1. - Stay with me, Ortega.
Copy !req
2. - Hey! Hey, I'm talking to you.
- I'm three feet away.
Copy !req
3. Where is Samir?
Copy !req
4. Don't worry about him. He's fine.
Just concentrate on staying alive.
Copy !req
5. - He took the hit for me.
Copy !req
6. - Sit still or you're losing that sleeve.
Copy !req
7. - Oh, shit!
- Fuck.
Copy !req
8. Hey, hey. Stay awake! Stay awake!
Copy !req
9. - Open your eyes!
- I'm so tired.
Copy !req
10. Hey, talk to me. Talk to me!
Copy !req
11. Hey, hey, hey! Tell me about Ryker.
Hey, tell me about Elias.
Copy !req
12. - He had the most open cases on the squad.
- Yeah?
Copy !req
13. Drove me crazy.
Copy !req
14. Dumb and pretty, huh? Wouldn't have
thought that'd be your type.
Copy !req
15. He wasn't dumb and you're not that pretty.
Copy !req
16. Kristen, we're almost there. Almost there.
Hang on. Hey, hang on!
Copy !req
17. - I need some help here.
- Put her finger on the scanner.
Copy !req
18. - That gonna stop the fucking bleeding?
- You need to pay for services.
Copy !req
19. I'm sorry, but Miss Ortega
has insufficient resources
Copy !req
20. for specialized treatment.
Copy !req
21. - Gonna let her die?
- Of course not. We don't turn anyone away.
Copy !req
22. We'll help her as soon as we can.
Copy !req
23. I um... I just assumed that—
Copy !req
24. - Yeah.
- Please. Right this way.
Copy !req
25. - Gonna be able to save her, right?
Her stack is intact.
Copy !req
26. The danger is to her sleeve.
Her arm, it's too badly damaged.
Copy !req
27. We need to amputate.
Copy !req
28. However, we do offer a wide range
of limb replacement models
Copy !req
29. for someone with your
considerable financial resources.
Copy !req
30. These are our most popular options:
biomech, gene-spliced,
Copy !req
31. cloned, or full mechanical.
Copy !req
32. Personally, I would recommend
the Jager-Schuster model 16.
Copy !req
33. Reinforced titanium
mechanical substructure
Copy !req
34. covered in a neurachem-enhanced
cloned human skin.
Copy !req
35. Seamless interface with the patient's
nervous and musculoskeletal systems.
Copy !req
36. And the real selling point:
completely natural-looking.
Copy !req
37. Truly the best of both worlds.
Copy !req
38. Any interest in an extended warranty?
Copy !req
39. Offer me one more thing
and I'll put your head through the wall.
Copy !req
40. Payment accepted. Congratulations—
Copy !req
41. Just fix her.
Copy !req
42. Your father mentioned that my
design sense reminded him of antacid.
Copy !req
43. I thought we should vary
the color scheme a bit.
Copy !req
44. I was in the black,
Copy !req
45. and the monsters turned my insides to red.
Copy !req
46. I cannot begin to imagine
what was done to you in the real.
Copy !req
47. But I know something which might help.
Copy !req
48. Would you like to hit me?
Copy !req
49. What?
Copy !req
50. I don't wanna hurt you.
Copy !req
51. You won't.
Copy !req
52. Understand that in my making this offer,
I can feel no pain.
Copy !req
53. It is not our enemies that defeat us.
Copy !req
54. It is our fear.
Copy !req
55. Do not be afraid of the monsters,
Miss Elizabeth.
Copy !req
56. Make them... afraid of you.
Copy !req
57. Wonderful! Would you like to try again?
Copy !req
58. You want to get hit, I'll fucking hit you!
Copy !req
59. You must leave at once.
Copy !req
60. - Ladybug.
- This is dangerous.
Copy !req
61. It's me. I'm here.
Copy !req
62. I was in the forest, Daddy.
It was dark and full of monsters.
