1. When everyone lies,
telling the truth isn't just rebellion.
Copy !req
2. It's an act of revolution.
Copy !req
3. So think carefully when you speak it,
because the truth is a weapon.
Copy !req
4. So how'd she die?
Copy !req
5. Did she fall? Jump?
Copy !req
6. Was she fucking pushed?
Copy !req
7. Who?
Copy !req
8. Just a little bubblefab street whore
named Mary Lou Henchy.
Copy !req
9. I never heard of her.
Copy !req
10. From that height,
it's the impact on the water killed her.
Copy !req
11. But when the cops went to spin her up,
they found out she was coded Neo-C.
Copy !req
12. Maybe she kept it secret.
Copy !req
13. Not from me. We grew up together.
Copy !req
14. You're a senior sys op,
interplanetary record and coding.
Copy !req
15. Listen, you got root access
to the entire Protectorate database.
Copy !req
16. I'm just a systems tech.
I don't handle religious conversions.
Copy !req
17. But you didn't do a religious conversion.
Copy !req
18. You faked her code.
Copy !req
19. You can't fake religious coding
on a stack.
Copy !req
20. What the hell do you want from me?
Copy !req
21. How did she die?
Copy !req
22. Oh, God, I don't know.
Copy !req
23. - How did she die?
- I don't know.
Copy !req
24. - How did she fucking die?
I don't know!
Copy !req
25. Put the gun down.
Step away from him.
Copy !req
26. There's no witness
on Mary Lou's conversion,
Copy !req
27. no personal statement,
no four levels of fucking protocol.
Copy !req
28. - Just his office writing the re-code.
- I don't know what he's talking about.
Copy !req
29. Someone runs you.
Copy !req
30. And you're gonna tell me who.
Copy !req
31. Hey, think about this.
Copy !req
32. CTAC doesn't handle religious coding.
That's domestic systems jurisdiction.
Copy !req
33. They only touch DHF
when someone's shipping between worlds,
Copy !req
34. and I don't think Mary Lou
ever got close to jumping planets.
Copy !req
35. The reason why he has no answers
is because what you are talking about
Copy !req
36. is not real.
Copy !req
37. There's no conspiracy.
Copy !req
38. Just a dead friend.
Copy !req
39. And you and me. You and me.
Copy !req
40. - Yeah. Yeah.
- Oh...
Copy !req
41. Ah...
Copy !req
42. Go, go. Go. Go.
Copy !req
43. Hey.
Copy !req
44. She's all alone in there.
Copy !req
45. I know, Ryker.
Copy !req
46. I know.
Copy !req
47. I'm wearing your fucking boyfriend?
Copy !req
48. - You didn't think to mention that?
- I have trust issues.
Copy !req
49. Yeah? With me or him?
Copy !req
50. With you. You don't find a killer,
you go back on ice.
Copy !req
51. - Little conflict of interest there.
- Bancroft sleeves me in a crooked cop.
Copy !req
52. Might as well have "shoot me"
branded on my forehead.
Copy !req
53. And you don't say anything
because you want me to fail
Copy !req
54. - so you can get Ryker back.
- Ryker wasn't crooked.
Copy !req
55. In case you hadn't realized.
When are you gonna get it?
Copy !req
56. Bancroft wasn't murdered.
Copy !req
57. So you've been following me to make sure
this sleeve doesn't get damaged
Copy !req
58. because you knew
people wanted to damage it.
Copy !req
59. You ever think some of them
might be gunning for me, not Ryker?
Copy !req
60. I followed you because you're a terrorist.
Copy !req
61. Dimi 1 came after me at the Raven.
Copy !req
62. Ever wonder why he was here?
Why he knew my real name?
Copy !req
63. Then we got Dimi the Second,
Mr. Disembodied.
Copy !req
64. Works me over in virtual,
only he doesn't know my real name.
Copy !req
65. Just sees the skin, calls me Ryker.
Copy !req
66. But here's the best part.
Copy !req
67. He thinks that Ryker killed
his so-called brother, Dimi the First.
Copy !req
68. - Now why would he think that?
- Just get to the point.
Copy !req
69. Because Dimi the Second framed Ryker
for the murder of a CTAC.
Copy !req
70. Dimi's a real fucking talker
when he's chopping your body parts off.
