1. Today is the day.
Copy !req
2. How do I look?
Copy !req
3. Like a star.
Copy !req
4. Now, we don't know
what Ito's gonna allow,
Copy !req
5. but we know that
Marcia's gonna go crazy.
Copy !req
6. So if you get a chance to start talking,
Copy !req
7. don't you stop.
Copy !req
8. Let's go.
Copy !req
9. Mr. Cochran,
Copy !req
10. it is my understanding
Copy !req
11. that you have discussed with your client
Copy !req
12. his right to testify.
Copy !req
13. Yes, Your Honor.
Copy !req
14. Mr. Simpson is waiving his right.
Copy !req
15. But if the court pleases,
he would like to make
Copy !req
16. a brief statement regarding the waiver.
Copy !req
17. Your Honor, the People
object to the defendant
Copy !req
18. making any statement other
than the waiver at this time.
Copy !req
19. Counsel, he's not before the jury.
Copy !req
20. Yes, but we are all aware of
the realities of this case,
Copy !req
21. the problem with conjugal
visits and telephone calls
Copy !req
22. that are only monitored on one side.
Copy !req
23. This is an obvious
attempt by the defense
Copy !req
24. to get material to the jury
Copy !req
25. that has not been admitted in court.
Copy !req
26. It is inappropriate and deliberate.
Copy !req
27. I strongly urge the
court to exercise control
Copy !req
28. and not permit testimony
without cross-examination.
Copy !req
29. Please, Your Honor, don't do this.
Copy !req
30. My goodness.
Copy !req
31. There's a great deal of fear
of the truth in this case.
Copy !req
32. Your Honor, this is still America.
Copy !req
33. Can we still talk?
Copy !req
34. All right, go ahead,
Mr. Simpson, briefly.
Copy !req
35. Good morning, Your Honor.
Copy !req
36. As much as I'd like to address
some of the misrepresentations
Copy !req
37. made about myself and my Nicole,
Copy !req
38. concerning our life together,
Copy !req
39. I am mindful of the mood and
the stamina of this jury.
Copy !req
40. I am confident... a lot more,
it seems, than Miss Clark...
Copy !req
41. About their integrity,
Copy !req
42. and that they will
find, as it now stands,
Copy !req
43. that I did not
Copy !req
44. and could not and would
not commit this crime.
Copy !req
45. I have four kids.
Copy !req
46. Two kids I haven't seen in a year.
Copy !req
47. And every week,
Copy !req
48. they ask me, "Dad, when
are you coming home?
Copy !req
49. How much longer?"
Copy !req
50. - All right...
- Just want this trial to be over.
Copy !req
51. - All right, thank you, Mr. Simpson.
- Thank you, Your Honor.
Copy !req
52. You want to address misrepresentations
Copy !req
53. about you and Nicole, take
a seat in the blue chair,
Copy !req
54. and we can have a discussion.
Copy !req
55. Mr. Cochran,
Copy !req
56. does the defense plan on
calling any further witnesses?
Copy !req
57. No, Your Honor.
Copy !req
58. The defense rests.
Copy !req
59. We have ten jurors.
Copy !req
60. We have nine.
Copy !req
61. We have ten.
Copy !req
62. And then there's that freaking demon.
Copy !req
63. She hates me.
Copy !req
64. I've gotten that look
from all my ex-wives.
Copy !req
65. Jesus, you and that demon.
Copy !req
66. What did she ever do to you?
Copy !req
67. - Shawn.
- Mm?
Copy !req
68. What's up?
Copy !req
69. Johnnie just got another death threat.
Copy !req
70. Death threat?
Copy !req
71. How many has he gotten?
Copy !req
72. - It's up to 20 now.
- What?
Copy !req
73. It's scary.
Copy !req
74. Johnnie needs protection.
Copy !req
75. I'm gonna insist he hire someone.
Copy !req
76. Come on.
Copy !req
77. "If the glove's too small...
Copy !req
78. easy call."
Copy !req
79. No.
Copy !req
80. "If the gloves...
Copy !req
81. don't fit... "
Copy !req
82. Today, the trial of the century
Copy !req
83. reaches a crescendo
Copy !req
84. as closing statements begin.
Copy !req
85. Vegas oddsmakers are
offering six-to-five
Copy !req
86. in favor of conviction.
Copy !req
87. Marcia.
Copy !req
88. Yeah.
Copy !req
89. Please, nail this.
Copy !req
90. Good morning.
Copy !req
91. Good morning.
Copy !req
92. Ladies and gentlemen, we
are coming close to the end,
Copy !req
93. I promise.
Copy !req
94. And I want you all to know
Copy !req
95. how much I appreciate
what you're doing here...
Copy !req
96. For justice...
Copy !req
97. And to thank you all from
the bottom of my heart
Copy !req
98. for the incredible
sacrifices that you've made.
Copy !req
99. Thank you.
Copy !req
100. I would like to begin
Copy !req
101. by first addressing the
issue of Mark Fuhrman.
Copy !req
102. Just to be clear, is he a racist?
Copy !req
103. Yes.
Copy !req
104. Is he the worst LAPD has to offer?
Copy !req
105. Yes.
Copy !req
106. Should LAPD ever have hired him?
Copy !req
107. No.
Copy !req
108. Should such a person
be a police officer?
Copy !req
109. No.
Copy !req
110. In fact, do we wish there were
no such person on the planet?
Copy !req
111. Yes.
Copy !req
112. But the fact that Mark
Fuhrman is a racist
Copy !req
113. and lied about it on the witness stand
Copy !req
114. does not mean that we haven't
proven that the defendant
Copy !req
115. is guilty beyond a reasonable doubt.
Copy !req
116. And it would be a tragedy
Copy !req
117. if O.J. Simpson were found not guilty
Copy !req
118. because of the racist attitudes
of one police officer.
