1. The danger of living too many times:
Copy !req
2. you forget to fear death.
Copy !req
3. We dismiss the Grim Reaper
as a quaint metaphor.
Copy !req
4. But fearing death...
Copy !req
5. it's good for you.
Copy !req
6. Just stop complaining.
Copy !req
7. Take off that necklace.
I told you to throw it away.
Copy !req
8. No. It's Mom's.
Copy !req
9. You're just like her.
Copy !req
10. Disobedient, ungrateful... bitch.
Copy !req
11. Tak?
Copy !req
12. I'll tell them it wasn't your fault.
Copy !req
13. I'll say the truth. They have to listen.
Copy !req
14. Do you trust me, Rei?
Copy !req
15. Every way there is.
Copy !req
16. Why did you kill your father?
Copy !req
17. You're just a kid
and you blew his stack out.
Copy !req
18. He deserved it.
Copy !req
19. Because he beat up your sister?
Copy !req
20. He wasn't going to stop.
He killed my mother.
Copy !req
21. Cops say your mom ran away.
- Cops are stupid.
Copy !req
22. I told them what happened.
Copy !req
23. He dumped her in a coolant pool.
There was no body.
Copy !req
24. Nothing left.
Copy !req
25. So they didn't believe me.
Copy !req
26. I believe you.
Copy !req
27. The Settled Worlds
are full of lawlessness.
Copy !req
28. Killers, rapists, slavers, gangs.
Copy !req
29. They leave behind victims. Innocents.
Copy !req
30. We travel between planets,
protect our citizens.
Copy !req
31. I've got nothing left for you to take.
Copy !req
32. They took my body, probably sold it off.
What do you want?
Copy !req
33. To recruit you.
Colonial Tactical Assault Corps.
Copy !req
34. You're CTAC?
Copy !req
35. Looking at you, I see potential.
Copy !req
36. I can make something out of you, son.
Copy !req
37. What about my sister?
Copy !req
38. I did what I did because of Rei.
Copy !req
39. I want her safe.
Copy !req
40. You've never been able to trust anyone,
have you?
Copy !req
41. Son, we are the Protectorate.
Copy !req
42. We protect.
Copy !req
43. I'll see to it
she's placed in a good family,
Copy !req
44. that she gets a good life with people
who will love her and treat her well.
Copy !req
45. You have my word.
Copy !req
46. What happens next?
Will I get my body back?
Copy !req
47. I'll requisition it for the Corps.
You can use it if you ever come back.
Copy !req
48. - Where am I going?
- You're casting off this planet with me.
Copy !req
49. Train on different worlds,
in different sleeves.
Copy !req
50. This time tomorrow,
you'll be in a man's body.
Copy !req
51. And no one will ever hurt you
or yours again.
Copy !req
52. Off-planet? What about Rei?
Copy !req
53. You disconnect from this life.
Copy !req
54. Anyone who knows what you are
will be in danger.
Copy !req
55. I have to tell her.
Copy !req
56. If you want her to be safe,
Copy !req
57. you're never going to be able
to see her again.
Copy !req
58. Trust me.
Copy !req
59. Tak?
Copy !req
60. Rei?
Copy !req
61. Welcome back.
Copy !req
62. You're gonna die.
Copy !req
63. You're bleeding internally,
holed all over,
Copy !req
64. and you picked up a blood infection
in that slaughterhouse.
Copy !req
65. I tried, but I can't save this sleeve.
Copy !req
66. I know I shouldn't have bothered,
Copy !req
67. but I wanted to hurry up
the family reunion.
Copy !req
68. It looks like it's gonna have to wait
until we can get you resleeved.
Copy !req
69. Wait... Ortega?
Copy !req
70. She's fine. I knocked her out.
I'm sorry. I was in a rush.
Copy !req
71. Relax.
Copy !req
72. You're gonna wake up in a new body,
something more durable
Copy !req
73. and a little less gaijin
and with better hair.
Copy !req
74. You have to save this sleeve.
Copy !req
75. Don't be such a baby.
Copy !req
76. You used to switch sleeves
like changing socks.
Copy !req
77. No!
Copy !req
78. - Tak, you're beat to shit, septic...
- No.
Copy !req
79. and the Reaper in your system
is fighting the blood scrubbers.
Copy !req
80. Probably tripping balls right now.
Copy !req
81. If I don't kill you,
the fever and organ failure likely will.