Copy !req
71. Dimi the Twin framed Ryker?
Copy !req
72. Ryker's conspiracy,
Bancroft's murder, they're connected.
Copy !req
73. How?
Copy !req
74. Fuckin' ask him.
Copy !req
75. I want to go in and see her.
Copy !req
76. - Lizzie's getting better.
- No thanks to you.
Copy !req
77. - This is not your decision.
- Oh, it most certainly is.
Copy !req
78. You empowered me to make
medical decisions for Miss Elizabeth.
Copy !req
79. That is what I'm talking about.
Copy !req
80. No one's ever called her Elizabeth
in her life.
Copy !req
81. - Kovacs.
Not now.
Copy !req
82. I need to talk to you about Lizzie
and this megalomaniac you call a hotel.
Copy !req
83. I don't have time for this.
Copy !req
84. I told you before, we're not friends.
I don't owe you a goddamn thing.
Copy !req
85. I'm chasing down my fucking leads
to get what I need.
Copy !req
86. Which, in case anyone is interested,
is my freedom.
Copy !req
87. - If I may...
- Did I fucking stutter?
Copy !req
88. No, your speech was quite clear,
Copy !req
89. - if a trifle laden with obscenities.
- That's not what he meant.
Copy !req
90. Don't talk to me again unless you have
something useful to say, okay?
Copy !req
91. That is a piece of rare,
antique linen that...
Copy !req
92. you obviously are going to have
Copy !req
93. Professionally!
Copy !req
94. Hey, Kovacs.
How'd you get in here?
Copy !req
95. The guards'll be fine. Well, except for
the broken jaw and shattered leg.
Copy !req
96. Yeah, well, I'm gonna
have to ask you to leave. Hey!
Copy !req
97. Takeshi...
Copy !req
98. stop damaging the help.
Copy !req
99. - Where is he?
Copy !req
100. - Can I get you a drink?
- I asked you a question.
Copy !req
101. Laurens has gone to the Old City
to minister to the masses.
Copy !req
102. I could get you a car if you'd like.
Copy !req
103. Or you could stay a while. With me.
Copy !req
104. Did you like what we did together?
Copy !req
105. Seems like a long time ago.
Copy !req
106. It was night before last.
Copy !req
107. Well, I've been in virtual for a while.
Busy screaming and dying.
Copy !req
108. Because of the case?
Copy !req
109. Not a lot of other reasons
for people to wanna kill me.
Copy !req
110. Takeshi-san, listen to me.
Copy !req
111. I want you to drop the case.
Copy !req
112. I'll double whatever he's offering you.
Copy !req
113. Buy you a new identity anywhere
in the Protectorate. A new life.
Copy !req
114. He'll never find you.
Copy !req
115. My husband dragged you here
and he locked you into a deal
Copy !req
116. you had no choice but to accept.
Copy !req
117. Do you really think he'll set you free?
Copy !req
118. That's what the lease says.
I expect him to honor it.
Copy !req
119. Mmm. Honor.
Copy !req
120. He threw you into a fight pit.
Copy !req
121. No. When you learn the truth,
the only possible truth,
Copy !req
122. that Laurens pulled the trigger,
that he was weak and he gave up,
Copy !req
123. he's a coward,
he won't forgive you for that.
Copy !req
124. Your freedom, that thing you want so much,
Copy !req
125. he'll make sure you never see it.
Copy !req
126. You have no idea what he's capable of.
Copy !req
127. You're terrified.
Copy !req
128. He will want someone to punish.
Copy !req
129. And my family means everything to me.
Copy !req
130. Laurens will not allow what he loves
to grow and change.
Copy !req
131. Our children, he's trapped them in kind of
a benevolent dependence forever.
Copy !req
132. And when a Meth says "forever,"
it isn't hyperbole.
Copy !req
133. So you're afraid of what he'll do
to all of you.
Copy !req
134. I don't believe in punishment.
Copy !req
135. I believe in reward.
Copy !req
136. I have an island. It's mine.
Not even Laurens knows about it.
Copy !req
137. Built a complex there, with a clone tank,
resleeving facilities...
Copy !req
138. Sometimes I decant the clones
and let them play.
Copy !req
139. Do you understand what I'm offering you?
Copy !req
140. Imagine more of me.
Copy !req
141. A pack of bodies,
Copy !req
142. orchestrated by the same mind,
with a singular focus.