Copy !req
119. There is an ocean of evidence
Copy !req
120. that has been unchallenged
by the defense.
Copy !req
121. In an attempt to distract you from it,
Copy !req
122. they took you through a twisted road.
Copy !req
123. One moment saying the
police are bumbling idiots,
Copy !req
124. the next moment saying the
police are cunning conspirators.
Copy !req
125. They threw out alternate theories,
Copy !req
126. hoping one would stick.
Copy !req
127. But instead of focusing
on those distractions,
Copy !req
128. I ask you to consider the evidence
Copy !req
129. the defense did not, and cannot, refute.
Copy !req
130. The shoe prints at Bundy were
from a size-12 Bruno Magli shoe.
Copy !req
131. The defendant wears a size-12.
Copy !req
132. Hair from the defendant was
on the knit cap at Bundy.
Copy !req
133. Hair from the defendant
was on Ron Goldman's shirt.
Copy !req
134. The glove found at
Rockingham contains fibers
Copy !req
135. that match Ron's hair.
Copy !req
136. The glove contains fibers
that match Nicole's hair.
Copy !req
137. It has Nicole's blood.
Copy !req
138. It has Ron's blood.
Copy !req
139. It has the defendant's blood.
Copy !req
140. The gloves are extra-large,
the defendant's size.
Copy !req
141. Here are photos of the defendant
wearing the Aris gloves
Copy !req
142. at numerous football games.
Copy !req
143. When limo driver Allan Park arrived,
Copy !req
144. there was no Bronco out front.
Copy !req
145. When he left with the defendant,
Copy !req
146. there was now a Bronco parked outside.
Copy !req
147. A drop of blood in the Bundy driveway
Copy !req
148. matches the defendant at a rate
Copy !req
149. of one-in-170-million.
Copy !req
150. Nicole's blood was on
the defendant's sock.
Copy !req
151. This was a match at the
rate of one-in-6.8-billion.
Copy !req
152. The blood on the rear gate at
Bundy matches the defendant
Copy !req
153. at rate of one-in-57-billion.
Copy !req
154. There are only five billion
people on the planet.
Copy !req
155. That, ladies and gentlemen,
is an identification.
Copy !req
156. When the defendant was
informed of his wife's death,
Copy !req
157. he did not ask how she died.
Copy !req
158. Think about that.
Copy !req
159. He did not ask how she died.
Copy !req
160. And then ask yourself,
Copy !req
161. "Why?"
Copy !req
162. Ladies and gentlemen,
Copy !req
163. to grasp this crime,
Copy !req
164. you must first understand
Mr. Simpson's relationship
Copy !req
165. to his ex-wife, Nicole.
Copy !req
166. It was a ticking time bomb.
Copy !req
167. The fuse was lit in 1985,
Copy !req
168. the very year they were married.
Copy !req
169. Officers responded after
Mr. Simpson beat Nicole
Copy !req
170. and took a baseball bat to her Mercedes.
Copy !req
171. Then in 1989, Nicole
had to call 911 again,
Copy !req
172. fearing for her life.
Copy !req
173. When officers arrived,
Copy !req
174. Nicole ran towards them, yelling,
Copy !req
175. "He's going to kill me.
Copy !req
176. He's going to kill me."
Copy !req
177. She had a black eye,
Copy !req
178. a cut forehead, a swollen cheek.
Copy !req
179. In her torn bra,
Copy !req
180. Nicole pleaded with the officers,
Copy !req
181. "You've come up here eight times.
Copy !req
182. You never do anything about him."
Copy !req
183. And they want to tell you
Copy !req
184. that the police conspired
against Mr. Simpson.
Copy !req
185. This case
Copy !req
186. is not about the "N" word.
Copy !req
187. It is about O.J. Simpson
and the "M" word, "murder."
Copy !req
188. I'm not afraid to point
to him and say he did it.
Copy !req
189. Why not?
Copy !req
190. The evidence all points to him.
Copy !req
191. In February 1992, Nicole
filed for divorce.
Copy !req
192. She was running away from the
man who said he'd kill her.
Copy !req
193. She saw the explosion coming.
Copy !req
194. Why else fill a safe-deposit box
Copy !req
195. with threatening letters
from the defendant,
Copy !req
196. a will and police
photos of past beatings?
Copy !req
197. She knew that the bomb
could go off at any second.
Copy !req
198. And then it did.
Copy !req
199. On June 12, 1994,
Copy !req
200. while their daughter danced,
Copy !req
201. the defendant kept his
eyes fixed on Nicole.
Copy !req
202. Spurned.
Copy !req
203. Now imagine this
defendant in the Bronco.
Copy !req
204. He is full of anger,
and he is full of rage,
Copy !req
205. and it is nighttime, and he is driving,
Copy !req
206. and the focus of his anger is Nicole.
Copy !req
207. It is 10:00, and he's
driving as fast as he can.
Copy !req
208. He is out of control, folks.
Copy !req
209. The fact that the kids are in the house
Copy !req
210. means nothing to this man.
Copy !req
211. Simpson has lost Nicole,
Copy !req
212. and he is upset and angry.
Copy !req
213. The fuse is getting shorter.
Copy !req
214. The anger is building.
Copy !req
215. The rage he has, the anger, the hate,
Copy !req
216. flows out of him and into the knife
Copy !req
217. and from the knife into her.
Copy !req
218. With each thrust of the
knife into her body,
Copy !req
219. there's a release,
Copy !req
220. a small release.
Copy !req
221. And he stabs and cuts and slices
Copy !req
222. until that rage is gone.
Copy !req
223. Until Nicole and Ron are gone.
Copy !req
224. He's a murderer.
Copy !req
225. He was also one hell of
a great football player.
Copy !req
226. But he's still a murderer.
Copy !req
227. At the outset...
Copy !req
228. let me say
Copy !req
229. that not one bit of domestic
violence is tolerable.
