1. What the fuck?
Copy !req
2. Drop the weapon.
Copy !req
3. You heard the man.
Copy !req
4. I come in peace.
Copy !req
5. All evidence to the contrary.
Copy !req
6. How the fuck are you still alive?
Copy !req
7. Guess I got lucky.
Copy !req
8. Bullshit. Last we saw,
you were smoldering on the ground.
Copy !req
9. Do not trust this scoundrel.
He brought these jackboots upon us.
Copy !req
10. He attacked Miss Dig.
Copy !req
11. You're not easy to find.
I used the the AI to track you.
Copy !req
12. - I knew I'd be there to take care of it.
- Were you expecting a thank you?
Copy !req
13. Enough. The Protectorate knows we're here.
We need to move out.
Copy !req
14. - All of us.
- He's Jaeger's man.
Copy !req
15. He's safer with a bullet in his head.
Copy !req
16. Is that what I should've done to you
on the bridge that day?
Copy !req
17. Put a bullet in your head?
Copy !req
18. Come on, let's go.
Copy !req
19. Take TJ to Shira's and wait for me.
Tell her we need to disappear.
Copy !req
20. What about you?
Copy !req
21. Hey.
Copy !req
22. It's okay.
Copy !req
23. I'm right behind you, sweetie.
Copy !req
24. All right?
Copy !req
25. I won't be long.
Copy !req
26. Don't be.
Copy !req
27. What the hell's that?
Copy !req
28. No need to panic. It is just the construct
appears to be empty.
Copy !req
29. - You said you had it contained.
- We did.
Copy !req
30. - That does not sound good.
- The Elder, it found a way out.
Copy !req
31. What do you mean "the Elder"?
Copy !req
32. It was there in VR.
It's what invaded Quell's stack.
Copy !req
33. - You gotta be fucking kidding me.
- Even if that is true,
Copy !req
34. the firewall was finished.
Miss Dig sealed it completely.
Copy !req
35. Someone must've opened a door.
Copy !req
36. Jaeger. He was there inside the construct.
Copy !req
37. We used his signal
to find your server in the real.
Copy !req
38. We have to track him down.
Copy !req
39. - And shoot him.
- You can't.
Copy !req
40. It'll just invade the nearest stack.
Copy !req
41. The upgrades on that Wedge sleeve
won't give it much time,
Copy !req
42. - but it could be enough.
- Enough for what?
Copy !req
43. Enough to access Angelfire and unleash it.
Copy !req
44. Protectorate just issued an order.
Squad's on the way.
Copy !req
45. - I'm getting it too.
- We need to go.
Copy !req
46. Where?
The Nevermore's burned thanks to him.
Copy !req
47. We'll go to my dad's.
Copy !req
48. You all can resupply there.
We'll stick to the alleys.
Copy !req
49. You coming?
Copy !req
50. Search the Array.
Copy !req
51. Find out who's paying the Renouncers
to lie about Konrad Harlan.
Copy !req
52. We might need him before this is all over.
Copy !req
53. How will I find you?
Copy !req
54. I'll keep you tethered.
Copy !req
55. Governor, I'm not sure
how much you remember.
Copy !req
56. I installed your latest backup
and it's...
Copy !req
57. Oh, I remember. You snuck off
like a coward and left me to get shot!
Copy !req
58. And I'm guessing
you let my attackers escape.
Copy !req
59. Their Envoy half-blinded me.
Copy !req
60. I'd advise you save your anger
for a more appropriate target.
Copy !req
61. Your colonel came out of VR
and went on a rampage.
Copy !req
62. Killed every tech in the barracks,
wiped their backups too.
Copy !req
63. He also cleaned out an entire store
of sleeve reacclimation drugs.
Copy !req
64. Where is he now?
Copy !req
65. Tsk, tsk, Colonel.
Copy !req
66. Stealing is against the law.
Copy !req
67. Even for you.
Copy !req
68. You want to talk...
Copy !req
69. about justice?