Copy !req
143. You.
Copy !req
144. I'm multi-sleeved.
Copy !req
145. That could get you erased.
Copy !req
146. Mmm. Uncountable, my sins.
Copy !req
147. And you can have all of me,
for as long as you'd like.
Copy !req
148. And when you're finished, your freedom.
Copy !req
149. I'm not here to save you, Miriam.
Copy !req
150. I believe I'm the one
offering to do the saving.
Copy !req
151. Think about it.
Copy !req
152. But don't take too long.
We're running out of time.
Copy !req
153. Hey, Mickey... I have another job for you.
Copy !req
154. You're gonna have to keep it quiet.
Copy !req
155. Whatever you say, Lieutenant.
Copy !req
156. Number two.
Copy !req
157. Thanks.
Copy !req
158. Officer Levine.
Copy !req
159. - Are you a believer?
- What?
Copy !req
160. Faith, Officer.
Copy !req
161. You wear it openly.
Copy !req
162. Ah. It's just a ring, man.
- Is it?
Copy !req
163. I see a proud artifact of your heritage.
Copy !req
164. Forgive me.
Copy !req
165. You meet too few of the Chosen
in this city.
Copy !req
166. Hey.
Copy !req
167. You a believer?
Copy !req
168. This is a restricted area.
Copy !req
169. I work for Bancroft.
Copy !req
170. Warning. You are entering...
Copy !req
171. You're gonna need these.
Copy !req
172. No prolonged skin contact.
You touch them, you die.
Copy !req
173. City Father!
City Father! City Father!
Copy !req
174. Want chocolate?
Copy !req
175. Who wants to play
rock-paper-scissors? Yes!
Copy !req
176. What are you doing here, Kovacs?
Copy !req
177. I didn't send for you.
Copy !req
178. You put me in this body
just to punish Ortega.
Copy !req
179. Go wait for me by the truck, little ones.
Go on. Run along.
Copy !req
180. Keep your hands covered
or risk getting infected.
Copy !req
181. You needed an effective sleeve.
Copy !req
182. She needed to be taught some respect.
Copy !req
183. Two birds, one stone.
Copy !req
184. Petty move. Wasted my time.
Childish for someone your age, isn't it?
Copy !req
185. What could you possibly know
about my age, Kovacs?
Copy !req
186. Good point. I'd have chosen
a younger sleeve. Something more virile.
Copy !req
187. Oh. Yes.
Copy !req
188. No doubt.
Copy !req
189. But then a young man sees himself
as a fighting and fucking machine, huh?
Copy !req
190. But the truth is, it's at this age
that a man achieves real respect,
Copy !req
191. for he has battled many times
and clearly triumphed.
Copy !req
192. Who...
Copy !req
193. Who are the most potent gods
after all, huh?
Copy !req
194. Thank you.
- Odin.
Copy !req
195. Jupiter. Zeus.
Copy !req
196. A colossus is rarely a young man.
Copy !req
197. He is father. With many children.
Copy !req
198. You're infected.
Copy !req
199. Well, no one from the outside world
will touch them.
Copy !req
200. So this is my sacrifice
to help them feel noticed.
Copy !req
201. It's spreading fast.
Copy !req
202. Is it some kind of bio-weapon?
Copy !req
203. A contagion bomb went off by accident.
Copy !req
204. These are the survivors?
They're descendants.
Copy !req
205. The plague killed thousands within hours.
Copy !req
206. But left these carriers, you see.
Copy !req
207. And they were sealed off
in hundreds of camps like these.
Copy !req
208. This isn't sacrifice. It's theater.
Copy !req
209. If you care so much,
why don't you buy them new sleeves?
Copy !req
210. You're saying
because I cannot fix everything,
Copy !req
211. I should fix nothing at all.
Copy !req
212. Where is it? Where's the coffee?
Copy !req
213. Jesus. You, coffee. Hot.
Copy !req
214. Hey, hey.
Copy !req
215. - Hey. Found my Ghostwalker yet?
- Working on it.
Copy !req
216. Gonna get you to stop asking me
to do things off the books?
Copy !req
217. Nope.
Copy !req
218. God damn it.
Copy !req
219. It's Dimi the Twin.
I need to spin him up in virtual.
