1. Target 62 meters.
Copy !req
2. Target acquired. Sending coordinates.
Copy !req
3. - I'm going in.
- Negative. Wait for backup.
Copy !req
4. I'm switching to ONI. I still have eyes.
Copy !req
5. Stay where you are, soldier.
Copy !req
6. No. We won't break her in virtual.
Copy !req
7. If we want the weapon,
we need to take it in the real.
Copy !req
8. Not with Harlan breathing down my neck.
Copy !req
9. - The mission parameters...
- Are wrong.
Copy !req
10. Falconer has to give it up willingly.
I can get close to her.
Copy !req
11. That was his mistake.
Copy !req
12. And you put me in this sleeve
for a reason.
Copy !req
13. I'm going to use it.
Copy !req
14. Tak!
Copy !req
15. I've been waiting for you.
Copy !req
16. - Where have you been?
- That's close enough.
Copy !req
17. Quell, it's me.
Copy !req
18. I looked everywhere. And I knew
if you could, this is where you'd return.
Copy !req
19. My memories, they were lost.
Copy !req
20. He brought me here to remember.
Copy !req
21. Who did?
Copy !req
22. Takeshi Kovacs.
Copy !req
23. He wears a new face now.
Copy !req
24. That man is an impostor.
Copy !req
25. I'm Takeshi Kovacs.
Copy !req
26. You know it in your bones,
you can feel it.
Copy !req
27. You knew it before you turned around.
Copy !req
28. Rip her stack, do you hear me?
Copy !req
29. Look at me, Quell. What do you see?
Copy !req
30. It's you.
Copy !req
31. The Wedge has you surrounded.
Finish this now or they will.
Copy !req
32. We can't stay here.
Copy !req
33. Move, asshole.
Copy !req
34. The one who brought me here,
he must have been after the weapon.
Copy !req
35. What weapon?
Copy !req
36. - Hold your fire.
- But, sir.
Copy !req
37. Stand down, that's an order.
Copy !req
38. There's a cache.
Copy !req
39. What I have hidden there
could restore our humanity.
Copy !req
40. Bring the Harlans and the Protectorate
to their knees.
Copy !req
41. Ask her to take you there.
Copy !req
42. Show me.
Copy !req
43. It's too dangerous.
The other you, he's still out there.
Copy !req
44. We could lead him to it.
Copy !req
45. He's not a problem anymore.
Copy !req
46. - You don't know that.
- I took care of it.
Copy !req
47. He'll never hurt you again.
Copy !req
48. Take the lead,
but remember she's dangerous.
Copy !req
49. I give the command, you end her. Copy?
Copy !req
50. I understand.
Copy !req
51. I understand.
Copy !req
52. This is hard to have been manipulated,
Copy !req
53. but he may have had backup.
Copy !req
54. We should secure the cache
before anyone else comes looking.
Copy !req
55. Target moving. Maintain cover.
Copy !req
56. Quell?
Copy !req
57. Oh, shit!
Copy !req
58. Quell?
Copy !req
59. Come on, Kovacs, pick up.
Copy !req
60. What the fuck?
Copy !req
61. What is this place?
Copy !req
62. I woke up here after the explosion.
Copy !req
63. Is this where you hid the weapon?
Copy !req
64. It's where she hid me.
Copy !req
65. She?
Copy !req
66. Reileen.
Copy !req
67. Before she killed me, she copied my DHF,
saved my DNA and force grew a clone.
Copy !req
68. - Why would she do that?
- I can show you.
Copy !req
69. She's using your sister
to get under your skin.
Copy !req
70. My memory's still coming back.
Copy !req
71. But this chamber
is equipped with holo surveillance.
Copy !req
72. - Rei.
- Steady, son.
Copy !req
73. You can't trust anything she shows you.
Copy !req
74. Tak?
Copy !req
75. Tak's not coming.
Copy !req
76. He's dead.
Copy !req
77. They all are.
Copy !req
78. No!
Copy !req
79. Stronghold is ash.
Copy !req
80. There's no more Uprising.
The Protectorate crushed it.
