1. Dad, I'm gonna be late
for registration.
Copy !req
2. Well, you're already two years
late for graduation, so...
Copy !req
3. Just take a side street.
Copy !req
4. Hayley, you were right here
Copy !req
5. when I entered our
destination on the nav.
Copy !req
6. That's the plan and I'm sticking to it.
Copy !req
7. So, you're just gonna drive behind
Copy !req
8. the Bazooka Sharks championship parade.
Copy !req
9. Yeah.
Copy !req
10. Obviously you're not a planner.
Copy !req
11. I mean, the course catalogue
you're looking at
Copy !req
12. is a pizza menu.
Copy !req
13. Aww, so black olives doesn't meet
Copy !req
14. my Cultural Studies requirement.
Copy !req
15. All I'm saying is that you lack focus,
Copy !req
16. and that's what a plan gives you.
Copy !req
17. Maybe if you stuck to a plan,
you wouldn't be such a...
Copy !req
18. well, I wouldn't say a failure.
Copy !req
19. Oh. Well what would you say, then?
Copy !req
20. - I won't say a failure.
- But you keep saying that.
Copy !req
21. "Failure" is the only
word you're saying.
Copy !req
22. Your words, not mine.
Copy !req
23. Uh, sir?
Copy !req
24. And I say, "Look, I'm happy
you're having your night."
Copy !req
25. So underneath it, there's love.
Copy !req
26. 'Cause when the chips are down,
are you there for each other?
Copy !req
27. Are you doing this,
Copy !req
28. "you're selfish,"you're
unwieldy" stuff?
Copy !req
29. Is this still about the
arms dealer mission?
Copy !req
30. This is about any
relationship you're building.
Copy !req
31. Maybe a single diagram will help.
Copy !req
32. There's still that,
uh, important phrase.
Copy !req
33. Important phrase.
Copy !req
34. Oh. But he has a different
important phrase
Copy !req
35. that's underneath it, you know?
Copy !req
36. So that's one version of it.
Copy !req
37. This is where it breaks
down in my mind.
Copy !req
38. I mean, that could be a cleaner
versus un-cleaner ring to it.
Copy !req
39. Does any of this make sense?
Copy !req
40. No, no. It totally makes sense
what you're saying, sir.
Copy !req
41. Good. Smith, you'll
head up the mission.
Copy !req
42. And don't forget this part.
Copy !req
43. Ohh. Ahh.
Copy !req
44. I got the recipe for this
soup from a magazine.
Copy !req
45. That's great, Francine.
Copy !req
46. Your quest for knowledge is
taking you to incredible places.
Copy !req
47. Well, what do you think?
Copy !req
48. It's not your soup, Mom.
Copy !req
49. My husband is getting
into hallucinogenic teas.
Copy !req
50. See? This is what I'm talking about.
Copy !req
51. What's that, Dad? Your sister ran off
Copy !req
52. and got married with no
idea what she was doing.
Copy !req
53. You had no plan!
Copy !req
54. And now you're surprised the
guy turns out to be a bum?
Copy !req
55. Gross! Gross!
Copy !req
56. Worse! Worse!
Copy !req
57. Dad, no plan could have
predicted my husband
Copy !req
58. turning into this...
Copy !req
59. tripping on tea and hallucinating
Copy !req
60. he was on another planet.
Copy !req
61. But it happened, babe.
Copy !req
62. On that trip, I lived
an entire lifetime.
Copy !req
63. And I dedicated it to mastering
an exotic musical instrument.
Copy !req
64. Whoa! Kindle on sleep mode.
Copy !req
65. I think I'm gonna have to see
this one all the way through.
Copy !req
66. Look. You don't have to
be as aimless as him.
Copy !req
67. Come to work with me...
you'll see a bunch of guys
Copy !req
68. whose lives depend on planning.
