didn't know it was the man
whose politics I'm here to protest...
Copy !req
546. I guess I was just having fun
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547. pretending I had my old life back.
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548. Well, we'll just be friends,
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549. and I'm going to keep it light and fun
and not talk politics at all.
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550. I can't believe you're such a sell-out.
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551. Are you really gonna
whore yourself out like that?
Copy !req
552. I am not a whore.
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553. - Yeah, you're a whore.
- I am not a whore.
Copy !req
554. I am still committed to my ideals
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555. and to my Marky.
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556. Lindsay!
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557. Lindsay! Lindsay!
Copy !req
558. Well, you certainly have a type.
Copy !req
559. Lindsay? Have you seen
a woman named Lindsay?
Copy !req
560. If you see a woman named Lindsay,
Copy !req
561. tell her to bail me out.
Copy !req
562. I'll do my best, sir.
Thank you.
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563. Taxi.
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564. On the next Arrested Development:
Fateful Consequences...
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565. After the explosion,
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566. Gob has a pivotal moment, as he realizes
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567. he's lost his fiancée, his career,
his family...
Copy !req
568. I have no one in my life
who cares for me.
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569. and his entourage.
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