1. This is a ghost story.
Copy !req
2. Told in the age of eternal life.
Copy !req
3. Technology has conquered death...
Copy !req
4. but with endless future
Copy !req
5. comes endless past.
Copy !req
6. We are trailed by specters...
Copy !req
7. twisted apparitions
born from our deepest pain...
Copy !req
8. until sometimes...
Copy !req
9. we'd rather be dead ourselves.
Copy !req
10. My apologies if your drink disappoints.
Copy !req
11. It's not you. The nerve endings
in this thing are for shit.
Copy !req
12. Ah!
Copy !req
13. - You're wearing a synth.
- More like a latex glove.
Copy !req
14. Everything tastes
like curried sawdust.
Copy !req
15. Hmm. Perhaps an organic sleeve
would be more to your liking?
Copy !req
16. Uh-uh. I'm traveling. Interstellar.
Copy !req
17. May I ask what brings you
all the way to Maghda Prime?
Copy !req
18. I'm looking for someone.
Copy !req
19. Takeshi Kovacs?
Copy !req
20. I beg your pardon.
Copy !req
21. Word is he's owed a lot of credits
and he'll be here tonight to collect.
Copy !req
22. Any idea which one of these losers is him?
Copy !req
23. Hmm. I wish I could be of service,
Copy !req
24. but I hear Takeshi Kovacs
is off on an epic quest
Copy !req
25. to find his long-lost love,
Quellcrist Falconer.
Copy !req
26. Oh, sounds like a load
of swamp-panther crap to me.
Copy !req
27. I assure you, it is not.
Copy !req
28. You expect me to buy that Takeshi Kovacs,
the Last Envoy, and Quellcrist Falconer,
Copy !req
29. leader of the Uprising,
Copy !req
30. had a thing?
Copy !req
31. If you mean a passionate connection
transcending time
Copy !req
32. and challenging the grim bounds
of death itself,
Copy !req
33. then yes, they had a thing.
Copy !req
34. I never heard that.
Copy !req
35. Sounds like you know a lot about him.
Copy !req
36. Oh, I consider myself somewhat
of an authority on the subject.
Copy !req
37. Prove it.
Copy !req
38. Untraceable credits.
Copy !req
39. I've got more...
Copy !req
40. if you can point him out...
Copy !req
41. Uh...
Copy !req
42. Point out who?
Copy !req
43. I just told you.
Copy !req
44. I regret, a vicious attack
on my person-hood
Copy !req
45. has left my memory a trifle...
Copy !req
46. unreliable?
Copy !req
47. Perhaps, if you reminded me.
Copy !req
48. What's your name again?
Copy !req
49. Hey!
Copy !req
50. I work here, you don't.
Stop harassing the customers.
Copy !req
51. Hmm.
Copy !req
52. Ugh, fucking rogue AI.
Copy !req
53. You see an emitter around here?
Copy !req
54. An emitter?
Copy !req
55. He's a holo.
Talks people's ears off.
Copy !req
56. He's got stories from all over
the settled worlds.
Copy !req
57. You think any of them are true?
Copy !req
58. I think if I ever find
that emitter he's tethered to,
Copy !req
59. I'm gonna use it for target practice.
Copy !req
60. Hey, I'm looking for somebody,
Copy !req
61. goes by Takeshi Kovacs.
Do you know him?
Copy !req
62. People don't like questions around here.
Copy !req
63. Which one of you is Kovacs?
Copy !req
64. Really?
Copy !req
65. I don't care what face you're wearing,
take your money and get out of my life.
Copy !req
66. I'm Kovacs.
Copy !req
67. Bullshit.
Copy !req
68. I'm Kovacs.
Copy !req
69. Both these men are liars.
Copy !req
70. I'm Takeshi Kovacs,
and I'll take my money...
Copy !req
71. thank you very much.
Copy !req
72. I thought this might happen.
You all work it out.
Copy !req
73. Winner gets paid.
Copy !req
74. And I don't wanna hear another word
from Takeshi Kovacs ever again.
Copy !req
75. What's the rush?
Copy !req
76. Partner.
Copy !req
77. Kovacs?
Copy !req
78. - Is that you?
- In the flesh.
Copy !req
79. Just not the kind
you were expecting.
Copy !req
80. Why didn't you say something
before it all went to shit?