Copy !req
69. I guess it couldn't hurt.
Copy !req
70. The soup is from Bicycling Magazine.
Copy !req
71. It's called "Homemade Paste
For Patching a Flat Tire."
Copy !req
72. All right, Jeff. Set the scene.
Copy !req
73. You drank this tea and you
were transported to a planet
Copy !req
74. - called...
- Gewee.
Copy !req
75. Gewee! What a cute name!
Copy !req
76. And there you played an instrument.
Copy !req
77. - The turin.
- The turin!
Copy !req
78. Marvelous! Just marvelous!
Copy !req
79. Roger, are you teasing Jeff or what?
Copy !req
80. - Do you believe this?
- Steve, I am today trying to,
Copy !req
81. for once in my life,
have a tiny bit of fun.
Copy !req
82. I just need to buy a
turin, play it for Hayley,
Copy !req
83. and show her I'm not totally crazy.
Copy !req
84. Can I help you guys?
Copy !req
85. - I'm looking for a turin.
- I've never heard of turin, man.
Copy !req
86. This turkey's never heard of a turin.
Copy !req
87. It's like a lute and a bagpipe in one,
Copy !req
88. where the body of the lute
is the bag of the bagpipe.
Copy !req
89. Uh, but how can...
Copy !req
90. On the turin, the body is
soft because it's made from
Copy !req
91. the skin of a yarelwood fruit.
Copy !req
92. He became the master of this instrument
Copy !req
93. while on a shamanistic voyage.
Copy !req
94. A master of the instrument, Roger.
Copy !req
95. I'm no Pu Aberlmarl.
Copy !req
96. Of course! No one's saying that.
Copy !req
97. But I think I play pretty well
Copy !req
98. for a guy with just one mouth.
Copy !req
99. Maybe you could make one, Jeff.
Copy !req
100. I'd really like to hear this thing.
Copy !req
101. Imagine a person who didn't
want to hear the turin played.
Copy !req
102. I can't even start. I mean, what...
Copy !req
103. Okay, okay. I need to put that
kind of person out of my mind.
Copy !req
104. Because that kind of
person makes me furious!
Copy !req
105. - Oh, no.
- Look.
Copy !req
106. Let's just chill and get
some yarelwood tomorrow.
Copy !req
107. Female yarelwood.
Copy !req
108. I don't want that thing biting me.
Copy !req
109. Fun! That's a fun detail.
Copy !req
110. So, Bullock puts a plan together
and you guys follow it through.
Copy !req
111. What is the plan exactly?
Copy !req
112. It's right here. We open it
at the rendezvous point.
Copy !req
113. Then we surprise and scoop
up a group of unarmed
Copy !req
114. Russian arms dealers.
Copy !req
115. How can arms dealers be unarmed?
Copy !req
116. That's what I've been saying!
Copy !req
117. We're at rendezvous coordinates.
Copy !req
118. I don't think we should park here.
Copy !req
119. This van doesn't blend in the
way Bullock thinks it does.
Copy !req
120. It's called camouflage, and it works.
Copy !req
121. Not in the nature shows I've seen.
Copy !req
122. Zebras are always getting munched up.
Copy !req
123. Everyone just re-lax.
Copy !req
124. I have Bullock's plan right here.
Copy !req
125. Alpha Team. Cool, right?
Copy !req
126. What's it say?
Copy !req
127. - Hold on.
- What?
Copy !req
128. It says "HOLD ON."
Copy !req
129. Hold on!
Copy !req
130. That must have been Bravo Team!
We're in!
Copy !req
131. Let's roll, Dick!
Copy !req
132. See? They're unarmed!
Copy !req
133. Engage!
Copy !req
134. What? They all have guns!
Copy !req
135. Remember! The plan was to hold on!
Copy !req
136. Screw that! Run!
Copy !req
137. Oh, great, Hayley. We
abandoned the plan.
Copy !req
138. Now Bravo Team's gonna
get all the glory.
