1. Huh?
Copy !req
2. You're beyond help.
Copy !req
3. Whoa, relax, jumpy.
Copy !req
4. I've got a new idea...
Copy !req
5. Uh, did you just throw that?
Copy !req
6. Stay... Stay back.
Copy !req
7. Oi.
Copy !req
8. What in the seven sumps
is all this racket?
Copy !req
9. Oi, one of those days, huh?
Copy !req
10. You know those ugly twins,
Copy !req
11. genius and madness.
Copy !req
12. Maybe take the madness outside.
Copy !req
13. I still got a business to...
Copy !req
14. Oh.
Copy !req
15. What's gotten into him?
Copy !req
16. Hey, spaceboy,
Copy !req
17. I'm not talking to myself over here.
Copy !req
18. What is up with you?
You've been out of it all day.
Copy !req
19. I feel like
I woke up in the wrong universe.
Copy !req
20. This is what happens
when you stay up all night.
Copy !req
21. Those synapses start firing around
Copy !req
22. like drunk slugs.
Copy !req
23. There's still plenty of time
before the competition.
Copy !req
24. Okay? We'll work out the kinks.
Copy !req
25. I've got you.
Copy !req
26. Ah, if it isn't Zaun's royalty.
Copy !req
27. My liege.
Copy !req
28. Sit down.
Copy !req
29. Hey, hey, little man.
Trouble in paradise?
Copy !req
30. Just the usual project woes.
Copy !req
31. Tell me about it.
Copy !req
32. We finally got the hybrids
to feed off the fissure gases,
Copy !req
33. but the conversion rate's way too low.
Copy !req
34. They hardly grow.
Copy !req
35. They're nowhere near robust enough
to purify all the air down here.
Copy !req
36. - Unless you plant a million of them.
- No way we're doing that.
Copy !req
37. And we've tried cultivating the soil,
Copy !req
38. infusing the water.
Copy !req
39. No luck.
Copy !req
40. I'll be right back.
Copy !req
41. Oh, no.
Copy !req
42. Go. Save him from himself.
Copy !req
43. Where would you be without her?
Copy !req
44. Hey, Gert.
Copy !req
45. No. Oh, come on.
Copy !req
46. - Hey...
- Hey, Gert.
Copy !req
47. Do the Chem Sisters
have another show coming up?
Copy !req
48. Mylo here is a big fan.
Copy !req
49. Like, huge.
Copy !req
50. Cool.
Copy !req
51. Uh, yeah, the old man's gonna let us
play the party the night before
Copy !req
52. that Innovators Competition
you all are gunning for.
Copy !req
53. What would they do without you?
Copy !req
54. There would probably be some arm-flailing.
Copy !req
55. You know, one thing I learned
as a bartender:
Copy !req
56. As good as it feels
to pour everyone's drink,
Copy !req
57. you need to fill your own cup
every now and again.
Copy !req
58. Let me guess.
Copy !req
59. You think I'm holding myself back.
Copy !req
60. I think you're too smart
to spend your life in a bar.
Copy !req
61. Hey, professor.
Copy !req
62. - Professor?
- Am I late for a gathering of the minds?
Copy !req
63. Whoa.
Copy !req
64. Oh.
Copy !req
65. One can't shout from the rooftops
Copy !req
66. about being thrust
into parallel dimensions
Copy !req
67. without awkward consequences.
Copy !req
68. It seems the anomaly which dislodged us
from our proverbial reality
Copy !req
69. also scattered us across time.
Copy !req
70. Man, I thought I was going crazy.
Copy !req
71. How long have you been here?
Copy !req
72. One thousand,
one hundred twenty-eight days,
Copy !req
73. six hours, and twenty minutes.
Copy !req
74. Give or take.
Copy !req
75. So you've just been waiting for me
all this time?
Copy !req
76. Precisely. Or rather, imprecisely.
Copy !req
77. I grew skeptical you'd arrive,
Copy !req
78. even during my unusually long lifetime.
