1. - Sir, you can't go up there.
- Step aside.
Copy !req
2. Capillaries burst.
Copy !req
3. The guy's stack is swimming in blood.
Copy !req
4. What the fuck?
Copy !req
5. Hold... hold on. Hold it!
This is an active crime scene.
Copy !req
6. Detective Lorcan, Colonel Carrera,
Protector of Special Forces.
Copy !req
7. We intercepted your initial report.
Copy !req
8. My unit will take over this investigation.
Copy !req
9. On what grounds?
Copy !req
10. I mean, this is a civilian murder case.
Copy !req
11. You're the Wedge.
Copy !req
12. If it were up to me, I'd stay out
of your way, but I've got orders. So, um,
Copy !req
13. why not show me the tank,
and we can get this over with.
Copy !req
14. Fine.
Copy !req
15. But no weapons.
Copy !req
16. You heard the man.
Copy !req
17. Looks like your suspect
had a hard time re-sleeving.
Copy !req
18. You download the transfer data?
Copy !req
19. We're not amateurs, Colonel.
Copy !req
20. Based on our estimated timeline,
whoever cast in
Copy !req
21. showed up just before the killing started.
Copy !req
22. Any weapons recovered on site?
Copy !req
23. Nothing that wasn't registered
to Axley or his security.
Copy !req
24. What about your team?
Copy !req
25. They know what happened
to Axley's backups?
Copy !req
26. I don't keep secrets from my team.
Copy !req
27. Mm-hmm.
Copy !req
28. So...
Copy !req
29. who do you think cast into the sleeve,
Copy !req
30. You were first on the scene.
I'm sure you have some insight.
Copy !req
31. Ah.
Copy !req
32. Well, judging from the organic damage,
I'm thinking military.
Copy !req
33. Some PTSD headcase fragged from the war.
Copy !req
34. Or one too many skulljumps.
Copy !req
35. You've a low opinion of those who serve.
Copy !req
36. It's just a theory.
Copy !req
37. Rich guys like Axley like to hire vets
as bodyguards.
Copy !req
38. I take it
you've never been in the military?
Copy !req
39. What? And risk my stack?
Copy !req
40. So Danica Harlan
can make an extra two percent
Copy !req
41. pushing alloy past Kemp's blockades?
Copy !req
42. The, uh, sleeve our perp cast into,
now that thing is a freak show.
Copy !req
43. That's mil-spec.
Copy !req
44. Unregistered.
Copy !req
45. Well...
Copy !req
46. whoever designed it
was into some fucked up gene splicing.
Copy !req
47. They cut in canine DNA.
Copy !req
48. The killer's part dog.
Copy !req
49. You sure it wasn't wolf?
Copy !req
50. Wolf? Dog? What's the difference?
Copy !req
51. Start messing with your genome like that,
Copy !req
52. next thing you know,
you got a snout and four legs.
Copy !req
53. Guess Axley should've used
a shorter leash.
Copy !req
54. You know what, Detective?
Copy !req
55. I've seen enough.
Copy !req
56. So, Colonel...
Copy !req
57. what are you thinking?
Copy !req
58. Here is my considered opinion.
Copy !req
59. If you kick a dog, it'll crawl back,
lick your foot,
Copy !req
60. begging for forgiveness.
Copy !req
61. Kick a wolf...
Copy !req
62. and he'll rip your face off.
Copy !req
63. Pack up.
Copy !req
64. Are we having a fete?
Copy !req
65. More of a wake, but still a toast.
Copy !req
66. Here's to 30 years...
Copy !req
67. 42 planets...
Copy !req
68. countless sleeves...
Copy !req
69. and I don't know how many credits.
Copy !req
70. Fifty-one million
three hundred thirty-two thousand.
Copy !req
71. After all that, I get five words:
Copy !req
72. "I'm not here for you."
Copy !req
73. Well, technically speaking,
Miss Falconer was not there for you.
Copy !req
74. She was there to kill Mr. Axley.
Copy !req
75. And I'm just a naked stranger
who got in the way?
