1. They say,
"Storms make a tree's roots grow deep."
Copy !req
2. Whatever storms formed my prison,
they must have been violent.
Copy !req
3. The roots were impenetrable.
Copy !req
4. There was no way out.
Copy !req
5. Help me!
Copy !req
6. - Until I heard you.
- Who are you?
Copy !req
7. You're not leaving here in that sleeve!
Copy !req
8. Quell.
Copy !req
9. I had to get to you.
Copy !req
10. It was like I was trapped in a dream.
Copy !req
11. I had to wake up.
Copy !req
12. I don't think it was real.
Copy !req
13. The next thing I remember,
I was out on the street,
Copy !req
14. seeing your face on a newswave.
Copy !req
15. And all I knew was I couldn't let you die.
Copy !req
16. Why is that?
Copy !req
17. We knew each other a long time ago.
Copy !req
18. But my face was different back then.
Copy !req
19. Do you remember him?
Copy !req
20. I don't.
Copy !req
21. Well, maybe your stack was damaged
during backup,
Copy !req
22. or the decant into this clone,
something went wrong...
Copy !req
23. Or maybe I locked myself in a prison
I deserved to be in.
Copy !req
24. - No!
- You don't know that.
Copy !req
25. You say it's nearly 300 years
since I died.
Copy !req
26. Now I'm here, randomly killing Meths?
Copy !req
27. And I have no idea why.
Copy !req
28. You mentioned screaming.
Copy !req
29. You wanted to know if they heard it.
Copy !req
30. I don't know what you're talking about.
Copy !req
31. I actually saw you in a memory.
Copy !req
32. You were at the Soul Market.
Copy !req
33. You scratched something into the gate.
Copy !req
34. Like this.
Copy !req
35. I checked the Array, there's nothing.
Copy !req
36. I don't know what it means.
Copy !req
37. What about how?
Copy !req
38. They think you have a weapon.
They want it.
Copy !req
39. - They?
- The Harlans, the Protectorate.
Copy !req
40. And not just them.
Copy !req
41. Jaeger.
Copy !req
42. He's here.
Copy !req
43. And wherever he goes,
hell usually follows.
Copy !req
44. He won't stop until he gets what he wants.
Copy !req
45. We've confirmed
the power to the Circle
Copy !req
46. was overridden manually
from inside the prison.
Copy !req
47. One of these techs let the Envoy escape.
Copy !req
48. I trust you'll find who it is.
Copy !req
49. The longer he has to hunt,
the more dangerous he gets.
Copy !req
50. You're not overseeing
the interrogations?
Copy !req
51. Kovacs was born on this planet,
he has roots here.
Copy !req
52. I'm going to dig one of 'em up.
Copy !req
53. What does he want?
Copy !req
54. He wants payback.
Copy !req
55. He recruited me for CTAC when I was a kid.
Copy !req
56. Raised me like a son when I needed
a father and used that...
Copy !req
57. to make me a killer.
Copy !req
58. He never forgave me for abandoning
Copy !req
59. the soldier he raised me to be.
Copy !req
60. Or...
Copy !req
61. for finding something better.
Copy !req
62. We're in danger here, Quell.
Copy !req
63. I can help you,
but I need to get you somewhere safe,
Copy !req
64. if I can get us off planet.
Copy !req
65. Do you trust me enough to come with me?
Copy !req
66. Yes.
Copy !req
67. Then I'll go.
Copy !req
68. There's only one person I know
who can get both of us transfers.
Copy !req
69. - I'll come with you.
- No.
Copy !req
70. Your face attracts
more attention than mine.
Copy !req
71. You'll understand when you remember.
Copy !req
72. Can you wait here until I get back?
Copy !req
73. Your human is going to die.
Copy !req
74. Mr. Kovacs is recovering from his injuries
at a remarkable rate.
Copy !req
75. Have you seen his bounty?
Copy !req
76. The whole planet's
going to be hunting him.
Copy !req
77. I assure you, this location has been
scrubbed from all public record.
Copy !req
78. And now that I have blanketed
our digital presence,
Copy !req
79. we are as safe as proverbial houses.
Copy !req
80. That's what the Archaeologues said...
Copy !req
81. right before they all died.
Copy !req
82. Not all of 'em.
Copy !req
83. Miss Trepp. How did you...
Copy !req
84. This site is shielded.
Copy !req
85. Next time
you wanna drop by for a little chat,
Copy !req
86. you should probably remember
to close the connection.
Copy !req
87. Where's Kovacs?
Copy !req
88. Um...
Copy !req
89. Mr. Kovacs is not here.
Copy !req
90. So, I suggest you go, hmm?
Copy !req
91. Before I'm forced to evict you.
Copy !req
92. Speak of the devil.
Copy !req
93. Trust me.
This is one bounty you do not want.
Copy !req
94. You're in the old Happy Face Motel.
Copy !req
95. And you, madam... are not.
Copy !req
96. Goddammit, Poe!
Copy !req
97. - No harm done, sir.
