1. Senior year in college is the time
Copy !req
2. when students start to decide
upon a career path.
Copy !req
3. - And how could rock and roll music...
Copy !req
4. And... that's where the song
should have ended.
Copy !req
5. not be George Michael's?
- So...
Copy !req
6. I guess we all got a little carried away.
Copy !req
7. You sure? We all ended at the same time.
Copy !req
8. That's because you all sped up together.
Copy !req
9. If I was playing in your band,
I would say,
Copy !req
10. "Hey, let's do the whole
fast and loose with tempo thing."
Copy !req
11. But this is about my demo tape
to Juilliard.
Copy !req
12. And they've gotta dig what I do so much
Copy !req
13. that they start an entire department
for woodblock.
Copy !req
14. So, I'm sorry guys,
and you're leaving. Okay.
Copy !req
15. They left early. Proves my point.
Copy !req
16. - She was cute.
Copy !req
17. They were playing
way too loud anyway, right?
Copy !req
18. - Right at the end.
Copy !req
19. We could record you separately
and then mix it louder on the computer.
Copy !req
20. Then I'm not playing in a band.
Copy !req
21. I mean, the whole point of the band
is to showcase my amazing internal clock.
Copy !req
22. That's something you have to be born with.
Copy !req
23. Or bred with,
which was the case with George Michael,
Copy !req
24. who, as a small child,
appeared in a promotional video
Copy !req
25. - for a developmental tool called BabyTock.
- BabyTock will give your child
Copy !req
26. a head start in math.
Copy !req
27. And, if I were a doctor,
Copy !req
28. I would guarantee you that it would also
Copy !req
29. boost their brain power by 110%.
Copy !req
30. That's a lot of brain power.
Copy !req
31. You've been using BabyTock, correct?
Copy !req
32. For how long?
Copy !req
33. Two months. But George Michael really
enjoys listening to the sound.
Copy !req
34. And would you say it's...
changed the power of his brain?
Copy !req
35. - Uh, well, that's impossible—
to deny!
Copy !req
36. I've always wanted a smart baby.
Copy !req
37. This thing really works, George.
Copy !req
38. In fact,
it came from something that didn't...
Copy !req
39. So we're stuck with five thousand
of these worthless cornballers?
Copy !req
40. when they were looking to recoup
Copy !req
41. some of their costs
after an ill-fated foray
Copy !req
42. into the fry-at-home snack food market.
Copy !req
43. Whoa, whoa. They're not worthless.
Copy !req
44. You know? The timer still works.
Copy !req
45. No numbers on it, but it's very loud.
Copy !req
46. Perfect, for those who like
the sound of a clock
Copy !req
47. - but don't know their numbers.
- That's good.
Copy !req
48. We'll sell this to babies
Mother of
Copy !req
49. We should put these in cribs.
Copy !req
50. That's not a half puny thought.
Copy !req
51. But for now, George Michael
Copy !req
52. would be keeping
the Juilliard thing confidential.
Copy !req
53. stays confidential from my dad.
Copy !req
54. He's never gonna want me to pursue
a career in—
Copy !req
55. - Hitting a block of wood.
- In music. Yes.
Copy !req
56. He still thinks of me
as the same George Michael that I was
Copy !req
57. before my life blew apart.
Copy !req
58. He was referring to this...
Copy !req
59. Before the world cracked me open
Copy !req
60. and I became the guy
that you're looking at now.
Copy !req
61. George Michael 2.0.
Copy !req
62. God, I hate my name.
Copy !req
63. Ironically, George Michael's Uncle Gob
Copy !req
64. was at that very moment
Copy !req
65. living the dream of a young,
successful musician.
Copy !req
66. He felt as if he were in the center
of an entourage,
Copy !req
67. even though he was three away
from the center at the closest,
Copy !req
68. and was 20 years older
Copy !req
69. than the young musician Mark Cherry,
Copy !req
70. whose dream it actually was.
Copy !req
71. Still, Gob's life had become
a blur of parties...