Copy !req
230. O.J. Simpson
Copy !req
231. is not proud of some of the things
Copy !req
232. that happened during his marriage.
Copy !req
233. Does that add up to murder?
Copy !req
234. No.
Copy !req
235. Mr. Darden talked about 1985,
Copy !req
236. but he missed the whole point.
Copy !req
237. Something interesting happened
Copy !req
238. in 1985.
Copy !req
239. Mark Fuhrman
Copy !req
240. responded to a call on Rockingham.
Copy !req
241. He saw a white woman
Copy !req
242. married to a powerful black man.
Copy !req
243. He didn't like that.
He didn't like that.
Copy !req
244. 'Cause he's a hardened racist.
Copy !req
245. Mark Fuhrman is the one who said,
Copy !req
246. "If I see an interracial couple,
Copy !req
247. "I'm gonna stop them.
Copy !req
248. "If I don't have a reason,
Copy !req
249. I'm gonna make something up."
Copy !req
250. So you have a lying Mark Fuhrman,
Copy !req
251. the personification of evil,
Copy !req
252. who found the gloves.
Copy !req
253. But don't be fooled.
Copy !req
254. This isn't just one officer.
Copy !req
255. Mark Fuhrman represents
Copy !req
256. the entire...
Copy !req
257. LAPD.
Copy !req
258. Now, you may not know this,
Copy !req
259. but you are... empowered.
Copy !req
260. Your decision has a major implication
Copy !req
261. both in this courtroom
Copy !req
262. and outside of it.
Copy !req
263. Things happen for a reason in life.
Copy !req
264. Maybe that's why we're
gathered together.
Copy !req
265. Something in your background,
Copy !req
266. your character, helps you to know
Copy !req
267. that this is wrong.
Copy !req
268. Maybe you're the right
people at the right time
Copy !req
269. to be able to say, "No more."
Copy !req
270. We can't have this."
Copy !req
271. What they have done
Copy !req
272. is disgraceful.
Copy !req
273. O.J. Simpson
Copy !req
274. is entitled to an acquittal.
Copy !req
275. They have entrusted
Copy !req
276. this case to a man who says
Copy !req
277. he'd like to see all niggers
Copy !req
278. gathered together and killed.
Copy !req
279. That is genocide.
Copy !req
280. That man speaks
Copy !req
281. like Adolf Hitler.
Copy !req
282. Now, since you can't trust the man
Copy !req
283. and you don't trust the People,
Copy !req
284. is it any wonder,
Copy !req
285. in the defining moment in this trial,
Copy !req
286. when they asked
Copy !req
287. O.J. Simpson to try on the glove
Copy !req
288. and the glove didn't fit.
Copy !req
289. It didn't fit because it wasn't his.
Copy !req
290. If you don't stop this
cover-up, who will?
Copy !req
291. Send them a message.
Copy !req
292. Let them know
Copy !req
293. that your verdict will travel
Copy !req
294. far outside these walls.
Copy !req
295. Ladies and gentlemen,
Copy !req
296. remember these words:
Copy !req
297. if it doesn't fit,
Copy !req
298. you must acquit.
Copy !req
299. If it doesn't fit, you must acquit.
Copy !req
300. If it doesn't fit...
Copy !req
301. you must acquit.
Copy !req
302. Well, that's it. There's
nothing else we can do.
Copy !req
303. How long do you think they'll take?
Copy !req
304. On this trial, nothing's gone fast.
Copy !req
305. Could be forever.
Copy !req
306. Somebody hold the elevator, please?
Copy !req
307. Well, I'm getting the hell out.
Copy !req
308. Taking my kids to Santa Barbara
for some real family time.
Copy !req
309. Call me if anything happens.
Copy !req
310. And what if nothing happens?
Copy !req
311. Then call me in a month to say "hi."
Copy !req
312. Well, I've got a speech in Laguna Beach.
Copy !req
313. A snack food convention.
Copy !req
314. Oh, how the mighty have fallen.
Copy !req
315. I'm flying back to New York.
Copy !req
316. Vacation talk? Whew. I need one.
Copy !req
317. Heading to the airport.
Copy !req
318. I got a speech in San Francisco.
Copy !req
319. You know what I would do,
if I had the spare time?
Copy !req
320. I would go up to Oscar De
La Hoya's training camp
Copy !req
321. and I would spend my day sparring
Copy !req
322. and-and hitting the heavy bag.
Copy !req
323. Bob, airport.
Copy !req
324. Okay.
Copy !req
325. I've never been a foreperson before.
Copy !req
326. I've never even been on a jury before,
Copy !req
327. so if any of you have suggestions,
Copy !req
328. I'm open to hearing them.
Copy !req
329. Why not take a vote? Already?
Copy !req
330. I mean, just to get a sense of the room.
Copy !req
331. Like a straw poll.
Copy !req
332. Yeah. That's good.
Copy !req
333. Um, but the instructions say
Copy !req
334. that the voting should
be done in secret,
Copy !req
335. so nobody feels uncomfortable.
Copy !req
336. So, uh, why don't we
just do paper ballots?
Copy !req
337. Just write "guilty" or "not guilty."
Copy !req
338. Okay.
Copy !req
339. Do I have everybody?
Copy !req
340. All right.
Copy !req
341. Here we go.
Copy !req
342. Anise, would you tally for us?
Copy !req
343. Sure.
Copy !req
344. Okay.
Copy !req
345. "Not guilty."
Copy !req
346. "Not guilty."
Copy !req
347. "Not guilty."
Copy !req
348. "Not guilty."
Copy !req
349. "Not guilty."
Copy !req
350. "Not guilty."
Copy !req
351. "Guilty."
Copy !req
352. "Not guilty."
Copy !req
353. "Not guilty."