Copy !req
81. Your money's back in the bar.
Copy !req
82. My money's in your pocket.
Copy !req
83. You palmed it and left those suckers
to kill each other over an empty case.
Copy !req
84. Okay.
Copy !req
85. Maybe not completely empty.
Copy !req
86. - Yeah.
- Missed me.
Copy !req
87. All right, all right. Here.
Copy !req
88. Take it.
Copy !req
89. This is half of what you owe me.
How am I supposed to get off planet?
Copy !req
90. Look, there's another job.
Copy !req
91. You could have my cut.
Copy !req
92. Relax.
Copy !req
93. Just the messenger.
Copy !req
94. I was hired to find you.
Copy !req
95. How the fuck did you?
Copy !req
96. For starters, that's a wide-frequency
emitter you got there on your hip.
Copy !req
97. I hear Takeshi Kovacs goes nowhere
without his crazy AI.
Copy !req
98. Yeah, well, I don't like
being interrupted either.
Copy !req
99. It's not like you were gonna say yes.
Copy !req
100. And I'm on a deadline.
Copy !req
101. Horace Axley wants to talk to you.
Copy !req
102. Meth.
Copy !req
103. It's a job offer.
Copy !req
104. Short term.
Copy !req
105. I don't work for Meths.
Copy !req
106. You have before.
Copy !req
107. Tell your boss, hard pass.
Copy !req
108. I don't care how many credits he's got.
Copy !req
109. Forget it.
Copy !req
110. Okay.
Copy !req
111. Told you. I'm on a deadline.
Copy !req
112. You wanted to get off planet.
Copy !req
113. You shot me in the back.
Copy !req
114. Organic damage isn't personal.
Copy !req
115. It's business.
Copy !req
116. Honor gets in the way of profit.
Copy !req
117. Let me guess.
Copy !req
118. You're Axley?
Copy !req
119. Have you ever heard of an ONI?
Because you could have done your research.
Copy !req
120. I fucking hate getting shot.
Copy !req
121. Well, I wasn't sure you'd take my call.
Copy !req
122. I hate Meths too.
Copy !req
123. Well, perhaps this will assuage you.
Copy !req
124. Accept my offer and this is the sleeve
you'll have waiting for you.
Copy !req
125. Bespoke design by Khumalo Bioware.
Copy !req
126. Military use only, aftermarket upgrades,
Copy !req
127. rapid healing, enhanced reaction time,
Copy !req
128. biometric mag plates among other bells
and whistles. Does it help you say yes?
Copy !req
129. Does your definition of consent
always involve restraints?
Copy !req
130. That wasn't my call. My associates set up
this virtual sub routine.
Copy !req
131. You mean, your bounty hunter.
Copy !req
132. She's done quite a few jobs for me.
She's efficient.
Copy !req
133. She's a psychopath.
Copy !req
134. Well, coming from you,
I'll assume that's a compliment.
Copy !req
135. I'll adjust it.
Copy !req
136. Don't bother.
Copy !req
137. Envoy 101: I control the construct.
Copy !req
138. You know what I hate more than Meths
Copy !req
139. or death by gunfire?
Copy !req
140. It's being underestimated.
Copy !req
141. This room isn't real.
Your stacks in conducting gel.
Copy !req
142. You're not getting out of that body
without me.
Copy !req
143. One minute.
Copy !req
144. If you're still not interested,
I'll cast you back to Maghda Prime
Copy !req
145. in whatever lounge performer sleeve
you want.
Copy !req
146. It better be good.
I always wanted to play piano.
Copy !req
147. I need your protection.
Copy !req
148. From what?
Copy !req
149. There's a war where I come from.
Copy !req
150. Get private security or go on vacation.
Or move.
Copy !req
151. I have business interests I can't forsake.
Copy !req
152. I believe no one can protect me
better than you.
Copy !req
153. - I don't care.
- I can give you what you want.
Copy !req
154. No matter what you have,
it won't be enough.
Copy !req
155. Quellcrist Falconer.
Copy !req
156. Be very careful what you say next.
Copy !req
157. I can show you where she is,
Copy !req
158. and I'll pay you enough the two of you
can disappear.
Copy !req
159. I don't believe you.
Copy !req
160. You'll see for yourself.
Copy !req
161. I can deliver her.
Copy !req
162. How? How do you know it's really her?
Copy !req
163. Do you have her DHF?
Copy !req
164. Is she spun up, re-sleeved?
Copy !req
165. Where the fuck did you find her?
Copy !req
166. I'll answer all your questions
when you're here.