Copy !req
139. Aah!
Copy !req
140. I can't believe you
almost got me killed!
Copy !req
141. There's something going
on with Bullock.
Copy !req
142. But don't give up on making plans.
Copy !req
143. Oh, okay. How about this?
Copy !req
144. I plan to go out and get wasted.
Copy !req
145. I just don't want you wandering
aimlessly through life.
Copy !req
146. - You're better than that.
- You always want me to be better.
Copy !req
147. Why can't you just
like me for who I am?
Copy !req
148. Hey, guys. We were just watching
some boob tube over here.
Copy !req
149. Out of earshot, if you were wondering.
Copy !req
150. Yeah! It's a show where
Copy !req
151. celebrities dive into a
pool and get scores.
Copy !req
152. - So...
- So, that's what we are doing.
Copy !req
153. What's wrong?
Copy !req
154. No. Come on. No!
Copy !req
155. Don't be sad!
Copy !req
156. Listen to this deejay. He's amazing.
Copy !req
157. You know, he's been winning
every night for two weeks!
Copy !req
158. Tears? No tears.
Copy !req
159. No.
Copy !req
160. Can I have some money?
Copy !req
161. DJ Buttercup in the house!
Copy !req
162. I'm here all night... except
when I take a break at 3:00.
Copy !req
163. To have sex with at least five of you.
Copy !req
164. So, Hayley told you I've
been deejaying every night
Copy !req
165. for the last two weeks?
Copy !req
166. Right, and over that time,
the number of agents
Copy !req
167. who are alive has dropped radically.
Copy !req
168. - And?
- Well, maybe it has something
Copy !req
169. to do with these extremely
dangerous missions
Copy !req
170. you've been planning.
Copy !req
171. I mean, have you been sleeping?
Copy !req
172. I don't need sleep anymore!
Copy !req
173. Not since I bought all
this trucker speed.
Copy !req
174. I'm done wasting my
creativity on dreams.
Copy !req
175. Now I channel it all into my work.
Copy !req
176. Your deejay work or your
National Security work?
Copy !req
177. You think there's a difference?
Copy !req
178. Sure. It started innocently enough.
Copy !req
179. I got into deejaying to bang the
teenage girls high on sex drugs.
Copy !req
180. But then I realized there
was a darker side.
Copy !req
181. What if the terrorists
go after our beats next?
Copy !req
182. I don't... How could they even do that?
Copy !req
183. I'm deep in the deejay world
protecting American freedoms,
Copy !req
184. and I'm gonna stay there
until someone defeats me.
Copy !req
185. If you want me to stop, you'll
have to dethrone me yourself.
Copy !req
186. Sir, I'm not a deejay.
Of course you aren't.
Copy !req
187. So I suggest you focus
on your next mission.
Copy !req
188. Another one? Right away?
Copy !req
189. You and your team will travel to
Mecca to film a shot-for-shot
Copy !req
190. remake of the scene in "2001"
Copy !req
191. where the apes fight
around the monolith.
Copy !req
192. Like, in monkey suits?
Copy !req
193. Around the black cube?
Copy !req
194. That's the most sacred site in Islam.
Copy !req
195. Your monkey movie is top priority.
Copy !req
196. I'm already hearing Oscar whispers.
Copy !req
197. Or some sort of whispering.
Copy !req
198. Do you hear voices, Smith?
Copy !req
199. Yes. They're telling me
if I don't want to die
Copy !req
200. in monkey costume, I need
to learn how to deejay.
Copy !req
201. And that was "Let's Get
Lost" by Chet Baker,
Copy !req
202. who either fell or was
thrown to his death
Copy !req
203. from a hotel room window in Amsterdam.
Copy !req
204. I like to think he was thrown.
Copy !req
205. Is this what you think deejaying is?
Copy !req
206. Speaking of windows, this
is "Come to My Window,"
Copy !req
207. made famous by public
lesbian Melissa Etheridge.
