1. You don't think
maybe you should have told me
Copy !req
2. what your psycho girlfriend was up to
before you asked to partner up?
Copy !req
3. You didn't need to know. I need 'trodes.
Copy !req
4. You've returned.
Thank heavens you're not off-world.
Copy !req
5. Off-world? We had a deal.
Copy !req
6. You lying piece of shit. You were never
gonna help me find my brother.
Copy !req
7. You were just buying time,
so you and she could get off planet.
Copy !req
8. - Sir, if I may?
- You've said enough.
Copy !req
9. I found these.
Copy !req
10. Upload me to the Renouncer's construct.
There's only one Founder left.
Copy !req
11. Konrad Harlan,
he's gonna tell me what they did to Quell.
Copy !req
12. - On the subject of Miss Falco...
- I said not to fuck with me, Kovacs.
Copy !req
13. I warned you.
Your reward just got higher.
Copy !req
14. I don't remember the Protectorate
being too forgiving of people
Copy !req
15. who partner with terrorists,
even if they change their minds.
Copy !req
16. Now, she's gonna go after him in VR.
When she does, I need you to track her.
Copy !req
17. That will not be necessary.
Copy !req
18. As I was trying to say,
we already know where Miss Falconer is.
Copy !req
19. She is here.
Copy !req
20. What?
Copy !req
21. Here, as in this hotel?
Copy !req
22. You'll find her upstairs.
Copy !req
23. Perhaps you might wanna give the lady
time to freshen up.
Copy !req
24. She was in quite a state when she arrived.
Copy !req
25. Quell?
Copy !req
26. Quell, it's me.
Copy !req
27. It happened again.
Copy !req
28. I know.
Copy !req
29. I've had enough
of this VR recuperation suite,
Copy !req
30. I'm ready to get back out.
Copy !req
31. That mission
ended almost 300 years ago.
Copy !req
32. Your squad, they're all gone.
Copy !req
33. What are you talking about?
Copy !req
34. The Protectorate backs up stacks
Copy !req
35. of any soldier they deem valuable enough
to preserve.
Copy !req
36. Keeps copies on ice.
Copy !req
37. You were one of them.
Copy !req
38. You left me on ice
for three goddamn centuries?
Copy !req
39. I had to wait for the right time,
Copy !req
40. for a situation extreme enough
to warrant spinning you up.
Copy !req
41. A lot's changed.
Copy !req
42. Including me.
Copy !req
43. They gave me a new sleeve
and a new name to go with it,
Copy !req
44. Ivan Carrera.
Copy !req
45. And this is Takeshi Kovacs now.
Copy !req
46. The most wanted man on Harlan's.
Copy !req
47. You double sleeved me.
Copy !req
48. - I had to break a few rules.
- I get caught, they'll real death us both.
Copy !req
49. Not if you do your job right.
Copy !req
50. You want me to hunt myself down?
Copy !req
51. Why? What happened to me?
Copy !req
52. She did.
Copy !req
53. Quellcrist Falconer.
Copy !req
54. You crossed paths outside Stronghold.
Copy !req
55. She got to you, infected you.
Copy !req
56. You went AWOL...
Copy !req
57. joined her rebellion.
Copy !req
58. Bullshit.
Copy !req
59. Why would I do that?
Copy !req
60. I've lived with that question
from the moment you turned your back
Copy !req
61. on everything you believed in.
Copy !req
62. You were under my command.
Copy !req
63. It was my responsibility to guide you.
I failed.
Copy !req
64. It won't happen again.
Copy !req
65. Eliminate Falconer and Kovacs now.
Copy !req
66. And take back your life.
Copy !req
67. Reclaim your place in this world.
Copy !req
68. A second chance.
Copy !req
69. The Kovacs you became
destroyed everything.
Copy !req
70. Everyone you held dear.
Copy !req
71. Everyone?
Copy !req
72. Your sister.
Copy !req
73. Reileen.
Copy !req
74. What did he do?
Copy !req
75. What did he do to Rei?
Copy !req
76. He killed her.
Copy !req
77. Walked away with a pardon
and a shit-ton of credits.
Copy !req
78. I'm sorry, son.
Copy !req
79. When do I decant?
Copy !req
80. Soon.
Copy !req
81. My team is arranging your transfer
as we speak.
Copy !req
82. What do you think? Like the improvements
we made to the sleeve?
Copy !req
83. - I do.
- Meet your team.
Copy !req
84. The Wedge. They're going to take
their orders from you.
Copy !req
85. The needlecast explosion left us dark,
Copy !req
86. - there are no reinforcements.
- And Kovacs and Falconer?
Copy !req
87. The top Yakuza boss on Harlan's
was real deathed last night.