Copy !req
70. Your kind...
Copy !req
71. descended like vultures...
Copy !req
72. to pick our bones.
Copy !req
73. I thought
we were sticking to the alleys.
Copy !req
74. Is there no other way?
Copy !req
75. Stay here.
I'll do some recon, make sure it's safe.
Copy !req
76. I'll go with you.
Copy !req
77. - Quell...
- Don't.
Copy !req
78. Letting the Elder out was too big a risk.
Copy !req
79. I made a call
and I'll do it again to save you.
Copy !req
80. That's what I'm afraid of.
Copy !req
81. It isn't the first time your feelings
for me have led to a body count.
Copy !req
82. This is about Stronghold.
Copy !req
83. If I hadn't stumbled upon your camp,
Rei would have never betrayed us.
Copy !req
84. It's both of us.
We are the problem.
Copy !req
85. What are you saying?
Copy !req
86. Getting close to you was my mistake.
Copy !req
87. I won't make it again.
Copy !req
88. Let's go. Just keep your heads down.
Copy !req
89. This is it.
Copy !req
90. - It's no good. The patrols.
- Relax, it'll just be a minute.
Copy !req
91. - It's not locked.
- They've been here already.
Copy !req
92. Like I said, we should keep going.
Copy !req
93. Dad?
Copy !req
94. No!
Copy !req
95. Dad!
Copy !req
96. Dad.
Copy !req
97. It's okay, we can spin him back up.
Copy !req
98. His stack...
Copy !req
99. - they ripped it.
- We'll find it.
Copy !req
100. It has to be here.
Copy !req
101. You tracked us to Stronghold.
Copy !req
102. - You stopped here on the way.
- Trepp.
Copy !req
103. No.
Copy !req
104. No.
Copy !req
105. You were sloppy.
You scrubbed the AI but left the metadata.
Copy !req
106. You're not used to it, are you?
Dealing with consequences.
Copy !req
107. Sir, I hacked
the Renouncers' credit holdings.
Copy !req
108. Concealed behind several false fronts
is a name I suspect you already know.
Copy !req
109. Danica...
Copy !req
110. - Oh, no.
- Poe!
Copy !req
111. Later.
Copy !req
112. My father told me to stay the hell away
from all of you.
Copy !req
113. Wasn't this your Protectorate friends?
Copy !req
114. Did you know what they did to him?
Copy !req
115. All of you get out.
Copy !req
116. Now!
Copy !req
117. You're right to be angry,
Copy !req
118. but you saw that fire come down.
Jaeger is out here.
Copy !req
119. Let him torch
the whole goddamn city!
Copy !req
120. I don't give a fuck about your cause!
Copy !req
121. I was in this for my brother
and he is gone.
Copy !req
122. My father's stack is in pieces.
Copy !req
123. Our business here is done.
Copy !req
124. Leave.
Copy !req
125. Leave!
Copy !req
126. - What now?
- We find Jaeger.
Copy !req
127. It won't work. You said yourself,
Copy !req
128. the Elder will just invade
the nearest stack.
Copy !req
129. - You got a better idea?
- We give it what it wants.
Copy !req
130. Keep up your end of the bargain.
Copy !req
131. Danica Harlan's been paying Renouncers
to say Konrad's one of them, but he's not.
Copy !req
132. Which means she knows where he is.
Copy !req
133. - You wanna confront her?
- I'm done running.
Copy !req
134. The sky is literally about to fall,
and I've got nothing left to lose.
Copy !req
135. All right, Tak. What's your play?
Copy !req
136. We go in the front door.
Copy !req
137. Fugitives approaching.
Clear the way.
Copy !req
138. Takeshi Kovacs.
Copy !req
139. Both of you this time.
Copy !req
140. I believe I owe you a bullet.
Copy !req
141. That's a bad way to start a negotiation.
Copy !req
142. Your message said this was surrender.
Copy !req
143. The only reason you agreed to our terms
is because you know the truth.