Copy !req
81. We're all that's left.
Copy !req
82. - This is your fault.
- No.
Copy !req
83. It was supposed to be him on that shuttle.
Copy !req
84. His DHF getting backed up, not yours.
Copy !req
85. You gave us up.
Copy !req
86. I wasn't going to let him die
for your bullshit cause.
Copy !req
87. - Tak made his own choice!
- And I've made mine.
Copy !req
88. I'm going to live long enough to see
every one of your nightmares come to pass.
Copy !req
89. This is your tomb, Quell.
Copy !req
90. Only you'll wish you were dead.
Copy !req
91. No, Rei!
Copy !req
92. No!
Copy !req
93. No! Let me out!
Copy !req
94. Let me out!
Copy !req
95. She left me there trapped.
Copy !req
96. You were awake the whole time?
Copy !req
97. Only my mind was awake.
Copy !req
98. This is the great Quellcrist Falconer,
Copy !req
99. playing on pity like we didn't burn that
out of you.
Copy !req
100. I never knew which was worse,
Copy !req
101. losing myself in the dark
Copy !req
102. or the pain that came with the light.
Copy !req
103. Miss me?
Copy !req
104. What you're feeling is your sleeve
warming back up.
Copy !req
105. Anything becomes a stress position
if you hold it long enough.
Copy !req
106. You've been holding this one
for almost a century.
Copy !req
107. What do you want, Rei?
Copy !req
108. Answers.
Copy !req
109. I've gone over it again and again,
Copy !req
110. trying to figure out when.
Copy !req
111. When what?
Copy !req
112. When I lost him, why he left.
Copy !req
113. Tak didn't leave you.
You betrayed him.
Copy !req
114. No.
Copy !req
115. We were family.
Copy !req
116. The moment we found each other,
he turned on his unit.
Copy !req
117. I was more important than anything
until you.
Copy !req
118. What makes you so goddamn special?
Copy !req
119. It must be torture
Copy !req
120. to have lived so long
and understand so little.
Copy !req
121. You don't need to school me
in torture. I've made it my business.
Copy !req
122. Pleasure, pain...
Copy !req
123. people will pay anything for it.
Copy !req
124. But you...
Copy !req
125. You can have it for free.
Copy !req
126. Whatever appetite
Reileen harbored for cruelty,
Copy !req
127. immortality made it worse.
Copy !req
128. Your sister did her duty
to the Protectorate.
Copy !req
129. - Like me, like you.
- Excuse me, sir?
Copy !req
130. - What?
- The Governor's been trying to reach you.
Copy !req
131. I don't have the time
to stroke that bitch's ego.
Copy !req
132. - She's here, sir.
- You owe me an update, Carrera.
Copy !req
133. Or did you forget?
Copy !req
134. You report to me now.
Copy !req
135. I gave you an update.
Copy !req
136. The Last Envoy is dead.
Copy !req
137. We have Falconer surrounded.
Copy !req
138. Where?
Copy !req
139. - I don't see her.
- She's underground.
Copy !req
140. We're waiting for her to resurface.
All exits are covered.
Copy !req
141. My directive was clear:
shoot her on site and bring me her stack.
Copy !req
142. Let me work. When we take Falconer,
you'll be the first to know.
Copy !req
143. That I can guarantee.
Copy !req
144. This bitch is not going anywhere.
Copy !req
145. Back to work, soldier.
Copy !req
146. This is the last time I saw her.
Copy !req
147. - You look tired, Rei.
- You look like hell.
Copy !req
148. Maybe it's time to put you
out of your misery.
Copy !req
149. You won't kill me.
Copy !req
150. You're lonely.
Copy !req
151. I'm the only thing you have left
that's real.
Copy !req
152. You know what's real?
Copy !req
153. Tak.
Copy !req
154. He's alive?
Copy !req
155. On ice doing time,
Copy !req
156. but I have a way to get him out.