Copy !req
220. Then we got him? The double-sleever,
that's great for erasure.
Copy !req
221. I need to ask him a few questions.
About Ryker.
Copy !req
222. - You don't want this logged.
- I don't want this logged.
Copy !req
223. There's no way that we spin him up
in virtual without logging him.
Copy !req
224. - We'd have to sleeve him in the real.
- Fine. Then we sleeve him.
Copy !req
225. Okay. All right.
I'll open a personality-fragged sociopath
Copy !req
226. with several decades' worth
of counter-infiltration firmware
Copy !req
227. and a reputation for wanton real death,
Copy !req
228. and throw him in the first available body.
Copy !req
229. Great. You're the best, Mickey.
Copy !req
230. Ow.
Copy !req
231. - You really are the best.
- I'm pretty good.
Copy !req
232. Mm-hmm. Mmm! Oh, my God,
this is cold, God damn it!
Copy !req
233. Call me when you're done.
Copy !req
234. I give them
something to believe in.
Copy !req
235. It's just another display of power.
Copy !req
236. Then you have misunderstood me.
Copy !req
237. For power, true power, is... is hidden.
Copy !req
238. Like a mammoth sea creature
Copy !req
239. just beneath the surface of the ocean.
Copy !req
240. Nothing but the faintest of ripples.
Copy !req
241. I'd love to stay and debate
the finer points with you.
Copy !req
242. I— I'm gonna cast out soon.
Copy !req
243. How long do we have?
Copy !req
244. Are you stealing his liquor now?
Copy !req
245. It's only stealing if you get caught.
See any cops?
Copy !req
246. Oh, I'm sorry. Is this a bad time?
Copy !req
247. Nope.
Copy !req
248. - Why are you here?
Copy !req
249. Because I'm her partner.
Copy !req
250. And because you wearing that face
is tearing her apart.
Copy !req
251. So she told you I found out?
Copy !req
252. This gonna be one of those
friendly warnings?
Copy !req
253. It started friendly.
Copy !req
254. Ryker and Kristin, they were close.
Copy !req
255. After he went down,
she came apart at the seams.
Copy !req
256. She believed she was responsible,
so she convinced herself he was set up.
Copy !req
257. But the man had demons.
Copy !req
258. And enemies.
Copy !req
259. You know she's been paying
his sleeve mortgage?
Copy !req
260. And on a lieutenant's pay.
That's not an easy thing to do.
Copy !req
261. She never figured on an overbid
like Bancroft pulled. It was terrible.
Copy !req
262. I know what you are.
Copy !req
263. And I know that men and women
in harm's way grow closer.
Copy !req
264. Promise to treat her
with decency and fairness.
Copy !req
265. And whatever this insanity is
with Bancroft, you keep her away from it.
Copy !req
266. So what's my word worth to you?
Copy !req
267. Then I'll make my own promise.
Copy !req
268. Hurt her, and I kill you.
Copy !req
269. - You think you can keep that?
- I do.
Copy !req
270. You will take care of Kristin
or you will answer to me.
Copy !req
271. I'm not here to save anyone.
Copy !req
272. Not even yourself?
Copy !req
273. I brought you something
you can actually use.
Copy !req
274. I spoke with a member of my union.
Copy !req
275. - You're part of a union?
- The AI Management Association.
Copy !req
276. We manage a plethora of establishments.
Copy !req
277. Music performance halls, restaurants,
and various entertainment venues.
Copy !req
278. The point,
before the next fuckin' ice age.
Copy !req
279. Ah, yes, well. It's Madison.
Copy !req
280. The AI who manages Fightdrome.
Copy !req
281. Welcome home.
Copy !req
282. Calm down.
Copy !req
283. Oh!
Copy !req
284. You're an abomination!
Copy !req
285. Don't shoot!
Copy !req
286. Mom, give me that.
Copy !req
287. The hell's going on?
Copy !req
288. I've got this. Give me that.
Copy !req
289. Okay, well, that explains everything.
Copy !req
290. - What the hell?
- Guess she didn't like Ryker much, huh?
Copy !req
291. Yeah, well.
Copy !req
292. You know, it's getting easier
to imagine putting holes in you
Copy !req
293. every time you open your mouth.
Copy !req
294. - I got a lead on Bancroft's murder.