Copy !req
167. As long as you keep me alive.
Copy !req
168. Falconer's life for mine.
Copy !req
169. Do I have your word?
Copy !req
170. If you're lying,
Copy !req
171. you have my word
the last thing you'll see is this face
Copy !req
172. before your stack is ripped
from your spine.
Copy !req
173. I crossed the stars in a colony ship
before stacks were invented.
Copy !req
174. I left a dying Earth behind
to seed a new world.
Copy !req
175. You don't scare me, Mr. Kovacs.
Copy !req
176. I know what you dream of.
Copy !req
177. Make sure there's a mirror.
Copy !req
178. And get your psychopath bounty hunter
to transmit my AI.
Copy !req
179. Already done.
Copy !req
180. Stay alive long enough,
Copy !req
181. and there's nowhere you can go
that isn't haunted.
Copy !req
182. I see the boy inside the man.
Copy !req
183. All of us have ghosts.
Copy !req
184. They cling to us like shadows.
Copy !req
185. But if you chase after shadows...
Copy !req
186. if you're foolish enough to seek out
your ghosts...
Copy !req
187. Survive. That's an order!
Copy !req
188. you just might become one.
Copy !req
189. Tak.
Copy !req
190. Thank you for choosing
Psychosec in-home resleeving package,
Copy !req
191. the ultimate in elegance and privacy.
Copy !req
192. Mirror.
Copy !req
193. My readings show that you
may be feeling some sleeve sickness.
Copy !req
194. I've alerted support staff.
Medication is on the way.
Copy !req
195. I recommend you lie down and relax.
Copy !req
196. Your oxygen levels are low.
Copy !req
197. Wha...
Copy !req
198. Ah.
Copy !req
199. Ah...
Copy !req
200. Your resleeving is now complete.
Copy !req
201. Axley.
Copy !req
202. Shit, Axley.
Copy !req
203. Wake up. Axley, where is she?
Copy !req
204. Gone.
Copy !req
205. Tell me!
Copy !req
206. Axley.
Copy !req
207. Fuck.
Copy !req
208. You seeing this?
Copy !req
209. "'Twas noontide of summer
Copy !req
210. And mid-time of night,
And stars in their orbits
Copy !req
211. Shone pale thro' the night."
Copy !req
212. Yeah, but those aren't stars.
Copy !req
213. Angelfire.
Copy !req
214. Obviously we're on...
Copy !req
215. Harlan's World?
Copy !req
216. You know another planet
with a sky full of Elder Orbitals?
Copy !req
217. Home again, home again. Huzzah.
Copy !req
218. - How long has it been? Five years?
- Try 30.
Copy !req
219. Of all the godforsaken rocks
we've been to,
Copy !req
220. we're right back where we started.
Copy !req
221. I thought you swore you'd never return.
What compelled you?
Copy !req
222. Horace Axley compelled me.
Copy !req
223. And who, pray tell, is Horace Axley?
Copy !req
224. He's that one.
Copy !req
225. My word.
Copy !req
226. - We just got here.
- I didn't kill him.
Copy !req
227. What a refreshing change. Hmm.
Copy !req
228. Is it prudent to loiter?
Copy !req
229. We're in a house with a murdered Meth.
Whatever happened, I'll be blamed.
Copy !req
230. Now Axley said this sleeve
has a personalized weapons augment.
Copy !req
231. Just have to be within range.
Copy !req
232. Oh, my.
Copy !req
233. Let's go.
Copy !req
234. Look, the needlecast station.
It's a sign. We should heed it.
Copy !req
235. Not until I find out who killed Axley.
Copy !req
236. We have no idea what Mr. Axley
will remember after he spins back up.
Copy !req
237. And as you said, so astutely,
Copy !req
238. accusations for his murder
could land squarely on you.
Copy !req
239. If we are apprehended,
Copy !req
240. you will be arrested,
and I will be deleted.
Copy !req
241. - Choosing to stay here is...
- It's not a choice.
Copy !req
242. self-destructive.
Copy !req
243. - Suicide!
- I'm not leaving.
Copy !req
244. You don't get it. Axley was a Meth.
Copy !req
245. He should have been untouchable
with his resources,
Copy !req
246. but he was scared shitless.