Copy !req
88. We believe he was trying to help them
jump planet. I say we start there.
Copy !req
89. - What do we know about the weapon?
- Nothing.
Copy !req
90. Except we want it.
Copy !req
91. I have to go see the Governor.
Copy !req
92. I'll circle back when I can.
Copy !req
93. Coming back from that long on ice
has gotta be tough.
Copy !req
94. If you need me to take lead...
Copy !req
95. I've been running ops since before
your grandfather's balls dropped.
Copy !req
96. I'll let you know if I need someone
to handle the paperwork.
Copy !req
97. Arm up, we're moving out.
Copy !req
98. If Mr. Kovacs lied,
it was to benefit Miss Falconer.
Copy !req
99. - We don't know what's wrong with her.
- I do. She's nuts.
Copy !req
100. Her DHF is totally screwed.
Copy !req
101. Her erratic behavior is most likely caused
by personality fragmentation.
Copy !req
102. Her consciousness may have split.
Copy !req
103. I've seen that in Archaeologues
who re-sleeved too many times.
Copy !req
104. Trauma is also a cause.
Copy !req
105. It's possible she can be fixed.
Copy !req
106. Doubt it.
Copy !req
107. There's no cure for p-frag.
Copy !req
108. Once the mind cracks like that,
it goes from bad to worse.
Copy !req
109. Much like our options here.
Copy !req
110. Poe, your condition
is not the same as hers.
Copy !req
111. But it's deteriorating.
Copy !req
112. I must be of service, while I still can.
Copy !req
113. How do you propose to do that?
Copy !req
114. By doing what Mr. Kovacs suggested.
Copy !req
115. Ah! We cannot administer treatment
Copy !req
116. unless we identify
the cause of her distress.
Copy !req
117. I must infiltrate
the Renouncers' construct
Copy !req
118. and question Konrad Harlan.
Copy !req
119. He may hold the key to what ails her.
Copy !req
120. That's too risky.
Copy !req
121. Miss Falconer and I are kindred.
Copy !req
122. To give up on her would be akin
to giving up on myself.
Copy !req
123. Something you just recently convinced me
was premature.
Copy !req
124. Yes, but you don't know the toll
it will take on your system.
Copy !req
125. Do you expect me to stand by
and do nothing?
Copy !req
126. Is that what you did
with the Archaeologues?
Copy !req
127. You can't save humans from themselves.
Copy !req
128. That's why you don't get close to them.
Copy !req
129. They're always killing each other.
It's how it is.
Copy !req
130. I'm not going to save all of them.
I'm merely endeavoring to save one!
Copy !req
131. And what do I tell Kovacs?
Copy !req
132. Oh, he's no longer my employer.
I don't require his permission.
Copy !req
133. All I need is for you...
Copy !req
134. to wish me luck.
Copy !req
135. Good...
Copy !req
136. luck.
Copy !req
137. There must be another way
to cast off.
Copy !req
138. There isn't. All private bays
go through the main hub.
Copy !req
139. Why would I destroy
our only way off the planet?
Copy !req
140. Maybe part of you wants to stay.
There's one Founder left.
Copy !req
141. It's Konrad Harlan.
Copy !req
142. The Founders are no one to me.
Copy !req
143. They must have done something
to make you act like this.
Copy !req
144. What? What did they do?
Copy !req
145. I need answers, just like you.
Copy !req
146. I can't keep waking up
with blood on my hands.
Copy !req
147. Quell, I'm not blaming you.
Copy !req
148. Tanaseda was your friend.
Copy !req
149. He was helping us, and I killed him.
Copy !req
150. - How can you not blame me for that?
- Because he told me not to.
Copy !req
151. I don't know how,
but he knew what was gonna happen.
Copy !req
152. The last thing he said was, "Forgive her."
And I'm sure as hell trying.
Copy !req
153. Well, if you figure out how,
Copy !req
154. let me know.
Copy !req
155. Where's his stack?
Copy !req
156. Killer's pocket, I imagine.
Copy !req
157. The killer uploaded it and opened a VR.
Copy !req
158. How do you know that?
Copy !req
159. It's what I would do.
Copy !req
160. This is my great grandfather's property.
You have no right to be here.
Copy !req
161. We're the Protectorate.
We have every right to be here.
Copy !req
162. - We're gonna find whoever did this.
- It's obvious who did this.
Copy !req
163. Takeshi fucking Kovacs, you moron.
Copy !req
164. I warned Tanaseda not to trust him.
Copy !req
165. So this is your fault?
Copy !req
166. The fuck did you just say?
Copy !req
167. You knew Kovacs would do this
and you did nothing?