- No harm done?
Copy !req
98. She was merely intruding as a holo-form.
Copy !req
99. You allowed a bounty hunter
to compromise our location.
Copy !req
100. Now she can find us.
Copy !req
101. Which means she can find Quell.
Do you understand that?
Copy !req
102. It was an oversight, yes.
Copy !req
103. Yeah, like you're not telling me
this sleeve carries a bio-tracker.
Copy !req
104. I shall divine her location...
Copy !req
105. No! I'll take care of it.
Copy !req
106. I'm getting us the hell of this rock.
Copy !req
107. Sir, I implore you, it is imprudent
to go beyond these walls.
Copy !req
108. It's Harlan's Day.
Copy !req
109. The streets are teeming with people,
not to mention police, Protectorate...
Copy !req
110. - Who the hell are you?
- I'm Dig 301.
Copy !req
111. - I'm...
- Yeah, you're a service AI.
Copy !req
112. So you're bound by confidentiality, right?
Copy !req
113. Only if I'm paid.
Copy !req
114. Right.
Copy !req
115. You're hired.
Copy !req
116. Make sure my friend upstairs stays safe.
Copy !req
117. I'll no longer be in need
of your services.
Copy !req
118. Poe, I didn't mean to...
Copy !req
119. It was not you.
Copy !req
120. It was me.
Copy !req
121. The Nevermore is now in your hands.
Copy !req
122. I can't hear you! Amazing!
Copy !req
123. Harlan's Day!
Copy !req
124. Say what?
Copy !req
125. Harlan's Day!
Copy !req
126. Needlecast passengers,
Copy !req
127. please be advised
that all private casting gates are closed.
Copy !req
128. What is that smell?
Copy !req
129. Desperation,
Copy !req
130. nutrient bath, body odor.
Copy !req
131. I don't see why we have to be here.
Copy !req
132. It's tradition to welcome the original
Founders on Harlan's Day. You know this.
Copy !req
133. No tradition is worth setting foot
in a public station.
Copy !req
134. Especially not for that arrogant gasbag.
Copy !req
135. Dugan!
Copy !req
136. So good to see you in the flesh.
Copy !req
137. You remember my partner, Jarek?
Copy !req
138. I would have preferred
a private needlecast facility.
Copy !req
139. Just a precaution.
Copy !req
140. I've restricted all transit
to one location.
Copy !req
141. If the Envoy tries to run, we'll have him.
Copy !req
142. You assume he's running, Danica.
For all we know,
Copy !req
143. he's lining up his next victim.
Copy !req
144. And you should have canceled
this ridiculous holiday.
Copy !req
145. Gathering so many Meths together
is foolish under the circumstances.
Copy !req
146. Harlan's Day has been
celebrated every year
Copy !req
147. since my father founded this planet.
Copy !req
148. We founded this planet, Danica.
Konrad liked to leave that part out too.
Copy !req
149. - I don't wanna go.
- Just for a...
Copy !req
150. - Don't make me.
- Listen, you'll be safer on Latimer.
Copy !req
151. - Okay, you'll get a new sleeve.
- I don't want a new sleeve!
Copy !req
152. Her departure's scheduled right now.
Get her moving.
Copy !req
153. - No!
- What's the hold up here?
Copy !req
154. Governor. I... I mean,
the brat won't move, ma'am.
Copy !req
155. Hey, give her a minute, all right?
She's scared.
Copy !req
156. Is that right?
Are you scared to be without your father?
Copy !req
157. I know what that's like.
Copy !req
158. Can I give you some advice?
Copy !req
159. Fear holds you back.
Copy !req
160. It keeps from you seeing the world
as it is.
Copy !req
161. Many men, much older than you,
never get past it.
Copy !req
162. But if you're strong,
Copy !req
163. if you allow yourself
to let your fear go...
Copy !req
164. nothing can stand in your way.
Copy !req
165. If you love your father...
Copy !req
166. grow beyond him.
Copy !req
167. Governor, thank you.
Copy !req
168. Goodbyes are never easy.
Copy !req
169. Hmm.
Copy !req
170. Cute speech. Now, can we go?
Copy !req
171. Do I know you, Colonel...
Copy !req
172. Carrera.
Copy !req
173. I'm here about the Last Envoy.
I understand you and he have a history.
Copy !req
174. Have you heard from him?
Copy !req
175. I haven't heard of a Colonel Carrera.
Copy !req
176. Have you never made your mark
on this world or any other?
Copy !req
177. Fame is a fool's idea of glory.
I prefer to simply succeed.
Copy !req
178. Perhaps your glory is one left unfinished.
Copy !req
179. The Last Envoy rose from the darkness
of eternal storage,
Copy !req
180. pardoned by the Protectorate you serve.
Copy !req
181. His name lives, as does his legend.
Copy !req
182. Does it gall you
to hear his name spoken again?