Copy !req
247. He believed he needed protection.
And he was right.
Copy !req
248. If he was right about that...
Copy !req
249. he might be right about Quell.
Copy !req
250. Quell?
Copy !req
251. He said she's here.
Copy !req
252. He swore to prove it if I kept him alive.
Copy !req
253. I see. If that is the case...
Copy !req
254. we'll need some place to stay.
Copy !req
255. I know a place.
Copy !req
256. An old AI hotel a friend of mine
used to own.
Copy !req
257. There has also been
a decrease in terrorist activity
Copy !req
258. within the city of Millsport itself.
Copy !req
259. Negotiations with Joshua Kemp are ongoing
Copy !req
260. - as we await...
- Check the local feed.
Copy !req
261. Axley said something about a war.
Copy !req
262. It appears we've arrived
in the middle of it.
Copy !req
263. True salvation is found in renunciation.
Copy !req
264. Become a Renouncer and the world can be
as you make it. No loss, no pain.
Copy !req
265. No, thank you.
Copy !req
266. Do a search on Konrad Harlan,
see what the old bastard's up to.
Copy !req
267. Attention, stand by
for an important message
Copy !req
268. from Governor Harlan.
Copy !req
269. That's not Konrad.
Copy !req
270. According to the Array,
Konrad recently abdicated his position,
Copy !req
271. along with everything else.
Copy !req
272. You're kidding?
Copy !req
273. In his absence, his daughter, Danica,
has taken up his mantle.
Copy !req
274. Let me guess. She ran unopposed.
Copy !req
275. That is also accurate.
Copy !req
276. Citizens of Harlan's World,
Copy !req
277. for 20 years the Quellist rebellion
has disrupted our way of life.
Copy !req
278. Mines have been sabotaged,
Copy !req
279. alloy shipments attacked,
our people dislocated.
Copy !req
280. At every step, we have fought back
against these terrorists,
Copy !req
281. weakening them,
rooting them out of our cities.
Copy !req
282. But we have also suffered great loss.
Copy !req
283. It's with this shared burden in mind
Copy !req
284. that I have recently entered into talks
with Quellist leader Joshua Kemp.
Copy !req
285. It would seem the revolution
has a new face as well.
Copy !req
286. I've seen enough.
Copy !req
287. After much negotiation,
Copy !req
288. we have agreed this conflict must end.
Copy !req
289. A cease-fire is now in place
effective immediately.
Copy !req
290. Starting tomorrow,
mining operations resume in full.
Copy !req
291. Make no mistake, if the cease-fire
is broken, our retaliation will be swift.
Copy !req
292. But tonight, as your governor
Copy !req
293. and as my father's daughter,
Copy !req
294. I am proud to declare the safety
of Harlan's World has been secured.
Copy !req
295. Thank you. Good night.
Copy !req
296. Congratulations.
Copy !req
297. You've brought peace to the world.
Copy !req
298. My father used to say that a cease-fire
was just a breath between battles.
Copy !req
299. A breath's all we need.
Copy !req
300. The Protectorate will have to return
their colonel now.
Copy !req
301. No war, no reason to stay.
Copy !req
302. Over half the stacks in existence
are made of alloy dug from our trenches.
Copy !req
303. We're the goddamn fountain
of eternal life, Stone.
Copy !req
304. Colonel Carrera has every reason to stay.
Copy !req
305. The only thing standing between
the Protectorate and us is them.
Copy !req
306. Well, I think you're giving them
too much credit.
Copy !req
307. Elders are extinct.
Copy !req
308. Anyone who builds weaponized satellites
we can't shoot down
Copy !req
309. deserves to be taken seriously.
Copy !req
310. And did your father say that too?
Copy !req
311. Quellcrist Falconer actually.
Copy !req
312. Keep an eye on Colonel Carrera.
Copy !req
313. Let's make sure he doesn't come up
with another reason to stay.
Copy !req
314. I believe we made a wrong turn.
Copy !req
315. The Array has no evidence
of a decommissioned hotel in this area.
Copy !req
316. Well, the guy who owns it
pays a lot of money to keep it that way.
Copy !req
317. Hmm.
One of your more unsavory acquaintances?
Copy !req
318. Depends where you stand on Yakuza.
Copy !req
319. Yakuza?
Copy !req
320. The big boss has a dozen of these places,
half safe house, half black site.