Copy !req
82. Promise.
Copy !req
83. Jesus, why?
Copy !req
84. Fine, Tak.
Copy !req
85. If that's what you want.
Copy !req
86. - I owe you that much.
Copy !req
87. Here...
Copy !req
88. You're not here. You died.
Copy !req
89. Didn't take.
Copy !req
90. You know me better than that, big brother.
Copy !req
91. - We always come back for each other.
- No matter how long it takes.
Copy !req
92. 250 years.
Copy !req
93. You've really let yourself go.
Copy !req
94. How?
Copy !req
95. - How did you survive Stronghold?
Copy !req
96. Quick version, then you shut up and rest.
Copy !req
97. They blew our shuttle.
Copy !req
98. Next thing I knew,
I woke up in some low-rent virtual
Copy !req
99. with some pencil-neck archaeology student
working on his dissertation.
Copy !req
100. He stumbled on my stack in the wreckage,
along with some genetic material.
Copy !req
101. Total freak chance, one in a billion.
Copy !req
102. He resleeved me in a synth and...
Copy !req
103. Well, you were on ice
and everyone else was dead.
Copy !req
104. I told him I was an innocent bystander
killed by heartless Envoys.
Copy !req
105. First chance I got, I booked with my DNA.
Copy !req
106. Made a lot of money, grew a few clones.
Copy !req
107. I've been on my own ever since.
Copy !req
108. Not anymore.
Copy !req
109. This sleeve is shit.
Copy !req
110. Sleeve's not the problem.
Gotta pay the transfer fee.
Copy !req
111. Hate the fucking reacclimation cocktail.
Headaches for days.
Copy !req
112. Listen up!
Copy !req
113. This team has been thrown together
from who's available on cast.
Copy !req
114. ReAc for a half day,
then we stand up at 0300.
Copy !req
115. Kovacs, how does it feel
to be back in your original skin?
Copy !req
116. A lot more mileage than I expected.
Copy !req
117. Reflex still good.
Copy !req
118. Thank the Corps
for keeping it in shape.
Copy !req
119. Who the fuck is this guy,
he gets a retread?
Copy !req
120. It's my home world.
Copy !req
121. First time I've been back
since I joined up.
Copy !req
122. Target is a yakuza kumicho...
Copy !req
123. by the name of Gottfrid Saito.
Copy !req
124. Domestic terror, murder, prostitution.
And he doesn't pay his taxes.
Copy !req
125. Whoops.
Copy !req
126. They need to be taught
a very public lesson.
Copy !req
127. The must-kill is Saito. Slag his stack.
Copy !req
128. Everyone else is kill as kill can.
Copy !req
129. Most kills...
Copy !req
130. most days off, most bonus money.
Copy !req
131. Even you guys could figure out
how that works.
Copy !req
132. Put up your hands!
Put up your hands!
Copy !req
133. Kovacs, you're on Saito.
Copy !req
134. Put the gun down
Copy !req
135. before I drill a hole right through
your stack, gaijin motherfucker.
Copy !req
136. You're gonna call your friends,
Copy !req
137. tell them you've taken down Saito,
to come in here weapons down.
Copy !req
138. Where did you get that necklace?
Copy !req
139. That was my mother's.
Copy !req
140. Tak?
Copy !req
141. Kill him, you worthless whore!
Copy !req
142. Kill him now!
Copy !req
143. Where the fuck have you been?
Copy !req
144. No!
Kovacs, take him out!
Copy !req
145. Kovacs, what are you doing?
Copy !req
146. Let's go.
Copy !req
147. This way.
Copy !req
148. Tak, come on.
Copy !req
149. A good family?
Copy !req
150. - That's what he promised me.
Copy !req
151. Well, technically, it's true.
Copy !req
152. I was sold to the yakuza as kobun.
Copy !req
153. A perfect little foot soldier,
loyal to my oyabun, Saito.
Copy !req
154. And why wouldn't I be?
I didn't have anyone else.
Copy !req
155. He said you'd be safe.
Copy !req
156. And you believed him?
Copy !req
157. I remember you being smarter.
Copy !req
158. Protectorate, Jaeger,
he will come after us.
Copy !req
159. He's not gonna stop until he finds me.
Copy !req
160. The yakuza and the Protectorate
both want our heads.
Copy !req
161. I don't know which is worse.
Copy !req
162. Any ideas that don't involve
dying a slow and terrible death?
Copy !req
163. I don't know. We gotta get off-planet.
I'm not sure how.
Copy !req
164. Jaeger's gonna block the ports
and the casting stations.