Copy !req
72. - ... and shame.
Copy !req
73. But Gob had a trick for helping him
forget the shame.
Copy !req
74. Unfortunately, it also helped him forget
that he tried to forget the shame.
Copy !req
75. Hey!
Copy !req
76. - And soon, Gob found himself
Copy !req
77. experiencing what, on the street,
is referred to...
Copy !req
78. - as a "roofie circle..."
- I won't forget this!
Copy !req
79. whereby a roofie is taken
the day after a degrading event...
Copy !req
80. too late to erase the memory
of the degrading event itself...
Copy !req
81. but not too late to erase the prior day's
attempt to erase the event.
Copy !req
82. Hey! Remember me?
Copy !req
83. Thus, with no memory
of taking the roofie...
Copy !req
84. Do you still sell these?
Copy !req
85. but the memory of the event
very much alive...
Copy !req
86. Oh, I should grab a, uh... Oh.
Copy !req
87. the victim of the roofie circle
finds himself constantly trying
Copy !req
88. - to re-erase the memory...
Copy !req
89. - Cállate.
Copy !req
90. but only succeeds in erasing the memory of the attempt to erase the memory.
Copy !req
91. Days turn into weeks,
weeks turn into months...
Copy !req
92. - Es tiempo.
Copy !req
93. as relationships grow testier.
Copy !req
94. And that's how Gob,
Copy !req
95. - instead of facing a little shame...
Copy !req
96. - ¡No! ¡No más!
- ... ended up in a Mexican hospital...
Copy !req
97. !
- ... with stage four syphilis.
Copy !req
98. Now, the story of what happened
Copy !req
99. when the one man
who was holding his family together
Copy !req
100. finally let go,
Copy !req
101. and the separate journeys
that eventually gave them no choice
Copy !req
102. but to come back together.
Copy !req
103. It's Arrested Development:
Fateful Consequences.
Copy !req
104. George Michael was frustrated
Copy !req
105. by the limitations of his musical gift.
Copy !req
106. Maybe using a band
to showcase my woodblock skill
Copy !req
107. is a dumb idea.
Copy !req
108. I'm never gonna be louder
than an electric guitar.
Copy !req
109. Too bad there's no such thing
as an electric woodblock.
Copy !req
110. Sounds like a mother of an invention.
Copy !req
111. And so they set to work
inventing a downloadable app
Copy !req
112. - that would be just that.
- You'll always have a woodblock with you.
Copy !req
113. I can't believe nobody's ever done this.
Copy !req
114. A quick something search
Copy !req
115. would have shown the guys
that there were already
Copy !req
116. three woodblock apps on the market.
Copy !req
117. So, there are three on the market.
Copy !req
118. which they did.
Copy !req
119. We are in the jungle.
Copy !req
120. But they were undeterred.
Copy !req
121. Download them. Come on, let's do it.
Copy !req
122. I hope we're not doing this
on my account.
Copy !req
123. No, we're doing it so we can see
what the competition is like.
Copy !req
124. No, I mean on my iTunes account.
Copy !req
125. - It's 99 cents.
- Times three.
Copy !req
126. But they did,
Copy !req
127. and soon they realized
what kind of competition
Copy !req
128. they were up against.
Copy !req
129. joke.
I know!
Copy !req
130. Where are the mallet options? There's
no choice of wood weight or grain type.
Copy !req
131. There's no diameter hole option.
Copy !req
132. What is this
Copy !req
133. - You know, the sharp metal box
Copy !req
134. that you put in a crib—
Is that not a well
Copy !req
135. In fact, it had only been used
on one other child,
Copy !req
136. and its claims of creating math prowess
Copy !req
137. were undermined by her own performance
in the field...
Copy !req
138. - Gonna need special tutoring.
- ... but also by the fact
Copy !req
139. she was currently in her fourth
senior year of high school.