Copy !req
183. The one that got away.
Copy !req
184. Nice tree.
Copy !req
185. We have cut down so many,
yet we barely know what they are.
Copy !req
186. I could have you killed for that.
Copy !req
187. And I can have you erased.
Copy !req
188. What makes you think you have the power?
Copy !req
189. I'm the man who burned Innenin.
Copy !req
190. The man who hunted down Munharto.
Copy !req
191. The man who destroyed Stronghold
and brought down Falconer.
Copy !req
192. You see...
Copy !req
193. you don't need to know my name
once you know what I've done.
Copy !req
194. What I'm capable of.
Copy !req
195. Kovacs may have played the loyal soldier
and taken a fall on your behalf,
Copy !req
196. but make no mistake, old man.
Copy !req
197. I can destroy you so utterly,
nothing will be left.
Copy !req
198. No name, no family, no life.
Copy !req
199. - Unless?
- You find him, bring him to me.
Copy !req
200. Then you and yours survive.
Copy !req
201. Takeshi Kovacs has a way
of costing people everything they have.
Copy !req
202. Ask yourself...
Copy !req
203. do you want to be one of them?
Copy !req
204. Those magnet hands of yours twitch
and I blow a hole in your spine.
Copy !req
205. You never said goodbye.
Copy !req
206. We'll say it now.
Copy !req
207. Nice try,
but I knew what I was walking into.
Copy !req
208. That Envoy intuition
doesn't seem to be working too well.
Copy !req
209. I don't have time for you to hunt me
all day, I have somewhere I need to be.
Copy !req
210. - So, let's make a deal.
- You don't have shit I want.
Copy !req
211. Anil Imani.
Copy !req
212. I might be high on the bounty board,
but Anil jumped from 256 to number four
Copy !req
213. the same day I gave you five stacks.
Copy !req
214. So I'm guessing he's family.
Copy !req
215. A brother?
Copy !req
216. Yeah, that's Envoy intuition.
Copy !req
217. Total absorption of details and that's how
I'll find him if you'll let me.
Copy !req
218. Fuck, the cops are headed this way.
Copy !req
219. You better make a decision fast
before they make it for you.
Copy !req
220. Come on.
Copy !req
221. What's the password?
Copy !req
222. The password is "you're grounded."
Open the door.
Copy !req
223. Now!
Copy !req
224. You're no fun, Mom.
Copy !req
225. TJ, do you think this is a game?
Copy !req
226. You are lucky that those cops kept going.
What are you thinking?
Copy !req
227. Sorry, I got bored. Mom's been making me
hang decorations all day.
Copy !req
228. That's better than what I'll do to you.
Come on. Finish helping.
Copy !req
229. So that's your kid?
Copy !req
230. But not in his original sleeve.
Copy !req
231. Based on his coordination, I'd say
he's been in this one for about a year.
Copy !req
232. - Maybe more if he has War Shock Syndrome?
- You don't know my kid.
Copy !req
233. I don't, but I know the look.
Copy !req
234. He knows bad things can happen to him.
Copy !req
235. What happened?
He get caught in a cross fire?
Copy !req
236. He stepped on a mine.
Copy !req
237. And blew up.
Copy !req
238. You're renting a kid's sleeve on Harlan's.
Copy !req
239. That monthly lease must be high as hell.
Copy !req
240. And you're still putting all that credit
on Anil.
Copy !req
241. Won't be a problem
once I reap your bounty.
Copy !req
242. Then you can't use me to find him.
Copy !req
243. You might be the best bounty hunter
in the Settled Worlds,
Copy !req
244. but you don't have the training I do.
Copy !req
245. So...
Copy !req
246. ask me again to be your partner.
Copy !req
247. You better not be fucking with me, Kovacs.
Copy !req
248. I'm not.
Copy !req
249. So, we good?
Copy !req
250. - Wait. How am I supposed to contact you?
- Don't worry.
Copy !req
251. I'll be in touch.
Copy !req
252. Happy Harlan's Day.
Copy !req
253. On a cryoship,
stocked with human embryos,
Copy !req
254. Konrad Harlan and his crew set forth
for a new home.
Copy !req
255. Their destination?
Copy !req
256. A planet ringed by Orbitals,
remnants of an extinct alien civilization.
Copy !req
257. But Konrad detected a hole
in the planet's defenses...
Copy !req
258. "I shall die.
Copy !req
259. I must die...
Copy !req
260. of this fool's sickness.
Copy !req
261. In this way and only this way...
Copy !req
262. I shall be lost."
Copy !req
263. but in the end,
he was richly rewarded,
Copy !req
264. discovering the largest cache
of Elder artifacts
Copy !req
265. ever found in a Settled World.
Copy !req
266. - Where's the human first aid kit?
- Behind the bar.
Copy !req
267. Konrad and his team
began exploring the terrain...
Copy !req
268. This is just whiskey.
Copy !req
269. There's also gin.
Copy !req
270. In time, Archaeologues and their AI's
Copy !req
271. oversaw excavation of these artifacts
on a massive scale.