Copy !req
165. Slow and terrible death it is.
Copy !req
166. I'll take a few more with me.
Copy !req
167. In the forest...
Copy !req
168. did you ever tell anyone
what we found when we were kids?
Copy !req
169. Not a soul.
Copy !req
170. You trust me?
Copy !req
171. Not even a little.
Copy !req
172. Why?
Copy !req
173. I used to think
the Patchwork Man lived here.
Copy !req
174. Guess we'll find out.
Copy !req
175. Are you sure you remember
where it is?
Copy !req
176. Maybe.
Copy !req
177. "Maybe"?
Copy !req
178. Definitely.
Copy !req
179. This was a lot easier when I was eight.
Copy !req
180. We follow this east,
it'll take us to the caves.
Copy !req
181. Not till tomorrow. It's getting dark.
Copy !req
182. Look at the way the Songspire
threads through the boulders.
Copy !req
183. You ever wonder if the Elder civilization
designed it to do that?
Copy !req
184. Create structures underground with
the branches as some kind of scaffold?
Copy !req
185. Those are the most words
you've said to me in hours
Copy !req
186. and they're about fucking rocks.
Copy !req
187. It's fine. It's in the past.
Let's keep moving.
Copy !req
188. No. We can camp here for the night.
Copy !req
189. We're deep enough in the forest.
Copy !req
190. So, tomorrow we go underground and what?
Hide like animals?
Copy !req
191. You got a better plan?
Copy !req
192. I'd say we should find
some potential allies,
Copy !req
193. but we just killed everyone we know, so...
Copy !req
194. I missed you so much.
Copy !req
195. I'm sorry, Rei.
Copy !req
196. Why did you...
Copy !req
197. Death isn't only
about the destruction of the body.
Copy !req
198. Sometimes, just like that,
you extinguish one self
Copy !req
199. and another is born.
Copy !req
200. But every birth is violent
Copy !req
201. and there's no death without pain.
Copy !req
202. Looking for these?
Copy !req
203. Fuck them up, Tak.
I don't care if I live or die!
Copy !req
204. But he does.
Copy !req
205. He doesn't wanna lose you.
Copy !req
206. I vote we kill him.
Copy !req
207. It's not a democracy, de Soto.
Copy !req
208. Then I respectfully request we kill him.
Copy !req
209. Request duly noted, Envoy.
Copy !req
210. Dismissed.
Copy !req
211. Where's my sister?
Copy !req
212. They're getting her something to eat.
Copy !req
213. She's fine.
Copy !req
214. I know who you are.
Copy !req
215. I'd be disappointed if you didn't.
Copy !req
216. Your faces are all over
the wanted beacons.
Copy !req
217. The bounty's a fortune.
Copy !req
218. - You've pissed someone off.
- I have a gift.
Copy !req
219. - I believe that.
We'll be all right.
Copy !req
220. I believe that, too.
Copy !req
221. You're CTAC SpecOps.
Protectorate through and through.
Copy !req
222. Rumor is you took out
an entire squad of Praetorians.
Copy !req
223. CTAC's trying to keep it quiet.
Copy !req
224. Looks bad, one of their own
biting the hand that feeds.
Copy !req
225. I think I chewed off the whole arm.
Copy !req
226. They pissed me off.
Copy !req
227. Your sister mowed through some of the best
the yakuza had to offer.
Copy !req
228. They pissed her off.
Copy !req
229. The two of you know the secret workings
of both crime and government,
Copy !req
230. which are more or less the same.
Copy !req
231. - Not interested.
- I haven't offered you anything yet.
Copy !req
232. Don't bother. Just let us go.
Copy !req
233. On some level,
you know we're on the same side.
Copy !req
234. The enemy of my enemy—
Copy !req
235. Is just one more person
who might knife me in my sleep.
Copy !req
236. You're a little cynical, Takeshi Kovacs.
Copy !req
237. I'm tied up. I'd say I have reason to be.
Copy !req
238. Join us. Make a difference.
Copy !req
239. Nothing makes a difference.
Copy !req
240. I'm done fighting in this war.
Copy !req
241. War is like
any other bad relationship.
Copy !req
242. You want out, but at what price?
Copy !req
243. If they knew an Uprising base
was on Harlan's World,
Copy !req
244. they'd tear apart this planet to find you.
Copy !req
245. Aren't you worried I'll tell 'em?
Copy !req
246. No.
Copy !req
247. If I killed you...
the Protectorate would forgive everything.