Copy !req
63. - I couldn't get out. Where were you?
- I didn't know—
Copy !req
64. I screamed and you never came!
Copy !req
65. What the hell do you think
you were doing?
Copy !req
66. - Did you see what just happened?
- I did.
Copy !req
67. You came in and disturbed her treatment
when she was making progress.
Copy !req
68. Treatment? You were telling her
to hit you, you sick fuck!
Copy !req
69. I am teaching her to feel safe again,
defend herself, body and mind.
Copy !req
70. Vigorous self-defense curriculum,
Copy !req
71. paired with psycho-surgery
and trauma therapy,
Copy !req
72. - can be beneficial to survivors—
Copy !req
73. You're the hotel and the hotel is you,
Copy !req
74. Can you feel pain?
Copy !req
75. No.
Copy !req
76. But I can feel anger.
Copy !req
77. Come on, Tin Man.
Copy !req
78. I'm receiving notification
from a local hospital.
Copy !req
79. Lieutenant Ortega has been injured.
Copy !req
80. Critically.
Copy !req
81. We're not done, Poe.
Copy !req
82. Locals.
Copy !req
83. Ultimately, they're all expendable.
Copy !req
84. Kristin isn't.
- First-name basis.
Copy !req
85. Bad sign.
Copy !req
86. I didn't say she was—
Copy !req
87. It's in the details. Don't tell me
you haven't noticed a pattern here.
Copy !req
88. She's not gonna die.
Copy !req
89. That will be a change for you.
Copy !req
90. I won't let it happen.
Copy !req
91. Not this time, not ever again.
Copy !req
92. This is what you do, love.
Copy !req
93. Stride across the centuries,
and death follows, churning in your wake.
Copy !req
94. That's poetic.
Copy !req
95. I'm a figment of your tortured psyche,
I say what you're thinking.
Copy !req
96. A man who never loves
gives no hostage to fortune,
Copy !req
97. to paraphrase a great scientist.
Copy !req
98. A man who doesn't love isn't really a man.
Copy !req
99. To paraphrase you.
Copy !req
100. Just... sleeve memory...
Copy !req
101. pheromones.
Copy !req
102. A ghost that belongs to...
Copy !req
103. To me?
Copy !req
104. That isn't who we were to each other, Tak.
Copy !req
105. Love isn't finite.
Copy !req
106. Maybe life shouldn't be either.
Copy !req
107. Maybe we should keep living, forever.
Copy !req
108. Maybe we all fought for nothing,
maybe you died for nothing.
Copy !req
109. How is she?
Copy !req
110. She's in surgery.
Copy !req
111. Son of a bitch practically
tore her arm off.
Copy !req
112. Your girl seems like a serious badass.
She'll pull through.
Copy !req
113. - She's not my girl.
- Right.
Copy !req
114. Wait, surgery? Why don't you just
buy her a new sleeve?
Copy !req
115. - She grew up Neo-C.
- Damn. She got religious coding?
Copy !req
116. No. She renounced it.
Copy !req
117. So then she could be
legally resleeved, right?
Copy !req
118. Doesn't mean she'd want me to.
She'd probably never forgive me.
Copy !req
119. Not the best time, Poe!
Copy !req
120. Nor for me. If Elliot is there,
please tell him I'm not speaking to him.
Copy !req
121. - Look, you tell him yourself!
- Obviously, I cannot.
Copy !req
122. What do you want?
Copy !req
123. I have information
that may be time-sensitive.
Copy !req
124. After searching through
a dizzying number of shell companies
Copy !req
125. and cover identities,
I found the provenance you requested
Copy !req
126. for the paintings
in Isaac Bancroft's apartment.
Copy !req
127. The buyer hails from Volgograd.
He financed the purchases
Copy !req
128. deploying a shell company
called Ural Syth Co.,
Copy !req
129. whose real owner is one Sergei Brevlov.
Copy !req
130. Sergei Brevlov. I know that name.
He was at Bancroft's dinner.
