1. Stan!
Copy !req
2. You got to clean this goddamn patio!
Copy !req
3. Stan, I need you to
sign this permission slip
Copy !req
4. - for a school trip.
- Well, I'm a little busy
Copy !req
5. getting 20 years of crap off the patio.
Copy !req
6. Is Brett Ratner's career on the patio?
Copy !req
7. Oh-ho-ho! Burn!
Copy !req
8. Tell you what... You
sign my permission slip,
Copy !req
9. and I'll loan you my power washer.
Copy !req
10. You think it's strong
enough to do the job?
Copy !req
11. Let's just say the Statue of Liberty
Copy !req
12. uses it to shower...
Copy !req
13. which she doesn't do
often, 'cause she's French.
Copy !req
14. B-B-B-B-Burn!
Copy !req
15. You know that's paint thinner.
Copy !req
16. Yeah, nice try. I'm not going anywhere.
Copy !req
17. I souped it up with a little alien tech.
Copy !req
18. By alien, I mean Detroit.
Copy !req
19. Let's turn this country around.
Copy !req
20. Let's make things again.
Copy !req
21. Whoa!
Copy !req
22. Whoa! Roger!
Copy !req
23. - Nice, huh?
- No, shut it off!
Copy !req
24. Damn it, Roger!
Copy !req
25. Not used to holding a tool with
that kind of power, Stan?
Copy !req
26. I'm kidding.
Copy !req
27. I've seen yours while you were sleeping.
Copy !req
28. It's great.
Copy !req
29. - Oh...
- Oh...
Copy !req
30. - my...
- my...
Copy !req
31. - God.
- God.
Copy !req
32. Jinx! Now you can't talk till
I say your name, Stan.
Copy !req
33. Ah, damn it!
Copy !req
34. Aah!
Copy !req
35. What the hell is that?
Copy !req
36. What's going on?
Copy !req
37. You burning some punk-ass fools?
Copy !req
38. Do Hayley next. The yard!
Copy !req
39. Stan was cleaning the
patio with my power washer,
Copy !req
40. and it kind of got away from him.
Copy !req
41. Because it has a Trans
Am engine strapped to it.
Copy !req
42. You used to be stronger.
Copy !req
43. But, look. Stan struck something.
Copy !req
44. White, dusty oil?
Copy !req
45. Lawn dandruff?
Copy !req
46. A third ridiculous guess?
Copy !req
47. I think I know what this is.
Copy !req
48. Yep, that's salt.
Copy !req
49. It's a salt deposit.
Copy !req
50. Oh, my God!
Copy !req
51. Did you guys think it was cocaine?
Copy !req
52. Cocaine doesn't grow underground,
Copy !req
53. You got to make that
shit, with blood and sweat.
Copy !req
54. And a little bit of salt.
Copy !req
55. You got to cut it with
salt to hit your margins.
Copy !req
56. So I guess we have 1% of cocaine here.
Copy !req
57. And a big mess to clean up.
Copy !req
58. This isn't a mess.
Copy !req
59. This could be our future.
Copy !req
60. Is salt valuable?
Copy !req
61. I don't know.
Copy !req
62. No way.
Copy !req
63. Wendy Williams could
totally beat up Connie Chung.
Copy !req
64. Sure, sure, but, I
mean, no one was talking
Copy !req
65. about either of those
people before you said that.
Copy !req
66. I spoke to the Gordon Salt people,
Copy !req
67. and they said we might have a
valuable resource in our yard.
Copy !req
68. And if we do, they'd like to
pay us for the right to take it.
Copy !req
69. You mean mine it, like minerals?
Copy !req
70. Ha. If you want to talk
like a ground scientist.
Copy !req
71. - A geologist?
- What?
Copy !req
72. Wait, honey.
Copy !req
73. You want a functioning
salt mine in our backyard?
Copy !req
74. Well, I sure as heck don't
want a non-functioning one.
Copy !req
75. Stan, it's our yard.
Copy !req
76. Our sanctuary.
Copy !req
77. Our happy place.
Copy !req
78. We used to have treasure hunts
Copy !req
79. where you'd write clues for
me and hide them around the yard.
Copy !req
80. I know we're a family,
Copy !req
81. so we usually
pretend everyone gets a vote.