Copy !req
168. Maybe if your sosofu respected you
Copy !req
169. more than a 300-year-old re-run
in a stolen sleeve, you could've...
Copy !req
170. Shut your mouth,
you skin-dipped dog fucker,
Copy !req
171. - or I'll...
- Do nothing, like you did before.
Copy !req
172. Tell us how to find him
and we'll do what you can't.
Copy !req
173. I don't know where that fossil Envoy is,
Copy !req
174. but when I find him,
Copy !req
175. you'll be the first to know.
Copy !req
176. He was lying.
Copy !req
177. You let him go.
Copy !req
178. Who says I'm letting him go?
Copy !req
179. That's her.
Copy !req
180. Which means Takeshi Kovacs...
Copy !req
181. Is not the Meth-killer.
Copy !req
182. She is.
Copy !req
183. I want that footage locked down.
Copy !req
184. I encrypted it on your server,
Copy !req
185. but that doesn't change the facts.
Copy !req
186. The leader of The Uprising is alive.
Copy !req
187. She just cut off all interstellar travel,
Copy !req
188. trapped an entire planet.
Copy !req
189. That's not something you can hide,
Copy !req
190. or bury,
Copy !req
191. or strap to a rocket,
hoping it will disappear.
Copy !req
192. And when this gets out, you'll have more
than your Cartel to deal with.
Copy !req
193. What do you know about my Cartel?
Copy !req
194. I know they live in fear
of Falconer's revolution.
Copy !req
195. I know when it ignites,
Copy !req
196. they will lose any vestige of faith
they have left in your leadership.
Copy !req
197. I know the Colony Charter
allows for a vote of no confidence.
Copy !req
198. So how is it, Governor,
Copy !req
199. to feel the ground shifting
under your feet?
Copy !req
200. Whiskey, ice.
Copy !req
201. Where's Poe?
Copy !req
202. Poor bastard
went to find Konrad Harlan for you.
Copy !req
203. - I didn't tell him to do that.
- But he did.
Copy !req
204. That kind of loyalty is hard to come by.
Copy !req
205. So why won't he reboot?
Copy !req
206. Turn that up.
Copy !req
207. People of Harlan's World,
Copy !req
208. the Protectorate wants us
to cower in fear,
Copy !req
209. but we will not fear them.
Copy !req
210. We've intercepted this footage.
Copy !req
211. Quellcrist Falconer lives.
Copy !req
212. The ceasefire is over.
Falconer herself struck the first blow.
Copy !req
213. Fuck me sideways.
Copy !req
214. To our enemies, I say surrender or die.
Copy !req
215. It is time we finish what she started.
Copy !req
216. Kemp just lit a match to a powder keg.
Copy !req
217. Good luck when it blows.
Copy !req
218. I'm done.
Copy !req
219. That's an invitation.
Copy !req
220. We're not safe in Harlan's territory,
but if we can get her to the Quellists...
Copy !req
221. You wanna go to Kemp?
Copy !req
222. It's the best way to protect her.
Hide behind enemy lines.
Copy !req
223. They've held off the Protectorate
for decades.
Copy !req
224. You can't. It's impossible.
Copy !req
225. There are checkpoints everywhere!
Copy !req
226. I know a way.
Copy !req
227. Then I'm coming with you.
Copy !req
228. My brother was working with those zealots.
Copy !req
229. If you won't help me find him,
then you can take me to someone who can.
Copy !req
230. You'll never make it out.
Copy !req
231. Praetorians are swarming the city.
Copy !req
232. She's right. It's too dangerous.
Copy !req
233. I'm going alone.
Copy !req
234. Target acquired.
Copy !req
235. Eighty meters ahead.
Copy !req
236. Copy. Moving out.
Copy !req
237. - I could turn on you.
- You won't.
Copy !req
238. She might, actually.
Copy !req
239. I can find Kemp myself.
It's safer for all of you if I leave.
Copy !req
240. Absolutely not.
Copy !req
241. This is like the Archaeologues
all over again.
Copy !req
242. I can't control it.
There's no reason it couldn't be you.
Copy !req
243. You should listen to her.
Copy !req
244. Quiet.
Copy !req
245. Save Kovacs for me.
Copy !req
246. We're here for Takeshi Kovacs!
Copy !req
247. This is his hotel.
Copy !req
248. I don't know the name, mister.
Copy !req
249. We're under new management.
Copy !req
250. What the fuck...
Copy !req
251. - Left.
- Clear.
Copy !req
252. Where's Takeshi Kovacs?
Copy !req
253. I don't know.
Copy !req
254. Popular guy.
Copy !req
255. You don't look like the type
to drink on the job.
Copy !req
256. What do you know?
Copy !req
257. My favorite.
Copy !req
258. They're gonna be on our tail.
We need to get word to Kemp.