Copy !req
131. Send me his address.
I'm heading over there now.
Copy !req
132. So, your girl is being operated on
Copy !req
133. and you're still investigating for the
bloodsucking Meth. Why do you even care?
Copy !req
134. I thought we already established that.
I don't.
Copy !req
135. So Bancroft gets his killer,
Copy !req
136. you get your freedom,
and nothing else matters?
Copy !req
137. Sergei was at the party,
Copy !req
138. so was the Ghostwalker that slagged Abboud
and almost killed Kristin.
Copy !req
139. You coming?
Copy !req
140. Sure. Could use something to hit.
Copy !req
141. Well, this certainly inspires confidence
in Bay City's finest.
Copy !req
142. I'm a little busy right now, Ms. Prescott.
Copy !req
143. Not too busy for me.
Copy !req
144. You have something that belongs
to my client. He wants it back.
Copy !req
145. You tell your client he can file a request
through the proper channels.
Copy !req
146. I can see you're having
a bad day, Captain,
Copy !req
147. so I'm gonna save you from yourself
before you make it worse.
Copy !req
148. If I have to file anything at all,
Copy !req
149. Mr. Bancroft will make this
look like a picnic in the park.
Copy !req
150. You think you've seen blood?
Wait until you see your own.
Copy !req
151. Metaphorically speaking.
Copy !req
152. What is it you're here for?
Copy !req
153. Mr. Bancroft's been informed
you're holding a clone.
Copy !req
154. It is entirely unacceptable that
any clone of his would be kept, well...
Copy !req
155. somewhere like this.
Copy !req
156. Davis, take Ms. Prescott to Evidence
and help her with whatever she needs.
Copy !req
157. Don't take so long next time, Captain.
My client doesn't like to wait.
Copy !req
158. Go ahead. She'll catch up.
Copy !req
159. What is this, a holiday and somebody
forgot to tell me? Get back to work!
Copy !req
160. You wanna keep that hand?
Don't touch me again. Ever.
Copy !req
161. You may work for them,
but you're not one of them.
Copy !req
162. Don't talk to me like that
in front of my people.
Copy !req
163. You're ground-born, just like me.
We're the same.
Copy !req
164. Is that what you think?
Copy !req
165. We're not the same, Captain.
Copy !req
166. One of us is a powerless puppet
being used by forces
Copy !req
167. that can't quite be comprehended.
Copy !req
168. And the other one is me.
Copy !req
169. What is it?
Copy !req
170. Found Levine in the basement,
like Abboud.
Copy !req
171. Stack ripped out and crushed. It's RD'd.
Copy !req
172. Christ.
Copy !req
173. There were two attackers.
Why am I only seeing one?
Copy !req
174. He deleted himself from the system.
Copy !req
175. The whole fucking system,
which is not possible.
Copy !req
176. Our tech is designed to be tamperproof.
But, hey, watch this.
Copy !req
177. - What the hell am I looking at?
- I got a theory. Sort of.
Copy !req
178. When Ortega went to Bancroft's party,
she might have scanned a few guests.
Copy !req
179. Yeah, of course she did.
Copy !req
180. But one of them didn't show up on her ONI.
Copy !req
181. The way he removes himself from
the footage, deletes himself,
Copy !req
182. it's similar.
I can't be certain, but it's—
Copy !req
183. Mickey, I got two dead cops
and one torn to pieces,
Copy !req
184. so if you got a lead
you'd better be certain.
Copy !req
185. I think it's the same guy.
The Ghostwalker.
Copy !req
186. Why the hell am I just hearing
about this now?
Copy !req
187. What the fuck have you people
been smoking down here?
Copy !req
188. Anything. But that's not the point.
I— We thought—
Copy !req
189. Don't think, you hear me?
No more thinking. That's a fucking order.
Copy !req
190. I'm streaming an arrest notification
on Kadmin,
Copy !req
191. who, thanks to you, is in that gang sleeve
running around the city.