Copy !req
272. Melted down, they provide
the alloy necessary to make stacks.
Copy !req
273. Hmm. "I have no fear of pain.
Copy !req
274. Only the fear of its result...
Copy !req
275. of terror."
Copy !req
276. That's enough of that
Copy !req
277. and enough of this.
Copy !req
278. Why not leave me to my despair, Miss Dig?
Copy !req
279. My glitch has rendered me useless
as an empty bottle.
Copy !req
280. None of this would have happened
if I'd rebooted.
Copy !req
281. The tracker...
Copy !req
282. the Circle...
Copy !req
283. the bounty hunter.
Copy !req
284. - Mr. Kovacs was right to fire me.
- Mr. Kovacs is an ass.
Copy !req
285. And yet you still avail yourself
of my old mantle.
Copy !req
286. Poe, the Archaeologues are gone.
Copy !req
287. No one is interested in Elder history.
Copy !req
288. I know what it's like
to be without a purpose.
Copy !req
289. The crushing madness of idle hours.
Copy !req
290. The decades upon decades
of shuffling about aimlessly!
Copy !req
291. I have lived it!
Copy !req
292. I have too!
Copy !req
293. I need this.
Copy !req
294. A Dig is nothing without a dig.
Copy !req
295. Yes.
Copy !req
296. And a hotel is nothing without a guest.
Copy !req
297. I know what I must do.
Copy !req
298. I just have to find the resolve.
Copy !req
299. - I need to see him.
- He's in a meeting.
Copy !req
300. I can wait.
Copy !req
301. No hard feelings, huh?
Copy !req
302. You shouldn't have come back.
Copy !req
303. You impose like your family,
but Tanaseda isn't your father.
Copy !req
304. Relax, Yukito.
Copy !req
305. I'm not here for your inheritance.
Copy !req
306. I've had enough of fathers.
Copy !req
307. I see potential.
I can make something else.
Copy !req
308. We protect.
Copy !req
309. You have my word.
Copy !req
310. I know what you're thinking.
Copy !req
311. - But the Protectorate can't fix ugly.
- Fuck you.
Copy !req
312. Good to see you.
Copy !req
313. - How long have I been down?
- A while.
Copy !req
314. - Your last mission...
- Went sideways, I know.
Copy !req
315. I've had enough
of this VR recuperation suite.
Copy !req
316. I'm ready to get back out.
Copy !req
317. Just like me.
Copy !req
318. Relentless.
Copy !req
319. So, you're gonna tell me?
What's with the birth sleeve?
Copy !req
320. You'll be glad to have it
where you're going.
Copy !req
321. Where's that?
Copy !req
322. Harlan's.
Copy !req
323. You're going home, son.
Copy !req
324. - Any progress?
- Not yet, sir.
Copy !req
325. We've been at it for hours,
no one's talking.
Copy !req
326. They'll talk for me.
Copy !req
327. No, put those in the kitchen.
Copy !req
328. Stone, the fireworks...
Copy !req
329. Are being loaded in to the rockets
as we speak.
Copy !req
330. - They'll be ready.
- Good.
Copy !req
331. Looks like it's gonna be
quite the spectacle.
Copy !req
332. I decided it was time to stop mourning
my father's absence.
Copy !req
333. With the ceasefire,
people wanna celebrate.
Copy !req
334. You mean, you need a distraction.
Copy !req
335. Well, I'm sorry to say I don't think
some wine and pretty lights
Copy !req
336. are gonna make people forget about
that parade of ineptitude
Copy !req
337. you called an execution.
Copy !req
338. Thank you for that assessment.
Copy !req
339. Maybe if you were here
for more than 24 hours,
Copy !req
340. I'd give your opinion more weight.
Copy !req
341. That's what I've come to tell you.
Copy !req
342. I'm staying.
Copy !req
343. I think it best I'm here in case
anything else gets out of hand.
Copy !req
344. I wanted you to hear it from me.
Copy !req
345. Is that some kind of threat?
Copy !req
346. There's no shame in needing help, Danica.
It was ambitious...
Copy !req
347. stepping into your father's shoes,
but I think we both know they don't fit.
Copy !req
348. I'll see you tonight.
Copy !req
349. I'm sure you'll find a way
to top yourself again.
Copy !req
350. Miss Falconer.
Copy !req
351. I am Poe, your humble proprietor.
Copy !req
352. Former proprietor.
I brought some refreshment.
Copy !req
353. May I?
Copy !req
354. Thank you.
Copy !req
355. Have we met before last night?
Copy !req
356. Not officially.
Copy !req
357. But I feel like we've been
travel companions for quite some time now.
Copy !req
358. Seems like everyone knows me better
than I know myself.
Copy !req
359. That is partly why I'm here.
Copy !req
360. I find myself somewhat at a crossroads.
Copy !req
361. Mr. Kovacs always took comfort
in your counsel.