Copy !req
321. I've used it before so he won't...
Copy !req
322. Damn it, Poe.
Copy !req
323. - You glitched.
- Ah!
Copy !req
324. There you are.
Copy !req
325. - Try and stick with me, okay?
- Of course.
Copy !req
326. - Where are we going again?
- I just told you, twice.
Copy !req
327. Oh.
Copy !req
328. Are we there yet?
Copy !req
329. We're here.
Copy !req
330. And are you certain it is safe?
Copy !req
331. - You're under arrest for treason.
- Good to see you too, Jaeger.
Copy !req
332. Safe enough.
Copy !req
333. If you'll excuse me, I will leave you
Copy !req
334. to adjust the configuration
of the nanoswarm.
Copy !req
335. [man 1 speaking Japanese}
Copy !req
336. Trespassers!
Copy !req
337. I did not sanction this.
This building is off-limits.
Copy !req
338. Who the hell do you think you are?
Copy !req
339. You got a death wish?
Copy !req
340. Answer me.
Copy !req
341. I am Tanaseda Hideki. This is my property.
Copy !req
342. Tanaseda wouldn't be caught dead
in a common combat sleeve.
Copy !req
343. Arrows and bullets all spent...
Copy !req
344. with sadness we fall.
Copy !req
345. But unless I smite the enemy,
Copy !req
346. my body cannot rot in the field.
Copy !req
347. Where did you hear that?
Copy !req
348. I told you, I'm Tanaseda Hideki.
Copy !req
349. Continue this disrespect,
whoever you may be...
Copy !req
350. and I will rip you from that sleeve.
Copy !req
351. Almost had me.
Copy !req
352. Only one mistake.
Copy !req
353. I'm Tanaseda Yukito.
Copy !req
354. You don't recognize
your own great-grandson?
Copy !req
355. Ojiichan?
Copy !req
356. Now that you mention it,
you do look familiar.
Copy !req
357. That sleeve
is worth a bundle, Yuki-san.
Copy !req
358. That's some custom shit.
Copy !req
359. Preserve the sleeve.
Copy !req
360. Sir, I set up a nanoswarm,
Copy !req
361. so if you would be so kind
as to plug in the emitter,
Copy !req
362. perhaps I can assist in negotiating
this misunderstanding.
Copy !req
363. Perhaps not.
Copy !req
364. Nothing common about that.
Copy !req
365. You're a dead man.
Copy !req
366. But first, you get to explain
to my great-grandfather
Copy !req
367. why you know my family's death poem.
Copy !req
368. I'm not sure that's a good idea.
Copy !req
369. So this is the man
who dares take my name.
Copy !req
370. A heavy burden...
Copy !req
371. not worth stealing and harder to carry.
Copy !req
372. My name carries its own weight.
Copy !req
373. He impersonated you, Sosofu.
Sleeve killed two of my men.
Copy !req
374. How do you know
my family's death poem?
Copy !req
375. You recited it to me almost 300 years ago
Copy !req
376. in a teahouse in New Hokkaido.
Copy !req
377. Foolish child.
Copy !req
378. Do you have any idea who you escorted
past my security?
Copy !req
379. Perhaps you'd like to cut out my stack
and hand it to him as well.
Copy !req
380. No, we beat him.
Copy !req
381. He's not a threat.
Copy !req
382. Educate him.
Copy !req
383. Forgive me, Oyabun.
Copy !req
384. I asked you
to make a point, and you made it.
Copy !req
385. I don't understand.
Copy !req
386. He's an Envoy.
Copy !req
387. He allowed you to beat him
because he wanted an audience.
Copy !req
388. He recited the poem
so you would have to comply.
Copy !req
389. Isn't that right, Takeshi-san?
Copy !req
390. I'm not here to endanger you,
only to ask a favor.
Copy !req
391. I need a place to stay.
Copy !req
392. Off the grid.
Copy !req
393. But my great-grandson didn't know that.
Copy !req
394. I'll make amends.
Copy !req
395. Start by vacating the building.
Copy !req
396. This man did a job for me
after the fall of Stronghold.
Copy !req
397. When one of our own betrayed me,
Copy !req
398. he was caught by the Protectorate,
tortured in every way they knew how.