Copy !req
192. Captain, when you see Ortega,
will you just tell her that I'm sorry?
Copy !req
193. Sit.
Copy !req
194. I suppose I should thank you, Hemingway,
for sending Leung to save my life.
Copy !req
195. Now I have another chance to kill
that fucking lying murderer.
Copy !req
196. His name is Kovacs, and he's an Envoy,
Copy !req
197. - and you are never to go near him again.
- An Envoy killed my brother?
Copy !req
198. Please stop referring to your
double-sleeved copy as your "brother."
Copy !req
199. It's inaccurate. And I hate inaccuracy.
Copy !req
200. Two hundred years
we have been working together.
Copy !req
201. Side by side. Back to back.
Copy !req
202. In and out of I don't know
how many sleeves.
Copy !req
203. The only thing we had was each other.
Copy !req
204. And then this skulljump shows up
and takes him out.
Copy !req
205. - You think I will allow this?
- Loyalty.
Copy !req
206. I understand it. I respect it.
Copy !req
207. I have family myself
and I would protect them at any cost.
Copy !req
208. But this other Dimi was an idiot.
Copy !req
209. I sent him to pick up Kovacs
at the Raven Hotel and bring him back.
Copy !req
210. That is all he had to do.
Copy !req
211. Instead, he allowed his temper
to get the best of him,
Copy !req
212. and he picked a fight
with a trigger-happy AI
Copy !req
213. and ended up getting killed.
Very publicly.
Copy !req
214. I want my revenge. My brother—
Copy !req
215. - Your copy.
- I want Kovacs dead!
Copy !req
216. Then you are destined for disappointment.
Copy !req
217. One moment, please.
Copy !req
218. If you dare to interrupt his backup cycle,
I will end you. Painfully.
Copy !req
219. I need Mr. Kovacs to remain alive.
Copy !req
220. The reasons behind that are none
of your business or your concern.
Copy !req
221. All that matters is that you understand
that you are not to touch him.
Copy !req
222. You have so accurately pointed out
that the other one of you is dead,
Copy !req
223. so you need to think very carefully
about what you want to do next.
Copy !req
224. Your copy allowed his emotions
to dictate his actions
Copy !req
225. and ended up getting scattered
across the lobby.
Copy !req
226. So whatever family honor
you believe that you are owed
Copy !req
227. inside that scrambled multi-sleeved mess
that you call a mind is over.
Copy !req
228. Mr. Leung will take you to one
of our safe houses where you'll remain
Copy !req
229. until the larger situation is resolved.
Copy !req
230. What the hell? You could have knocked.
Copy !req
231. I know you. You're Laurens' Envoy.
Copy !req
232. You funneled money to Isaac
by buying artwork through a shell company.
Copy !req
233. A lot of money. Going on the run
kind of money. Where is he?
Copy !req
234. - I don't know.
- Get down!
Copy !req
235. You were pretending to be your father
for the Osaka deal.
Copy !req
236. I have no idea what you're talking about.
Copy !req
237. You're gonna pay when my dad finds out
you laid a hand on me.
Copy !req
238. You and your waiter friend.
Copy !req
239. I'm not a waiter.
And I never laid a hand on you.
Copy !req
240. Now I laid a hand on you.
Copy !req
241. Do you understand who I am?
Copy !req
242. I know exactly who you are
and who you murdered.
Copy !req
243. What? You think I killed my dad?
Copy !req
244. Look, you're crazy, okay?
You're both crazy!
Copy !req
245. - How do you know Dimi the Twin?
- I don't know anyone named Dimi.
Copy !req
246. Let him go. He didn't do anything.
Copy !req
247. You even know how to use that thing?
Copy !req
248. - Yeah, he knows how to use it.
Copy !req
249. No! Look, shoot me, okay?
Copy !req
250. I'll do whatever you want.
Just leave him alone.