Copy !req
354. "Guilty."
Copy !req
355. "Not guilty."
Copy !req
356. And...
Copy !req
357. "not guilty."
Copy !req
358. So the tally is...
Copy !req
359. We can all do the math.
Copy !req
360. Okay, I'll just say it.
Copy !req
361. I voted guilty.
Copy !req
362. I mean,
Copy !req
363. look at all the evidence.
Copy !req
364. There is just so much.
Copy !req
365. And what about all the facts
Copy !req
366. that the defense didn't
even bother to address?
Copy !req
367. I mean, just that alone...
Copy !req
368. Why wasn't there more
blood in the Bronco?
Copy !req
369. There was so much blood at the scene.
Copy !req
370. I'd make more of a mess in my
car if I spilt a milkshake.
Copy !req
371. Goldman had injuries on his hands,
Copy !req
372. like he was defending himself.
Copy !req
373. Why didn't O.J. have any marks on him?
Copy !req
374. What about the cut on his hand?
Copy !req
375. The gloves did not fit.
Copy !req
376. Oh, now, they did kind of fit.
Copy !req
377. Looked to me like O.J. was just
trying to not make 'em fit.
Copy !req
378. Why were they not inside out?
Copy !req
379. That's how they would be
if he take 'em off. Mm-hmm.
Copy !req
380. Shouldn't there have been more blood
Copy !req
381. around the glove they
found at O.J.'s house?
Copy !req
382. And wouldn't there be blood
Copy !req
383. on the leaves?
Copy !req
384. You can just ask Mark
Fuhrman about that.
Copy !req
385. There's too many mess-ups.
Copy !req
386. Too much strange stuff
going on in the thing.
Copy !req
387. You will never convince me
that he did it without a doubt.
Copy !req
388. Beyond a reasonable doubt.
Copy !req
389. Whatever.
Copy !req
390. All right, all right. Look.
Copy !req
391. You might think he did it.
Copy !req
392. Hell, I might think he did it.
Copy !req
393. But can we honestly sit here
Copy !req
394. and say they proved it?
Copy !req
395. I will never,
Copy !req
396. ever think they proved it.
Copy !req
397. Never.
Copy !req
398. Never, ever.
Copy !req
399. Yes?
Copy !req
400. Are you shitting me?
Copy !req
401. They have a verdict.
Copy !req
402. You need to get down to court.
Copy !req
403. How can they have a verdict?
Copy !req
404. They can't.
Copy !req
405. It's impossible.
Copy !req
406. Oh, come on. You're kidding!
Copy !req
407. You're joking!
Copy !req
408. It's been half a day!
Copy !req
409. Four hours.
Copy !req
410. Four hours!
Copy !req
411. It's only good.
Copy !req
412. There's no way a jury
Copy !req
413. convicts on a double homicide
Copy !req
414. after four hours of debate.
Copy !req
415. Not even four.
Copy !req
416. To fill out the forms for
"guilty" takes an hour.
Copy !req
417. Then, they had a lunch break.
Copy !req
418. My God, they've discussed this case
Copy !req
419. less than anybody in America.
Copy !req
420. What are these people doing here?
Copy !req
421. Bob, you know
Copy !req
422. I've been receiving death threats.
Copy !req
423. I don't take my safety
lightly, especially not today.
Copy !req
424. You couldn't do this without
the help of Louis Farrakhan?
Copy !req
425. Robert, did you know about this?
Copy !req
426. Not until I got here, no.
Copy !req
427. Do you know what this looks like?
Copy !req
428. These are the same people that think
Copy !req
429. that some Jews are the devil and that...
Copy !req
430. and that my people have
no claim to Israel!
Copy !req
431. I had nothing to do with it, Bob.
Copy !req
432. I don't speak for Louis Farrakhan,
Copy !req
433. but I trust him
Copy !req
434. with my personal security and yours.
Copy !req
435. How could you? You-you know
appearance better than anyone.
Copy !req
436. How could you, on the
day of the verdict...
Copy !req
437. This verdict... you arrive
with strident black extremists.
Copy !req
438. Jesus, Bob! It's a secure
way to get in and out
Copy !req
439. of what could explode into hell.
Copy !req
440. Just get in the van or I'll
tell them you're Jewish.
Copy !req
441. Oh, bullshit. This is
bullsh... Step back!
Copy !req
442. This is just wrong!
Copy !req
443. What the police department has done
Copy !req
444. is increase the number
of uniformed officers...
Copy !req
445. Just to assess the
situation as it changes
Copy !req
446. and then adjust as it changes.
Copy !req
447. And be prepared for, for
whatever comes about.
Copy !req
448. Has justice been done
Copy !req
449. in the courtroom? We pray...
Copy !req
450. By the time you all see this,
Copy !req
451. you will already know the O.J. verdict.
Copy !req
452. Who's nervous? Is anybody nervous? Yeah.
Copy !req
453. You know he didn't do it!
Copy !req
454. It's a big day, huh, O.J.?
Copy !req
455. The biggest.
Copy !req
456. Hey, man, I just want you to know...
Copy !req
457. Guarding you in here...
Copy !req
458. It's been a pleasure.
Copy !req
459. There's a lot of real assholes
Copy !req
460. that come through this place and...
Copy !req
461. you've always been a stand-up guy.
Copy !req
462. Thanks, Eddie.
Copy !req
463. Blade me.
Copy !req
464. And, uh, I was hoping
Copy !req
465. before we go in,
Copy !req
466. that maybe you could sign this.
Copy !req
467. For my kid.
Copy !req
468. Uh, sure, Eddie, no problem.
Copy !req
469. I could do that.
Copy !req
470. Thank you.
Copy !req
471. So nervous.
Copy !req
472. Hope I don't cut myself.
Copy !req
473. You know, I don't think
you need to be nervous.