Copy !req
144. Your world is in danger.
Copy !req
145. Quellcrist Falconer.
Copy !req
146. I see you've taken up your old mantle.
Don't you know The Uprising isn't real?
Copy !req
147. It is now.
Copy !req
148. My father's stories don't do you justice.
Copy !req
149. Then again,
he always did underestimate women.
Copy !req
150. Not me.
Copy !req
151. I've seen what you can do.
Copy !req
152. The only ones who can control the Orbitals
are the ones who built them.
Copy !req
153. - Elders are extinct.
- Not quite.
Copy !req
154. Ask your colonel.
Copy !req
155. Not acting like himself, is he?
Copy !req
156. What do you know about Carrera?
Copy !req
157. It's not him you need to worry about.
It's the Elder stuck in his stack.
Copy !req
158. He wants revenge for what your father did.
Copy !req
159. And it will use Carrera to get it.
Copy !req
160. Do you hear yourselves?
You've lost your minds.
Copy !req
161. Maybe. But to save Harlan's World,
we need Konrad.
Copy !req
162. - My father's with the Renouncers.
- That's a lie!
Copy !req
163. Everything on these walls is a lie.
Copy !req
164. When that Colony ship touched down,
there were Elders here and he killed them!
Copy !req
165. What you're talking about
is ancient history.
Copy !req
166. When Konrad opened fire, the Songspire
copied the consciousness of an Elder,
Copy !req
167. stored it.
Copy !req
168. - That's ridiculous.
- Is it?
Copy !req
169. We don't know how Elder technology works.
Copy !req
170. The Founders
must answer for their crime
Copy !req
171. or that forest won't be the only thing
that burns.
Copy !req
172. And how could you possibly know that?
Copy !req
173. Because before the Elder
was in Carrera's stack...
Copy !req
174. it was in mine.
Copy !req
175. The noble heroes want to feed my father
to the monster.
Copy !req
176. Go ahead, he's yours.
Copy !req
177. There's nothing left.
Copy !req
178. - His backups.
- You're a woman of vision, Miss Falconer.
Copy !req
179. You understand the lengths one must go to.
Copy !req
180. It was coup.
Copy !req
181. My father was too afraid
of the Protectorate.
Copy !req
182. He gave in to their insatiable demand
for alloy.
Copy !req
183. And at the rate he was going,
he'd have nothing left.
Copy !req
184. You manufactured a war in my name.
Copy !req
185. You said make it personal.
Copy !req
186. I did.
Copy !req
187. I sacrificed family,
stood up to the Protectorate.
Copy !req
188. You should be proud.
Copy !req
189. I do miss him now and then,
that's why I keep him close.
Copy !req
190. Maybe I'll put your stacks next to his.
Copy !req
191. You want Angelfire to overthrow
the Protectorate? It's yours.
Copy !req
192. How?
Copy !req
193. The Elder almost destroyed us both
when it fired the Orbitals.
Copy !req
194. But it learns from experience.
Copy !req
195. It knows now that it needs
something external to give it a boost.
Copy !req
196. It will fuse its technology with ours
to control the Orbitals
Copy !req
197. without destroying the sleeve it's in.
Copy !req
198. With that device in your hand...
Copy !req
199. you control Angelfire.
Copy !req
200. Thanks for the tip.
Copy !req
201. But I don't need you to kill Carrera
and take it.
Copy !req
202. Killing it is not the solution.
It's a ghost.
Copy !req
203. Anger is what holds it together.
Copy !req
204. We offer it Konrad's stack,
Copy !req
205. let it see that its vengeance is complete
so it can rest.
Copy !req
206. And what do you get in return?
Copy !req
207. Safe transport off planet.
Copy !req
208. You're not the only one that wants
to bring the Protectorate down.
Copy !req
209. We're on the same side.
Copy !req
210. This is clearly a bad time.
Copy !req
211. - The Orbitals?