Copy !req
208. This is deejaying.
Copy !req
209. That's deejaying?
Copy !req
210. Well, how am I supposed to
learn that in two days?
Copy !req
211. Not by playing "Roger Goes
Down on Lilith Fair."
Copy !req
212. I got no yarelwood in inventory.
Copy !req
213. Is it called anything else?
Copy !req
214. Well I guess the ancient
word for it is dragonwood,
Copy !req
215. which makes sense because it's
used to make an instrument
Copy !req
216. that soothes dragons.
Copy !req
217. - That makes a lot of sense.
- Does it?
Copy !req
218. - 'Cause it seems crazy.
- Okay, guys.
Copy !req
219. I have a lot of work to do.
Copy !req
220. Yarelwood is the most common
wood on the planet Gewee.
Copy !req
221. Gotcha.
Copy !req
222. Maybe there's a wood like yarelwood.
Copy !req
223. Really, any wood from a tree
that grows when you sleep by it
Copy !req
224. and swell it with your dreams!
Copy !req
225. Maybe plywood?
Copy !req
226. What, I don't know how
you grow plywood.
Copy !req
227. Just when I thought I'd heard
Copy !req
228. every wood joke there
was, I hear a fresh one.
Copy !req
229. Help yourself to the
scrap wood around back.
Copy !req
230. You've earned it.
Copy !req
231. Did you get my joke back there?
Copy !req
232. I don't know. What was it?
Copy !req
233. I don't know.
Copy !req
234. And he was talking into his
lamp like it was a microphone.
Copy !req
235. Anyway, he looked so...
Copy !req
236. Stupid. I know, I looked stupid.
Copy !req
237. Plus I owe Snot concert tickets.
Copy !req
238. He called for Steve, and
he was the ninth caller.
Copy !req
239. Anyway, I'm in way over my head here.
Copy !req
240. Can you help me plan my deejay set?
Copy !req
241. You can't plan a deejay set.
Copy !req
242. You've got to read the
room, go with the flow,
Copy !req
243. know when to heat things up
and when to cool things out.
Copy !req
244. But I've always needed a plan.
Copy !req
245. Well, then, you're
gonna lose to Bullock.
Copy !req
246. I'm gonna lose more than that.
Copy !req
247. 'Cause if I can't beat him, I
have to lead his next mission.
Copy !req
248. Wait, he... he planned another mission?
Copy !req
249. Oh, no. No, no, no, no.
Copy !req
250. Th-that's suicide!
Copy !req
251. Stan, this suicide mission sounds...
Copy !req
252. Risky? How? Suicide's just
that thing when you mix
Copy !req
253. all the sodas together
into one super soda.
Copy !req
254. Here, Dad, drink this tea.
Copy !req
255. Uck! That was terrible!
Copy !req
256. - It was Jeff's Brazilian tea.
- You drugged me?
Copy !req
257. Dad, you're out of time.
Copy !req
258. Maybe this will rewire your mind,
Copy !req
259. help you improvise and beat Bullock.
Copy !req
260. Ooh.
Copy !req
261. I haven't had mushroom tea in ages.
Copy !req
262. What? You did it last weekend
at the Sheraton Hotel...
Copy !req
263. ton Hotel bar. Let's go there.
Copy !req
264. I'm starting... to feel something.
Copy !req
265. Dad, are you okay?
Copy !req
266. I think I should sit down.
Copy !req
267. Um, you already fell down.
Copy !req
268. You're lying by your throw-up bucket.
Copy !req
269. Dad? Dad, are you okay?
Copy !req
270. Dad, are you okay?
Copy !req
271. Oscar whispers.
Copy !req
272. Go with the flow! Go with the flow.
Copy !req
273. Go with the flow. Go with the flow.
Copy !req
274. Go with the flow...
Copy !req
275. I got this. I can go with the flow.
Copy !req
276. I can beat Bullock.
Copy !req
277. We have a new champion!
Copy !req
278. Let's hear it for Standard Deviation!
Copy !req
279. You did it, Dad! You improvised!
Copy !req
280. Nope. I just downloaded
a set from YouTube
Copy !req
281. onto this zip drive.