Copy !req
157. Thought you'd want to know.
Copy !req
158. Can't have you getting in the way again.
I'm spinning you down for good.
Copy !req
159. These roots will grow up around you.
Copy !req
160. You're hiding me in the first place
they'll look.
Copy !req
161. You taught us well.
Copy !req
162. Tak thinks he knows every inch
of this place.
Copy !req
163. He'll walk right over you...
Copy !req
164. and then he'll just keep on walking.
Copy !req
165. He'll never stop searching.
Copy !req
166. That's his cross to bear.
Copy !req
167. Goodbye, Quell.
Copy !req
168. Rei!
Copy !req
169. No!
Copy !req
170. I was the one being buried...
Copy !req
171. but it felt like she was on her way
to her own funeral.
Copy !req
172. You said you'd show me the weapon.
Copy !req
173. Instead you've shown me this. Why?
Copy !req
174. You ask where I've been.
Copy !req
175. Come.
Copy !req
176. The weapon is nearby.
Copy !req
177. Don't move.
Don't open your left hand.
Copy !req
178. Don't look down.
Copy !req
179. Don't move.
Copy !req
180. Don't open your left hand.
Copy !req
181. Don't look down.
Copy !req
182. What the fuck?
Copy !req
183. What did I just say?
Copy !req
184. Where's Quell?
Copy !req
185. - It doesn't matter right now.
- Did he find her?
Copy !req
186. You need to focus, Kovacs.
Copy !req
187. I'm going to throw this rope down.
Copy !req
188. You need to grab hold.
Copy !req
189. - I need more!
- I can't lower it.
Copy !req
190. Kovacs!
Copy !req
191. You can do this.
Copy !req
192. Grab the rope.
Copy !req
193. Fuck.
Copy !req
194. Easy. I got you.
Copy !req
195. Hang on. Almost there.
Copy !req
196. Enable emergency medical scan.
Copy !req
197. Fourth and fifth ribs
fractured, evidence of concussion,
Copy !req
198. dislocation of left shoulder.
Copy !req
199. You're lucky as shit.
Copy !req
200. You passed out.
How the hell did you hang on?
Copy !req
201. The sleeve has subconscious
survival reflexes.
Copy !req
202. It's one of the perks.
Copy !req
203. - Where's Quell?
- Gee!
Copy !req
204. "Thanks, Trepp, for the rescue.
I owe you one."
Copy !req
205. You were supposed to stay with her.
Copy !req
206. Hey, your little lover girl put me
in a sleeper hold and took off.
Copy !req
207. I saw her with one of the Wedge.
Copy !req
208. One I've never seen before.
Copy !req
209. And they looked pretty cozy.
Copy !req
210. Carrera, he copied my old DHF and shoved
it into a clone of my birth sleeve.
Copy !req
211. I ran into him out here on the path
before he threw me off the cliff.
Copy !req
212. So you did this to yourself.
Copy !req
213. I'm a complicated person.
Copy !req
214. - If he's with Quell, we have to find her.
- It's not just him.
Copy !req
215. The whole team's out here.
Copy !req
216. We need backup.
Did you get the signal out to Kemp?
Copy !req
217. I tried.
Copy !req
218. The charge is busted.
There's no way to tell.
Copy !req
219. Fuck the cavalry.
We have to take them down ourselves.
Copy !req
220. How? You're not exactly in fighting shape.
Copy !req
221. And we have no weapons.
Copy !req
222. We are the weapons.
Copy !req
223. What the hell does that even mean?
Copy !req
224. Thanks.
Copy !req
225. - How deep did you bury this thing?
- Deeper than Tommy Shae's well.
Copy !req
226. How do you know Tommy Shae?
Copy !req
227. You told me about him.
Copy !req
228. Remember?
Copy !req
229. As a kid, you would hide in the dry well
in his property...
Copy !req
230. waiting for your father's anger to pass.
Copy !req
231. I'd stay down there for hours.
Copy !req
232. You were always so good
at biding your time.