Copy !req
140. But having lost her show business job...
Copy !req
141. You're fired.
Copy !req
142. Maeby would have to live off
her royalty checks until she graduated,
Copy !req
143. which is why she was soon forced
to sneak into the penthouse apartment
Copy !req
144. without her mother knowing.
Copy !req
145. Although, it's worth noting
that her mother
Copy !req
146. had also previously snuck
into the penthouse apartment
Copy !req
147. without her mother knowing.
Copy !req
148. - And as Maeby checked out the mail...
- Oh, my God!
Copy !req
149. her mother's ostrich was in heat
and eager to check out the female.
Copy !req
150. And the ostrich eventually found
what she thought was another ostrich.
Copy !req
151. Tobias, however, would shortly
be sneaking into the same penthouse
Copy !req
152. that his daughter, Maeby,
had moments earlier snuck out of.
Copy !req
153. The dream of a successful acting career
Copy !req
154. that Tobias shared with his
girlfriend DeBrie wasn't panning out.
Copy !req
155. Something was forced to admit
Copy !req
156. when the depths of DeBrie's
desperation for money...
Copy !req
157. We're broke.
Copy !req
158. became almost clear to him.
Copy !req
159. You can't sell
your Fantastic Four costume.
Copy !req
160. Somebody help!
Copy !req
161. - Lucille Two!
- And soon, the reward would be given
Copy !req
162. - to Lucille Two's hero.
- There's my hero!
Copy !req
163. You know the doctor said if that bird
Copy !req
164. had gotten through
my second layer of makeup, it could have done permanent damage
to my skin.
Copy !req
165. And I want to repay you.
Copy !req
166. You're a doctor. And you're out of work.
Copy !req
167. - Well—
Copy !req
168. At Austerity.
Copy !req
169. The rehab center
Copy !req
170. My brother Argyle runs it day to day,
but we are so understaffed.
Copy !req
171. You'd be such a gift.
Copy !req
172. It would only pay 120 grand a year
to start.
Copy !req
173. What do you say?
Copy !req
174. Tobias, whose girlfriend had nearly
sold her body in front of him...
Copy !req
175. knew that everyone at some time
has to give up an old dream.
Copy !req
176. Eh... Mm... Eh...
Copy !req
177. - But this wasn't the time.
- No.
Copy !req
178. Gob had a dream, too.
Copy !req
179. Of partying and picking up girls.
Copy !req
180. See, I told you I knew him.
Copy !req
181. Can I get a picture with him
to show my five
Copy !req
182. But it was old too.
Copy !req
183. Granddaughter.
Copy !req
184. Oh, yeah.
Copy !req
185. Or at least, it had become old...
Copy !req
186. - Run. Run!
- ... to the man who'd made it possible.
Copy !req
187. Getaway.
Copy !req
188. But George Michael's music dream
was in full flower...
Copy !req
189. Woodblock.
Copy !req
190. Unavailable.
- It's taken.
Copy !req
191. as he finished an app
he decided to call...
Copy !req
192. - Blockwood.
Also unavailable.
Copy !req
193. - It's taken.
- BlockBlock.
Copy !req
194. No. People are gonna think we're
in the chicken noise business.
Copy !req
195. - You know.
Copy !req
196. Look, it's kind of hard to do
in these matador pants, but you know...
Copy !req
197. Block—
Copy !req
198. FakeBlock is available.
Would you like to take it?
Copy !req
199. Okay. They have FakeBlock.
Copy !req
200. Okay, yes, we'll take that.
Copy !req
201. - That will be $5000.
- That's no problem.
Copy !req
202. Could you hang on to that for me, please,
and I'll call you back. Thank you.
Copy !req
203. It's $5,000 for the domain name,
Copy !req
204. and then there's this whole
XML website fee.
Copy !req
205. I got the last one.
Copy !req
206. That was 99 cents.
Copy !req
207. Times three!
Copy !req
208. That's what led George Michael
to the Student Employment Office.
Copy !req
209. We actually have a variety of subjects
Copy !req
210. that high school students
need tutoring in.
Copy !req
211. Take a look at that list and let me know
if there's anything
Copy !req
212. that you've handled before.