Copy !req
76. Could explain the extreme violence.
Copy !req
77. Yeah, but it doesn't explain
why she was there to begin with,
Copy !req
78. or how Axley knew she was coming.
Copy !req
79. May I suggest temperance?
Copy !req
80. Your sorrows may be infinite,
but the supply of whiskey is not.
Copy !req
81. And just as well.
Copy !req
82. This sleeve seems to have
some metabolic filter.
Copy !req
83. Run a scan and see
what other modifications Axley made.
Copy !req
84. I'm sick of surprises.
Copy !req
85. A full analysis will take quite some time.
Copy !req
86. What, pray tell, is your plan?
Copy !req
87. Drink fast enough to try and override
the tolerance settings.
Copy !req
88. I meant your plan to locate Miss Falconer.
Copy !req
89. She doesn't wanna be found.
Copy !req
90. At least not by me.
Copy !req
91. As dispiriting as this may be,
Copy !req
92. perhaps you should consider
the alternative.
Copy !req
93. That the woman you crossed
is not, in fact, her.
Copy !req
94. - That someone else is riding her sleeve.
- Yeah, but...
Copy !req
95. on Harlan's World,
it's illegal to replicate her sleeve.
Copy !req
96. - Mm-hmm.
- Why risk it?
Copy !req
97. Fear.
Copy !req
98. A murderer terrorizing Axley.
Copy !req
99. Hmm? Becoming a ghost of retribution.
Copy !req
100. I wasn't acclimated.
Copy !req
101. She could have killed me
just like everyone else, but she didn't.
Copy !req
102. It doesn't make sense unless...
Copy !req
103. she knew me.
Copy !req
104. The only way to know for sure
is to find Miss Falconer.
Copy !req
105. Or the dastardly sleeve-jacker
who's inhabiting her form.
Copy !req
106. Axley knew something.
Copy !req
107. Hack the police files.
See if he's reappeared.
Copy !req
108. According to the report,
Mr. Axley suffered organic damage
Copy !req
109. and is recuperating on Latimer
in a new clone.
Copy !req
110. Well, that leaves me nowhere.
Copy !req
111. Hmm, if only you knew someone
who worked for Mr. Axley.
Copy !req
112. Someone who could provide insight
into his affairs.
Copy !req
113. What do you mean, the bounty hunter?
The one who shot me in the back?
Copy !req
114. In her defense, she is hardly the first.
Copy !req
115. Yeah, but I don't even know her name.
I can't just go around asking.
Copy !req
116. Pull up all open bounties on planet.
Copy !req
117. Everyone who has a price on their head.
Copy !req
118. Last time we were here was less than 100.
Copy !req
119. Most of these are civilians, refugees,
some soldiers who've gone missing.
Copy !req
120. Lost souls, if you will.
Copy !req
121. Narrow it down.
Copy !req
122. Violent offenders only.
Copy !req
123. Isolate the subjects
with the highest reward.
Copy !req
124. Axley's assets have been frozen,
Copy !req
125. so my guess is our little bounty hunter
is gonna try and make up those credits.
Copy !req
126. Credits...
Copy !req
127. No!
Copy !req
128. My apologies.
Copy !req
129. There seems to be some disruptions
in my neural net.
Copy !req
130. It's more than that.
Copy !req
131. Your processor is corrupted.
Copy !req
132. It has been since Leung attacked
in Bay City.
Copy !req
133. Quite aware.
Copy !req
134. It's getting worse.
Copy !req
135. You need to reboot.
Copy !req
136. It's not that simple.
Copy !req
137. I'd have to completely shut down.
There's no telling how long I'd be out.
Copy !req
138. A day, a week, a month?
Copy !req
139. You cannot be without backup
in this crucial time!
Copy !req
140. It's not about me!
Copy !req
141. It's about her.
Copy !req
142. You're afraid your gonna forget Lizzie.
Copy !req
143. It is...
Copy !req
144. It is quite possible that in rebuilding
my operating system, my...
Copy !req
145. recollections of Miss Elizabeth...
Copy !req
146. would be wiped clean.