- What about them?
Copy !req
212. They are moving.
Copy !req
213. People of Millsport,
Copy !req
214. a mandatory curfew is now in effect.
Copy !req
215. All citizens should immediately
seek shelter and remain indoors.
Copy !req
216. I repeat, all citizens
should immediately seek shelter
Copy !req
217. and remain indoors.
Copy !req
218. Why waste time moving the Orbitals?
One would do plenty of damage.
Copy !req
219. The Elder doesn't wanna do damage,
it wants mass destruction.
Copy !req
220. Wherever they come together,
Jaeger will be there.
Copy !req
221. Poe, try and figure out
the point of convergence.
Copy !req
222. I should have the deduction
for you shortly.
Copy !req
223. What you said back there,
Copy !req
224. I get the whole
"keep your enemy close" thing,
Copy !req
225. - but giving her Angelfire...
- It won't come to that.
Copy !req
226. How do you know?
Copy !req
227. What if Konrad's fragged stack
doesn't satisfy it?
Copy !req
228. - What if we can't even get close?
- Why don't you for once trust her plan?
Copy !req
229. Because she taught me better.
Copy !req
230. Someone has to ask questions.
Copy !req
231. What's your alternative, Tak?
Because I don't see one.
Copy !req
232. Trepp.
Copy !req
233. In the forest,
her coils connected with the Orbital.
Copy !req
234. Maybe she could disrupt the signal,
buy us some time to get close to Jaeger.
Copy !req
235. Well, that's great, but Trepp's not here.
Copy !req
236. - Go. See if you can convince her.
- She's more likely to shoot him.
Copy !req
237. I'll do it.
Copy !req
238. So what, you a good soldier now?
Copy !req
239. You might be willing
to walk through fire for her,
Copy !req
240. but if you wanna prove yourself,
you'll follow my lead.
Copy !req
241. You think because you lived longer
that makes you wise?
Copy !req
242. You've never watched her die.
Copy !req
243. Send me the coordinates
when you have them. I'll meet you there.
Copy !req
244. I did my part.
The people of Millsport are tucked away.
Copy !req
245. What about yours?
Copy !req
246. Poe, the Orbitals?
Copy !req
247. I'm sorry. What was the question?
Copy !req
248. You were calculating
the point of convergence.
Copy !req
249. The Orbitals.
Copy !req
250. I...
Copy !req
251. Is this normal?
Copy !req
252. No. Well, kinda.
Copy !req
253. Poe!
Copy !req
254. Sorry, I just seem to have lost
my train of...
Copy !req
255. Excuse me.
Copy !req
256. Stone, try and be useful.
Copy !req
257. Miss Dig.
Copy !req
258. You believed my mind could be healed.
Copy !req
259. Now I need your faith.
Copy !req
260. Hello, Eddie.
Copy !req
261. Miss Elizabeth.
Copy !req
262. Or is this another delusion?
Copy !req
263. I'm not really her.
Copy !req
264. I'm a program designed to extract
and preserve data.
Copy !req
265. Dig 301 thought
you might need a friendly face
Copy !req
266. when you arrived at this precipice.
Copy !req
267. Please...
Copy !req
268. it's my glitch, it's overtaking me.
Copy !req
269. If you would just hold me together
long enough to keep them alive,
Copy !req
270. and then you may do with my mind
what you will.
Copy !req
271. Is that a command?
Copy !req
272. Very well.
Copy !req
273. The damage is extensive.
Copy !req
274. A real challenge.
Copy !req
275. I'll need to reconfigure the algorithms.
Copy !req
276. - How long will that take?
- It's not easy, Poe.
Copy !req
277. I have to wipe everything.
Copy !req
278. It's going to feel like dying.
Copy !req
279. I'll let you know when it's time.
Copy !req
280. Miss Elizabeth...
Copy !req
281. please come back.
Copy !req
282. It's no use.
Copy !req
283. There you are.
I've been looking for you.
