1. Wait, here's an idea:
Copy !req
2. you talk louder, and maybe
they'll just come to us.
Copy !req
3. We'd lose the
element of surprise Lana.
Copy !req
4. That was sarcasm!
Copy !req
5. No way, really?
Copy !req
6. Because so was that, just now.
Copy !req
7. I pretty much
insist that you shut up.
Copy !req
8. Oh shit, they're in the armory.
Copy !req
9. Good, then we got 'em,
this is the only way out.
Copy !req
10. Of the armory.
Copy !req
11. I heard you.
Copy !req
12. And I can also read, so —
So what's in the armory?
Copy !req
13. Burglars, Lana, that's
why I'm here and not up
Copy !req
14. to my ears in stewardess.
Copy !req
15. What else is in the armory.
Copy !req
16. Well, there's a bunch of automatic
weapons, rocket launchers, um,
Copy !req
17. about a jillion grenades, oh.
Copy !req
18. They may have fire superiority.
Copy !req
19. Ya think?
Copy !req
20. Lana, for all we know they're building
a gundam-suit with bazookas for hands.
Copy !req
21. Really wish we had some backup.
Copy !req
22. Who, Cyril?
Copy !req
23. Or ooh, maybe Ray could run
over them with his wheelchair!
Copy !req
24. That was also sarcasm, since apparently
now we're saying whenever we do it.
Copy !req
25. - Are you ready?
- No.
Copy !req
26. Sarcasm again, yes I'm ready.
Copy !req
27. What the hell are you doing?
Copy !req
28. - Nothing!
- Archer!
Copy !req
29. What! The hell are you doing?
Copy !req
30. Nothin. What're y'all doing?
Copy !req
31. The alarm company called us because
the motion sensors were going off.
Copy !req
32. Dukes!
Copy !req
33. Yeah, the rest of us got new
keycodes Monday, but you were...
Copy !req
34. where was it?
Copy !req
35. Physical therapy.
Copy !req
36. For your limp, useless legs.
Copy !req
37. Well it's obviously working,
you're on a — wait a minute!
Copy !req
38. How the hell are you walking
around on ladders?
Copy !req
39. Because he's not paralyzed!
Copy !req
40. And is that not
the stuff of miracles?
Copy !req
41. You lying little —
I never said I was paralyzed!
Copy !req
42. Y'all just assumed I was!
Copy !req
43. Because you left the
hospital in a wheelchair!
Copy !req
44. They make you!
Copy !req
45. And then I couldn't get a cab, so I
just got back in the chair, and...
Copy !req
46. Spent the last six months
pretending to be handicapped.
Copy !req
47. Handi-capable.
Copy !req
48. So before I kick this
ladder over in the hopes of
Copy !req
49. paralyzing you for real, why
are you in here stealing
Copy !req
50. guns and grenades and what better
not be my night vision goggles?
Copy !req
51. I kinda have
some family problems.
Copy !req
52. So your brother, the drug dealer—
He's not a drug dealer!
Copy !req
53. He's a drug farmer.
Copy !req
54. Whatever, is gonna be murdered
by your hometown's crooked sheriff?
Copy !req
55. E.Z. Ponder, yes, and he used
to bully me so bad in high school...
Copy !req
56. Nooo!
Copy !req
57. Ray, that was sarcasm.
Copy !req
58. Anyway, he wants
Randy's dope farm for
Copy !req
59. himself or he's gonna kill him, so I
gotta go down there and... stop him.
Copy !req
60. - Count me in.
- What? Why?
Copy !req
61. Well for one thing it's eerily
similar to the plot of White Lightning.
Copy !req
62. And this is Ray's brother, Lana.
Copy !req
63. What's more important than family?
Copy !req
64. Getting hammered on moonshine and
trying to bang skanky trailer-chicks?
Copy !req
65. Trying?
Copy !req
66. Oh, that reminds me.
Copy !req
67. - They all think I'm married to like,
a woman, so... - Oh alright,
Copy !req
68. I'll be your beard.
Copy !req
69. What're you, insane?
Copy !req
70. "Hey y'all, here's my great
big ol' black wife!"