Copy !req
233. Better even than me.
Copy !req
234. It hurts to think of you like that.
Copy !req
235. It doesn't matter, I lived.
Copy !req
236. Of course it matters.
Copy !req
237. The way you suffered allowed you
to see the suffering around you.
Copy !req
238. It's what brought you to me.
Copy !req
239. The Wedge are posted up
near the cavern.
Copy !req
240. We're close.
Copy !req
241. You'll need to hack their bodycams
and loop the feed.
Copy !req
242. I can do it, but it's only a matter
of time before somebody notices.
Copy !req
243. We'll need to work fast then.
Copy !req
244. Relax, Carrera.
Copy !req
245. Keep clenching and you'll pop something.
Copy !req
246. There is no greater danger
than underestimating your enemy, Governor.
Copy !req
247. Trust me, I know.
Copy !req
248. Now we're even.
Copy !req
249. You sure it's here?
Copy !req
250. The best place to hide something
from someone is the first place they look.
Copy !req
251. If it's obvious, no one looks close.
Copy !req
252. When you come into this place,
what's the first thing you see?
Copy !req
253. The Songspire.
Copy !req
254. This tree dates back
to the time of the Elders.
Copy !req
255. It's borne witness.
Copy !req
256. It holds many secrets.
Copy !req
257. Tell me.
Copy !req
258. What bothers you more,
Copy !req
259. that a Harlan's giving you commands
or that you're obeying them?
Copy !req
260. I prefer my superiors to earn their title,
not be born to it.
Copy !req
261. Power isn't something you earn,
it's something you take.
Copy !req
262. Until you understand that,
you'll never see the bigger picture.
Copy !req
263. Speaking of which,
Copy !req
264. did you train your Wedge
to stand that still,
Copy !req
265. or are they dead?
Copy !req
266. The feeds are looping.
Copy !req
267. Wedge, report in, do you copy?
Copy !req
268. We got them, Colonel. Permission to kill?
Copy !req
269. Permission granted.
Copy !req
270. Takeshi Kovacs, I presume.
Copy !req
271. Nice entrance.
Copy !req
272. It's very dramatic.
Copy !req
273. You got our signal?
Copy !req
274. We came as soon as we heard.
Gather their weapons.
Copy !req
275. That's Joshua Kemp.
Copy !req
276. Kill her now and get out of there.
The Wedge has been ambushed.
Copy !req
277. Move a muscle
and you just dug your own grave.
Copy !req
278. You have someone with Falconer?
Copy !req
279. Repeat,
finish her now and move out.
Copy !req
280. There's no weapon here, is there?
Copy !req
281. I looked in your eyes and I knew.
Copy !req
282. You are Takeshi Kovacs,
Copy !req
283. but you are not my Takeshi Kovacs.
Copy !req
284. You're only pretending to be
one of the monsters.
Copy !req
285. Am I interrupting?
Copy !req
286. - So that's you?
- I told you, it's complicated.
Copy !req
287. Quellcrist Falconer, Joshua Kemp.
Copy !req
288. I've heard of you.
Copy !req
289. What the hell are you doing?
Copy !req
290. You understand my caution.
Copy !req
291. I have a lot of enemies who'd readily
use your face against me.
Copy !req
292. I need to confirm who you really are.
Copy !req
293. Who the hell is in there?
Copy !req
294. An asset I called in from off-planet.
He has a history with Kovacs.
Copy !req
295. Kovacs, who is not dead,
Copy !req
296. who has now joined Kemp's rebellion
along with Falconer?
Copy !req
297. Tell Captain Veutin I need a unit
dispatched to Stronghold immediately.
Copy !req
298. These aren't prisoners
for your second-rate soldiers to steal.
Copy !req
299. My man will handle this.
Copy !req
300. Your man is in handcuffs.
Copy !req
301. He's come through in worse situations.
Copy !req
302. I don't know what game
it is you're playing, Colonel,
Copy !req
303. but whatever it is, it's over.
Copy !req
304. Tell Kemp he's making a mistake.
Copy !req
305. You can tell him yourself...
after the Ascertainment.