Oh, yeah?
Copy !req
295. He was at Fightdrome
the night he was killed.
Copy !req
296. AI that manages the place
says there's footage.
Copy !req
297. Fightdrome doesn't do footage.
That's the whole point.
Copy !req
298. People pay top dollar
for once-in-a-lifetime bloodlettings.
Copy !req
299. Just trust me.
Copy !req
300. You sound just like Ryker.
Copy !req
301. You guys used to be partners.
Copy !req
302. Okay.
Copy !req
303. What are you getting at?
Copy !req
304. Ryker have any mannerisms
or speech patterns I should be aware of?
Copy !req
305. Well, I did the talking and Ryker
mostly stood there looking angry.
Copy !req
306. - I can do angry.
- Yeah, no shit.
Copy !req
307. Just cross your arms or something.
Copy !req
308. My, my.
Copy !req
309. Elias Ryker.
Copy !req
310. So the rumors are true.
Copy !req
311. You're back from the rack
and riding your old skin.
Copy !req
312. - How'd that happen, Lieutenant?
- None of your business, Carnage.
Copy !req
313. Is that a new synth sleeve?
Thought the whole point was
Copy !req
314. you could rearrange the face
into whatever you want.
Copy !req
315. It is.
Copy !req
316. And I did.
Copy !req
317. Ah. Sorry. Private property.
Copy !req
318. I think my all-access pass is that
you have cameras recording the fights.
Copy !req
319. I built my brand on never broadcasting,
never recording anything—
Copy !req
320. Laurens Bancroft was here
the night he died.
Copy !req
321. We're following up.
We'd like to look at what happened.
Copy !req
322. - Or should I return with a warrant?
Copy !req
323. Hmm.
Copy !req
324. Take it down a little bit.
Copy !req
325. What?
Copy !req
326. Stocked up on inventory.
Copy !req
327. Ever expanding.
Copy !req
328. We have a humiliation bout coming soon.
Copy !req
329. - Very exclusive.
Oh, yeah?
Copy !req
330. Still working out the details.
But we do have our subject matter.
Copy !req
331. - Classic or modern?
Oh, bit of both.
Copy !req
332. So, who talked?
Copy !req
333. We have data rats.
Rats dig. They dug something up.
Copy !req
334. Does your rat have a name?
I'd like to meet him. Or her.
Copy !req
335. - Or it.
Sure. I'll introduce you.
Copy !req
336. Hot rod Envoy flesh,
with all the modern accoutrements.
Copy !req
337. Taken from DNA harvested
on Harlan's World.
Copy !req
338. You like it?
Copy !req
339. Yeah. I can tell.
Copy !req
340. I found a single cloning facility
in Edmonton
Copy !req
341. willing to stitch together
something ancient and illegal
Copy !req
342. for a one-time bloodletting.
Copy !req
343. Cost me a king's ransom to grow him,
but people love the classics.
Copy !req
344. Would you like to see it fight?
Copy !req
345. Would you like to see it die?
Copy !req
346. Or maybe you'd like to wear it?
Copy !req
347. This old thing's worn out.
Copy !req
348. Come back Friday.
Copy !req
349. I'll put on a private show.
Copy !req
350. Come on, Ryker.
Copy !req
351. Pre-digital tape?
Copy !req
352. Old-school.
Copy !req
353. Practically pre-school
and thus unhackable.
Copy !req
354. But apparently still whispered about
in the datastream.
Copy !req
355. Hmm. That's Isaac.
Copy !req
356. And here comes Bancroft.
Copy !req
357. Bancroft was clearly on something.
Copy !req
358. Or clearly wanted
to kill the shit out of his son.
Copy !req
359. There.
Copy !req
360. I've given you a free show,
Copy !req
361. which is more than anyone else alive
has ever gotten from me.
Copy !req
362. Show's over.
Copy !req
363. You know I can read lips, right?
Copy !req
364. - See, Bancroft kept saying,
Copy !req
365. "You're not me. You never will be,"
over and over again.
Copy !req
366. What do you make of that?
Copy !req
367. Look, you want to believe
the guy was murdered, so...
Copy !req
368. father attacked son. That goes to motive.
Copy !req
369. But Isaac and just about
everyone else on Earth
Copy !req
370. didn't have the means.