Copy !req
71. Wh-?
- Lana, c'mon.
Copy !req
72. You're gigantic.
Copy !req
73. Now what's all this nonsense
about a break-in last night?
Copy !req
74. I swear to God, if Krieger was doing more
of his — what's his new awful thing?
Copy !req
75. Ultimate Bum Shockfights, and no,
it looks like it was an actual break-in.
Copy !req
76. - What?
- Jeezy Petes!
Copy !req
77. Did they get
into the mainframe?
Copy !req
78. I... don't know, but —
We need Sterling, where is he?
Copy !req
79. He's tracking down, um, leads.
Copy !req
80. From the clues.
Copy !req
81. That there were some of.
Copy !req
82. What kind of clues?
Copy !req
83. The kind I'm gonna show
you, if you're not too busy
Copy !req
84. shutting up to come on.
Copy !req
85. And put Sterling through
to me the minute he calls in!
Copy !req
86. Which I guess will be never...
So, are there just no towers here?
Copy !req
87. Or have we literally gone back in time?
Copy !req
88. Both?
Copy !req
89. Ow, you dumb idiot!
Copy !req
90. - Great... Great...
- Why am I in a,
Copy !req
91. whatever, dune buggy?
Copy !req
92. Remember? We picked you up last
night, said we were going on a trip?
Copy !req
93. No, and to where?
Copy !req
94. Six Flags Over The Shittier
Parts of Chernobyl?
Copy !req
95. Ferlin, West Virginia.
Copy !req
96. Yeah, and you
and Ray are married.
Copy !req
97. Oh my God
oh my God oh my God!
Copy !req
98. We're not actually —
Actually it'll be better if she thinks —
Copy !req
99. - We're marrieeeeed...
- Super.
Copy !req
100. Ray, look out!
Copy !req
101. Wh-?
Copy !req
102. is that the sheriff, and have
you recently gone insane.
Copy !req
103. Yes and no.
Copy !req
104. Respectively?
Copy !req
105. Now I know that ain't
who I think it is!
Copy !req
106. No shit! Ray Gillet!
Copy !req
107. - Gillet?
- How'n the hell are ya?
Copy !req
108. Pretty good, E.Z.
How you doin?
Copy !req
109. Aw, can't complain.
Copy !req
110. And nobody'd listen if I did!
Copy !req
111. I hear that.
Copy !req
112. You hear what.
Copy !req
113. Not?
Copy !req
114. That?
Copy !req
115. What brings you
back up the holler?
Copy !req
116. Oh you know, just wanted to show
off my pretty new bride to the home folks.
Copy !req
117. She is that.
Copy !req
118. For a minute there I's thinkin
maybe you come back to help yer
Copy !req
119. brother out with his...
business concern.
Copy !req
120. Naw, just back for a visit.
Copy !req
121. Well, make
sure it's a short one.
Copy !req
122. 'Cause believe me when I tell you,
ain't nothin you can do to help him.
Copy !req
123. Y'all drive safe now, hear?
Copy !req
124. Man, is it me or
is he super-menacing?
Copy !req
125. Or super-hot?
Copy !req
126. Hey! Remember?
Copy !req
127. We're married?
Copy !req
128. Not until
it's consummated.
Copy !req
129. I'll drive if you wanna
hop back there and um enter her.
Copy !req
130. So not only is Ray not paralyzed,
but his brother is a drug dealer —
Copy !req
131. Farmer. And he and
Archer are in West Virginia doing...
Copy !req
132. what the heck are they doing?
Copy !req
133. Fighting a war
on the war on drugs?
Copy !req
134. God damn it.
Copy !req
135. What, you shoulda
looked under the stalls!
Copy !req
136. I did!
Copy !req
137. - Wait, I did...
- Yeah, I usually put my feet up on the grab bars.
Copy !req
138. Ugh, anyway, this is
all obviously unauthorized,
Copy !req
139. - but I promised Ray we'd cover for him, so...
- Oh, no!
Copy !req
140. I'm not getting mixed up in this,
and if Ms. Archer asks me —
Copy !req
141. Why is it...
That every time I need to use the restroom,
Copy !req
142. you people are in here skulking
around looking guilty?