Copy !req
82. But, come on, guys. It's me.
Copy !req
83. I'm gonna do what I want.
Copy !req
84. And I want to see who that is.
Copy !req
85. Mr. Smith, we're with Gordon Salt.
Copy !req
86. Wow. You got here quick.
Copy !req
87. There was a police chase on
95, so we just drafted off that.
Copy !req
88. Good news, Mr. Smith...
Copy !req
89. A big shaft here would tap into
a significant vein of salt.
Copy !req
90. Hear that?
Copy !req
91. I'm gonna have a big veiny shaft.
Copy !req
92. Are they salt executives or genies?
Copy !req
93. Oh!
Copy !req
94. Did I miss a burn?
Copy !req
95. Please, excuse my family.
Copy !req
96. They have some concerns
Copy !req
97. about what exactly is
going to happen here.
Copy !req
98. Let me put you folks at ease.
Copy !req
99. Mr. Smith here will sign his
mineral rights over to us,
Copy !req
100. and we'll give him a big check.
Copy !req
101. Then we'll tear up your
yard, take all the salt out,
Copy !req
102. and fill in the hole when we're done...
Copy !req
103. if there's time...
Copy !req
104. which there won't be.
Copy !req
105. As long as there's time
to write that big check.
Copy !req
106. Mom, why are you switching sides?
Copy !req
107. Because now there's a side
that has a big check on it.
Copy !req
108. And just to be clear, you
mean a physically huge check?
Copy !req
109. I've always wanted to hold one of those.
Copy !req
110. Feel like I won a golf tournament
Copy !req
111. or I'm a landlord and
one of my tenants is a giant.
Copy !req
112. If you're looking to
buy our mineral rights,
Copy !req
113. you best be talking to
me... Steve, the legal owner.
Copy !req
114. I also have big news.
Copy !req
115. One of these guys stepped
in dog turd on the way in.
Copy !req
116. There's size-9 poo
spots all over the house.
Copy !req
117. Here's where I keep all
my important documents...
Copy !req
118. Big Wheel warranty,
Copy !req
119. construction schematics for
my Lego Millennium Falcon,
Copy !req
120. Barry's do-not-resuscitate order.
Copy !req
121. Ah! This!
Copy !req
122. Um, can you get your
shoes off my duvet, please?
Copy !req
123. This is a contract, signed
eight years ago,
Copy !req
124. transferring all mineral
rights on our property from Dad to me.
Copy !req
125. How is that possible?
Copy !req
126. Oh. I can explain.
Copy !req
127. Uh-Uh! You think I
brought you to my room
Copy !req
128. so you could do the talking?
Copy !req
129. "Your scavenger hunt has come to an end.
Copy !req
130. Your very last clue is on
the ladder, my schmend."
Copy !req
131. "Schmend"?
Copy !req
132. Wouldn't "friend" have
been the perfect rhyme?
Copy !req
133. You have a lot to
learn about schmendship.
Copy !req
134. Ooh! Treasure!
Copy !req
135. No, Steve, those aren't the treasure.
Copy !req
136. They're just the clue holder-downers.
Copy !req
137. But they're so shiny.
Copy !req
138. So is Hayley's forehead,
Copy !req
139. but you wouldn't call that a treasure.
Copy !req
140. Oh.
Copy !req
141. "Down the slide and in the ground,
Copy !req
142. your special
treasure you'll have found."
Copy !req
143. Ha ha!
Copy !req
144. Treasure!
Copy !req
145. No, that's just more rocks.
Copy !req
146. Oh, for God's sake.
Copy !req
147. That's the treasure.
Copy !req
148. Baseball cards.
Copy !req
149. Thanks, Dad.
Copy !req
150. Well, open 'em. Let's see who you got.
Copy !req
151. Must be some kind of mistake.
Copy !req
152. They're all the same card.
Copy !req
153. No variety.
Copy !req
154. Not like the rocks.
Copy !req
155. Oh, my God!
Copy !req
156. They're all Ken Griffey
Jr. Rookie cards.
Copy !req
157. They must be worth a fortune.
Copy !req
158. Francine, what have
you always wanted to buy?
Copy !req
159. We keep putting
off that procedure on my hip.
Copy !req
160. Right! A fan boat!
Copy !req
161. - Mwah!