Copy !req
79. What about Jayce? Is he here?
Copy !req
80. I fear he may have wound up elsewhere.
Copy !req
81. The anomaly behaved
differently around him.
Copy !req
82. Tell me you figured out a way
to get us home.
Copy !req
83. That is a veritable conundrum.
Copy !req
84. I'm afraid Hextech
was never invented here.
Copy !req
85. And without a creation
so prodigious as the Hexgates...
Copy !req
86. No anomaly.
Copy !req
87. Oh, it isn't all bad.
Copy !req
88. I've been able to accomplish
wonderful things in this world.
Copy !req
89. Give it time to settle.
Copy !req
90. This place will grow on you. You'll see.
Copy !req
91. Grow on me?
Copy !req
92. I have people back home who need me.
Copy !req
93. We don't belong here.
Copy !req
94. And yet we can't leave.
Copy !req
95. I'm gonna find a way back,
with or without you.
Copy !req
96. - Oh!
- Oh. Uh...
Copy !req
97. I was gonna go see Vi.
Copy !req
98. Vi?
Copy !req
99. You wanna come?
Copy !req
100. What have we done?
Copy !req
101. Hello?
Copy !req
102. Is anyone out there?
Copy !req
103. Who's there?
Copy !req
104. You.
Copy !req
105. Did you bring me here?
Copy !req
106. Where are we?
Copy !req
107. Wait!
Copy !req
108. No.
Copy !req
109. It can't be.
Copy !req
110. What's with
the third degree, Ekko?
Copy !req
111. We've been working on this for months.
Copy !req
112. Humor me.
Copy !req
113. You had one of your funky dreams
Copy !req
114. about an energy-storage device
that you swore would win the competition.
Copy !req
115. So you came to me for help.
Copy !req
116. I came to you?
Copy !req
117. You weren't gonna figure it out yourself.
Copy !req
118. "Zero-loss chemical energy cell."
Copy !req
119. And this invention.
Copy !req
120. You don't have
some alternative purpose for it?
Copy !req
121. You're the big idea guy.
Copy !req
122. Sorry, sis.
Copy !req
123. Someone's wigging out over his project
and having an identity crisis again.
Copy !req
124. No names.
Copy !req
125. I got the "not living up to my potential"
speech from Vander again.
Copy !req
126. Reminds me of you.
Copy !req
127. Hmm?
Copy !req
128. She's dead?
Copy !req
129. How?
Copy !req
130. That's not funny, Ekko.
Copy !req
131. It was a mistake to come here.
Copy !req
132. What's that supposed to mean?
Copy !req
133. Just 'cause you're having a bad day,
don't take it out on me.
Copy !req
134. Was it you?
Copy !req
135. You gave us the tip.
Copy !req
136. We went on that job because of you.
Copy !req
137. The job.
Copy !req
138. That's why there's no Hextech here.
Copy !req
139. You should leave.
Copy !req
140. Go. Before I do something I regret.
Copy !req
141. Believe me, I'm working on it.
Copy !req
142. Come on. I saw it over here.
Copy !req
143. Care for a cup of tea, sir?
Copy !req
144. Come on.
Copy !req
145. Violet, don't! Ple—
Copy !req
146. Please, no...
Copy !req
147. Thank you very much.
Copy !req
148. You think you can recreate the anomaly
with these?
Copy !req
149. That's the theory.
Copy !req
150. Inconceivable.
Copy !req
151. So you'll help me?
Copy !req
152. I meant that quite literally.
Copy !req
153. I don't believe this can be done.
Copy !req
154. Tampering with the Arcane
Copy !req
155. never ends well, lad.
Copy !req
156. The risk is far too great.
Copy !req
157. You said I was your pupil.
Copy !req
158. I need a professor.
Copy !req
159. Better yet,
Copy !req
160. a partner.
Copy !req
161. Oh, blast nozzles.
Copy !req
162. How could I forsake
a brilliant lad in need?