Copy !req
306. What the hell is an Ascertainment?
Copy !req
307. It's an Envoy ritual
Copy !req
308. to prove you are who you say you are,
no matter what sleeve you're wearing.
Copy !req
309. If she's who she says she is,
you've got nothing to worry about.
Copy !req
310. She's been down for centuries.
Copy !req
311. - What if she fails?
- Then you're all dead.
Copy !req
312. Great.
Copy !req
313. So let me guess.
Copy !req
314. You thought you were running the op
and she had you the whole time?
Copy !req
315. She didn't kill me. I guess she was
still too attached to this face.
Copy !req
316. You know how this works.
Copy !req
317. I ask the questions and you answer them...
Copy !req
318. truthfully and without hesitation.
Copy !req
319. You fought against extending the human
lifespan beyond its natural bounds.
Copy !req
320. Yet here you are...
after hundreds of years.
Copy !req
321. How do you justify your hypoc...
Copy !req
322. Hypocrisy implies choice.
Copy !req
323. I was brought back against my will,
Copy !req
324. but I am an Envoy.
Copy !req
325. I take what is offered.
Copy !req
326. - Haven't they heard of a lie detector?
- That wouldn't work on an Envoy.
Copy !req
327. Quell taught perfect control
of mind and body.
Copy !req
328. - They're testing both.
- Quellcrist is not your real name.
Copy !req
329. You took it when you began your war
against the Protectorate.
Copy !req
330. That's no secret.
You could learn that in any history book.
Copy !req
331. They don't say why you chose it.
Copy !req
332. I named myself after a common seaweed
that grows on Harlan's World.
Copy !req
333. In a harsh environment, it becomes dust.
Copy !req
334. But with a drop of water,
it grows back a hundredfold.
Copy !req
335. I wanted a revolution
that couldn't be killed,
Copy !req
336. a rebellion
that would rise again and again.
Copy !req
337. They thought I was dead,
but I had only dried up.
Copy !req
338. I found my water by the lake
Copy !req
339. and all at once I was myself again.
Copy !req
340. It worked.
Copy !req
341. Ask me the question
you really want answered.
Copy !req
342. Ask me about Marshall Kemp.
Copy !req
343. - What do you know about him?
- He was a farmer.
Copy !req
344. He gave us food.
Copy !req
345. The Protectorate had him arrested
as a collaborator.
Copy !req
346. When he refused to betray the Envoys,
Copy !req
347. they came for his daughter...
Copy !req
348. threatened her life.
Copy !req
349. But they never found her.
Copy !req
350. Why not?
Copy !req
351. I protected her.
Copy !req
352. Children should not be used
as instruments of war.
Copy !req
353. That story's a family secret.
Copy !req
354. There's no way you would know it.
Copy !req
355. Unless...
Copy !req
356. It is my honor to welcome you back
to The Uprising.
Copy !req
357. Sorry about the restraints.
Copy !req
358. What about me?
Copy !req
359. I follow Falconer's orders.
She said nothing about you.
Copy !req
360. I need to break up a party.
Copy !req
361. We have a lot to discuss.
Copy !req
362. Let me catch you up.
Copy !req
363. You can't take your eyes off of her.
Copy !req
364. She's my mission.
Copy !req
365. Mine too.
Copy !req
366. At least I'm consistent.
Copy !req
367. We're nothing alike.
Copy !req
368. I remember what it was like to be you.
Copy !req
369. CTAC's golden boy,
Copy !req
370. always itching for the next battle,
the rush of the fight.
Copy !req
371. But nothing compares to the praise
you get after, right?
Copy !req
372. "Good job, soldier.
Copy !req
373. Missing accomplished."
Copy !req
374. I used to eat that shit up.
Copy !req
375. Does he still call you "son"?
Copy !req
376. Don't let him goad you.
Copy !req
377. This is your chance to get free.
Copy !req
378. He's listening right now, isn't he?
Copy !req
379. It's cute how you think
you can get in my head.