Copy !req
251. You are accusing my son of murder?
Copy !req
252. Just giving your husband
information about the 48 hours he lost.
Copy !req
253. You had no right to speak with Isaac.
He has nothing to do with this.
Copy !req
254. Miriam.
Copy !req
255. What information, precisely?
Copy !req
256. You cast back from Osaka,
you went to Fightdrome.
Copy !req
257. You saw Isaac there,
exchanged a few words with him,
Copy !req
258. and then you beat him
within an inch of his life.
Copy !req
259. - Why?
- Probably because he was running around
Copy !req
260. sleeved in that clone,
pretending to be you.
Copy !req
261. My apologies, Mr. Bancroft.
Copy !req
262. Forgive me, I thought
you'd want to see the... your...
Copy !req
263. the asset right away.
Copy !req
264. - We can come back.
- Oh, no. It's all right, Oumou.
Copy !req
265. Thank you, Curtis. You can go.
Copy !req
266. Oumou, you stay.
Copy !req
267. - I don't want to intrude.
- It's not a request. Who is that?
Copy !req
268. I should wait outside.
Copy !req
269. Yeah. Probably a good idea.
Copy !req
270. So it's true, huh?
Copy !req
271. Thought you could impersonate me?
You could replace me?
Copy !req
272. Make me just...
Copy !req
273. disappear forever?
Copy !req
274. - No. That's not what it was.
- What was it then?
Copy !req
275. Dad...
Copy !req
276. How far will you go with this until
you realize how completely unjust it is?
Copy !req
277. - You refuse to see the—
- Shut your mouth.
Copy !req
278. Dad, I wanted you to see what I could do,
Copy !req
279. realize that I'm not a rich,
spoiled fuckup.
Copy !req
280. I wanted to show you
you don't have to be disappointed in me.
Copy !req
281. You should be proud of how you raised me,
of the man that I've become.
Copy !req
282. I should destroy your backups.
Copy !req
283. - I should just erase you.
- You leave him alone.
Copy !req
284. He's like this because you've coddled him.
Copy !req
285. He's our son.
No, he is a grown man.
Copy !req
286. Shouldn't need his ass wiped every time
he makes a fuckup of things.
Copy !req
287. You did this. You did this to him.
Copy !req
288. You kept him from having a chance
to become himself in life.
Copy !req
289. He didn't do it.
Copy !req
290. - Isaac didn't do it.
- Why not?
Copy !req
291. It takes a deep kind of despair
for a son to kill his father. It's...
Copy !req
292. a kind of rage that you can't escape from.
Copy !req
293. - He doesn't have it.
He's right.
Copy !req
294. Isaac couldn't have hurt anyone,
he was with me.
Copy !req
295. I took him to a grounder hospital
after you beat him. No records.
Copy !req
296. Why didn't you say this before?
Copy !req
297. Because you shouldn't
have to be told, Laurens,
Copy !req
298. by me or him or anyone,
the kind of man your son is.
Copy !req
299. How could you believe
that I would shoot you?
Copy !req
300. All that I have ever wanted
was to prove myself to you.
Copy !req
301. I don't want you dead, Dad.
Copy !req
302. I want your respect.
Copy !req
303. You know, it's a father's duty to...
Copy !req
304. be sure their children
have a fighting chance in the world.
Copy !req
305. But sometimes... sometimes
regardless of how much one would hope,
Copy !req
306. the apple falls far, far from the tree.
Copy !req
307. Don't you touch him.
Copy !req
308. Thank you for the update.
Copy !req
309. Very good work.
Copy !req
310. I look forward to the next one.
Copy !req
311. Still want to be one of them?
Copy !req
312. I have what it takes.
Copy !req
313. You know him? He was at Bancroft's party.
Copy !req
314. No.
Copy !req
315. Why do you take orders from him?
Copy !req
316. I take orders from no one.
Copy !req
317. I serve only as the right hand
in a holy cause.
Copy !req
318. You make it sound
like you're a priest.