Copy !req
147. All my recollections of you
and our wild-goose chase across the stars.
Copy !req
148. All the sum total of all my experiences.
Copy !req
149. Surely you can understand my reluctance.
Copy !req
150. I can't rely on you if you keep glitching.
Copy !req
151. You have to let go.
Copy !req
152. Like you've let go of Miss Falconer?
Copy !req
153. You're putting us both at risk.
Copy !req
154. I reboot, there won't be a me
to risk losing.
Copy !req
155. So...
Copy !req
156. if you will allow me to perform
a manual override...
Copy !req
157. I believe this is what you're looking for.
Copy !req
158. Highest bounties on planet
are these five unsavory characters.
Copy !req
159. Upload them to my ONI.
Copy !req
160. And when you've finished the scan
of my sleeve, let me know what you find.
Copy !req
161. Mm-hmm.
Copy !req
162. This isn't over.
Copy !req
163. Oh, I assure you.
Copy !req
164. Measures will be taken.
Copy !req
165. Good.
Copy !req
166. In the meantime...
Copy !req
167. I'm going bounty-hunting.
Copy !req
168. The first alloy shipments
went out on schedule.
Copy !req
169. No disturbance from Kemp or his rebels.
Copy !req
170. And the Protectorate?
Copy !req
171. Already demanding we double
our protection as expected.
Copy !req
172. We'll cross that bridge when we have to.
Copy !req
173. As far as the mines are concerned...
Copy !req
174. Colonel Carrera.
Copy !req
175. This is a surprise.
Copy !req
176. I thought you'd be gone by now.
Copy !req
177. I told you the ceasefire
wouldn't hold, Governor.
Copy !req
178. Looks like I was right.
Copy !req
179. I have no idea what the hell
you're talking about.
Copy !req
180. Horace Axley does.
Copy !req
181. Unfortunately, he's not here to elaborate.
Copy !req
182. That's because he's dead.
Copy !req
183. An intruder cast into his home last night
and killed him.
Copy !req
184. That is alarming.
Then again, it's no secret
Copy !req
185. that Axley
has his fair share of enemies.
Copy !req
186. We'll ask him which one it was
when he spins back up.
Copy !req
187. He's not spinning back up.
Copy !req
188. His stack was wiped completely
along with all of his remote backups.
Copy !req
189. - Axley was real-deathed.
- That's not possible.
Copy !req
190. The Quellists are a terrorist death cult.
Copy !req
191. They've wanted to curtail the human
life span since the days of Falconer.
Copy !req
192. Whatever weapon was used to kill Axley,
Copy !req
193. I'm sure their fingerprints
are all over it.
Copy !req
194. We cannot let this get out.
Copy !req
195. - If people think we're vulnerable...
- Don't worry.
Copy !req
196. I locked it all the way down.
Copy !req
197. Scrubbed their reports,
took care of the witnesses.
Copy !req
198. Your reputations are safe.
Copy !req
199. But they are not my concern.
Copy !req
200. What is your concern?
Copy !req
201. You have no proof
the Quellists are involved.
Copy !req
202. You were sent here
to manage the war effort.
Copy !req
203. And as much as you'd like
to find a reason to stay,
Copy !req
204. a Meth's murder is my jurisdiction.
Copy !req
205. You're wrong, Governor.
Copy !req
206. The killer's DHF was downloaded
into a Wedge sleeve,
Copy !req
207. a model designed exclusively for me
and my team.
Copy !req
208. The stolen Protectorate asset
of that magnitude
Copy !req
209. makes it my jurisdiction.
Copy !req
210. I am here until it's recovered.
Copy !req
211. Well, that shouldn't take long.
Copy !req
212. We all know how the Protectorate
loves to tag their toys.
Copy !req
213. We can track the sleeve's biometrics.
Copy !req
214. By all means, track away.
Copy !req
215. But I have no doubt you'll find
whoever did this was acting alone.
Copy !req
216. The people of Harlan's World
are committed to peace.
Copy !req
217. It's foolish to think you can make peace
with terrorists.
Copy !req
218. You should have crushed the Quellists
instead of cowing to them.