Copy !req
380. No, he did a good job, Jaeger,
Copy !req
381. taking a broken boy
out of a bad situation,
Copy !req
382. giving him a gun and praising him
every time he would shoot to kill.
Copy !req
383. And if the boy thinks that's love,
all the better.
Copy !req
384. After all,
Copy !req
385. the way our dad treated us,
how would we know the difference?
Copy !req
386. And you think she's better?
Copy !req
387. She doesn't lie to me.
Copy !req
388. She doesn't ask me to lie to myself.
Copy !req
389. The Protectorate protects.
Copy !req
390. Isn't that what you beat into us, Jaeger?
Copy !req
391. I've worked so hard to believe it.
Copy !req
392. I used to dream of Reileen,
Copy !req
393. the family she'd have,
Copy !req
394. the person she'd be.
Copy !req
395. But even before I knew
they sold her to the Yakuza,
Copy !req
396. part of me already knew.
Copy !req
397. You know too.
Copy !req
398. And so does he.
Copy !req
399. The only thing the Protectorate protects
is itself.
Copy !req
400. Rei's proof enough of that.
Copy !req
401. He's twisting the truth.
That's not how it happened.
Copy !req
402. I don't care who she became,
I would never have hurt her.
Copy !req
403. You weren't there,
you didn't see what I saw.
Copy !req
404. Spin it any way you want.
There's no justification for what you did.
Copy !req
405. What kind of man kills his own sister?
Copy !req
406. The same one who killed his father.
Copy !req
407. I think she knew that.
Copy !req
408. Maybe we are different after all.
Copy !req
409. I was never afraid of the truth.
Copy !req
410. Enough of this sentimental shit.
Copy !req
411. Listen to me, soldier...
Copy !req
412. Tell me.
Copy !req
413. We fought.
Copy !req
414. That much you know.
Copy !req
415. But she wasn't aiming to kill.
Copy !req
416. There were a million things
she could have done.
Copy !req
417. Fought back, bargained.
Copy !req
418. She could've taken the gun.
Copy !req
419. Go on. Do it.
Copy !req
420. I'll never stop.
Copy !req
421. That's when I knew.
Copy !req
422. She wanted you to do it?
Copy !req
423. I believe so.
Copy !req
424. Still, I pulled the trigger.
Copy !req
425. But her fate was sealed long before.
Copy !req
426. The moment I let Jaeger draft me into CTAC
Copy !req
427. and trusted him to take care of her.
Copy !req
428. That was our mistake.
Copy !req
429. We set all of it into motion.
Copy !req
430. From then on,
Copy !req
431. Rei was just riding on borrowed time.
Copy !req
432. What happened to your man?
Copy !req
433. I lost him.
Copy !req
434. Get Veutin's unit up on the monitors.
Copy !req
435. Commander Kemp.
Copy !req
436. - I wanted to ask you about something.
- Go ahead.
Copy !req
437. Do you recognize this man?
Copy !req
438. No. Should I?
Copy !req
439. Anil Imani, he's my brother.
He disappeared doing a job for you.
Copy !req
440. I'm sorry. It's a big war.
Copy !req
441. I don't know every soldier by name.
Copy !req
442. He could still be out there.
Copy !req
443. I'll circulate his image
among my lieutenants,
Copy !req
444. see if we can get answers for you.
Copy !req
445. So many families have suffered
from the Protectorate's atrocities.
Copy !req
446. What are you doing?
Copy !req
447. It's, uh... It's my coils.
Copy !req
448. They get a bit touchy
when they're depleted.
Copy !req
449. Do you mind if I borrow your charger
from your transmitter?
Copy !req
450. Sure.
Copy !req
451. Have at it.
Copy !req
452. - Did you reach base?
- They told us to wait.
Copy !req
453. There's a Protectorate satellite
passing overheard.
Copy !req
454. If we leave now,
it'll pick up our movements.
Copy !req
455. - How long before it passes?
- A couple of hours?
Copy !req
456. If you take no risks,
you win no victories.