Copy !req
213. There was.
Copy !req
214. Although George Michael couldn't imagine
it was the same Maeby.
Copy !req
215. Is this F in "Maeby F" her last name
or her grade?
Copy !req
216. It's her last name.
But her most recent grade is...
Copy !req
217. Well, this just shows
an Elvis Presley head.
Copy !req
218. So, that bad?
Copy !req
219. I'll take her.
Copy !req
220. Stay on top of her.
You need to ride her pretty hard.
Copy !req
221. Don't be afraid to crack the whip.
Copy !req
222. - Hey, you must be—
George Michael's new dream
Copy !req
223. had been replaced with an old one.
Copy !req
224. What is this?
Copy !req
225. I can't wear this.
Copy !req
226. Well, we dated for a while,
but, you know, I was a kid,
Copy !req
227. and I didn't know how to kiss yet.
Copy !req
228. I don't know, for whatever reason,
I listened to my dad,
Copy !req
229. who said we shouldn't make it work.
Copy !req
230. No.
Copy !req
231. Why would your mind go right to— No.
Copy !req
232. It's just, he was right. We were kids.
Copy !req
233. I wasn't yet O.S. -"Overtly Sexual."
- Right.
Copy !req
234. As I live and breathe.
Copy !req
235. Crazy. That's just crazy.
Copy !req
236. - Okay, so listen...
Copy !req
237. after I let her in, you go
and try and keep my dad out. All right?
Copy !req
238. I can't let him get in the way
of this one.
Copy !req
239. Hey, you must be—
Copy !req
240. But first, he had to cover his tracks.
Copy !req
241. - This had to look like fate.
Copy !req
242. What is this?
Copy !req
243. As I live and breathe...
Copy !req
244. But for the phrase,
"As I live and breathe," he nailed it.
Copy !req
245. - I'm supposed to tutor a kid from—
- High school. Yeah.
Copy !req
246. - That's me.
- Crazy.
Copy !req
247. That is just crazy.
Copy !req
248. And despite his deceit,
Copy !req
249. he couldn't help but challenge
her strategy for staying in high school.
Copy !req
250. You have to make a living, right?
Don't you need an education?
Copy !req
251. - Don't forget, I'm a Harris.
Copy !req
252. Yeah, someone who "in-harris"
a lot of money.
Copy !req
253. Oh, an "heiress." Yeah, well...
Copy !req
254. I wouldn't put all my ands in that basket.
Copy !req
255. You know, it's fine. You don't get it.
You've never been a risk-taker.
Copy !req
256. I like to with people.
That's what I do.
Copy !req
257. - I'm making a statement.
I love it.
Copy !req
258. I knew you were cool
when I saw you wearing that shirt.
Copy !req
259. It seemed George Michael
Copy !req
260. wasn't the only deceitful one
in the double castle.
Copy !req
261. I get it too.
Copy !req
262. I love it too.
Copy !req
263. George Michael found himself
less overtly sexual than he'd hoped.
Copy !req
264. I made a 40-year-old woman cry in Spain.
Copy !req
265. I love making love to Spanish women.
Copy !req
266. Get out.
Copy !req
267. And with his roommate gone,
Copy !req
268. George Michael slipped back
into seduction mode.
Copy !req
269. So... a man, a woman.
Copy !req
270. Let's solve for "X."
Copy !req
271. I don't know you're talking about.
Copy !req
272. In algebra, you have an unknown element,
and we call it "X,"
Copy !req
273. and then you have to solve for it
to find out what number X is.
Copy !req
274. "X" isn't a number.
Copy !req
275. You don't even really know... the basic...
Copy !req
276. But in that moment, the urge
to educate her was more powerful
Copy !req
277. - than the urge to kiss her.
- Let me show you real quick.
Copy !req
278. So if you take something like this:
"3x+1 = 10"...
Copy !req
279. And with the algebra lesson complete,
Copy !req
280. George Michael pivoted back
to his overtly sexual seduction.
