1. Well, it's all going to shit.
Copy !req
2. Chembarons warring
for control of the Lanes.
Copy !req
3. Wannabe street thugs
squabbling over scraps.
Copy !req
4. Just like when Vander shoved off.
Copy !req
5. Except this time...
Copy !req
6. you aren't here
to put it all back together, because...
Copy !req
7. Because someone put
all those holes in you.
Copy !req
8. Vi used to say I could fix anything.
Copy !req
9. Before I broke everything.
Copy !req
10. She used to say a lot.
Copy !req
11. Her and you.
Copy !req
12. Always bossing me around.
Copy !req
13. Now it's so quiet.
Copy !req
14. What am I supposed to do with that?
Copy !req
15. Have you had enough?
Copy !req
16. You feel it?
Copy !req
17. That...
Copy !req
18. buzzing behind your eyes?
Copy !req
19. Because you know, in a moment,
Copy !req
20. it could all... poow!
Copy !req
21. Hmm.
Copy !req
22. Best feeling in the world, kid.
Copy !req
23. Yep, that's me.
Copy !req
24. You ever need to curse a sibling
Copy !req
25. or a family or a society...
Copy !req
26. my card.
Copy !req
27. Well, you know, far be it from me,
Copy !req
28. but, uh, you hired me to run the numbers.
Copy !req
29. And ever since we've gone up
against the other chembarons,
Copy !req
30. the numbers are in the, uh...
Copy !req
31. Shitter?
Copy !req
32. Not exactly the term I...
Copy !req
33. Ever wonder why fat brains like you
always wind up working for grunts like me?
Copy !req
34. No, uh, never.
Copy !req
35. You only use half your head.
Copy !req
36. Plotting moves.
Copy !req
37. Calculating odds.
Copy !req
38. Know how Silco took hold of the Lanes?
Copy !req
39. With his bare teeth.
Copy !req
40. It just, you know, seems, uh, hasty.
Copy !req
41. Last count, Margot had
at least ten hitters guarding the stash.
Copy !req
42. Margot and Chross can buck
all they want, but in the end,
Copy !req
43. I'll be the one smiling.
Copy !req
44. Until I'm in Silco's chair,
Copy !req
45. your only job is
to make the numbers work, hmm?
Copy !req
46. The Grey.
Copy !req
47. All the way up here?
Copy !req
48. What do you know? Cleared the place out.
Copy !req
49. Might have made our jobs a lot easier.
Copy !req
50. No, no, no. We can't.
Copy !req
51. It's factory smog trapped underground.
Copy !req
52. No more, no less.
Copy !req
53. Boss.
Copy !req
54. You— You go on ahead.
Copy !req
55. Report back.
Copy !req
56. Me?
Copy !req
57. I know you're all fantasizing
about sawing each other's heads off.
Copy !req
58. So I'm gonna get right to it.
Copy !req
59. These turf wars have to stop.
Copy !req
60. These two have been the aggressors.
I've only defended my interests.
Copy !req
61. Playing coy doesn't suit you, love.
Copy !req
62. You started this dance
when you raided the Rapturewalk.
Copy !req
63. What could I want
with your boulevard of filth?
Copy !req
64. Topside is the real enemy.
Copy !req
65. Us killing each other
is playing right into their hands.
Copy !req
66. Our best shot is
to put aside these petty squabbles
Copy !req
67. and join forces.
Copy !req
68. Ally with these two?
I rather favor my chances with Topside.
Copy !req
69. Even together,
they outnumber us four to one.
Copy !req
70. That's before all the recent casualties.
Copy !req
71. Might matter up there,
Copy !req
72. but they don't know the first thing
about fighting in the fissures.
Copy !req
73. Hmm.
Copy !req
74. Is he dead?
Copy !req
75. Why is he so quiet?
Copy !req
76. She's right.
Copy !req
77. We don't get Topside off our backs,
we don't last.
Copy !req
78. But I got a different solution.
Copy !req
79. We give them Jinx.
Copy !req
80. It's all they really want.
Copy !req
81. We don't hand over our people.
Copy !req
82. "We"? You don't do much
of anything anymore, do you, magpie?
Copy !req
83. Bird without a wing's
just a funny-looking rat.
Copy !req
84. Struck a nerve, did I?
Copy !req
85. Okay, I'll make you a deal.
Copy !req
86. You help me put a bow on Baby Blue
for our friends upstairs,
Copy !req
87. I'll cut you a brand-new puncher,
top of the line, all the fixings.