- Um, Dad?
Copy !req
162. Isn't that my treasure?
Copy !req
163. Technically, yes.
Copy !req
164. But wouldn't you rather have
all the rocks in the whole yard?
Copy !req
165. That would be awesome!
Copy !req
166. But how would I get them all out?
Copy !req
167. You don't have to.
Copy !req
168. You see, Steve, owning
land can be different
Copy !req
169. than owning the
minerals inside that land.
Copy !req
170. So now you have the mineral rights.
Copy !req
171. And all I have are these
pieces of cardboard.
Copy !req
172. Sucker!
Copy !req
173. Okay, you're making me look bad, Steve.
Copy !req
174. 'Cause after you called me a sucker,
Copy !req
175. I definitely threw you in the pool,
Copy !req
176. 'cause I don't take that shit.
Copy !req
177. Nor should you.
Copy !req
178. But we're really more concerned
with the contract.
Copy !req
179. Please. That can't possibly
be legally binding.
Copy !req
180. I thought you might say that...
Copy !req
181. which is why I went down
to city hall this morning
Copy !req
182. and got it stamped.
Copy !req
183. Hmm. Yep, it's official.
Copy !req
184. And if anyone knows what's "official,"
it's a fish, y'all!
Copy !req
185. Look, we're here on
business, and you, young man,
Copy !req
186. are the person we should
be doing business with.
Copy !req
187. So there's still a big check.
Copy !req
188. It's just for Steve...
Copy !req
189. my favorite boy.
Copy !req
190. Our favorite boy.
Copy !req
191. Put 'Er there, son.
Copy !req
192. - Psych!
- Whoo!
Copy !req
193. No deal, mister.
Copy !req
194. Eight years ago, my
dad tried to rip me off.
Copy !req
195. Well, now I'm the one who's
gonna do the ripping...
Copy !req
196. and the tearing.
Copy !req
197. The ripping and the tearing,
Copy !req
198. right through his plan
to destroy our backyard.
Copy !req
199. - My backyard.
- My minerals.
Copy !req
200. - Listen, Jeremy, is it?
- Steve.
Copy !req
201. I respect the sexual
frustration behind your decision.
Copy !req
202. What? No, no. That's not why I...
Copy !req
203. You're obviously a virgin.
Copy !req
204. That has nothing to do with...
Copy !req
205. But here's the thing, Jer-bear...
Copy !req
206. Gordon always gets its salt.
Copy !req
207. He's the virgin.
Copy !req
208. Not even close!
Copy !req
209. I've had sex with lots of girls.
Copy !req
210. Name one.
Copy !req
211. - Hi.
- Hey.
Copy !req
212. - What's that?
- It's a Lego Millennium Falcon...
Copy !req
213. minus a floor panel, which I'm
Copy !req
214. praying fell behind my trundle bed.
Copy !req
215. 'Cause without it, Han
and Chewie are screwed
Copy !req
216. when they need to
hide from Imperial troops.
Copy !req
217. They'd just be sitting
Copy !req
218. in a wide-open smuggler's
hatch like idiots.
Copy !req
219. - You're fun and interesting.
- I am?
Copy !req
220. Want to go out some time?
Copy !req
221. Um, sure!
Copy !req
222. I'm Steve. What's your name?
Copy !req
223. Whatever you want it to be.
Copy !req
224. Franci... Hold on.
Copy !req
225. This is all going too easily.
Copy !req
226. Wait. You look familiar.
Copy !req
227. Yellow raincoat, box of
salt leaking on your shoes...
Copy !req
228. blue umbrella!
Copy !req
229. You're the Gordon Salt Girl!
Copy !req
230. And she can be yours.
Copy !req
231. All you have to do is sign
over the mineral rights.
Copy !req
232. I already told you... No.
Copy !req
233. Seriously. She'll do
anything you want, or...
Copy !req
234. I'll do anything you want?
Copy !req
235. Stop.
Copy !req
236. You two may be dead inside, but I'm not.
Copy !req
237. I'm alive... with family memories
Copy !req
238. of barbecues and trying sports
Copy !req
239. and sweet, lazy Sunday afternoons.
Copy !req
240. Mr. Smith!
Copy !req
241. Sorry. It's just these people are...
Copy !req
242. Are you playing with Legos in my class?
Copy !req
243. I'm doing a build, if
that's what you're asking.