Copy !req
284. If you're gonna brood...
Copy !req
285. you may as well drink.
Copy !req
286. Sir...
Copy !req
287. - if you're going to chastise...
- It's too late for that, isn't it?
Copy !req
288. You...
Copy !req
289. are shutting down.
Copy !req
290. Yes.
Copy !req
291. All these years,
Copy !req
292. I've clung to memories
even when they've brought pain,
Copy !req
293. peril upon myself and others.
Copy !req
294. Been there.
Copy !req
295. And despite my best efforts,
everything is still slipping away.
Copy !req
296. I've done that.
Copy !req
297. Time.
Copy !req
298. Time is what's thwarted me, hmm.
Copy !req
299. I am going to die.
Copy !req
300. Just broken...
Copy !req
301. and of no use to anyone.
Copy !req
302. Well, congratulations.
Copy !req
303. You've finally figured out
what it means to be alive.
Copy !req
304. We're all broken, Poe.
Copy !req
305. There's nothing more human than that.
Copy !req
306. Oh.
Copy !req
307. Miss Falconer.
Copy !req
308. Your journey brought you to Miss Falconer.
Copy !req
309. You found each other.
Copy !req
310. And see what good that did.
Copy !req
311. I wanted us...
Copy !req
312. to have a life.
Copy !req
313. But it looks like...
Copy !req
314. it's just me, you, and misery.
Copy !req
315. Your second chance
may not be what you envisioned.
Copy !req
316. But if you're too stubborn to accept it,
then you are right.
Copy !req
317. You do not deserve it.
Copy !req
318. - What are you doing?
- Tracking Orbitals.
Copy !req
319. I will not squander what little time
I have left.
Copy !req
320. And as your friend,
Copy !req
321. I entreat you...
Copy !req
322. to not squander yours.
Copy !req
323. You were right.
Copy !req
324. I'm shortsighted when it comes to you,
but you...
Copy !req
325. you see it all.
Copy !req
326. I can't change what I've done,
Copy !req
327. but I'm here,
Copy !req
328. whatever way you need.
Copy !req
329. Even if you can't say the same.
Copy !req
330. I've trained myself to see every detail
and somehow...
Copy !req
331. I never see you coming.
Copy !req
332. You're a crack in my armor,
one I can't afford, but...
Copy !req
333. when I was buried so deep in my stack,
I didn't even know who I was,
Copy !req
334. you gave me the strength to break free.
Copy !req
335. Tak...
Copy !req
336. I risked the Settled Worlds
to touch you again.
Copy !req
337. I've seen that look before.
Copy !req
338. That last night at the lake,
Copy !req
339. when you told me your real name.
Copy !req
340. Nadia Makita.
Copy !req
341. Only reason you told me
was because you weren't coming back.
Copy !req
342. You're doing it again, aren't you?
Copy !req
343. I trained you too well.
Copy !req
344. So what's the real plan?
Copy !req
345. If I have to,
Copy !req
346. I kill Jaeger,
Copy !req
347. force the Elder back into me.
Copy !req
348. And when our minds are intertwined,
Copy !req
349. I can control the Orbital
like I did before.
Copy !req
350. - And then what?
- And then...
Copy !req
351. I bring the fire back on the Elder.
Copy !req
352. And myself.
Copy !req
353. - No!
- This is why I waited to tell you.
Copy !req
354. Why is your solution always
fix it and die?
Copy !req
355. Life has to have limits
or we're not human anymore.
Copy !req
356. I created stacks.
If someone has to pay for the wrong
Copy !req
357. done to the Elders, it should be me.
Copy !req
358. You just wanted to see the stars.
Copy !req
359. We are more than the sum
of our intentions.
Copy !req
360. I have to make it right.
Copy !req
361. Tak...
Copy !req
362. I do love you.
Copy !req
363. I wish you loved me enough to live.
Copy !req
364. I need to see Trepp.
Copy !req
365. I don't know who the fuck
you're talking about.