Copy !req
371. No one can open that gun safe
except Miriam or Bancroft.
Copy !req
372. It's gene-locked.
Copy !req
373. I was trying to get Ryker
to quit this shit.
Copy !req
374. Jeez.
Copy !req
375. This is it.
Copy !req
376. I could call for a search warrant,
Copy !req
377. but it may be faster to go
for a knock and—
Copy !req
378. Or Kovacs. We could Kovacs.
Copy !req
379. What?
Copy !req
380. Security alarms all call the police.
And I am the police.
Copy !req
381. Bills of sale.
Copy !req
382. These are real.
Copy !req
383. Emitters.
Copy !req
384. They're ONI-keyed.
Copy !req
385. I can override the security seals.
Copy !req
386. Why is he watching this?
Copy !req
387. He hates his father.
Copy !req
388. How do I know you are who you are?
Copy !req
389. Before stacks, yeah. A face is a face.
But now, could be anyone in there.
Copy !req
390. It's up to you.
Copy !req
391. Kovacs.
Copy !req
392. There you go.
Copy !req
393. Wow.
Copy !req
394. Portable 3-D bio-organic printer.
Copy !req
395. Do you have any idea
how illegal and expensive these are?
Copy !req
396. The cell mass you need to print is just...
Copy !req
397. Wow.
Copy !req
398. Even Bancroft slow-grows his clones.
Copy !req
399. This must have cost Isaac
everything he had.
Copy !req
400. Guess we know why
he was selling art.
Copy !req
401. Bancroft.
Copy !req
402. The Japanese didn't deal with Bancroft
in Osaka.
Copy !req
403. Bancroft wasn't Bancroft.
Copy !req
404. It was Isaac.
Copy !req
405. Japanese told me they'd been dealing
with Bancroft for months.
Copy !req
406. Then Bancroft closes the deal
in less than 48 hours?
Copy !req
407. Doesn't let Isaac use an older sleeve,
Copy !req
408. keeps him young
so no one takes him serious.
Copy !req
409. But if Bancroft dies...
Copy !req
410. the kids get nothing.
Copy !req
411. So he can't die.
Copy !req
412. Isaac didn't have to compete
with his father. He could be his father.
Copy !req
413. Replace him, take everything he had.
Copy !req
414. So how does it feel...
Copy !req
415. to be a few hours away from freedom?
Copy !req
416. - I have to call this in.
Copy !req
417. It's Ortega.
Copy !req
418. I need a team for a gene-mat sweep
and transport for an unlicensed sleeve.
Copy !req
419. 3-D printed.
Copy !req
420. Yeah, might as well pick up
the printer, too.
Copy !req
421. Sure. I'll wait here.
Copy !req
422. Finding truth is more
than a search for data.
Copy !req
423. It's an excavation of self.
Copy !req
424. You have to keep going,
no matter where it takes you.
Copy !req
425. Because nothing can stay hidden forever.
Copy !req
426. You're coming with me. Now.
Copy !req
427. You're gonna need this.
Copy !req
428. - This is Ryker's place?
- It's our place.
Copy !req
429. Or was gonna be.
Copy !req
430. Take that off.
Copy !req
431. Sit down.
Copy !req
432. This is gonna hurt.
Copy !req
433. I guess you stitched up Ryker a lot, too?
Copy !req
434. Someone had to.
Copy !req
435. Where's this from?
Copy !req
436. A dealer in the Mariposa district,
high on synamorphesterone.
Copy !req
437. It's a male aggression enhancer.
Copy !req
438. They call it Stallion.
Copy !req
439. Guy killed half his family
by the time Ryker got there.
Copy !req
440. This is what it took
to save the other half.
Copy !req
441. What about this one?
Copy !req
442. Steel-tipped boot with a toe blade.
Copy !req
443. Right Hand of God martyr,
resisted arrest in New Haight.
Copy !req
444. When you look in my eyes...
Copy !req
445. what do you see?
Copy !req
446. They're not your eyes.
Copy !req
447. What about this?
Copy !req
448. That one's from me.
Copy !req
449. I forget why, but you deserved it.
Copy !req
450. This is a mistake.
Copy !req
451. When I look into his eyes,
I see you looking back at me, and...
Copy !req
452. it's been a long time
since someone looked at me like that.