Copy !req
248. Do you want their forgiveness?
Copy !req
249. The innocent, the person you were
before all this, he's still there.
Copy !req
250. I see the boy inside the man.
Copy !req
251. Tell me something, Takeshi Kovacs:
What did the Protectorate take from you?
Copy !req
252. Everything.
Copy !req
253. What would you do for revenge?
Copy !req
254. Anything.
Copy !req
255. That's a good start.
Copy !req
256. You don't want me.
Copy !req
257. Don't you understand what CTAC does
to make someone like me?
Copy !req
258. They burn out
every evolved violence-limitation instinct
Copy !req
259. in the human psyche.
Copy !req
260. And they replace it
with the conscious will to do harm.
Copy !req
261. And yet you haven't hurt me.
Copy !req
262. I might still.
Copy !req
263. No. You won't, Kovacs.
Copy !req
264. You're only pretending
to be one of the monsters.
Copy !req
265. Fuckers took my sword.
Copy !req
266. What'd you say to her?
I told her I'd stay if you stayed.
Copy !req
267. Shit, Tak! You said yes.
Copy !req
268. - Well, you wanted a better plan.
- I still do.
Copy !req
269. Maybe we help overthrow the Protectorate.
Copy !req
270. Maybe these people slit our throats.
Copy !req
271. Either way, from now on,
we stick together.
Copy !req
272. Family, no matter what.
Copy !req
273. Family...
Copy !req
274. no matter what.
Copy !req
275. See de Soto to get your weapons back.
You start training tomorrow.
Copy !req
276. We lived alongside them...
Copy !req
277. or somewhere near them, anyway.
Copy !req
278. We trained with them.
Copy !req
279. CTAC troops shoot themselves up
with reacclimation drugs
Copy !req
280. to try to make the sleeve obey them.
Copy !req
281. But none of their techniques
touch the pure mind
Copy !req
282. and that is what you must control.
Copy !req
283. Master yourself and you can ride any skin,
anywhere in the galaxy,
Copy !req
284. at a moment's notice.
Copy !req
285. You must learn the weakness of weapons.
Copy !req
286. Easy to say
with a Sunjet in your hand.
Copy !req
287. I'm unarmed.
Copy !req
288. Take me out.
Copy !req
289. Go for the stack.
Copy !req
290. What's wrong, Kovacs?
Copy !req
291. Think it's unfair?
Copy !req
292. Let's even the odds.
Copy !req
293. Both of you, bring me down.
Copy !req
294. I'd rather take him out.
Is that an option?
Copy !req
295. - Anytime, anyplace, de Soto.
- Now will do.
Copy !req
296. - You see me moving?
- Take your shot.
Copy !req
297. This sleeve is a tool.
Copy !req
298. It does not control me. I control it.
Copy !req
299. This is the weakness of weapons.
Copy !req
300. They are tools to kill and destroy.
They are not what gives you power.
Copy !req
301. You are the weapon.
Copy !req
302. You are the killer and destroyer.
Copy !req
303. You had the right idea,
Copy !req
304. but next time,
if you wanna save someone you love,
Copy !req
305. move faster.
Copy !req
306. I'll remember that.
Copy !req
307. You have two weapons,
yourselves and each other.
Copy !req
308. - You totally ignored the second.
- 'Cause he's a CTAC dickhead.
Copy !req
309. In actual combat,
you'd both be dead.
Copy !req
310. The true strength of the wolf
isn't fangs, speed, and skill.
Copy !req
311. It's the pack.
Copy !req
312. Whatever world you needlecast into,
build a pack.
Copy !req
313. Find ways to inspire loyalty
in a few capable locals,
Copy !req
314. even if many of them
will ultimately be expendable.
Copy !req
315. We are Envoys.
Copy !req
316. And we take what is offered.
Copy !req
317. When Quell felt we were ready,
Copy !req
318. we started running missions with them.
Copy !req
319. These are the access protocols
on the CTAC barracks on Taurus 4.
Copy !req
320. The secure military R and D facility?
Copy !req
321. They leave the backdoor open
on a squad of combat sleeves,
Copy !req
322. just in case the locals
ever breach security and get inside.
Copy !req
323. It's a fail-safe.
Copy !req
324. So we're casting into Protectorate meat
primed on the slab?
Copy !req
325. Or we're walking into a trap.
Copy !req
326. You trying to say something
about my brother, de Soto?
Copy !req
327. You can't fucking trust him.
How can you fucking trust him?