Copy !req
219. Your father understood that.
Copy !req
220. I am not my father.
Copy !req
221. And we're all worse off for that.
Copy !req
222. Find the Meth killer, Colonel.
And then get the fuck off my planet.
Copy !req
223. It's the Protectorate's planet, Governor.
Copy !req
224. They all are.
Copy !req
225. Ho, Gertie.
Copy !req
226. Got a question.
Copy !req
227. No questions.
Copy !req
228. - Come on, G.
- You wanna know who I buy from.
Copy !req
229. I buy from everyone.
Copy !req
230. You are moving a lot of gear.
Copy !req
231. Hey, watch it. I don't want those coils
of yours setting off my machinery.
Copy !req
232. You seen Raab lately?
Copy !req
233. Uh, no.
Copy !req
234. Why do you ask?
Copy !req
235. 'Cause he usually comes in
after a hack-and-grab.
Copy !req
236. Emphasis on the hack.
Copy !req
237. No, no, I haven't seen him, no.
Copy !req
238. I've been looking for you.
Copy !req
239. You shoot me twice in two days,
Copy !req
240. I will hold a grudge.
Copy !req
241. Kovacs?
Copy !req
242. You catch on fast.
Copy !req
243. Who are you waiting for? Raab?
Copy !req
244. What the hell do you know about it?
Copy !req
245. I got something for ya.
Copy !req
246. Do me a favor,
stay the hell out of my way.
Copy !req
247. That still have scalp on it?
Copy !req
248. Trepp.
Copy !req
249. Been a while.
Copy !req
250. You broke the code, Raab.
Copy !req
251. So you got a partner now?
Copy !req
252. You're supposed to salvage war wreckage,
Copy !req
253. not other Decoms in the field.
Copy !req
254. The Guild is offering lots of zeros
to haul your ass in.
Copy !req
255. Got a preference?
Copy !req
256. Sleeve or stack?
Copy !req
257. I suggest sleeve.
Copy !req
258. How much to walk away now?
Copy !req
259. That...
Copy !req
260. is not yours.
Copy !req
261. Maybe not.
Copy !req
262. But then again,
maybe I'll take your coils.
Copy !req
263. Make you mine.
Copy !req
264. I'm not joking.
Copy !req
265. I'm not her partner.
Copy !req
266. Goddammit, Kovacs.
Copy !req
267. Relax. I'm just gonna take a little
off the top.
Copy !req
268. Hey!
Copy !req
269. Wait, I choose sleeve.
Copy !req
270. - No. Deal's off the table.
- No, wait, wait, wait.
Copy !req
271. You good?
Copy !req
272. You show up just to fuck
with my income stream or what?
Copy !req
273. Who's gonna pay for all this?
Copy !req
274. Take their gear. Keep the change.
Copy !req
275. What the hell was that?
Copy !req
276. - Raab's stack was my bounty.
- Yeah, speaking of bounties,
Copy !req
277. here are the five highest-valued bounties
on the board.
Copy !req
278. Bullshit, you went through all five
just to find me?
Copy !req
279. Process of elimination.
Copy !req
280. So what's it gonna be?
Copy !req
281. Are we gonna talk?
Copy !req
282. Or am I dropping a fistful of scumbags
down the drain?
Copy !req
283. Shit. Not here.
Copy !req
284. Let's go.
Copy !req
285. This is dangerous territory, Danica.
Copy !req
286. News of Axley's murder
will find its way out.
Copy !req
287. - And I don't have to tell you...
- You're right, Dugan.
Copy !req
288. You don't.
Copy !req
289. There's nothing to be gained
about disseminating this information.
Copy !req
290. Or by undermining me.
Copy !req
291. I'm trying to help you.
Copy !req
292. Your father relied on me
to tell him the truth.
Copy !req
293. If Carrera's determined
to stay on this planet,
Copy !req
294. he's just gonna find another excuse.
Copy !req
295. Then we wait...
Copy !req
296. till he runs out of excuses.