Copy !req
163. Again.
Copy !req
164. I never asked for this.
Copy !req
165. That research is everything.
My whole life.
Copy !req
166. He was my mentor, Mel.
Copy !req
167. And I betrayed him.
Copy !req
168. You must destroy it.
Copy !req
169. It corrupts.
Copy !req
170. Consumes.
Copy !req
171. I was trying to create magic.
Copy !req
172. - Piltover...
- It's your time now, Jayce.
Copy !req
173. Perhaps it's time.
Copy !req
174. No, no.
Copy !req
175. For the era of magic.
Copy !req
176. I've seen nations destroyed...
Copy !req
177. Please.
Copy !req
178. exactly like this.
Copy !req
179. Watch your step.
Copy !req
180. We're almost there.
Copy !req
181. I don't know what this is all about,
Copy !req
182. but if you're trying to apologize,
dragging me through the...
Copy !req
183. You painted this?
Copy !req
184. I had this dream...
Copy !req
185. where things went another way.
Copy !req
186. She looks so badass.
Copy !req
187. You don't know the half of it.
Copy !req
188. She was the toughest person
in all of Zaun.
Copy !req
189. Nothing scared her.
Copy !req
190. No, not my sister.
Copy !req
191. Vi was strong because she was afraid.
Copy !req
192. Her fear of losing us
is what made her fight so hard.
Copy !req
193. - You were different in my dream too.
- Oh, yeah, buster?
Copy !req
194. Is that what this is about?
You want me to change?
Copy !req
195. No.
Copy !req
196. No, no, I just...
Copy !req
197. You aren't the kind of person who helps
other people with their projects.
Copy !req
198. Your ideas change the world.
Copy !req
199. I can't shake the feeling
that that's who you're supposed to be.
Copy !req
200. Things are good, Ekko.
Copy !req
201. I like my life.
Copy !req
202. I don't wanna lose what makes me "me"
Copy !req
203. chasing some wild dream.
Copy !req
204. Sometimes taking a leap forward
means leaving a few things behind.
Copy !req
205. You're a real mystery, aren't you, mister?
Copy !req
206. All right, out with it.
Copy !req
207. What do you want from me?
Copy !req
208. Hmm.
Copy !req
209. Huh.
Copy !req
210. It's so small.
Copy !req
211. Golly, we've done it.
Copy !req
212. Halfway there.
Copy !req
213. So, what does it do?
Copy !req
214. Uh...
Copy !req
215. So, what does it do?
Copy !req
216. You just asked me that.
Copy !req
217. No, I didn't.
Copy !req
218. I'm too tired for games.
Copy !req
219. No, I didn't.
Copy !req
220. It's a time loop.
Copy !req
221. Huh? A time loop?
Copy !req
222. - Huh? A time loop?
- A time loop.
Copy !req
223. You're going back in time.
Copy !req
224. Gadzooks. How did you stumble upon that?
Copy !req
225. I was playing with inversions
on Jayce's acceleration rune.
Copy !req
226. How far did you go?
Copy !req
227. I don't know. A second?
Copy !req
228. - Try going back further.
- Take it slow, lad.
Copy !req
229. We wouldn't want to push
a new invention too far too quickly.
Copy !req
230. Mm...
Copy !req
231. One.
Copy !req
232. Two.
Copy !req
233. Three.
Copy !req
234. - Gadzooks.
- Four.
Copy !req
235. The limit is four seconds.
Copy !req
236. Are you certain, my boy?
What were the indicators?
Copy !req
237. Trust me.
Copy !req
238. It's four seconds.
Copy !req
239. - Amazing.
- Hmm.
Copy !req
240. We could show it off at the party.
Copy !req
241. We aren't done.
Copy !req
242. Please go change before the party.
Copy !req
243. I think I might know
how to give it a boost.
Copy !req
244. A boost?
Copy !req
245. A momentary upgrade, if you will.
Copy !req
246. That's great. Where do we start?
Copy !req
247. You can start by attending your party.
Copy !req
248. One's thoughts are
more easily gathered in isolation.