Copy !req
143. - Uh...
- I'll tell you why they look guilty...
Copy !req
144. Because they, or we I
guess, don't know how to tell
Copy !req
145. you that the break-in was a
lot worse than we thought.
Copy !req
146. How much worse?
Copy !req
147. - Uh, well, it's really hard to say...
- But rest assured we are on
Copy !req
148. it, and Archer is on it, and...
we're on it.
Copy !req
149. Well I want an
update in one hour!
Copy !req
150. And why does it always reek of paint?
Copy !req
151. Well, there she is...
The old homestead.
Copy !req
152. Jesus, what's my dowry?
Copy !req
153. Tenus?
Copy !req
154. Ya know what?
Copy !req
155. That's
far enough, you sonsabitches!
Copy !req
156. Randy, it's me! Ray!
Copy !req
157. Your brother!
Copy !req
158. Don't you move.
Copy !req
159. Don't move a inch.
Copy !req
160. Wh-?
What do you mean "don't move"?
Copy !req
161. I came home to help, you asshole!
Copy !req
162. Well you ain't gonna be much
help with your legs blown off.
Copy !req
163. There's mines all in the yard.
Copy !req
164. Ray, to be honest, I'm having
second thoughts about this whole thing —
Copy !req
165. Get in line.
Copy !req
166. Randy Gillet,
where are your manners?
Copy !req
167. Get these folks the map of that damn
minefield so they can come inside.
Copy !req
168. - I got some nice hot pie for 'em...
- Okay, now I'm having third thoughts.
Copy !req
169. Please don't.
Copy !req
170. It would be rude
not to eat her pie.
Copy !req
171. Which I assume is not
only hot but also moist.
Copy !req
172. Although hopefully not flaky.
Copy !req
173. And so E.Z. gimme a choice.
Copy !req
174. Give him my whole dang operation and
get outta the holler by sundown,
Copy !req
175. or else him and his boys'll just take
it, and grind me up into fertilizer.
Copy !req
176. Well —
But listen to me, just yappin.
Copy !req
177. Tell me bout this pretty
new wife of yours!
Copy !req
178. 'Cause I'm kinda surprised
to see you married.
Copy !req
179. Homeboy knows what I'm talking about!
Copy !req
180. He does?
Copy !req
181. A New York City
interior decorator?
Copy !req
182. That's what you went with?
Copy !req
183. Betcher up to
yer eyeballs in poontang!
Copy !req
184. Oh.
Yeah, just so many vaginas.
Copy !req
185. - No offense, darlin...
- None taken.
Copy !req
186. - Want s'more of my pie, Mr. Archer?
- No!
Copy !req
187. Yes! Thank you, Janelle, I would
love more of your moist and hot pie.
Copy !req
188. - Well then open wiiide...
- Folks, we can't set
Copy !req
189. around eatin her pie all day.
Copy !req
190. We got a situation here.
Copy !req
191. So Krieger's running the
logs to see if any files were
Copy !req
192. accessed last night.
Copy !req
193. - Who the hell could have done this?
- Who knows? ODIN, the KGB, um...
Copy !req
194. Actually—
But this'll take hours so
Copy !req
195. we'll just bring you a
report when he's done!
Copy !req
196. Actually —
Copy !req
197. More type, less gripe.
Copy !req
198. And has anyone
heard from Sterling?
Copy !req
199. No, yes!
Copy !req
200. He's out... on the case.
Copy !req
201. Well, I want
some answers, and soon.
Copy !req
202. And since there's
nothing in these logs,
Copy !req
203. I too would like some answers.
Copy !req
204. - So, here's the thing...
- If I can just get what I
Copy !req
205. got to my distributor, I can retire.
Copy !req
206. Maybe move up to New
York City with you.
Copy !req
207. I — what, where, do what?
Copy !req
208. I'm kiddin.
Copy !req
209. Last thing you want's your redneck
brother hangin around...
Copy !req
210. No, it's not that, it's —
Plus I'd rather kill myself.
Copy !req
211. Nothin up there but a
buncha you-know-whats.
Copy !req
212. There are a lot of 'em.
Copy !req
213. Don't see how you stand it.
Copy !req
214. - Anyhow...