Copy !req
297. You're being reckless!
Copy !req
298. A weapon that can erase remote backups.
Copy !req
299. Do you understand what could happen
Copy !req
300. if the Protectorate adds that
to their arsenal?
Copy !req
301. Your generation doesn't remember
what it was like before stacks.
Copy !req
302. - Don't.
- The decisions we had to make.
Copy !req
303. Do not lecture me on consequences.
Copy !req
304. This isn't about proving yourself, Danica.
Copy !req
305. Your father knew how to keep
the Protectorate in check.
Copy !req
306. If you would just consider contacting him.
Copy !req
307. You wanna contact Konrad?
Copy !req
308. Go ahead, ONI him.
Copy !req
309. You've already tried.
Copy !req
310. We all have.
Copy !req
311. Since he took his Renouncer vows,
no one can reach him.
Copy !req
312. He's gone.
Copy !req
313. I still can't understand it.
Copy !req
314. He gave up everything so suddenly.
Copy !req
315. As his oldest friend, I can imagine
your disappointment in his decision.
Copy !req
316. But I'm his only child.
Copy !req
317. You can't imagine mine.
Copy !req
318. You're right.
Copy !req
319. I'll go.
Copy !req
320. Dugan.
Copy !req
321. Carrera is on our planet.
Copy !req
322. The situation is volatile.
Copy !req
323. If something were to happen
after he secures the weapon...
Copy !req
324. who's to say who it belongs to?
Copy !req
325. What you're talking about,
Copy !req
326. it would shift the balance of power
throughout the settled worlds.
Copy !req
327. My father's not the only Harlan
capable of making history.
Copy !req
328. Give me time.
Copy !req
329. Look, Axley and I weren't exactly friends.
Copy !req
330. I did a few jobs for him. That's all.
Copy !req
331. He kept his hands to himself.
Copy !req
332. Paid his bills on time.
Copy !req
333. Well, until now.
Copy !req
334. You aren't worried that I killed him?
Copy !req
335. Didn't add up.
Copy !req
336. Axley told me he wanted you
for protection.
Copy !req
337. - Any idea from who?
- No.
Copy !req
338. But he must have done something
to piss someone off.
Copy !req
339. So what did he say when he hired you?
Copy !req
340. That he wanted the Last Envoy.
Copy !req
341. No accounting for taste, I guess.
Copy !req
342. And you didn't ask any questions?
Copy !req
343. Why would I?
The man was offering to double my rate.
Copy !req
344. What's it to you anyway?
Copy !req
345. When I found you, you were singing
torch songs on Maghda Prime.
Copy !req
346. Why not just cash in
that fancy sleeve of yours and cast off?
Copy !req
347. No one stays on Harlan's without a reason.
Copy !req
348. What's yours?
Copy !req
349. I said no interruptions.
Copy !req
350. Too bad. Crowd out there's thirsty.
Copy !req
351. And they're actually paying.
Copy !req
352. Oh, shit. There's trouble in paradise.
Copy !req
353. Is that the famous Envoy intuition
I've heard so much about?
Copy !req
354. 'Cause you're way off.
Copy !req
355. Look...
Copy !req
356. when I showed up at Axley's,
Copy !req
357. he was on his ONI
with his business partners.
Copy !req
358. I overheard them talking about extortion.
Copy !req
359. Said some blackmailer was gonna
catch hell for wearing an illegal sleeve.
Copy !req
360. - Who did they say was blackmailing him?
- They didn't.
Copy !req
361. But once he hung up, he called me in,
Copy !req
362. told me I had to track you down
Copy !req
363. So Axley's partners, who are they?
Copy !req
364. Anton Durov and Haruki Okada.
Copy !req
365. - Where can I find 'em?
- I'm sure we can figure it out.
Copy !req
366. - There is no we.
- Not yet.
Copy !req
367. Listen, I have never seen anyone roll
five heavy hitters in one day.
Copy !req
368. We partner up...
Copy !req
369. we could set a new record.