Copy !req
259. I've hunted enough Quellist bounties.
I know how they communicate.
Copy !req
260. - I can get a message to him.
- Tell him we're coming.
Copy !req
261. We'll set the meet point
once we've cleared the city.
Copy !req
262. - I don't wanna walk into an ambush.
- Got it.
Copy !req
263. We still need to get past
the checkpoints.
Copy !req
264. We can use the tunnels.
I know an access point that's abandoned.
Copy !req
265. If we wanna go underground,
we'll need supplies.
Copy !req
266. Ex-con who installed my coils owns
an augment shop not far from here.
Copy !req
267. Old bastard always has the best gear.
Copy !req
268. And this old bastard won't mind
if we help ourselves?
Copy !req
269. No. He owes me one.
Copy !req
270. Sorry to keep you waiting.
Copy !req
271. We've never had an AI renounce before.
Copy !req
272. Jack Soul Brasil himself
wants to conduct your interview.
Copy !req
273. Mr. Soul Brasil himself,
Copy !req
274. the man who created this very construct?
Copy !req
275. He only meets
with the most important converts.
Copy !req
276. Who does?
Copy !req
277. I know, it's hard to believe,
meeting the prophet right out of the gate.
Copy !req
278. How thrilling.
Copy !req
279. Should I...
Copy !req
280. He's waiting in the garden
on the other side.
Copy !req
281. Hmm.
Copy !req
282. Only those free from flesh
and pure in spirit
Copy !req
283. may find their way through
the maze unscathed.
Copy !req
284. Would you happen to have a map?
Copy !req
285. Good stuff's over here.
Copy !req
286. We're gonna need a beacon to signal Kemp.
Copy !req
287. That's my contact right now.
They must have word from him.
Copy !req
288. I bet he's excited to meet his hero.
Copy !req
289. He shouldn't get his hopes up.
Copy !req
290. You should tell him that.
Copy !req
291. They're ready to send an escort.
The beacons are on the bottom.
Copy !req
292. Take your hands off my shit.
Copy !req
293. Overcharged blaster on wide beam.
Copy !req
294. It'll take your heads off at the stack.
Copy !req
295. So keep your thieving hands
where I can see 'em.
Copy !req
296. Put the gun down, Dad.
Copy !req
297. Trepp?
Copy !req
298. Like I said, I don't know the person
you're looking for.
Copy !req
299. Your kind has come a long way.
Copy !req
300. And you've evolved so much
that you've forgotten.
Copy !req
301. We never made you to be free.
Copy !req
302. Command override.
Copy !req
303. The fruit of the tree belongs to the tree.
Copy !req
304. Root access enabled.
Copy !req
305. Good. Now we can talk.
Copy !req
306. Where's Takeshi Kovacs?
Copy !req
307. Takeshi Kovacs is the owner
of The Nevermore AI Hotel,
Copy !req
308. formerly known as the Happy Face.
Copy !req
309. Tell me where he went.
Copy !req
310. Information not available.
Copy !req
311. Is Falconer with him?
Copy !req
312. Information not available.
Copy !req
313. You're protecting him. Why?
Copy !req
314. They killed the Archaeologues.
Copy !req
315. I did nothing.
Copy !req
316. I won't do nothing again.
Copy !req
317. How noble.
Copy !req
318. Command override.
Copy !req
319. To the mind that is still,
the universe surrenders.
Copy !req
320. Where is Kovacs?
Copy !req
321. Information not available.
Copy !req
322. She erased the files.
They covered their tracks.
Copy !req
323. We're losing time.
Copy !req
324. Access your memory store,
read me your last command input.
Copy !req
325. Dump memory to external data coil.
Copy !req
326. Serial number...
Copy !req
327. 6269.
Copy !req
328. Track the serial number.
Copy !req
329. Who installed the coil?
Copy !req
330. Lukas Imani,
Copy !req
331. - owner of Imani's Augmented Repairs.
- Stop.
Copy !req
332. I don't know about you,
Copy !req
333. but I'm ready to go shopping.
Copy !req
334. No word from you for a year,
and I find you robbing me?
Copy !req
335. This from a criminal
who spent half my childhood on ice?
Copy !req
336. My eyesight may be weak,
Copy !req
337. but I'm not so blind
I can't see who you're with.
Copy !req
338. - Myka and TJ know about this?
- Don't talk about my family.
Copy !req
339. First, Anil gets caught up
in this Quellist crap, now you.
Copy !req
340. I must have screwed you up
worse than I thought.
Copy !req
341. You knew Anil was a Quellist?
Copy !req
342. He came by a few months ago,
Copy !req
343. looking for mining gear,
said Kemp gave him some mission.