Copy !req
88. Think on it.
Copy !req
89. But I promise,
Copy !req
90. it's the last offer you're gonna get.
Copy !req
91. I can't believe you're dead
and I'm still mopping up your messes.
Copy !req
92. Jeez, lady, you crazy?
Copy !req
93. Talking to dead people.
Copy !req
94. You here to finish me off?
Copy !req
95. Haven't I done you enough favors?
Copy !req
96. Same time every day.
Copy !req
97. Big baby couldn't do it himself.
Copy !req
98. - Couldn't do much himself.
- Mm.
Copy !req
99. About now, he'd have me all over the Lanes
running his collections.
Copy !req
100. Building his weapons.
Copy !req
101. Making his deals.
Copy !req
102. Exploding his enemies.
Copy !req
103. He dips out,
Copy !req
104. the whole world flips over.
Copy !req
105. All his plans.
Copy !req
106. Everything we built.
Copy !req
107. The hell we supposed to do now?
Copy !req
108. Watch it all burn.
Copy !req
109. What'd I tell you?
Copy !req
110. Viktor.
Copy !req
111. Viktor.
Copy !req
112. Viktor!
Copy !req
113. Viktor...
Copy !req
114. Viktor!
Copy !req
115. Viktor...
Copy !req
116. Viktor.
Copy !req
117. Jayce?
Copy !req
118. Viktor?
Copy !req
119. My God.
Copy !req
120. What...
Copy !req
121. am I?
Copy !req
122. You're...
Copy !req
123. You're alive.
Copy !req
124. You're— You're alive.
Copy !req
125. Oh! Oh, uh...
Copy !req
126. You must be cold.
Copy !req
127. Cold.
Copy !req
128. No, I don't think so.
Copy !req
129. I sense a charge.
Copy !req
130. A potential.
Copy !req
131. A recursive impulse.
Copy !req
132. Unpleasant, but...
Copy !req
133. "cold" isn't its name.
Copy !req
134. The Hexcore.
Copy !req
135. Viktor, it saved you.
Copy !req
136. Somehow it— It adapted to your injuries,
Copy !req
137. changing and evolving.
Copy !req
138. It was as if it was connected to you.
Copy !req
139. I did my best using the notes
from your leg. Recorded everything.
Copy !req
140. - There are still so many questions, but—
- I was supposed to die.
Copy !req
141. You promised to destroy the Hexcore.
Copy !req
142. No.
Copy !req
143. Don't you see?
Copy !req
144. Heimerdinger was wrong.
Copy !req
145. We were wrong. It's not as bad as we—
Copy !req
146. It killed Sky, Jayce.
Copy !req
147. What?
Copy !req
148. No.
Copy !req
149. She had such dreams.
Copy !req
150. As did we once.
Copy !req
151. I'm going to resign from the Council.
Copy !req
152. I understand now.
Copy !req
153. My place was always here
in the lab with you.
Copy !req
154. We'll make this right. Together.
Copy !req
155. I must say goodbye
to this place now.
Copy !req
156. To you.
Copy !req
157. Goodbye?
Copy !req
158. Viktor, you're my partner.
Copy !req
159. Our paths diverged long ago.
Copy !req
160. It was affection that held us together.
Copy !req
161. You think it's so easy?
Copy !req
162. To turn your back while your city
looks to you for salvation?
Copy !req
163. To cling to principles while
your best friend bleeds out in your arms?
Copy !req
164. I never asked for this.
Copy !req
165. Where are you going?
Copy !req
166. Goodbye, Jayce.
Copy !req
167. There's so many of them.
Copy !req
168. It's all the fighting.
We're gonna have capacity issues soon.
Copy !req
169. Then there's the security risk.
Copy !req
170. We're not turning people away.
Copy !req
171. All these years,
we finally get rid of Silco,
Copy !req
172. just so a new one can take his place.
Copy !req
173. Now watch this.
Copy !req
174. Oh, this is quite troubling.
Copy !req
175. That tree means so much.
Copy !req
176. It's our food. Fresh air.
We built our whole identity around it.
Copy !req
177. Every time it seems
like we might catch a break...
Copy !req
178. Ah, now, it's not lost yet, lad.
Copy !req
179. If there is a means of preservation,
by golly, we'll find it.
Copy !req
180. I have seen something
of this nature before.