Copy !req
453. I'm sorry I'm not Elias.
Copy !req
454. Just shut the fuck up.
Copy !req
455. Wake up.
Copy !req
456. - Hey.
- Hey.
Copy !req
457. Who's this?
Copy !req
458. Mary Lou Henchy.
Copy !req
459. Someone offed the CTAC
and pinned it on Ryker.
Copy !req
460. BCPD! Open the door! Ryker!
Copy !req
461. - What the fuck?
- Ryker, you're under arrest
Copy !req
462. for the murder of Leonid Kye Harris,
Copy !req
463. a senior sys op and CTAC administrator.
Copy !req
464. - What the hell are you talking about?
- Kristin, stay out of this.
Copy !req
465. Captain, I didn't kill anyone.
Copy !req
466. Then you won't mind coming in.
Copy !req
467. They got to you.
Copy !req
468. - Whoa! Whoa!
- They get to everyone.
Copy !req
469. - Elias...
- Nobody got to me, son.
Copy !req
470. This doesn't have to happen.
Copy !req
471. - Elias.
Now just put the gun down.
Copy !req
472. You fucked me.
Copy !req
473. Elias, put the gun down.
Copy !req
474. You gonna arrest me
for doing my fucking job?
Copy !req
475. Elias. Put it down. Put it down.
Copy !req
476. Just... look at me. Look at me.
Copy !req
477. If this is a mistake...
Copy !req
478. If?
Copy !req
479. - You have nothing to—
- If?
Copy !req
480. If?
Copy !req
481. Go.
Copy !req
482. How could you not fucking believe me?
How could you not fucking believe me?
Copy !req
483. Don't fucking...
Copy !req
484. Mary Lou's mother came to the station.
She was...
Copy !req
485. She was desperate, so...
Copy !req
486. I made sure
she got Mary Lou's sleeve back.
Copy !req
487. But I kept her,
Copy !req
488. just in case by some fucking miracle
we get to ask her what happened to her.
Copy !req
489. Look at all these people.
Copy !req
490. All my answers are right here
and I just can't have them.
Copy !req
491. I've got nothing.
Copy !req
492. You will not be forgiven.
Copy !req
493. I've seen these two before.
Copy !req
494. They were murdered?
Copy !req
495. Yeah.
Copy !req
496. Every one of them sleeve-dead
Copy !req
497. and every one of them
supposedly converted Neo-C.
Copy !req
498. You believe the conversions are fake?
Copy !req
499. Ryker did.
Copy !req
500. - Be a hell of a market for that.
- Mmm-hmm.
Copy !req
501. Except it's impossible,
like a lot of things right now.
Copy !req
502. There's this man who doesn't exist.
Copy !req
503. Mickey calls him the Ghostwalker.
I saw him at Bancroft's party,
Copy !req
504. but somehow he wipes his image
from all recordings on the fly.
Copy !req
505. How?
Copy !req
506. What does it look like?
Copy !req
507. I'm not sure about the mustache.
Copy !req
508. This guy and Dimi are the only leads
I have left on the Mary Lou Henchy case.
Copy !req
509. So you figure if he can cover his tracks,
then maybe he covered hers?
Copy !req
510. Erased information on how she fell,
where she fell from?
Copy !req
511. Yeah. I mean, maybe.
I need to question him.
Copy !req
512. Mickey's trying to put together
an algorithm
Copy !req
513. to trace the untraceable man,
but so far, no luck.
Copy !req
514. Ryker's case.
Bancroft's murder. Ghostwalker.
Copy !req
515. - They're connected.
- Yeah.
Copy !req
516. - But they fucked up.
- How?
Copy !req
517. Because they haven't killed me yet.
Copy !req
518. Hey, Mickey. What you got?
Copy !req
519. I take lead.
Copy !req
520. You had to put me
in sleeve with a fucking hangover?
Copy !req
521. Tastes like cat vomited in my mouth.
Copy !req
522. I'm glad you like it.
Copy !req
523. I see you grew your legs back
since we parted. That's nice.
Copy !req
524. I have rights, you know.
Copy !req
525. Who do you work for, Dimi?
Copy !req
526. Hoping for a confession, Lieutenant?
Copy !req
527. Elias Ryker? Or whoever you are.
Copy !req
528. You could be anyone.
Copy !req
529. A cunning CTAC agent, huh?
Copy !req
530. Oh, the crudity!
Copy !req
531. This man? This woman, maybe?
Copy !req
532. Even a dog could be trained
to say as much as he has,
Copy !req
533. given the right tranquilizers, of course.