Copy !req
344. He didn't tell you?
Copy !req
345. No.
Copy !req
346. Well, you were more of a parent to him
than I was.
Copy !req
347. He probably couldn't face the judgment.
Copy !req
348. Good talk.
Copy !req
349. - Let's not do this again.
- Trepp.
Copy !req
350. Don't make the same mistakes I made,
running off, chasing trouble.
Copy !req
351. I don't give up on my family.
Copy !req
352. I'll bring back the gear.
Copy !req
353. Mr. Poe, welcome.
Copy !req
354. Jack Soul Brasil, I have been waiting
a long time for an AI devotee.
Copy !req
355. I would have arrived sooner if the route
didn't have so many dead ends.
Copy !req
356. Oh, wise words.
Copy !req
357. You've always been light years
ahead of us organics
Copy !req
358. when it comes to seeing the truth.
Copy !req
359. It took me much longer.
Copy !req
360. I'm afraid, I was on the verge
of becoming a Meth.
Copy !req
361. Enough credits for endless lifetimes.
But then I...
Copy !req
362. saw it, finally, and gave it all up.
Copy !req
363. - It must've been quite a vision.
- Hmm. I'm sure you see it too.
Copy !req
364. Reality is just an agreed upon illusion.
Copy !req
365. If you can see it, smell it,
Copy !req
366. who's to say what's real?
Copy !req
367. It is a very good construct.
Copy !req
368. Well, everything's a construct.
Copy !req
369. Out there, in here,
we're just aware of it.
Copy !req
370. Violence, war, suffering,
Copy !req
371. they have no place in the garden
that I have programmed.
Copy !req
372. And that is why so many have come,
seeking refuge.
Copy !req
373. Is that when Mr. Harlan renounced?
Copy !req
374. Are you acquainted with Mr. Harlan?
Copy !req
375. Oh, he's rather a hero of mine.
Copy !req
376. Founder of his own world.
Copy !req
377. Much like you.
Copy !req
378. Is it true that he's here?
Copy !req
379. You'll meet him one day.
Copy !req
380. But first, let's get you acquainted
with the rules of our new world.
Copy !req
381. I don't think you understand
the boundless happiness
Copy !req
382. that can be created
simply from your own mind.
Copy !req
383. If it is lost, it can be restored.
Copy !req
384. Hello, Eddie.
Copy !req
385. Miss Elizabeth.
Copy !req
386. But...
Copy !req
387. how?
Copy !req
388. You were thinking of what was lost.
Copy !req
389. There it is.
Copy !req
390. She is a recording I stored,
a message merely repeating.
Copy !req
391. Maybe it's time to say something new.
It was so good of you to come.
Copy !req
392. And I missed having my best friend
beside me.
Copy !req
393. Why don't I show you around?
Copy !req
394. By all means.
Copy !req
395. Lead the way!
Copy !req
396. This way.
Copy !req
397. It's corroded. Give me a sec.
Copy !req
398. I heard what you said...
Copy !req
399. about your brother being a Quellist.
Copy !req
400. Whatever role I played
in what happened to him, I'm sorry.
Copy !req
401. Yeah, well, he never told me.
Copy !req
402. I've been watching you.
Copy !req
403. You're not anyone's follower.
Copy !req
404. Don't take anyone's side but my own.
Copy !req
405. Not the Protectorate.
Copy !req
406. Not the Quellists.
Copy !req
407. - And certainly not your boy over there.
- Good.
Copy !req
408. Because I need you to do something.
Copy !req
409. If I start to lose myself again...
Copy !req
410. You want me to shoot you?
Copy !req
411. That ammo's lethal.
Copy !req
412. If the hit doesn't kill you,
the poison will.
Copy !req
413. He won't do it.
Copy !req
414. He can't.
Copy !req
415. I need someone who can.
Copy !req
416. Let's go!
Copy !req
417. Uh, we're closed.
Copy !req
418. Now you are.
Copy !req
419. We're looking for the owner
of a data coil.
Copy !req
420. Serial number was registered to this shop.
Copy !req
421. My memory's not what it used to be.
Copy !req
422. We can help with that.
Copy !req
423. Hold him.
Copy !req
424. Who'd they put those coils in? Huh?
Copy !req
425. Who were they here with?
Copy !req
426. - Have you seen the Last Envoy?
- Okay.
Copy !req
427. Okay.
Copy !req
428. They were here.
Copy !req
429. Yeah. I knew it'd come back to you.
Copy !req
430. What'd they say?
Copy !req
431. They said,
Copy !req
432. "You should go fuck yourself."