Copy !req
370. Split the payouts 50-50.
Copy !req
371. I work alone.
Copy !req
372. No resources and no contacts.
Copy !req
373. Good luck.
Copy !req
374. Thanks for the drink.
Copy !req
375. Uh, bio-tracker, hmm.
Copy !req
376. You cannot hide your secrets from me.
Copy !req
377. Mr. Kovacs.
Copy !req
378. Hmm, back from the hunt.
Copy !req
379. Was your search fruitful?
Copy !req
380. I found the bounty hunter,
if that's what you're asking.
Copy !req
381. Judging by your demeanor,
Copy !req
382. you uncovered more than you bargained for?
Copy !req
383. I think you were right
about the sleeve-jacker.
Copy !req
384. What's this?
Copy !req
385. This is a new external
data retrieval system
Copy !req
386. I installed to remedy my...
Copy !req
387. - short-term memory loss. Hmm.
- You're kidding, right?
Copy !req
388. If you actually look,
you'll see I performed a detailed scan
Copy !req
389. of your sleeve as requested.
Copy !req
390. And it appears there is, uh...
Copy !req
391. There is transgenic splicing. Hmm?
Copy !req
392. Canis lupus.
Copy !req
393. And hyper mobility, hmm?
Copy !req
394. - Subconscious survival skills...
- I'll read the footnotes later.
Copy !req
395. Run a search on Axley's associates
Anton Durov and Haruki Okada.
Copy !req
396. I need everything.
Copy !req
397. Most importantly, where can I find them?
Copy !req
398. But it's unlikely a pair of Meths
would post their calendar on the Array.
Copy !req
399. Well, hack their personal
security systems.
Copy !req
400. They know why Axley thought Quell
was on planet.
Copy !req
401. Planet...
Copy !req
402. Wait.
Copy !req
403. Did you just say, uh...
Copy !req
404. Did you just say Miss Falconer is here?
Copy !req
405. On this planet?
Copy !req
406. Are you serious?
Copy !req
407. Uh...
Copy !req
408. perhaps if you would explain...
Copy !req
409. I don't have time to explain!
Copy !req
410. Now you were supposed to reboot.
Copy !req
411. - I cannot recall agreeing to that.
- You don't recall anything!
Copy !req
412. That's what I've been saying.
Copy !req
413. Now, screw your half-assed sticky notes!
Copy !req
414. And screw whatever you're trying to hold
onto in that nanodust brain of yours.
Copy !req
415. Now either you reboot or find someone else
to follow like a lost dog.
Copy !req
416. Now do you think you can remember that?
Copy !req
417. Those words will be hard to forget.
Copy !req
418. Poe...
Copy !req
419. you're gonna get me killed.
Copy !req
420. May I ask where are you going?
Copy !req
421. You don't look good Takeshi- san.
Copy !req
422. It's been a long day.
Copy !req
423. I found the Meths you're looking for.
Copy !req
424. They're at the Soul Market.
Copy !req
425. Soul Market?
Copy !req
426. The war's left us with too many stacks
and not enough sleeves.
Copy !req
427. They have to go somewhere.
Copy !req
428. The man who owns it, Semetaire,
Copy !req
429. has made good business out of ransoming
stacks back to families.
Copy !req
430. Sounds charming.
Copy !req
431. He also extracts digitized memories
Copy !req
432. and repurposes them for...
Copy !req
433. entertainment.
Copy !req
434. Anton Durov and Haruki Okada
frequent his club.
Copy !req
435. You can't walk in off the street.
You have to be on the list.
Copy !req
436. So get me the hell on it.
Copy !req
437. Don't give me commands, Takeshi.
Copy !req
438. You haven't found her.
Copy !req
439. I thought I had...
Copy !req
440. for a minute.
Copy !req
441. It's a sleeve-jacker.
Copy !req
442. That's no excuse to take your misfortune
out on a friend.
Copy !req
443. It seems to be what I'm best at.
Copy !req
444. Oyabun, someone's walking around
in her skin.
Copy !req
445. So you want to punish them?
Copy !req
446. Punish them?
Copy !req
447. I'd rather put a million bullets
in that sleeve
Copy !req
448. than let an impostor defile it.