Copy !req
457. If we leave now,
at least we stand a chance.
Copy !req
458. This cave is a defensible position,
especially with your weapon.
Copy !req
459. My weapon?
Copy !req
460. You used something on those Meths.
Are you gonna hold out on me?
Copy !req
461. Gather everyone, gear up.
Copy !req
462. We move on my command.
Copy !req
463. Of course. It's your call.
Copy !req
464. We need to talk.
Copy !req
465. I'm sorry about before...
Copy !req
466. when I put my hands on you.
Copy !req
467. I was finally coming back to myself
and I couldn't let you stop me.
Copy !req
468. Thanks.
Copy !req
469. But it's not that.
Copy !req
470. It's Kemp.
Copy !req
471. I checked the signal log on our beacon.
Copy !req
472. The coordinates Kovacs was trying to send
never went through.
Copy !req
473. Kemp never got our message,
so how did he find us?
Copy !req
474. And when I asked him about Anil,
he claimed he'd never met him.
Copy !req
475. So why does he have his fucking stack
strung around his neck?
Copy !req
476. It's time to even the odds.
Copy !req
477. You sure you don't want to wait out
the satellite?
Copy !req
478. How long?
Copy !req
479. Uh, a few more hours I'd say.
Copy !req
480. How long have you been a traitor?
Copy !req
481. - The hell are you talking about?
- You know how this works.
Copy !req
482. I ask the questions, you answer them.
Copy !req
483. The truth is your only protection.
Copy !req
484. Who do you work for?
Copy !req
485. All warfare is based on deception.
Copy !req
486. That's your saying, isn't it?
Copy !req
487. I was wrong. She's not the real Falconer.
Copy !req
488. Execute her, now!
Copy !req
489. You're no revolutionary.
Copy !req
490. I'm no revolutionary
because there is no revolution.
Copy !req
491. What did your people die for?
Copy !req
492. The peons fighting think this is all real.
It's just bloodthirsty play-acting.
Copy !req
493. The story's already been written.
Copy !req
494. You promised you'd spare me
if I told you the truth.
Copy !req
495. I didn't promise you shit!
Copy !req
496. The emblem on this is my family's crest.
Copy !req
497. This is my brother's DHF.
Copy !req
498. Your brother got himself killed
just like your...
Copy !req
499. Don't. We need him alive.
Copy !req
500. - He's our proof the war is a lie.
- You're too late.
Copy !req
501. There was never a satellite.
It was always the Protectorate coming.
Copy !req
502. Secure him,
gather whatever weapons you can carry.
Copy !req
503. If we cut through the clearing,
we can take the back pass.
Copy !req
504. - What about him?
- His choice.
Copy !req
505. You think we can trust him?
Copy !req
506. He's still you.
Copy !req
507. - This way.
- Wait.
Copy !req
508. Oh, shit.
Copy !req
509. Target engaged.
Copy !req
510. Is that who I think it is?
Copy !req
511. Don't shoot. Don't shoot.
I'm on your side!
Copy !req
512. Stop right there.
Copy !req
513. Kemp was your man.
Copy !req
514. That's how he knew where to find my team.
You told them where they were.
Copy !req
515. Kovacs.
Copy !req
516. Something's happening.
Copy !req
517. Call Danica Harlan.
She'll tell you I work for her.
Copy !req
518. Veutin, shut him up.
Copy !req
519. The war, the ceasefire,
Copy !req
520. you've been running it all
from the inside.
Copy !req
521. This is treason.
Copy !req
522. - Protectorate will remove you.
- How?
Copy !req
523. The planet's dark.
Copy !req
524. Arrest him.
Copy !req
525. This will never stand.
Copy !req
526. You have no grounds to arrest me.
Copy !req
527. That's your asset
wearing the Envoy's birth sleeve.
Copy !req
528. Double sleeving is a capital crime.
Copy !req
529. I've got all the ammunition I need.
Copy !req
530. Cover!
Copy !req
531. I can't hold it!
Copy !req