Copy !req
328. Because he gave us the intel
that's getting us in.
Copy !req
329. We're going for the site database,
Copy !req
330. where we'll download the security specs
on the facilities listed here.
Copy !req
331. Then we blow the database,
make it look like simple sabotage.
Copy !req
332. They won't even know we took anything.
Copy !req
333. Punch it.
Copy !req
334. Target needlecast initiated.
Copy !req
335. DHF phase coherence established.
Copy !req
336. Transfer is a go. Commence engagement.
Copy !req
337. Engagement in progress.
Copy !req
338. Engagement in progress.
Engagement in progress.
Copy !req
339. DHF incoming.
Copy !req
340. Return needlecast confirmed.
Copy !req
341. - Motherfucking idiot! Do we have incoming?
- What happened?
Copy !req
342. Pushed me out the transfer station.
Copy !req
343. - Fucking stayed behind, that asshole.
- He's stuck back there?
Copy !req
344. You gotta get him out.
There's gotta be a way.
Copy !req
345. You did this. You left him back there.
Copy !req
346. Calm the fuck down.
Copy !req
347. I tried to get him out. He didn't listen.
Copy !req
348. If you're lying to me, you're a dead man!
Copy !req
349. Really? If I wanted him dead,
I'd kill him to his face.
Copy !req
350. You've wanted him dead since the day
Copy !req
351. - he walked into this place.
- Come on.
Copy !req
352. DHF phased successfully.
Transfer complete. No casualties.
Copy !req
353. What?
Copy !req
354. You asshole.
Copy !req
355. You all right?
Copy !req
356. I can't remember
all the things Quell taught me.
Copy !req
357. It was like oxygen soaking into me.
Copy !req
358. Fuck you, man.
Copy !req
359. I was making the exit.
Copy !req
360. I didn't need your help.
Copy !req
361. I'm never gonna need your help.
Copy !req
362. So don't get a big fucking head,
you arrogant son of a bitch.
Copy !req
363. Are we clear?
Copy !req
364. Good talk.
Copy !req
365. She gave me the life I never had.
Copy !req
366. Can you pass me that?
Copy !req
367. I've lied to you.
Copy !req
368. We cannot win a conventional war
against this enemy,
Copy !req
369. because it's not the Protectorate
we're fighting.
Copy !req
370. It's immortality itself.
Copy !req
371. The creation of stacks was a miracle
Copy !req
372. and the beginning of the destruction
of our species.
Copy !req
373. A hundred years from now, a thousand,
I can see what we will become.
Copy !req
374. And it's not human.
Copy !req
375. A new class of people
so wealthy and powerful,
Copy !req
376. they answer to no one and cannot die.
Copy !req
377. Death was the ultimate safeguard
against the darkest angels of our nature.
Copy !req
378. Now the monsters among us
will own everything,
Copy !req
379. - consume everything, control everything.
- What?
Copy !req
380. They will make themselves gods
and us slaves...
Copy !req
381. - Do you see what I see?
in all but name.
Copy !req
382. Pretty much never.
I hate that intuition shit.
Copy !req
383. Civilization is at a tipping point.
Copy !req
384. - We are riding the fulcrum...
- What do you see?
Copy !req
385. between hope and oblivion.
Copy !req
386. Doubt.
Copy !req
387. If we do not stop the curse
of eternal life in our realm...
Copy !req
388. our children will inherit despair.
Copy !req
389. The ebb and flow of life is what makes us
all equal in the end.
Copy !req
390. The Uprising must end immortality.
Copy !req
391. You're talking about bringing back
real death.
Copy !req
392. What about you?
Copy !req
393. I'm prepared to die to reset the balance.
That's my decision.
Copy !req
394. You have to decide for yourselves.
Copy !req
395. I've created a program called Acheron
that downloads into DHF and rewrites it,
Copy !req
396. giving every mind exactly 100 years.
Copy !req
397. No matter how rich and powerful you are,
death will no longer be optional.
Copy !req
398. But how is that even possible?
Copy !req
399. You'd have to download the program
Copy !req
400. into every stack on all the Settled Worlds
at the same time.
Copy !req
401. I'll run a DA Mission into
the on-planet Protectorate garrison here,
Copy !req
402. steal the casting source codes
for the Central Core.
Copy !req
403. Once we bring back the codes...
Copy !req
404. You'll use the codes
to cast into the Central Core.