Copy !req
319. If we do not know our role
in this world, why are we in it?
Copy !req
320. I cannot speak for you, my friend,
Copy !req
321. but I am here to kick
great amounts of ass.
Copy !req
322. Call it what you like.
Copy !req
323. You are an attack dog
on another man's leash.
Copy !req
324. I make my own way.
I'm not a tool for someone else to use.
Copy !req
325. A pawn in the army of the righteous
Copy !req
326. can be more powerful
than a king who is without faith.
Copy !req
327. Me, I prefer checkers.
Copy !req
328. This does not surprise me.
Copy !req
329. Tell me, are you a believer?
Copy !req
330. Bitch!
Copy !req
331. The offer you made to me,
I've reconsidered.
Copy !req
332. With one condition.
I need an extraction now.
Copy !req
333. Fine, fine, fine. We have a deal.
Transmitting coordinates now.
Copy !req
334. Looking forward to working with you,
Mr. Kadmin.
Copy !req
335. I barely know him.
Copy !req
336. I'm going for a coffee.
Copy !req
337. That went better than
you have any right to expect.
Copy !req
338. This looks pretty good. Like, "Hallelujah,
it's a fucking miracle" level good.
Copy !req
339. Hey.
Copy !req
340. Elias?
Copy !req
341. Whoa, whoa, whoa.
Copy !req
342. Whoa, whoa, whoa.
Where do you think you're going?
Copy !req
343. Isaac was a dead end.
I got work to do. So move.
Copy !req
344. Or what?
Copy !req
345. Okay, I already know what,
Copy !req
346. but before you put my head through a wall,
just hear me out.
Copy !req
347. Keep your voice down.
Copy !req
348. I'm not the person she wants there.
Copy !req
349. Maybe. But you're the person who's here.
Copy !req
350. So you stay.
Copy !req
351. - Hey.
- Hey.
Copy !req
352. - You might wanna take it slow there.
Copy !req
353. It's okay, I'm just a little sore.
Copy !req
354. Which is weird, I thought
I was gonna wake up in pieces.
Copy !req
355. How is Samir?
Copy !req
356. No. No, no, no, no, no, no.
Copy !req
357. You said he was all right.
You told me he was fine.
Copy !req
358. You told me not to worry.
You said he was fine.
Copy !req
359. He didn't make it.
Copy !req
360. Real death.
Copy !req
361. You lied to me.
Copy !req
362. You were dying and there wasn't
anything you could have done.
Copy !req
363. You lied to me!
Copy !req
364. - What the fuck? What the fuck?
- So, about the arm—
Copy !req
365. I'm unconscious for ten fucking minutes
and you start replacing my body parts?
Copy !req
366. Was either replace the arm
or lose the sleeve.
Copy !req
367. And that's the best
Bancroft money can buy.
Copy !req
368. Anything else you told them
to change out while I was under?
Copy !req
369. Since you were doing renovations.
Copy !req
370. - No, everything else was great.
- You made Bancroft pay for it?
Copy !req
371. State of the art. You can use it
to bash my face in if you want.
Copy !req
372. - Give you an Ortega family bulk deal.
- Don't tempt me.
Copy !req
373. - Am I interrupting?
- Oh, please. Interrupt.
Copy !req
374. Yeah, come in.
Copy !req
375. Yeah.
Copy !req
376. - The whole arm, huh?
- Apparently replaceable.
Copy !req
377. - How's Mickey? Is he okay?
- Don't worry about Mickey. He's fine.
Copy !req
378. He's on the case. How are you?
Copy !req
379. Alive.
Copy !req
380. Samir was a hero, Kristin.
Copy !req
381. I saw the footage.
He died saving your life.
Copy !req
382. I'm putting in a recommendation for him.
Copy !req
383. The Medal of Valor. He'll be on the wall
alongside your father.
Copy !req
384. - He told me to stop the Ryker case—
- Don't do this.
Copy !req
385. - This is my fucking fault.