Copy !req
449. And when that stack hits VR,
it's gonna be a million more deaths,
Copy !req
450. far worse than that.
Copy !req
451. You don't know, do you?
Copy !req
452. There are rumors...
Copy !req
453. whispers that it was more than
Axley's sleeve that was destroyed.
Copy !req
454. That all of his DHF backups
were erased as well.
Copy !req
455. Be careful.
Copy !req
456. These Meths may have answers you seek.
Copy !req
457. But follow them
and the killer might turn on you.
Copy !req
458. I hope they do.
Copy !req
459. Save me some time.
Copy !req
460. This is it.
Copy !req
461. You're on the list.
Copy !req
462. Arigato, Oyabun.
Copy !req
463. As you set down this path,
Copy !req
464. consider is your anger truly
with this impostor,
Copy !req
465. or is it with yourself?
Copy !req
466. There's more than enough to go around.
Copy !req
467. So why choose?
Copy !req
468. Nothing is sacred.
Copy !req
469. Every gift we've been given...
Copy !req
470. every resource discovered...
Copy !req
471. each new and shining thing
that catches our eye...
Copy !req
472. we pollute...
Copy !req
473. disrespect...
Copy !req
474. violate.
Copy !req
475. We tell ourselves this is progress.
Copy !req
476. Selling each other the fruits
of our destruction.
Copy !req
477. Sparing no thought to what we lose...
Copy !req
478. or leave behind, churning in our wake.
Copy !req
479. You Semetaire?
Copy !req
480. I am a simple ferryman,
Copy !req
481. plucking souls from my ocean wide.
Copy !req
482. Soldier, miner, sex worker, laborer.
Copy !req
483. Ah, no one swims for long.
Copy !req
484. Not with you stripping 'em
of their memories they don't.
Copy !req
485. Their lives are worthless.
Copy !req
486. Their experiences are not.
Copy !req
487. So what if someone comes around
looking for 'em?
Copy !req
488. Nobody's claiming them.
Copy !req
489. But they can still bring pleasure to some.
Copy !req
490. So...
Copy !req
491. what pleasure do you seek?
Copy !req
492. I'll have what they're having.
Copy !req
493. I can accommodate you.
Copy !req
494. Provided you are on the list.
Copy !req
495. Confirmed.
Copy !req
496. Ah, follow me.
Copy !req
497. You really think
Quellists murdered that Meth?
Copy !req
498. If it keeps us on planet, I do.
Copy !req
499. Ever hear of Constantinople?
Copy !req
500. The Earth city?
Copy !req
501. It stood unconquered for over 1,000 years.
Copy !req
502. The walls were impenetrable.
Copy !req
503. Until one day, a small gate
was left unlocked during a siege.
Copy !req
504. There was no sabotage, no traitor.
Copy !req
505. A simple mistake
and the enemy poured through.
Copy !req
506. All because the man with the key
fell down on the job.
Copy !req
507. Governor Harlan is the man with the key.
Copy !req
508. The man with the key is her father.
Copy !req
509. He kept the Protectorate at bay
for centuries.
Copy !req
510. Until one day, he abandoned his post
and left his daughter in charge.
Copy !req
511. She's the gate.
Copy !req
512. We've got a hit on the sleeve.
Copy !req
513. Gear up.
Copy !req
514. Thank you.
Copy !req
515. Holy shit.
Copy !req
516. The way you screamed.
Copy !req
517. Told ya.
Copy !req
518. I forgot what real fear felt like.
Copy !req
519. No rush quite like it, right?
Copy !req
520. This is a private party, stranger.
Copy !req
521. Oh, I'm sorry.
Copy !req
522. Seemed like your friend
could use a chaser.
Copy !req
523. I'd share, but...
Copy !req
524. Oh.
Copy !req
525. Haruki, relax.
Copy !req
526. Just a fellow mudraker
looking to feel alive.
Copy !req
527. Sit.
Copy !req
528. Please.
Copy !req
529. On to a more divine plane then.
Copy !req
530. Absolutely.
Copy !req
531. Someone's been busy.
Copy !req
532. What?
Copy !req
533. These are the top five gets on the planet.
Copy !req
534. How did you swing that?
Copy !req
535. Let's just say I was highly motivated
this evening.