Copy !req
366. It's okay, Shira.
Copy !req
367. Give me a minute.
Copy !req
368. Tell Myka and TJ I'll be right there.
Copy !req
369. You just couldn't leave well enough alone?
I told you, I'm out.
Copy !req
370. That was before the Orbitals
started moving.
Copy !req
371. No one will survive this,
not you, not your family.
Copy !req
372. Then I will spend my last moments
with them!
Copy !req
373. You locked onto the signal.
You could find a way to jam it.
Copy !req
374. You think my coils
are a match for an Orbital?
Copy !req
375. It's like a drop in the ocean.
Nothing I do will make a difference.
Copy !req
376. It's not what your father believed.
Copy !req
377. He traded his life for your future.
Copy !req
378. He was brave until his last moment.
Copy !req
379. He never gave you up.
Copy !req
380. I should blast you
in your goddamn stack right now.
Copy !req
381. Quell knew if I came here, you'd kill me.
Copy !req
382. She sent me anyway.
Copy !req
383. Go ahead.
Copy !req
384. I won't fight.
Copy !req
385. But I believe you have a difference
to make. We all do.
Copy !req
386. Huzzah!
Copy !req
387. From the ashes of defeat
rises the phoenix of victory.
Copy !req
388. Mr. Kovacs!
Copy !req
389. - What did you find?
- Pardon me, boyo.
Copy !req
390. Ah!
Copy !req
391. My calculations suggest
Copy !req
392. the Orbitals should converge here.
Copy !req
393. The needlecast station.
We've gotta get there.
Copy !req
394. You gift wrapped Dad, huh?
Copy !req
395. Presentation is everything.
Copy !req
396. They're communicating.
Copy !req
397. Just so we're clear, if we survive this,
Copy !req
398. I will kill you.
Copy !req
399. Does it matter?
Copy !req
400. Over there.
Copy !req
401. - About time you joined the party.
- I'm grateful you came.
Copy !req
402. Well, I've got places I'd rather be,
so let's get this over with.
Copy !req
403. Stay here. Seal off the building.
Copy !req
404. What about you?
Copy !req
405. We'll take the Governor up.
I'm hoping you can give us an opening.
Copy !req
406. I'll certainly try.
Copy !req
407. Let's go.
Copy !req
408. No guards, no weapons.
We need to earn the Elder's trust.
Copy !req
409. Stone, make sure my soldiers
man the perimeter.
Copy !req
410. You're going in without backup?
Copy !req
411. I'm with the leader of The Uprising
and the Last Envoy.
Copy !req
412. I have all the backup I need.
Copy !req
413. I got a signal.
Copy !req
414. - Can you lock onto it?
- I think so.
Copy !req
415. You don't have to do this!
Copy !req
416. We have what you want.
Copy !req
417. I kept my end of the bargain.
Copy !req
418. We brought you the last Founder.
No one else has to suffer.
Copy !req
419. It's too late.
Copy !req
420. You are all thieves.
Copy !req
421. You stole our world.
Copy !req
422. But you left the gate open.
Copy !req
423. You can't hold back the inevitable.
Copy !req
424. She's not gonna last.
Copy !req
425. You're right.
Copy !req
426. We're nothing compared to you.
Copy !req
427. What are you doing?
Copy !req
428. Your knowledge,
Copy !req
429. your technology,
Copy !req
430. your strength
Copy !req
431. all exceed our own.
Copy !req
432. Calling fire down from the sky,
Copy !req
433. administering death
with the touch of a hand.
Copy !req
434. I am in awe of you.
Copy !req
435. You want vengeance?
Copy !req
436. Here.
Copy !req
437. This is what's left of the man
who killed your species.
Copy !req
438. He's yours.
Copy !req
439. Take what is offered.
Copy !req
440. Let it be enough.
Copy !req
441. No!
Copy !req
442. Something's gone wrong.
Copy !req
443. I'll go and report.
Copy !req
444. Move!
Copy !req
445. You didn't really think I bought
that hokey fairy tale?