Copy !req
249. And what's the point of a device like this
Copy !req
250. if you don't enjoy the time you have?
Copy !req
251. You load it through here
and then you wait for it...
Copy !req
252. It's just a prototype for now...
Copy !req
253. There he is.
Copy !req
254. Hey, nervous, kid?
Copy !req
255. Big day tomorrow.
Copy !req
256. It's all I can think about.
Copy !req
257. Where's the little lady?
Copy !req
258. Not sure. She said something
about making an entrance.
Copy !req
259. She does love a spectacle, eh?
Copy !req
260. Yeah.
Copy !req
261. Hey, in case I don't remember
to tell you tomorrow,
Copy !req
262. you've always meant the world
to me, Benzo.
Copy !req
263. Oh.
Copy !req
264. Well, you, uh...
Copy !req
265. Ach. Uh, you...
Oh, don't get all mushy on me now.
Copy !req
266. Hey.
Copy !req
267. - Making the big man misty, are you?
- Oh, these damned allergies.
Copy !req
268. You should be proud of yourself, Ekko.
Copy !req
269. Powder's been raving about your Z-Drive.
Copy !req
270. Can't remember the last time
I saw her so alive.
Copy !req
271. I have the feeling
that you'll be running this place soon.
Copy !req
272. So there's a chance for us yet.
Copy !req
273. You?
Copy !req
274. Didn't think
I'd miss your big day, did you?
Copy !req
275. Didn't you try to kill him?
Copy !req
276. Greatest thing we can do in life
is find the power to forgive.
Copy !req
277. Ach.
Copy !req
278. Some night.
Copy !req
279. It's beautiful.
Copy !req
280. Where'd you learn those moves?
Copy !req
281. Oh, I was just following your lead.
Copy !req
282. Mm.
Copy !req
283. He's got lines.
Copy !req
284. Hey. Uh...
Copy !req
285. I just want to thank you.
Copy !req
286. You know, for everything.
Copy !req
287. I used to dream
the undercity could be like this.
Copy !req
288. But somewhere, I got consumed
by all the ways it wasn't.
Copy !req
289. I gave up on it.
Copy !req
290. Gave up on you.
Copy !req
291. I've never seen you
give up on anything, Ekko.
Copy !req
292. You ever wish
you could just stay in one moment?
Copy !req
293. Sometimes taking a leap forward means...
Copy !req
294. leaving a few things behind.
Copy !req
295. I promise I'll never forget this.
Copy !req
296. You better not.
Copy !req
297. - Sorry, I...
- No...
Copy !req
298. It's fine, I...
Copy !req
299. Can we just pretend
like it's the first time?
Copy !req
300. Ekko, my lad. You're just in time.
Copy !req
301. This is a big upgrade.
Copy !req
302. Just a moment.
Copy !req
303. I only need
to hook up the final power supply.
Copy !req
304. Whoa.
Copy !req
305. This is where it all started, isn't it?
Copy !req
306. The end of Piltover.
Copy !req
307. Because of Hextech.
Copy !req
308. Why did you ever give me this?
Copy !req
309. Why?
Copy !req
310. It doesn't have to go this way, right?
Copy !req
311. Just tell me there's a chance.
Copy !req
312. Oh, I do wish
I could apologize to Ms. Powder
Copy !req
313. for co-opting her space like this.
Copy !req
314. It truly was the only way.
Copy !req
315. Send me back.
Copy !req
316. Never a dull moment.
Copy !req
317. I must say that since I've met you, lad,
Copy !req
318. I've truly lived.
Copy !req
319. What?
Copy !req
320. - Back in a wink.
- No! Heimerdinger, wait! Wait!
Copy !req
321. I won't fail.
Copy !req
322. I swear it.
Copy !req
323. No!
Copy !req
324. Powder?
Copy !req
325. Huh?
Copy !req
326. What happened?
Copy !req