Copy !req
474. I've been talking to my buddies
Copy !req
475. over at the-the hotel where
they're keeping the jurors.
Copy !req
476. Let's just say I don't think
you need to be nervous at all.
Copy !req
477. Four hours.
Copy !req
478. But how is that even possible?
Copy !req
479. Four hours?
Copy !req
480. All this, all of it,
and they go into a room
Copy !req
481. and they talk about it for four hours?
Copy !req
482. I thought I'd have weeks
Copy !req
483. to get a statement
ready; two statements.
Copy !req
484. And now I got... aw, shit.
Copy !req
485. I'll see you guys later.
Copy !req
486. You know, statistically, a deliberation
Copy !req
487. this fast spells guilty.
Copy !req
488. Statistically, I know, but...
Copy !req
489. All they asked to be read back
was the limo driver testimony.
Copy !req
490. That...
Copy !req
491. that sounds good.
Copy !req
492. Really good.
Copy !req
493. I'm not going to say it.
Copy !req
494. Then I will.
Copy !req
495. Marcia, what if we won?
Copy !req
496. All right, can we have the jury, please?
Copy !req
497. Thank you.
Copy !req
498. May the record reflect
Copy !req
499. we've now been rejoined
by all the members
Copy !req
500. of our jury panel and our alternates.
Copy !req
501. All right, Mrs. Robertson,
do you have the envelope
Copy !req
502. with the sealed verdict for us?
Copy !req
503. Yes.
Copy !req
504. Would you please hand those forms
Copy !req
505. over to Deputy Trower?
Copy !req
506. And would you please
Copy !req
507. return them to our foreperson,
Copy !req
508. Juror Number 1?
Copy !req
509. Madam Foreperson, would you please
Copy !req
510. open the envelope and check
Copy !req
511. the condition of those verdict forms?
Copy !req
512. - Are they in order?
- Yes, Your Honor.
Copy !req
513. You have signed and dated
those verdict forms?
Copy !req
514. - Yes, Your Honor.
- Thank you very much.
Copy !req
515. Please hand them back to Deputy Trower.
Copy !req
516. Thank you.
Copy !req
517. All right, Mrs. Robertson.
Copy !req
518. - Thank you.
- You're welcome.
Copy !req
519. Mr. Simpson?
Copy !req
520. Would you please stand
and face the jury?
Copy !req
521. I would caution the
audience during the course
Copy !req
522. of the reading of these
verdicts to remain calm.
Copy !req
523. If there's any disruption, the bailiffs
Copy !req
524. will remove the persons responsible.
Copy !req
525. All right, Mrs. Robertson.
Copy !req
526. "Superior Court of California,
Copy !req
527. "County of Los Angeles
Copy !req
528. "in the matter of People
of the State of California
Copy !req
529. "versus Orenthal James Simpson,
Copy !req
530. "case number
Copy !req
531. "BA097211.
Copy !req
532. "We the jury in the
above-entitled action
Copy !req
533. "find the defendant
Copy !req
534. "Orenja... Orenthal James Simpson...
Copy !req
535. "not guilty of the crime
Copy !req
536. "of murder in violation of penal code
Copy !req
537. "section 187, a felony,
Copy !req
538. "upon Nicole Brown
Simpson, a human being,
Copy !req
539. as charged in count one
of the information."
Copy !req
540. "We the jury in the
above-entitled action
Copy !req
541. "find the defendant
Copy !req
542. "Orenthal James Simpson not guilty
Copy !req
543. "of the crime of murder
Copy !req
544. "in violation of penal code section 187,
Copy !req
545. "a felony upon Ronald Lyle Goldman,
Copy !req
546. a human being, as charged in
count two of the information."
Copy !req
547. All right, thank you.
Copy !req
548. Will you please be seated?
Copy !req
549. Ladies and the gentlemen
of the jury, I am now
Copy !req
550. going to excuse you
from any further service
Copy !req
551. on this trial.
Copy !req
552. The burdens that we put
upon you were enormous.
Copy !req
553. And words cannot to
begin to express the debt
Copy !req
554. that we owe you for your
time and your patience
Copy !req
555. that you have provided to us,
Copy !req
556. so thank you very much.
Copy !req
557. Mr. Kardashian...
Copy !req
558. I have nothing to say now, sorry.
Copy !req
559. O.J.! O.J.! O.J.!
Copy !req
560. O.J.! O.J.! O.J.! O.J.!
Copy !req
561. 20 years in public service...
Copy !req
562. and I feel like my headstone
Copy !req
563. will say, "He lost O.J."
Copy !req
564. They're waiting.
Copy !req
565. I can't do it.
Copy !req
566. I just can't go out there.
Copy !req
567. We owe it to the families.
Copy !req
568. I'm so ashamed.
Copy !req
569. Look, I don't...
Copy !req
570. I don't want you to be hard on yourself.
Copy !req
571. Yeah, because there are
plenty of other people
Copy !req
572. who can do that for me.
Copy !req
573. Look.
Copy !req
574. I want you to know I admire you
Copy !req
575. for what you did.
Copy !req
576. For what? For botching
an air-tight case?
Copy !req
577. For... for making the case
Copy !req
578. for the people of California.
Copy !req
579. Given what they threw at you,
Copy !req
580. there were a lot of temptations
Copy !req
581. to play their game.
Copy !req
582. And you didn't.
Copy !req
583. We are all profoundly disappointed
Copy !req
584. with this verdict.
Copy !req
585. But it was clear to me
Copy !req
586. and to the prosecution
Copy !req
587. that this was an emotional trial.
Copy !req
588. And apparently,
Copy !req
589. the jury's decision was based on...
Copy !req
590. emotion
Copy !req
591. and not reason.
Copy !req
592. None of you will know the sacrifices
Copy !req
593. that this team and their families made.