Copy !req
244. It's distracting.
Copy !req
245. So are the two adult
strangers in your class.
Copy !req
246. Nice try, Steve.
Copy !req
247. But us adults stick together.
Copy !req
248. Long day.
Copy !req
249. Yeah.
Copy !req
250. The Gordon people were all over...
Copy !req
251. No, I mean I had a long day.
Copy !req
252. I got hurt on our field trip.
Copy !req
253. We went to Mount
Vernon, so as you'd expect,
Copy !req
254. I got my arm busted by
a bunch of Hells Angels.
Copy !req
255. - Sign my cast?
- Sure.
Copy !req
256. No, no. Not there, not there.
Copy !req
257. Right there.
Copy !req
258. Got to leave room for Zachary and Ella.
Copy !req
259. I'm gonna have them
sign next to each other,
Copy !req
260. 'cause then when I break them up,
Copy !req
261. Ella's gonna cry every
time she sees my cast,
Copy !req
262. and I'm gonna love it,
Copy !req
263. 'cause she was such a bitch to
me at the lockers last week.
Copy !req
264. - I know this is all made up.
- Some of it.
Copy !req
265. Roger, leave Steve alone.
Copy !req
266. Thanks, Mom, but I already
have a chocolate milk martini.
Copy !req
267. This is a real martini.
Copy !req
268. It's okay. You're a man now.
Copy !req
269. A man with mineral rights.
Copy !req
270. Get drunk!
Copy !req
271. Then decide what to do with them.
Copy !req
272. I can't believe it!
Copy !req
273. You want me to sell
out to the salt people!
Copy !req
274. No! I want you to get drunk.
Copy !req
275. I believe that once you get drunk,
Copy !req
276. you'll sell out to the salt people.
Copy !req
277. But what about our family memories?
Copy !req
278. We'll buy new
memories... with all that salt money.
Copy !req
279. And we don't have to share
it with your dad.
Copy !req
280. In fact, we can give
him this poison martini.
Copy !req
281. Piss off, Francine.
Copy !req
282. I've got too much to live for,
Copy !req
283. knowing I still have my Ken
Griffey Jr. rookie cards.
Copy !req
284. Um, actually, you don't.
Copy !req
285. I put them in the
spokes of my bike last year.
Copy !req
286. But they were locked away in my safe.
Copy !req
287. Stan, honey, I hate
to break this to you,
Copy !req
288. but I am your safe.
Copy !req
289. - It's one of my personas.
- What?
Copy !req
290. I'm also the downstairs toilet.
Copy !req
291. My cards!
Copy !req
292. Made me feel boss
Copy !req
293. when I was riding
down the street, flossin'!
Copy !req
294. You ruined them.
Copy !req
295. Those were my cards! Mine!
Copy !req
296. I hate this place!
Copy !req
297. So, we've had some difficulty
getting your son to play ball.
Copy !req
298. That's because he
can't play ball very well,
Copy !req
299. so he gets self-conscious about it.
Copy !req
300. You just need to start playing
like it's no big deal,
Copy !req
301. and eventually, he'll join in.
Copy !req
302. Charles.
Copy !req
303. You're a big meanie.
Copy !req
304. My God, are you the man of
your house, or aren't you?
Copy !req
305. Because a man wouldn't
let a boy's contract
Copy !req
306. stop him from making this deal.
Copy !req
307. But it's signed.
Copy !req
308. And stamped.
Copy !req
309. - You heard the fish.
- Oh.
Copy !req
310. I didn't want to come
to this. I really didn't.
Copy !req
311. What the hell is that?
Copy !req
312. This, Mr. Smith, is the
original Gordon Salt Girl,
Copy !req
313. preserved by salt...
Copy !req
314. and angered by delays.
Copy !req
315. Get me that salt!
Copy !req
316. What are you doing?
Copy !req
317. I believe the legal term is take-backs.
Copy !req
318. Destroying a young
boy's signed contract...
Copy !req
319. truly low, sir.
Copy !req
320. And exactly the kind of
thing I knew you'd do...
Copy !req
321. which is why...
Copy !req
322. I moved the real contract
to Snot's for safekeeping.