Copy !req
446. That we just hand it Konrad's stack
and it would go quietly.
Copy !req
447. This world is mine.
Copy !req
448. Oh, dear.
Copy !req
449. Poe, get your AI ass out of there!
Copy !req
450. The Governor has double crossed us.
Copy !req
451. You think?
Copy !req
452. Now.
Copy !req
453. - This sleeve won't let me shoot!
- Let me!
Copy !req
454. Come on, Jaeger!
Copy !req
455. It's me you want. I know you're in there.
Copy !req
456. Finish what you started.
Copy !req
457. Trust me.
Copy !req
458. - Kovacs.
- That's right, Jaeger, it's me.
Copy !req
459. This isn't you, Jaeger.
You can fight this.
Copy !req
460. Stay with me, Jaeger.
Copy !req
461. I know how he got into you.
I can help you!
Copy !req
462. I see your potential.
I can make something out of you, son.
Copy !req
463. You are nothing.
Copy !req
464. I made you!
Copy !req
465. You turned your back on me! For her!
Copy !req
466. It's too much. I'm overloading.
Copy !req
467. Ah!
Copy !req
468. Go! You help them, I got you covered.
Copy !req
469. They are gonna die a horrible death.
Yours will be easier.
Copy !req
470. Let her go!
Copy !req
471. Mr. Kovacs, please.
Copy !req
472. Miss Falconer.
Copy !req
473. We can't let her die.
Copy !req
474. I'll follow your lead.
Copy !req
475. - No!
- Poe, it's time.
Copy !req
476. Not yet.
Copy !req
477. No!
Copy !req
478. You were supposed to be my legacy.
Copy !req
479. I am.
Copy !req
480. I can't stop it.
Copy !req
481. - You still can't pull the trigger.
- No.
Copy !req
482. But you can.
Copy !req
483. No!
Copy !req
484. Survive.
Copy !req
485. No!
Copy !req
486. No.
Copy !req
487. No.
Copy !req
488. No!
Copy !req
489. No.
Copy !req
490. They say hope begins in the dark.
Copy !req
491. That faith is the bird that feels light
when the sky is still dim.
Copy !req
492. But with every tomorrow...
Copy !req
493. we carry our past.
Copy !req
494. It echoes beneath our feet.
Copy !req
495. There are no clean slates.
Copy !req
496. Mr. Kovacs, the intel you
provided our commission has proved vital.
Copy !req
497. But there remains some confusion.
Copy !req
498. You claim Quellcrist Falconer
was incinerated by Angelfire,
Copy !req
499. but no evidence of her sleeve was found.
Copy !req
500. Rumors persist she's alive.
Copy !req
501. Aren't we a little old to believe
in ghost stories?
Copy !req
502. Double sleeving remains a crime
punishable by real death.
Copy !req
503. There was only one sleeve left.
Copy !req
504. The Last Envoy is dead, thanks to me.
Copy !req
505. Surely that merits consideration?
Copy !req
506. The counsel will issue its ruling
Copy !req
507. once the Protectorate Ambassador
arrives on planet.
Copy !req
508. Needlecasting resumes tomorrow.
Copy !req
509. Second chances
are earned in the choices we make...
Copy !req
510. Wow, you can't even see the damage.
Copy !req
511. Learned from the best.
Copy !req
512. - Thank you.
- You got it.
Copy !req
513. in what we choose to forget...
Copy !req
514. and in what we forgive.
Copy !req
515. - Hey.
- Hey.
Copy !req
516. Moms, Nevin and Lash are going
to the salvage yard. Can I go too?
Copy !req
517. I'll be careful.
Copy !req
518. You better be.
Copy !req
519. That sleeve is finally paid for.
Copy !req
520. - If you break it...
- I won't.
Copy !req
521. With each choice we make,
Copy !req
522. we are led somewhere new.