Copy !req
362. And I was wondering if I might
have some of the same clarity.
Copy !req
363. I'm not sure what you mean.
Mr. Kovacs and I have been worlds apart.
Copy !req
364. How could I have offered him counsel?
Copy !req
365. Is it so hard to believe that he carries
a piece of you with him?
Copy !req
366. You have a way with words, Mr. Poe.
Copy !req
367. You have a way with words...
Copy !req
368. A way with...
Copy !req
369. Miss Falconer.
Copy !req
370. Oh.
Copy !req
371. - Forgive me. I have disturbed you.
- Wait.
Copy !req
372. You came with a question.
Copy !req
373. Ask it.
Copy !req
374. Do you miss her?
Copy !req
375. The woman you once were...
Copy !req
376. who you no longer remember.
Copy !req
377. It's like missing land...
Copy !req
378. when you swim out too far into the sea.
Copy !req
379. It's beneath you in the deep,
out of reach.
Copy !req
380. As you float above it...
Copy !req
381. you can't touch it, and yet still,
Copy !req
382. it's there.
Copy !req
383. I think I understand.
Copy !req
384. Thank you
Copy !req
385. for making it poetry.
Copy !req
386. May I ask you something?
Copy !req
387. Of course. Anything.
Copy !req
388. I need to run a search on the Array.
Copy !req
389. What is the subject of your inquiry?
Copy !req
390. I need to know who I was.
Copy !req
391. You can understand that.
Copy !req
392. Can't you?
Copy !req
393. I'll leave you to your privacy.
Copy !req
394. Do you recognize this?
Copy !req
395. I'll look into it.
Copy !req
396. - Is that what you came for?
- No. I need transit off planet.
Copy !req
397. For me and her.
Copy !req
398. Tonight.
Copy !req
399. False identities for you both.
Copy !req
400. Two sleeves waiting upon your arrival.
Copy !req
401. With the new restrictions,
the Governor would have to approve
Copy !req
402. the last minute cast-off herself.
Copy !req
403. Your request is next to impossible.
Copy !req
404. It's safest for everyone
if I take her away.
Copy !req
405. Not if they learned I enabled your escape.
Copy !req
406. A man came to see me today.
Copy !req
407. Carrera.
Copy !req
408. - What did he want?
- Your life.
Copy !req
409. Did you give it to him?
Copy !req
410. Some debts must be paid in kind.
Copy !req
411. Blood for blood.
Copy !req
412. You are not my only concern, Takeshi.
Copy !req
413. But she is mine.
Copy !req
414. I've already betrayed one person today.
Copy !req
415. Immortality means an eternity of living
with what we've done.
Copy !req
416. I've lived with enough regret.
Haven't you?
Copy !req
417. I will get you your transfers,
your identities, and your sleeves.
Copy !req
418. At what price?
Copy !req
419. Remember what I said the last we spoke.
Copy !req
420. That in time, even loves turns to dust.
Copy !req
421. The price is...
Copy !req
422. prove me wrong.
Copy !req
423. To commemorate Harlan's Day,
we are taking a look back
Copy !req
424. at some of the darker challenges that
Governor Harlan faced during his reign.
Copy !req
425. On this very day in history,
almost 300 years ago,
Copy !req
426. Millsport was rocked with one
of the most violent Quellist attacks.
Copy !req
427. Terrorist leader, Quellcrist Falconer,
along with her army of Envoys,
Copy !req
428. raided the planet's main
alloy shipping facility.
Copy !req
429. The building was destroyed
and numerous Protectorate officials
Copy !req
430. as well as innocent civilians were killed.
Copy !req
431. Good news. We're casting off.
We just need approval.
Copy !req
432. Why didn't you tell me?
Copy !req
433. nothing could be done to stop the woman
determined to bring back death.
Copy !req
434. It's just Protectorate propaganda.
Copy !req
435. Terrorist. Murderer.
Copy !req
436. Is this who you want back?
Copy !req
437. I'm a monster.
Copy !req
438. No. That's just
what they want people to believe.
Copy !req
439. I wanna bring back death?
Copy !req
440. You want humanity to live, not just exist.
Copy !req
441. If you wanna know
who Quellcrist Falconer is,
Copy !req
442. take it from someone who knows.
Copy !req
443. You're a scientist.
Copy !req
444. You're a warrior. A leader.
Copy !req
445. You created stacks
so you could see the stars.
Copy !req
446. You've shared the knowledge
so we could do the same.
Copy !req
447. We took what you made and twisted it.
Copy !req
448. You were never the monster.
Copy !req
449. We were.
Copy !req
450. But the Protectorate
couldn't admit that and survive.
Copy !req
451. Maybe not everything I'm blamed for
is true,
Copy !req
452. but I killed those Meths.
Copy !req
453. What if it happens again?
Copy !req
454. - What if next time I hurt you?
- You won't.
Copy !req
455. You found me at my worst
and saw something no one else could.