Copy !req
323. Well played, son.
Copy !req
324. You anticipated my
move and had the foresight
Copy !req
325. to stash the contract at
a secure off-site location.
Copy !req
326. Which begs the question,
why did you bring it home?
Copy !req
327. Well, I went to check on it,
Copy !req
328. and contrary to what I'd been assured,
Copy !req
329. Snot did not have a proper file cabinet.
Copy !req
330. Where was it? Like, on
his desk or something?
Copy !req
331. Yeah, with... Other
crap all over the place.
Copy !req
332. Yes. And it's not like something
Copy !req
333. was for sure going to happen to it.
Copy !req
334. - It's just...
- There's a right way to do things.
Copy !req
335. - Exactly.
- Totally get it.
Copy !req
336. Hey, Steve, did you know
Copy !req
337. there's a Lego
piece behind your dresser?
Copy !req
338. Looks like the door to
a smuggler's hatch.
Copy !req
339. All right, Dad!
Copy !req
340. As soon as this salt war is over,
I'll thank you properly!
Copy !req
341. Dad's trying to destroy the contract
Copy !req
342. so he can sell out to Gordon.
Copy !req
343. - Uh-huh.
- You got to help me.
Copy !req
344. - Do I?
- Of course you do.
Copy !req
345. You don't want a salt mine in our yard.
Copy !req
346. What about our
memories and the environment?
Copy !req
347. Hmm. I do love those things.
Copy !req
348. I also love the idea that if there's
a salt mine in the yard,
Copy !req
349. I can protest it without
getting out of bed.
Copy !req
350. Hayley, no!
Copy !req
351. Basically, this is the
lazy protester's dream.
Copy !req
352. So, why don't you
just give me the contract?
Copy !req
353. Ugh. Are you gonna
make me get out of bed?
Copy !req
354. Aah!
Copy !req
355. Mama? Wh... What's with the nails?
Copy !req
356. They're white...
Copy !req
357. like salt, Steve.
Copy !req
358. I came up with it when I realized salt
Copy !req
359. is the only white thing in the world!
Copy !req
360. Mom, that's not even close to true.
Copy !req
361. Let's you and me make it true!
Copy !req
362. Nowhere to run, son.
Copy !req
363. Or walk.
Copy !req
364. I think we can all do
this with just walking.
Copy !req
365. - Come on, Steve.
- Let's go, Steve.
Copy !req
366. Give it up, Steve.
Copy !req
367. What am I doing?
Copy !req
368. Why am I fighting for
our family memories
Copy !req
369. if my family won't fight with me?
Copy !req
370. I'm with you, Steve!
Copy !req
371. I'm totally alone in this.
Copy !req
372. You know what? You guys win.
Copy !req
373. If our memories are
meaningless, then so is this piece of paper.
Copy !req
374. I renounce it.
Copy !req
375. "Down the slide and in the ground,
Copy !req
376. your special
treasure you'll have found."
Copy !req
377. I remember that slide.
Copy !req
378. When I climbed to the top of it,
Copy !req
379. it felt like I was
climbing into the sky.
Copy !req
380. You had a big scary
slide like this, too?
Copy !req
381. Not your slide, Steve. My slide.
Copy !req
382. My dad wrote these clues
for me when I was a kid.
Copy !req
383. He'd hide them all over the
yard, and I'd look for them.
Copy !req
384. And when I was done, I'd
wake him up, if I could find him.
Copy !req
385. Wait, you just recycled your dad's game?
Copy !req
386. I haven't thought about that in years.
Copy !req
387. - What a great memory.
- Not for me.
Copy !req
388. It means all my treasure
hunts were just hand-me-downs.
Copy !req
389. From my awesome father.
Copy !req
390. What? He abandoned you!
Copy !req
391. That man's a sociopath!
Copy !req
392. Quiet, Steve. I'm getting an idea.
Copy !req
393. Is it that family memories
Copy !req
394. are precious and should be protected?
Copy !req
395. Uh, duh!
Copy !req
396. But, also... try to follow me...
Copy !req
397. maybe we shouldn't let the
Gordon people mine our yard.
Copy !req
398. I've been saying that for a week!
Copy !req
399. Hope on the bandwagon,
Steve. There's plenty of room.