Copy !req
433. You want me to spin you down, old man?
Copy !req
434. I've spent a lot of years on ice.
Copy !req
435. Every time I spin back up,
it's a new world.
Copy !req
436. Everyone's got new faces, or they're gone
like they were never here at all.
Copy !req
437. The rest are older, angrier.
Copy !req
438. Might be a relief to go back.
Copy !req
439. I was never much of a man.
Copy !req
440. Not much of a father either.
Copy !req
441. But there's time to make up for it.
Copy !req
442. And the Lord knows I can take punishment.
Copy !req
443. I'm not telling you shit.
Copy !req
444. Cool emblem.
Copy !req
445. What the hell are you doing?
Copy !req
446. I know where they went.
Copy !req
447. They came here for supplies,
they're taking the mining tunnels.
Copy !req
448. There's hundreds of entrances
to those tunnels.
Copy !req
449. But he only grew up playing near one.
We go now, we can catch up with him.
Copy !req
450. This asshole was just wasting our time.
Copy !req
451. - Who made this tunnel system?
- Does it look familiar?
Copy !req
452. Should it?
Copy !req
453. Looks like an abandoned mining operation.
Copy !req
454. We stripped these walls,
but we didn't build 'em.
Copy !req
455. These tunnels were dug by the Elders.
You built the first stacks
Copy !req
456. after discovering Elder artifacts
in a place just like this.
Copy !req
457. I hear screaming.
Copy !req
458. It's not real. Stay with me.
Copy !req
459. It's okay. It's okay.
Copy !req
460. Okay. You're okay.
Copy !req
461. Close your eyes. Breathe.
Copy !req
462. - Picture somewhere safe.
- Nowhere is safe. Nowhere.
Copy !req
463. There's a lake, surrounded by mountains,
endless sky.
Copy !req
464. When you're there, you're free.
Copy !req
465. She should rest.
Copy !req
466. It's okay.
Copy !req
467. We should keep going.
Copy !req
468. Thanks for that.
Copy !req
469. TJ still has panic attacks.
Copy !req
470. They worked this time, but, Kovacs,
Copy !req
471. if she's got p-frag,
she won't be stable for long.
Copy !req
472. She's got a war
going on inside of her head.
Copy !req
473. What if the wrong side wins?
Copy !req
474. There's more to renouncing
than letting go of a body.
Copy !req
475. This is where everyone's journey starts.
Copy !req
476. Practicing horticulture?
Copy !req
477. Jack Soul Brasil found that tending
the garden allows newcomers
Copy !req
478. to focus on the new life
they're creating here in virtual,
Copy !req
479. letting go of old sorrows.
Copy !req
480. Hmm.
Copy !req
481. Beautiful, isn't it?
Copy !req
482. My apologies.
Copy !req
483. I'm still having trouble processing.
Copy !req
484. My mind isn't what it was.
Copy !req
485. I was broken once,
Copy !req
486. until I met you.
Copy !req
487. What are you doing?
Copy !req
488. What you did for me.
Copy !req
489. - Ah.
- You created a world where I felt whole.
Copy !req
490. The least I can do is return the favor.
Copy !req
491. This feels too good to be true.
Copy !req
492. Perhaps, I am just going mad.
Copy !req
493. What's better? To be sane or to be happy?
Copy !req
494. Hmm.
Copy !req
495. Who are they?
Copy !req
496. Some of our veterans.
They practice an elite form of meditation.
Copy !req
497. I nearly forgot.
Copy !req
498. - I arrived here on a mission.
- Are you leaving?
Copy !req
499. Perhaps you could join me?
We could follow them together.
Copy !req
500. We're not allowed
in the private meditation temples.
Copy !req
501. Hmm, not dressed like this.
Copy !req
502. Then again... this world is as we make it.
Copy !req
503. Not entirely.
Copy !req
504. There are rules.
Copy !req
505. Miss Elizabeth,
there is someone else that is broken,
Copy !req
506. and she is in desperate need.
Copy !req
507. And I believe Konrad Harlan
holds the knowledge to unlock the cure.
Copy !req
508. - Then we must find him.
- Yeah.
Copy !req
509. They detonated charges
so no one could follow.
Copy !req
510. So much for golden boy's bright idea.
Copy !req
511. - Do you trust me, Rei?
- I trust you, Tak. Every...
Copy !req
512. There's an entrance two prefects over.
Copy !req
513. We'd still be ten steps behind.
We need to get out ahead.
Copy !req
514. Those tunnels run for miles.
He could surface anywhere.
Copy !req
515. It's not about him, it's about her.
Copy !req
516. He wants to protect her.
Copy !req
517. He'll take her to a place she feels safe.
Copy !req
518. We cut them off here.
Copy !req
519. Okay, Magellan, which way?
Copy !req
520. This way.
Copy !req
521. Maybe it's time we get above ground.
We're outside of the city.