Copy !req
281. When I say, "You and me and a bedroom,
Copy !req
282. let's solve for 'X,'" um...
Copy !req
283. I'm stating it as a kind of formula.
Copy !req
284. Yeah, let's get wasted.
Let's drink that formula.
Copy !req
285. It's not that kind of formula.
Copy !req
286. I'll show you what a formula is
real quick, 'cause that's very important.
Copy !req
287. - Gonna wanna...
Copy !req
288. - But when the door opened...
- Dad!
Copy !req
289. George Michael's
window of opportunity closed.
Copy !req
290. - P-Hound is yanking our chain again.
- Uncle Michael!
Copy !req
291. Oh, my God!
- And after a brief reunion,
Copy !req
292. - George Michael had another opportunity...
Copy !req
293. - ... to impress his cousin.
- No.
Copy !req
294. He's got this privacy software.
Keeps people from stealing your stuff.
Copy !req
295. Tell her, pal.
Copy !req
296. So, it's privacy software
that's also anti
Copy !req
297. George Michael weighed his options.
Copy !req
298. Maeby had chastised him
for not taking risks,
Copy !req
299. and what would be a bigger risk
than perpetuating a lie about software
Copy !req
300. just to ignite the passions of a woman?
Copy !req
301. Of course it would be a lie,
Copy !req
302. and since Maeby wouldn't know
it was a lie,
Copy !req
303. he wouldn't appear to be taking a risk.
Copy !req
304. Perhaps the bigger risk
was to tell his father he was lying.
Copy !req
305. That he came up with it
because he wanted his father to leave
Copy !req
306. so he could enjoy what remained
of his senior year.
Copy !req
307. After all, he wondered, wouldn't that be
the course of action taken
Copy !req
308. by an overtly sexual man?
Copy !req
309. A man who owns a pair of matador pants?
Copy !req
310. He had not responded now for 41 seconds,
Copy !req
311. according to his unfailing internal clock,
Copy !req
312. and it was time to come clean.
Copy !req
313. Well, thanks. Yeah.
It's just a Boolean-driven aggregation
Copy !req
314. of what programmers call "hacker traps."
Copy !req
315. And he found himself suddenly
and effortlessly
Copy !req
316. tapping into a long inbred instinct
for lying.
Copy !req
317. A Bluth taking his first steps in deceit.
Copy !req
318. And she seemed to be impressed.
Copy !req
319. But to close the deal,
he couldn't lie to himself any longer.
Copy !req
320. There was someone he needed to get away.
Copy !req
321. It's called FakeBlock.
Copy !req
322. His father.
Copy !req
323. Mark Cherry also had someone
he needed to get away.
Copy !req
324. Yeah, just like that.
Copy !req
325. But the lyrics were too subtle
for Gob to notice.
Copy !req
326. It's worth noting that Maeby
wasn't impressed
Copy !req
327. with the software George Michael
had lied about.
Copy !req
328. Can I get a Crown 12 neat,
water back.
Copy !req
329. She was depressed.
Copy !req
330. I gotta start bringing some cash in,
you know?
Copy !req
331. Everyone's just passing me by.
Copy !req
332. George Michael, Kitty Sanchez...
Copy !req
333. Drinks for the house.
Copy !req
334. This guy?
Copy !req
335. These guys are making a fortune
Copy !req
336. off that To Entrap a Local Predator show
they're on.
Copy !req
337. And although she did briefly pursue
Copy !req
338. - a job in show business...
Copy !req
339. she soon felt worse when she saw
her supposedly 17-year-old boyfriend...
Copy !req
340. Isn't this guy a little too young
to be in here?
Copy !req
341. No, he's with us.
Copy !req
342. had a better one.
Copy !req
343. You fitting in at the high school?
- He's a cop.
Copy !req
344. They accepting you?
Copy !req
345. But George Michael ended up...
Copy !req
346. It's a fake profile that leads hackers
away from your actual data.
Copy !req
347. - ... with a great idea for software.