- Dude.
Copy !req
215. Awesome.
Copy !req
216. Sweet gracious God.
Copy !req
217. This here's what E.Z.
Copy !req
218. wants.
Copy !req
219. - How did you afford all this?
- Farm subsidy.
Copy !req
220. He told the government he's growin
corn, for that high-flooktose syrup.
Copy !req
221. But damned if I'm gonna
contribute to the obesity epidemic.
Copy !req
222. A man's gotta have a code.
Copy !req
223. Right?
Copy !req
224. I put my heart and soul into this,
but now it's either roll over
Copy !req
225. for that sheriff like a dog, or fight.
Copy !req
226. Like a different, better dog.
Copy !req
227. So is it just E.Z.
Copy !req
228. coming, or —
No, the whole sheriff's department.
Copy !req
229. I'd say twenty men, AR-15's,
maybe grenades, uh... oh, dogs.
Copy !req
230. Duh.
Copy !req
231. Ray, I'm having
fourth thoughts.
Copy !req
232. Well I got a few
tricks up my sleeve.
Copy !req
233. Janelle, why dontcha take Mr. Archer
and show him the defensive perimeter.
Copy !req
234. - I'd be delighted...
- No, no, wait a second —
Copy !req
235. - Fifth thoughts!
- Archer!
Copy !req
236. Don't worry, she won't bite.
Copy !req
237. But speakin of, it's about suppertime.
Copy !req
238. You still partial to fried chicken?
Copy !req
239. I —
I'll cook it!
Copy !req
240. If somebody shaves it or whatever.
Copy !req
241. What in the...?
Copy !req
242. Janelle? Janelle!
Copy !req
243. Randy! Wait!
Copy !req
244. Dukes!
Copy !req
245. So is there like,
special chickenshaving cream, or...?
Copy !req
246. I — first of
all, that's a rooster!
Copy !req
247. Yeah, like Kenny Rogers' Roosters —
Copy !req
248. Randy, wait!
Copy !req
249. Bawk bawk.
Copy !req
250. And just what
the hell is this?
Copy !req
251. Well, I'll tell you what it's
not, which is, um, what it looks like.
Copy !req
252. I got caught on the fence, then
Mr. Archer tried to get me loose, and —
Copy !req
253. You better git
yer ass in that house.
Copy !req
254. Do you wanna have sex with my wife?
Copy !req
255. No I swear, this was just an extremely
unlikely mishap with the barbed wire.
Copy !req
256. 'Cause we would be
amenable to that. Well?
Copy !req
257. Why you look so nonplussed?
Copy !req
258. Because I wasn't sure if you
knew what amenable actually meant.
Copy !req
259. Until you followed it
up with nonplussed.
Copy !req
260. See, me and Janelle got
us one of them open marriages?
Copy !req
261. Like in France?
Copy !req
262. Oh right, in Europe.
Copy !req
263. And I would really like that open
marriage to include Ray's new wife.
Copy !req
264. What?
Copy !req
265. - Now look, that's in the bible.
- Really?
Copy !req
266. - Genesis thirty-eight, verse eight.
- Really?
Copy !req
267. But even though Ray used
to be a preacher he was never
Copy !req
268. big on the Old Testament —
I could see that.
Copy !req
269. So I doubt he'd
wanna reciprocate.
Copy !req
270. So I just need you to keep him busy
while I have sex with his wife...
Copy !req
271. And then I get to have sex with—
My wife, you son of a bitch!
Copy !req
272. Yeah, I think I got —
So where the hell's your damn pants?
Copy !req
273. They're on the fence.
Copy !req
274. Goddammit, Archer!
Copy !req
275. Wait, hang on —
Archer shut up!
Copy !req
276. Ray, he was — and poor Janelle
was — I gotta go make sure she's okay!
Copy !req
277. And you better have a talk with him!
Copy !req
278. I will, Randy, I'm sorry.
Copy !req
279. A good long talk.
Copy !req
280. Like, talk for about forty,
forty-five minutes.
Copy !req
281. Okay, so —
Copy !req
282. I have never, in my entire life, been
as disgusted as I am at this moment.