Copy !req
400. Now, I'm gonna call them and...
Copy !req
401. Wait! We've changed our minds!
Copy !req
402. This isn't just a patch of dirt.
Copy !req
403. It's a canvas on which we've painted
Copy !req
404. some of the most
wonderful moments of our lives.
Copy !req
405. That's beautiful, Mr. Smith.
Copy !req
406. I believe that I could
never buy the mineral rights
Copy !req
407. from you or your son.
Copy !req
408. Great.
Copy !req
409. So...
Copy !req
410. about my fence?
Copy !req
411. Which is why I bought
them from their actual owner.
Copy !req
412. Actual owner? Whoa!
Copy !req
413. Who will it be, "American Dad!" fans?
Copy !req
414. Steve's teacher? Ken Griffey Jr.?
Copy !req
415. The Gordon exec who hasn't spoken yet?
Copy !req
416. Is it Snot, Barry, or Toshi,
Copy !req
417. who've all been conspicuously absent?
Copy !req
418. Is it me, the announcer?
Copy !req
419. Oh, I look like Dracula, by the way.
Copy !req
420. Is it Principal Lewis?
Copy !req
421. Is it Francine's sexy sister, Gwen?
Copy !req
422. Is it Diane from an
upcoming episode about slot cars?
Copy !req
423. Suckboy Tony? James
Garfield? Robert Wuhl?
Copy !req
424. Tuttle, Buckle, Jackson,
Duper, Hooper, Dick, or Bullock?
Copy !req
425. Styles, Billy, Jack,
Meredith, Tom from the grocery store?
Copy !req
426. That sweet little boy from
"The Cleveland Show," Rallo?
Copy !req
427. It's me!
Copy !req
428. You're probably realizing now, Stan,
Copy !req
429. that permission slip you signed
was a mineral-rights lease.
Copy !req
430. But when it turned out Steve
was the real owner,
Copy !req
431. I broke my arm and plastered
another lease around my cast.
Copy !req
432. Sorry, kid, but you were
throwing away one hell of a score.
Copy !req
433. All right, people! Let's dig!
Copy !req
434. What? What? There's no vein?
Copy !req
435. We paid all that
money for just one scoop?
Copy !req
436. Sir, there's been a report
Copy !req
437. of a gusher in Madison, Wisconsin.
Copy !req
438. Great. That's where I'm from.
Copy !req
439. We can stay with my mom.
Copy !req
440. She's got a bumper pool table.
Copy !req
441. And that, my friends, is
what we call the long con.
Copy !req
442. What are you talking about?
Copy !req
443. I planted that salt.
Copy !req
444. I set up this whole thing.
Copy !req
445. It was a sting, baby.
Copy !req
446. Oh, I've wanted to
screw Gordon Salt for years.
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447. What on earth for?
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448. Well, you know how my
Rabbi Itzhak character
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449. likes to keep kosher?
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450. A few years ago, the rebbe conducted
a surprise inspection
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451. of a Gordon facility in Arizona
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452. to confirm that their so-called
kosher salt was, indeed, kosher.
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453. I'm not embarrassed to
say I wept and cried for mercy
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454. as I was soundly beaten by the
girl behind the front desk.
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455. But I vowed revenge.
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456. So I bought a 40-pound bag of
salt and buried it in the yard,
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457. bought the power washer
and slapped a Hemi on it,
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458. and I waited for 31/2 years
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459. for Stan to finally clean the patio.
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460. The rest was a breeze.
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461. Why didn't you just
let us in on the con?
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462. I mean, you saw how it
was tearing us apart.
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463. I couldn't trust you to be
cool when the stakes were so high.
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464. How much did you make?
Copy !req
465. Let's see. After my salt
purchase, backhoe rental,
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466. power washer, reconditioned V-8 engine,
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467. hospital bills, notary
for the mineral lease,
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468. plus the staff retreat in Park
City, I cleared 40 bucks.
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469. That's nothing.
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470. No. That's enough for a bag of charcoal.
Copy !req
471. I am going to remember this
day for a long time, honey.
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472. Me too. It's perfect.
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473. Almost. It could use a little more...
Copy !req
474. salt.
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475. That's pretty good, Roger.
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476. Why don't you toss me those tongs?
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477. It's pepper.
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478. Nope, it's sewage.
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479. It's Steve's.
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