- I mean, think about it.
Copy !req
348. Everyone has something that
they want removed from the internet.
Copy !req
349. George Michael certainly did.
Copy !req
350. Oh, my God.
Copy !req
351. If we could make something like that,
it could be bigger than Facebook.
Copy !req
352. Who wouldn't want something like that?
Think you can do it?
Copy !req
353. - No.
- No, of course not.
Copy !req
354. No. I mean—
Copy !req
355. This is my chance with Maeby,
and I can't even get rid of my own father.
Copy !req
356. What if we just did a vote?
Copy !req
357. Just the roommates.
Copy !req
358. We do a quick vote,
and it's, "Ciao, father-o."
Copy !req
359. He's gonna know who voted against him.
Copy !req
360. - Not if I get him to vote against himself.
Copy !req
361. Why would he do that?
Copy !req
362. He wouldn't. I was just leaning back
so it looked like I—
Copy !req
363. I got this chair again, didn't I?
Copy !req
364. Maybe I just need to be clear, and say,
"I'm putting up a wall.
Copy !req
365. We need to rework our whole system here."
Copy !req
366. Sounds like you guys are working
on your privacy software, huh?
Copy !req
367. And long story short,
Copy !req
368. Michael did end up thinking
the voting out a roommate idea
Copy !req
369. was his own.
Copy !req
370. And it's, "Adios, broth-iero."
Copy !req
371. It cannot fail.
Copy !req
372. - That was fun.
Copy !req
373. He kind of always looks that way.
Copy !req
374. Gob was about to be betrayed as well,
Copy !req
375. for that night, Mark Cherry and his entourage
Copy !req
376. were quickly going out for the evening.
Copy !req
377. Hurry, before he sees us. Come on.
Copy !req
378. - But, not quickly enough.
Copy !req
379. I'll drive, I just gotta
put my my sick bees in the trunk.
Copy !req
380. Whoa! I can't be near bees.
I wrote a whole song about it.
Copy !req
381. It seems that Malibu
wasn't the only colony
Copy !req
382. that was collapsing on Gob.
Copy !req
383. You've gotta get your bees out of here.
They're sick.
Copy !req
384. They're gonna collapse the whole colony.
Copy !req
385. Did you tell him about the sick bees?
Copy !req
386. Jesus, I just said that!
Copy !req
387. You're late to the party again!
Copy !req
388. What am I supposed to do with sick bees?
Copy !req
389. You know, I don't really care.
I got problems of my own.
Copy !req
390. I saw you pointing.
Copy !req
391. Yeah, you saw that.
Copy !req
392. But you didn't see the tumor on my neck
six months ago, did you?
Copy !req
393. Your venemous hatred has killed my bees.
Copy !req
394. Perhaps this was the moment
Copy !req
395. that Gob could sense the tide was turning.
Copy !req
396. It's my fault, guys. I made a big mistake.
Copy !req
397. In an effort to prove
he provided a valuable service...
Copy !req
398. - ... Gob stopped in front of a club
Copy !req
399. - to pick up some women...
Oh, ladies!
Copy !req
400. where, moments earlier,
Tobias shared with DeBrie
Copy !req
401. that Lucille Two had offered him
Copy !req
402. - a valuable job.
Copy !req
403. - Mm-hmm.
a guy for a hamburger,
Copy !req
404. and you turned down 120,000 a year?
Copy !req
405. To keep our dream alive, yes, I did.
Copy !req
406. - I thought you'd be proud of me.
You're worse than Marky.
Copy !req
407. He couldn't see me, but you can't hear me.
Copy !req
408. The setback sent
an emotionally fragile DeBrie
Copy !req
409. back to her old ways,
Copy !req
410. including a night of being passed around
amongst Hollywood creeps.
Copy !req
411. Who wants to party with Mark Cherry?
Copy !req
412. - Which is how Gob...
Copy !req
413. kept his old dream alive, after all.
Copy !req
414. That's one forget-me-not saved,
huh, fellas?