Copy !req
283. - Well, give it a minute...
- What do you mean, a cyber-attack?
Copy !req
284. Apparently the uders downloaded
a virus into the mainframe...
Copy !req
285. So this all needs to come out.
Copy !req
286. The mainframe is
like Krieger's baby.
Copy !req
287. How'd you get him to go in on this?
Copy !req
288. I told him I'd get Pam to fight
in his Ultimate Bum Shockfights.
Copy !req
289. Is it called that because paying
homeless men to fight is shocking?
Copy !req
290. Noop.
Copy !req
291. Well, hello there, game-changer.
Copy !req
292. He what?
Copy !req
293. Yeah, apparently
it's in the bible?
Copy !req
294. No, it isn't!
Copy !req
295. It did sound too
cool for the bible.
Copy !req
296. But why do you care?
Copy !req
297. A, you're gay, and B, you and
Carol aren't really married.
Copy !req
298. But Randy thinks we are!
Copy !req
299. Yeah, but — that's
actually a really good point.
Copy !req
300. I'm gonna beat
him like a rented mule!
Copy !req
301. Now that sounds like
something from the bible.
Copy !req
302. - She in there?
- Yeah, where's mine at?
Copy !req
303. Up'n the woods with Ray.
Copy !req
304. You gotta wait til later,
maybe after supper.
Copy !req
305. Remember, no kissing.
Copy !req
306. I was — that
is the wierdest rule.
Copy !req
307. I know, right?
Copy !req
308. Some honeymoon.
Copy !req
309. Oh hey, do I do the face?
Copy !req
310. And where the hell
is Sterling when I need him?
Copy !req
311. You've reached
Sterling Archer's voicemail.
Copy !req
312. Please leave a message.
Copy !req
313. Wh-?
Finally, a non-idiotic greeting!
Copy !req
314. Sterling, I want an update, so call
me the instant you get this mess —
Copy !req
315. - The voice mailbox of...
- Sterling Archer.
Copy !req
316. is full. Goodbye.
Copy !req
317. Idiot.
Copy !req
318. C'mere, you
skinny-legged sumbitch!
Copy !req
319. Oh! Sorry.
Copy !req
320. That's okay, they're
not my best feature.
Copy !req
321. No, I was —
Not important.
Copy !req
322. What is important is that
Randy gave me a bible lesson?
Copy !req
323. Yeah?
Copy !req
324. And what'd the bible say?
Copy !req
325. Well, Janelle, obviously
the actual scripture
Copy !req
326. is open to interpretation, but
what I took away from it,
Copy !req
327. is that we should go in the barn
and screw our brains out on a
Copy !req
328. huge pile of marijuana.
Copy !req
329. It didn't say nothin
about a rubber, did it?
Copy !req
330. It did not!
Copy !req
331. Ray's still up
in the woods, right?
Copy !req
332. Uh... oh.
Copy !req
333. No, he actually said he wanted to talk to —
Copy !req
334. Whoa whoa whoa
now hang on a second!
Copy !req
335. You wife-swappin white trash piece of —
Ray, no!
Copy !req
336. Randy!
Copy !req
337. Yes. Randy.
Copy !req
338. Which I probably should've
mentioned earlier.
Copy !req
339. Don't judge me.
Copy !req
340. Food.
Copy !req
341. You lucky I didn't kill you.
Copy !req
342. You're lucky
I didn't kill you!
Copy !req
343. While you were in bed with my wife!
Copy !req
344. Our marriage
was never consummated!
Copy !req
345. - And I think we all know why...
- Stop!
Copy !req
346. Carol! Look, there's
plenty of blame to go around here.
Copy !req
347. I mean, I don't think I deserve any, but—
You were gonna screw her!
Copy !req
348. Yeah so, is
that still on, or...?
Copy !req
349. Wh-?
Copy !req
350. Carol? Wh-?
Copy !req
351. Well, somebody.
C'mon, promises were made.
Copy !req
352. Just like you promised Mama'n
Deddy you'd always take care of me!
Copy !req
353. And here we go!
Copy !req
354. But they weren't even
cold in the ground before you
Copy !req
355. were galivantin around Europe!