Copy !req
534. They do tend to go pitifully insane
when you decant them if not.
Copy !req
535. But, yes, even a dog.
Copy !req
536. She's got you cold
for double sleeving, Dimi.
Copy !req
537. Limited vision.
Copy !req
538. Where is the voice
Copy !req
539. that said altered carbon would free us
from the cells of our flesh?
Copy !req
540. The visions that said we would be angels.
Copy !req
541. Instead, we became hungry for things
that reality could no longer offer.
Copy !req
542. The lines blurred.
Copy !req
543. You want to know who I work for?
Copy !req
544. The people who understood that,
Copy !req
545. who used it to become wealthy
beyond words
Copy !req
546. in the only currency that truly matters:
Copy !req
547. the appetites of the immortal.
Copy !req
548. Just tell me who had you frame Ryker.
Copy !req
549. Come on, Dimi.
Give him up, you skip real death.
Copy !req
550. A hundred years in the dark instead.
Copy !req
551. Oh, this is hilarious.
Copy !req
552. I know police
do the real thing in virtual.
Copy !req
553. There is no deal on the table.
Copy !req
554. There's a fucking gun on the table!
Copy !req
555. - Talk and I don't blow your stack out.
- Ortega...
Copy !req
556. Know the difference
between virtual and life?
Copy !req
557. Where are they?
- One's real.
Copy !req
558. In a construct, you know everything
is being run by an all-powerful machine.
Copy !req
559. - He's stalling.
- Reality doesn't offer the same assurance,
Copy !req
560. so it's very easy
to develop the mistaken impression
Copy !req
561. that you are in control.
Copy !req
562. - I want a name! I want a fucking name!
- Okay. Okay.
Copy !req
563. Ortega, where the hell are you?
Copy !req
564. Bob.
Copy !req
565. - Kill him. Blow his fuckin' stack out.
- Yeah.
Copy !req
566. Ortega? This is over!
Copy !req
567. Grab the Envoy.
Get this fucking guy out of here.
Copy !req
568. No. Tanaka!
Copy !req
569. No!
- I should not be surprised.
Copy !req
570. - Tanaka, just please, let me—
- I should fire you.
Copy !req
571. - He framed Ryker, God damn it!
- Oh, yeah? Who is he?
Copy !req
572. Dimi the Twin.
Copy !req
573. - Dimitri fucking Kadmin?
- Yeah.
Copy !req
574. - Kadmin? Are you out of your mind?
Copy !req
575. Give me five minutes in virtual,
that's all.
Copy !req
576. You partnered up with an Envoy
and he played you.
Copy !req
577. - I will keep my promise.
- You don't have a clue what's happening.
Copy !req
578. Kovacs, shut up.
Copy !req
579. Let me ride down with Dimi.
Copy !req
580. A few more questions. Please.
Copy !req
581. - All right. Go.
- Thank you.
Copy !req
582. Not without me you don't.
Copy !req
583. Get the fuck out of my station.
Copy !req
584. I know what I'm doing.
You're out of control.
Copy !req
585. Samir...
Copy !req
586. I'm done covering for you. Never again.
Copy !req
587. - Samir...
Copy !req
588. Ortega!
Copy !req
589. Are you a believer?
Copy !req
590. I appreciate that you are no quitter.
Copy !req
591. But there is a time for letting go.
Copy !req
592. We have to go.
Copy !req
593. May the Lord, in his love and mercy,
Copy !req
594. help you with the grace
of the Holy Spirit.
Copy !req
595. You're doing this
in a fucking police precinct?
Copy !req
596. May the Lord who frees you from sin...
Copy !req
597. save you and raise you up.
Copy !req
598. Amen.
Copy !req
599. We have to go now!
Copy !req
600. Come.
Copy !req
601. Abboud. Abboud.
Copy !req
602. Abboud.
Copy !req
603. Abboud. Abboud.
Copy !req
604. Help him.
Copy !req
605. Help Abboud.
Copy !req
606. - Get out of the way!
- Help Abboud.
Copy !req