Copy !req
405. Full mobilization.
Copy !req
406. The Uprising will fight our way in
and spike the Core with Acheron.
Copy !req
407. It will spread into every DHF
in every system.
Copy !req
408. Nobody's ever come back
from the Central Core.
Copy !req
409. I'm not planning on coming back.
Copy !req
410. You're asking us to die.
Copy !req
411. I'm asking you to embrace being human.
Copy !req
412. We aren't meant to live forever.
It corrupts even the best of us.
Copy !req
413. Leave, if you choose. I will not stop you.
But those of us who stay...
Copy !req
414. together we will save humanity.
Copy !req
415. Are you with me?
Copy !req
416. I need a team of five
to attack the garrison.
Copy !req
417. - Tak? What are you doing?
- I'm trying to make a difference.
Copy !req
418. Quell! Move, move, move!
Copy !req
419. Move, move, move!
Copy !req
420. - Fuck! Fuck!
Drop your weapon.
Copy !req
421. I want him alive.
Copy !req
422. I'm a nostalgic guy.
Copy !req
423. Twenty-eight years
and you haven't even repainted.
Copy !req
424. You know, you should really, uh,
just spruce up the place.
Copy !req
425. My people have your DHF
and birth sleeve.
Copy !req
426. I'm inbound on a suborb from Newpest.
Copy !req
427. Let's chat.
Copy !req
428. They tell me there was a woman with you,
by the way.
Copy !req
429. Was it your sister?
Copy !req
430. It was your mother. She said to say hi.
Copy !req
431. Whoever she was, she left you behind.
So did all your friends.
Copy !req
432. They were late for dinner.
Copy !req
433. What do you want?
Copy !req
434. Just a little catch-up time
with an old friend.
Copy !req
435. But you're right...
Copy !req
436. what's the point of virtual
if you can't redecorate?
Copy !req
437. Try a new look.
Copy !req
438. Let's see what your face
looks like with your nose cut off.
Copy !req
439. Don't you touch him.
Copy !req
440. They've got you drugged, Kovacs.
Do you understand?
Copy !req
441. We don't know what they gave you.
We can't pull you out.
Copy !req
442. You have to wake yourself up.
Copy !req
443. Security, we have a breach
in Interrogation.
Copy !req
444. Your security is for shit.
Copy !req
445. I don't understand.
You can't hurt me in here.
Copy !req
446. Kovacs, pull yourself
out of the construct.
Copy !req
447. Tak, come with me. Please.
Copy !req
448. Wake up!
Copy !req
449. We're on the move.
Here we go.
Copy !req
450. Think you can keep up this time?
Copy !req
451. Can't believe you still wanna
go along with this mission
Copy !req
452. after Jaeger almost got you.
Copy !req
453. We should leave.
Copy !req
454. They came back for me.
Copy !req
455. They came back
because she ordered them to.
Copy !req
456. So Jaeger wouldn't interrogate you,
find out what she's planning.
Copy !req
457. Not a single thing she does
that isn't calculated.
Copy !req
458. It's all move, countermove.
Copy !req
459. You're exaggerating.
Copy !req
460. And you're naive.
Copy !req
461. We've both seen enough death.
Copy !req
462. - We can't just abandon them.
- What if Quell's wrong?
Copy !req
463. What if they find a workaround
for her program?
Copy !req
464. We've lost so much time.
Copy !req
465. These last few years,
we finally got each other back.
Copy !req
466. I don't wanna die.
Copy !req
467. I wanna live.
Copy !req
468. I want us to see a million tomorrows.
Copy !req
469. I'm not leaving.
Copy !req
470. No matter how many tomorrows
we're talking about.
Copy !req
471. What are we, Rei?
Copy !req
472. We're family.
Copy !req
473. We're Envoys and we have a job to do.
Copy !req
474. I just...
I don't want tomorrow to be our last day.
Copy !req
475. It won't be, all right?
Copy !req
476. We won't let it be.
Copy !req
477. You saved me.
- Why wouldn't I?
Copy !req
478. No one ever has before.
Copy !req
479. That our secret battle plan?
Copy !req
480. It's filled with things
I should have learned by now.
Copy !req
481. Including the names and stories
of the fallen in this war.
Copy !req
482. Tomorrow, we attack the Central Core.
Copy !req
483. Someone else will be writing down
the names of the dead.
Copy !req
484. Jaeger was hunting me.
Copy !req
485. Now he knows
you're on Harlan's World.
Copy !req
486. I'm sorry.
Copy !req
487. Do you feel guilty?
About the Protectorate?