Copy !req
356. It was the Olympics!
Copy !req
357. Which you lost!
Copy !req
358. Bronze medal! Is not losing!
Copy !req
359. And then it was
off to New York City!
Copy !req
360. You can just say New York.
Copy !req
361. To be a hoity-toity
interior decorator!
Copy !req
362. You can just say decorator.
Copy !req
363. Whatever, I don't know why I
thought he could help save my farm!
Copy !req
364. Because your job?
Copy !req
365. That's a job for sissies!
Copy !req
366. Oh yeah?
Copy !req
367. Well guess what!
Copy !req
368. Ray!
Copy !req
369. Is not an interior decorator.
Copy !req
370. I — no, ya know what?
Copy !req
371. Yes, shut up.
Copy !req
372. Randy, your seemingly effeminate
brother is actually a
Copy !req
373. highly-trained secret agent.
Copy !req
374. Pshh!
Copy !req
375. Yeah, and I'm...
something equally hard to believe is true.
Copy !req
376. It is true.
That's why I married him.
Copy !req
377. Well, and the bronze medal.
Copy !req
378. Prove it.
Copy !req
379. What do you want,
a business card?
Copy !req
380. Where do you think he got a duffel
bag full of assault weapons?
Copy !req
381. - Well, y'all do live in New York City...
- Just New York.
Copy !req
382. Ray? Is he tellin the truth?
Copy !req
383. Mostly.
Copy !req
384. So... cause you're a spy, is
that why you never come back to visit?
Copy !req
385. Mostly.
Copy !req
386. And here all this time I thought
it was cause you were ashamed of us.
Copy !req
387. Oh c'mon now,
why would you think that?
Copy !req
388. I found a buncha
your old diaries.
Copy !req
389. Well, obviously not the
one with the Miss Piggy on it.
Copy !req
390. No, Deddy said
he burned that one.
Copy !req
391. - Ugh, great...
- And I'm sorry I screwed your wife.
Copy !req
392. And I'm sorry if I ever made
you feel like I was ashamed of you.
Copy !req
393. The important thing
is you came back to help me.
Copy !req
394. C'mon, that's what
family's all ab —
Copy !req
395. - Dukes!
- Shit!
Copy !req
396. Dammit!
Copy !req
397. Randy Gillet!
Copy !req
398. This is Sheriff E.Z. Ponder!
Copy !req
399. You come out there with your hands up!
Copy !req
400. That sonuvabitch is early!
Copy !req
401. I dunno, "sundown"
Copy !req
402. sounds more colloquial than like, an actual —
Well, if you wanna back
Copy !req
403. out on me, now's probly
the time to do that.
Copy !req
404. Randy, you may be a racist,
homophobic, wife-swapping drug dealer —
Copy !req
405. Farmer.
Copy !req
406. — but nobody
murders my brother.
Copy !req
407. The Gillet boys, side by side!
Copy !req
408. Janelle, cover that winder yonder!
Copy !req
409. Archer, you got a little fight in ya?
Copy !req
410. Yeah, I'm pretty furious about
not getting to bang Janelle.
Copy !req
411. Plus I wanna unleash the
power of moonshine.
Copy !req
412. Then grab a gun
and cover that winder!
Copy !req
413. What should I do?
Copy !req
414. I got some red hot
pokers layin in that fire!
Copy !req
415. If anybody gets hit, you grab
one and slap iron to it!
Copy !req
416. - Awesome...
- And remember, it's us or them.
Copy !req
417. So this is how it's gonna be, huh?
Copy !req
418. Randy, I didn't
want it like this!
Copy !req
419. C'mon, I tried to reason with ya!
Copy !req
420. Reason with this!
Copy !req
421. A'ight then!
Copy !req
422. Light 'em up!
Copy !req
423. - Ow!
- Janelle! Are ya hit?
Copy !req
424. Naw, a piece
of — waaaaaghhhhhh!
Copy !req
425. Well don't just set there!
Copy !req
426. Ugh, I can't.
Copy !req
427. I feel sick, what's happening,
do I have cancer again?