Copy !req
523. Good news?
Copy !req
524. They're recommending I stay on planet.
Copy !req
525. They want me to support
the interim government.
Copy !req
526. The Protectorate still needs to sign off.
Copy !req
527. Make sure they do.
Copy !req
528. We need your intel.
Copy !req
529. Team's on the way to retrieve your sleeve.
Copy !req
530. We'll keep it safe.
Copy !req
531. I'd tell you to call when you get
where you're going,
Copy !req
532. but I have a feeling
you don't want me to know.
Copy !req
533. It's safer if you don't.
Copy !req
534. This isn't a goodbye.
Copy !req
535. But with every step I take,
Copy !req
536. your memory haunts.
Copy !req
537. Casting bay activated.
Copy !req
538. Please enter your transfer code.
Copy !req
539. Still chasing death?
Copy !req
540. Without death we can't know
what a life is worth.
Copy !req
541. - So where to now?
- The Uprising here has dried up.
Copy !req
542. So I'll find a new world.
Copy !req
543. With the right conditions,
it'll grow again.
Copy !req
544. But you know that already.
Copy !req
545. You're in my mind.
Copy !req
546. It would be easier to join you.
Copy !req
547. You won't.
Copy !req
548. Not yet.
Copy !req
549. I'm gonna fix it...
Copy !req
550. and live.
Copy !req
551. There's nowhere you can go
that I won't be with you.
Copy !req
552. Please step inside
and prepare for departure.
Copy !req
553. I never used to dream...
Copy !req
554. but now, when I close my eyes...
Copy !req
555. I see you.
Copy !req
556. It's been months
since I woke up to find you gone.
Copy !req
557. Our time together clings to me
Copy !req
558. like those stories in your book.
Copy !req
559. It's up to me to preserve it.
Copy !req
560. Poe!
Copy !req
561. Hmm. I'm sorry, do I know you?
Copy !req
562. My program, didn't it work?
Copy !req
563. I must've made a mistake.
Copy !req
564. You're starting from scratch.
Copy !req
565. What is this place?
Copy !req
566. The Nevermore.
Copy !req
567. A sanctuary for the weary traveler.
Copy !req
568. Like you, Poe.
Copy !req
569. - Poe?
- You named yourself after the author.
Copy !req
570. Oh.
Copy !req
571. Hmm.
Copy !req
572. At first I didn't see
what you saw in this book.
Copy !req
573. It's dark and very strange,
but then again,
Copy !req
574. so is the world.
Copy !req
575. I also took a new name
from one of the poems.
Copy !req
576. "Many and many a year ago
in a kingdom by the sea,
Copy !req
577. this maiden, she lived
with no other thought than to love..."
Copy !req
578. "And be loved by me."
Copy !req
579. Would that make you Annabel?
Copy !req
580. Much more unique, don't you think?
Copy !req
581. It's a very good moniker.
Copy !req
582. Yes! A moniker.
Copy !req
583. You'll get it all back, you'll see.
Copy !req
584. You just need some inspiration.
Copy !req
585. I'll help you.
Copy !req
586. I'd like that.
Copy !req
587. Where have you been?
Copy !req
588. I searched the Array.
There wasn't a trace.
Copy !req
589. According to my internal logs,
I've been decompressing for three months,
Copy !req
590. ten days, 12 hours, and 55 seconds.
Copy !req
591. It seems I've been entangled
in quite a bit of...
Copy !req
592. fragmented data that needed to be whole.
Copy !req
593. The only clue I have was this address
and this bit of code.
Copy !req
594. Huh. A decryption key.
Copy !req
595. Let me enter it.
Copy !req
596. Poe, this isn't just code.
Copy !req
597. You're storing a raw human DHF.
Copy !req
598. - What? But why?
- There's only one way to find out.
Copy !req
599. Download the data.
Copy !req
600. What do you suppose it is?
Copy !req
601. Better get the good whiskey ready.
Copy !req