Copy !req
594. We're very proud of them.
Copy !req
595. And we stand here in front of you
Copy !req
596. with our heads held high.
Copy !req
597. I'd like to give Marcia
Copy !req
598. the opportunity to say thank you.
Copy !req
599. I first want to extend my deepest thanks
Copy !req
600. to the families of the victims.
Copy !req
601. To the Goldmans and to the Browns.
Copy !req
602. Their strength, their dignity
Copy !req
603. and their support throughout this trial
Copy !req
604. has been a tremendous
source of inspiration
Copy !req
605. and strength to all of us.
Copy !req
606. This case was fought as a battle
Copy !req
607. for victims of domestic violence.
Copy !req
608. We hope this verdict
Copy !req
609. does not discourage the victims
Copy !req
610. who are out there
throughout this country
Copy !req
611. from seeking help.
Copy !req
612. I know there are women who
are, at this very moment,
Copy !req
613. living in fear,
Copy !req
614. living in violence.
Copy !req
615. Please, don't let this
Copy !req
616. make you lose faith in our system.
Copy !req
617. Thank you.
Copy !req
618. Chris?
Copy !req
619. Uh...
Copy !req
620. if there is anything
that ever motivated me
Copy !req
621. throughout the trial, it was the,
Copy !req
622. the idea, the notion that one day
Copy !req
623. I would have to turn and...
Copy !req
624. to the Goldmans
Copy !req
625. and, uh...
Copy !req
626. with the realization
Copy !req
627. that he had been acquitted.
Copy !req
628. But that is the verdict,
that is the jury's, uh,
Copy !req
629. position.
Copy !req
630. That's their voice.
Copy !req
631. And I accept that verdict.
Copy !req
632. Uh...
Copy !req
633. we came here in search of justice.
Copy !req
634. And you'll have to be
the judges, I expect,
Copy !req
635. as to whether or not, uh,
Copy !req
636. any of us found it today.
Copy !req
637. But I'm not bitter.
Copy !req
638. And I'm not angry.
Copy !req
639. But I'd also like to thank the, uh,
Copy !req
640. lawyers on our prosecution team.
Copy !req
641. I am honored to have, uh...
Copy !req
642. Gil?
Copy !req
643. Gil? Gil?
Copy !req
644. You gonna look for the real killer now?
Copy !req
645. repeat of the 1992 Rodney King trial,
Copy !req
646. the scenes of violence the
LAPD feared might result
Copy !req
647. from the verdict have failed
to materialize thus far.
Copy !req
648. If anything, what we're seeing, Tracy,
Copy !req
649. are people taking to
the streets not to riot,
Copy !req
650. but to celebr...
Copy !req
651. What are we gonna do now?
Copy !req
652. Got a minute?
Copy !req
653. I...
Copy !req
654. I appreciate how hard you fought.
Copy !req
655. Especially that closing.
Copy !req
656. This was war.
Copy !req
657. And you did a superb job.
Copy !req
658. I respect that.
Copy !req
659. I...
Copy !req
660. I know how difficult
this has been on you.
Copy !req
661. And when the dust settles...
Copy !req
662. I'd like to help bring you
Copy !req
663. back into the community.
Copy !req
664. Hmm.
Copy !req
665. Well, I never left.
Copy !req
666. You think I don't understand
the situation? I get it.
Copy !req
667. It's payback.
Copy !req
668. O.J.'s the first black defendant
Copy !req
669. in history to get off
because he's black.
Copy !req
670. The people will see who
the police really are...
Copy !req
671. And the people saw was how
well you can twist the system.
Copy !req
672. This isn't some civil rights milestone.
Copy !req
673. Police in this country
will keep arresting us,
Copy !req
674. keep beating us, keep killing us.
Copy !req
675. You haven't changed anything
Copy !req
676. for black people here.
Copy !req
677. Unless, of course,
Copy !req
678. you're a famous, rich one in Brentwood.
Copy !req
679. Whoa!
Copy !req
680. Look at what we got here!
Copy !req
681. Thank you.
Copy !req
682. Look at this spread.
Copy !req
683. - It's so...
- Last minute.
Copy !req
684. It's the best we could
find at the market.
Copy !req
685. Thank you. Thank you, darling.
Copy !req
686. You're welcome.
Copy !req
687. From the very beginning,
Copy !req
688. you encouraged me to do it.
Copy !req
689. - Thank you.
- Thank you.
Copy !req
690. And to you, brother,
Copy !req
691. the whole way.
Copy !req
692. To you all, thank you.
Copy !req
693. To you,
Copy !req
694. for the journey.
Copy !req
695. It has been a journey.
Copy !req
696. Hey, Johnnie?
Copy !req
697. - Yes, darling?
- They talking about you.
Copy !req
698. - Uh-oh.
- Oh, honey, should... ?
Copy !req
699. - Yes.
- Don't now...
Copy !req
700. Come on!
Copy !req
701. Go!
Copy !req
702. I ain't got to run no more?
Copy !req
703. Today that's a good thing.
Copy !req
704. Ain't got to run no more
now. No more running.
Copy !req
705. Look at this.
Copy !req
706. It will be very interesting to
see what this verdict will mean
Copy !req
707. for the future of the LAPD.
Copy !req
708. Johnnie Cochran has shed a
light on long-hidden practices
Copy !req
709. of excessive force.
Copy !req
710. The Justice Department is said
to be launching an investigation
Copy !req
711. of the standards and
practices of the LAPD.
Copy !req
712. So I-I have nothing to add to that...
Copy !req
713. My God, that's Clinton!
Copy !req
714. You got the president.
Copy !req
715. In terms of the way Americans see
Copy !req
716. the world differently generally
based on their race...
Copy !req
717. uh...
Copy !req
718. that troubles me.
Copy !req
719. I think the only answer to that
Copy !req
720. is for us to spend more time
listening to each other.