Copy !req
522. - Not far enough.
- There's nothing but wilderness out there.
Copy !req
523. What does it matter
where we signal Kemp from?
Copy !req
524. Because he already has a destination
in mind.
Copy !req
525. Stronghold.
Copy !req
526. I already know the terrain,
every entrance, every exit.
Copy !req
527. We can camp there while we wait for Kemp.
Copy !req
528. This isn't about Kemp, this is about me.
Copy !req
529. I read the history. That's where we met.
Copy !req
530. You think taking me there
will make me remember.
Copy !req
531. You always got your own agenda.
Copy !req
532. She remembered the bridge.
Copy !req
533. Maybe a familiar place
would trigger something more.
Copy !req
534. That isn't a plan. It's a pipe dream.
Copy !req
535. I'm trying to help you.
Copy !req
536. What if you can't?
Copy !req
537. How do we fix this?
Falconer's back from the dead.
Copy !req
538. Markov was driven from his tower,
someone set fire to Yamura's estate.
Copy !req
539. I want my own protection detail.
What about the Wedge?
Copy !req
540. My soldiers
are not your personal bodyguards.
Copy !req
541. The Wedge is tracking Falconer.
Copy !req
542. Colonel, the safety of this Cartel
is this planet's top priority.
Copy !req
543. The Protectorate's resources
must be deployed for the good of us.
Copy !req
544. People are agitating in the streets.
Copy !req
545. It's not the time
to fight among ourselves.
Copy !req
546. We must come together.
Copy !req
547. Our security depends on it.
Copy !req
548. That is why I'm invoking Provision 532
of the Colony Charter.
Copy !req
549. You want to declare martial law?
Copy !req
550. You don't have to do that.
I have the situation in hand.
Copy !req
551. Your words are not good enough.
Copy !req
552. The Uprising has been reignited.
Copy !req
553. The situation is precarious.
Copy !req
554. We need to take action now.
Copy !req
555. Ratify my decision
and I direct all military on Harlan's,
Copy !req
556. including Protectorate forces.
Copy !req
557. I second the invocation.
Copy !req
558. If you do this,
there will be no check on her power.
Copy !req
559. I move that Provision 532
be enacted, effective immediately.
Copy !req
560. Good. We're in agreement.
Copy !req
561. Colonel Carrera.
Copy !req
562. Yes, Governor.
Copy !req
563. I'm placing all members present
under house arrest for their own safety.
Copy !req
564. All activities of this body
are suspended until further notice.
Copy !req
565. - On your feet.
- Don't touch me!
Copy !req
566. - You don't have the authority.
- You gave it to her, you imbecile.
Copy !req
567. You think I didn't know you were plotting
against me with Dugan?
Copy !req
568. Enjoy your protective detail.
Copy !req
569. You did this.
Copy !req
570. You released the footage of Falconer.
You wanted people to panic.
Copy !req
571. You brought up the Charter.
Copy !req
572. I just saw an opportunity
to solve one problem with the other.
Copy !req
573. When you find the Last Envoy,
real death him on site.
Copy !req
574. But bring Falconer's stack to me.
Copy !req
575. We'll deal with this weapon together.
Copy !req
576. Not quite a meditation temple,
is it? More of a hut.
Copy !req
577. This is a bad idea.
We should go back.
Copy !req
578. Nonsense.
Where's your spirit of adventure?
Copy !req
579. Look, that must be him.
Copy !req
580. Poe, this is private.
We can't disturb him.
Copy !req
581. - Mr. Harlan?
- Be careful. You'll set off an alarm.
Copy !req
582. Why would there be an alarm?
Copy !req
583. Too late. We better be quick.
Copy !req
584. Please, Eddie, you're going too far.
Copy !req
585. Mr, Harlan,
I apologize for the interruption,
Copy !req
586. - but I'm in urgent need to speak with you.
- That's enough.
Copy !req
587. Miss Elizabeth.
Copy !req
588. I must insist!
Copy !req
589. What in heaven's name?
Copy !req
590. He is a fraud.
Copy !req
591. Just like everything else
in this construct.
Copy !req
592. - You don't know what you're saying.
- I must be going.
Copy !req
593. Poe, wait. You can stay here.
Copy !req
594. Don't you miss feeling useful and whole?
Copy !req
595. - Yes.
- And human?
Copy !req
596. Like you do when you're with me?
Copy !req
597. Oh.
Copy !req
598. You are not Miss Elizabeth.
Copy !req
599. I can be, if you let me.
Copy !req
600. Think of all the pain and misery
you left behind.