Copy !req
488. - It was because of me that—
- No, it's because of me. All of it.
Copy !req
489. Everyone in that book was someone
the Protectorate killed, not you.
Copy !req
490. It's because of me,
because I created stacks.
Copy !req
491. No, the woman who created stacks
was Nadia Makita.
Copy !req
492. Nadia went on the run.
Copy !req
493. And she changed her name
so that no one would ever know.
Copy !req
494. You're... You're Nadia...
Copy !req
495. I wanted to be an explorer.
Copy !req
496. See other worlds with my own eyes, but...
Copy !req
497. one life wasn't enough time
to see the stars, so...
Copy !req
498. I found a way to transfer
the human consciousness
Copy !req
499. between bodies and,
in that creation, soar.
Copy !req
500. Suddenly, anyone could travel distances
beyond imagination faster than light,
Copy !req
501. and no one would ever be limited
by one lifetime again.
Copy !req
502. That's... That's beautiful.
Copy !req
503. Rome was a town of refugee cattle herders,
Copy !req
504. but it became the most powerful empire
of ancient Earth.
Copy !req
505. Do you know how?
Copy !req
506. Roads.
Copy !req
507. Roads were the technology that let them
send their armies all over the world.
Copy !req
508. I thought I was freeing the human spirit,
but I was building the roads for Rome.
Copy !req
509. Eternal life for those who can afford it
Copy !req
510. means eternal control
over those who can't.
Copy !req
511. That is the gift I gave humanity.
Copy !req
512. And that is the reason
we are all going to die.
Copy !req
513. So stop looking at me like I'm a hero,
because I am not.
Copy !req
514. I can't stop looking at you.
Copy !req
515. I won't.
Copy !req
516. We can't.
Copy !req
517. Forget heroes and monsters.
Copy !req
518. You're the woman who set me free.
Copy !req
519. I'll talk to her.
Copy !req
520. We're casting to the Core
in less than five hours, Tak.
Copy !req
521. I'll see you at camp.
Copy !req
522. All right.
Copy !req
523. It wasn't a mistake.
Copy !req
524. I know.
Copy !req
525. I know.
Copy !req
526. Rei! Rei!
Copy !req
527. Let's talk about this!
Copy !req
528. Rei!
Copy !req
529. What?
Copy !req
530. Rei!
Copy !req
531. Where are you?
Copy !req
532. Where are you?
Copy !req
533. Feeling better?
Copy !req
534. I saved the sleeve.
Copy !req
535. You're gonna have to jolt
if you wanna get back to fighting speed.
Copy !req
536. Goliath. It's a CTAC stim.
Copy !req
537. Works great,
if it doesn't make you stroke out.
Copy !req
538. - I'm... I'm good, thanks.
- Your call.
Copy !req
539. You should eat something at least.
Copy !req
540. Been on my own here, staying out of sight,
but it's a little bit of everything.
Copy !req
541. I couldn't believe it
when I heard the rumors.
Copy !req
542. Fucking Envoy in Bay City?
Copy !req
543. Sounded impossible.
Copy !req
544. I had to check.
Copy !req
545. What have you been doing all this time?
Copy !req
546. I went back to Harlan's World.
Copy !req
547. You should see it.
Copy !req
548. I don't know what I thought I'd find.
Copy !req
549. But nothing I remembered survived.
Copy !req
550. It's all gone.
Copy !req
551. That's the hardest thing to get used to.
Copy !req
552. Nothing survives.
Copy !req
553. Nothing but us.
Copy !req
554. Quell? Quellcrist! Do you read?
Copy !req
555. Reileen, do you copy?
Copy !req
556. Monsters... everywhere.
Copy !req
557. Vidaura. Vidaura.
Copy !req
558. Who did this? Who did this?
Copy !req
559. - Look at me. Where's the enemy?
- Monsters. Came from above.
Copy !req
560. - Who did this?
- Everywhere. Everywhere.
Copy !req
561. - Monsters!
- Vidaura! Vidaura!
Copy !req
562. - Stop!
Copy !req
563. Get back to the real.
Copy !req
564. Gimme the gun.
Okay, look at me. Gimme the gun.
Copy !req
565. - I have to kill the monster.
- No. No, no, no! No!
Copy !req
566. It was us.
Copy !req
567. The enemy was us.
Copy !req
568. Tak! Where are you?
- Rei, Rei, is that you?
Copy !req
569. - Are you okay?