Copy !req
721. And try to under... try to put
ourselves in each other's shoes
Copy !req
722. and understand why we see
the world in different ways,
Copy !req
723. uh, and keep trying to overcome that.
Copy !req
724. I would say that, uh, even
though it's disturbing,
Copy !req
725. That's the victory.
Copy !req
726. Uh, we have succeeded so far,
Copy !req
727. in managing the world's most
multi-ethnic diverse democracy.
Copy !req
728. Our story is now out of the shadows.
Copy !req
729. Smaller than we are with
fewer differences...
Copy !req
730. Hey, big time.
Copy !req
731. Did you see outside?
Copy !req
732. People are celebrating.
Copy !req
733. They're celebrating him.
Copy !req
734. Celebrating the verdict.
Copy !req
735. I'm gonna resign.
Copy !req
736. - No, no.
- No, you can't do that.
Copy !req
737. I was ready to resign before this case.
Copy !req
738. Everything else here comes
before doing the good.
Copy !req
739. The politics, image, career.
Copy !req
740. And it's not me.
Copy !req
741. Maybe you're lucky it isn't.
Copy !req
742. Maybe you have to have some...
Copy !req
743. thing inside you already
Copy !req
744. when you get here.
Copy !req
745. Something that you have to make right.
Copy !req
746. Something that you have to avenge.
Copy !req
747. When I was 17, I was raped.
Copy !req
748. I was raped in Italy by a waiter.
Copy !req
749. And I buried it.
Copy !req
750. Didn't forget it.
Copy !req
751. Just... sort of stuffed it.
Copy !req
752. When I had my first rape case,
Copy !req
753. what happened to me, of
course, came flying out
Copy !req
754. from whatever rock I had
jammed it under and...
Copy !req
755. I had to deal with it.
Copy !req
756. And it was hell all over again,
Copy !req
757. in a way.
Copy !req
758. But it made something
very, very clear to me.
Copy !req
759. I have something...
Copy !req
760. This thing in me...
Copy !req
761. That wants vengeance.
Copy !req
762. Vengeance for victims.
Copy !req
763. That's what justice is to me.
Copy !req
764. And I have always, always had faith
Copy !req
765. that when I look at a jury,
Copy !req
766. we have that in common.
Copy !req
767. Everyone wants justice
for victims, right?
Copy !req
768. I never doubted that...
Copy !req
769. until this.
Copy !req
770. After all they heard,
Copy !req
771. after all they know,
Copy !req
772. a man who beat and beat
Copy !req
773. and terrorized his wife,
Copy !req
774. until he just... snuffed her out.
Copy !req
775. And they let him go.
Copy !req
776. For reasons that have nothing to do
Copy !req
777. with what he did to those two people.
Copy !req
778. I don't know why there were here.
Copy !req
779. And so I don't know why I'm here.
Copy !req
780. What happened to the waiter?
Copy !req
781. The same thing that happened today.
Copy !req
782. So, what do you want to do now?
Copy !req
783. Is it too early for a drink?
Copy !req
784. No.
Copy !req
785. Bobby.
Copy !req
786. Bobby, Bobby.
Copy !req
787. Bobby.
Copy !req
788. Thank you.
Copy !req
789. You were always there for me.
Copy !req
790. You never doubted.
Copy !req
791. I got a surprise for you.
Copy !req
792. Want to guess what it is?
Copy !req
793. Something special.
Copy !req
794. The first day I was in here,
you gave me your Bible.
Copy !req
795. I know how much
Copy !req
796. it means to you, so I'm
gonna give it back to you.
Copy !req
797. Yes, it does.
Copy !req
798. Aw, man.
Copy !req
799. Nah, Bobby, we did it.
Copy !req
800. We won.
Copy !req
801. Come on, man, it's time to celebrate.
Copy !req
802. Get the hell out of here.
Copy !req
803. Aw, that better not be a Bronco.
Copy !req
804. I ain't going up the
405 in no damn Bronco.
Copy !req
805. It's, uh...
Copy !req
806. It's a Ford Aerostar.
Copy !req
807. Yeah, man.
Copy !req
808. Live picture now
Copy !req
809. of the van carrying O.J. Simpson,
Copy !req
810. returning to his home at
360 North Rockingham...
Copy !req
811. more than a year later, watching
Copy !req
812. a white vehicle heading for
the Los Angeles Expressway,
Copy !req
813. with an innocent man in it.
Copy !req
814. We saw jubilation at the courthouse.
Copy !req
815. It'll be interesting to see
Copy !req
816. what type of reaction he
gets in his neighborhood.
Copy !req
817. They have time to head over there now...
Copy !req
818. Well, remember the reaction
Copy !req
819. during the, uh, infamous
slow-speed chase...
Copy !req
820. People actually standing
over freeway, uh, uh...
Copy !req
821. viaducts and bridges, holding signs...
Copy !req
822. O.J. Simpson returns home
a free man, not guilty.
Copy !req
823. This is the first time
O.J. Simpson has been here
Copy !req
824. since February 12, 1995...
That was the jury visit.
Copy !req
825. Ah, it's all so beautiful.
Copy !req
826. I miss Brentwood.
Copy !req
827. So, what are you gonna do first?
Copy !req
828. Well, tonight, I'm gonna party.
Copy !req
829. We got a real rager planned!
Copy !req
830. Star Magazine is paying $400,000
Copy !req
831. for the exclusive rights to take photos.
Copy !req
832. I'm done dealing with
the Trial of the Century.