Copy !req
282. - Dad!
- Awesome, huh?
Copy !req
283. Some weirdo called Sam F. who
had about a gazillion likes
Copy !req
284. made it. It was the perfect plan!
Copy !req
285. Ugh, who cares? You're safe!
Copy !req
286. But hide that thing, you doof.
Copy !req
287. Come with us, C.I.A. scum!
Copy !req
288. Help! Someone's kidnapped my dad!
Copy !req
289. I'm on it.
Copy !req
290. Whoa. Cool.
Copy !req
291. Deputy Director Bullock.
Copy !req
292. You screw with my arms
dealing for the last time.
Copy !req
293. Oh, this is great. Heh!
Copy !req
294. I was kind of freaking out
with the bag over my head
Copy !req
295. and all the Russian talk.
Copy !req
296. You know, which always sounds angry.
Copy !req
297. But... Whew!
Copy !req
298. you got the wrong guy. Heh.
Copy !req
299. You are Bullock.
Copy !req
300. You win deejay battle every
night and run C.I.A. every day.
Copy !req
301. You say so on Facebook page.
Copy !req
302. That's not me. Tonight's the first time
Copy !req
303. I won the deejay thing.
I'm just a normal guy.
Copy !req
304. - Let me show you.
- Mm... okay.
Copy !req
305. But don't close that window.
I am picking movie seats.
Copy !req
306. Look. I'm a piano tuner.
Copy !req
307. My name's Jim Steele.
Copy !req
308. Morons!
Copy !req
309. I have no time for this!
Copy !req
310. Is my daughter Tasha's birthday.
Sorry for inconvenience.
Copy !req
311. I understand. I have a daughter.
Copy !req
312. Throw him from cliff.
Copy !req
313. Oh, my God. For a second,
I thought that was me.
Copy !req
314. The deejay is ruining my party!
Copy !req
315. Don't cry, cookie.
Copy !req
316. Throw deejay from cliff after this guy.
Copy !req
317. Wait. I'm a great deejay.
I can save her party.
Copy !req
318. Save Tasha's party and you
can forget about cliff.
Copy !req
319. Forget about your beautiful cliff?
Copy !req
320. Not on your life. It's majestic!
Copy !req
321. You make joke.
Copy !req
322. But two favorite things
are daughter and cliff.
Copy !req
323. Oh! Who do you think is my
favorite character on "Cheers"?
Copy !req
324. Cliff?
Copy !req
325. No. Norm.
Copy !req
326. He always have pleasure
of being with Cliff.
Copy !req
327. My memory stick!
Copy !req
328. Is problem?
Copy !req
329. Uh, no. No, n-no problem.
Copy !req
330. I just need a new memory stick.
Copy !req
331. They're only magnets. Metal.
Copy !req
332. Stuff you mine. Like from this cliff!
Copy !req
333. Careful, guy. That is my cliff.
Copy !req
334. There's got to be something here.
Copy !req
335. Iron ore.
Copy !req
336. Nickel-cadmium.
Copy !req
337. The two main ingredients
in a thumb drive.
Copy !req
338. Full of music.
Copy !req
339. Wha... what's going on?
Copy !req
340. How did I get back here?
You never left.
Copy !req
341. You've been on a psychedelic
trip for 24 hours.
Copy !req
342. But you were never alone.
I saw to that, bro.
Copy !req
343. Dad, we only have 20 minutes to
get you to the deejay battle.
Copy !req
344. So, I-I didn't beat Bullock?
Copy !req
345. No, Stan. You were just humming
the "Cheers" theme song
Copy !req
346. and shitting yourself.