Copy !req
570. What the fuck is happening?
Copy !req
571. Get to the shuttle bay. You hear me?
Get to the shuttle bay!
Copy !req
572. Quellcrist Falconer!
Long live the Uprising!
Copy !req
573. De Soto! Listen, look at me!
Look at me!
Copy !req
574. - Tak, is that you?
- It's me, it's me.
Copy !req
575. I did this to myself.
I can't remember why.
Copy !req
576. Gonna get you out of here.
I'm gonna get you out—
Copy !req
577. Tak? Tak?
- Reileen? Reileen?
Copy !req
578. Just go, I'll meet you there.
Copy !req
579. Quell says gotta get to the next screen!
Copy !req
580. Help me get to the next screen!
Copy !req
581. - It's in my brain, it's in my brain!
- De Soto.
Copy !req
582. - I've tried, Tak.
- I know.
Copy !req
583. It's not a construct.
Copy !req
584. I've tried.
Copy !req
585. It won't let me.
Copy !req
586. Tak, help me.
Copy !req
587. - Help me, brother.
- Okay. All right, buddy.
Copy !req
588. Good talk.
Copy !req
589. Good talk.
Copy !req
590. Quell! Falcon One, do you copy?
Copy !req
591. Go for Falcon One!
Copy !req
592. - Tak, what the fuck happened?
- Stronghold is down!
Copy !req
593. Stronghold is down.
I repeat, Stronghold has fallen.
Copy !req
594. - What's your position?
- Echo Bridge, north side.
Copy !req
595. What the hell happened?
CTAC in the caves.
Copy !req
596. Viral strike, direct stack download.
Copy !req
597. - How many of our people?
- All of them.
Copy !req
598. They went crazy. They killed each other.
Copy !req
599. It's Rawling virus.
We must've been out of range...
Copy !req
600. - the three of us.
Where is he?
Copy !req
601. - Tak, where are you?
- Rei! Rei!
Copy !req
602. I'm not coming.
Get to the shuttle together.
Copy !req
603. - Forget it.
- Not gonna happen!
Copy !req
604. I'm gonna lead them off.
If you don't get airborne now,
Copy !req
605. they're gonna shoot you out of the sky
before you get clear.
Copy !req
606. Don't ask me to do this.
Copy !req
607. Get your ass up here now!
Copy !req
608. Get to the Core and deploy Acheron!
Copy !req
609. You still can do it.
You can change everything.
Copy !req
610. But not if you die on this rock!
Copy !req
611. Go!
Copy !req
612. Run now!
Copy !req
613. Survive.
Copy !req
614. That's an order.
Copy !req
615. Do you understand?
Copy !req
616. I do.
Copy !req
617. Go!
Copy !req
618. You didn't get her, Jaeger.
Copy !req
619. You'll never get her.
Copy !req
620. Tak—
Copy !req
621. I won't pick anything up
with all this ash.
Copy !req
622. Find him. God damn it, fucking find him.
Copy !req
623. Kovacs!
Copy !req
624. I'm coming for you, you hear me?
Copy !req
625. Doesn't matter how far you run!
Copy !req
626. Apparently, he was a real
pain in the ass. Nobody liked him.
Copy !req
627. I heard you decapitated him.
Copy !req
628. I mean, a head's portable, I guess—
Copy !req
629. You were with Quell in the shuttle
when it got hit.
Copy !req
630. How did she die?
Copy !req
631. It was all so fast.
Copy !req
632. Honestly, I can't remember.
Copy !req
633. Gonna splash my face with some water.
Copy !req
634. Sure.
Copy !req
635. Hallucination, displacement, retreat.
Copy !req
636. You have to fight the despair.
Copy !req
637. Laws don't apply to people like us.
Copy !req
638. Takeshi, is that you?
Copy !req
639. Mom said grudges are stupid.
Copy !req
640. She said you had to let them go
or else it would kill your soul.
Copy !req
641. What do you think?
Copy !req
642. - That's not the evac route.
Copy !req
643. Why?
Copy !req
644. They gave me life.
Copy !req
645. Tak—
Copy !req
646. There's only one reason
why you wouldn't remember what happened.
Copy !req
647. You were backed up before the explosion.
Copy !req
648. I never could lie to you.
Copy !req
649. Why would you do that?
Copy !req
650. That's what she asked me.
Copy !req
651. I told her it was because
they gave me life.
Copy !req
652. But the truth is, big brother,
I did it all for you.
Copy !req