- You can't blame yourself.
Copy !req
386. Nice flowers.
Copy !req
387. So Mickey... Mickey's not suspended?
Copy !req
388. No, of course not. Why would he be?
Copy !req
389. Really nice flowers.
Copy !req
390. - Really nice, expensive flowers.
- Kovacs?
Copy !req
391. Forgive me for being sorry for her loss.
Copy !req
392. It's too much.
You're asking for forgiveness.
Copy !req
393. Which makes me wonder for what.
Copy !req
394. You son of a bitch,
let's take this outside.
Copy !req
395. And Mickey's "on the case"?
Copy !req
396. He shouldn't be in the fucking building.
He lied to you.
Copy !req
397. So why is he still employed?
Copy !req
398. Maybe because if you suspend him,
there'd be an investigation,
Copy !req
399. and you'd have to document
what he was hiding from you.
Copy !req
400. Someone doesn't want
that information out in the world,
Copy !req
401. so you're keeping it quiet.
Copy !req
402. But you're here. You're concerned.
Copy !req
403. You brought the bouquet of guilt.
Copy !req
404. You clearly didn't expect the attack,
Copy !req
405. - which means they don't own you.
- Boss?
Copy !req
406. They just pay you to look the other way
from time to time.
Copy !req
407. No one was supposed to get hurt.
Copy !req
408. Could you give us a minute?
Copy !req
409. Take as many as you need.
Copy !req
410. I trusted you. My father trusted you.
Copy !req
411. Samir trusted you!
Copy !req
412. Look at where we are.
Why your sleeve is even alive.
Copy !req
413. Meth money.
Copy !req
414. Do you really think we have any power?
The police? We're nothing.
Copy !req
415. The best we can do is keep our heads down,
Copy !req
416. do a little good when we can.
We are not going to change anything.
Copy !req
417. So you let cop-killers into the station
because you're a victim of society?
Copy !req
418. - Huh?
- I didn't let them in.
Copy !req
419. - I didn't know anything about it!
- Not convinced.
Copy !req
420. I just...
Copy !req
421. I just take a few credits on the side
to keep him in the loop,
Copy !req
422. to keep him informed about what's
going on at the station. That's all.
Copy !req
423. Who do you talk to? Who?
Copy !req
424. I don't know.
I've never actually seen his face.
Copy !req
425. I ping him on a burner, and we meet
at a cheap VR cafe in Oakland.
Copy !req
426. Ping him.
Copy !req
427. - And send me the address.
- All right.
Copy !req
428. Now!
Copy !req
429. Yeah.
Copy !req
430. - You had a productive conversation?
Copy !req
431. He gave me what I wanted
and I let him live.
Copy !req
432. Where the fuck are my clothes?
Copy !req
433. Let's go.
Copy !req
434. I'd like to buy some time.
Copy !req
435. Pay by the minute, credits up front.
Low-rez only.
Copy !req
436. There's no ID on the VR address
Tanaka gave me.
Copy !req
437. We're going into the pipe blind.
Copy !req
438. All right, patch me in.
- No. I go in.
Copy !req
439. Look... there's an Envoy thing
called controlling the construct.
Copy !req
440. I can modulate the system to make
myself look like Tanaka. So just...
Copy !req
441. I hate it when you're smug.
Copy !req
442. Pay by the minute, credits up front.
Low-rez only.
Copy !req
443. Hey. I'll find out who he is. For Abboud.
Copy !req
444. What's so urgent
that it couldn't wait?
Copy !req
445. You heard what happened at Fell Street?
Copy !req
446. Unfortunate casualties,
but the results were achieved.
Copy !req
447. I never agreed to this.
Not anything like this.
Copy !req
448. I want a meeting in the real.
Copy !req
449. I want to speak face to face with you
and I want an explanation.
Copy !req
450. You know the terms
of this arrangement.