Copy !req
347. Testing, testing.
Copy !req
348. Can't he just play it, Roger?
Copy !req
349. It's my shift to watch Stan again.
Copy !req
350. Look, Stan's as good as dead.
Copy !req
351. His heart stopped four
times last night, right?
Copy !req
352. And he's leaving on a
suicide mission tomorrow.
Copy !req
353. So please, let's focus
on what still matters.
Copy !req
354. This is the first recording, at
least on Earth, of the turin.
Copy !req
355. What... what... what's this
about a suicide mission?
Copy !req
356. I thought Dad had food poisoning.
Copy !req
357. Look, everybody's gonna
be fine, all right?
Copy !req
358. Let's just sit and enjoy the music.
Copy !req
359. No. No, it's not the time.
Copy !req
360. What? Of course it's the time!
Play it!
Copy !req
361. You can't just play the turin.
Copy !req
362. It tells you when to play it.
Copy !req
363. What in the ffff... fine!
Copy !req
364. And is it telling you anything now?
Copy !req
365. No.
Copy !req
366. Is this bullshit, man?
Copy !req
367. 'Cause my best friend is
dying just down the hall.
Copy !req
368. What is happening?
Copy !req
369. It's amazing, but that
tea actually taught me
Copy !req
370. how to improvise. Not really.
Copy !req
371. Taught you how to put someone
else's set on a memory stick.
Copy !req
372. But if it beats Bullock
and keeps you alive,
Copy !req
373. that's all that matters.
Copy !req
374. Listen to you.
Copy !req
375. Finally coming around
and seeing the value
Copy !req
376. of a good, well-thought-out...
Copy !req
377. No! Your music!
Copy !req
378. Hayley? Smith, you idiot!
Copy !req
379. I had the red.
Copy !req
380. I can't back up. I'm stuck.
Copy !req
381. I... Euuuugh!
Copy !req
382. Go with the flow. Go with the flow.
Copy !req
383. Go with the flow. Go with the flow.
Copy !req
384. Go with the flow.
Copy !req
385. Go with the flow.
Copy !req
386. Dad, what the hell?
Copy !req
387. I'm doing it, Hayley! It feels amazing!
Copy !req
388. What are you doing? I'm improvising!
Copy !req
389. Our plan was to beat Bullock.
Copy !req
390. But if we keep him from
competing, he'll still lose.
Copy !req
391. Ooooh! Ahhh!
Copy !req
392. Oh, my God, you're right.
Copy !req
393. A-and you just came up with that?
Copy !req
394. Yes! Like improv!
Copy !req
395. Whose line is it, anyway?
Copy !req
396. What a light show!
Copy !req
397. Oh, Stan's having an accident.
Copy !req
398. Look at me go!
Copy !req
399. Look at you go!
Copy !req
400. That's living without a plan.
Copy !req
401. It's so freeing... I can see
why you want to live this way.
Copy !req
402. I'm sorry I was trying to
change you, baby girl.
Copy !req
403. You pushed him right to the club!
Copy !req
404. It's stuck!
Copy !req
405. If he deejays, I'm as good as dead.
Copy !req
406. Thank God my pipe didn't break.
Copy !req
407. The dragon!
Copy !req
408. Get up, you fool!
Copy !req
409. But the turin's played lying down.
Copy !req
410. Of course it is.
Copy !req
411. That music.
Copy !req
412. It's so soothing.
Copy !req
413. Oh, baby.
Copy !req
414. You are a dragon soother.
Copy !req
415. I was wrong about you, Jeff.
Copy !req
416. You're no bum. You're
a street musician.
Copy !req
417. Entertainer of bums.
Copy !req
418. Dad, go win this thing.
Copy !req
419. But... but I don't have to.
Copy !req
420. And I don't want to.
Copy !req
421. Well, that just leaves one loose end.
Copy !req
422. This is a turin, Wayne.
Copy !req