Copy !req
415. - Ah, looks like we got a real live one.
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416. By "live," I mean barely alive.
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417. But a dream can also be a trap.
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418. All right, guys. What have we got?
Copy !req
419. It's quiet out there.
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420. We, uh, we better be ready.
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421. Yeah. I'm a man.
Don't make it look like makeup.
Copy !req
422. Car.
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423. Is that guy one of ours?
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424. Look at the license plate.
Copy !req
425. Looks like we got ourselves an Anus Tart.
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426. Yes, Tobias had hit rock bottom...
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427. Hey. It's Big Daddy.
Copy !req
428. I thought I'd try to call you
before I surprised you.
Copy !req
429. Things are...
Copy !req
430. really looking up,
Copy !req
431. Damn it. What Sudden Valley does
to these cell phones.
Copy !req
432. and was finally ready
to reconnect with his family.
Copy !req
433. Anus Tart is turning on Tracy Lane.
Copy !req
434. He's peeping up George Michael.
Copy !req
435. All right, guys,
let's entrap a local predator.
Copy !req
436. Who, what, when, where, why, and how.
Copy !req
437. Who, what, where, when, why, and how.
Who, what, when, where?
Copy !req
438. Anus Tart is approaching...
Copy !req
439. And Tobias' dream of finally
getting to be in a TV show...
Copy !req
440. - ... was finally coming true.
Copy !req
441. Is there a little girl here
all by herself?
Copy !req
442. And perhaps it was this
that would finally get him to admit
Copy !req
443. that he sometimes did speak...
Copy !req
444. Daddy needs to get his rocks off.
Copy !req
445. in a misleading way.
Copy !req
446. On the next Arrested Development:
Fateful Consequences...
Copy !req
447. - Gob's dream becomes a trap too.
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448. - Take off your—
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449. - Take off your—
Copy !req
450. - We're having a good time.
- We're having a great time.
Copy !req
451. - Yeah.
Copy !req
452. You know what would be really cool?
If you shut the partition.
Copy !req
453. It'd be like, uh... like a joke.
Copy !req
454. Like you're our limo driver
and we don't want to talk to you.
Copy !req
455. That would be hilarious, right?
Yes, very good, sir.
Copy !req
456. - Very good.
Copy !req
457. Right?
Copy !req
458. Be like, "Eh, I'm just driving
the Queen of England.
Copy !req
459. But we're still taking our clothes off."
Copy !req
460. And excluding Gob allows this to happen.
Copy !req
461. What's stashed in here?
Copy !req
462. "A lot of traffic out here today,
Miss Daisy."
Copy !req
463. On the plus side,
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464. Gob's bees end up feeling good enough
to sting again.
Copy !req
465. On the next To Entrap A Local Predator...
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466. Predator gets its first rock solid case.
Copy !req
467. Have some lemonade!
Copy !req
468. Pretty good lemonade, huh?
Copy !req
469. It is. Is there alcohol in—
Copy !req
470. - John Beard.
Copy !req
471. I'm here to see my little girl.
I wanted to show her Daddy's thing.
Copy !req
472. - Okay.
- So it's your daughter you're here to see.
Copy !req
473. Yes.
Copy !req
474. Maeby.
Copy !req
475. Well, you're free to go. She's not here.
Copy !req
476. But this creep
won't take "go" for an answer.
Copy !req
477. That's all right, I'll stay. I'll wait.
Copy !req
478. And this creep makes himself
right at home.
Copy !req
479. Give me a minute.
Copy !req
480. - He's not leaving.
- He's not leaving.
Copy !req
481. He's not leaving.
Copy !req
482. Tell him there's a raccoon
in the backyard.
Copy !req
483. Guess what?
There's a raccoon on the patio.
Copy !req
484. Bull
Copy !req
485. Where is that little guy?
Copy !req
486. And this guy turns out to be
a real comedian.
Copy !req
487. I just broke my skull in a fourth place.
Copy !req
488. The patio! Oh...
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