Copy !req
428. You drank too much!
Copy !req
429. That's a thing?
Copy !req
430. Looks like it's
just you and me, brother.
Copy !req
431. Randy, you
don't have to do this!
Copy !req
432. They'll go easy on you!
Copy !req
433. Hell, the judge is my wife's cousin!
Copy !req
434. I bet he'll give you probation!
Copy !req
435. Oh please!
Copy !req
436. You're gonna murder him so you
can take over his dope farm!
Copy !req
437. What?
Copy !req
438. Cease fire!
Copy !req
439. Hold your fire!
Copy !req
440. Why in the world would you
think that I, a peace officer
Copy !req
441. sworn to uphold the law, would
wanna murder your brother
Copy !req
442. to get his marijuana farm?
Copy !req
443. I — because
that's what Randy said!
Copy !req
444. - Randy's a drug dealer!
- Farmer!
Copy !req
445. And I tried to get him to quit.
Copy !req
446. I come to him as a friend, I come
to him as an elder of the church,
Copy !req
447. but he wouldn't give it up.
Copy !req
448. And so now I gotta come
to him as the law.
Copy !req
449. And you accuse me of
plannin a murder?
Copy !req
450. Well, you did
used to pick on me a bunch.
Copy !req
451. Well I'm sorry, I
was a dick in high school.
Copy !req
452. But you gotta admit, you
were extremely pick-on-able.
Copy !req
453. There's nothing
wrong with Capezios!
Copy !req
454. Randy, is he telling the truth?
Copy !req
455. - Mostly.
- Randy!
Copy !req
456. You almost got me and
my friends killed!
Copy !req
457. Because you could never be
bothered to get a real job!
Copy !req
458. Well?
I only got to ninth grade!
Copy !req
459. How the hell else was I supposed
to earn a livin? Diggin seng?
Copy !req
460. There is a perfectly good
coal mine not a half-mile from here.
Copy !req
461. And maybe you wouldn't get rich, but
at least it's an honest living.
Copy !req
462. Yeah but it's hard.
Copy !req
463. So's this.
Copy !req
464. - Randy!
- Shut up.
Copy !req
465. And Mama never liked you.
Copy !req
466. Easy, don't shoot!
Copy !req
467. I'm comin out!
Copy !req
468. Phrasing.
Copy !req
469. Here's the files you had me pull.
Copy !req
470. Oww!
Copy !req
471. What the hell is on your hands?
Copy !req
472. My bum-zappers.
Copy !req
473. For the shockfights?
Copy !req
474. Th I'm doing for Krieger, which is why
he broke the server, to help Lana cover
Copy !req
475. up that Ray and Mr. Archer are killing
cops for a drug dealer and also Ray's
Copy !req
476. been faking that he's paralyzed?
Copy !req
477. Lanaaaa!
Copy !req
478. Or are we not telling you that?
Copy !req
479. No, thank God you guys got
here before they started killing hostages!
Copy !req
480. Which would have been us!
Copy !req
481. As the hostages!
Copy !req
482. You lyin-ass bitch!
Copy !req
483. She's mad
because I slept with Randy.
Copy !req
484. To get food for my fellow hostages.
Copy !req
485. So, you really think you can
fix it so I just get probation?
Copy !req
486. Oh God no, I just said that.
Copy !req
487. All these drugs and weapons, attempted
murder of police officers,
Copy !req
488. you'll probably die in prison.
Copy !req
489. Oh. Will you come visit me?
Copy !req
490. Probably not.
Copy !req
491. Cause you're a spy and all?
Copy !req
492. Uh —
He's a highly-trained secret agent.
Copy !req
493. Is that right.
Copy !req
494. Well listen here... If you ever find
your way back up in the holler...
Copy !req
495. gimme a call.
Copy !req
496. I think I got
myself an extra pair of Capezios layin
Copy !req
497. around somewheres.
Copy !req
498. Uh-?
Copy !req
499. O.K. - should I just 911?
Copy !req
500. A'ight, let's move em out!
Copy !req
501. Well that's just great.
Copy !req
502. Everybody gets laid
in the holler but me.
Copy !req
503. Oh. And you, I guess.
Copy !req
504. Since I ate your husband.
Copy !req