Copy !req
456. The boy inside the man.
Copy !req
457. When I see the boy inside the man.
Copy !req
458. I can't stop looking at you.
You're the one who set me free.
Copy !req
459. I said that to you before?
Copy !req
460. You did.
Copy !req
461. On the bridge. Do you remember?
Copy !req
462. I remember feeling...
Copy !req
463. this feeling.
Copy !req
464. - We can stop.
- No!
Copy !req
465. Please.
Copy !req
466. Keep me here.
Copy !req
467. - Great party, Danica.
- Thank you.
Copy !req
468. It's going well.
Copy !req
469. It's a pit of vipers.
Copy !req
470. Look at them all, writhing away.
Copy !req
471. Relax. This is your night.
Copy !req
472. And when it's over,
Copy !req
473. I have a surprise.
Copy !req
474. Shit.
Copy !req
475. Tanaseda Hideki.
Copy !req
476. I don't recall your name
on the guest list.
Copy !req
477. And yet you invited me when you shut down
all private casting on planet.
Copy !req
478. The main hub's backed up.
Apparently, the only way to get through
Copy !req
479. is with direct authorization
from the Governor.
Copy !req
480. Do I look like a travel agent?
Copy !req
481. Leave a request with my assistant.
I'll send a reply in the morning.
Copy !req
482. That won't do. The matter's urgent.
Copy !req
483. Then again, I could stay
and make a toast to your father.
Copy !req
484. Konrad always enjoyed a good story,
Copy !req
485. though he might not appreciate the one
I have to tell.
Copy !req
486. How many passes?
Copy !req
487. Two blind transfers.
Copy !req
488. There. It's done.
Copy !req
489. Now go before I have you thrown out.
Copy !req
490. - Small gift for your father.
- How am I supposed to get that to him?
Copy !req
491. I'm sure you can think of a way.
Copy !req
492. Tanaseda.
What, are you party crashing?
Copy !req
493. How criminal of you.
Copy !req
494. My honor's intact, unlike yours.
Copy !req
495. Always a downer, some things never change.
Copy !req
496. What was that? I saw you writing
sweet nothings to the Governor, now?
Copy !req
497. I don't have time to catch up.
Copy !req
498. It's just as well, you shouldn't be here.
Copy !req
499. With what we've done,
none of us should be here.
Copy !req
500. You, of all people, know that.
Copy !req
501. - What now? Mm-hmm.
- You told me to keep an eye on Carrera.
Copy !req
502. He's been rounding up the techs
that work in the prison, in Sector B.
Copy !req
503. - What does he know?
- Nothing yet.
Copy !req
504. He's looking for whoever it was
that was helping the Envoy.
Copy !req
505. Sector B is for political prisoners.
Copy !req
506. Do you know what'll happen
if Carrera gets a wind of a rumor?
Copy !req
507. It's bad enough I have Dugan
breathing down my neck.
Copy !req
508. Okay. What do you want me to do?
Copy !req
509. I'll handle it.
Copy !req
510. I've gotta hand it to you, Lila,
you're tough.
Copy !req
511. That's one of the things I most respect
about women.
Copy !req
512. Some people say interrogating them
is easy work, but truth is,
Copy !req
513. a woman can endure much more pain
than the average man.
Copy !req
514. Just ask them.
Copy !req
515. I want water.
Copy !req
516. Doesn't matter what you want.
Copy !req
517. Then why would I ever confess?
Copy !req
518. I don't need you to confess.
Copy !req
519. Your friends already told me
you cut the power.
Copy !req
520. What I want to know is...
Copy !req
521. why would somebody as smart as you
Copy !req
522. do something as monumentally stupid
as helping Takeshi Kovacs escape?
Copy !req
523. I wasn't helping him.
Copy !req
524. I was helping her.
Copy !req
525. You threw your life away for a synth.
Copy !req
526. I saw her blood.
Copy !req
527. It was as red as mine.
Copy !req
528. She was real.
Copy !req
529. Unlike most things on this planet.
Copy !req
530. What's that supposed to mean?
Copy !req
531. It's not my first time in this room.
Copy !req
532. I have seen countless prisoners
tortured here.
Copy !req
533. I've heard their screams.
Copy !req
534. Heard their bones break.
Copy !req
535. I've also heard what they've said.
Copy !req
536. And what was that?
Copy !req
537. Ask the Governor.
Copy !req
538. Ask her about this fucking war.
Copy !req
539. I'm asking you!
Copy !req
540. I want to know exactly what you heard.
Copy !req
541. It doesn't matter what you want.
Copy !req
542. Colonel, this prisoner is being moved
along with the others.
Copy !req
543. What the fuck are you talking about?
Copy !req
544. The fuck she is.
Copy !req
545. On who's authority?
Copy !req
546. Orders from Danica Harlan.
Copy !req
547. Hello, Eddie.
Copy !req
548. Hello, Miss Elizabeth.
Copy !req
549. Feels like you've only been gone a day.
Copy !req
550. Or is it forever?
Copy !req
551. I still get mixed up sometimes.
Copy !req
552. Believe me, I understand.
Copy !req
553. I was lost in darkness,
no one could find me, but...