Copy !req
536. Are you cashing out?
Copy !req
537. I don't know. Any hits on my guy?
Copy !req
538. Let's see.
Copy !req
539. No.
Copy !req
540. Nothing new.
Copy !req
541. All the missing people out there,
it's hard to stand out.
Copy !req
542. You know the drill, Trepp.
Copy !req
543. More credits, more hits.
Copy !req
544. - Up it. Up the reward.
- How much?
Copy !req
545. All of it.
Copy !req
546. Are you sure?
Copy !req
547. Some things are more important than money.
Copy !req
548. Friend, I don't give a fuck who you are.
Copy !req
549. This is the best shit I've had
in a century.
Copy !req
550. - Hey, about earlier...
- Ah, don't worry about it.
Copy !req
551. Everyone seems on edge since Axley
went and got himself killed yesterday.
Copy !req
552. You know Horace?
Copy !req
553. We met briefly.
Copy !req
554. He's a wet blanket.
Copy !req
555. Afraid of his own goddamn shadow.
Copy !req
556. It seems like he had reason to be.
Copy !req
557. Oh, you don't get it. He was losing it.
Copy !req
558. Talking about the damn bogeyman.
Copy !req
559. About what?
Copy !req
560. Quellcrist Falconer. She's back.
Copy !req
561. Here to kill us all.
Copy !req
562. What about Quellcrist Falconer?
Copy !req
563. He obviously rode some doctored patch,
Copy !req
564. but you're not gonna convince Horace
of that.
Copy !req
565. Well, here's hoping he stays on Latimer
until he gets it out of his system.
Copy !req
566. Oh, you got it wrong.
Copy !req
567. My man Axley is not on Latimer.
Copy !req
568. He's not anywhere.
Copy !req
569. What are you talking about?
Copy !req
570. Well, whatever bogeyman he saw,
it got him.
Copy !req
571. I hear he's dead.
Copy !req
572. Real dead.
Copy !req
573. And for all you guys know,
you could be next.
Copy !req
574. You still got the patch?
Copy !req
575. Listen, I can protect you,
Copy !req
576. but I need to see what Axley saw.
Copy !req
577. Give us a minute.
Copy !req
578. Is this your private reserve?
Copy !req
579. Semetaire lets us keep the good stuff.
Copy !req
580. Even when it's contraband.
Copy !req
581. Here.
Copy !req
582. Everything turned to ruin.
Copy !req
583. Everything lost.
Copy !req
584. Hey! Put the knife down.
Copy !req
585. turned to ruin.
Copy !req
586. I said put the knife down!
Copy !req
587. Mom!
Copy !req
588. No!
Copy !req
589. No!
Copy !req
590. It's not her.
Copy !req
591. That's what we've been trying to tell ya.
Copy !req
592. What the fuck?
Copy !req
593. Who are you?
Copy !req
594. That sleeve is not yours.
Copy !req
595. Can you hear them?
Copy !req
596. Do you hear the screams?
Copy !req
597. You're not leaving here in that sleeve!
Copy !req
598. Who are you?
Copy !req
599. Tak?
Copy !req
600. Quell.
Copy !req
601. Quell.
Copy !req
602. You need to leave. Now.
Copy !req
603. Go.
Copy !req
604. I'll find you.
Copy !req
605. Protectorate.
Copy !req
606. Don't move.
Copy !req
607. You're under arrest.
Copy !req
608. You don't wanna hear my side?
Copy !req
609. Move and he's dead.
Copy !req
610. What's the matter?
Pull the trigger, skulljump.
Copy !req
611. What the fuck?
Copy !req
612. You can't do it.
No matter how much you want to.
Copy !req
613. That sleeve your wearing is Wedge tech.
Copy !req
614. Let me put it in terms you'll understand.
Copy !req
615. If we're talking wolves...
Copy !req
616. I'm the alpha.
Copy !req
617. You are nothing but my bitch.
Copy !req