Copy !req
833. Tonight...
Copy !req
834. I'm throwing the party of the century!
Copy !req
835. I'm back, Brentwood.
Copy !req
836. I'm back.
Copy !req
837. Go back! Go back!
Copy !req
838. Get out of here!
Copy !req
839. Go on, get out of here!
Copy !req
840. The hell are they doing here?
Copy !req
841. I was found not guilty.
Copy !req
842. Some bullshit.
Copy !req
843. All right! Yeah!
Copy !req
844. Mama.
Copy !req
845. Orenthal.
Copy !req
846. Welcome home, Dad.
Copy !req
847. All right.
Copy !req
848. Welcome home, Juice.
Copy !req
849. Where's Sydney and Justin?
Copy !req
850. The Browns didn't want
to bring 'em over.
Copy !req
851. - Come on.
- You all right, baby.
Copy !req
852. - Let's get you in the house, Juice.
- You all right.
Copy !req
853. Welcome home, brother.
Copy !req
854. Uh, yeah, come in.
Copy !req
855. Hey.
Copy !req
856. Hey, Dad.
Copy !req
857. Hey, uh, you good?
Copy !req
858. Yeah, I'm good, I'm good.
Copy !req
859. It's a... it's a big day.
Copy !req
860. Feels big, right?
Copy !req
861. Yeah.
Copy !req
862. What you got going on under there?
Copy !req
863. Who is this?
Copy !req
864. Well, he doesn't have a name yet.
Copy !req
865. Hey.
Copy !req
866. But he's all yours though.
Copy !req
867. Why the hell'd you give me a puppy?
Copy !req
868. I don't know, I just, uh...
Copy !req
869. just wanted to make sure
you always had a friend.
Copy !req
870. Yeah.
Copy !req
871. You've been called the architect
Copy !req
872. of the defense team.
Copy !req
873. You were the first one
hired by O.J. Simpson.
Copy !req
874. It was the day after the murders.
Copy !req
875. Who hired Johnnie Cochran?
Copy !req
876. I did.
Copy !req
877. You had to.
Copy !req
878. Johnnie Cochran was hired
Copy !req
879. not just because he was a good lawyer,
Copy !req
880. but because he was black?
Copy !req
881. A combination of both.
Copy !req
882. Mr. Shapiro, you said in the beginning
Copy !req
883. that race would not be a
determining part of this case,
Copy !req
884. and you would not play the race card.
Copy !req
885. The race card was surely played.
Copy !req
886. Barbara, my position has
always been the same:
Copy !req
887. race should not and would
not be part of this case.
Copy !req
888. I was wrong.
Copy !req
889. We not only played the race card,
Copy !req
890. we dealt it from the bottom of the deck.
Copy !req
891. Oh, now he's trying to take it back.
Copy !req
892. Trying to get back in
Copy !req
893. with his West L.A. friends.
Copy !req
894. - Jerk.
- No, no, no, baby.
Copy !req
895. That's the kind of shifty
stuff that makes him
Copy !req
896. the man to call when you need that.
Copy !req
897. It's just Shapiro being Shapiro.
Copy !req
898. That's enough of that.
Copy !req
899. Time to party, y'all.
Copy !req
900. Hey, Jason. Yeah.
Copy !req
901. Call the Riviera
Copy !req
902. and get my table for tomorrow.
Copy !req
903. Okay.
Copy !req
904. - Reservation for ten.
- Yeah.
Copy !req
905. - Uh, matter of fact, 15.
- Okay.
Copy !req
906. Enough for everybody and
then a couple more too.
Copy !req
907. Okay.
Copy !req
908. - Come on, let's celebrate!
- Juice!
Copy !req
909. Welcome home!
Copy !req
910. Who are all these people?
Copy !req
911. I don't know.
Copy !req
912. Friends of friends, maybe?
Copy !req
913. Well, where are the guys from the club?
Copy !req
914. Where's Jerry, Craig, Don?
Copy !req
915. Hell, where-where's Kato?
Copy !req
916. I don't know, Juice.
Copy !req
917. Okay. Okay.
Copy !req
918. Excuse me, excuse me, everyone!
Copy !req
919. I just want to make a brief statement.
Copy !req
920. Okay, uh, I am relieved
that this incredible part
Copy !req
921. of the nightmare that occurred
on June 12, 1994, is over.
Copy !req
922. My first obligation is
to my young children,
Copy !req
923. Sydney and Justin,
Copy !req
924. who will be raised the way that
Nicole and I had always planned.
Copy !req
925. Then when things settle down a bit,
Copy !req
926. I will pursue as my primary goal in life
Copy !req
927. the killer or killers
Copy !req
928. who slaughtered Nicole and Mr. Goldman.
Copy !req
929. They're out there somewhere.
Copy !req
930. Whatever it takes, I will bring them in.
Copy !req
931. Thank you.
Copy !req
932. Okay.
Copy !req
933. Music.
Copy !req
934. Let's dance, y'all!
Copy !req
935. Hey, Uncle Bobby.
Copy !req
936. Leaving already?
Copy !req
937. I'm done, Jason.
Copy !req
938. Hey, man.
Copy !req
939. I knew you were innocent the whole time.
Copy !req
940. - Oh. Thank you.
- Congrats.
Copy !req
941. I'm sorry, I'm a little...
Copy !req
942. How-how do we know each other?
Copy !req
943. Did-did we play golf
together or something?
Copy !req
944. No, no, I'm a waiter.
Copy !req
945. Oh.
Copy !req
946. - Do you want your drink refilled?
- No, no, I'm...
Copy !req
947. Hey, Dad.
Copy !req
948. Oh, hey, son.
Copy !req
949. Hey, uh, called the Riviera.
Copy !req
950. They can't take us.
Copy !req
951. What do you mean?
Copy !req
952. Call 'em back, ask for Marco.
Copy !req
953. He'll make room for me.
Copy !req
954. I did, Dad.
Copy !req
955. Marco said he doesn't have room for you.
Copy !req
956. Well, the hell with the Riviera.
Copy !req
957. I'll find another place.
Copy !req
958. O.J. Simpson!
Copy !req