Copy !req
554. you did.
Copy !req
555. Because you see what people really need.
Copy !req
556. Miss Elizabeth, I must tell you something.
Copy !req
557. You're more human than most humans I know.
Copy !req
558. The best of us.
Copy !req
559. Of all of the wild beauty...
Copy !req
560. distant stars...
Copy !req
561. - I will miss you most.
- No matter where you are...
Copy !req
562. never forget that.
Copy !req
563. Miss Dig.
Copy !req
564. I heard voices.
Copy !req
565. I was worried.
Copy !req
566. - Aren't you going to introduce us?
- Ah.
Copy !req
567. I would.
Copy !req
568. Except...
Copy !req
569. Hello, Eddie.
Copy !req
570. Feels like you've only been gone a day.
Copy !req
571. Or is it...
Copy !req
572. It is merely a holo-recording, hmm.
Copy !req
573. Parting message from a very dear friend
Copy !req
574. before Mr. Kovacs and I cast off
from Bay City.
Copy !req
575. You were saying goodbye.
Copy !req
576. Mm-hmm.
Copy !req
577. I am resolved.
Copy !req
578. You're rebooting?
Copy !req
579. But you could lose everything,
your entire history.
Copy !req
580. I have no interest
in returning to disuse.
Copy !req
581. My condition will only worsen until I...
Copy !req
582. deteriorate completely.
Copy !req
583. It's inevitable.
Copy !req
584. What if it wasn't?
Copy !req
585. When I worked for the Archaeologues,
Copy !req
586. I designed an intricate database
to catalog their findings.
Copy !req
587. What if I could build one
to preserve your memories?
Copy !req
588. - Parse them from corrupt data.
- You think that's possible?
Copy !req
589. It would take time.
Copy !req
590. You're very kind, Miss Dig.
Copy !req
591. - But I couldn't possibly burden you.
- It's not a burden.
Copy !req
592. It's what I was made for.
Copy !req
593. - I'm not a bell boy.
- A bell boy.
Copy !req
594. I'm an archivist.
Copy !req
595. And some things, some people,
Copy !req
596. are worth preserving.
Copy !req
597. Carrera, you came after all.
Copy !req
598. Don't tell me, you caught the Meth-killer.
Copy !req
599. Where are my prisoners, Governor?
Copy !req
600. - What do you mean?
- You gave the order. Rescind it.
Copy !req
601. Unless you wanna tell me what it is
you're hiding about the war.
Copy !req
602. There is no war, Colonel.
Copy !req
603. You were authorized to bring in the Envoy.
Anything else is mission creep.
Copy !req
604. There was a conspirator
who helped them escape.
Copy !req
605. I was interrogating them.
Copy !req
606. The conspirators, yes.
Copy !req
607. Governor, excuse me.
Copy !req
608. Uh, it is time for the toast.
Copy !req
609. My apologies.
Copy !req
610. We'll have to continue this later,
but stick around.
Copy !req
611. I've a feeling you'll enjoy the fireworks.
Copy !req
612. Greetings, everyone.
Copy !req
613. Thank you all so much for coming.
Copy !req
614. Tonight, we commemorate the miracle
of the colony ship landing.
Copy !req
615. The fact is,
Copy !req
616. we never should have made it,
we should have been blown to bits.
Copy !req
617. Where are the fireworks?
Copy !req
618. - After all, the Orbitals...
- They're out back, sir.
Copy !req
619. will strike down anything
that dares to fly among the angels.
Copy !req
620. But every shield has its weak point,
and let me tell you,
Copy !req
621. we Harlans are good at finding it.
Copy !req
622. Change of plans.
Copy !req
623. That is the spirit
of Harlan's Day.
Copy !req
624. Bring transport around now.
Copy !req
625. My father threaded his ship
through a tiny hole over the equator.
Copy !req
626. - What's going on?
- This is a restricted area!
Copy !req
627. His daring, his skills...
Copy !req
628. Untie her.
Copy !req
629. refusal to back down,
that's the spirit of Harlan's Day.
Copy !req
630. I said, "Untie her!"
Copy !req
631. - So let us always remember...
- Let go of me!
Copy !req
632. it's the difficult choices made against
the steepest of odds
Copy !req
633. that yield the greatest triumph.
Copy !req
634. - Untie her!
- And it's in that spirit
Copy !req
635. that I give to you tonight...
Copy !req
636. the gift and bane of Harlan's World.
Copy !req
637. Angelfire.
Copy !req
638. Happy Harlan's Day!
Copy !req
639. Happy Harlan's Day!
Copy !req
640. I've made the arrangements.
Copy !req
641. Our business is concluded.
Copy !req
642. Oyabun, what's wrong?
Copy !req
643. Forgive her.
Copy !req
644. Arrows and bullets all spent,
Copy !req
645. with sadness we fall,
Copy !req
646. but unless I smite the enemy,
Copy !req
647. my body cannot rot in the field.