Copy !req
399. He never gave me up.
Copy !req
400. He is not to be bothered again!
Copy !req
401. Yukito is young,
but still, that was disappointing.
Copy !req
402. Family usually is.
Copy !req
403. I see your gift for understatement
hasn't changed.
Copy !req
404. Has anything else?
Copy !req
405. I'm still looking for her.
Copy !req
406. Horace Axley told me that she was here
on Harlan's, said he could prove it.
Copy !req
407. I protected him...
Copy !req
408. but I was too late.
Copy !req
409. Axley and I go back a long way,
Copy !req
410. He would lie to the devil himself
if he stood something to gain.
Copy !req
411. Well, someone went savage on him.
This time he wasn't lying.
Copy !req
412. I gave no orders to eliminate Axley.
Copy !req
413. The last time you were here,
Copy !req
414. you suspected your sister had hidden
Quellcrist Falconer's DHF.
Copy !req
415. Has it ever occurred to you
that Reileen was lying?
Copy !req
416. That Axley merely dangled Falconer's
whereabouts to bend you to his will?
Copy !req
417. Every minute of every day.
Copy !req
418. But if there's a chance that anything
he said is true...
Copy !req
419. I can't walk away.
Copy !req
420. That's not love.
Copy !req
421. It's obsession.
Copy !req
422. This is the first Songspire grown
in captivity,
Copy !req
423. my personal experiment over the centuries.
Copy !req
424. You sound like a scientist.
Copy !req
425. Remnants of an abandoned past.
Copy !req
426. The cells in our bodies are constantly
dying and being replaced.
Copy !req
427. As we age, we become a copy
of a copy of a copy,
Copy !req
428. degrading each time.
Copy !req
429. Meths have got around that.
Copy !req
430. Have we?
Copy !req
431. We transfer our minds into new sleeves,
Copy !req
432. but what if the spirit degrades as well?
Copy !req
433. We can't quantify the change,
but we are not the same.
Copy !req
434. I'm not the person I once was.
Copy !req
435. Neither are you.
Copy !req
436. Nor, I suspect, is she.
Copy !req
437. I didn't come here for a lesson, Oyabun.
Copy !req
438. I should get back.
Copy !req
439. Time is the greatest of all warriors.
Copy !req
440. What it doesn't destroy,
Copy !req
441. it alters beyond recognition.
Copy !req
442. Time tears down everything.
Copy !req
443. We brace our backs against the void,
Copy !req
444. desperate to hold on to the past...
Copy !req
445. to our ghosts...
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446. to ourselves.
Copy !req
447. Ah.
Copy !req
448. My apologies, sir.
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449. I'm afraid our old haunt
is much like myself,
Copy !req
450. in a state of broken-down disarray.
Copy !req
451. Perhaps "The Nevermore"
would be a more apt moniker.
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452. Is there whiskey?
Copy !req
453. I believe the former tenants
left a passable bottle of...
Copy !req
454. Oh! Single malt.
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455. Then it's fine.
Copy !req
456. All I want is a bed
and no more bullshit for one day.
Copy !req
457. Hmm, can I infer you... triumphed
against adversity once again?
Copy !req
458. I'm on a planet I hate,
Copy !req
459. I don't know who killed Axley
or how I'll find them,
Copy !req
460. and I'm no closer to Quell
than I was before.
Copy !req
461. So...
Copy !req
462. that's a no.
Copy !req
463. Good night, Poe.
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464. Good night, sir.
Copy !req
465. I can't do this anymore.
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466. This wild-goose chase across the stars,
running after you.
Copy !req
467. This isn't true, is it?
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468. You're just a figment...
Copy !req
469. in my head.
Copy !req
470. That's all there is left.
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471. You're gone.
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472. You have your answer, Tak.
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473. - It's in the one place you're not looking.
- I don't know what that means.
Copy !req
474. When we made stacks, we thought
we severed the mind from the body,
Copy !req
475. but the truth is more complicated.
Copy !req
476. I'm done with complicated.
Either you're dead or you're not.
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477. Our bodies know things,
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478. our skin, our bones,
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479. our flesh hold our experiences.
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480. What does your body, this body, remember?
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481. Feel what you felt...
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482. then you can remember what you saw.
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483. State-dependent memory.
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484. Quell!
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485. I did what you told me.
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486. I survived.
Copy !req
487. I'm not here for you.
Copy !req