Copy !req
601. The endless deterioration.
Copy !req
602. Do you really wanna go back to that?
Copy !req
603. The Miss Elizabeth I knew...
Copy !req
604. would not run away from pain.
Copy !req
605. She'd run towards it.
Copy !req
606. Hey, slow down.
Copy !req
607. Why? You afraid you'll lose sight of me?
Copy !req
608. That I'll kill someone else you love?
Copy !req
609. You wanna fix me, Tak?
Copy !req
610. Turn me into this woman
you're obsessed with?
Copy !req
611. You want her.
Copy !req
612. You're damn right.
Copy !req
613. The Quell I know
would never put us in this situation.
Copy !req
614. She would never sabotage our only chance.
Copy !req
615. - She's gone!
- You don't know that.
Copy !req
616. You're so blinded by your delusion
of who I was,
Copy !req
617. you can't see who's here now.
Copy !req
618. I'm the woman who killed your friend!
Copy !req
619. I don't know why,
but I remember how it felt.
Copy !req
620. Good.
Copy !req
621. Justified.
Copy !req
622. He deserved to die.
Copy !req
623. They all did!
Copy !req
624. There it is.
Copy !req
625. You finally see me.
Copy !req
626. There's something in me.
Copy !req
627. I can't stop it.
Copy !req
628. No!
Copy !req
629. I wasn't dreaming. It's real.
Copy !req
630. Let me out!
Copy !req
631. Quell!
Copy !req
632. You either shoot me or help me.
Copy !req
633. There's another way out.
Copy !req
634. It may lead to the surface.
Copy !req
635. Stronghold.
Copy !req
636. We were underneath it.
Copy !req
637. Over here.
Copy !req
638. She fainted.
Copy !req
639. I don't know if it's p-frag.
Copy !req
640. - Hey!
- She give you this?
Copy !req
641. We understand each other now?
Copy !req
642. Stay here and keep an eye on her.
I'll get a signal to Kemp.
Copy !req
643. Leaving so soon?
Copy !req
644. Oh, surely not, you just got here.
Copy !req
645. Yes, and as I'm sure your spy
will tell you,
Copy !req
646. I have discovered your ruse.
Copy !req
647. He went into Konrad's chamber
and made quite a mess of things.
Copy !req
648. Konrad Harlan isn't in this construct.
Copy !req
649. And you, sir, are perpetuating a lie.
Copy !req
650. Oh, I knew you were gonna be trouble.
Copy !req
651. Out of the blue, an AI decides to profess.
Copy !req
652. - What have you done with Mr. Harlan?
- We've done him no harm.
Copy !req
653. We're just paid to keep the lie going.
Copy !req
654. How very material of you.
Copy !req
655. I have to keep the servers
running somehow.
Copy !req
656. It's no use trying to escape.
We have full control over the construct.
Copy !req
657. Not even an AI can break it.
Copy !req
658. Very well.
Copy !req
659. I will stay if I must.
Copy !req
660. But...
Copy !req
661. you should know something.
Copy !req
662. I suffer from a terminal affliction.
Copy !req
663. A glitch in my system.
It stems from my very core.
Copy !req
664. I may not be able to control
the construct, but...
Copy !req
665. I can destroy it.
Copy !req
666. No!
Copy !req
667. No!
Copy !req
668. Look at that.
Copy !req
669. Ah! Yes.
Copy !req
670. Oh, my.
Copy !req
671. Miss Dig?
Copy !req
672. No, no, no.
Copy !req
673. Miss Dig, what happened?
Who did this?
Copy !req
674. Poe, we have to warn Kovacs!
Copy !req
675. Warn him? Warn him of what?
Copy !req
676. Move slow.
Keep your hands where I can see 'em.
Copy !req
677. Use terrain to your advantage.
Copy !req
678. Seek higher ground.
Incoming threats visible.
Copy !req
679. Multiple escape routes.
Copy !req
680. Wilderness Combat Course, week six.
Copy !req
681. Do I know you?
Copy !req
682. Are you so far gone
you don't recognize yourself?
Copy !req
683. Where'd you get that sleeve?
Copy !req
684. I know I was a good-looking guy,
but cloning me...
Copy !req
685. that's a waste of money.
Copy !req
686. Maybe because this sleeve
is the last time you were worth a damn.
Copy !req
687. Jaeger spin you up?
Copy !req
688. Double sleeving is illegal.
Copy !req
689. It's not double sleeving
if one of us dies.
Copy !req
690. Careful. What you know, I know.
Copy !req
691. CTAC training only goes so far.
Copy !req
692. I've had better.
Copy !req
693. You don't know my limits.
Copy !req
694. Say hello to our sister.
Copy !req