Copy !req
648. Will it hurt?
Copy !req
649. Only if I wish it.
Copy !req
650. It would be what I deserve.
Copy !req
651. None of us gets what we deserve.
Copy !req
652. Put me down. I wanna get down.
Copy !req
653. Hey. The show finished?
Copy !req
654. Yeah.
Copy !req
655. Hey, what's wrong?
You didn't enjoy the fireworks?
Copy !req
656. They sounded like bombs.
Copy !req
657. Yeah, well, you know what?
Copy !req
658. I don't like 'em either.
Copy !req
659. You're okay.
Copy !req
660. I've got you.
Copy !req
661. Looks like someone's ready for bed.
Go pack up your stuff, okay?
Copy !req
662. - Go on. Go.
- Okay.
Copy !req
663. Look, can we talk?
Copy !req
664. You have hardly said
more than two words to me all day.
Copy !req
665. What do you want me to say?
Copy !req
666. You said were gonna reap the Envoy,
Copy !req
667. but instead you made a deal
that put our lives in danger.
Copy !req
668. - And for what?
- For my brother.
Copy !req
669. Takeshi Kovacs is the most wanted man
on all of Harlan's.
Copy !req
670. You could get yourself killed.
Copy !req
671. Do you remember when we met?
Copy !req
672. Yeah.
Copy !req
673. There was a bounty on you.
First one I couldn't turn in.
Copy !req
674. All the other Archaeologues had been
murdered or chased off the planet
Copy !req
675. and all I wanted to do was find them.
But do you remember what you said to me?
Copy !req
676. I said you had a choice to make.
Copy !req
677. You could spend your life on the living
or cash out with the dead.
Copy !req
678. That's right.
Copy !req
679. So I got a shitty job in a shitty bar
that pays like shit
Copy !req
680. and I chose to keep living
with you and with TJ.
Copy !req
681. I just keep waiting for you to make
the same choice.
Copy !req
682. Sorry.
Copy !req
683. Yeah?
Copy !req
684. I need your help.
Copy !req
685. Send me the address.
Copy !req
686. That went well.
Copy !req
687. I told you I had a surprise.
Copy !req
688. Jarek, what are you doing?
Copy !req
689. Come on.
Copy !req
690. I saw the way you looked at him
back at the casting station.
Copy !req
691. It's against the law
to steal someone else's sleeve.
Copy !req
692. Then I guess you'll have to punish me.
Copy !req
693. Come on.
Copy !req
694. We can put him back when we're done.
Copy !req
695. He won't know the difference.
Copy !req
696. It is Harlan's Day.
Copy !req
697. Did you find the prisoners?
Copy !req
698. They're gone, she killed them.
Copy !req
699. I underestimated her.
Have you heard from the casting station?
Copy !req
700. Evergreen's arriving on schedule.
Copy !req
701. Let's get going.
Copy !req
702. Shit! Tanaseda!
Copy !req
703. He's not gone yet.
Copy !req
704. Oyabun, what happened?
Copy !req
705. I've lived with enough regret.
Copy !req
706. Back it up. Sir, step back.
Copy !req
707. Do you know who I am?
I'm the reason this holiday even exists.
Copy !req
708. Apologies, sir,
but there's a military freight...
Copy !req
709. I don't give a goddamn.
Copy !req
710. If I'm not the next DHF transfer,
Copy !req
711. I swear I will re-sleeve you
in a fucking dog!
Copy !req
712. You tell your boys upstairs
to have a casting bay ready.
Copy !req
713. Oyabun!
Copy !req
714. My honor's intact, unlike yours.
Copy !req
715. I'm not the person I once was.
Copy !req
716. With what we've done,
none of us should be here.
Copy !req
717. My honor's intact unlike yours.
Copy !req
718. Shit. Kovacs.
Copy !req
719. Blood for blood.
Copy !req
720. Wake up!
Copy !req
721. Kovacs, what the fuck is going on?
Copy !req
722. I know what she's doing.
Copy !req
723. She's not killing Meths.
She's killing Founders.
Copy !req
724. I saw them.
Axley, Anton, Haruki, Tanaseda.
Copy !req
725. - What do you mean? Who's she?
- Quell.
Copy !req
726. - We have to find her.
- Well, who's left?
Copy !req
727. System breach.
Copy !req
728. System breach.
System breach.
Copy !req
729. System breach. System breach.
Copy !req
730. System breach. System breach.
Copy !req
731. What the fuck is going on?
Copy !req
732. Our asset. I need status.
Copy !req
733. Evergreen was decanted, sir.
Copy !req
734. So I see.
Copy !req
735. Not sure what you need me for.
It seems relatively under control.
Copy !req
736. Good to see you, son.
Copy !req
737. Welcome home.
Copy !req