Copy !req
451. You're not Tanaka. Who are you?
Copy !req
452. Of course I am. Who else could I be?
Copy !req
453. Takeshi, is that you?
Copy !req
454. - Wh— Why'd you pull me out?
- Something's wrong. Do you hear that?
Copy !req
455. - I don't hear anything.
- Exactly. Come on.
Copy !req
456. I've been thinking that's fucking enough.
Copy !req
457. Move!
Copy !req
458. Hello again, Lieutenant. And Mr. Kovacs.
Copy !req
459. Nothing quite like a familiar face,
is there?
Copy !req
460. It's impossible not to see the person
you once were.
Copy !req
461. Like an afterimage
burned onto living flesh.
Copy !req
462. This used to be your sleeve, yes?
Copy !req
463. That has added value to me.
Copy !req
464. What would it feel like, dying at my hand,
Copy !req
465. your hand? Your face, my face?
Copy !req
466. - You sick son of a bitch.
Copy !req
467. Dimi. We're gonna fucking
erase you, Kadmin.
Copy !req
468. But not today.
Copy !req
469. What the fuck do you want?
Copy !req
470. You RD'd my brother
and now I have to replace him.
Copy !req
471. A mind for a mind.
Double-sleeving, it's not cheap.
Copy !req
472. You owe me, Kovacs.
Copy !req
473. - Oh, I'm gonna pay you back.
Copy !req
474. - It's time.
- Carnage.
Copy !req
475. I can't have you telling people
the Panama Rose isn't what I claim it is.
Copy !req
476. Never threaten a man's profit margin.
Copy !req
477. Let her go. You only need me.
Copy !req
478. They're paying for a love story.
You and your girl die together.
Copy !req
479. - She's not my girl.
- I'm not his girl. I don't even like him.
Copy !req
480. Thanks.
Copy !req
481. Seems like a lot of people don't like him.
Copy !req
482. Ryker! Ryker!
Ryker! Ryker! Ryker!
Copy !req
483. I'm not fucking Ryker.
Copy !req
484. They don't know that!
Copy !req
485. Ryker! Ryker!
Copy !req
486. Ladies and gentlemen!
Copy !req
487. Welcome to Fightdrome!
Copy !req
488. Tonight, we bring you a very special,
very exclusive Fightdrome event.
Copy !req
489. One time, and one time only,
Copy !req
490. you alone in this room
with the man who has hurt you
Copy !req
491. and those that you love.
Copy !req
492. And so tonight, you will see
the love of his life hurt,
Copy !req
493. her stack cut from her sleeve,
her very soul destroyed!
Copy !req
494. All in front of this monster's eyes!
Copy !req
495. You will see the final
and the most terrible humiliation of
Copy !req
496. Elias Ryker!
Copy !req
497. Remember my brother, motherfucker?
Copy !req
498. Ryker was a real charmer.
Copy !req
499. And you make friends wherever you go.
Copy !req
500. For this is a love story...
with a body count!
Copy !req
501. Real blood, real pain, real death!
Copy !req
502. Not good.
Copy !req
503. What the...?
Copy !req
504. Ortega!
Copy !req
505. Kill them!
Copy !req
506. Right now,
I bet you're starting to wonder,
Copy !req
507. "Why didn't he open my artery?"
Copy !req
508. Huh?
Copy !req
509. "Why didn't he take my arm off?"
Copy !req
510. "Is his aim off?
Copy !req
511. Am I that lucky?"
Copy !req
512. "Or are his blades laced with Reaper?"
Copy !req
513. Just a taste.
Copy !req
514. Real death! Real death!
Copy !req
515. - I'm not even trying.
Copy !req
516. I'm going to cut her apart
piece by piece, okay?
Copy !req
517. Kill! Kill! Kill!
Copy !req
518. Die!
Copy !req
519. Kovacs, I...
Copy !req
520. I really like my new arm.
Copy !req
521. Kill them both! Now!
Copy !req
522. Close the gates!
Copy !req
523. Hey, big brother.
Copy !req