Copy !req
181. Oh.
Copy !req
182. Ch-ch-ch.
Copy !req
183. Hmm.
Copy !req
184. Don't you essentially own this place?
Copy !req
185. Shh.
Copy !req
186. Come on.
Copy !req
187. The brambleback
has left the jungle.
Copy !req
188. Uh, you do realize code phrases don't work
when you make them up on the spot?
Copy !req
189. Shh.
Copy !req
190. Professor?
Copy !req
191. Yes, of course.
Copy !req
192. - What the devil's gotten into you?
- I thought...
Copy !req
193. Why are you breaking into my lab?
Copy !req
194. And who's he?
Copy !req
195. This is my new pupil, Ekko.
Copy !req
196. Ekko, my former pupil Jayce.
Copy !req
197. - Hmm.
- Hmm.
Copy !req
198. I apologize for the intrusion.
Copy !req
199. We were attempting to sneak in.
Copy !req
200. Oh, pishposh. Like you've never done it.
Copy !req
201. Were you sleeping here?
Copy !req
202. You drink tea, Ekko?
Copy !req
203. Ah.
Copy !req
204. You're right.
Copy !req
205. It matches the corruption we saw
Copy !req
206. on the plants we tested with the Hexcore,
but where did you say you found this?
Copy !req
207. Deep in the underground.
Copy !req
208. Ekko's home is a marvelous place.
Copy !req
209. Truly a wonder.
Copy !req
210. - You should see what—
- Hey.
Copy !req
211. Uh, right, uh, when I said "home,"
Copy !req
212. I was, of course,
referring to his cognitive center.
Copy !req
213. - Not a physical location hidden in the...
- Heimer, what are you doing?
Copy !req
214. Did any of the plants survive?
Copy !req
215. They weren't what we were trying to save.
Copy !req
216. But this pattern.
Copy !req
217. How could it be there and here?
Copy !req
218. Oh, no.
Copy !req
219. Where's Viktor?
Copy !req
220. It's okay.
Copy !req
221. Viktor.
Copy !req
222. Viktor.
Copy !req
223. Hmm.
Copy !req
224. Hmm.
Copy !req
225. Hmm.
Copy !req
226. Hmm.
Copy !req
227. It's all clear.
Copy !req
228. Sorry, commander.
Copy !req
229. Baby Blue.
Copy !req
230. Right through their fingers.
Copy !req
231. You must be part eel.
Copy !req
232. Just means I can up my finder's fee.
Copy !req
233. There's always a deal to be struck.
Copy !req
234. Ah, ah, ah. They want you alive.
Copy !req
235. But don't think
I won't skewer out those peepers.
Copy !req
236. Drawback of you long-range types.
Copy !req
237. Me? I'm the kind of guy
who likes to get in close.
Copy !req
238. Never thought I'd catch you blubbering.
Copy !req
239. Wonder if Silco even saw that.
Copy !req
240. Twice.
Copy !req
241. When he met me
Copy !req
242. and when I killed him.
Copy !req
243. You?
Copy !req
244. It's always me.
Copy !req
245. Whether I'm pulling the pin or not,
Copy !req
246. everyone who gets close to me dies.
Copy !req
247. Wanna know the real kicker?
Copy !req
248. You're the kind of guy
who likes to get in close.
Copy !req
249. Poow.
Copy !req
250. Hmm?
Copy !req
251. Huh?
Copy !req
252. Okay, wait, wait, wait.
There's a deal to be struck here.
Copy !req
253. You forget, Smeech?
You already made your last offer.
Copy !req
254. Tell me,
Copy !req
255. who's a funny-looking rat now?
Copy !req
256. Fancy meeting you here.
Copy !req
257. Moron never could keep
his damn mouth shut.
Copy !req
258. You could've just let me eat it.
Copy !req
259. Haven't I done you enough favors?
Copy !req
260. I didn't ask you for this.
Copy !req
261. It was something I could fix.
Copy !req
262. You got that look in your eye again.
Copy !req
263. What are you planning?
Copy !req
264. To finish what's left of my family.
Copy !req
265. Oh, God.
Copy !req
266. Viktor.
Copy !req
267. Viktor.
Copy !req
268. Careful not to scrape up the gear.
Copy !req
269. Won't sell as well.
Copy !req
270. Nothing personal, friend.
Copy !req
271. We just got needs we can't ignore.
Copy !req
272. So much senseless pain.
Copy !req
273. What are you doing?
Copy !req
274. You need not suffer anymore.
Copy !req
275. But...
Copy !req